forum My Rant that is directed at racism
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

So me and my cousins were playing Rpblox right?
Don't judge.
And so while we were playing, this guy comes on and starts bragging about his youtube channel. Which was absolute crap. So of course we busted him and he actually didn't have a youtube channel.
So In getting mad he starts RANTING about how stupid and mean white people were and that blacjs didn't have much rights and that he should be president so we would know how it felt like to be whipped (As if I don't know.) He also assumed I was black which I'm not, I'm Asian. He also said that we all have small eyes meaning that we can't see and that we should all be smart. (That actually really hurt and now I'm depressed.) The worst part was that he claimed that he stood for all people not "white." and he claimed asians were White. and lots of other rasict things.

I mean I don't understand why people are so rasict, Why is it so bad to be yourself?


People are racist because they're uneducated and don't live in diverse places. Sometimes it's not even their fault they're not in a diverse place. I used to live in a small town, it was v white and not diverse, and while it wasn't really racist, it sure as heck was not as diverse and tolerant as where I live in Cali now.
People need diversity to learn not to be racist.


because they literally do not know any better
racism is hate
there is no way to be nice about hate
the only thing we can do in return though, is be tolerant and loving, to understand that they're still learning. And do our best to teach them. and if they continue to be rude and racist, to cut off or minimize contact with them
you don't need people like them in your life


No problem Line. I love you, and I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this. I'm white, so I haven't dealt with racism directed at me, but I've seen my friends who are POC deal with racism and it freaking sucks. I'm sorry that you have to deal with it.


Jumping in to this rather late, but yeah. Sometimes people are racist because they literally are just incredibly uninformed. I've had some of my friends say they didn't hang out with black people because they were loud, before turning to me and saying "oh, but not you though." It's like they just don't know. Depending on the level of severity, it's best to be patient and explain how it makes you feel (don't be non-confrontational like me) and why it's wrong. Sometimes it's just because of how they were raised, and sometimes they just need a wake up call.