forum My darlings... I just love you so much! Please read this if you're feeling down...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

people_alt 6 followers


I just want each one of you to know that I treasure all of you so goddamn much… You are all so precious to me, and I value you so, so, so much more than words can describe… Each one of you is so smart, and so strong, and so adventurous, and so beautiful… You're all so talented and wonderful and amazing and special and unique… I want to coddle, and care for and protecc all of ya! I know most of you are going through just, this deep, dark, terrible tunnel of anguish and pain and depression and anxiety… But if you keep pushing forward there's this light, that will enrapture you, and take away the pain… That light is called love! Find that light, bask in it, and let it resonate from you! You have the ability to do great things, so please harness it! I just want you all to be so happy… If there's anything you need, you bet your ass I'm there…

Deleted user

Casually copy and pastes this to my desktop so I can read it more… Thanks dearest.

@HighPockets group

Well I don't love myself because I always make myself feel like crap but you make me feel confident and proud of myself so yes I do love you. And you always help everyone out, I can't help people with anything.

Deleted user

You're a personality, you're a human being and we love you all the same.


and hey, I know how it is. not gonna lie, I have times where I don't see how anyone could love me. but you're an amazing person, shuri. you're kind, and wonderful, and you deserve to be loved