forum my daughter has a creepy 'man' that talks to her
Started by @mckapo

people_alt 6 followers


So, my 3 yr old daughter, this last weekend after spending the said weekend with grandparents, came home and was scared to go into the house. weird.
She went into the bathroom, and came out screaming and terrified because "a man was talking to me in the bathroom and was calling my name" but the name he called her was something strange, my MIL said my 3yrold was saying the name in a really raspy, hoarse voice. Couldn't figure out what the name was.
Now, today she went to her room to her some clothes, screamed and ran out.
"that man was calling me a monster and said i was evil!"
s/n, about 8/9 months ago, she starying talling about her 'mother'and that this mother of hers (not mommy, because im mommy, but mother is an entirely different person.
Then a few weeks ago, she mentioned she couldn't ask her mother, because her mother was in jail.
Then today, she pointed at this closet in the basement of this house that has no door, but an old lock, and said "I was trapped in there"
Then starts talking about her mother again, and how her mother is in jail, and she went to jail because she died
"died how?"
"with scissors"
anyway. thought it was weird and creepy as hell.
And this house I'm living at, my BIL has said he's seen the ghost of a girl in here [and BIL decided to fuck with a Ouija board a year ago, I think he's been followed by a demonic thing…]
anyway. anyone know any cleansing things we can do on our own?


Update: I smudged my house yesterday, but the morning before I did that, my daughter came out screaming again and said the guy came out of the floor and he was green with spikes and had green bloody eyes. and says stuff to her, but when she repeats it, she says it in a hoarse whispery voice.
So, I hope the smudging helped.

@HighPockets group

Yeah. The man she saw coming out of the floor (based on that description) is a ringer for the devil as shown in painting and statues with St. Michael. Call a priest.

Deleted user

This is actually some creepy shit (excuse my french but good god I pray for the lord) because I don't belive in ghosts and spirits but I do belive in the holy bible so now whenever I make that walk into the kitchen at 2 a.m i'm bringin the god's cross with me god save meh plz.

Deleted user

I used to read a witchcraft thing where you go to the place where the spirit is and scatter out a lotta beans and then tell it to count those and also count all the grains of sand, drops of water, and leaves. Idk, it wasn't a Christian thing, but it might work? Although that probably wasn't meant for the devil…omg…

Deleted user

And an exorcist. Your daughter might not be seeing something real, but she probably hasn't seen the paintings of Lucifer so she couldn't have been making it up. This is some creepy stuff.


Yes its for real.
Weird shit happens in my house. Life things moving from one place to another, or shampoo on the ledge in the bathroom flying across the room. Weird. And its an old house, at LEAST 60 years.


and, on something completely different (i wish I had the video, its on MIL phone), after my FIL passed away christmas eve last year, my MIL and BIL were downstairs at like 10 pm, everyone was asleep, maybe a hallway light on, and my MIL was sitting onthe couch watching the tv (like a romcom) and making a video of the house since we were about to move out, and while she's videotaping, this large shadow crosses over them and theres this eerie creepy as hell noise when the shadow passes over. It made my hairs stand on end watching it. and i know that was a creepy spirit, possibly hanging out because of the death, or attached to the other BIl i have that messed with a quija board while under the influence of hard drugs (which I think opens you up to spiritual experiences[especially acid], but i think some drugs are more for spiritual enlightment, and others just beg for demonic energies, like meth… ugh)
anyway, i want to post that, so you guys can see how fucking creepy it is.
My boyfriends family are all pretty much intuned to spiritual energies, and it didnt help that the house they used to live in, 5 family members died in there, there was a lot of things moving around (like a chair swiveling around by itself, doors opening and closing, balls of light that turned into creepy dude) weird shit people.
And, my MIL gets these cool signs from my FIL every time she asks if he can hear her. Cool stuff


Yeah, I'm not very religious, but I'd get a priest. And some salt and holy water.

can you make your own holy water?

Deleted user

Voodoo is basically witchcraft, and it leave the gates open for many demons to enter your home or your body!

I seriously suggest getting an exorcism done. Especially if your house has a history of people dying in it. You could have a demon of death hanging around.

@Desvelarse pets

You said you did smudging before, but it didn’t work. Smudging kind of stifles it for a small period of time, and for more permanent effects, I would suggest doing it more than once. And I agree with the ouija board thing, you should never mess with those at all (I did once or twice when I was younger, and there is a male spirit in my home now because of it, though he is more of a calm, nonviolent energy). I don’t know if you are religious, but if you are then prayer does help a bit. Also, I recommend doing a bit of research on this person your daughter calls “mother”, and ask the grandparents if they have seen this man or woman before (because if she was with the grandparents before these incidents happened, it’s likely she might have picked up something there, and it followed her aback to your home). Hope some of this helps!