forum Music
Started by @ravens

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Okay, the numbers are more then likely which fingers your supposed to use, I can't remember what the bar connecting the notes mean, but the dots mean stuccato (Idk if I spelled that right)


Technically it is impossible to play that right; just use your musical instincts and do what sounds good.


ShadeStar was right, they need to be clearly defined, but played smoothly
so don't slur them all together
use v light tonguing
wait that's a wind instrument term
IDK what you're playing

Deleted user

Wait, what are you playing? If its a wind instrument, just do the stacatos in one breath

@Becfromthedead group

Yes! That’s the word. Portato is not staccato or legato, but somewhere in between. The notes are relatively detached from one another, but held for full value (similar to the tenuto, but not really.) The bass notes should still be staccato, though. You’re best off taking that term and doing some research, because it’s hard to demonstrate with words. Try finding a video in which someone demonstrates how to play portato, and that should probably help.

@Becfromthedead group

I took a college level theory class, and I sure didn’t learn that there. It’s more of one of those things you don’t know about until you stumble across it in music. I was lucky enough that my piano teacher helped me with it.


Yeah, IB is also college level lol
Wow that's wild
I feel like that would've been super helpful a year or two again lol, when my band had a piece with a lot of those


It's also called mezzo staccato so (I'm assuming that's a piano score) play it detached but don't "bounce" and shorten it as you would play a staccato.
And yes I've had them. A lot.


Just to clarify a bit: I'm playing piano. I have for three and a half years. The song in particular is In the Hall of the Mountain King, which is staccato for almost the entire piece. I think it's just a typo.
it was supposed to be kind of a joke


…………………………………………………………………………..I should have known that. I love that song. Also still, it did get people on the forum conversing soooooo.