forum My non-interesting problems that are totally stupid
Started by @LudibrousLainey

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Simple, my mom asked me how I'd feel about moving again. I said fine, as long as we would be in the area (I actually made a friend again, and want to be able to hang out with them in person and not over a chat). She then promptly told me that it wouldn't be in good old Idaho. It would be way over in Kentucky, too far from my home state to think about visiting much, and way to far to even think about coming back to Idaho.
And that just stacks on my anxiety and depression, making me miserable and paranoid that we're just going to move again. The last time she asked something like that, we ended up moving again, and I really don't think I could start over again.
So yeah, that's my stupid little pointless problem. I know it isn't stupid, little, or pointless, but I still am annoyed that I can be so easily set off like this. Apologies, I'll probably remove this at some point, or just let it fade into nonexistence.

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Anyway, im sorry for whats happening to you. I've never moved, so i cannot relate. I wish i can provide emotional support but i just simply cannot. I apologize.


You're good, I'm getting used to rollercoasters of emotions. I just needed to share it somewhere because it's been eating at me for a while. Thanks for reading that :)

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I get 'em too. Sometimes you need to just vent, and that's okay.

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Hey dude, I can totally relate! My parents want to move half way across the world so I know how you're feeling bro. Im here for you!

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I have no friends at the moment, but moving away from a friend you just made sucks! :(


Aw that stinks! Where in Kentucky would you be going? I recommend the restaurant Saul Good in Lexington for food if you do move.

I have no clue. I'm not even sure where we could go, just that Kentucky is one of the options. But seriously, thanks for the recommendation. If we do move, I'll definitely check that one out :)

@HighPockets group

I recommend the Crab Ragoon flatbread pizza!

I’ve moved a few times, but never outside of WI and not really leaving behind good friends.


Oof I can relate. I actually moved away from ID (which I consider my home state) when I was 12 and tbh it was kind of rough for me. But at the same time, moving could be good? Like, here I've been able to make a few good friends (read: 2 good friends, then maybe 2 other pretty good friends), but even though I don't have a lot of friends, the ones I have are great. Quality over quantity, right?
Honestly, I would talk to your mom about your problems. Tell her that you'd really rather not move again. I don't know how old you are, but if you're in hs, try telling your mom that you want to finish hs wherever in ID you are right now.


Ah man that sucks. Idaho is pretty awesome. My dad used to be in the military, so we've been moving around since I was little, so I don't really know how to help you, bc I've gotten used to it. Make sure to keep in contact with your friend, tho. That's probably the only advice I can give you.


Where did you live in WI?

Kiel, over by Rockville and New Holstein (yes, non-Wisconsinites, we named a city after a cow). What about you?


Honestly, I would talk to your mom about your problems. Tell her that you'd really rather not move again. I don't know how old you are, but if you're in hs, try telling your mom that you want to finish hs wherever in ID you are right now.

I'm in high school, but it's online and statewide. Which means that I have no friends there that I've actually met in person. But I only got Junior and Senior year to go, and then I won't have to worry about have my parents move me around again, so that's a plus.