forum My Roleplay Code
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I swear upon @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) that I will never impose upon a o/o asking to join.
I swear that I will never write smut in the public forums because it can trigger others.
I swear that I will not be rude to the creator of a roleplay.
I swear that I will always be able to turn down a roleplayer if their writing is not suitable for my tastes.
I will not be rude to anyone.
If someone asks to put the roleplay on hold because of mental or any issues whatsoever, I will put the roleplay on hold.
I will put trigger warnings on anything that may be triggering such as rape, anything sexual, etc.
I will defend my own ideas and make sure no one steals it.
I will forever make sure that this site is a healthy place for writers to thrive.

In the name of all writers under the sun, I deem this the roleplaying code.

Deleted user

I promise to always try my best to uphold everything listed here!

Deleted user

I think we needed a reminder of these lol.

I swear on the sun and my characters' insanity to uphold this code.

Deleted user

I promise to always try my best to uphold everything listed here!

You are growing to be a well off roleplayer.
I name thee Starry, roleplayer of improvement for you have changed much since you have first arrived.

Deleted user

I promise to always try my best to uphold everything listed here!

You are growing to be a well off roleplayer.
I name thee Starry, roleplayer of improvement for you have changed much since you have first arrived.


Deleted user

I think we needed a reminder of these lol.

I swear on the sun and my characters' insanity to uphold this code.

We all did.

I now name thee Emi, roleplayer of guidance as you have guided many roleplayers to be who they are today.

Deleted user

I think we needed a reminder of these lol.

I swear on the sun and my characters' insanity to uphold this code.

We all did.

I now name thee Emi, roleplayer of guidance as you have guided many roleplayers to be who they are today.


I doubt it but hey Logan thanks boo

I name thee who does not hesitate to remind those of the rules. As well as someone who got much better at roleplaying.

Deleted user

I think we needed a reminder of these lol.

I swear on the sun and my characters' insanity to uphold this code.

We all did.

I now name thee Emi, roleplayer of guidance as you have guided many roleplayers to be who they are today.


I doubt it but hey Logan thanks boo

I name thee who does not hesitate to remind those of the rules. As well as someone who got much better at roleplaying.

I give my thanks.