forum My First One On One RP?
Started by @houdini

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yeah i probably could've abbreviated that, but whatevs.

i do all my roleplaying on either illustrated reality or cursed end, but i wanted to try it here with one of my characters from cursed. i just added him over there today. he's a witch and…well, here's his description:

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Name: Wyn Scott
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Bio: Wyn’s the type of guy who hates black coffee and tea, but drinks it anyway just to seem cool. He’s the type of guy who enjoys unabashedly slipping around the floors of his house in socks and splurging on lemon ice cream and chocolate whenever physically possible. He’s very in-the-moment and flirty, not to mention downright goofy when he wants to be. Between his awful jokes and tendency to shoot finger guns at inappropriate times, no one would ever guess the power he actually has. Wyn inherited body magic from his father, and excels in both spoken and herbal magic. His familiar is a rarity among witches, a tiny dragon he befriended when he was nineteen that decided to stick around. Despite all of this, Wyn dislikes any sort of conflict, much preferring to talk things out over a meal or simply run away when possible. Occasionally he’ll even try to flirt with whoever is currently trying to kill him, because, as he’ll often complain, “all the bad people are hot.”
Familiar: A tiny dragon named Xipil

so here's the deal, it can be any kind of roleplay, though i'm hesitant to do a romance if it can't be continued over on cursed end, since it would kind of negate anything that happened here. if you want to join cursed with a character here, that's totally fine (actually i encourage it since we need members) as long as they fit the requirements, but if you don't want to then we can do something non-romantic? let me know what sounds good please!


This actually looks really interesting, I'm up for non-romantic it's just that this next week is going to be kind of extra busy for me so I won't be on as much. I'm also somewhat of a picky roleplayer and would appreciate very very very little inappropriate language. what kind of limits would this world have, magic-wise?


no problem! it's actually the same here, for the most part, seeing as i have exams and such coming up. and no worries, i'm the same was concerning inappropriate language. as for limitations for magic, i'm using the spellbook page from cursed end, which is here, but a basic summary of it is that each witch can use spoken and herbal magic (spells on page) and if they inherited another kind of magic, they can use that one, too. they can only inherit one kind of that magic, though. so wyn, having body magic, is able to heal wounds and affect the body with a single touch, or inflict pain with a touch, depending on the situation.

you don't necessarily have to have a witch character, though. you're free to have any of the standard human, half blood, vampire, werewolf/werecat, dragon or, if you want something a little different, maybe a shifter, siren, kitsune, unicorn, griffin, etc. All of those would have a default human form, however, and the specifics of (most of) those species can be found on the species guide. you could also create a cursed one, but those are loads more complicated and require a bit of time to read about and develop. it's up to you, though!

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Hey, I just wanted to say that i absolutely love your character @younghoudini !!


Name-Asta Aven
Age-No one's quite sure, but she looks about 19
Bio-She can easily be mistaken for shy, but she's really just figuring other people out. She's fairly antisocial and finds communicating with other people to be confusing, both for her and for the other people. She enjoys drawing, puzzles, and music, but only when no one can disturb her. She over thinks things frequently and does a lot of pacing. No matter what, she always finds a way to bring gauze with her in case of emergencies, as she believes it can cure anything if she just wraps it tightly enough. She very much dislikes school, unless it's done by herself in quiet places. Other than that, she has three big obsessions- chocolate fudge, sunglasses, and horses.
Appearance- She's on the shorter side, with long dark blonde hair and grey/blue eyes.

If you have any questions I probably won't be on again until tonight but I'll try to answer them then


she looks awesome!! the only questions i have would be what species she is and how you'd like to start the rp? c:


I'm thinking werewolf and I guess I can start

Asta dove over the rocks as she ran along the river banks. It was a warm summer day, and she was in a hurry.


Wyn glanced up at the sudden movement. To say he was surprised would be an understatement—he'd only been out this far to collect herbs, and did not at all expect a figure to be barrelling right towards him.


"Agh!" She yelped and twisted away from slamming into him, resulting in her falling and rolling into a tree before dizzily standing back up. "Sorry, usually nobody's here." Nobody's ever here… She thought to herself. Ever.


He blinked, and tilted his head curiously, giving a cautious smile. "That's perfectly fine. Sorry for surprising you—you looked like you were in a hurry."


"I was, but I didn't need to be." She glanced back at the way she'd come, checking to make sure nothing had been following her. "What are you doing out here?"


He shrugged and replied, "Just looking for herbs. You?" He didn't see any reason to lie, and besides, she seemed interesting, to say the least. Wyn didn't really care if she figured out he was a witch, either. He glanced back at the tree, then to her again, saying, "Are you alright? You seemed to hit the tree pretty hard."


"Oh, no I'm fine. Happens all the time. I'd be more worried about the tree." She glanced at it, making sure it was still a happy little tree. "I'm just here because I'm on my way north, but I don't have to be anywhere for another…" She looked up and scanned the sky. "Four hours. I just don't want to be late." She nodded and looked at him, wondering if he could tell she was a werewolf. She had quite a bit of time before the moon came up, and all she had to do was make it a little ways farther. She'd be fine.


(ahh omg, sorry i lost this and couldn't find it, and then stuff happened so i've been busy in the past two days!!)

Wyn nodded in return, finding something odd about the whole situation. He simply shrugged the feeling off, though, not particularly worried even if she did turn out to be some sort of supernatural. "Hey, if you have a while, wanna hang out? You seem like a fun person, and it's been awhile since I've made friends," he offered enthusiastically.


She froze. "Oh, well, sure. I actually haven't done other people things since… a long time ago. I have to go now, I can meet you here tomorrow?" She glanced up again and then back at him, giving him an almost as enthusiastic nod as he'd given. Hers was just a little less natural. "Or, I guess I don't have to go right now, I have some time."


His expression didn't deflate in the slightest at her apparent reluctance. "Today or tomorrow, i'm free nine out of ten times," he told her, then offered his hand. "My name's Wyn. W-Y-N," he elaborated with a tiny eye roll that indicated people spelled it wrong often.


"I'm, ah, usually free too. It's just today is different, full moon and all. But I have a couple hours before it gets dark." She glanced around again, noting the pile of leafy green things he'd been holding. "What are those?" He'd said herbs, but she was so unfamiliar with plants. The whole clearing was rather out of the way, the kind of place you'd only find if you were looking for it.


"Full moon, huh?" he repeated absentmindedly. He looked to what she was pointing at, and grinned. "Asarum canadense, better known as wild ginger," he explained enthusiastically. "It helps ease stomach pains, works as an appetite stimulate, and can even calm heart palpitations, under the right circumstances. It also has antibacterial agents that help cancel out harmful bacteria and such when eating untreated meat." He laughed suddenly. "I sound like a total nerd, but hey, before I forget," he started suddenly. "I'm assuming you're a werewolf? I'm just asking out of curiosity, 'cause it's been a while since I've met one," he told her matter-of-factly.


Her eyebrows went up sharply as he described the plant. "Wow…" She felt a new appreciation for the little leaves. Then she stiffened, hearing "I'm assuming you're a werewolf?" She met his eyes and hesitated slightly, looking partially suspicious and partially curious. Judging just from what she would consider remarkable knowledge of plants, he was a witch… so there shouldn't be any danger with him knowing she was a werewolf.
"Yeah, I'm a werewolf. You're a witch, yes? The kind that likes planty things?"


Wyn laughed again, nodding somewhat. "Most, if not all witches, have at least a basic knowledge of herbs. They're pretty useful, for both healing and spells." He shrugged after a moment. "I'm actually better at spoken magic, but herb uses interest me." He picked the wild ginger up and reached for a messenger's bag that had been partially hidden in the grass. After putting them safely in the bag, he played with the collar of his shirt, where the head of a dragon tattoo could seen upon close inspection. "Reditum," he murmured quietly, pulling the shirt back to reveal the rest of the tattoo. The dragon seemed to shift and writhe on his skin, before peeling away and becoming a solid entity, darting up the arm Wyn had raised. "This is Xipil, my familiar," he introduced. "Xi, this is… I didn't catch your name?" he finished questioningly, giving her a knowing look.


Her eyes widened at the little dragon. "Aww, he's so cute! Oh, right, I'm Asta." She watched the little dragon closely. "So, does he turn from a tattoo into a dragon because he's your familiar, or is that a tiny dragon thing?" She brushed her hair back, still watching the little dragon and trying not to smile at it.


Xipil growled non threateningly at her comment, though Wyn could feel his pride swell through their mental link. "Asta? That's a really unique name… I like it," he said. "Pretty much all witches can turn their familiar into an inanimate object of their choice. Once we make the decision, though, that object stays the same. I figured, one, the tattoo is really cool and two, it's hard to 'break' versus, say, an armband or necklace. Only downside we didn't take into account beforehand, is that my shirt can get in the way if I don't give him enough room, and then either the shirt or my skin gets torn up from his claws… which kinda sucks." The dragon huffed at Wyn and hopped off of his arm, stretching like a cat would. "Xi's basically a cat that can fly and breathe fire, by the way," he said teasingly. He watched as the familiar approached Asta and stared up at her determinley, the intelligence in the creature's gaze undeniable.