forum My Gay D&D Hero
Started by @Mindful_Bison

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So… His name is Johnny Cash (idk why)
In our current campaign, we were on a rescue mission. We had to go to a different plane of existence (the Feywild). Long story short, three of us found the boss room. The boss was described as "radiating big gay energy". When the fight actually came, Johnny was determined to solve the problem with as little fighting as possible. By the second round, he had managed to semi-seduce the boss. The boss, whose name was Leone, caused rose petals to fall, making the whole area heavily obscured so attacks would be much more difficult. Johnny Cash, sensing an opportunity, kissed Leone and sealed the deal.
Nobody knows what happened since the only two witnesses were blinded by rose petals.
I'm consistently amazed by how good of an actor this guy is. Seriously, I don't think I'd be willing to have my character spend the rest of his life in a different dimension for the plot.
Anyways, that's it. Maybe we'll see Johnny Cash and his husband later on…