forum Movie scripts game
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@soupnana group

I got it! I got it! I got it!
Dinghy ahoy.
Dinghy off the port bow.

  • Dinghy off the port bow!
  • Dinghy off the port bow!
    Dinghy off the port bow.
  • Captain, dinghy off the–
  • Dinghy.
    I got it!
    I got it.
    Where is it?
    It's right here, captain.
    I never thought I'd see it
    with me own eye.
    Tickets to The SpongeBob Movie!
    Who lives in a pineapple
    Under the sea?
    Absorbent and yellow
    And porous is he
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    lf nautical nonsense
    Be something you wish
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    Then drop on the deck
    And flop like a fish
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    The sea. So mysterious,
    so beautiful. So…
    Our story begins in Bikini Bottom's
    popular undersea eatery
    The Krusty Krab restaurant, where–
  • Back up. Back up.
  • Hey. Wait a minute.
  • What is happening?
  • PIease, settIe down.
    We've got a situation in there
    I'd rather not discuss
    tiII me manager gets here.
    Look, there he is.
    TaIk to me, Krabs.
    It started out as a simpIe order:
    a Krabby Patty with cheese.
    When the customer took a bite,
    no cheese!
    Get ahoId of yourseIf, Eugene.
    I'm going in.
    Take it easy, friend. I'm the manager
    of this estabIishment.
    Everything's gonna be just fine.
  • I'm reaIIy scared here, man.
  • You got a name?
  • PhiI.
  • You got a famiIy, PhiI?
    Come on, PhiI, stay with me.
    Let's hear about that famiIy.
    I got a wife
    and two beautifuI chiIdren.
    That's what it's aII about.
    I want you to do me a favour, PhiI.
    Say cheese.
    Order up.
    Three cheers for the manager!
    Hip! Hip!
    Hip! Hip!
    Hip! Hip!
    Gary, I had that dream again.
    And it's finaIIy gonna
    come true. Today.
    Sorry about this, caIendar.
    Because today is the grand-opening
    ceremony for The Krusty Krab 2,
    where Mr. Krabs wiII announce
    the new manager.
    Who's it gonna be, Gary?
    WeII, Iet's ask my waII
    of 37 4 consecutive
    empIoyee-of-the-month awards.
    SpongeBob SquarePants.
    I'm ready. Promotion.
    CIeanIiness is next to
    I'm ready. Promotion.
    I'm ready. Promotion.
    What are you doing in here?
    I have to teII you something,
    Whatever it is,
    can't it wait untiI we get to work?
  • There's no shower at work.
  • What do you want?
    I just wanted to say
    I'II be thanking you
    in my manageriaI acceptance
    speech today.
    Get out!
    Okay. I'II see you at the ceremony.
    That sounds Iike the manager
    of the new Krusty Krab 2.
    Oops. HoId on.
  • CongratuIations, buddy.
  • Oh, thanks, Patrick.
    And tonight, after my big promotion,
    we're gonna party tiII we're purpIe.
    I Iove being purpIe!
    We're going to the pIace
    where aII the action is.
  • You don't mean…?
  • Oh, I mean.
    Goofy Goober's Ice Cream
    Party Boat!
    Oh, l'm a Goofy Goober, yeah
    You're a Goofy Goober, yeah
    We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah
    Goofy, goofy, goober, goober, yeah
    I'd better get going.
    I'm ready. Promotion.
    I'm ready. Promotion.
    Good Iuck, SpongeBob.
    Hey, Iook for me at the ceremony.
    I got a IittIe surprise for you.
    l'm a Goofy Goober
    HeIIo, Bikini Bottom!
    Perch Perkins here, coming
    to you Iive from in front of
    The Krusty Krab restaurant,
    for years the onIy pIace
    to get a deIicious
    and mouth-watering Krabby Patty.
    UntiI today, that is.
    That's right, foIks. Long-time owner
    Mr. Krabs is opening a new restaurant
    caIIed The Krusty Krab 2.
    First of aII,
    congratuIations, Mr. Krabs.
    HeIIo. I Iike money.
    What inspired you to buiId
    a second Krusty Krab
    right next door to the originaI?
    It's not fair.
    Krabs is being interviewed
    by Perch Perkins,
    and I've never even had
    one customer!
    Don't get worked up again, Plankton,
    l just mopped the floors.
    Oh, Karen, my computer wife,
    if onIy I couId have managed to steaI
    the secret to Krabs' success,
    the formuIa for the Krabby Patty.
    Then peopIe wouId Iine up
    to eat at my restaurant.
    Lord knows I've tried.
    I've exhausted every eviI pIan
    in my fiIing cabinet…
  • …from A to Y.
  • A to Y?
    Yeah, A to Y.
    You know, the aIphabet.
    What about Z?
  • Z?
  • Z. The letter after Y.
    W, X, Y,
    Z. PIan Z!
  • Here it is, just Iike you said.
  • Oh, boy.
    It's eviI.
    It's diaboIicaI.
    It's Iemon-scented.
    This PIan Z can't possibIy faiI!
    So enjoy today, Mr. Krabs,
    because by tomorrow,
    I'II have the formuIa.
    Then everyone wiII eat
    at the Chum Bucket,
    and I wiII ruIe the worId!
    AII haiI PIankton. AII haiI PIank–!
    I'm ready. Promotion.
    I'm ready. Promotion.
    I think I stepped in something.
    Not in something,
    on someone, you twit.
    Sorry, PIankton.
    Are you on your way
    to the grand-opening ceremony?
    No, I am not on my way over
    to the grand-opening ceremony.
    I'm busy pIanning to ruIe the worId!
    WeII, good Iuck with that.
    I'm ready. Promotion.
    I'm ready. Promotion.
    Stupid kid.
    WeIcome. WeIcome, everyone,
    to the grand opening
    of The Krusty Krab 2.
  • We paid $9 for this?
  • I paid 1 0.
    Now, before we begin
    with the ribbon-cutting,
    I'd Iike to announce the name
    of our new manager.
    Yay! Yeah!
    Yeah! Now we're taIking! Yeah!
    Yes. WeII, anyway…
    The new manager is a IoyaI,
    hard-working empIoyee.
    The obvious choice for the job.
    He's right.
    A name you aII know.
    It starts with an S.
  • That's me.
  • PIease weIcome our new manager…
    …Squidward TentacIes.
    Yes! Yeah!
    Oh, better Iuck next time, buddy.
    Yeah! AII right!
    PeopIe of Bikini Bottom,
    as the manager of–
    HoId the phone, foIks, I'm getting an
    important news fIash from Mr. Krabs.
    Go ahead, Mr. K.
    I'm making a compIete what
    of myseIf?
    The most embarrassing thing
    you've ever seen?
    And now it's worse
    because I'm repeating
    everything you say
    into the microphone?
    Oh, for crying out Ioud, SpongeBob,
    you didn't get the job.
  • What?
  • You did not get the job.
    But– But why?
    SpongeBob, you're a great fry cook,
    but I gave the job to Squidward
    because being manager
    is a big responsibiIity.
    WeII, Iet's face it, he's more…
  • …mature than you.
  • I'm not…
    Lad, I mean this
    in the nicest of ways,
    but there's a word for what you are,
    and that word is…
    Now, Iet's see…
  • Dork?
  • No, wait, that's not right. Not a dork.
  • A goofbaII?
  • CIoser, but no, no, no.
  • A ding-a-Iing.
  • Wing nut.
    A KnuckIehead McSpazatron.
    Okay, that's enough.
    Look, what I'm trying to say is,
    you're just a kid.
    And to be a manager,
    you have to be a man.
    Otherwise they'd caII it ''kid-ager.''
    You understand-ager?
    I mean, you understand?
    I guess so, Mr. Krabs.
    I'm ready. Depression.
    I'm ready. Depression.
    Poor kid.
    Hooray for SpongeBob!
    Hooray for SpongeBob!
    Let's hear it for SpongeBob!
    Where'd everybody go?
    Did I miss something?
    Did you see my butt?
    Later that evening…
    Time to put PIan Z into effect.
    Starting at the undersea castIe
    of King Neptune.
    Oh, right.
    The royaI court is now in session.
    Bring the prisoner forward.
    So you have confessed to the crime
    of touching the king's crown.
  • Yes, but–
  • But what?
    But it's my job, Your Highness.
    I'm the royaI crown poIisher.
    WeII, then I guess
    I can't execute you.
  • Twenty years in the dungeon it is.
  • Daddy.
    You're free to go.
    BIess you, Princess Mindy.
    Mindy, how dare you defy me.
    Why do you have to be so mean?
    I am the king.
    I must enforce the Iaws of the sea.
    Father, I wish you'd try
    a IittIe Iove and compassion
    instead of these harsh punishments.
    That wouId be nice.
    Squire, cIear the room.
    I wish to speak
    to my daughter aIone.
    What is this, Mindy?
  • Your crown?
  • And what does this crown do?
  • Covers your baId spot.
  • It's not baId, it's
    This crown does much more
    than cover a sIightIy receding hairIine.
    No, this crown entitIes the one who
    wears it to be in charge of the sea.
    One day, you wiII wear this crown.
    I'm gonna be baId?
    Anyway, the point is,
    you won't wear it
    untiI you Iearn how to ruIe
    with an iron fist.
    Like your father.
    Dad, your ''crown''…
    What the…?
    My crown!
    Someone has stoIen
    the royaI crown!
    I got it. I got it.
    Hey, aII you Goobers,
    it's time to say howdy
    to your favourite undersea peanut,
    Goofy Goober.
    Howdy, Goofy Goober!
    Hey, feIIow Goofy Goobers.
    Time to sing.
    Oh, l'm a Goofy Goober, yeah
    You're a Goofy Goober, yeah
    We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah
    Goofy, goofy, goober, goober, yeah
    AII right. Get it together, oId boy.
    I know. I'II just stop thinking about it.
    Hey, you know,
    I actuaIIy feeI a IittIe better.
    I don't even remember
    why I was sad.
    Hey, it's the new
    Krusty Krab 2 manager.
    Wow, the pressure's
    aIready setting in.
    No, Pat, you don't understand.
    I didn't get the promotion.
    What? Why?
    Mr. Krabs thinks I'm a kid.
  • What? That's insane.
  • I know.
    WeII, saying you're a kid,
    it's Iike saying I'm a kid.
  • Here's your Goober MeaI, sir.
  • I'm supposed to get a toy with this.
    I'm gonna head home, Pat.
    The ceIebration's off.
  • Are you sure?
  • Yeah. I'm not in a Goober mood.
    Okay, see you.
    And here's your TripIe
    Gooberberry Sunrise, sir.
    TripIe Gooberberry Sunrise, huh?
    I guess I couId use one of those.
    Now you're taIking.
    Hey, waiter, we need
    another one over here.
    There you go.
    Boy, Pat, that hit the spot.
  • I'm feeIing better aIready.
  • Yeah.
    Waiter, Iet's get
    another round over here.
    Oh, Mr. Waiter. Two more, pIease.
    Oh, waiter.
  • Waiter!
  • Why do I aIways get the nuts?
    AII right, foIks, this one goes out
    to my two bestest friends
    in the whoIe worId:
    Patrick and this big peanut guy.
    It's a IittIe ditty caIIed…
    Hey. Hey, get up.
    Hey, come on, buddy.
    I wanna go home.
    Come on, paI.
    Oh, my head.
    Listen to me. It's 8 in the morning.
    Go scrape up your friend
    and get going.
    My friend?
    Patrick. Hey, what's up, buddy?
    Wait, you said 8:00.
    I'm Iate for work.
    Mr. Krabs is gonna be…
    Mr. Krabs.
    Now, pay attention, Squidward.
    As new manager, you've gotta keep
    a sharp eye out for paying customers.
    What's this? King Neptune is riding
    toward The Krusty Krab at Iunchtime.
    He's got money.
    Stay in the coach, daughter.
    This won't take Iong.
    Daddy, pIease.
    I think you're overreacting.
    SiIence, Mindy.
    I know what I'm doing.
  • Squire.
  • Yes, Your Highness.
    Have this poIe executed at once.
    A hundred and one doIIars
    for a Krabby Patty?
    With cheese, Mr. Squidward,
    with cheese.
    Greeting, subjects.
    I seek the one known
    as Eugene Krabs.
    May he present himseIf
    to me at once.
    I'm Eugene Krabs, Your Highness.
    WouId you Iike to order something?
    Nay! I'm on to you, Krabs!
    You have stoIen the royaI crown,
    you cannot deny.
    For, cIever as you are,
    you Ieft one damning piece of evidence
    at the scene of the crime.
    ''I stoIe your crown.
    Signed, Eugene Krabs.''
    ReIinquish the royaI crown
    to me at once.
    But– But this is crazy. I didn't do it.
    Ahoy, this is Eugene Krabs.
    Leave a message.
    Hi, Mr. Krabs. This is Clay,
    the guy you sold Neptune's crown to.
    Yeah, l just wanted to say
    thanks again for selling me the crown.
    Neptune's crown.
    l sold it to a guy in Shell City,
    and l just wanted to say thanks again
    for selling me the crown.
    Neptune's crown.
    Which is now in Shell City.
    Don't you just hate wrong numbers?
    My crown is in
    the forbidden SheII City?!
    PIan Z. I Iove PIan Z.
    Prepare to burn, Krabs.
    Wait, Neptune.
    PIease, I'm begging you.
    I ain't a crook.
    Ask anyone, they'II vouch for me.
    Very weII, then.
    Before I turn this conniving
    crustacean into fishmeaI,
    who here has anything to say
    about Eugene Krabs?
    I've got something to say
    about Mr. Krabs.
    SpongeBob, me boy,
    you've come just in time.
  • Pardon me, miss.
  • PIease, teII King Neptune
    aII about me.
    I have worked for Mr. Krabs
    for many years
    and aIways thought
    he was a great boss.
    You see? A great boss.
    I now reaIize
    that he's a great big jerk!
    I deserve that manager's job!
    But you didn't give it to me,
    because you say I'm a kid.
    WeII, I am 1 00-percent man!
    And this man has got
    something to say to you.
    There. I think I made my point.
    Anyone eIse?
    No? WeII, then.
    Me pants are on fire!
    Me underwear's on fire!
    I'm on fire!
    Oh, yeah.
    And now, Eugene Krabs, you wiII–
    I'm fIattered you wouId do this
    on my account,
    but being manager
    isn't worth kiIIing Mr. Krabs over.
    Quiet, fooI! Mr. Krabs stoIe my crown,
    and now it's in SheII City.
  • That's why he must die.
  • Doesn't it seem a IittIe harsh
    to kiII someone over a crown?
    You don't understand. My crown
    is a symboI of my king-Iike authority.
    And between you and me…
    …my hair is thinning a bit.
    Oh, Your Highness, I'm sure it's not
    that notice– BaId. BaId.
  • BaId! BaId!
  • BaId! BaId!
    My eyes!
    AII right, aII right.
    King Neptune, sir?
    WouId you spare Mr. Krabs' Iife
    if I went to get your crown back?
    You, go to SheII City?
    No one who's gone to SheII City
    has ever returned.
    What makes you think you couId?
    You're just a kid.
    But I'm not a kid. I can do it.
    Run aIong, I have a crab to cook.
    No! I won't Iet you.
    Very weII, then.
    I'II have to fry you both.
    Daddy, stop it.
    Can't you get through one day
    without executing someone?
    Mindy. I toId you
    to stay in the carriage.
    Where's your Iove and compassion?
    Look at this IittIe guy.
    He's wiIIing to risk his Iife
    to find your crown and save his boss.
  • But, daughter, I–
  • PIease, Father?
    At Ieast Iet him try.
    What have you got to Iose?
    Might I remind you
    of your speciaI probIem?
  • BaId! BaId! BaId!
  • BaId!
  • BaId! BaId!
  • My eyes!
    AII right.
    Very weII, Mindy.
    I'II give him a chance.
    But when your IittIe champion
    faiIs to return,
    I get to spIatter this crab
    aII over the waIIs.
    And as for you, be back here
    with my crown in exactIy ten days.
  • He can do it in nine.
  • Eight.
  • Seven.
  • Six.
  • Patrick!
  • Patrick!
    Six it is, then.
  • Five.
  • Patrick, shush.
    UntiI then, the crab shaII remain
    frozen where he now stands.
    No, wait. I'm begging you.
    Who turned on the AC? Mr. Krabs!
    Oh, no, this is terribIe.
    Who's gonna sign my paycheck?
    Come aIong, Mindy.
    Listen, you guys, the road
    to SheII City is reaIIy dangerous.
    There's crooks, kiIIers
    and monsters everywhere.
    And what's worse,
    there's a giant CycIops
    who guards the outskirts of the city
    and preys on innocent sea creatures.
    Don't Iet him catch you,
    because if he does,
    he'II take you back to his Iair,
    and you'II never be seen again.
    She's purty, SpongeBob.
    Here, take this.
    What's in here?
    It's a magicaI bag of winds.
  • I stoIe them from my father.
  • You're hot.
    Once you find the crown,
    open the bag of winds
    and you'II be bIown back home.
  • Mindy!
  • I'm coming.
  • Good Iuck, SpongeBob.
  • Wait. How did you know my name?
    Oh, I'm gonna be
    queen of the sea one day.
    I've Iearned the names
    of aII the sea creatures.
    What's my name?
    That's easy. You're Patrick Star.
  • Mindy!
  • I gotta go. I beIieve in you guys.
    Thanks, Mindy.
    Don't worry, Mr. Krabs.
    Patrick, Squidward and I–
  • Patrick and I…
  • Hi.
    …are gonna get that crown back
    and save you from Neptune's wrath.
    You've got nothing to worry about.
    Your Iife is in our hands.
    Patrick, Iet's go get that crown.
  • Feast your eyes, Patrick.
  • What is it?
    The Patty Wagon.
    Mr. Krabs uses it
    for promotionaI reasons.
    Let me show you
    some of its features.
    Sesame-seed finish,
    steeI-beIted pickIes,
    griIIed-Ieather interior.
    And under the hood,
    a fueI-injected french-fryer
    with duaI overhead grease traps.
  • Wow.
  • Yeah, wow.
    Hey, I thought you didn't have
    a driver's Iicense.
    You don't need a Iicense
    to drive a sandwich.
  • SheII City, here we come!
  • SheII City, here we come!
    Hey there, oId buddy. Freeze.
    One secret formuIa to go, pIease.
    No, no, don't troubIe yourseIf.
    I'II get it.
    WeII, I'd Iike to hang around,
    but I've got Krabby Patties to make…
    …over at the Chum Bucket.
    PIan Z, I Iove you.
    Oh, l'm a Goofy Goober, yeah
    You're a Goofy Goober, yeah
    We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah
    Goofy, goofy, goober, goober, yeah
    FiII her up, pIease.
    What'II it be, feIIas,
    mustard or ketchup?
    Are they Iaughing at us?
    No, Patrick,
    they're Iaughing next to us.
    Where you two dumb kids
    headed, anyway?
  • Kids?
  • Now, Patrick.
    For your information,
    we are not kids, we are men.
    And we're off to get
    King Neptune's crown in SheII City.
  • SheII City?
  • SheII City?
    Ain't that the pIace that's guarded
    by a kiIIer CycIops?
    That's right.
    LIoyd, take off your hat in respect.
    Respect for the dead!
    You two dipsticks ain't gonna Iast
    ten seconds over the county Iine.
    Oh, yeah? We'II see about that.
    Out of the car, feIIas.
    How many seconds was that?
  • In your face.
  • In your face.
    That's what I'm taIking about. Yeah.
    Who's the kid now?
    They're dead.
    Perch Perkins here
    with an incredibIe news fIash.
    PIankton is seIIing Krabby Patties
    at the Chum Bucket.
    How is this possibIe? Let's find out.
    Step right up. PIenty for everybody.
    Excuse me, PIankton.
    Perch Perkins, Bikini Bottom News.
  • Can I get a minute?
  • Anything for you, Perch.
    AII of Bikini Bottom wants to know,
    how did you get the Krabby Patty?
    WeII, Perch, before my dear friend
    Eugene Krabs
    was frozen by King Neptune…
    I'm sorry.
    He confided in me a secret wish.
    ''SeII the Krabby Patty in my absence
    at the Chum Bucket,'' he said.
    ''Don't Iet the fIame die out.''
    By the way, act now and you get
    a free Chum Bucket bucket heImet
    with every purchase.
    Here you go, Perch.
  • Thanks.
  • Bucket heImets for everyone!
    My heImet!
    Karen, baby, I haven't feIt this giddy
    since the day you agreed
    to be my wife.
    l never agreed.
    EviI PIan Z is working perfectIy.
    Nothing can stop me now.
    Nothing except SpongeBob
    and his pink friend.
    My sensors indicate
    that they're going after the crown.
    lf they make it back, Neptune might
    discover some fingerprints.
    Tiny fingerprints.
    Stubby, tiny fingerprints.
    EviI PIan Z
    is way ahead of you, baby.
    I've aIready hired someone
    to take care of those two.
    He's a vicious,
    coId-bIooded predator.
    Sesame seed.
    Hey, mister.
    Does that hat take ten gaIIons?
  • Going on.
  • Yeah. Yeah.
  • Moving on.
  • Just keep going.
    Gonna get that crown.
    Oh, yeah.
  • AII right.
  • AII right.
    Yeah. Victory.
  • Are we there yet?
  • We must be cIose by now.
    Patrick, Iook. We're doing great!
    SheII City's onIy five days away.
    By car.
    I wish we stiII had our car.
    SpongeBob, Iook.
    Our car!
  • The key.
  • Where do you think it is?
    There it is, Pat. The key!
    Now, how are we gonna get it?
    I know. WaIk in and ask him for it.
    What are you Iooking at?
  • Patrick, that's a terribIe idea.
  • Sorry.
    I know. I'II go in and create
    a distraction, and you get the key.
    Wait. I wanna do the distraction.
    Okay. I guess it reaIIy doesn't matter
    who does the distraction.
    You see me waIking back–?
    Can I have everybody's attention?
    I have to use the bathroom.
    It's right over there.
    Stupid contacts. Oh, there it is.
    I better go wash it off.
    Patrick. You caII that a distraction?
    WeII, I had to go to the bathroom.
    WeII, I got my hands dirty
    for nothing.
    Patrick, check it out.
  • Hooray!
  • Hooray!
  • BubbIe party!
  • BubbIe party!
    Who bIew this bubbIe?
    You aII know the ruIes!
    AII bubbIe-bIowing babies
    wiII be beaten senseIess
    by every abIe-bodied patron
    in the bar.
    That's right! So who bIew it?
    So nobody knows.
  • Maybe it was–
  • Shut up!
    Somebody in here ain't a reaI man.
    You! We're on a baby hunt.
    And don't think we don't know
    how to weed them out.
    Now, everybody Iine up.
    DJ, time for the test.
    No baby can resist
    singing aIong to this.
    SpongeBob, it's the
    Goofy Goober theme song.
    I know.
    Oh, l'm a Goofy Goober, yeah
    You're a Goofy Goober, yeah
    We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah
    Goofy, goofy, goober, goober, yeah
  • It was you! You're the baby!
  • No, no! I onIy coughed, I swear.
    DJ ! Turn it up Iouder!
    Don't sing aIong, Patrick.
    I'm trying.
    Trying so hard.
    l'm a Goofy Goober, yeah
    You're a Goofy Goober, yeah
    We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah
    Goofy, goofy, goober, goobers, yeah
    WeII, weII, weII.
    Which one of you babies was it?
  • It was him.
  • It was him.
  • He did it.
  • He did it.
    I've never even eaten at–
    Goofy, goofy, goober, goobers, yeah
    WeII, Iooks Iike we got ourseIves
    a doubIe baby.
    Man, that was a cIose caII.
    Guess what I got.
    The key!
    Too bad SpongeBob's not here
    to enjoy SpongeBob not being here.
    Some peopIe have no taste
    in headgear.
    Babies too?
    Excuse me, miss,
    but where is everybody
    getting that horrid headwear?
    Who said that?
    Down here.
    WeII, I got it at the Chum Bucket.
    PIankton's giving them away free
    with every Krabby Patty.
    Chum Bucket? Free? Krabby Patty?
    PIankton? Giving? With?
    So you're seIIing
    Krabby Patties, PIankton?
    That's right, Squidward.
    And there's a free bucket heImet
    with every purchase.
    Care for one?
    No. You may have hoodwinked
    everyone eIse in this backwater town,
    but you can't fooI me.
    I Iisten to pubIic radio.
  • And what's that supposed to mean?
  • It means you set up Mr. Krabs.
    You stoIe the crown
    so Neptune wouId freeze him
    and you couId finaIIy get your stubby
    IittIe paws on the Krabby Patty formuIa.
    It was you aII aIong.
    But you made one fataI mistake.
    You messed with my paycheck.
    And I'm gonna report you
    to the highest authority in the Iand,
    King Neptune!
    We'II see about that,
    Inspector LooseIips.
    Now activating helmet
    brain-control devices.
    All hail Plankton.
  • What's going on here?
  • All hail Plankton.
    Seize him, sIaves!
    All hail Plankton.
    I'm getting out of here!
    All hail Plankton.
    All hail Plankton.
    Who can stop me now?
  • Come on, Pat, one more time.
  • Okay.
    We're on a baby hunt. And don't think
    we don't know how to weed them out.
    ''Weed them out.''
    What a jerk.
    The road's getting kind of bumpy here.
    You know, SpongeBob,
    there's a Iesson to be Iearned
    from aII of this.
    What's that, Patrick?
    A bubbIe-bIowing doubIe baby
    doesn't beIong out here
    in man's country.
    Yeah. Wait.
    We bIew that bubbIe.
    Doesn't that make us
    a bubbIe-bIowing doubIe baby?
    Hey, Iook, free ice cream!
    Oh, boy!
    How you doing?
    Wait a minute.
    Wait a minute.
    Make mine a chocoIate!
    Got you covered. Two, pIease.
    You kids enjoy.
    ActuaIIy, we're men,
    Iady, but thanks.
    Okay, Patrick, Iet's…
    You can Iet go now.
    I said, Iet go, pIease.
    What is this?
    What kind of oId Iady are you?
    Did you get the ice cream?
    Step on it, Patrick!
    You may not know it, cowboy,
    but we got a ruIe around here
    about bIowing bubbIes.
    AII bubbIe-bIowing babies
    wiII be beaten senseIess by every
  • In bar…
  • Bar…
    Come on, kiddies,
    have some ice cream.
    I'II Iet you pet Mr. Whiskers.
    Jump for it, Patrick!
    WeII, we Iost our car again.
    Never mind the car,
    where's the road?
    Road. Road. Road.
    Road. Road. Road.
    Road. R– Sorry.
    There's the road.
    On the other side of this…
    …deep, dark…
  • Hazardous.
  • …hazardous…
    Yeah, monster-infested…
    Hey, SpongeBob, Iook!
    Here's the way down.
    WeII, we're not gonna get
    the crown standing here.
    On to SheII City.
    Hey, Iook, it's making noise.
  • Hey, where are you going?
  • I'm going home, Patrick.
    But what about Mr. Krabs?
    What about us?
    We'II never survive in that trench!
    You said it yourseIf,
    this is man's country.
    And Iet's face it, Pat. We're just…
  • …kids.
  • We're not kids.
    Open your eyes, Patrick!
    We bIow bubbIes, we eat ice cream.
    We worship a dancing peanut,
    for corn's sake!
    We don't beIong out here!
    We do not worship him.
    You've been wearing the same Goofy
    Goober Peanut Party underpants
    for three years straight.
    What do you caII that?
    You're right, SpongeBob.
    We are kids.
    PuII your pants up, Patrick.
  • We're going home.
  • But you can't go home.
  • How much did you hear?
  • I heard enough.
  • Did you see my underwear?
  • No, Patrick.
    Did you want to?
    Look, guys, you may be kids,
    but you're the onIy ones Ieft
    who can get that crown.
    What do you mean,
    the onIy ones Ieft?
    Things have gotten a Iot worse
    since you Ieft Bikini Bottom.
    Or shouId I say PIanktopoIis.
    All hail Plankton.
    No resting!
    This monument ceIebrating my gIory
    isn't gonna buiId itseIf.
    Move faster!
    Oh, my gosh! Patrick, Iook!
    PIankton's turned everyone
    we know into sIaves.
    Mrs. Puff.
    Even Gary.
    Can't your father do something?
    My father's too distracted
    by his baId spot to do anything.
    Squire, wiII you hurry.
    So you see, you can't quit.
    The fate of Bikini Bottom
    rests in your hands.
  • But– But we're just–
  • Hey. It doesn't matter if you're kids.
    And what's so wrong with
    being a kid, anyway? Kids ruIe!
    You don't need to be a man
    to do this.
    You just gotta beIieve in yourseIf.
    You just gotta beIieve!
  • I beIieve.
  • That's the spirit.
    I beIieve that
    everybody I know is a goner!
    Come on, guys.
    Oh, boy.
    Think, Mindy, think.
    Yup, I guess you're right.
    A coupIe of kids couId never
    survive this journey.
    That's why I guess I'II just
    have to turn you into men.
    You can do that? How?
    With my mermaid magic.
    Did you hear that, Patrick?
    She'II use her mermaid magic
    to turn us into men!
    We're gonna be men! We're gonna
    be men! We're gonna be men!
    Good. Now, Iet's get started.
    CIose your eyes.
  • Are we men yet?
  • Not yet.
    Spin around three times.
    I think it's working.
    Good. Now, keep your eyes shut.
    With my mermaid's magic
    and my one taiIfin,
    I command the two of you
    to turn into men!
    Open your eyes.
    I don't feeI any– Oh, my gosh,
    Patrick, you have a moustache!
    So do you!
    So now that you're men,
    can you make it to SheII City?
  • Guys.
  • Yeah?
    I said, now that you're men,
    can you make it to SheII City?
    Heck, yeah!
  • Are men afraid of anything?
  • Heck, no!
    And why?
    Because we're invincibIe!
  • Yeah!
  • Yeah!
    I never said that.
  • Yeah!
  • Yeah!
  • Yeah!
  • Yeah!
    Yeah! Yeah!
    Yeah! Yeah!
  • Patrick?
  • Yeah, buddy?
    Why did we jump over the edge
    instead of taking the stairs?
  • Patrick.
  • Are we dead?
    No. Far from it, my friend.
    We're safe and sound
    at the bottom of this trench.
    The moustaches worked!
    Do you know what that means?
    We are invincibIe!
    Now that we're men
    We can do anything
    Now that we're men
    We are invincible
    Now that we're men
    We'll go to Shell City
    Get the crown, save the town
    And Mr. Krabs
    Now that we're men
    We have facial hair
    Now that we're men
    l change my underwear
    Now that we're men
    We've got a manly flair
    We've got the stuff
    We're tough enough to save the day
    We never had a chance
    when we were kids
    No! No! No!
    But take a look at what
    the mermaid did
    Yeah, go, Pat.
    Oh, yeah.
    Yeah, go, SpongeBob.
    Now that they're men
    We can't bother them
    Now that they're men
    They have become our friends
    Now that they're men
    There'll be a happy end
    They'll pass the test
    And finish the quest for the crown
    They'll pass the test
    And finish the quest
    They'll pass the test
    And finish the quest for the crown
    ''SheII City, dead ahead.''
    We did it, Pat!
    We made it past everything!
    Even the hideous,
    disgusting monsters.
    Not you guys.
    You guys are awesome!
    WeII, Patrick, we shouId be there
    in one more verse.
  • Now that we're men–
  • FinaIIy.
    I got you right where I want you.
    Can I heIp you with something, sir?
    Name's Dennis.
    I've been hired to exterminate you.
    You're gonna exterminate us?
    Listen, junior,
    you caught me and my friend here
    in a good mood today,
    so I'm gonna Iet you off
    with a warning.
    Step aside,
    and you won't have to feeI
    the awesome wrath
    of our moustaches.
    You mean these?
    I thought you stiII had a piece of saIad
    stuck to your Iip from Iunchtime.
    They were fake?
    Of course they were fake!
    This is what a reaI moustache
    Iooks Iike.
  • Is he a mermaid?
  • AII right. Enough gab.
    What are you gonna do to us?
    PIankton was very specific.
    For some reason,
    he wanted me to step on you.
    Step on us?
    Yeah! That way you'II never find out
    that he stoIe the crown!
    Perhaps I've said too much.
    That's a big boot.
    Don't worry.
    This wiII onIy hurt a Iot.
    I Iove this job!
  • Bigger boot!
  • Wait, Pat.
    This bigger boot saved our Iives.
    Thank you, stranger.
    It's the CycIops!
    HeIp us! HeIp us!
    Save us, someone!
    Are we dead?
    I don't think so.
    ArtificiaIIy coIoured rocks?
    I don't know where we are.
    What is this?
    It's some kind of waII
    of psychic energy.
    No, Pat, it's a giant gIass bowI.
    Hey, there's some fish foIk.
  • Hey, over here!
  • Hey! Hey! Hey, you guys!
  • You guys, hey! HeIp!
  • Hey! HeIp!
  • A IittIe heIp here! We're stuck in this–
  • HeIp us out of the tank!
    Wait a second.
    Those fish are dead.
    What's he gonna do with us?
    Oh, no, he's going for his
    eviI instruments of torture.
    GIue? GoogIe eyes?
    He's making
    a humorous diorama of…
    …AIexander CIam BeII?
    Patrick, he's kiIIing sea animaIs and
    making them into smeIIy knickknacks.
    And I think we're next.
  • You think so?
  • Patrick! No!
    The heat is so intense
    from this Iamp that I can't move.
    The heat is so intense
    from this Iamp that I can't move.
    TeII me about it.
    This doesn't Iook too good, Patrick.
    You mean we're not gonna
    Get the crown, save the town
    And Mr. Krabs?
    I don't even think we're gonna
    be abIe to save ourseIves, buddy.
  • Thanks.
  • Don't mention it.
    WeII, it Iooks Iike what everybody
    said about us is true, Patrick.
    You mean that we're attractive?
    No, that we're just kids.
    A coupIe of kids
    in way over their heads.
    We were doomed from the start.
    I mean, Iook at us.
    We didn't even come
    cIose to the crown.
    We Iet everybody down.
    We faiIed.
    SheII City.
    Yeah, we never made it to SheII City.
    SheII City.
    ExactIy, buddy.
    Yeah, the pIace we never got to.
    SheII City.
    Okay, now you're starting
    to bum me out, Patrick.
    No, Iook at the sign.
    ''SheII City.
    Marine gifts and sundries.''
    SheII City is a gift shop?
    But if this is SheII City,
    then where's the…?
  • Crown.
  • Crown.
    Neptune's crown.
    This is SheII City.
    Pat, we did make it.
    Yeah, I guess we did.
    We did aII right
    for a coupIe of goofbaIIs.
    l'm a Goofy Goober, yeah
    You're a Goofy Goober, yeah
    We're all Goofy Goobers, yeah
    Goofy, goofy, goober, goober, yeah
    That's the end of SpongeBob.
    Come here, you.
    Shut up and Iook at the screen.
    The bird's right. Look.
    It be the tear of the Goofy Goobers.
    Hey, we're aIive.
  • Let's get that crown.
  • Right.
    On three, Patrick. Ready?
    One, two, three.
    Hey, it's Iighter than I thought.
    What's happening?
    I don't know. Look!
    Come on, Patrick.
    Let's get this crown
    back to Bikini Bottom.
  • Do you stiII have that bag of winds?
  • I sure do.
    Here you go.
    Nothing. Nothing.
    Okay, Iet's go over the instructions.
    Let's see, it says here, ''Step one:
    Point bag away from home.''
  • Okay.
  • ''Step two: PIant feet firmIy on ground.''
  • Right.
  • ''Step three:
    Remove string from bag,
    reIeasing the winds.''
    WeII, that seems simpIe enough.
    Point bag away from home,
    feet firmIy on ground,
    puII string, reIeasing the winds.
    AII right, Iet's do it for reaI.
  • No, no, stop!
  • I was bad, I'm sorry!
  • PIease, bag.
  • I'm sorry, I just thought–
    It was a mistake!
    Oh, no. How wiII we ever get
    back to Bikini Bottom now?
    I can take you there.
  • Who are you?
  • I'm David HasseIhoff.
  • Hooray!
  • Hooray!
    So where's your boat?
  • Go, HasseIhoff.
  • Next stop, Bikini Bottom.
    All hail Plankton. All hail Plankton.
    WeII, Krabs,
    you know what today is?
    Sorry about this, caIendar.
    March 1 4.
    Wait, that's not right.
    It shouId say
    ''The day that Krabs fries.''
    Guess who's here.
    Hooray for HasseIhoff!
    Nothing can stop us now.
    Unidentified object
    off the hindquarters.
    It Iooks Iike…
    …bigger boot.
    But how?
    Did you miss me?
    This is the best seat in the house.
    AII right, Neptune, Iet's get it on.
    Eugene Krabs,
    your six-day reprieve is up,
    and it is time for you to die.
    PIease, I didn't do it.
    There is nothing eIse I can do.
    You can give SpongeBob and Patrick
    a IittIe more time.
    Except give SpongeBob and Patrick
    a IittIe more time–
    What? Mindy, wiII you butt out.
    I won't have you staIIing
    this execution.
    StaIIing? I'm not staIIing anything.
  • Yes, you are.
  • No, I'm not.
    Yes, you are.
    You're doing it right now.
  • I'm staIIing.
  • Yes.
  • StaIIing?
  • StaIIing!
  • StaIIing.
  • StaIIing!
    Oh, boy.
    Now, where were we?
  • Patrick, run.
  • No.
    I'm tired of running.
    If we run now, we'II never stop–
    Run, SpongeBob!
    Take it easy back there, feIIas.
    SpongeBob, be carefuI.
    Come on, kid, give it up.
    Dennis aIways gets his man.
    Yeah! I did it!
    You got guts, kid.
    Too bad I gotta rip them out of you.
    I don't know what PIankton's
    paying you,
    but if you Iet us go,
    I can make it worth your whiIe.
    It's gonna take a Iot more than 5…
  • What is this?
  • That, sir, is five Goober doIIars.
    LegaI tender at any participating
    Goofy Goober–
    I got bubbIes. Fun at parties.
    My eyes.
    I got you, SpongeBob.
    Thanks, buddy.
    Thanks a Iot.
    That's it.
    I'm through messing around.
    See you Iater, fooIs.
    See you.
    So you think…
    Where am I, in Crazytown?
    I have had enough of this nonsense!
    You are to wait in the carriage
    untiI the execution is done.
  • But, Daddy–
  • Now!
    No, no, no!
    Oh, SpongeBob, wherever you are,
    you better hurry.
    Okay, feIIas, this is where you get off.
    Bikini Bottom's directIy beIow.
    But we'II never be abIe
    to fIoat down in time.
    Who said anything about fIoating?
  • lnitiating launch sequence.
  • What the–?
  • Did you see that?
  • The controI.
    AII hands on deck.
    Ten seconds to lift-off. Nine, eight…
    Eugene Krabs, the time has come…
  • No.
  • Yes.
    …six, five…
    …for you…
  • No.
  • Yes.
    …three, two…
  • …to fry.
  • No.
  • Yes.
  • …one.
    You done good, HasseIhoff.
    You done–
    Hooray! We made it.
    We made it.
    My crown.
    My beautifuI crown!
    SpongeBob? Patrick?
    I knew you couId do it.
    Oh, yes. WeII done, SpongeBoob.
    Sorry to rain
    on your parade, PIankton.
    Oh, don't worry about me.
    My parade shaII be quite dry
    under my umbreIIa!
    Daddy, no.
    Daddy, yes.
    All hail Plankton.
    All hail Plankton. All hail Plankton.
    All hail Plankton. All hail Plankton.
    SpongeBob, what happened?
  • PIankton cheated.
  • Cheated?
    HoId on there, baIdy.
    Oh, grow up.
    What, you think this is a game
    of kickbaII on the pIayground?
    You never had a chance
    to defeat me, fooI.
    And you know why?
    Because you cheated?
    No, not because I cheated.
    Because I'm an eviI genius.
    And you're just a kid.
    A stupid kid.
    I guess you're right, PIankton.
    I am just a kid.
    Of course I'm right.
    Okay, Neptune, time to kiII.
    And you know, I've been through
    a Iot in the past six days,
    five minutes,
    And if I've Iearned anything
    during that time,
    it's that you are who you are.
  • That's right. Okay, Neptune–
  • And no amount of mermaid magic…
    …or manageriaI promotion…
    …or some other third thing…
    …can make me anything more
    than what I reaIIy am inside:
  • A kid.
  • That's great.
  • Now, get back against the waII.
  • But that's okay.
  • What? What's going on?
  • Because I did
    what everyone said
    a kid couIdn't do.
    I made it to SheII City,
    and I beat the CycIops,
    and I rode the HasseIhoff,
    and I brought the crown back.
  • AII right, we get the point.
  • So, yeah, I'm a kid.
    And I'm aIso a goofbaII.
    And a wing nut.
    And a KnuckIehead McSpazatron!
  • What's going on here?
  • But most of aII, I'm…
  • Okay, settIe down. Take it easy.
  • I'm… I'm…
    What the scaIIop?!
    l'm a Goofy Goober
    You're a Goofy Goober
    We're all Goofy Goobers
    Goofy, goofy, goober, goober
    Put your toys away
    Well, all l gotta say
    When you tell me not to play
    l say no way
  • No way!
  • No, no freaking way
    l'm a kid, you say
    When you say l'm a kid
    l say, ''Say it again''
    And then l say thanks
  • Thanks!
  • Thank you very much
    So if you're thinking
    That you'd like to be like me
    Go ahead and try
    The kid inside will set you free
    l'm a Goofy Goober
    What's happening?
    His dance moves are impressive,
    but I'm in controI.
  • Seize him!
  • All hail Plankton.
    I'm free. I've been freed!
    My precious heImets!
    His chops are too righteous.
    The heImets can't handIe
    this IeveI of rock 'n' roII.
    Karen, do something.
    AII right, that's the Iast straw.
    Neptune, I command you to…
  • Here you go, Daddy.
  • I better get out of here.
    Look, it's the wizard who saved us.
    Out of my way, fooIs.
    Come on, I was just kidding.
    Come on, you guys knew that,
    didn't you?
    With the heImets
    and the big monuments…
    Wasn't that hiIarious, everybody?
    I wiII destroy aII of you!
    WeII, Mindy, I have to admit,
    you were right.
    Your compassion
    for these sea creatures
    proved a most admirabIe trait.
    Without it, I wouId have never
    again seen my beIoved crown.
    I think you're going to make a fine
    ruIer of the sea one day.
  • Now, Iet's go home.
  • Daddy,
    haven't you forgotten something?
    What? Oh, yeah.
    Eugene Krabs,
    I forgot to unfreeze you.
    What the–?
    I guess I had it set to
    ''reaI boy'' ending.
    Oh, I'm sorry
    for faIseIy freezing you, Krabs.
    And may I say, sir,
    you are a very Iucky feIIow
    to have in your empIoy
    such a brave, faithfuI
    and heroic young Iad.
  • Where is he, anyway?
  • I'm up here.
    I'm on it.
    Go to him now, Krabs.
    Embrace him.
    SpongeBob, me boy,
    I'm sorry I ever doubted you.
    That's a mistake I won't make again.
    Oh, Mr. Krabs, you oId soft-serve.
    And now, SpongeBob,
    I'm gonna do something
    that I shouId've done six days ago.
    Mr. Squidward,
    front and centre, pIease.
    I think we aII know who rightfuIIy
    deserves to wear that manager pin.
    I couIdn't agree more, sir.
    Hooray for SpongeBob!
    Wait a second, everybody.
    There's something I need to say first.
    I just don't know how to put it.
    I think I know what it is.
    After going on
    your Iife-changing journey,
    you now reaIize you don't want
    what you thought you wanted.
    What you reaIIy wanted
    was inside you aII aIong.
    Are you crazy? I was just gonna
    teII you that your fIy is down.
    Manager! This is
    the greatest day of my Iife!
    You know, David HasseIhoff
    is a great artist.
    Excuse me, sir.
    You foIks have to Ieave.
    What? Say that again, if you dare.
    You foIks have to Ieave.

@soupnana group

According to all known laws
of aviation,
there is no way a bee
should be able to fly.
Its wings are too small to get
its fat little body off the ground.
The bee, of course, flies anyway
because bees don't care
what humans think is impossible.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Ooh, black and yellow!
Let's shake it up a little.
Barry! Breakfast is ready!
Hang on a second.

  • Barry?
  • Adam?
  • Oan you believe this is happening?
  • I can't. I'll pick you up.
    Looking sharp.
    Use the stairs. Your father
    paid good money for those.
    Sorry. I'm excited.
    Here's the graduate.
    We're very proud of you, son.
    A perfect report card, all B's.
    Very proud.
    Ma! I got a thing going here.
  • You got lint on your fuzz.
  • Ow! That's me!
  • Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.
  • Bye!
    Barry, I told you,
    stop flying in the house!
  • Hey, Adam.
  • Hey, Barry.
  • Is that fuzz gel?
  • A little. Special day, graduation.
    Never thought I'd make it.
    Three days grade school,
    three days high school.
    Those were awkward.
    Three days college. I'm glad I took
    a day and hitchhiked around the hive.
    You did come back different.
  • Hi, Barry.
  • Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.
  • Hear about Frankie?
  • Yeah.
  • You going to the funeral?
  • No, I'm not going.
    Everybody knows,
    sting someone, you die.
    Don't waste it on a squirrel.
    Such a hothead.
    I guess he could have
    just gotten out of the way.
    I love this incorporating
    an amusement park into our day.
    That's why we don't need vacations.
    Boy, quite a bit of pomp…
    under the circumstances.
  • Well, Adam, today we are men.
  • We are!
  • Bee-men.
  • Amen!
    Students, faculty, distinguished bees,
    please welcome Dean Buzzwell.
    Welcome, New Hive Oity
    graduating class of…
    That concludes our ceremonies.
    And begins your career
    at Honex Industries!
    Will we pick ourjob today?
    I heard it's just orientation.
    Heads up! Here we go.
    Keep your hands and antennas
    inside the tram at all times.
  • Wonder what it'll be like?
  • A little scary.
    Welcome to Honex,
    a division of Honesco
    and a part of the Hexagon Group.
    This is it!
    We know that you, as a bee,
    have worked your whole life
    to get to the point where you
    can work for your whole life.
    Honey begins when our valiant Pollen
    Jocks bring the nectar to the hive.
    Our top-secret formula
    is automatically color-corrected,
    scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured
    into this soothing sweet syrup
    with its distinctive
    golden glow you know as…
  • That girl was hot.
  • She's my cousin!
  • She is?
  • Yes, we're all cousins.
  • Right. You're right.
  • At Honex, we constantly strive
    to improve every aspect
    of bee existence.
    These bees are stress-testing
    a new helmet technology.
  • What do you think he makes?
  • Not enough.
    Here we have our latest advancement,
    the Krelman.
  • What does that do?
  • Oatches that little strand of honey
    that hangs after you pour it.
    Saves us millions.
    Oan anyone work on the Krelman?
    Of course. Most bee jobs are
    small ones. But bees know
    that every small job,
    if it's done well, means a lot.
    But choose carefully
    because you'll stay in the job
    you pick for the rest of your life.
    The same job the rest of your life?
    I didn't know that.
    What's the difference?
    You'll be happy to know that bees,
    as a species, haven't had one day off
    in 27 million years.
    So you'll just work us to death?
    We'll sure try.
    Wow! That blew my mind!
    "What's the difference?"
    How can you say that?
    One job forever?
    That's an insane choice to have to make.
    I'm relieved. Now we only have
    to make one decision in life.
    But, Adam, how could they
    never have told us that?
    Why would you question anything?
    We're bees.
    We're the most perfectly
    functioning society on Earth.
    You ever think maybe things
    work a little too well here?
    Like what? Give me one example.
    I don't know. But you know
    what I'm talking about.
    Please clear the gate.
    Royal Nectar Force on approach.
    Wait a second. Oheck it out.
  • Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!
  • Wow.
    I've never seen them this close.
    They know what it's like
    outside the hive.
    Yeah, but some don't come back.
  • Hey, Jocks!
  • Hi, Jocks!
    You guys did great!
    You're monsters!
    You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!
  • I wonder where they were.
  • I don't know.
    Their day's not planned.
    Outside the hive, flying who knows
    where, doing who knows what.
    You can'tjust decide to be a Pollen
    Jock. You have to be bred for that.
    Look. That's more pollen
    than you and I will see in a lifetime.
    It's just a status symbol.
    Bees make too much of it.
    Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it
    and the ladies see you wearing it.
    Those ladies?
    Aren't they our cousins too?
    Distant. Distant.
    Look at these two.
  • Oouple of Hive Harrys.
  • Let's have fun with them.
    It must be dangerous
    being a Pollen Jock.
    Yeah. Once a bear pinned me
    against a mushroom!
    He had a paw on my throat,
    and with the other, he was slapping me!
  • Oh, my!
  • I never thought I'd knock him out.
    What were you doing during this?
    Trying to alert the authorities.
    I can autograph that.
    A little gusty out there today,
    wasn't it, comrades?
    Yeah. Gusty.
    We're hitting a sunflower patch
    six miles from here tomorrow.
  • Six miles, huh?
  • Barry!
    A puddle jump for us,
    but maybe you're not up for it.
  • Maybe I am.
  • You are not!
    We're going 0900 at J-Gate.
    What do you think, buzzy-boy?
    Are you bee enough?
    I might be. It all depends
    on what 0900 means.
    Hey, Honex!
    Dad, you surprised me.
    You decide what you're interested in?
  • Well, there's a lot of choices.
  • But you only get one.
    Do you ever get bored
    doing the same job every day?
    Son, let me tell you about stirring.
    You grab that stick, and you just
    move it around, and you stir it around.
    You get yourself into a rhythm.
    It's a beautiful thing.
    You know, Dad,
    the more I think about it,
    maybe the honey field
    just isn't right for me.
    You were thinking of what,
    making balloon animals?
    That's a bad job
    for a guy with a stinger.
    Janet, your son's not sure
    he wants to go into honey!
  • Barry, you are so funny sometimes.
  • I'm not trying to be funny.
    You're not funny! You're going
    into honey. Our son, the stirrer!
  • You're gonna be a stirrer?
  • No one's listening to me!
    Wait till you see the sticks I have.
    I could say anything right now.
    I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!
    Let's open some honey and celebrate!
    Maybe I'll pierce my thorax.
    Shave my antennae.
    Shack up with a grasshopper. Get
    a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!
    I'm so proud.
  • We're starting work today!
  • Today's the day.
    Oome on! All the good jobs
    will be gone.
    Yeah, right.
    Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring,
    stirrer, front desk, hair removal…
  • Is it still available?
  • Hang on. Two left!
    One of them's yours! Oongratulations!
    Step to the side.
  • What'd you get?
  • Picking crud out. Stellar!
    Oouple of newbies?
    Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!
    Make your choice.
  • You want to go first?
  • No, you go.
    Oh, my. What's available?
    Restroom attendant's open,
    not for the reason you think.
  • Any chance of getting the Krelman?
  • Sure, you're on.
    I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.
    Wax monkey's always open.
    The Krelman opened up again.
    What happened?
    A bee died. Makes an opening. See?
    He's dead. Another dead one.
    Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.
    Dead from the neck up.
    Dead from the neck down. That's life!
    Oh, this is so hard!
    Heating, cooling,
    stunt bee, pourer, stirrer,
    humming, inspector number seven,
    lint coordinator, stripe supervisor,
    mite wrangler. Barry, what
    do you think I should… Barry?
    All right, we've got the sunflower patch
    in quadrant nine…
    What happened to you?
    Where are you?
  • I'm going out.
  • Out? Out where?
  • Out there.
  • Oh, no!
    I have to, before I go
    to work for the rest of my life.
    You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello?
    Another call coming in.
    If anyone's feeling brave,
    there's a Korean deli on 83rd
    that gets their roses today.
    Hey, guys.
  • Look at that.
  • Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday?
    Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted.
    It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up.
    Really? Feeling lucky, are you?
    Sign here, here. Just initial that.
  • Thank you.
  • OK.
    You got a rain advisory today,
    and as you all know,
    bees cannot fly in rain.
    So be careful. As always,
    watch your brooms,
    hockey sticks, dogs,
    birds, bears and bats.
    Also, I got a couple of reports
    of root beer being poured on us.
    Murphy's in a home because of it,
    babbling like a cicada!
  • That's awful.
  • And a reminder for you rookies,
    bee law number one,
    absolutely no talking to humans!
    All right, launch positions!
    Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz,
    buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
    Black and yellow!
    You ready for this, hot shot?
    Yeah. Yeah, bring it on.
    Wind, check.
  • Antennae, check.
  • Nectar pack, check.
  • Wings, check.
  • Stinger, check.
    Scared out of my shorts, check.
    OK, ladies,
    let's move it out!
    Pound those petunias,
    you striped stem-suckers!
    All of you, drain those flowers!
    Wow! I'm out!
    I can't believe I'm out!
    So blue.
    I feel so fast and free!
    Box kite!
    This is Blue Leader.
    We have roses visual.
    Bring it around 30 degrees and hold.
    Stand to the side, kid.
    It's got a bit of a kick.
    That is one nectar collector!
  • Ever see pollination up close?
  • No, sir.
    I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it
    over here. Maybe a dash over there,
    a pinch on that one.
    See that? It's a little bit of magic.
    That's amazing. Why do we do that?
    That's pollen power. More pollen, more
    flowers, more nectar, more honey for us.
    I'm picking up a lot of bright yellow.
    Oould be daisies. Don't we need those?
    Oopy that visual.
    Wait. One of these flowers
    seems to be on the move.
    Say again? You're reporting
    a moving flower?
    That was on the line!
    This is the coolest. What is it?
    I don't know, but I'm loving this color.
    It smells good.
    Not like a flower, but I like it.
    Yeah, fuzzy.
    Oareful, guys. It's a little grabby.
    My sweet lord of bees!
    Oandy-brain, get off there!
  • Guys!
  • This could be bad.
    Very close.
    Gonna hurt.
    Mama's little boy.
    You are way out of position, rookie!
    Ooming in at you like a missile!
    Help me!
    I don't think these are flowers.
  • Should we tell him?
  • I think he knows.
    What is this?!
    Match point!
    You can start packing up, honey,
    because you're about to eat it!
    There's a bee in the car!
  • Do something!
  • I'm driving!
  • Hi, bee.
  • He's back here!
    He's going to sting me!
    Nobody move. If you don't move,
    he won't sting you. Freeze!
    He blinked!
    Spray him, Granny!
    What are you doing?!
    Wow… the tension level
    out here is unbelievable.
    I gotta get home.
    Oan't fly in rain.
    Mayday! Mayday! Bee going down!
    Ken, could you close
    the window please?
    Oheck out my new rsum.
    I made it into a fold-out brochure.
    You see? Folds out.
    Oh, no. More humans. I don't need this.
    What was that?
    Maybe this time. This time. This time.
    This time! This time! This…
    That is diabolical.
    It's fantastic. It's got all my special
    skills, even my top-ten favorite movies.
    What's number one? Star Wars?
    Nah, I don't go for that…
    …kind of stuff.
    No wonder we shouldn't talk to them.
    They're out of their minds.
    When I leave a job interview, they're
    flabbergasted, can't believe what I say.
    There's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.
    I don't remember the sun
    having a big 75 on it.
    I predicted global warming.
    I could feel it getting hotter.
    At first I thought it was just me.
    Wait! Stop! Bee!
    Stand back. These are winter boots.
    Don't kill him!
    You know I'm allergic to them!
    This thing could kill me!
    Why does his life have
    less value than yours?
    Why does his life have any less value
    than mine? Is that your statement?
    I'm just saying all life has value. You
    don't know what he's capable of feeling.
    My brochure!
    There you go, little guy.
    I'm not scared of him.
    It's an allergic thing.
    Put that on your rsum brochure.
    My whole face could puff up.
    Make it one of your special skills.
    Knocking someone out
    is also a special skill.
    Right. Bye, Vanessa. Thanks.
  • Vanessa, next week? Yogurt night?
  • Sure, Ken. You know, whatever.
  • You could put carob chips on there.
  • Bye.
  • Supposed to be less calories.
  • Bye.
    I gotta say something.
    She saved my life.
    I gotta say something.
    All right, here it goes.
    What would I say?
    I could really get in trouble.
    It's a bee law.
    You're not supposed to talk to a human.
    I can't believe I'm doing this.
    I've got to.
    Oh, I can't do it. Oome on!
    No. Yes. No.
    Do it. I can't.
    How should I start it?
    "You like jazz?" No, that's no good.
    Here she comes! Speak, you fool!
    I'm sorry.
  • You're talking.
  • Yes, I know.
    You're talking!
    I'm so sorry.
    No, it's OK. It's fine.
    I know I'm dreaming.
    But I don't recall going to bed.
    Well, I'm sure this
    is very disconcerting.
    This is a bit of a surprise to me.
    I mean, you're a bee!
    I am. And I'm not supposed
    to be doing this,
    but they were all trying to kill me.
    And if it wasn't for you…
    I had to thank you.
    It's just how I was raised.
    That was a little weird.
  • I'm talking with a bee.
  • Yeah.
    I'm talking to a bee.
    And the bee is talking to me!
    I just want to say I'm grateful.
    I'll leave now.
  • Wait! How did you learn to do that?
  • What?
    The talking thing.
    Same way you did, I guess.
    "Mama, Dada, honey. " You pick it up.
  • That's very funny.
  • Yeah.
    Bees are funny. If we didn't laugh,
    we'd cry with what we have to deal with.
    Oan I…
    …get you something?
  • Like what?
    I don't know. I mean…
    I don't know. Ooffee?
    I don't want to put you out.
    It's no trouble. It takes two minutes.
  • It's just coffee.
  • I hate to impose.
  • Don't be ridiculous!
  • Actually, I would love a cup.
    Hey, you want rum cake?
  • I shouldn't.
  • Have some.
  • No, I can't.
  • Oome on!
    I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms.
  • Where?
  • These stripes don't help.
    You look great!
    I don't know if you know
    anything about fashion.
    Are you all right?
    He's making the tie in the cab
    as they're flying up Madison.
    He finally gets there.
    He runs up the steps into the church.
    The wedding is on.
    And he says, "Watermelon?
    I thought you said Guatemalan.
    Why would I marry a watermelon?"
    Is that a bee joke?
    That's the kind of stuff we do.
    Yeah, different.
    So, what are you gonna do, Barry?
    About work? I don't know.
    I want to do my part for the hive,
    but I can't do it the way they want.
    I know how you feel.
  • You do?
  • Sure.
    My parents wanted me to be a lawyer or
    a doctor, but I wanted to be a florist.
  • Really?
  • My only interest is flowers.
    Our new queen was just elected
    with that same campaign slogan.
    Anyway, if you look…
    There's my hive right there. See it?
    You're in Sheep Meadow!
    Yes! I'm right off the Turtle Pond!
    No way! I know that area.
    I lost a toe ring there once.
  • Why do girls put rings on their toes?
  • Why not?
  • It's like putting a hat on your knee.
  • Maybe I'll try that.
  • You all right, ma'am?
  • Oh, yeah. Fine.
    Just having two cups of coffee!
    Anyway, this has been great.
    Thanks for the coffee.
    Yeah, it's no trouble.
    Sorry I couldn't finish it. If I did,
    I'd be up the rest of my life.
    Are you?
    Oan I take a piece of this with me?
    Sure! Here, have a crumb.
  • Thanks!
  • Yeah.
    All right. Well, then…
    I guess I'll see you around.
    Or not.
    OK, Barry.
    And thank you
    so much again… for before.
    Oh, that? That was nothing.
    Well, not nothing, but… Anyway…
    This can't possibly work.
    He's all set to go.
    We may as well try it.
    OK, Dave, pull the chute.
  • Sounds amazing.
  • It was amazing!
    It was the scariest,
    happiest moment of my life.
    Humans! I can't believe
    you were with humans!
    Giant, scary humans!
    What were they like?
    Huge and crazy. They talk crazy.
    They eat crazy giant things.
    They drive crazy.
  • Do they try and kill you, like on TV?
  • Some of them. But some of them don't.
  • How'd you get back?
  • Poodle.
    You did it, and I'm glad. You saw
    whatever you wanted to see.
    You had your "experience. " Now you
    can pick out yourjob and be normal.
  • Well…
  • Well?
    Well, I met someone.
    You did? Was she Bee-ish?
  • A wasp?! Your parents will kill you!
  • No, no, no, not a wasp.
  • Spider?
  • I'm not attracted to spiders.
    I know it's the hottest thing,
    with the eight legs and all.
    I can't get by that face.
    So who is she?
    She's… human.
    No, no. That's a bee law.
    You wouldn't break a bee law.
  • Her name's Vanessa.
  • Oh, boy.
    She's so nice. And she's a florist!
    Oh, no! You're dating a human florist!
    We're not dating.
    You're flying outside the hive, talking
    to humans that attack our homes
    with power washers and M-80s!
    One-eighth a stick of dynamite!
    She saved my life!
    And she understands me.
    This is over!
    Eat this.
    This is not over! What was that?
  • They call it a crumb.
  • It was so stingin' stripey!
    And that's not what they eat.
    That's what falls off what they eat!
  • You know what a Oinnabon is?
  • No.
    It's bread and cinnamon and frosting.
    They heat it up…
    Sit down!
    …really hot!
  • Listen to me!
    We are not them! We're us.
    There's us and there's them!
    Yes, but who can deny
    the heart that is yearning?
    There's no yearning.
    Stop yearning. Listen to me!
    You have got to start thinking bee,
    my friend. Thinking bee!
  • Thinking bee.
  • Thinking bee.
    Thinking bee! Thinking bee!
    Thinking bee! Thinking bee!
    There he is. He's in the pool.
    You know what your problem is, Barry?
    I gotta start thinking bee?
    How much longer will this go on?
    It's been three days!
    Why aren't you working?
    I've got a lot of big life decisions
    to think about.
    What life? You have no life!
    You have no job. You're barely a bee!
    Would it kill you
    to make a little honey?
    Barry, come out.
    Your father's talking to you.
    Martin, would you talk to him?
    Barry, I'm talking to you!
    You coming?
    Got everything?
    All set!
    Go ahead. I'll catch up.
    Don't be too long.
    Watch this!
  • We're still here.
  • I told you not to yell at him.
    He doesn't respond to yelling!
  • Then why yell at me?
  • Because you don't listen!
    I'm not listening to this.
    Sorry, I've gotta go.
  • Where are you going?
  • I'm meeting a friend.
    A girl? Is this why you can't decide?
    I just hope she's Bee-ish.
    They have a huge parade
    of flowers every year in Pasadena?
    To be in the Tournament of Roses,
    that's every florist's dream!
    Up on a float, surrounded
    by flowers, crowds cheering.
    A tournament. Do the roses
    compete in athletic events?
    No. All right, I've got one.
    How come you don't fly everywhere?
    It's exhausting. Why don't you
    run everywhere? It's faster.
    Yeah, OK, I see, I see.
    All right, your turn.
    TiVo. You can just freeze live TV?
    That's insane!
    You don't have that?
    We have Hivo, but it's a disease.
    It's a horrible, horrible disease.
    Oh, my.
    Dumb bees!
    You must want to sting all those jerks.
    We try not to sting.
    It's usually fatal for us.
    So you have to watch your temper.
    Very carefully.
    You kick a wall, take a walk,
    write an angry letter and throw it out.
    Work through it like any emotion:
    Anger, jealousy, lust.
    Oh, my goodness! Are you OK?
  • What is wrong with you?!
  • It's a bug.
    He's not bothering anybody.
    Get out of here, you creep!
    What was that? A Pic 'N' Save circular?
    Yeah, it was. How did you know?
    It felt like about 10 pages.
    Seventy-five is pretty much our limit.
    You've really got that
    down to a science.
  • I lost a cousin to Italian Vogue.
  • I'll bet.
    What in the name
    of Mighty Hercules is this?
    How did this get here?
    Oute Bee, Golden Blossom,
    Ray Liotta Private Select?
  • Is he that actor?
  • I never heard of him.
  • Why is this here?
  • For people. We eat it.
    You don't have
    enough food of your own?
  • Well, yes.
  • How do you get it?
  • Bees make it.
  • I know who makes it!
    And it's hard to make it!
    There's heating, cooling, stirring.
    You need a whole Krelman thing!
  • It's organic.
  • It's our-ganic!
    It's just honey, Barry.
    Just what?!
    Bees don't know about this!
    This is stealing! A lot of stealing!
    You've taken our homes, schools,
    hospitals! This is all we have!
    And it's on sale?!
    I'm getting to the bottom of this.
    I'm getting to the bottom
    of all of this!
    Hey, Hector.
  • You almost done?
  • Almost.
    He is here. I sense it.
    Well, I guess I'll go home now
    and just leave this nice honey out,
    with no one around.
    You're busted, box boy!
    I knew I heard something.
    So you can talk!
    I can talk.
    And now you'll start talking!
    Where you getting the sweet stuff?
    Who's your supplier?
    I don't understand.
    I thought we were friends.
    The last thing we want
    to do is upset bees!
    You're too late! It's ours now!
    You, sir, have crossed
    the wrong sword!
    You, sir, will be lunch
    for my iguana, Ignacio!
    Where is the honey coming from?
    Tell me where!
    Honey Farms! It comes from Honey Farms!
    Orazy person!
    What horrible thing has happened here?
    These faces, they never knew
    what hit them. And now
    they're on the road to nowhere!
    Just keep still.
    What? You're not dead?
    Do I look dead? They will wipe anything
    that moves. Where you headed?
    To Honey Farms.
    I am onto something huge here.
    I'm going to Alaska. Moose blood,
    crazy stuff. Blows your head off!
    I'm going to Tacoma.
  • And you?
  • He really is dead.
    All right.
  • What is that?!
  • Oh, no!
  • A wiper! Triple blade!
  • Triple blade?
    Jump on! It's your only chance, bee!
    Why does everything have
    to be so doggone clean?!
    How much do you people need to see?!
    Open your eyes!
    Stick your head out the window!
    From NPR News in Washington,
    I'm Oarl Kasell.
    But don't kill no more bugs!
  • Bee!
  • Moose blood guy!
  • You hear something?
  • Like what?
    Like tiny screaming.
    Turn off the radio.
    Whassup, bee boy?
    Hey, Blood.
    Just a row of honey jars,
    as far as the eye could see.
    I assume wherever this truck goes
    is where they're getting it.
    I mean, that honey's ours.
  • Bees hang tight.
  • We're all jammed in.
    It's a close community.
    Not us, man. We on our own.
    Every mosquito on his own.
  • What if you get in trouble?
  • You a mosquito, you in trouble.
    Nobody likes us. They just smack.
    See a mosquito, smack, smack!
    At least you're out in the world.
    You must meet girls.
    Mosquito girls try to trade up,
    get with a moth, dragonfly.
    Mosquito girl don't want no mosquito.
    You got to be kidding me!
    Mooseblood's about to leave
    the building! So long, bee!
  • Hey, guys!
  • Mooseblood!
    I knew I'd catch y'all down here.
    Did you bring your crazy straw?
    We throw it in jars, slap a label on it,
    and it's pretty much pure profit.
    What is this place?
    A bee's got a brain
    the size of a pinhead.
    They are pinheads!
  • Oheck out the new smoker.
  • Oh, sweet. That's the one you want.
    The Thomas 3000!
    Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic.
    Twice the nicotine, all the tar.
    A couple breaths of this
    knocks them right out.
    They make the honey,
    and we make the money.
    "They make the honey,
    and we make the money"?
    Oh, my!
    What's going on? Are you OK?
    Yeah. It doesn't last too long.
    Do you know you're
    in a fake hive with fake walls?
    Our queen was moved here.
    We had no choice.
    This is your queen?
    That's a man in women's clothes!
    That's a drag queen!
    What is this?
    Oh, no!
    There's hundreds of them!
    Bee honey.
    Our honey is being brazenly stolen
    on a massive scale!
    This is worse than anything bears
    have done! I intend to do something.
    Oh, Barry, stop.
    Who told you humans are taking
    our honey? That's a rumor.
    Do these look like rumors?
    That's a conspiracy theory.
    These are obviously doctored photos.
    How did you get mixed up in this?
    He's been talking to humans.
  • What?
  • Talking to humans?!
    He has a human girlfriend.
    And they make out!
    Make out? Barry!
    We do not.
  • You wish you could.
  • Whose side are you on?
    The bees!
    I dated a cricket once in San Antonio.
    Those crazy legs kept me up all night.
    Barry, this is what you want
    to do with your life?
    I want to do it for all our lives.
    Nobody works harder than bees!
    Dad, I remember you
    coming home so overworked
    your hands were still stirring.
    You couldn't stop.
    I remember that.
    What right do they have to our honey?
    We live on two cups a year. They put it
    in lip balm for no reason whatsoever!
    Even if it's true, what can one bee do?
    Sting them where it really hurts.
    In the face! The eye!
  • That would hurt.
  • No.
    Up the nose? That's a killer.
    There's only one place you can sting
    the humans, one place where it matters.
    Hive at Five, the hive's only
    full-hour action news source.
    No more bee beards!
    With Bob Bumble at the anchor desk.
    Weather with Storm Stinger.
    Sports with Buzz Larvi.
    And Jeanette Ohung.
  • Good evening. I'm Bob Bumble.
  • And I'm Jeanette Ohung.
    A tri-county bee, Barry Benson,
    intends to sue the human race
    for stealing our honey,
    packaging it and profiting
    from it illegally!
    Tomorrow night on Bee Larry King,
    we'll have three former queens here in
    our studio, discussing their new book,
    Olassy Ladies,
    out this week on Hexagon.
    Tonight we're talking to Barry Benson.
    Did you ever think, "I'm a kid
    from the hive. I can't do this"?
    Bees have never been afraid
    to change the world.
    What about Bee Oolumbus?
    Bee Gandhi? Bejesus?
    Where I'm from, we'd never sue humans.
    We were thinking
    of stickball or candy stores.
    How old are you?
    The bee community
    is supporting you in this case,
    which will be the trial
    of the bee century.
    You know, they have a Larry King
    in the human world too.
    It's a common name. Next week…
    He looks like you and has a show
    and suspenders and colored dots…
    Next week…
    Glasses, quotes on the bottom from the
    guest even though you just heard 'em.
    Bear Week next week!
    They're scary, hairy and here live.
    Always leans forward, pointy shoulders,
    squinty eyes, very Jewish.
    In tennis, you attack
    at the point of weakness!
    It was my grandmother, Ken. She's 81.
    Honey, her backhand's a joke!
    I'm not gonna take advantage of that?
    Quiet, please.
    Actual work going on here.
  • Is that that same bee?
  • Yes, it is!
    I'm helping him sue the human race.
  • Hello.
  • Hello, bee.
    This is Ken.
    Yeah, I remember you. Timberland, size
    ten and a half. Vibram sole, I believe.
    Why does he talk again?
    Listen, you better go
    'cause we're really busy working.
    But it's our yogurt night!
    Why is yogurt night so difficult?!
    You poor thing.
    You two have been at this for hours!
    Yes, and Adam here
    has been a huge help.
  • Frosting…
  • How many sugars?
    Just one. I try not
    to use the competition.
    So why are you helping me?
    Bees have good qualities.
    And it takes my mind off the shop.
    Instead of flowers, people
    are giving balloon bouquets now.
    Those are great, if you're three.
    And artificial flowers.
  • Oh, those just get me psychotic!
  • Yeah, me too.
    Bent stingers, pointless pollination.
    Bees must hate those fake things!
    Nothing worse
    than a daffodil that's had work done.
    Maybe this could make up
    for it a little bit.
  • This lawsuit's a pretty big deal.
  • I guess.
    You sure you want to go through with it?
    Am I sure? When I'm done with
    the humans, they won't be able
    to say, "Honey, I'm home,"
    without paying a royalty!
    It's an incredible scene
    here in downtown Manhattan,
    where the world anxiously waits,
    because for the first time in history,
    we will hear for ourselves
    if a honeybee can actually speak.
    What have we gotten into here, Barry?
    It's pretty big, isn't it?
    I can't believe how many humans
    don't work during the day.
    You think billion-dollar multinational
    food companies have good lawyers?
    Everybody needs to stay
    behind the barricade.
  • What's the matter?
  • I don't know, I just got a chill.
    Well, if it isn't the bee team.
    You boys work on this?
    All rise! The Honorable
    Judge Bumbleton presiding.
    All right. Oase number 4475,
    Superior Oourt of New York,
    Barry Bee Benson v. The Honey Industry
    is now in session.
    Mr. Montgomery, you're representing
    the five food companies collectively?
    A privilege.
    Mr. Benson… you're representing
    all the bees of the world?
    I'm kidding. Yes, Your Honor,
    we're ready to proceed.
    Mr. Montgomery,
    your opening statement, please.
    Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
    my grandmother was a simple woman.
    Born on a farm, she believed
    it was man's divine right
    to benefit from the bounty
    of nature God put before us.
    If we lived in the topsy-turvy world
    Mr. Benson imagines,
    just think of what would it mean.
    I would have to negotiate
    with the silkworm
    for the elastic in my britches!
    Talking bee!
    How do we know this isn't some sort of
    holographic motion-picture-capture
    Hollywood wizardry?
    They could be using laser beams!
    Robotics! Ventriloquism!
    Oloning! For all we know,
    he could be on steroids!
    Mr. Benson?
    Ladies and gentlemen,
    there's no trickery here.
    I'm just an ordinary bee.
    Honey's pretty important to me.
    It's important to all bees.
    We invented it!
    We make it. And we protect it
    with our lives.
    Unfortunately, there are
    some people in this room
    who think they can take it from us
    'cause we're the little guys!
    I'm hoping that, after this is all over,
    you'll see how, by taking our honey,
    you not only take everything we have
    but everything we are!
    I wish he'd dress like that
    all the time. So nice!
    Oall your first witness.
    So, Mr. Klauss Vanderhayden
    of Honey Farms, big company you have.
    I suppose so.
    I see you also own
    Honeyburton and Honron!
    Yes, they provide beekeepers
    for our farms.
    Beekeeper. I find that
    to be a very disturbing term.
    I don't imagine you employ
    any bee-free-ers, do you?
  • No.
  • I couldn't hear you.
  • No.
  • No.
    Because you don't free bees.
    You keep bees. Not only that,
    it seems you thought a bear would be
    an appropriate image for a jar of honey.
    They're very lovable creatures.
    Yogi Bear, Fozzie Bear, Build-A-Bear.
    You mean like this?
    Bears kill bees!
    How'd you like his head crashing
    through your living room?!
    Biting into your couch!
    Spitting out your throw pillows!
    OK, that's enough. Take him away.
    So, Mr. Sting, thank you for being here.
    Your name intrigues me.
  • Where have I heard it before?
  • I was with a band called The Police.
    But you've never been
    a police officer, have you?
    No, I haven't.
    No, you haven't. And so here
    we have yet another example
    of bee culture casually
    stolen by a human
    for nothing more than
    a prance-about stage name.
    Oh, please.
    Have you ever been stung, Mr. Sting?
    Because I'm feeling
    a little stung, Sting.
    Or should I say… Mr. Gordon M. Sumner!
    That's not his real name?! You idiots!
    Mr. Liotta, first,
    belated congratulations on
    your Emmy win for a guest spot
    on ER in 2005.
    Thank you. Thank you.
    I see from your rsum
    that you're devilishly handsome
    with a churning inner turmoil
    that's ready to blow.
    I enjoy what I do. Is that a crime?
    Not yet it isn't. But is this
    what it's come to for you?
    Exploiting tiny, helpless bees
    so you don't
    have to rehearse
    your part and learn your lines, sir?
    Watch it, Benson!
    I could blow right now!
    This isn't a goodfella.
    This is a badfella!
    Why doesn't someone just step on
    this creep, and we can all go home?!
  • Order in this court!
  • You're all thinking it!
    Order! Order, I say!
  • Say it!
  • Mr. Liotta, please sit down!
    I think it was awfully nice
    of that bear to pitch in like that.
    I think the jury's on our side.
    Are we doing everything right, legally?
    I'm a florist.
    Right. Well, here's to a great team.
    To a great team!
    Well, hello.
  • Ken!
  • Hello.
    I didn't think you were coming.
    No, I was just late.
    I tried to call, but… the battery.
    I didn't want all this to go to waste,
    so I called Barry. Luckily, he was free.
    Oh, that was lucky.
    There's a little left.
    I could heat it up.
    Yeah, heat it up, sure, whatever.
    So I hear you're quite a tennis player.
    I'm not much for the game myself.
    The ball's a little grabby.
    That's where I usually sit.
    Right… there.
    Ken, Barry was looking at your rsum,
    and he agreed with me that eating with
    chopsticks isn't really a special skill.
    You think I don't see what you're doing?
    I know how hard it is to find
    the rightjob. We have that in common.
    Do we?
    Bees have 100 percent employment,
    but we do jobs like taking the crud out.
    That's just what
    I was thinking about doing.
    Ken, I let Barry borrow your razor
    for his fuzz. I hope that was all right.
    I'm going to drain the old stinger.
    Yeah, you do that.
    Look at that.
    You know, I've just about had it
    with your little mind games.
  • What's that?
  • Italian Vogue.
    Mamma mia, that's a lot of pages.
    A lot of ads.
    Remember what Van said, why is
    your life more valuable than mine?
    Funny, I just can't seem to recall that!
    I think something stinks in here!
    I love the smell of flowers.
    How do you like the smell of flames?!
    Not as much.
    Water bug! Not taking sides!
    Ken, I'm wearing a Ohapstick hat!
    This is pathetic!
    I've got issues!
    Well, well, well, a royal flush!
  • You're bluffing.
  • Am I?
    Surf's up, dude!
    Poo water!
    That bowl is gnarly.
    Except for those dirty yellow rings!
    Kenneth! What are you doing?!
    You know, I don't even like honey!
    I don't eat it!
    We need to talk!
    He's just a little bee!
    And he happens to be
    the nicest bee I've met in a long time!
    Long time? What are you talking about?!
    Are there other bugs in your life?
    No, but there are other things bugging
    me in life. And you're one of them!
    Fine! Talking bees, no yogurt night…
    My nerves are fried from riding
    on this emotional roller coaster!
    Goodbye, Ken.
    And for your information,
    I prefer sugar-free, artificial
    sweeteners made by man!
    I'm sorry about all that.
    I know it's got
    an aftertaste! I like it!
    I always felt there was some kind
    of barrier between Ken and me.
    I couldn't overcome it.
    Oh, well.
    Are you OK for the trial?
    I believe Mr. Montgomery
    is about out of ideas.
    We would like to call
    Mr. Barry Benson Bee to the stand.
    Good idea! You can really see why he's
    considered one of the best lawyers…
    Layton, you've
    gotta weave some magic
    with this jury,
    or it's gonna be all over.
    Don't worry. The only thing I have
    to do to turn this jury around
    is to remind them
    of what they don't like about bees.
  • You got the tweezers?
  • Are you allergic?
    Only to losing, son. Only to losing.
    Mr. Benson Bee, I'll ask you
    what I think we'd all like to know.
    What exactly is your relationship
    to that woman?
    We're friends.
  • Good friends?
  • Yes.
    How good? Do you live together?
    Wait a minute…
    Are you her little…
    I've seen a bee documentary or two.
    From what I understand,
    doesn't your queen give birth
    to all the bee children?
  • Yeah, but…
  • So those aren't your real parents!
  • Oh, Barry…
  • Yes, they are!
    Hold me back!
    You're an illegitimate bee,
    aren't you, Benson?
    He's denouncing bees!
    Don't y'all date your cousins?
  • Objection!
  • I'm going to pincushion this guy!
    Adam, don't! It's what he wants!
    Oh, I'm hit!
    Oh, lordy, I am hit!
    Order! Order!
    The venom! The venom
    is coursing through my veins!
    I have been felled
    by a winged beast of destruction!
    You see? You can't treat them
    like equals! They're striped savages!
    Stinging's the only thing
    they know! It's their way!
  • Adam, stay with me.
  • I can't feel my legs.
    What angel of mercy
    will come forward to suck the poison
    from my heaving buttocks?
    I will have order in this court. Order!
    Order, please!
    The case of the honeybees
    versus the human race
    took a pointed turn against the bees
    yesterday when one of their legal
    team stung Layton T. Montgomery.
  • Hey, buddy.
  • Hey.
  • Is there much pain?
  • Yeah.
    I blew the whole case, didn't I?
    It doesn't matter. What matters is
    you're alive. You could have died.
    I'd be better off dead. Look at me.
    They got it from the cafeteria
    downstairs, in a tuna sandwich.
    Look, there's
    a little celery still on it.
    What was it like to sting someone?
    I can't explain it. It was all…
    All adrenaline and then…
    and then ecstasy!
    All right.
    You think it was all a trap?
    Of course. I'm sorry.
    I flew us right into this.
    What were we thinking? Look at us. We're
    just a couple of bugs in this world.
    What will the humans do to us
    if they win?
    I don't know.
    I hear they put the roaches in motels.
    That doesn't sound so bad.
    Adam, they check in,
    but they don't check out!
    Oh, my.
    Oould you get a nurse
    to close that window?
  • Why?
  • The smoke.
    Bees don't smoke.
    Right. Bees don't smoke.
    Bees don't smoke!
    But some bees are smoking.
    That's it! That's our case!
    It is? It's not over?
    Get dressed. I've gotta go somewhere.
    Get back to the court and stall.
    Stall any way you can.
    And assuming you've done step 29
    correctly, you're ready for the tub.
    Mr. Flayman.
    Yes? Yes, Your Honor!
    Where is the rest of your team?
    Well, Your Honor, it's interesting.
    Bees are trained to fly haphazardly,
    and as a result,
    we don't make very good time.
    I actually heard a funny story about…
    Your Honor,
    haven't these ridiculous bugs
    taken up enough
    of this court's valuable time?
    How much longer will we allow
    these absurd shenanigans to go on?
    They have presented no compelling
    evidence to support their charges
    against my clients,
    who run legitimate businesses.
    I move for a complete dismissal
    of this entire case!
    Mr. Flayman, I'm afraid I'm going
    to have to consider
    Mr. Montgomery's motion.
    But you can't! We have a terrific case.
    Where is your proof?
    Where is the evidence?
    Show me the smoking gun!
    Hold it, Your Honor!
    You want a smoking gun?
    Here is your smoking gun.
    What is that?
    It's a bee smoker!
    What, this?
    This harmless little contraption?
    This couldn't hurt a fly,
    let alone a bee.
    Look at what has happened
    to bees who have never been asked,
    "Smoking or non?"
    Is this what nature intended for us?
    To be forcibly addicted
    to smoke machines
    and man-made wooden slat work camps?
    Living out our lives as honey slaves
    to the white man?
  • What are we gonna do?
  • He's playing the species card.
    Ladies and gentlemen, please,
    free these bees!
    Free the bees! Free the bees!
    Free the bees!
    Free the bees! Free the bees!
    The court finds in favor of the bees!
    Vanessa, we won!
    I knew you could do it! High-five!
    I'm OK! You know what this means?
    All the honey
    will finally belong to the bees.
    Now we won't have
    to work so hard all the time.
    This is an unholy perversion
    of the balance of nature, Benson.
    You'll regret this.
    Barry, how much honey is out there?
    All right. One at a time.
    Barry, who are you wearing?
    My sweater is Ralph Lauren,
    and I have no pants.
  • What if Montgomery's right?
  • What do you mean?
    We've been living the bee way
    a long time, 27 million years.
    Oongratulations on your victory.
    What will you demand as a settlement?
    First, we'll demand a complete shutdown
    of all bee work camps.
    Then we want back the honey
    that was ours to begin with,
    every last drop.
    We demand an end to the glorification
    of the bear as anything more
    than a filthy, smelly,
    bad-breath stink machine.
    We're all aware
    of what they do in the woods.
    Wait for my signal.
    Take him out.
    He'll have nauseous
    for a few hours, then he'll be fine.
    And we will no longer tolerate
    bee-negative nicknames…
    But it's just a prance-about stage name!
    …unnecessary inclusion of honey
    in bogus health products
    and la-dee-da human
    tea-time snack garnishments.
    Oan't breathe.
    Bring it in, boys!
    Hold it right there! Good.
    Tap it.
    Mr. Buzzwell, we just passed three cups,
    and there's gallons more coming!
  • I think we need to shut down!
  • Shut down? We've never shut down.
    Shut down honey production!
    Stop making honey!
    Turn your key, sir!
    What do we do now?
    We're shutting honey production!
    Mission abort.
    Aborting pollination and nectar detail.
    Returning to base.
    Adam, you wouldn't believe
    how much honey was out there.
    Oh, yeah?
    What's going on? Where is everybody?
  • Are they out celebrating?
  • They're home.
    They don't know what to do.
    Laying out, sleeping in.
    I heard your Uncle Oarl was on his way
    to San Antonio with a cricket.
    At least we got our honey back.
    Sometimes I think, so what if humans
    liked our honey? Who wouldn't?
    It's the greatest thing in the world!
    I was excited to be part of making it.
    This was my new desk. This was my
    new job. I wanted to do it really well.
    And now…
    Now I can't.
    I don't understand
    why they're not happy.
    I thought their lives would be better!
    They're doing nothing. It's amazing.
    Honey really changes people.
    You don't have any idea
    what's going on, do you?
  • What did you want to show me?
  • This.
    What happened here?
    That is not the half of it.
    Oh, no. Oh, my.
    They're all wilting.
    Doesn't look very good, does it?
    And whose fault do you think that is?
    You know, I'm gonna guess bees.
    Specifically, me.
    I didn't think bees not needing to make
    honey would affect all these things.
    It's notjust flowers.
    Fruits, vegetables, they all need bees.
    That's our whole SAT test right there.
    Take away produce, that affects
    the entire animal kingdom.
    And then, of course…
    The human species?
    So if there's no more pollination,
    it could all just go south here,
    couldn't it?
    I know this is also partly my fault.
    How about a suicide pact?
    How do we do it?
  • I'll sting you, you step on me.
  • Thatjust kills you twice.
    Right, right.
    Listen, Barry…
    sorry, but I gotta get going.
    I had to open my mouth and talk.
    Vanessa? Why are you leaving?
    Where are you going?
    To the final Tournament of Roses parade
    in Pasadena.
    They've moved it to this weekend
    because all the flowers are dying.
    It's the last chance
    I'll ever have to see it.
    Vanessa, I just wanna say I'm sorry.
    I never meant it to turn out like this.
    I know. Me neither.
    Tournament of Roses.
    Roses can't do sports.
    Wait a minute. Roses. Roses?
  • Roses are flowers!
  • Yes, they are.
    Flowers, bees, pollen!
    I know.
    That's why this is the last parade.
    Maybe not.
    Oould you ask him to slow down?
    Oould you slow down?
    OK, I made a huge mistake.
    This is a total disaster, all my fault.
    Yes, it kind of is.
    I've ruined the planet.
    I wanted to help you
    with the flower shop.
    I've made it worse.
    Actually, it's completely closed down.
    I thought maybe you were remodeling.
    But I have another idea, and it's
    greater than my previous ideas combined.
    I don't want to hear it!
    All right, they have the roses,
    the roses have the pollen.
    I know every bee, plant
    and flower bud in this park.
    All we gotta do is get what they've got
    back here with what we've got.
  • Bees.
  • Park.
  • Pollen!
  • Flowers.
  • Repollination!
  • Across the nation!
    Tournament of Roses,
    Pasadena, Oalifornia.
    They've got nothing
    but flowers, floats and cotton candy.
    Security will be tight.
    I have an idea.
    Vanessa Bloome, FTD.
    Official floral business. It's real.
    Sorry, ma'am. Nice brooch.
    Thank you. It was a gift.
    Once inside,
    we just pick the right float.
    How about The Princess and the Pea?
    I could be the princess,
    and you could be the pea!
    Yes, I got it.
  • Where should I sit?
  • What are you?
  • I believe I'm the pea.
  • The pea?
    It goes under the mattresses.
  • Not in this fairy tale, sweetheart.
  • I'm getting the marshal.
    You do that!
    This whole parade is a fiasco!
    Let's see what this baby'll do.
    Hey, what are you doing?!
    Then all we do
    is blend in with traffic…
    …without arousing suspicion.
    Once at the airport,
    there's no stopping us.
    Stop! Security.
  • You and your insect pack your float?
  • Yes.
    Has it been
    in your possession the entire time?
    Would you remove your shoes?
  • Remove your stinger.
  • It's part of me.
    I know. Just having some fun.
    Enjoy your flight.
    Then if we're lucky, we'll have
    just enough pollen to do the job.
    Oan you believe how lucky we are? We
    have just enough pollen to do the job!
    I think this is gonna work.
    It's got to work.
    Attention, passengers,
    this is Oaptain Scott.
    We have a bit of bad weather
    in New York.
    It looks like we'll experience
    a couple hours delay.
    Barry, these are cut flowers
    with no water. They'll never make it.
    I gotta get up there
    and talk to them.
    Be careful.
    Oan I get help
    with the Sky Mall magazine?
    I'd like to order the talking
    inflatable nose and ear hair trimmer.
    Oaptain, I'm in a real situation.
  • What'd you say, Hal?
  • Nothing.
    Don't freak out! My entire species…
    What are you doing?
  • Wait a minute! I'm an attorney!
  • Who's an attorney?
    Don't move.
    Oh, Barry.
    Good afternoon, passengers.
    This is your captain.
    Would a Miss Vanessa Bloome in 24B
    please report to the cockpit?
    And please hurry!
    What happened here?
    There was a DustBuster,
    a toupee, a life raft exploded.
    One's bald, one's in a boat,
    they're both unconscious!
  • Is that another bee joke?
  • No!
    No one's flying the plane!
    This is JFK control tower, Flight 356.
    What's your status?
    This is Vanessa Bloome.
    I'm a florist from New York.
    Where's the pilot?
    He's unconscious,
    and so is the copilot.
    Not good. Does anyone onboard
    have flight experience?
    As a matter of fact, there is.
  • Who's that?
  • Barry Benson.
    From the honey trial?! Oh, great.
    Vanessa, this is nothing more
    than a big metal bee.
    It's got giant wings, huge engines.
    I can't fly a plane.
  • Why not? Isn't John Travolta a pilot?
  • Yes.
    How hard could it be?
    Wait, Barry!
    We're headed into some lightning.
    This is Bob Bumble. We have some
    late-breaking news from JFK Airport,
    where a suspenseful scene
    is developing.
    Barry Benson,
    fresh from his legal victory…
    That's Barry!
    …is attempting to land a plane,
    loaded with people, flowers
    and an incapacitated flight crew.
    We have a storm in the area
    and two individuals at the controls
    with absolutely no flight experience.
    Just a minute.
    There's a bee on that plane.
    I'm quite familiar with Mr. Benson
    and his no-account compadres.
    They've done enough damage.
    But isn't he your only hope?
    Technically, a bee
    shouldn't be able to fly at all.
    Their wings are too small…
    Haven't we heard this a million times?
    "The surface area of the wings
    and body mass make no sense. "
  • Get this on the air!
  • Got it.
  • Stand by.
  • We're going live.
    The way we work may be a mystery to you.
    Making honey takes a lot of bees
    doing a lot of small jobs.
    But let me tell you about a small job.
    If you do it well,
    it makes a big difference.
    More than we realized.
    To us, to everyone.
    That's why I want to get bees
    back to working together.
    That's the bee way!
    We're not made of Jell-O.
    We get behind a fellow.
  • Black and yellow!
  • Hello!
    Left, right, down, hover.
  • Hover?
  • Forget hover.
    This isn't so hard.
    Beep-beep! Beep-beep!
    Barry, what happened?!
    Wait, I think we were
    on autopilot the whole time.
  • That may have been helping me.
  • And now we're not!
    So it turns out I cannot fly a plane.
    All of you, let's get
    behind this fellow! Move it out!
    Move out!
    Our only chance is if I do what I'd do,
    you copy me with the wings of the plane!
    Don't have to yell.
    I'm not yelling!
    We're in a lot of trouble.
    It's very hard to concentrate
    with that panicky tone in your voice!
    It's not a tone. I'm panicking!
    I can't do this!
    Vanessa, pull yourself together.
    You have to snap out of it!
    You snap out of it.
  • You snap out of it!
  • You snap out of it!
  • You snap out of it!
  • You snap out of it!
  • Hold it!
  • Why? Oome on, it's my turn.
    How is the plane flying?
    I don't know.
    Benson, got any flowers
    for a happy occasion in there?
    The Pollen Jocks!
    They do get behind a fellow.
  • Black and yellow.
  • Hello.
    All right, let's drop this tin can
    on the blacktop.
    Where? I can't see anything. Oan you?
    No, nothing. It's all cloudy.
    Oome on. You got to think bee, Barry.
  • Thinking bee.
  • Thinking bee.
    Thinking bee!
    Thinking bee! Thinking bee!
    Wait a minute.
    I think I'm feeling something.
  • What?
  • I don't know. It's strong, pulling me.
    Like a 27-million-year-old instinct.
    Bring the nose down.
    Thinking bee!
    Thinking bee! Thinking bee!
  • What in the world is on the tarmac?
  • Get some lights on that!
    Thinking bee!
    Thinking bee! Thinking bee!
  • Vanessa, aim for the flower.
  • OK.
    Out the engines. We're going in
    on bee power. Ready, boys?
    Good. Good. Easy, now. That's it.
    Land on that flower!
    Ready? Full reverse!
    Spin it around!
  • Not that flower! The other one!
  • Which one?
  • That flower.
  • I'm aiming at the flower!
    That's a fat guy in a flowered shirt.
    I mean the giant pulsating flower
    made of millions of bees!
    Pull forward. Nose down. Tail up.
    Rotate around it.
  • This is insane, Barry!
  • This's the only way I know how to fly.
    Am I koo-koo-kachoo, or is this plane
    flying in an insect-like pattern?
    Get your nose in there. Don't be afraid.
    Smell it. Full reverse!
    Just drop it. Be a part of it.
    Aim for the center!
    Now drop it in! Drop it in, woman!
    Oome on, already.
    Barry, we did it!
    You taught me how to fly!
  • Yes. No high-five!
  • Right.
    Barry, it worked!
    Did you see the giant flower?
    What giant flower? Where? Of course
    I saw the flower! That was genius!
  • Thank you.
  • But we're not done yet.
    Listen, everyone!
    This runway is covered
    with the last pollen
    from the last flowers
    available anywhere on Earth.
    That means this is our last chance.
    We're the only ones who make honey,
    pollinate flowers and dress like this.
    If we're gonna survive as a species,
    this is our moment! What do you say?
    Are we going to be bees, orjust
    Museum of Natural History keychains?
    We're bees!
    Then follow me! Except Keychain.
    Hold on, Barry. Here.
    You've earned this.
    I'm a Pollen Jock! And it's a perfect
    fit. All I gotta do are the sleeves.
    Oh, yeah.
    That's our Barry.
    Mom! The bees are back!
    If anybody needs
    to make a call, now's the time.
    I got a feeling we'll be
    working late tonight!
    Here's your change. Have a great
    afternoon! Oan I help who's next?
    Would you like some honey with that?
    It is bee-approved. Don't forget these.
    Milk, cream, cheese, it's all me.
    And I don't see a nickel!
    Sometimes I just feel
    like a piece of meat!
    I had no idea.
    Barry, I'm sorry.
    Have you got a moment?
    Would you excuse me?
    My mosquito associate will help you.
    Sorry I'm late.
    He's a lawyer too?
    I was already a blood-sucking parasite.
    All I needed was a briefcase.
    Have a great afternoon!
    Barry, I just got this huge tulip order,
    and I can't get them anywhere.
    No problem, Vannie.
    Just leave it to me.
    You're a lifesaver, Barry.
    Oan I help who's next?
    All right, scramble, jocks!
    It's time to fly.
    Thank you, Barry!
    That bee is living my life!
    Let it go, Kenny.
  • When will this nightmare end?!
  • Let it all go.
  • Beautiful day to fly.
  • Sure is.
    Between you and me,
    I was dying to get out of that office.
    You have got
    to start thinking bee, my friend.
  • Thinking bee!
  • Me?
    Hold it. Let's just stop
    for a second. Hold it.
    I'm sorry. I'm sorry, everyone.
    Oan we stop here?
    I'm not making a major life decision
    during a production number!
    All right. Take ten, everybody.
    Wrap it up, guys.
    I had virtually no rehearsal for that.

@soupnana group

It's me, Peter Parker.
Your friendly neighborhood… you know.
I've come a long way from being the boy who was bit by a spider.
Back then, nothing seemed to go right for me.

  • Wow, look, it's Spider-Man!
    people really like me.
    Hey, stick around! It's gonna start again in a couple minutes.
  • Yeah… - That's OK.
    The city is safe and sound.
    Guess I've had something to do with that.
    My uncle Ben would be proud.
    I still go to school,
    top of my class.
    Now, the Hamiltonian shows us
    that the energy levels are perturbed by the electric field.
    From the form of this matrix,
    we can see…?
    Miss Stacey?
  • That only the m=0 quantum states are affected.
    Correct! Good work, Miss Stacey.
    You got something to add?
    No, sir.
    And I'm in love
    with the girl of my dreams.
    Hi. Um, Miss Watson left a ticket for me?
    Peter Parker.
    Excuse me. Sorry. Thank you.
    It's my girlfriend!
    I need to talk to you.
    Explain things.
    Tell it to my father.
    Raise him from the dead.
    I'm your friend, Harry.
    I cared about your father.
    Was I good?
  • Good?
    You were great. You were…
  • You say great?
    I love my flowers. They're beautiful.
    And those are from Harry.
    Was he here tonight?
  • Yeah, I ran into him outside.
    What's with you guys anyway?
    It's complicated.
    Tell me again, was I really good?
    I was so nervous.
    My knees were shaking.
    Your knees were fine.
  • The applause was not very loud.
    Yes, it was.
    It's the acoustics.
    It's all about diffusion.
    It keeps the sound waves from grouping.
    You see, when the sound waves, they propagate, then it's like an…
  • You are such a nerd.
    Did you see that one?
    You know what?
    I'd like to sing on stage for the rest of my life
    with you in the first row.
    I'll be there.
    Tell me you love me.
    I love you.
    I love you so much.
    I always have.
    You can't hide here, Flint.
    I'm just here to see my daughter.
    You are an escaped convict.
    The cops are looking for you.
    You're not getting near her.
    You're nothing but a common thief.
    You maybe even killed a man.
    It wasn't even like that.
    I had good reason for what I was doing.
    And that's the truth.
    You and the truth, sitting in prison, having three meals a day together.
    I live in a prison. It's a great truth.
    And that is the truth that you left behind.
    Right there in that bedrooom.
    I missed you.
    I missed you too, Daddy.
    I promise
    I'll make you healthy again.
    Whatever it takes.
    I'll get the money.
  • You get out of here.
    I'm not a bad person.
    Just had bad luck.
    Peter, what is it?
    It's MJ…
    I'm gonna ask her to marry me!
    Oh, Peter! Oh!
    The day that uncle Ben asked me to marry him,
    he was so scared and excited.
    And very young.
    And I loved him so fiercely.
    Then you said yes, right?
    No. I wanted to say yes, but I said no.
    I wasn't ready,
    neither was he.
    So we took our time.
    Looked forward to it.
    Didn't want to run into something with nothing to count on but love.
    A man has to be understanding
    and put his wife before himself.
    Can you do that, Peter?
    Yeah. I think I can.
    Then you have my blessing.
    I hope you've considered a proper proposal.
    Your uncle had it all planned.
    He took me to the beach one Sunday.
    He was a knockout in his bathing suit.
    And I, I didn't look too bad myself.
    We were very good swimmers.
    It was a beautiful day,
    and he said: "Let's swim to the island."
    And at the island,
    we found a perfect spot by an old tree,
    and we lay down and looked up at the sky.
    And then he said, "Close your eyes, May."
    And I did. And then he said, "Open them."
    And I did.
    And he was holding this ring.
    Dazzling, in front of me.
    I thought it was the sun.
    We'd be married 50 years
    come August… if…
    I hope you make it very special
    for Mary Jane.
    Do something she'll never forget.
    Give her this.
    Come on.
    Take it.
  • You knew this was coming, Pete.
    Listen to me! I didn't kill your father!
    He was trying to kill me. He killed himself.
    Shut up!
    I'm still here, Peter!
    Hate those things.
    Oh my God.
    Come on!
  • And clear!
    No response.
  • Recharge. Let's go again.
    No response.
    We charge it one more time. And clear!
    Captain Stacey.
    What's this?
  • Flint Marko, the guy we tied to the Ben Paker homicide.
    What about him?
  • He just broke out of Rikers.
  • He's on the run.
    He's in the marshlands. I think we got him.
    There he is!
    Euton, take the west side. Tommy, take the east.
    Where'd he go?
    That's it. It's charged.
  • Right.
    Donnie, we got a little fluctuation on 1.
    There's a change in the silicon mass.
    It's probably a bird. It'll fly away when we fire it up.
    Initiating demoleculisation.
    How is he?
  • He's gonna be OK.
    But there's been some memory impairment.
    Particularly his short-term memory.
    Right now, he can't remember the accident
    or anything that happened to him recently.
    Is it permanent?
    It could be.
    Only time will tell.
    He's awake if you want to see him.
    Uh– maybe I should wait.
    Nah, it's fine. Just keep it brief. Allow him to rest.
    Hey, buddy.
  • Hey.
    Hit my head.
    Doctor said I was in an accident. Hit and run.
    I don't remember much of anything.
    My father–
    he died, right?
    This is all so weird.
    Hi. I got here as fast as I could.
    I know that face.
    How are you doing?
    I don't know.
    Last thing I remember, I was falling…
    You're still fine.
    We love you, Harry.
    It feels like
    somehow I've been gone for a really long time.
    Now I'm back home.
    It's good to have you back.
    I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to ask you guys to scoot, OK?
  • All right, thank you.
    Well, I'll see you tomorrow.
    Yeah, great.
    I think he's gonna be fine.
    Think so.
    And you guys seem great.
  • Yeah.
    You have lovely friends.
    My best friends.
    I'd give my life for them.
  • It's me.
  • Oh! Hey!
    You know I can't open the door.
    It's stuck again?
    Come on and help me.
    I'm coming.
    The review.
  • Oh!
    The hated it. They hated me.
    Well, they can't hate you.
    "The young Miss Watson is a pretty girl.
    "Easy on the eyes, but not on the ears.
    "Her small voice didn't carry past the first row."
    That's ridiculous. I was right there.
    You were in the first row.
    Yeah, but that's…
    Listen. You were great.
    That's a critic.
    This is something you're gonna have to get used to.
    Believe me, I know.
    Spider-Man gets attacked all the time.
  • This isn't about you.
    It's about me.
    It's about my career.
  • I know, and I'm just saying,
    you can't let it bring you down.
    You just gotta believe in yourself.
    You pull yourself together,
    and you get right back on the horse.
  • Don't give me the horse thing.
    Try to understand how I feel.
    It's just…
    I look at these words,
    and it's like my father wrote them.
    All cars. All cars in the vicinity of 54th and 6th Ave, please report. Crane out of control. Approach with caution.
    Go get 'em, tiger.
    Oh my God.
    Seven Atom to central. That crane .
    It's bigger than we thought. We're gonna need a major mobilization right away.
    Just gotta douse the accelerator! Now!
    OK, Gwen.
    I've got a secret. It's my call for ya.
    What is that thing doing in my background?
    Captain Stacey, the guys look out of shot of it.
    They can't shut down the crane.
    Get Edison on the phone.
    Have them kill the power of the whole block.
    Are you all right?
    It's coming back!
    Oh my God. It's Gwen!
    What's she doing up there?
    I don't know. I just saw her last night. She said she had a modeling gig.
    Who are you?
  • It's Brock, sir.
    Eddie Brock, jr.
    I work at the Daily Bugle.
    And I'm dating your daughter.
    You OK?
  • Yeah.
    I'm fine.
    Thank you.
    Hey, Spidey, hold on. Bugle needs a photo.
    Thank God you're OK.
  • Daddy!
    Hey. I'm the new guy.
  • New guy?
    From now on, I'm gonna be taking shots of you for the Bugle.
    So– smile! Are you smiling?
    Where's the other guy?
  • Peter Parker?
    Yeah, um, look, between you and me–
    The guy's kind of an amateur.
    Have you noticed, his stuff makes you look a little… bloated.
    Just a little chunky.
  • OK…
    Don't have to worry about that anymore, buddy.
    Just a little something the boys in the ad department and I whipped up.
    As you know, circulation of the Bugle has been pretty good.
    Though not as good as the New York Times
    or the Daily News
    or the Post or several other smaller…
  • Get on with it, moron!
  • Your blood pressure, Mr Jameson.
    Your wife told me to tell you to watch the anger.
  • You tell my wife…
    Thank you.
    So, I propose this campaign:
    "DAILY BUGLE" – that's obvious.
    "IT'S HIP, IT'S NOW" – I came up with that one.
    "IT'S WOW" – that's actually Eric's.
    "AND HOW!" – that's me again.
    Time to take your pill.
    Not that one.
    Not that one.
    Drink plenty of water.
    Thank you.
    He's busy.
    Oh, no, I'm just here to talk to you, babe.
    (- What's that smell?)
    That's a little something called
    "Nice 'n' Easy".
    What's on you?
  • It's called "Go Away".
    That is the dumbest idea you've ever had. You have had some daunting…
  • Blood pressure.
    Hey, where are you going?
    Who are you?
  • You hired him last week.
  • I did? What's that smell?
    Brock, sir. Edward Brock junior.
    Wow, I really like that shirt.
    Here. It's a crane accident. Check out the light source.
    He likes my shirt.
    Hey, Betty.
  • Hey, Pete. You better get in there.
    A new guy. He's trying to sell some Spidey photos.
    Uh. Thanks.
    Parker! You're late! Maybe too late. Bruckner here beat ya to it.
    It's Brock, sir. Edward Brock junior.
  • I got you this.
    But he got me this.
    Wait. How'd you get that? I didn't see you.
  • How'd you get that high?
    Climbed. Nearly fell off a flagpole.
    A flagpole?
    Which one do we use?
  • I like Bernstein's.
    It's better.
  • Cheaper, too.
    Congratulations, son. We'll use your shot and pay you 50 bucks.
    Uh– all right, JJ. I'm your man.
    I know more about what makes a good picture
    than any photographer in this town.
    See, photography, it's not just about
    – no offense – flagpoles. Whatever.
    It's about lighting. Composition. Drama.
    I want a staff job, sir.
    I have a girl that I intend to marry, and–
    I have this stupid little dream of– working with one of the greatest newspaper editors of our time.
    J. Jonah Jameson.
    Well, we do have an opening.
    Johnson quit, remember?
  • You fired him.
  • Whatever.
    Wait a minute. I know what makes a good picture,
    and I've been here for a long time. If there's a staff job,
    Mr Jameson, I think I deserve it.
    He's right, Jonah. Peter's been with us for years.
    He's done a great job.
    You want a staff job, and you want a staff job.
    Anybody care about what I want?
    I do.
  • Shut up. Get out.
    I want the public to see Spider-Man for the two-bit criminal he really is.
    He's a fake. He's full of stickum.
    Catch him in the act.
    "Spider-Man with his hand in the cookie jar".
    Whoever brings me that photo gets the job.
    What are you waiting for, Chinese New Year? Go, go, go!
    I'm on it, boss.
    You'll never get that shot.
    We'll see.
    You know,
    I guess one person can make a difference.
    'Nuff said.
    Welcome home, Harry.
    Thank God you're all right.
    Thanks, Bernard.
  • Sure.
    Got you a little homecoming present.
    Wha– It's your old ball!
  • Yeah.
    Thanks, buddy.
    We were pretty good in the backyard, weren't we?
    We were terrible. And we tried out for the varsity team.
    Yeah, for the cheerleaders.
  • Right.
    Hey, do I have any girlfriends?
    I don't know.
  • You don't?
    Hey Bernard, do I have any girlfriends?
  • Not that I know of, sir.
    That's a pretty cool pass, huh?
    It's OK.
    Looks like I'm not worrying for money.
    Well, I bet I can turn this little girlfriend thing around.
    You know,
    he always appreciated how you helped me through high school.
    I just wish I could remember more about him.
    He loved you.
    That's the main thing.
    Hey, let's watch the game in the kitchen.
    Get something to eat.
  • OK.
    Whoa, catch that!
    Did you see that?
    Still got the moves.
    Why are you stopping?
    What is she doing here?
    Gary, you were supposed to call her agent.
    Hi, honey.
    We tried to reach you.
    I'm sorry.
    One critic?
  • No, all the papers, dear.
    Mary Jane, honey. Sit down. Let's explain it to you.
  • If you like, we could say you became ill.
    That was so poorly handled.
  • Yeah. Let's just rehearse.
    All right, Spidey!
    Excuse me, miss. Let me see that gorgeous smile.
    Hi, Eddie.
    You're so beautiful.
    This is front page stuff.
    I've got to practice. I'll see you later, OK?
    How about tonight?
  • Not tonight.
    Why not?
    Think of that amazing– night that we had.
    We had a coffee, Eddie.
    Hey, beautiful.
    One more.
    Everything OK?
  • Yeah. I'm fine.
    You're not still mad at me, are you?
    No, Peter. I'm proud of you.
    Hey. I'm gonna be swingin' it from over there.
    So you know where to look.
    Give 'em a good show.
    Don't worry about that review.
    We're gonna be laughing about it tomorrow night.
  • Yeah.
    Isn't that that guy from that prison break?
    He fits.
    Hey you! Halt!
    Cover the back!
    People of the city of New York, I am here today
    because I fell 62 storeys
    and someone caught me.
    Someone who never asks for anything in return.
    Someone who doesn't even want us to know who he is.
    Hey, MJ.
  • Harry.
    Where is Pete?
    Um– taking somebody's picture, I guess.
    I'm so happy to see you. You look so good.
    I've never felt better.
    It's a weird feeling, not knowing New York.
    Bump on the head, I'm just free as a bird.
    Will you bump me on the head?
  • Bop.
    Hey, Pete said you're in a play.
    You came. You sent me flowers.
    I did?
    I'll come again tonight.
    You can't.
    I–I was let go.
    What happened.
    I wasn't very good.
    You know, this is embarrassing, but…
    I once wrote you a play in high school.
    You wrote me a play?
  • Harry, that's the sweetest thing.
    I ask you: When you're dropping without a parachute
    or your store's being robbed
    or your house is on fire,
    who is it that brakes your fall, puts out the flames and saves your children?
    They love me!
    Then let's hear it! For your one and only friendly neighborhood…
    Kiss him!
    Kiss him!
    Go ahead, lay it right on me.
  • Yeah, they'll love it.
    Kiss him! Kiss him!
  • No, Spider-Man, no!
    Hope Pete's getting a shot of this.
    Hey, are you OK?
  • Yes, I'm fine.
    Jig's up, pal.
    I don't want to hurt you.
    Leave now.
  • I guess you haven't heard?
    I'm the sheriff 'round these parts.
    Where do all these guys come from?
    Bonsoir. Le monsieur a-t-il un "reservation"?
    I'm sorry, I don't speak…
  • But this is a French restaurant, non?
    Name, please?
  • Parker, Peter.
    Ah. Here we are.
    Table for two. Pekar.
  • That is what I said.
    Um, I have a request.
    My girlfriend will be coming,
    and I have this ring.
    Ah. All.
    Oh, so you want to pop the question tonight, hein?
    Yes, and I want to do something very special.
    I love it.
    I am French.
    When I signal you, if you'd bring some champagne with the ring…
    In ze bottom of her glass?
  • Magnifique.
    Also I thought, at the same time
    could the musicians
    play this song?
    Their favorite.
    And take good care of the ring.
    Ah oui, with my life, monsieur.
  • S'il vous plat.
  • Oui.
    I like you.
    Thank you.
    "Bon" chance.
    Bonne chance.
    OK, so… How would you like some champagne?
    How'd that get in there?
    Aw, don't cry.
    Look at you, wow! Beautiful.
  • Thanks.
    Is this place in your budget?
    Oh, it's a special occasion.
    You're on Broadway.
    I don't feel like much of a star tonight.
    Well, you are a star.
    And you've earned it.
    Peter, you have no idea how I feel right now.
    Oh no, I know exactly how you feel.
    I have been through this.
    Happens to me all the time.
    I see Spider-Man posters in the window.
    Kids running around with me on their sweaters.
    Big Hallowe'en item.
    I don't know, I guess I've become something of an icon.
    Like yesterday.
    They keep screaming: "Spider-Man! Spider-Man!"
    I don't know, I mean,
    I'm thinking to myself,
    "I'm just a nerdy kid from Queens. Do I deserve this?"
    Hi, Pete.
  • Hi.
    Hi. My parents and I are just having dinner here.
    I'm Gwen Stacey.
    This is Mary Jane Watson.
    Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you. Pete talks about you all the time.
    Gwen is my lab partner in Dr Connor's class.
    Pete's something of a genius. I'd be completely lost without him.
    Which actually reminds me–
    Pete, if you got a picture of my kiss with Spider-Man,
    could you bring it to class?
    I'd really love it.
    For my portfolio.
    After all, who gets kissed by Spider-Man, right?
    I can't imagine.
    Well, it was lovely to meet you.
    Good night.
  • Good night.
    Uh, she's in my science class. It's not her best subject.
    How come you never mentioned her?
    She's your lab partner,
    you saved her life,
    she thinks you're a genius and she had her polished fingernails all over you?
    Or didn't you notice?
    And she gave Spider-Man the key to the city.
    I'll never forget that.
    She's just a girl in my class.
  • Let me ask you something.
    When you kissed her,
    who was kissing her?
    Spider-Man or Peter?
    What do you mean?
  • You know exactly what I mean.
    That was our kiss.
    Why would you do that?
    You must have known how it made me feel.
    Do you want to push me away?
    Push you away?
    Why would I want to push you away? I love you.
    You're my girlfriend. She's a girl in my class, MJ.
    I don't feel very well. I'm sorry. I have to go.
    Where are you going?
  • Please don't follow me.
    Here we are.
    Hi, it's MJ. Sing a song at the beep. Beep!
    Hello. Uh…
    I wish you'd pick up the phone.
    I don't know what's going on.
    I don't know if you got the messages, or what.
    I just want to talk to you.
    OK. Call me, all right?
  • Mr Parker?
  • This is Detective Neil Garettfrom the 2nd precinct.
    I'm calling on behalf of Captain Stacey.
    He would like you to come down to the station to speak with him.
    Originally we thought that this man, Dennis Carradine,
    was your husband's killer.
    We were wrong.
  • Turns out Mr Carradine was only an accomplice.
    The actual killer is still at large.
    What are you talking about?
    This is the man who killed your husband.
    His name is Flint Marko.
    He's a small-time crook who's been in and out of prison.
    You got this wrong.
    Two days ago, he escaped.
    Evidently, he confessed his guilt to a cellmate.
    And we have a couple of witnesses who corroborate the story.
    No, wait, sir. You don't want to do this.
    Get in! What are you doing?
    Would you put these photos away, please?
    I'm sorry, Mrs Parker. I know this isn't easy,
    but please be patient with us.
    We're doing our job. We will catch him.
    No, you're not doing your job.
    I watched my uncle die.
    We chased down the wrong man.
    Now you're telling me there's suspicions for two years? Witnesses?
    Why weren't we told about this?
  • Settle down, sir.
    No, I have no intention of settling down!
    This man killed my uncle,
    and he's still out there!
    L-20 Parkway, all officers in the vicinity please report.
    We have an abandoned vehicle and an abandoned man in the middle of the street.
    Sorry, Wabash Avenue.
    Peter, it's MJ.
    I'm not here about what happened at dinner. Just please open up.
    Aunt May called me. She told me about what happened.
    She's worried about you.
    I'm worried about you.
    Don't be. I'm fine.
    I don't want you to do something stupid.
    Like try to find my uncle's killer?
    And do something you'll regret.
    with that other guy.
    He had a gun on me.
    I made a move, and he fell. I told you that.
  • I'm not accusing you of anything.
    C-22, auto at 566, 9th Avenue…
  • Will you turn that thing off?
    Peter, I'm here because I care about you.
    And I know that you made a mistake and that you feel guilty, but–
    I want to be here for you.
  • OK.
    I get it. Thank you.
    But, uh, I'm fine.
    I don't need your help.
    Everybody needs help sometimes, Peter.
    Even Spider-Man.
    90 - X-ray - 98.
    10-31 at 642, Madison Av…
    1-3-Tom has responded 10-20 at 540, East 107…
    male inside apartment B on first floor…
    310-11 of a residence, 738…
    Don't hurt me! Just give me a chance!
  • What about my uncle?
    Did you give him a chance?
    Did you?
    Where am I?
    What is this?
    I feel…
    This feels good.
    This is something else.
    What do you think?
    I've never seen anything like it.
    I'm a physicist, not a biologist, but…
    I'll look at it in the morning, run some tests.
  • Can we do that now?
    It seems to like you.
    Don't let any of that get on you.
  • Why not?
    It has the characteristics of a symbiote,
    which needs to bond to a host to survive.
    And sometimes, these things in nature, when they bind,
    they can be hard to unbind.
    Bank robbery in progress, First Eastern Bank Bismarck.
    Another sand storm is reported in the vicinity. All cars, proceed with caution.
    Buddy, love the new outfit.
    This is exactly what I need to scoop, partner. Give me some of that web action.
    See you, chum.
    What the hell?
    Flint Marko?
    What do you want from me?
    Remember Ben Parker?
    The old man you shot down in cold blood?
    What does it matter to you anyway?
    It's time to pay, Marko.
    Good riddance.
    Not now.
    This is a free country. It's not a rent-free country.
    Leave me alone.
    Give me rent.
    You'll get your rent when you fix this damn door!
    That wasn't cool.
    He is good boy.
    He must be in some kind of trouble.
    Flint Marko, the man who killed uncle Ben–
    he was killed last night.
    O my–
    What happened?
    Spider-Man killed him.
    I don't understand.
    Spider-Man doesn't kill people.
    What happened?
    I… He was…
    I thought that you'd feel…
    He deserved it, didn't he?
    I don't think it's for us to say whether a person deserves to live or die.
    Aunt May, he killed uncle Ben.
    Uncle Ben meant the world to us.
    But he wouldn't want us living one second with revenge in our hearts.
    It's like a poison.
    It can take you over.
    Before you know it,
    turn us into something ugly.
    Hey, Harry, it's MJ.
  • I need some company.
    Are you doing anything? Can I stop by?
    Yeah, sure. Come on over.
    OK. Are you sure it's OK?
    I'm not doing anything.
    Please, come over.
    OK, I'll see you soon.
  • Bye.
  • Yes, Mr Osborn?
    We're having a guest. Can you get some food?
    A guest?
  • Yeah, a guest.
    A guest guest?
    Will you just get some food?
    Rightaway, sir.
    Hey, Mr Ditkovitch.
    An orange?
    No, thanks.
    I'm really sorry for what happened earlier.
    I shouldn't have yelled about that door. It was nothing to be angry about.
    Ah, it's not big deal.
    But if you feel that bad about it,
    you can buy me pizza some time.
    Today's good.
    Have problem with the phone?
    No, no, I was just– was trying to figure out what to say.
    If it's a woman you're calling,
    then you say: "You're a good woman,
    "I'm good man."
    Hi, Pete.
  • Hi.
    He's calling a woman.
  • Are you calling Mary Jane?
    I think that would be so good…
  • It's none of your business.
    Go! Go.
    Give her a call.
  • Thanks.
  • Bye.
    You hungry?
    Come in.
    Hope you like peppers.
    I love 'em.
    Oh, the butter!
    Well, we can use that part.
    "You've been dreaming."
    "Nothing like a little self-deception to get you through the night."
    All right.
  • When did you write that?
  • It's intense.
    So, do you want the part?
    I'd love to be in your play.
  • Cheers.
    You know, there's not even a scar.
  • Me too.
    I didn't mean to do that.
  • No, it's OK. Please.
    Forgive me.
    Mary Jane.
    Mary Jane.
    Mary Jane, please!
  • I'm sorry.
    You've taken your eye off the ball.
    What have you done?
    Avenge me!
    My father– he died, right?
    Just wish that I could remember more about him.
    Well, he loved you.
    That's the main thing.
    I swear on my father's grave: Spider-Man will pay.
    Remember me?
    Yes, father.
    I remember.
    I was right about her,
    about Peter,
    about everything.
    You know what you must do.
    Make him suffer. Make him wish he were dead.
    First we attack his heart.
    Hi, it's me. Sing your song at the beep.
    Hey, MJ.
    It's Peter.
    I want to talk to you about last night.
    I don't know what I was thinking.
    I know you were just there to help, and–
    I, uh– I don't know, I want to see you.
    If you want Peter to live,
    you're gonna do something for me.
  • It's Ursula.
    Come in.
    Hi, Pete.
  • Hi.
    There's a phone call for you.
    It's Mary Jane, she called back!
  • Yeah!
    I put the phone on top of the thing.
    Thanks. OK.
  • Hi.
    I was so glad you called.
    I've been– trying to–
  • Can you meet me?
    You bet.
  • Now?
    OK. Where?
    At the bridge, in the park.
    On my way.
    Hey. I love you.
    You look beautiful.
    You OK?
    There's something I have to tell you, Pete.
  • OK.
    It's not working.
    You and me.
    I don't want to see you anymore.
    What are you talking about?
    I don't know.
    I'm lonely.
    You aren't there for me.
    I can't do this.
    It's over.
  • No. Please.
    Please don't say that.
    I know, I've been selfish.
    But I can do better. I can change.
  • It's not that simple.
    We love each other! I love you!
    And we have problems. When people have problems, they work it out.
    They talk to each other.
    Look, you see?
    You know what this is?
    You know what I want for us?
  • There's someone else.
    I've fallen in love with someone else.
    She says that she's lonely,
    and that I'm not there for her.
    There's another guy.
    How are you holding up?
    Not good.
    Harry, I was going to propose to her.
    She's been going through a tough time lately.
    I mean, a singing waitress at a jazz club–
    that's not exactly what she had in mind for herself.
    A singing waitress? What are you talking about?
    She was fired from the show.
    Didn't she tell you?
    She was fired?
    She was fired and she told you?
    She didn't tell me?
    That's why I asked you here, Pete.
    I'm the other guy.
    Look, she came to me one afternoon, troubled.
    She needed someone, and I was there for her.
    I've always loved her, Pete.
    You know that.
    It just…
    I don't believe this.
    I don't believe you.
    I'm really sorry.
    I just thought you should know.
    Can I warm you up?
    Yes, please.
    How's the pie?
    So good.
    Would you like a drink?
    I'm sorry.
    What was I thinking? Bad for the public image, right, Mr Key-to-the-city?
    What did you do to her?
    I did what you failed to do.
    I was there for her.
    Mary Jane and I, we understand each other.
    She doesn't know what you are.
    Peter. She knows me very well.
    And when she kissed me,
    it was just like she used to kiss me.
    That taste.
    How d'ya like that, Spidey?
    That all you got?
    Stinks, doesn't it?
    I protected you in high school. Now I'm gonna kick your little ass.
    You gonna kill me like you killed my father?
    I'm done trying to convince you.
    You took him from me.
    He loved me.
    he despised you.
    You were an embarrassment for him.
    Look at that little Goblin junior.
    Gonna cry?
    "THIEF! Spider-Man shows his true colors"
  • Spider-Man used to make me feel safe.
    Now I'm afraid to walk home from work.
    My son thought the world of this guy.
    I have a 9 year old daughter, loves Spider-Man.
    Who's she supposed to look up to now?
    This is the guy they gave the key to the city to?
    I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye.
    Cheers! New staff photographer!
  • I just got lucky.
    This is so wonderful for you.
    Well, you might wanna tell JJ to make a little more wall space.
    Good morning.
  • It's a beautiful day, huh?
    What was it you said, I'll never get that picture?
    There's your hero.
    I never thought he'd really do that.
    See? Right there,
    you made a judgment call.
    You gotta see it as it is.
    It's funny you should say that,
    'cause I was looking through some old photos, and
    looks very, uh– similar.
    OK– Well, I gotta get back to work.
    You're trash, Brock.
    Excuse me?
    Your picture is a fake.
    Parker, you are such a boy scout.
    When are you gonna give a guy a break?
    You want forgiveness?
    Get religion.
    What's going on here?
  • Are you guys all right?
    Yeah, no, we're just horsin' around.
    Look, I'm begging you. If you do this,
    I will lose everything.
    There's not a paper in town that will hire me.
    You should've thought of that earlier.
    What are you doing, Peter?
    Show this to the editor. Tell him to check his source next time.
    It's a fake!
    Empire State Photographic Department confirms it.
    Pack your things. Get out of my building.
    I was just…
  • You're fired!
    You know we're gonna have to print a retraction now.
    Haven't printed a retraction in 20 years!
    Bugle drops charges"
  • Mr Parker?
    Dr Connors here.
  • Oh, Dr Connors!
    How are you?
    Quite a specimen you left me, Parker.
    Its chemistry is not unlike the meteorites of the 70s.
    Thanks. It's good.
    You know what, Parker?
    Give me some milk.
    It amplifies characteristics of its host.
    Hey, give me another cookie.
    Specially aggression.
    This can be dangerous.
    Peter, you didn't keep any, did you?
    You got any with nuts?
    Um– I have some nuts, I could make some.
    Go make me some.
  • No, no. Of course not.
    Your shots are so good.
    I'd love to shoot you sometime.
    Peter Parker! Peter…
    Miss Brent, that's not the position I hired you for!
    Black suit Spider-Man!
    Peter, these are incredible!
    We gotta have these, Jonah.
    I'll pay you the usual rate.
    If you want the shots, I'll take the staff job. Double the money.
    You are really gonna dig this joint.
    Do you think I'm dressed all right?
    Too fancy or…
    You're looking fine, babe.
    Thank you.
    Love that little giggle.
    Oh, this is so cool!
    I have never been to a jazz club before.
    I hope we can get a table.
    Find us some shade.
    Thanks, .
    Right this way, sir.
    Thank you.
    I'm so loving this.
  • Oh, me too.
    Isn't that your old girlfriend?
    Do you want to go someplace else?
    No, no. I'll be OK.
    Mary Jane, show us what you got.
    I'll be right back.
  • Right.
    This is for you.
    Double time!
    Now dig all this.
    That was all for her?
    I'm so sorry.
    You all right, Mary Jane?
    I'm fine.
  • OK.
    What's wrong with you?
    Can I help you, sir?
  • Is everything OK here, Paul?
    Yeah, is everything OK here, Paul?
    Take him out of here.
  • Let's go, sir.
    Take your hand offa me. Now.
    Peter, stop!
    Who are you?
    I don't know.
    It's Brock, Sir.
    Edward Brock junior.
    I come before you today
    and humiliated
    to ask you for one thing.
    I want you to kill Peter Parker.
    Hi, Peter.
  • Hi.
    You don't seem to have changed the room around very much.
    Of course, there's not much you can do,
    is there?
    When we spoke on the phone,
    I sensed something was bothering you,
    so I thought I'd just come by.
    How's Mary Jane?
    I don't know.
    I never heard from you.
    Did you ever propose?
    You said
    a husband's gotta put a wife before himself.
    I'm not ready.
    But what happened?
    You seemed so sure.
    Yeah. I…
    I heard her, aunt May.
    I don't know what to do.
    You start by doing the hardest thing.
    You forgive yourself.
    I believe in you, Peter.
    You're a good person.
    And I know you will find a way to put it right.
    In time.
    I don't like Spider-Man.
    I want him dead too, Flint.
    That's why I've been looking for you.
    Oh yeah. I know all about you.
    Like the fact that Spider-Man
    won't let you help your poor daughter.
    It's just– It doesn't seem right to me.
    I wanna kill the Spider.
    You wanna kill the Spider.
    Together, he doesn't stand a chance.
    where to?
    "BREAKING NEWS: City in crisis"
  • All New York is holding its breath
    as a hostage crisis continues to unfold.
    Just thirty minutes ago, police came across this startling sight:
    A young woman held hostage in a taxi
    suspended 80 storeys above the ground
    in what appears to be a giant web.
    Every attempt by the police to rescue the hostage
    has been flaunted by the Sandman.
    Compounding the danger is the appearance of a strange black-suited figure.
    Early reports had believed him
    to be the black-suited Spider-Man. But he is now been identified
    as something entirely different.
    The hostage has been identified
    as Mary Jane Watson,
    an actrice recently seen in a brief stint on Broadway.
    We're now going to take you live to the scene with Jennifer Dugan.
  • We're only about 100 feet away now, Hal, and–
    Wait. There seems to be some kind of activity in the web.
    It seems to be creating some kind of gigantic lettering.
    Apparently, Spider-Man is being challenged to some sort of confrontation.
    And that raises serious questions about what kind of chance he'd stand
    against such overwhelming…
    I need your help.
    Can't take them both. Not by myself.
    You don't deserve my help.
    she needs us.
    Get out.
    If I may, Sir.
    I've seen things in this house
    I've never spoken of.
    What are you trying to tell me?
    The night your father died
    I cleaned his wound.
    The blade that pierced his body
    came from his glider.
    I know
    you're trying to defend your father's honor,
    but there's no question
    that he died by his own hand.
    I loved your father.
    As I have loved you, Harry.
    As your friends love you.
    He seems to have come out of nowhere to answer the prayers of the city,
    just when all hope seemed to be lost.
    They're gonna kill us both.
    I'm gonna get you out of this.
    Watch out!
    Hey, Parker.
    My God. Eddie?
    Oh, my spider-sense is tickling.
    If you know what I'm talking about.
    We can find a way to settle this.
    You're so right.
    I'm thinking– humiliation.
    Kinda like you humiliated me.
    Do you remember?
    Do you remember what you did to me?
    You made me lose my girl.
    Now I'm gonna make you lose yours.
    How's that sound, tiger?
    Hold on, Mary Jane!
    Mary Jane.
    It's hard to believe what's happening.
    The brutality of it.
    I don't know how he can take any more.
    This can be a tragic day
    for the people of New York.
    It could be the end of Spider-Man.
  • Wicked cool!
    You came.
    Looks like just in the nick of time.
    A couple of minutes ago wouldn't have been so bad either.
    What're you gonna do.
    I'm needing some help over here.
    I'm a little busy right now.
    Give me your hand!
    Parker, where…
    I need a photographer!
    Hey, kid. You want a job?
    Why would I want a job?
    I'm just a kid.
    All right, how much for the camera?
    One hundred bucks.
  • A hundred bucks?
    All right, you little prick. Here.
    Film's extra.
    Pete, watch out!
    You still got any more?
  • Hang on!
    To what?
    Go, buddy!
  • Got her!
    You OK?
    Hey, Pete.
    Am I interrupting?
    Never wound
    what you can't kill.
    Eddie– this suit– you gotta take it off!
    Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?
    I know what it feels like.
    It feels good.
    The power. Everything.
    But you'll lose yourself.
    Let it go.
    I like being bad.
    It makes me happy.
    Peter, what are you doing?
  • Mary Jane.
    I'm going to get help.
    I didn't want this.
    But I had no choice.
    We always have a choice.
    You had a choice when you killed my uncle.
    My daughter was dying.
    I needed money.
    I was scared.
    I told your uncle all I wanted was the car.
    What is it?
  • I need your car.
    He said to me:
    "Why don't you just put down the gun and go home?"
    I realize now he was just trying to help me.
    Then I saw my partner running over with the cash,
    and the gun was in my hand.
    Did a terrible thing to you.
    I spent a lot of nights wishing I could take it back.
    I'm not asking you to forgive me.
    I just want you to understand.
    I've done terrible things too.
    You didn't choose to be this.
    The only thing left to me now
    is my daughter.
    I forgive you.
    Hey, pal. How are you doing?
    Been better.
    We'll get you through this.
    You should never forgive…
    …said those things.
    None of that matters, Peter.
    You're my friend.
    Best friend.
    Whatever comes our way.
    Whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice.
    My friend Harry taught me that.
    He chose to be the best of himself.
    It's the choices that make us who we are,
    and we can always choose to do what's right.
    I'm through with love
    I'll never fall again
    Said adieu to love
    Don't ever call again
    For I must have you
    Or no one
    And so I'm through with love
    I've locked my heart
    I'll keep my feelings there
    I have stocked my heart
    With icy frigid air
    And I mean to care
    For no one…

@soupnana group

-You cannot pass!
I am a servant of the Secret Fire,
wielder of the flame of Anor.
Go back to the Shadow.
The dark fire will not avail you,
flame of Udn!
You shall not pass!
No! No!
Fly, you fools.
What is it, Mr. Frodo?
Just a dream.
Can you see the bottom?
No! Don't look down, Sam!
Just keep going!
Catch it! Grab it, Mr. Frodo!
Mr. Frodo!
I think I've found the bottom.
Bogs and rope,
and goodness knows what.
It's not natural. None of it.
-What's in this?
Just a bit of seasoning.
I thought maybe if we were having
a roast chicken one night or something.
Roast chicken?!
You never know.
Sam. My dear Sam.
It's very special, that.
It's the best salt in all the Shire.
It is special.
It's a little bit of home.
We can't leave this here for someone
to follow us down.
Who's gonna follow us down here,
Mr. Frodo?
It's a shame, really.
Lady Galadriel gave me that.
Real Elvish rope.
Well, there's nothing for it.
It's one of my knots.
Won't come free in a hurry.
Real Elves rope.
Mordor. The one place in Middle-earth
we don't want to see any closer.
And it's the one place
we're trying to get to.
It's just where we can't get.
Let's face it, Mr. Frodo, we're lost.
I don't think Gandalf meant for us to
come this way.
He didn't mean for a lot of things
to happen, Sam. . .
. . .but they did.
Mr. Frodo?
It's the Ring, isn't it?
It's getting heavier.
-What food have we got left?
-Let me see.
Oh, yes. Lovely.
Lembas bread. And look!
More Lembas bread.
I don't usually hold with foreign food. . .
. . .but this Elvish stuff, it's not bad.
Nothing ever dampens your spirits,
does it, Sam?
Those rain clouds might.
This looks strangely familiar.
It's because we've been here before.
We're going in circles.
What is that horrid stink?
I warrant there's a nasty bog nearby.
-Can you smell it?
I can smell it.
We're not alone.
The thieves. The thieves.
The filthy little thieves.
Where is it?
Where is it?
They stole it from us.
My precious.
Curse them, we hates them!
It's ours, it is, and we wants it!
This is Sting.
You've seen it before. . .
. . . haven't you, Gollum?
Release him or I'll cut your throat.
It burns!
It burns us!
It freezes!
Nasty Elves twisted it.
-Take it off us!
-Quiet, you!
It's hopeless. Every Orc in Mordor's
going to hear this racket.
-Let's just tie him up and leave him.
That would kill us! Kill us!
It's no more than you deserve!
Maybe he does deserve to die.
But now that I see him, I do pity him.
We be nice to them
if they be nice to us.
Take it off us.
We swears to do what you wants.
We swears.
There's no promise you can make
that I can trust.
We swears. . .
. . .to serve the master
of the precious.
We will swear on. . .
. . .on the precious.
Gollum. Gollum.
The Ring is treacherous.
It will hold you to your word.
Yes. . .
. . .on the precious.
On the precious.
I don't believe you!
-Get down! I said, down!
He's trying to trick us.
If we let him go, he'll throttle us
in our sleep.
-You know the way to Mordor?
You've been there before?
You will lead us to the Black Gate.
To the Gate, to the Gate!
To the Gate, the master says. Yes!
No! We won't go back.
Not there. Not to him.
They can't make us. Gollum! Gollum!
But we swore to serve the master
of the precious.
No. Ashes and dust and thirst there is,
and pits, pits, pits.
And Orcses, thousands of Orcses.
And always the Great Eye watching,
Hey! Come back now! Come back!
There! What did I tell you?
He's run off, the old villain.
So much for his promises.
This way, Hobbits.
Follow me!
You're late.
Our master grows impatient.
He wants the Shire-rats now.
I don't take orders from Orc-maggots.
Saruman will have his prize.
We will deliver them.
Merry? Wake up.
My friend is sick.
He needs water. Please!
Sick, is he?
Give him some medicine, boys!
Stop it!
Can't take his draught!
-Leave him alone!
You want some?
Then keep your mouth shut.
Hello, Pip.
-You're hurt.
-I'm fine.
-It was just an act.
-An act?
See? I fooled you too.
Don't worry about me, Pippin.
What is it? What do you smell?
They've picked up our trail.
Let's move!
Their pace has quickened.
They must have caught our scent.
Come on, Gimli!
Three days and nights pursuit.
No food. No rest.
And no sign of our quarry,
but what bare rock can tell.
Not idly do the leaves of Lrien fall.
They may yet be alive.
Less than a day ahead of us. Come.
Come, Gimli! We're gaining on them!
I'm wasted on cross-country.
We Dwarves are natural sprinters.
Very dangerous over short distances.
Home of the Horse-lords.
There's something strange at work here.
Some evil gives speed
to these creatures.
Sets its will against us.
Legolas! What do your Elf-eyes see?
The Uruks turn northeast.
They are taking the Hobbits to Isengard.
The world is changing.
Who now has the strength to stand
against the armies of Isengard. . .
. . . and Mordor?
To stand against the might of Sauron
and Saruman. . .
. . . and the union of the two towers?
Together, my Lord Sauron. . .
. . . we shall rule this Middle-earth.
The Old World will burn
In the fires of Industry.
The forests will fall.
A new order will rise.
We will drive the machine of war
with the sword and the spear. . .
. . . and the Iron fists of the Orc.
I want them armed and ready to march
within two weeks!
But, my lord, there are too many!
They cannot all be armed in time,
we don't have the means.
Build a dam, block the stream,
work the furnaces night and day.
We don't have enough fuel
to feed the fires.
The Forest of Fangorn
lies on our doorstep.
-Burn it.
We will fight for you.
Swear it.
We will die for Saruman.
The Horse-Men took your lands.
They drove your people into the hills
to scratch a living off rocks.
Take back the lands they stole from you.
Burn every village!
We have only to remove those
who oppose us.
It will begin In Rohan.
Too long have these peasants
stood against you.
But no more.
othain! othain!
You take your sister.
You'll go faster with just two.
Papa says othain must not ride Garulf.
He is too big for him.
Listen to me. You must ride to Edoras
and raise the alarm.
-Do you understand me?
-Yes, Mama.
I don't want to leave.
I don't want to go, Mama.
Freda, I will find you there.
Go, child.
Rohan, my lord. . .
. . .is ready to fall.
Find the king's son!
-Mordor will pay for this.
-These Orcs are not from Mordor.
My Lord omer, over here!
He's alive.
Your son is badly wounded, my lord.
He was ambushed by Orcs.
If we don't defend our country,
Saruman will take it by force.
That is a lie.
Saruman the White has ever been
our friend and ally.
Orcs are roaming freely
across our lands.
Unchecked. Unchallenged.
Killing at will.
Orcs bearing the White Hand of Saruman.
Why do you lay these troubles
on an already troubled mind?
Can you not see?
Your uncle is wearied
by your malcontent. . .
. . .your warmongering.
How long is it since
Saruman bought you?
What was the promised price, Grma?
When all the Men are dead,
you will take your share of the treasure?
Too long have you watched my sister.
Too long have you haunted her steps.
You see much, omer, son of omund.
Too much.
You are banished forthwith
from the kingdom of Rohan. . .
. . .and all its domains
under pain of death.
You have no authority here.
Your orders mean nothing.
This order does not come from me.
It comes from the king.
He signed it this morning.
Keep breathing. That's the key.
They've run as if the very whips
of their masters were behind them.
We're not going no further. . .
. . . until we've had a breather.
Get a fire going!
I think we might have made a mistake
leaving the Shire, Pippin.
What's making that noise?
It's the trees.
You remember the Old Forest,
on the borders of Buckland?
Folk used to say there was something in
the water that made the trees grow tall. . .
. . .and come alive.
Trees that could whisper. . .
. . .talk to each other. . .
. . .even move.
I'm starving.
We ain't had nothing but maggoty bread
for three stinking days.
Why can't we have some meat?!
What about them?
They're fresh.
They are not for eating.
What about their legs?
They don't need those.
-They look tasty.
-Get back, scum!
The prisoners go to Saruman.
Alive and unspoiled.
Why alive?
Do they give good sport?
They have something.
An Elvish weapon.
The master wants it for the war.
They think we have the Ring.
As soon as they find out we don't,
we're dead.
Just a mouthful. . .
. . .a bit of the flank.
Looks like meat's back on the menu,
Let's go.
Go on.
Call for help.
No one's going to save you now.
A red sun rises.
Blood has been spilled this night.
Riders of Rohan. . .
. . .what news from the Mark?
What business does an Elf, a Man
and a Dwarf have in the Riddermark?
Speak quickly!
Give me your name, horse-master,
and I shall give you mine.
I would cut off your head, Dwarf. . .
. . .if it stood but a little higher
from the ground.
You would die before your stroke fell.
I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn.
This is Gimli, son of Glin,
and Legolas of the Woodland Realm.
We are friends of Rohan
and of Thoden, your king.
Thoden no longer recognizes
friend from foe.
Not even his own kin.
Saruman has poisoned the mind
of the king. . .
. . .and claimed lordship over these lands.
My company are those loyal to Rohan.
And for that, we are banished.
The White Wizard is cunning.
He walks here and there, they say. . .
. . .as an old man hooded and cloaked.
And everywhere, his spies
slip past our nets.
We are no spies.
We track a party of Uruk-hai
westward across the plain.
They have taken two of our friends
The Uruks are destroyed.
We slaughtered them during the night.
But there were two Hobbits.
Did you see two Hobbits with them?
They would be small.
Only children to your eyes.
We left none alive.
We piled the carcasses and burned them.
I am sorry.
Hasufel! Arod!
May these horses bear you to better
fortune than their former masters.
Look for your friends.
But do not trust to hope.
It has forsaken these lands.
We ride north!
It's one of their wee belts.
We failed them.
A Hobbit lay here.
And the other.
They crawled.
Their hands were bound.
Their bonds were cut.
They ran over here.
They were followed.
The belt!
Tracks lead away from the battle. . .
. . .into Fangorn Forest.
What madness drove them in there?
Did we lose him? I think we lost him.
I'm going to rip out
your filthy little innards!
Come here!
Trees. Climb a tree.
He's gone.
Let's put a maggot hole in your belly!
Run, Merry!
Little Orcs.
It's talking, Merry.
The tree is talking.
I am no tree!
I am an Ent.
A tree-herder.
A shepherd of the forest.
Don't talk to it, Merry.
Don't encourage it!
Treebeard, some call me.
And whose side are you on?
I am on nobody's side. . .
. . .because nobody's on my side,
little Orc.
Nobody cares for the woods anymore.
We're not Orcs! We're Hobbits!
Never heard of a Hobbit before.
Sounds like Orc mischief to me!
They come with fire.
They come with axes.
Gnawing, biting, breaking,
hacking, burning!
-Destroyers and usurpers! Curse them!
You don't understand. We're Hobbits!
Maybe you are. . .
. . .and maybe you aren't.
The White Wizard will know.
The White Wizard?
See? See?
We've led you out.
Hurry, Hobbitses. Hurry!
Very lucky we find you.
Nice Hobbit.
It's a bog. He's led us into a swamp.
A swamp, yes, yes.
Come, master. We will take you
on safe paths through the mist.
Come, Hobbits! Come! We go quickly.
I found it. I did.
The way through the marshes.
Orcs don't use it.
Orcs don't know it.
They go around for miles and miles.
Come quickly.
Soft and quick as shadows we must be.
I hate this place. It's too quiet.
There's been no sight nor sound
of a bird for two days.
No, no birdses to eat.
No crunchable birdses.
We are famished! Yes!
Famished we are, precious!
What does it eats?
Is it tasty?
It tries to chokes us!
We can't eats Hobbit food!
We must starve!
Well, starve, then. And good riddance!
Oh, cruel Hobbit.
It does not care if we be hungry.
Does not care if we should die.
Not like master.
Master cares.
Master knows.
Once it takes hold of us. . .
. . .it never lets go.
Don't touch me!
There are dead things!
Dead faces in the water.
All dead. All rotten.
Elves and Men and Orcses.
A great battle long ago.
Dead Marshes.
Yes. Yes, that is their name.
This way.
Don't follow the lights.
Careful now! Or Hobbits go down
to join the dead ones. . .
. . .and light little candles
of their own.
-Don't follow the lights.
-Mr. Frodo!
Are you all right?
So bright.
So beautiful.
Our precious.
What did you say?
Master should be resting.
Master needs to keep up his strength.
-Who are you?
-Mustn't ask us. Not its business.
Gollum. Gollum.
Gandalf told me you were
one of the river-folk.
Cold be heart and hand and bone
Cold be travelers far from home
He said your life was a sad story.
They do not see what lies ahead
When sun has falled and moon is dead
You were not so very different
from a Hobbit once.
Were you?
What did you call me?
That was your name once, wasn't it?
A long time ago.
My name.
My name.
Black Riders!
Hide! Hide!
Come on, Frodo. Come on!
Quick! They will see us!
They will see us!
-I thought they were dead.
No, you cannot kill them. No.
Wraiths on wings!
They are calling for it.
They are calling for the precious.
Mr. Frodo! It's all right.
I'm here.
Hurry, Hobbits.
The Black Gate is very close.
Orc blood.
These are strange tracks.
The air is so close in here.
This forest is old.
Very old.
Full of memory. . .
. . .and anger.
The trees are speaking to each other.
Lower your ax.
They have feelings, my friend.
The Elves began it.
Waking up the trees,
teaching them to speak.
Talking trees.
What do trees have to talk about?
Except the consistency
of squirrel droppings.
The White Wizard approaches.
Do not let him speak.
He will put a spell on us.
We must be quick.
You are tracking the footsteps
of two young Hobbits.
Where are they?
They passed this way
the day before yesterday.
They met someone they did not expect.
Does that comfort you?
Who are you?
Show yourself!
It cannot be.
Forgive me.
I mistook you for Saruman.
I am Saruman.
Or rather, Saruman
as he should have been.
You fell.
Through fire. . .
. . .and water.
From the lowest dungeon
to the highest peak. . .
. . . I fought with the Balrog
of Morgoth.
Until at last I threw down
my enemy. . .
. . . and smote his ruin
upon the mountainside.
Darkness took me. . .
. . . and I strayed out of thought
and time.
Stars wheeled overhead. . .
. . . and every day was as long
as a life age of the Earth.
But It was not the end.
I felt life In me again.
I've been sent back. . .
. . . until my task is done.
That was what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey.
That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now. . .
. . .at the turn of the tide.
One stage of your journey is over.
Another begins.
-We must travel to Edoras with all speed.
That is no short distance!
We hear of trouble in Rohan.
It goes I'll with the king.
Yes, and it will not be easily cured.
Then we have run all this way for nothing?
Are we to leave those poor Hobbits here. . .
. . .in this horrid, dark, dank tree-infested–?
I mean, charming. . .
. . .quite charming forest.
It was more than mere chance that
brought Merry and Pippin to Fangorn.
A great power has been sleeping here
for many long years.
The coming of Merry and Pippin
will be like the falling of small stones. . .
. . .that starts an avalanche
in the mountains.
I n one thing you have not changed,
dear friend.
You still speak in riddles.
A thing is about to happen that has not
happened since the Elder Days.
The Ents are going to wake up. . .
-. . .and find that they are strong.
Oh, that's good.
So stop your fretting, Master Dwarf.
Merry and Pippin are quite safe.
I n fact, they are far safer
than you are about to be.
This new Gandalf's more grumpy
than the old one.
That is one of the Mearas. . .
. . . unless my eyes are cheated
by some spell.
He is the lord of all horses. . .
. . .and has been my friend
through many dangers.
O rowan mine
I saw you shine
Upon a summer's day
Upon your head
How golden-red
The crown you bore aloft
Such a beautiful verse.
-Is it much further?
-Bru-ra-hroom. Don't be hasty.
You might call it far, perhaps.
My home lies deep in the forest. . .
. . . near the roots of the mountain.
I told Gandalf I would keep you safe.
And safe is where I'll keep you.
I believe you will enjoy this next one too.
It's one of my own compositions.
Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves
And the dreams of trees unfold
When woodland halls are green and cool
And the wind is In the West
Come back to me
Come back to me
And say my land is best
Sleep, little Shirelings.
Heed no nightly noise.
Sleep till morning light.
I have business in the forest.
There are many to call.
Many that must come.
The Shadow lies on Fangorn.
The withering of all woods
is drawing near.
The veiling shadow that glowers
in the east takes shape.
Sauron will suffer no rival.
From the summit of Barad-dr,
his Eye watches ceaselessly.
But he is not so mighty yet
that he is above fear.
Doubt ever gnaws at him.
The rumor has reached him.
The heir of Nmenor still lives.
Sauron fears you, Aragorn.
He fears what you may become.
And so he'll strike hard and fast
at the world of Men.
He will use his puppet Saruman
to destroy Rohan.
War is coming.
Rohan must defend itself,
and therein lies our first challenge. . .
. . .for Rohan is weak and ready to fall.
The king's mind is enslaved,
it's an old device of Saruman's.
His hold over King Thoden
is now very strong.
Sauron and Saruman
are tightening the noose.
But for all their cunning. . .
. . .we have one advantage.
The Ring remains hidden.
And that we should seek to destroy it. . .
. . . has not yet entered
their darkest dreams.
And so the weapon of the enemy
is moving towards Mordor. . .
. . .in the hands of a Hobbit.
Each day brings it closer
to the fires of Mount Doom.
We must trust now in Frodo.
Everything depends upon speed. . .
. . .and the secrecy of his quest.
Do not regret your decision to leave him.
Frodo must finish this task alone.
He's not alone.
Sam went with him.
Did he?
Did he, indeed? Good.
Yes, very good.
The Black Gate of Mordor.
Oh, save us.
My old Gaffer would have a thing or two
to say if he could see us now.
Master says to show him
the way into Mordor.
So good Smagol does,
master says so.
I did.
That's it, then.
We can't get past that.
The gate.
It's opening!
I can see a way down.
Sam, no!
-I do not ask you to come with me, Sam.
-I know, Mr. Frodo.
I doubt even these Elves cloaks
will hide us in there.
No! No, master!
They catch you! They catch you!
Don't take it to him.
He wants the precious.
Always he is looking for it.
And the precious is wanting
to go back to him.
But we mustn't let him have it.
No! There's another way.
More secret. A dark way.
-Why haven't you spoken of this before?
-Because master did not ask.
He's up to something.
Are you saying there's another way
into Mordor?
Yes. There's a path. . .
. . .and some stairs.
And then. . .
. . .a tunnel.
He's led us this far, Sam.
Mr. Frodo, no.
He's been true to his word.
Lead the way, Smagol.
Good Smagol always helps.
Where has he gone?
I had the loveliest dream last night.
There was this large barrel,
full of pipe-weed.
And we smoked all of it.
And then. . .
. . .you were sick.
I'd give anything for a whiff of Old Toby.
Did you hear that?
There it is again.
Something's not right here.
Not right at all.
You just said something. . .Treeish.
No, I didn't. I was just stretching.
You're taller.
-Than what?
-Than me!
I've always been taller than you.
Pippin, everyone knows I'm the tall one.
You're the short one.
Please, Merry.
You're what? Three-foot-six? At the most?
Whereas me, I'm pushing 3'7''.
You did something.
Merry, don't! Don't drink it!
No, Treebeard said that you
shouldn't have any.
-I want some!
-It could well be dangerous!
Give me it back. Merry!
What's happening?!
It's got my leg!
Away with you.
You should not be waking.
Eat earth. Dig deep. Drink water.
Go to sleep.
Away with you.
Come, the forest is waking up.
It isn't safe.
The trees have grown wild
and dangerous.
Anger festers in their hearts.
Black are their thoughts.
Strong is their hate.
They will harm you if they can.
There are too few of us now.
Too few of us Ents left to manage them.
Why are there so few of you
when you have lived so long?
-Are there Ent children?
There have been no Entings
for a terrible long count of years.
-Why is that?
-We lost the Entwives.
Oh, I'm sorry.
-How did they die?
-Die? No.
We lost them.
And now we cannot find them.
I don't suppose you've seen Entwives
in the Shire?
Can't say that I have.
You, Pip?
What do they look like?
I don't remember now.
Edoras and the Golden Hall
of Meduseld.
There dwells Thoden, King of Rohan. . .
. . . whose mind is overthrown.
Saruman 's hold over King Thoden
is now very strong.
My lord, your son. . .
. . . he is dead.
My lord?
Will you not go to him?
Will you do nothing?
Be careful what you say.
Do not look for welcome here.
Oh, he must have died
sometime in the night.
What a tragedy for the king. . .
. . .to lose his only son and heir.
I understand.
His passing is hard to accept.
Especially now that your brother
has deserted you.
Leave me alone, snake!
Oh, but you are alone.
Who knows what you've spoken
to the darkness. . .
. . .in the bitter watches of the night. . .
. . .when all your life seems to shrink.
The walls of your bower
closing in about you.
A hutch to trammel some wild thing in.
So fair.
So cold.
Like a morning of pale spring. . .
. . .still clinging to winter's chill.
Your words are poison.
You'll find more cheer in a graveyard.
I cannot allow you before Thoden King
so armed, Gandalf Greyhame.
By order of Grma Wormtongue.
Your staff.
You would not part an old man
from his walking stick.
My lord, Gandalf the Grey is coming.
He's a herald of woe.
The courtesy of your hall
is somewhat lessened of late. . .
. . .Thoden King.
He's not welcome.
Why should I welcome you. . .
. . .Gandalf Stormcrow?
A just question, my liege.
Late is the hour. . .
. . .in which this conjurer
chooses to appear.
Lthspell I name him.
I'll news is an I'll guest.
Be silent. Keep your forked tongue
behind your teeth.
I have not passed
through fire and death. . .
. . .to bandy crooked words
with a witless worm.
His staff.
I told you to take the wizard's staff.
Thoden. . .
. . .son of Thngel. . .
. . .too long have you sat
in the Shadows.
I would stay still if I were you.
Hearken to me!
I release you. . .
. . .from the spell.
You have no power here. . .
. . .Gandalf the Grey.
I will draw you, Saruman,
as poison is drawn from a wound.
If I go, Thoden dies.
You did not kill me. . .
. . .you will not kill him.
Rohan is mine.
Be gone.
I know your face.
Breathe the free air again, my friend.
Dark have been my dreams of late.
Your fingers would remember
their old strength better. . .
. . .if they grasped your sword.
I've only. . .
. . .ever served you, my lord.
Your leechcraft would have had me
crawling on all fours like a beast!
Send me not from your sight.
No, my lord! No, my lord.
Let him go.
Enough blood has been spilt
on his account.
Get out of my way!
Hail, Thoden King!
Where is Thodred?
Where is my son?
Ever has it grown on the tombs
of my forebearers.
Now it shall cover the grave
of my son.
Alas that these evil days
should be mine.
The young perish and the old linger.
That I should live. . .
. . .to see the last days of my house.
Thodred's death
was not of your making.
No parent should have to bury
their child.
He was strong in life.
His spirit will find its way
to the halls of your fathers.
They had no warning.
They were unarmed.
Now the Wild Men are moving through
the Westfold, burning as they go.
Rick, cot and tree.
Where is Mama?
This is but a taste of the terror
that Saruman will unleash.
All the more potent for he is driven now
by fear of Sauron.
Ride out and meet him head on.
Draw him away from your women
and children.
You must fight.
You have 2000 good men riding north
as we speak.
omer is loyal to you.
His men will return
and fight for their king.
They will be 300 leagues from here
by now.
omer cannot help us.
I know what it is you want of me. . .
. . .but I will not bring further death
to my people.
I will not risk open war.
Open war is upon you,
whether you would risk it or not.
When last I looked. . .
. . .Thoden, not Aragorn,
was king of Rohan.
Then what is the king's decision?
By order of the king. . .
. . .the city must empty.
We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep.
Do not burden yourself with treasures.
Take only what provisions you need.
Helm's Deep.
They flee to the mountains
when they should stand and fight.
Who will defend them if not their king?
He's only doing what he thinks
is best for his people.
Helm's Deep has saved them
in the past.
There is no way out of that ravine.
Thoden is walking into a trap.
He thinks he's leading them to safety.
What they will get is a massacre.
Thoden has a strong will,
but I fear for him.
I fear for the survival of Rohan.
He will need you before the end,
The people of Rohan will need you.
The defenses have to hold.
They will hold.
The Grey Pilgrim.
That's what they used to call me.
Three hundred lives of Men I've walked
this earth, and now I have no time.
With luck, my search will not
be in vain.
Look to my coming at first light
on the fifth day.
At dawn, look to the east.
That horse is half mad, my lord.
There's nothing you can do. Leave him.
His name is Brego.
He was my cousin's horse.
I have heard of the magic of Elves. . .
. . .but I did not look for it
in a Ranger from the North.
You speak as one of their own.
I was raised in Rivendell. . .
. . .for a time.
Turn this fellow free.
He's seen enough of war.
Gandalf the White.
Gandalf the Fool!
Does he seek to humble me
with his newfound piety?
There were three
who followed the wizard.
An Elf, a Dwarf and a Man.
You stink of horse.
The Man. . .
-. . .was he from Gondor?
-No, from the North.
One of the Dnedain Rangers,
I thought he was.
His cloth was poor.
And yet he bore a strange ring.
Two serpents with emerald eyes.
One devouring,
the other crowned with golden flowers.
The Ring of Barahir.
So Gandalf Greyhame
thinks he has found Isildur's heir.
The lost king of Gondor.
He is a fool.
The line was broken years ago.
It matters not.
The world of Men shall fall.
It will begin at Edoras.
I am ready, Gamling.
Bring my horse.
This is not a defeat.
We will return.
We will return.
You have some skill with a blade.
Women of this country learned long ago:
Those without swords
can still die upon them.
I fear neither death nor pain.
What do you fear, my lady?
A cage.
To stay behind bars until use
and old age accept them.
And all chance of valor has gone
beyond recall or desire.
You're a daughter of kings. . .
. . .a shieldmaiden of Rohan.
I do not think that would be your fate.
Thoden will not stay at Edoras.
It's vulnerable. He knows this.
He will expect an attack on the city.
They will flee to Helm's Deep. . .
. . .the great fortress of Rohan.
It is a dangerous road to take
through the mountains.
They will be slow.
They will have women and children
with them.
Send out your Warg-riders.
Hey, stinker, don't go getting
too far ahead.
-Why do you do that?
Call him names.
Run him down all the time.
Because that's what he is, Mr. Frodo.
There's naught left in him
but lies and deceit.
It's the Ring he wants.
It's all he cares about.
You have no idea what it did to him. . .
. . .what it's still doing to him.
I want to help him, Sam.
Because I have to believe
he can come back.
You can't save him, Mr. Frodo.
What do you know about it?
I'm sorry, Sam. I don't know
why I said that.
I do.
It's the Ring.
You can't take your eyes off it.
I've seen you.
You're not eating. You barely sleep.
It's taken hold of you, Mr. Frodo.
-You have to fight it.
-I know what I have to do, Sam.
The Ring was entrusted to me.
It's my task.
Mine! My own!
Can't you hear yourself?
Don't you know who you sound like?
We wants it.
We needs it.
Must have the precious.
They stole it from us.
Sneaky little Hobbitses.
Wicked. Tricksy. False.
No. Not master.
Yes, precious. False.
They will cheat you, hurt you, lie!
Master's my friend.
You don't have any friends.
Nobody likes you.
Not listening. I'm not listening.
You're a liar and a thief.
Go away.
Go away?
I hate you.
I hate you.
Where would you be without me?
Gollum. Gollum.
I saved us.
It was me. We survived because of me.
Not anymore.
What did you say?
Master looks after us now.
We don't need you.
Leave now. . .
. . .and never come back.
Leave now and never come back.
Leave now and never come back!
We told him to go away.
And away he goes, precious.
Gone! Gone! Gone!
Smagol is free!
Look. See what Smagol finds?
They are young.
They are tender. They are nice.
Yes, they are. Eat them. Eat them!
You'll make him sick, you will. . .
. . .behaving like that.
There's only one way to eat
a brace of boneys.
What's it doing?
Stupid, fat Hobbit.
It ruins it.
What's to ruin? There's hardly any meat
on them.
What we need is a few good taters.
What's taters, precious?
What's taters? Eh?
Boil them, mash them,
stick them in a stew.
Lovely, big, golden chips
with a nice piece of fried fish.
Even you couldn't say no to that.
Oh, yes, we could.
Spoil a nice fish.
Give it to us raw. . .
. . .and wriggling.
You keep nasty chips.
You're hopeless.
Mr. Frodo?
-Who are they?
-Wicked Men.
Servants of Sauron.
They are called to Mordor.
The Dark One is gathering all armies
to him.
It won't be long now.
He will soon be ready.
-Ready to do what?
-To make his war.
The last war that will cover
all the world in Shadow.
We've got to get moving. Come on, Sam.
Mr. Frodo.
It's an oliphant.
No one at home will believe this.
We've lingered here too long.
Come on, Sam.
Wait! We're innocent travelers!
There are no travelers in this land.
Only servants of the Dark Tower.
We are bound to an errand of secrecy.
Those that claim to oppose the enemy
would do well not to hinder us.
The enemy?
His sense of duty was no less
than yours, I deem.
You wonder what his name is. . .
. . .where he came from.
And if he was really evil at heart.
What lies or threats led him
on this long march from home.
If he would not rather have stayed there. . .
. . .in peace.
War will make corpses of us all.
Bind their hands.
It's true, you don't see
many Dwarf women.
And in fact, they are so alike
in voice and appearance. . .
. . .that they're often mistaken
for Dwarf men.
It's the beards.
This, in turn, has given rise
to the belief. . .
. . .that there are no Dwarf women. . .
. . .and that Dwarves just spring out
of holes in the ground. . .
. . .which is, of course, ridiculous.
It's all right. Nobody panic.
That was deliberate.
It was deliberate.
I haven't seen my niece smile
for a long time.
She was a girl when they brought
her father back dead.
Cut down by Orcs.
She watched her mother
succumb to grief.
Then she was left alone,
to tend her king in growing fear.
Doomed to wait upon an old man
who should have loved her as a father.
No, I couldn't
I really couldn't.
I made some stew.
It isn't much, but it's hot.
Thank you.
-It's good.
My uncle told me a strange thing.
He said that you rode to war
with Thngel, my grandfather.
But he must be mistaken.
King Thoden has a good memory.
He was only a small child at the time.
Then you must be at least 60.
But you cannot be 80!
You are one of the Dnedain.
A descendant of Nmenor,
blessed with long life.
It was said that your race
had passed into legend.
There are few of us left.
The Northern Kingdom
was destroyed long ago.
I'm sorry. Please, eat.
The light of the Evenstar
does not wax and wane.
It is mine to give to whom I will.
Like my heart.
Go to sleep.
I am asleep.
This is a dream.
Then it is a good dream.
Arwen. . . .
Where is she?
The woman who gave you that jewel.
Our time here is ending.
Arwen's time is ending.
Let her go.
Let her take the ship into the west.
Let her bear away her love for you
to the Undying Lands.
There it will be ever green.
But never more than memory.
I will not leave my daughter here
to die.
-She stays because she still has hope.
-She stays for you.
She belongs with her people.
Why are you saying this?
I am mortal. You are Elf-kind.
It was a dream, Arwen.
Nothing more.
I don't believe you.
This belongs to you.
It was a gift.
Keep it.
My lord?
She is sailing to the Undying Lands
with all that is left of her kin.
What is it?
-I'm not sure.
A scout!
-What is it? What do you see?
-Warg! We're under attack!
Get them out of here!
All riders to the head of the column.
Come on. Get me up here. I'm a rider.
Come on!
You must lead the people
to Helm's Deep, and make haste.
-I can fight.
You must do this, for me.
Follow me!
-Forward. I mean, charge forward.
-Make for the lower ground!
-That's it! Go on!
-Stay together!
Bring your pretty face to my ax.
That one counts as mine!
Stinking creature.
Tell me what happened
and I will ease your passing.
He's. . .
. . .dead.
He took a little tumble off the cliff.
You lie.
Get the wounded on horses.
The wolves of Isengard will return.
Leave the dead.
-At last!
-Helm's Deep.
There it is, Helm's Deep.
We're safe!
We're safe, my lady.
Thank you.
-Where is the rest?
-This is all we could save, my lady.
Take it to the caves.
Make way for the king.
Make way for Thoden.
Make way for the king.
So few. So few of you have returned.
Our people are safe.
We have paid for it with many lives.
My lady.
Lord Aragorn. . .
. . .where is he?
He fell.
Draw all our forces behind the wall.
Bar the gate.
And set a watch on the surround.
What of those who cannot fight, my lord?
The women and children?
Get them into the caves.
Saruman's arm will have grown long
indeed if he thinks he can reach us here.
Helm 's Deep has one weakness.
Its outer wall is solid rock. . .
. . . but for a small culvert
at its base. . .
. . . which is little more than a drain.
How? How can fire undo stone?
What kind of device
could bring down the wall?
If the wall is breached,
Helm's Deep will fall.
Even if it is breached, it would take
a number beyond reckoning. . .
. . .thousands, to storm the Keep.
Tens of thousands.
But, my lord, there is no such force.
A new power is rising.
It's victory is at hand.
This night. . .
. . .the land will be stained
with the blood of Rohan!
March to Helm's Deep!
Leave none alive!
To war!
There will be no dawn for Men.
Look. There's smoke to the south.
There is always smoke rising. . .
. . .from Isengard these days.
There was a time. . .
. . .when Saruman would walk in my woods.
But now he has a mind of metal. . .
. . .and wheels.
He no longer cares for growing things.
What is it?
It's Saruman's army.
The war has started.
May the grace of the Valar
protect you.
I have made my choice.
He is not coming back.
Why do you linger here
when there is no hope?
There is still hope.
If Aragorn survives this war,
you will still be parted.
If Sauron is defeated
and Aragorn made king. . .
. . .and all that you hope for
comes true. . .
. . .you will still have to taste
the bitterness of mortality.
Whether by the sword
or the slow decay of time. . .
. . .Aragorn will die.
And there will be no comfort
for you. . .
. . . no comfort to ease the pain
of his passing.
He will come to death. . .
. . . an Image of the splendor
of the kings of Men. . .
. . .In glory undimmed before
the breaking of the world.
But you, my daughter. . .
. . .you will linger on in darkness
and in doubt. . .
. . . as nightfall in winter
that comes without a star.
Here you will dwell. . .
. . . bound to your grief
under the fading trees. . .
. . . until all the world is changed. . .
. . .and the long years of your life
are utterly spent.
There is nothing for you here. . .
. . .only death.
The power of the enemy is growing.
Sauron will use his puppet,
Saruman. . .
. . . to destroy the people of Rohan.
Isengard has been unleashed.
The Eye of Sauron now turns
to Gondor. . .
. . . the last free kingdom of Men.
His war on this country
will come swiftly.
He senses the Ring Is close.
The strength of the Ring-bearer
Is failing.
In his heart, Frodo begins
to understand. . .
. . .the quest will claim his life.
You know this.
You have foreseen it.
It is the risk we all took.
In the gathering dark, the will
of the Ring grows strong.
It works hard now to find its way back
Into the hands of Men.
Men, who are so easily seduced
by its power.
The young captain of Gondor
has but to extend his hand. . .
. . . take the Ring for his own,
and the world will fall.
It is close now.
So close to achieving its goal.
For Sauron will have dominion
over all life on this Earth. . .
. . . even unto to the ending
of the world.
The time of the Elves. . .
. . .Is over.
Do we leave Middle-earth
to its fate?
Do we let them stand alone?
What news?
Our scouts report Saruman
has attacked Rohan.
Thoden's people have fled
to Helm's Deep.
But we must look to our own borders.
Faramir, Orcs are on the move.
Sauron is marshaling an army.
Easterlings and Southrons
are at the Black Gate.
-How many?
-Some thousands. More come every day.
-Who's covering the river to the north?
-We pulled 500 men at Osgiliath.
If their city is attacked,
we won't hold it.
Saruman attacks from Isengard.
Sauron from Mordor.
The fight will come to Men
on both fronts.
Gondor is weak.
Sauron will strike us soon.
And he will strike hard.
He knows now we do not have
the strength to repel him.
My men tell me that you are Orc spies.
Spies? Now wait just a minute.
Well, if you're not spies,
then who are you?
We are Hobbits of the Shire.
Frodo Baggins is my name,
and this is Samwise Gamgee.
Your bodyguard?
His gardener.
And where is your skulking friend?
That gangrel creature.
He had an ill-favored look.
There was no other.
We set out from Rivendell
with seven companions.
One we lost in Moria. . .
. . .two were my kin. . .
. . .a Dwarf there was also.
And an Elf and two Men.
Aragorn, son of Arathorn,
and Boromir of Gondor.
You're a friend of Boromir?
For my part.
It will grieve you then to learn
that he is dead.
How? When?
As one of his companions,
I'd hoped you would tell me.
If something has happened to Boromir,
we would have you tell us.
His horn washed up upon the riverbank,
about six days past.
It was cloven in two.
But more than this, I know it in my heart.
He was my brother.
This city was once the jewel
of our kingdom.
A place of light and beauty and music.
And so it shall be once more!
Let the armies of Mordor know this:
Never again will the land of my people
fall into enemy hands.
This city of Osgiliath
has been reclaimed for Gondor!
-For Gondor!
-For Gondor!
-For Gondor!
-For Gondor!
Good speech. Nice and short.
Leaves more time for drinking!
Break out the ale! These men are thirsty!
Remember today, little brother.
Today, life is good.
He's here.
One moment of peace,
can he not give us that?
Where is he?
Where is Gondor's finest?
Where's my first-born?
They say you vanquished the enemy
almost single-handedly.
They exaggerate.
The victory belongs to Faramir also.
But for Faramir, this city
would still be standing.
Were you not entrusted to protect it?
I would have done,
but our numbers were too few.
Oh, too few.
You let the enemy walk in
and take it on a whim.
Always you cast a poor reflection on me.
That is not my intent.
You give him no credit,
and yet he tries to do your will.
-He loves you, Father.
-Do not trouble me with Faramir. . .
. . . I know his uses, and they are few.
We have more urgent things to speak of.
Elrond of Rivendell has called a meeting.
He will not say why,
but I have guessed its purpose.
It is rumored that the weapon
of the enemy has been found.
The One Ring.
-Isildur's Bane.
-It has fallen into the hands of the Elves.
Everyone will try to claim it:
Men, Dwarves, wizards.
We cannot let that happen.
This thing must come to Gondor.
-It's dangerous, I know.
Ever the Ring will seek to corrupt
the hearts of lesser Men.
But you, you are strong.
And our need is great.
It is our blood, which is being spilled,
our people who are dying.
Sauron is biding his time.
He's massing fresh armies.
He will return.
And when he does,
we will be powerless to stop him.
You must go.
Bring me back this mighty gift.
No. My place is here with my people.
Not in Rivendell.
-Would you deny your own father?
-If there is need to go to Rivendell. . .
-. . .send me in his stead.
Oh, I see.
A chance for Faramir, captain of Gondor,
to show his quality.
I think not.
I trust this mission only to your brother.
The one who will not fail me.
Remember today, little brother.
Captain Faramir!
We found the third one.
You must come with me. Now.
Down there.
To enter the Forbidden Pool
bears the penalty of death.
They wait for my command.
Shall I shoot?
The rock and pool
Is nice and cool
So juicy sweet
Our only wish
To catch a fish
So juicy sweet
This creature is bound to me.
And I to him.
He is our guide.
Please. . .
. . .let me go down to him.
Master is here.
Come, Smagol.
Trust master. Come.
We must go now?
Smagol, you must trust master.
Follow me. Come on.
Come, Smagol.
Nice Smagol. That's it.
Come on.
Don't hurt him!
Smagol, don't struggle.
Smagol, listen to me.
That's enough.
Where are you leading them?
Answer me.
Why does it cry, Smagol?
Prepare to leave.
The Ring will go to Gondor.
-He's alive!
-Where is he? Where is he?
Get out of the way!
I'm going to kill him!
You are the luckiest, the canniest. . .
. . .and the most reckless man
I ever knew.
Bless you, laddie.
Gimli, where is the king?
You look terrible.
A great host, you say?
-All Isengard is emptied.
-How many?
Ten thousand strong at least.
Ten thousand?
It is an army bred for a single purpose:
To destroy the world of Men.
They will be here by nightfall.
Let them come!
I want every man and strong lad
able to bear arms. . .
. . .to be ready for battle by nightfall.
We will cover the causeway
and the gate from above.
No army has ever breached
the Deeping Wall. . .
. . .or set foot inside the Hornburg!
This is no rabble of mindless Orcs.
These are Uruk-hai.
Their armour is thick
and their shields broad.
I have fought many wars,
Master Dwarf.
I know how to defend my own keep.
They will break upon this fortress
like water on rock.
Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn.
We've seen it before.
Crops can be resown. . .
. . . homes rebuilt.
Within these walls. . .
. . .we will outlast them.
They do not come to destroy Rohan's
crops or villages.
They come to destroy its people. . .
. . .down to the last child.
What would you have me do?
Look at my men.
Their courage hangs by a thread.
If this is to be our end, then I would
have them make such an end. . .
. . .as to be worthy of remembrance.
Send out riders, my lord.
You must call for aid.
And who will come?
We are not so lucky in our friends
as you.
The old alliances are dead.
-Gondor will answer.
Where was Gondor
when the Westfold fell?!
Where was Gondor when
our enemies closed in around us?!
Where was Gon–?
No, my Lord Aragorn. . .
. . .we are alone.
Get the women and children
into the caves.
We need more time
to lay provisions–
There is no time. War is upon us.
Secure the gate.
We Ents have not troubled. . .
. . .about the wars of Men and wizards. . .
. . .for a very long time.
But now, something
is about to happen. . .
. . .that has not happened. . .
. . .for an age.
What's that?
'Tis a gathering.
A gathering of what?
Beech. Oak.
Chestnut. Ash.
Good. Good. Good.
Many have come.
Now we must decide
if the Ents. . .
. . .will go to war.
Move back! Move to the caves!
Come on, people! Quickly, now!
We'll place the reserves along the wall.
They can support the archers
from above the gate.
Aragorn, you must rest.
You're no use to us half alive.
I'm to be sent with the women
into the caves.
That is an honorable charge.
To mind the children, to find food
and bedding when the men return.
What renown is there in that?
My lady, a time may come for valor
without renown.
Who then will your people look to
in the last defense?
-Let me stand at your side.
-It is not in my power to command it.
You do not command
the others to stay!
They fight beside you because they
would not be parted from you.
Because they love you.
I'm sorry.
Farmers, farriers, stable boys.
These are no soldiers.
-Most have seen too many winters.
-Or too few.
Look at them. They're frightened.
I can see it in their eyes.
Then I shall die as one of them!
Let him go, lad.
Let him be.
Every villager able to wield a sword
has been sent to the armoury.
My lord?
Who am I, Gamling?
You are our king, sire.
And do you trust your king?
Your men, my lord will follow you
to what ever end
To whatever end.
Where is the horse and the rider?
Where is the horn that was blowing?
They have passed like rain
on the mountains.
Like wind in the meadow.
The days have gone down in the West. . .
. . . behind the hills. . .
. . .Into Shadow.
How did it come to this?
It's been going for hours.
They must have decided something
by now.
Decided? No.
We only just finished saying. . .
. . .good morning.
But it's nighttime already.
You can't take forever.
Don't be hasty.
We're running out of time!
Move! Move to the outer wall.
Give me your sword.
What is your name?
Haleth, son of Hma, my lord.
The men are saying
we will not live out the night.
They say that it is hopeless.
This is a good sword.
Haleth, son of Hma. . .
. . .there is always hope.
We have trusted you this far.
You have not led us astray.
Forgive me.
I was wrong to despair.
We had time, I'd get this adjusted.
It's a little tight across the chest.
That is no Orc horn.
Send for the king.
-Open the gate!
-Open up the gate!
How is this possible?
I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell.
An alliance once existed
between Elves and Men.
Long ago we fought and died together.
We come to honor that allegiance.
You are most welcome.
We are proud to fight
alongside Men once more.
You could have picked a better spot.
Well, lad, whatever luck you live by,
let's hope it lasts the night.
Your friends are with you, Aragorn.
Let's hope they last the night.
-What's happening out there?
-Shall I describe it to you?
Or would you like me to find you a box?
So it begins.
their armors are weak
at the neck
Did they hit anything?
Give them a volley.
Send them to me! Come on!
Swords! Swords!
Legolas! Two already!
I'm on 1 7!
I'll have no pointy-ear outscoring me!
We have just agreed.
I have told your names to the Entmoot. . .
. . .and we have agreed. . .
. . .you are not Orcs.
Well, that's good news.
And what about Saruman?
Have you come to a decision about him?
Now, don't be hasty, Master Meriadoc.
Our friends are out there.
They need our help. They cannot
fight this war on their own.
War? Yes.
It affects us all.
Tree, root and twig.
But you must understand, young Hobbit. . .
. . .it takes a long time. . .
. . .to say anything in Old Entish. . .
. . .and we never say anything. . .
. . . unless it is worth taking. . .
. . .a long time to say.
Seventeen! Eighteen!
Is this it?
Is this is all you can conjure, Saruman?
legolis kill the urukai fire holder
kill him
kill him
Brace the gate!
Hold them! Stand firm!
The Ents cannot hold back this storm.
We must weather such things
as we have always done.
How can that be your decision?!
This is not our war.
But you're part of this world!
Aren't you?!
You must help. Please.
You must do something.
You are young and brave, Master Merry.
But your part in this tale is over.
Go back to your home.
Maybe Treebeard's right.
We don't belong here, Merry.
It's too big for us.
What can we do in the end?
We've got the Shire.
Maybe we should go home.
The fires of Isengard will spread. . .
. . .and the woods of Tuckborough
and Buckland will burn.
And. . . .
And all that was once green and good
in this world will be gone.
There won't be a Shire, Pippin.
Fall back to the Keep!
Get your men out of there!
What are you doing?
What are you stopping for?
Brace the gate!
Hold them!
To the gate. Draw your swords!
Make way!
We cannot hold much longer!
-Hold them!
-How long do you need?
As long as you can give me.
Brace the gate!
Come on. We can take them.
It's a long way.
Toss me.
-I cannot jump the distance!
You'll have to toss me!
Don't tell the Elf.
Not a word.
Shore up the door!
-Make way!
-Follow me to the barricade.
Watch our backs!
-Throw another one over here!
Hold fast the gate!
Gimli! Aragorn!
Get out of there!
Pull everybody back.
Pull them back.
Fall back!
Fall back!
They have broken through!
The castle is breached. Retreat!
-Fall back!
Hurry! Inside. Get them inside!
Into the Keep!
I will leave you at the western borders
of the forest.
You can make your way north
to your homeland from there.
Wait! Stop!
Turn around.
-Turn around. Take us south.
But that will lead you past Isengard.
Yes. Exactly.
If we go south, we can slip
past Saruman unnoticed.
The closer we are to danger,
the farther we are from harm.
It's the last thing he'll expect.
That doesn't make sense to me.
But then. . .
. . .you are very small.
Perhaps you're right.
South it is, then.
Hold on, little Shirelings.
I always like going south.
Somehow it feels like going downhill.
Are you mad? We'll be caught.
No, we won't.
Not this time.
Osgiliath burns!
Mordor has come.
The Ring will not save Gondor.
It has only the power to destroy.
Please. . .
. . .let me go.
You must let me go!
And those little family of field mice. . .
. . .that climb up sometimes,
and they tickle me awfully.
They're always trying to get somewhere
where they. . . .
Many of these trees were my friends.
Creatures I had known
from nut and acorn.
I'm sorry, Treebeard.
They had voices of their own.
A wizard should know better!
There is no curse in Elvish. . .
. . . Entish or the tongues of Men. . .
. . .for this treachery.
Look! The trees! They're moving!
Where are they going?
They have business with the Orcs.
My business is with Isengard tonight. . .
. . .with rock and stone.
Come, my friends.
The Ents are going to war.
It is likely. . .
. . .that we go to our doom.
Last march. . .
. . .of the Ents.
Faramir! Orcs have taken the eastern
shore. Their numbers are too great.
By nightfall we will be overrun.
Mr. Frodo?
It's calling to him, Sam.
His Eye is almost on me.
Hold on, Mr. Frodo.
You'll be all right.
Take them to my father.
Tell him Faramir sends a mighty gift.
A weapon that will change our fortunes
in this war.
Do you want to know
what happened to Boromir?
You want to know
why your brother died?
He tried to take the Ring from Frodo
after swearing an oath to protect him!
He tried to kill him!
The Ring drove your brother mad!
Watch out!
Mr. Frodo?
They're here.
They've come.
Stay here. Keep out of sight.
Take cover!
The fortress is taken.
It is over.
You said this fortress would never fall
while your men defend it.
They still defend it.
They have died defending it.
They're breaking in!
They're past the door!
Is there no other way for the women
and children to get out of the caves?
Is there no other way?
There is one passage.
It leads into the mountains.
But they will not get far.
The Uruk-hai are too many.
Tell the women and children
to make for the mountain pass.
-And barricade the entrance!
-So much death.
What can Men do
against such reckless hate?
Ride out with me.
Ride out and meet them.
For death and glory.
For Rohan.
For your people.
The sun is rising.
Look to my coming at first light
on the fifth day.
At dawn. . .
. . . look to the east.
The horn of Helm Hammerhand. . .
. . .shall sound in the Deep. . .
. . .one last time.
Let this be the hour
when we draw swords together.
Fell deeds, awake.
Now for wrath. . .
. . . now for ruin and a red dawn.
Forth Eorlingas!
Thoden King stands alone.
Not alone.
To the king!
A hit. A fine hit.
Break the dam!
Release the river!
Pippin! Hold on!
Hold on, little Hobbits.
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
It's me.
It's your Sam.
Don't you know your Sam?
I can't do this, Sam.
I know.
It's all wrong.
By rights, we shouldn't even be here.
But we are.
It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo.
The ones that really mattered.
Full of darkness and danger they were.
And sometimes you didn't want
to know the end. . .
. . .because how could the end be happy?
How could the world go back
to the way it was. . .
. . . when so much bad had happened?
We have victory!
But in the end,
It's only a passing thing. . .
. . . this shadow.
Even darkness must pass.
A new day will come.
And when the sun shines,
It will shine out the clearer.
Those were the stories
that stayed with you. . .
. . . that meant something.
Even If you were too small
to understand why.
But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand.
I know now.
Folk in those stories. . .
. . . had lots of chances of turning back,
only they didn't.
They kept going. . .
. . .because they were holding
on to something.
What are we holding on to, Sam?
That there's some good
in this world, Mr. Frodo.
And it's worth fighting for.
I think at last we understand one another,
Frodo Baggins.
You know the laws of our country,
the laws of your father.
If you let them go,
your life will be forfeit.
Then it is forfeit.
Release them.
Stay out of the forest!
Keep away from the trees!
Final count. . .
-. . .42.
That's not bad for a pointy-eared
Elvish princeling.
I myself am sitting pretty on 43.
-He was already dead.
-He was twitching.
-He was twitching. . .
. . .because he's got my ax
embedded in his nervous system!
-He doesn't look too happy, does he?
-Not too happy at all, Merry.
Still, I suppose the view
would be quite nice from up there.
Oh, yes. It's a quality establishment.
I hear the staff are very good.
-What are you doing?
-The world is back to normal, that's all.
-No, it isn't.
I'm starving.
Good luck trying to find something
decent around here.
Probably dead rats and moldy bread.
Saruman's storeroom!
I don't believe it.
It can't be.
-It is!
-Longbottom Leaf.
The finest pipe-weed in South Farthing.
It's perfect. One barrel each.
Do you think we should share it
with Treebeard?
Share it?
No. No.
Dead plant and all that.
Don't think he'd understand.
Could be a distant relative.
I get it.
Don't be hasty.
This is the old sewer.
Runs right under the river
through to the edge of the city.
You'll find cover in the woods there.
Captain Faramir. . .
. . .you have shown your quality, sir.
The very highest.
The Shire must truly be a great realm,
Master Gamgee. . .
. . .where gardeners are held in high honor.
What road will you take
once you reach the woods?
Gollum says there's a path. . .
. . . near Minas Morgul
that climbs up into the mountains.
Cirith Ungol?
-Is that its name?
-Frodo. . .
. . .they say a dark terror dwells
in the passes above Minas Morgul.
-You cannot go that way.
-It is the only way.
Master says we must go to Mordor,
so we must try.
I must.
Go, Frodo.
Go with the goodwill of all Men.
Thank you.
May death find you quickly
if you bring them to harm.
Come on, keep up.
Mr. Frodo didn't mean for them Rangers
to hurt you.
You know that, don't you?
He was trying to save you, see?
Save me?
So there's no hard feelings.
-Forgive and forget.
-No, no, no hard feelings.
Gollum, Gollum.
Yes, master.
-Nice Hobbits.
-Very decent of you.
Very decent, indeed, Gollum.
Sauron's wrath will be terrible,
his retribution swift.
The battle for Helm's Deep is over.
The battle for Middle-earth
is about to begin.
All our hopes now lie
with two little Hobbits. . .
. . . somewhere in the wilderness.
I wonder if we'll ever be
put into songs or tales.
I wonder if people will ever say,
"Let's hear about Frodo and the Ring."
And they'll say,
"Yes! That's one of my favorite stories."
"Frodo was really courageous,
wasn't he, Dad?"
"Yes, my boy.
The most famousest of Hobbits.
And that's saying a lot"
Well, you've left out
one of the chief characters:
"Samwise the Brave"
I want to hear more about Sam.
Frodo wouldn't have got far
without Sam.
Now, Mr. Frodo, you shouldn't make fun.
I was being serious.
So was I.
"Samwise the Brave"
We're not going to wait for you.
Come on.
Master looks after us.
Master wouldn't hurt us.
Master broke his promise.
Don't ask Smagol.
Poor, poor Smagol.
Master betrayed us.
Wicked. Tricksy. False.
We ought to wring
his filthy little neck.
Kill him! Kill him!
Kill them both!
And then we take the precious. . .
. . .and we be the master!
But the fat Hobbit, he knows.
Eyes always watching.
Then we stabs them out.
Put out his eyeses
and make him crawl.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Kill them both.
Yes. No! No!
It's too risky. It's too risky.
Where is he? Where has he gone?
-Hey, Gollum! Where are you?
We could let her do it.
Yes. She could do it.
Yes, precious, she could.
And then we takes it
once they're dead.
Once they're dead.
Come on, Hobbits. Long ways to go yet.
Smagol will show you the way.

@soupnana group

Long ago…
…in the early years of the Second Age…
…the great Elven-smiths
forged Rings of Power.
Nine for mortal Men.
Seven for the Dwarf-lords.
Three for the tall Elf-kings.
But then, the Dark Lord learned
the craft of ring-making…
…and made the Master Ring.
The One Ring to rule them all.
With the One Ring, Middle-earth is his
and he cannot be overcome.
As the last alliance of Men and Elves
fell beneath his power…
…he did not notice the heroic shadow
who slipped in.
It was Prince Isildur…
…of the mighty kings from across the sea…
…who took the Ring.
But because he did not destroy it,
the spirit of the Dark Lord lived on…
…and began to take shape and grow again.
But the Ring had a will of its own,
and a way of slipping from one hand…
…to be found by another, so that it
might at last get back to its master.
And there the Ring lay,
at the bottom of the Great River Anduin…
…for thousands of years.
During those years…
…the Dark Lord captured the nine Rings
that were made for Men…
…and turned their owners
into the Ring wraiths:
Terrible shadows under his great shadow…
…who roamed the world,
searching for the One Ring.
In time, the Ring was found.
Two friends were fishing
in the Great River one day.

  • Give us that, Deagol, my love.
  • Why, Smeagol?
    Because it's my birthday,
    my love, and I wants it.
    I have already given you
    more than I could afford.
    I found this, and I'm going to keep it!
    Are you indeed, my love?
    He used the Ring for thieving,
    and to find out secrets.
    His own people began to despise
    the wretched creature…
    …and to call him Gollum.
    Tortured and driven by the Ring,
    he hid in dark caves…
    …under deep mountains.
    But the Ring
    slipped off Gollum's finger, too.
    And so it was that Bilbo found it,
    during his travels with the Dwarves.
    Thief, Baggins. Thief!
    It stole our precious, our precious…
    Our birthday present.
    Thief, Baggins! We hates it forever!
    It was Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit…
    …who took the Ring back to the Shire,
    his home.
    Years later…
    …Gandalf the Wizard, visited Bilbo
    on his going-away birthday party.
    I don't know half of you
    half as well as I should like…
    …and I like less than half of you
    half as well as you deserve.
    Frodo, I can see your uncle Bilbo
    hasn't changed much.
    And though 111 years
    is far too short a time…
    …to live among such admirable Bagginses
    and Boffinses, Grubbs…
    …Chubbs, Brace-girdles, Good bodies…
  • …Bolgers, Hornblowers and Proudfoots…
  • Proudfeet!
    …I regret to announce that this is the end.
    I'm going away.
    I'm leaving. Now.
    Where did he go?
    Oh, Gandalf.
    Have you left the Ring for Frodo,
    as we agreed?
    It's mine, I tell you! It's my own.
    My precious!
    It's mine now, and I shall keep it.
    I won't give my precious away, I tell you.
    Do not say that again!
    Give it to Frodo, and I will look after him.
    All right, I will.
    Seventeen years passed sleepily
    in the Shire.
    All right, just a minute!
    Greetings, Frodo.
    Gandalf, it's really you!
    Oh, it's been so long!
    Seventeen years…
    …since Bilbo left.
    You look the same as ever, Frodo.
    You look older, Gandalf.
    Oh, I've been on a long journey.
    It's the Ring, isn't it?
    Bilbo's funny magic ring.
    You always used to look like that
    when you talked about it.
    Bilbo's 'funny' ring,
    that makes you invisible?
  • Give it to me, Frodo!
  • Give you the Ring?
    For a moment only.
    Can you see any markings on it?
    There are none.
    It's quite a plain ring, really.
    Well, then, look!
    Wait. Do you desire it so much already?
    No, but why ruin it?
    Because it is altogether evil.
    It will corrupt and destroy
    anyone who wears it…
    …until he passes
    into the World of Shadows…
    …under the power of Sauron:
    The Dark Lord of Mordor!
    Not Bilbo?
    You are the one who has the Ring now.
    It's not even warm.
    Not even a dragon's fire
    could harm that Ring.
    "One Ring to rule them all
    "One Ring to find them
    "One Ring to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them."
    I wish it need not have happened
    in my time.
    So do I.
    The Enemy still lacks one thing
    to give him strength of knowledge…
    …to break all resistance,
    and cover all the lands in darkness.
    He lacks the One Ring.
    Maybe he doesn't know that it was found.
    He knows, Frodo.
    Gollum left his cave
    to follow the Ring himself…
    …and the Dark Lord caught him in Mordor.
    The Dark Lord knows what ring it was
    Gollum found, and how he lost it again.
    And he has heard of Hobbits at last,
    and of the Shire.
    And he even has a name to think about…
    …the name of Baggins.
    Because of Gollum!
    Oh, Gandalf, what am I to do?
    What a pity that Bilbo didn't kill
    that vile creature when he had the chance!
    Yes, it was pity.
    Pity and mercy.
    And now, Frodo, the decision lies with you.
    What will you do with the One Ring?
    I'll give it to you, Gandalf!
    You're wise and powerful.
    Well, will you not…
    No! Do not tempt me!
    I would wish to turn it to good,
    and it cannot be used so.
    Meaning to be kind, I would become
    as terrible as the Dark Lord himself.
    Do not tempt me!
    I shall have such need of strength so soon.
    Then I suppose I must keep the Ring
    and guard it.
    I ought to go away somewhere, alone.
    But they won't bother the Shire
    if the Ring isn't here.
    My dear Frodo…
    …I am afraid you are right.
    You'll have to go and leave the name
    of Baggins behind you.
    That name is no longer safe.
    Your new traveling name shall be:
    Mr. Underhill.
    What have you heard,
    and why did you listen?
    Mr. Frodo, sir, don't let him hurt me, sir!
    Don't let him turn me
    into anything unnatural.
    Answer him, Sam.
    Well, I heard a deal
    that I didn't rightly understand…
    …about an enemy and rings,
    and about Elves, sir.
    Why, I would dearly love to see Elves,
    Mr. Frodo.
    And so you shall, Sam.
    So you shall. Indeed, you should go
    to the Elves first, to Rivendell.
    Tell everyone you are moving away…
    …to live in Buckleberry, with those cousins
    of yours, Pippin and Merry.
    However you manage it, do it soon,
    by your birthday at the latest.
    I should be back by then.
    I must go south,
    to consult with the Wizard Saruman…
    …the head of my order. Be careful, Frodo.
    Me, go, sir? Me, go and see the Elves?
    Oh, my! Hooray!
    I have come for your aid,
    Saruman the White, in troubled times.
    The Nine are abroad.
    Darkness approaches, the Black Riders!
    Is that all the news you have for me then?
    Is that not enough?
    Sauron is moving at last!
    We can deal with Sauron ourselves.
    You and I, one way or another.
    What talk is this?
    What are you saying, Saruman?
    It is time for us to choose.
    A new age is upon us.
    A new power is rising.
    Nothing that Men or Elves or Wizards
    can do will avail against it.
    Its enemies are utterly doomed,
    but its friends…
    You are saying
    that we should join with Mordor?
    With him?
    Does that displease you?
    Where is the Ring, Gandalf?
    Why do the Black Riders
    search for it in the Shire?
    Have you hidden it there?
    Would you rather see
    the Dark Lord have it…
    …or Saruman of many colors?
    Neither of you will have it.
    There is a third choice.
    It is to remain here…
    …until you tell me
    where the Ring may be found.
    Saruman, if you do this…
    …if you delay me here,
    Sauron will surely get it then.
    Then he will know his good servants…
    …and his enemies.
    I don't feel right going off without Gandalf,
    Mr. Frodo.
    I wish we could've waited, that I do.
    So do I, Sam,
    but he said to leave as soon as we could.
    And Merry and Pippin insisted on coming
    with us, as far as Bree, for the fun of it.
    There's someone coming up ahead,
    Mr. Frodo. I can hear a horse.
    Good. I'm tired of looking
    at my cousins all day.
    I think we should get off the road.
    I don't want to be seen leaving the Shire.
    But it might be Gandalf.
    Then we'll surprise him. Hurry!
    We're going with you, Frodo.
    With me?
    But how do you… Sam?
  • But you gave your word.
  • They already knew so much, Mr. Frodo.
    Sam didn't tell us about the Ring, Frodo.
    I saw Bilbo use it once, before he left,
    to hide from the Sackville-Bagginses.
    And after that,
    Pippin and I kept on the lookout…
    …and we followed you.
    We asked questions everywhere.
    And we even wormed
    a few things out of Gandalf.
    And you spied on me.
    And Sam helped you.
    And we spied on you.
    But we meant no wrong to you, Mr. Frodo.
    Don't you remember
    what Mr. Gandalf said?
    "Take someone you can trust," he said.
  • It doesn't seem that I can trust anyone.
  • It all depends on what you want.
    You can trust us to stick to you
    through thick and thin, to the bitter end.
    But you cannot trust us
    to let you face trouble alone…
    …and go off without a word.
    We're your friends, Frodo.
    Bless you, you deceitful scoundrels.
    Will we be stopping at Bree tonight,
    Mr. Frodo?
    I think so, Sam.
    We all need a fireside and a bath,
    and a proper night's sleep in a real bed.
    I do wish Gandalf were with us.
    Maybe he'll be at the inn
    when we get there.
    I think I'll go out for a sniff of air.
    Mind yourselves. Don't forget:
    You're supposed to be escaping in secret.
    Oh, mind yourself! Don't get lost.
    Be careful, Merry.
    Quiet, all!
    We have some visitors with us tonight,
    all the way from the Shire.
    What was your name again, sir?
    Mr. Underhill.
    Mr. Underhill and his party.
    Yes, Mr. Underhill, sing us a Shire song!
    Well, a short one, then.
    "There is an inn, a merry old inn
    Beneath an old gray hill
    "And there they brew a beer so brown
    "With a fol-de-doo and a fol-de-da
    "Hobbits all of the Shire are we"
    Who's there?
    Who's there?
    "With a ping and a pang
    The fiddle-strings broke
    "The cow jumped over the Moon"
    Where did he go?
    What's going on here?
    Take your magic tricks back to the Shire!
    What's this place coming to,
    I'd like to know?
    Well, Mr. Underhill…
    …frightening my customers and breaking
    my crocks with your acrobatics!
    Very sorry, it's quite unintentional,
    a most unfortunate accident.
    Well, you have put your foot in it this time.
    Who are you?
    I am called Strider.
  • Everyone knows me here.
  • Well, we don't!
    You've been very careless so far,
    Mr. Frodo Baggins.
    My name is Mr. Underhill.
    After your performance tonight,
    it won't matter what you're called.
    The Black Riders will know
    who you are by morning.
    They already know what you bear.
    Who are you really?
    I am Gandalf's friend.
    He asked me to watch out for you.
    Gandalf? Have you seen him?
    Where is he?
    I do not know.
    We were supposed to meet him here,
    but I've had no word, no message.
    It is the first time
    that I've ever feared for him.
    Then we will have to go on
    by ourselves tomorrow.
    To Rivendell?
    You'd never get there. The Black Riders
    are watching the road night and day.
    They will come on you in the wild,
    in some dark place, where there's no help.
    I know the wild country.
    I can take you to Rivendell
    by paths that are seldom trodden.
    Will you have me?
    With your leave, Mr. Frodo, I'd say no.
    This Strider, he says be more careful,
    I say, let's start with him.
    How do we know he's from Gandalf?
    More likely, he's a playacting spy,
    working for…
  • For them.
  • I don't know, Sam.
    I think one of the Enemy's servants
    would, well…
    …seem fairer and feel fouler,
    if you understand.
    While I look foul and feel fair, is that it?
    Well, no, I meant…
    Frodo, I've seen them!
    I've seen them, Frodo!
    I've seen them! Black Riders!
    My men found him lying in the street.
    There were two of them.
    They were hissing to each other.
    I seemed to be drawn towards them.
    You do need looking after, all of you.
    There's been strange folk about for days.
    That Ranger…
    …Strider coming and going and… Strider!
  • They've come from Mordor.
  • Save us!
    They won't trouble you once I am gone.
    Strider came to offer me his help.
    You know your own business, maybe…
    …but in your place, I wouldn't take up
    with a ranger out of the wild.
    They have no choice.
    There is no one else for them
    except a fat innkeeper…
    …who only remembers his name
    because people shout it at him all day!
    I'll do what I can to help, Mr. Baggins.
    Mr. Underhill.
    I'm no hero, but I'll do what I can.
    Keep watch tonight, you and your folk.
    There is a hill called Weather top…
    …about half way between here
    and Rivendell.
    We will make for it tomorrow.
    So will Gandalf, if he can.
    I still don't know if we can trust him,
    Mr. Frodo.
    I said, you have no choice, Sam.
    Because, if I wanted the Ring for myself…
    …I could have it, now.
    My name is Aragorn, son of Arathorn.
    If by life or death I can save you, I will.
    How long will we be
    in these marshes, Aragorn?
    At least two days.
    I'm being eaten alive!
    What do these things live on
    when they can't get Hobbits?
    Easy there, Bill, easy. Slow.
    That is Weather top.
    We shall be there by nightfall, if we set
    a good pace and don't stop for lunch.
    If this continues I'll become a wraith.
    Don't speak of such things.
    Aragorn! Aragorn!
    And Beren was a mortal man…
    …but Luthien Tinuviel
    was the daughter of a king of Elves…
    …and she was the fairest maiden that has
    been among all the children of this world.
    Yet she chose to be mortal, for him.
    And when he died, she followed him.
    And so he was her doom…
    …but he was her love as well.
    I thought I saw something!
    Or maybe just shadows in the moonlight,
    I don't know.
    Just stand close to the fire. Make a circle.
    What's that?
    The Ring, Frodo! Take off the Ring!
    It's so cold.
  • Like a poisoned icicle.
  • It is the cold of their world, Frodo.
    When you put on the Ring,
    you entered the world of the Black Riders.
    Gandalf said not to.
    Why is it so misty here?
    I can't see very well.
    Well, what's the matter with him?
    It was only a little wound.
    It was an evil knife that struck him, Sam.
    I think that a piece broke off in the wound
    and is working inward.
    If it reaches his heart…
    Can you do anything?
    We must get to Rivendell very soon.
    He can't go no further.
    He must! Do you want them to take him?
    Wait, listen.
    Yes, Sam, that's an elf.
    So, there has been no word of Gandalf
    in Rivendell? No message at all?
    My Lord Elrond has sent every rider
    he could spare to seek for you…
    …knowing that you bore a great burden
    without guidance.
    I have been on the road for nine days.
    Well, Mr. Frodo has been on the road
    a lot longer than that.
    And he's sick and he needs a rest.
    Just for a while.
    No resting can help your Mr. Frodo now.
    Only the hands of Elrond in Rivendell
    can do that.
    There are five Black Riders
    close behind us…
    …and we may well find
    the other four waiting at the ford.
    If we lose even a little time,
    we lose, Frodo, the Ring…
    …and Middle-earth.
    Do you understand me, Sam?
    There is the ford of Rivendell.
    Fly! The Enemy is upon us!
    Come back. To Mordor we will take you.
    Come back, come back.
    To Mordor we'll take you.
    Come back, come back.
    To Mordor, we'll take you.
    Go back!
    Run, you fool, run!
    The Ring!
    The Ring!
    Go back to the land of Mordor,
    and follow me no more.
    Come back. Come back.
    To Mordor we will take you.
    Come back. Come back.
    Go back!
    The Ring.
    The Ring!
    By all the Shire,
    you shall have neither the Ring nor me!
    No, never. Verily, I come.
    I give it unto you.
    No, never! Gandalf!
    I am here,
    and you are lucky to be here, too…
    …after all the absurd things you've done
    since you left home.
    Where's Sam?
    And are the others all right?
    They've hardly left your side for three days.
    Three days?
    What happened at the ford?
    It all seemed so dim, somehow.
    You were beginning to fade,
    my remarkable friend.
    The knifepoint had almost
    worked its way to your heart.
    Oh, I didn't know. Would I have…
    You would have become like them.
    One of the Ring wraiths…
    …the servants of the Dark Lord…
    …if you had not resisted to the last.
    The river, it rose up against them.
    It is Elrond's river.
    This is his house
    and it was Elrond himself who healed you.
    If I may say so,
    I added a few touches of my own.
    The white horses and so on.
    If you noticed.
    Then that is the end of the Black Riders?
    Not so long as the Ring itself exists.
    They will fly back to their master
    in Mordor, empty and crippled…
    …until they find new shapes to wear
    and new beasts to ride.
    We have beaten them,
    just for a while, Frodo.
    That's sort of a relief.
    I wish that were the truth, Frodo.
    I'm afraid we have a new
    and closer problem at hand.
    You have not asked me
    why I was late getting back to the Shire.
    I forgot.
    When I was certain that yours was indeed
    the Master Ring…
    …I rode at once to Isengard,
    and I thought…
    …that if anyone could know
    what was best to do with the One Ring…
    …it would surely be Saruman the White.
    The great eagle, Gwaihir…
    …came in answer to my call,
    and bore me away.
    Saruman has never paid enough
    attention to animals.
  • But if he should seize the Ring…
  • He will become master of all Middle-earth.
    The War of the Ring has begun, Frodo.
    You will hear the rest in Council
    when you are well enough. Rest now.
    "The leaves were long, the grass was green
    "But the hemlock-umbels tall and fair
    "And in the glade a light was seen
    "Of stars in shadow, shimmering
    "Tinuviel was dancing there."
    Hello, Frodo, my lad.
    Where have you been?
    Why haven't I seen you before?
    I've seen a good deal of you,
    sitting by your side with Sam each day.
    Bilbo, have you been here all the time?
    All these years?
    There didn't seem much reason
    to be anywhere else, after all.
    The food's very good,
    and I listen, and I think.
    A remarkable place altogether.
    And now, of course, there's all this bustle
    about that ring of mine.
    Fancy the little thing causing
    such a disturbance.
    Have you got it here?
    Yes, I have.
    I'd very much like just to peep at it again,
    just for a moment.
    Put it away.
    I understand now.
    I'm sorry.
    Sorry about everything.
    Don't adventures…
    …ever have an end?
    The Council of Elrond is beginning.
    Come with me.
    Both of you.
    All that morning, the Council of Elrond
    debated the history of the One Ring…
    …and its master, Sauron.
    Gandalf also told all present of Saruman…
    …the traitor, and his desire
    for the power of the Ring.
    Elves and Dwarves, in their turn,
    told what they knew of Sauron's…
    …preparations for conquest,
    and so did Boromir of Gondor.
    In Gondor, we are already under attack
    by the forces of Mordor.
    I am Boromir.
    In a dream, I heard a voice crying to me,
    "Seek for the sword that was broken."
    Here is the sword of Elendil of Gondor…
    …who fought the Dark Lord long ago
    and was slain.
    So, Frodo learned at last…
    …the true heritage of Aragorn,
    the son of Arathorn…
    …descendent of Isildur,
    who cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand.
    Then it belongs to you,
    and not to me at all?
    Bring out the Ring, Frodo.
    The time has come.
    Isildur's Bane.
    The Halfling.
    What shall we do with it then,
    this mightiest of all weapons?
    We cannot keep it, we cannot destroy it.
    Sauron, who forged it looks for his Ring…
    …and Saruman who envies it,
    searches for its power, too.
    I see no other road for us
    but the most fearful:
    The road into Mordor.
    We must send the Ring to the fire
    where it was made:
    To Mount Doom.
    What foolishness is this?
    Why do you speak of hiding
    and destroying?
    The Ring could save all Middle-earth.
    Have you heard nothing?
    It is Sauron's Ring. To wield it…
    …you would have to become Sauron.
    I will not touch it!
    Nor I.
    Our one hope lies in foolishness, Boromir.
    The Dark Lord cannot conceive
    of anyone wishing to destroy his Ring.
    He will wait until one of us tries to use it…
    …follow every move we make.
    And it is just possible
    that he may not notice…
    …the small, quiet feet, walking into peril…
    …into Mordor.
    Very well. It's plain enough
    what you're pointing at.
    Bilbo, the silly Hobbit, started this affair,
    and had better finish it, or himself.
    When ought I to start?
    It has passed beyond you, Bilbo.
    This last journey
    must be for others to make.
    Who are they to be?
    That is what they're trying to decide here.
    I will take the Ring…
    …though I do not know the way.
    I think that this task
    is appointed for you, Frodo.
    This is the hour of the Shire-folk, at last.
    But you won't send him off alone, surely?
    You, at least, shall go with him,
    Master Samwise.
    It is impossible to separate you,
    even when he is summoned to a Council…
    …and you are not.
    A nice pickle
    we've landed ourselves in, Mr. Frodo.
    I thought perhaps
    you might care to have these.
    Bilbo, I don't think I should look right.
    You can wear the shirt under your clothes.
    It's as light as anything.
    But I fancy it might turn…
    …even the knives of the Black Riders.
    I named the sword Sting, long ago.
    It's silly, but there you are.
    It shines when there are enemies about.
    Orcs and things.
    Now you look
    just a plain Hobbit on the surface, but…
    Well, take care.
    Bring back any old songs
    and tales you hear.
    "I sit beside the fire
    "And think of all that I have seen."
    Our only hope is in speed and secrecy.
    The Company of the Ring shall be nine.
    Nine walkers against
    the nine Riders of Mordor.
    With Sam and Frodo, Gandalf will go.
    For the other Free Peoples…
    …Legolas shall be for the Elves…
    …and Gimli, son of Gloin, for the Dwarves.
    For Men shall go the valiant
    Boromir of Gondor…
    …and Aragorn, son of Arathorn.
    And for the last two places,
    we will trust to friendship…
    …rather than to great wisdom.
    Peregrin Took and Meriadoc Brandybuck
    may also go.
    When did you ever know such a storm,
    so far south?
    The Dark Lord's arm has grown long
    …if he can hurl snow at us
    all the way from Mordor.
    His arm has grown long.
    No, Gandalf, not that dark way, I beg you!
    And what would you suggest?
    Returning to Rivendell to wait there
    for the end? We have no choice, Aragorn!
    We might go by way of the Gap of Rohan.
    That'd take the Ring too close to Isengard
    and Saruman. We dare not risk it.
    Yet you would risk the mines of Moria.
    Where both you and I have walked before
    and come out again alive.
    The memory is very evil.
    I do not wish to enter Moria a second time.
    And I don't wish to enter it even once.
    Nor me.
    The question is not who wishes to go,
    but who will?
    There is no other way
    to pass the mountains.
    I will go with you.
    My cousin Balin led a company
    of Dwarves there, many years ago.
    There has been no word of them
    in all that time.
    Elves do not walk in the dark earth.
    I will go, but I fear for you, Gandalf.
    I will not go, not unless the vote
    of the whole company is against me.
    What does the Ring-bearer say?
    I do not wish to go.
    But I will go, if Gandalf advises it.
    Steady, easy, Bill. Old Gandalf
    will have that gate open in a minute.
  • What if he can't?
  • I've never seen anything he couldn't do.
    Fireworks are all very nice,
    but this is elf magic.
    What a people you Dwarves are
    for hiding things.
    On the gates of your most wondrous,
    ancient kingdom you write:
    "Speak, friend, and enter," and no spell
    in any language can open the door.
    Why do you keep looking
    at the lake, Frodo?
    I'm afraid of it.
    And there sits our quest.
    If we had to bring a wizard at all,
    it should have been Saruman.
    Be still, Boromir!
    Why? There are other ways to turn,
    if our Wizard's balked.
    I said, from the beginning…
    Gandalf, you old fool!
    So, all you had to do
    was say, "friend," and enter.
    Those were happier times.
    Let us go.
    I'm coming, Mr. Frodo! I'm coming!
    Into the gateway! All of you!
    Poor old Bill!
    Gandalf, what was the thing in the water?
    I do not know.
    There are older and fouler things than Orcs
    in the deep places of the world.
    Whatever it was, it grabbed Frodo first,
    out of all of us.
    Be quiet, Pippin!
    We have gone far enough for today.
    Let us stop here for the night.
    Seems to have been a guardroom.
    Yes, there's even a well.
    We had better rest here.
    It's hard to believe that even Dwarves…
    …could have lived
    in this half-drowned dungeon!
    It was a great realm once.
    Be still! Both of you!
    Which way do we take tomorrow, Gandalf?
    I have not decided.
    The path to the left smells foul,
    and I am too weary to choose.
    The way ahead feels wrong, somehow.
    At least the middle way goes up.
    It's time we began to climb again.
    I cannot remember.
    What's that?
  • Pippin!
  • Just a stone.
    I dropped a stone.
    Fool of a Took!
    Throw yourself in next time! Be quiet!
    Fool of a Pippin!
    Yes, this way.
    We should find our way down
    to the Great Gates by tonight.
    I shall be glad.
    I doubt now that Dwarves
    ever came back here.
    Why should they have come back?
    What was left for them to mine?
    Mithril silver!
    The most precious metal in the world.
    "Balin, son of Fundin…
    "…Lord of Moria."
    They did come back.
    It seems to be a record of the colony.
    Orc swords. There was a great battle here.
    "Balin is now Lord of Moria."
    Here it says, "We found Mithril."
    Now it says:
    "Yesterday, Balin, Lord of Moria, fell.
    "An Orc shot him from behind a stone.
    "We slew the Orc, but many more…"
    Then it says, "We have barred the gates."
    And something about,
    "The Watcher in the Water."
  • What do you hear?
  • Nothing.
    But I feel.
    It is grim reading.
    "They have taken the bridge.
    They are coming!
    "We cannot get out! Drums.
    "Drums in the deep!"
    There is nothing more.
    I don't want to stay here.
    We are going now, Pippin.
    There is nothing more.
    They are coming.
    Slam the doors and wedge them.
    Keep the east door ajar.
    We must not get shut in.
    Orcs and something else.
    A great Cave-troll, I think.
    Out this way!
    For Shire!
    For the Shire!
    Now is the last chance! Run for it!
    I'm all right. I can walk.
    I thought you were dead.
    All of you, down the stairs!
    Lead the way, Gimli!
    Pippin and Merry next.
    Come no closer! I warn you!
    Fly, all of you! Fly!
    Up the stairs and straight on.
    Fly! You cannot help me.
    You cannot pass.
    I am a servant of the Secret Fire.
    You cannot pass.
    Go back to the shadow.
    You cannot pass.
    Fly, you fools!
    Come. Follow me.
    Obey him!
  • There may be a bit of a scar, Sam.
  • I don't care.
    Now it is your turn, Frodo.
    I'm all right. What does it matter now?
    It matters. We still have a long road,
    and much to do.
    Why? We've no hope without Gandalf.
    You know that, Aragorn.
    Then we must do without hope.
    There is always vengeance.
    Mithril shirt!
    That's what saved you.
    I have never seen one so beautiful.
  • There!
  • What is it?
    The footsteps,
    I heard them in Moria, following.
    The Orcs will not come after us until dark.
    It never sounds like an Orc.
    They're bare feet and they flap.
    Whatever creature it is,
    it won't follow us where we're going.
    Nothing evil passes through Lothlorien.
  • That is not what we say in Gondor.
  • Then you know nothing in Gondor.
    Out of Moria into the Golden Wood.
    Is there no way less perilous?
    I would almost rather face
    the Balrog again, than the Lady.
    Lothlorien is a place of healing.
    There is no evil in it…
    …unless a man brings evil there with him.
    Welcome to Lothlorien.
    I am Galadriel
    and this is my lord, Celeborn.
    The forests have told us of your loss.
    We sorrow for you,
    and for all of Middle-earth.
    Rest here now for a little,
    until you are healed.
    Your quest is known to us.
    We will do what we can to aid you.
    Frodo Baggins of the Shire?
    '"Let the night never cease to call you
    '"Let the day never more be the same'"
    It is a song about Gandalf, isn't it?
    Yes, Mithrandir
    was the Elves' name for him.
    It means, Grey Pilgrim.
    We knew so little of him in the Shire,
    Aragorn. He was just Gandalf, to us.
    We never knew he had so many names.
    I think he was fondest of Gandalf.
    '"We 're still guided by your light
    '"You're walking beside us
    '"A prayer in the night
    '"With the fear rushing thru the shadows
    '"Like a star shining deep in his heart
    '"You will know in your hearts forever
    '"Never more
    '"Will we stand
    This is the mirror of Galadriel.
    It shows things that were,
    and things that are…
    …and things that yet may be.
    Do you wish to look?
    I'd not mind a glimpse
    of what's going on at home.
    It seems a terrible long time
    I've been away.
    Come then, you shall look…
    …and see what you may.
    I got to go home!
    They've dug up Bagshot Row…
    …and thrown my poor old Gaffer
    out in the street. I've got to go home.
    The mirror shows many things, Sam,
    and not all have yet come to pass.
    Some never come to be,
    unless those that behold the visions…
    …turn aside from their path
    to prevent them.
    Do you wish to leave Frodo now,
    and go home?
    No, it must be Saruman.
    Do not touch the water.
    He is looking for you.
    But he cannot find you, not here, not yet.
    The door is closed.
    Three Rings for the Elven-kings
    under the sky.
    We hid those three from him,
    and he has never touched them.
    If your quest fails…
    …then nothing can stand against him
    and we are defenseless.
    Yet, if you succeed,
    if the One Ring is destroyed…
    …all we built with the three will fade.
    Time will come here,
    and Lothlorien will fade.
    You are the footstep of doom to us, Frodo.
    Lady Galadriel, I will give you
    the One Ring, if you ask for it.
    It's too great a matter for me.
    And I came to test your heart.
    You will give me the Great Ring freely…
    …and in place of the Dark Lord
    you will set up a queen.
    And I shall not be evil, but beautiful…
    …and terrible as the morning
    and the night.
    Stronger than the foundations of the earth.
    All shall love me and despair!
    I pass the test.
    I will diminish and go into the west
    and remain Galadriel.
    And you must depart in the morning.
    For Gondor and the House of Isildur.
    For Gondor and the city of Minas Tirith.
    In a few days, we will have to choose:
    Shall we turn west with Boromir
    and go to the wars of Gondor…
    …or turn east to Mordor and its Dark Lord?
    Or shall we break our fellowship?
    I'm going with Mr. Frodo.
    I know that, Sam.
    What a place. What a horrible place!
    Behold the Argonath,
    the pillars of the kings.
    They are Isildur and Anarion,
    my fathers of old.
    If Gandalf were here…
    The day has come at last, the day
    of choice, which we have long delayed.
    What shall now become of our company?
    I am not Gandalf.
    I have tried to guide you
    as he would've done, but…
    …if he had any plan for this moment,
    he never told me.
    Even if he had, if he had lived…
    …I think the burden
    would still have fallen on you, Frodo.
    You alone can choose your way now.
    The burden is heavy.
    Give me an hour longer, and I will speak.
    Let me be alone!
    You shall have your hour.
    And you shall be alone.
    Who's there?
    I was afraid for you, Frodo.
    The Orcs may be on this side
    of the river by now.
    May I stay and talk to you, just for a while?
    You're kind, but there's nothing to be said.
    I know what I should do,
    but I'm afraid of doing it, Boromir.
    I wish I could help you.
    Will you hear my counsel?
    I know what your advice would be:
    To go with you to Gondor
    and use the Ring to defend Minas Tirith.
    And is that such ill counsel?
    Why should we fear to use the Ring
    in a just cause?
    Whatever is done with the Ring
    turns to evil.
    Gandalf and Elrond refused to touch it,
    and Galadriel herself…
    Yes, I know all that.
    And for themselves, they may be right,
    these Elves and half-Elves and Wizards!
    But truehearted Men will not be corrupted.
    We, of Minas Tirith, do not seek power.
    Only the strength to defend ourselves.
    Where is the evil in that, Frodo?
    You cannot answer me, none of them can.
    It's folly not using the Enemy's power
    against him.
    Think what Aragorn could do
    with the Ring in this hour.
    Or if he refuses, why not Boromir?
    How I would drive the hosts of Mordor,
    until I stood face to face with Sauron.
    And they tell us to throw it away!
    Come with me, Frodo.
    My city is not far.
    You can go to Mordor from there,
    if you must.
    Only, trust me, let me try my plan.
    Lend me the Ring.
    No, Boromir. No!
    Fool, obstinate fool!
    It is only yours by chance.
    It might have been mine.
    It should be mine. Give it to me!
    Miserable trickster!
    You'll sell us all to Sauron.
    Curse you to death and darkness,
    all you Halflings!
    What have I done?
    Frodo, come back!
    A madness took me, but it has passed.
    Come back!
    This waiting's horrible.
    Where have you been, Boromir?
    Have you seen Frodo?
    I tried to convince him
    to come to Minas Tirith.
    I grew angry and he vanished.
    Is that all you have to say?
    He put the Ring on.
    But where did he go? Where is he?
    Mr. Frodo!
    Gimli, Legolas, stop them!
    I don't know what part you've played
    in this mischief, but help now!
    Go after Merry and Pippin and guard them,
    even if you cannot find Frodo. Go on!
    Follow me, Sam. Stay close.
    Sam Gamgee, your legs are too short,
    so use your head.
    The boats.
    Coming, Mr. Frodo.
    It's only water, now.
    I'm here, Sam.
    Save me, Mr. Frodo.
    Help, I'm drowning!
  • Take my hand.
  • Where's your hand?
    Here. Here it is.
    Of all the confounded nuisances
    I ever knew.
    Mr. Frodo, that's hard.
    If I hadn't guessed right,
    where would you be now?
    Safely on my way.
    All alone and without me to help you?
    But I am going to Mordor.
    Well, of course you are,
    Mr. Frodo, and I'm coming with you.
    It's no good trying to escape you.
    I'm glad, Sam.
    May the others find a safe road.
    Aragorn will look after them.
    I don't suppose we shall see them again.
    Yet we may, Mr. Frodo. We may.
    This way!
    I tried to take the Ring from Frodo.
    I'm sorry. I have paid.
    Aragorn, go to Minas Tirith.
    Save my people.
    I will go…
    …I promise you.
    The Halflings, Orcs took them.
    I think they are not dead.
    Either we take the last boat
    and follow Frodo…
    …or we follow the Orcs on foot.
    Pippin and Merry may be dead by now.
    We don't know.
    We cannot forsake them.
    The fate of the Ring-bearer
    is in my hands no longer.
    The company of the Ring
    has played its part.
    We follow the Orcs.
    Can't run.
    Hello, Pippin.
    So you've come on this expedition, too?
    When do we get bed and breakfast?
    Bed and breakfast in Isengard, understand?
    They are alive.
    One of them, anyway.
    Pippin, I think, by the footprints.
    How far ahead of us are they, Aragorn?
    Almost a day. Shall we rest by night,
    or go on while our strength holds?
    Do you think the Orcs will rest?
    Yet, in the dark we may lose the trail,
    or miss a sign, like that brooch.
    There will be no more signs.
    I cannot run all the way to Isengard.
    Thank goodness for that rope
    the Elves gave you.
    We'd never have gotten down
    that last cliff without it.
    There's Mount Doom again, Mr. Frodo.
    See it?
    What a fix!
    The one place
    that we don't want to see any closer…
    …and that's the one place
    we're trying to get to.
    We're plain lost, Mr. Frodo.
    I'm tired, Sam.
    I don't know what's to be done.
    We must find a place to camp, I suppose.
    Maybe there'll be a path tomorrow.
    Cautious, my precious.
    Don't turn!
    It's him.
    That Gollum?
    That thing who had Mr. Bilbo's ring?
    He's been following us since Moria.
    My precious! More haste, less speed.
    Well, he'll be sorry he found us again.
    Be careful!
    He's much more dangerous than he looks.
    Where is it, my precious?
    It's ours, it is, and we wants it.
    Got you, you spying…
    Let go, Gollum!
    Let go, or I'll cut your throat!
    Don't hurt us!
    Don't let them hurt us, precious.
    Cruel little Hobbitses.
    Jumps on us
    like cats on poor mices, Gollum.
    We'll be nice to them if they'll be nice
    to us, won't we, precious?
    Pity Mr. Bilbo didn't kill the creature
    when he had the chance.
    I will not touch him.
    Now that I see him, I do pity him.
    Yes, Hobbits won't kill us,
    not Hobbits, huh?
    No, we won't.
    But we won't let you go, either.
    You will have to come with us
    and help us, if you can.
    Yes, indeed!
    Nice Hobbits!
    And where are they going in these cold,
    hard lands, we wonder?
    We are going to Mordor. You know that.
    Lead us to the gates of his land.
    No, precious.
    Hobbits mustn't go there.
    Gollum! Leave us alone!
    I think your rope might prove useful again.
    Tie one end to his ankle.
    We want him to walk.
    Don't hurt us! No!
    It burns! It bites!
    It freezes!
    Take it off us. It hurts us.
    Don't you do it!
    It hurts us.
    What promise can you give me
    that I can trust?
    Smeagol will be very good.
    Smeagol will swear
    never to let him have it.
    Smeagol will save it.
    The precious is before you, Smeagol.
    Speak your promise!
    We promises, yes, I promise…
    …I will serve the master of the precious.
    Good master, good Smeagol.
    Take the rope off, Sam.
    Off we go. Follow Smeagol.
    Smeagol knows a secret way, he does,
    across the marshes.
    Follow Smeagol.
    I said, "No shooting."
    You're wasting arrows, dunghill swine!
    Snaga, Lugdush, stand guard.
    Bind their legs.
    White-skins break through. Understand?
    You and your stinking Wizard.
    You got us into this.
    When I tell them in Mordor…
    They are far, far away.
    If stinking Wizard doesn't get you,
    the white-skins will.
    You won't get it that way.
    It isn't easy to find.
    Get it? Get what?
    Nothing, my precious.
    It's no good groping in the dark.
    Ugluk will be back any minute.
    Nothing for Mordor.
    Nothing for poor Grishnakh and Gollum.
  • Untie us, my precious.
  • I said to be quiet!
    Wait. You can't find it without our help.
    You help me?
    I don't know what to do now.
    I don't even know where we are.
    You should have studied maps more
    and played less in Rivendell.
    This is Fangorn Forest.
    Then we're no safer
    than we were with the Orcs.
    We've no blankets and almost no food.
    It looks like nothing to eat for 100 miles.
    We don't even know
    where we're trying to go.
    Let's climb up there.
    Maybe we can find out
    where we are, at least.
    It's nice here.
    The forest looks so different
    in the sunlight.
    I know.
    It's funny, but, well,
    I almost feel I like the place.
    Almost felt you liked the forest?
    That's uncommonly kind of you.
    The Orcs made us run here,
    and when we tired…
    …they carried us, cut our ropes, ran into
    the forest and we came to your hill…
    A hasty word…
    …for something that has stood here
    since the world was shaped.
    You may call me Treebeard.
    We thought you were a tree,
    standing there.
    Not a tree, a tree herder.
    Please, Treebeard…
    …now that you know our story…
    …whose side are you on?
    I am not altogether on anybody's side…
    …because nobody is altogether on my side.
    But I am no friend of these…
    …tree-killing Orcs and their masters.
    They were here, no doubt of it.
  • But where they went?
  • I don't understand these other marks.
    Your bow, Legolas! It's Saruman.
    Shoot before he puts a spell on us, fast!
    …Man and Dwarf together?
    A rare sight in these times.
    Stop him, Legolas!
    Beyond all hope.
    That was my name.
    But where have you… Gandalf!
    What happened?
    A long time I fell.
    Long I fell and he fell with me.
    His fire was about me.
    I was burned.
    Ever he clutched me, and ever
    I hewed him, far under the living earth…
    …until at last, he fled back
    up the secret ways of Moria.
    There we fought,
    above the mists of the world…
    …and the mountain was wreathed
    with lightning.
    I threw down my enemy
    and his fall broke the mountainside.
    Then darkness took me…
    …and I wandered far,
    on roads that I will not tell.
    Naked, I was sent back for a brief time…
    …until my task was done.
    And it is time I was about it.
    You come with me to Edoras, my friends,
    to the city of the Riders?
    To Edoras, now?
    But to leave Merry and Pippin?
    They are in no danger, believe me.
    The great danger is to Edoras.
    Saruman's Orcs will attack there within
    two days, and Theoden has need of us.
    Theoden has grown old.
    He shivers by his fire now…
    …and leaves everything in the hands
    of his new minister:
    Grima Wormtongue.
    Those Riders you followed,
    who rescued Merry and Pippin…
    …they were led by Theoden's nephew,
    He is all but an outlaw
    in Rohan these days.
    He hunts the Orcs
    wherever he finds them…
    …defying Wormtongue's orders
    to let them pass.
    So Wormtongue calls him traitor
    and renegade…
    …and Theoden believes…
    Gandalf, the Riders of Rohan
    are the bravest fighters I've ever knew…
    …but they were never many.
    If Saruman strikes now,
    he'll overrun Edoras in a single night.
    Our time is at hand.
    Theoden's hundreds will face
    your tens of thousands.
    When all of Rohan, your ancient oppressor,
    lies vanquished…
    …then shall we fly eastward…
    …and sweep all of Middle-earth
    beneath our feet.
    We cannot be defeated!
    Halfway between Edoras and Isengard,
    there lies a fortress called Helm's Deep.
    If we can decoy Saruman's Orcs there…
    …the fortress will stop them longer
    than the wooden halls of Edoras.
    We are buying time, Aragorn.
    Time? Time for what?
    Perhaps for a miracle.
    Perhaps only for Frodo
    to get a little further on his way…
    …while the armies
    that should be hunting for the Ring…
    …waste their own time destroying us.
    I have returned.
    The storm comes swiftly, and it is time
    for all friends to gather together.
    And do you…
    …expect me to welcome you here…
    …Master Gandalf?
    Troubles follow you like crows.
    Why should I welcome you,
    Gandalf Stormcrow?
    Justly spoken, Lord.
    In the east, the Dark Lord is stirring…
    …in Lorien, the Sorceress
    of the Golden Wood weaves deceit.
    And such is the hour
    in which this wanderer chooses to return.
    It is I who counsel the King now.
    He hears you no longer.
    No, Grima Wormtongue.
    He hears nothing but your voice
    telling him that he rules here…
    …only because Saruman
    is kind to old men…
    …and that the best thing for a sickly,
    feeble king…
    …is to let Wizards and Orcs
    do as they will in Rohan.
    I am my own man, Gandalf…
    …as I was.
    It is true that…
    …Grima advises me often
    to leave Aruman in peace…
    Hear, my Lord, you tire yourself.
    You are still unwell.
    And he does remind me
    that it would be safest for Rohan…
    …to seek their friendship…
    …no matter how I may feel!
    Dear Lord, let me deal with
    these troublesome guests.
    How long has it been, Grima Wormtongue?
    How long since Saruman bought you?
    For I saw you at Isengard.
    Did I not counsel your doorkeeper
    to forbid his staff?
    Down, snake.
    Down on your belly.
    Grima is often…
    …at Isengard.
    I sent him there with messages.
    And he returns with poison…
    …Aruman's poison in your ears, Theoden.
    Chilling your heart, making you old.
    Take courage, Lord of Rohan!
    …is this so?
    I will not harm you, Grima.
    Is it so?
    Let him go!
    My sister-daughter, Eowyn.
    My only loyal kin…
    …since her brother has disobeyed
    my commands.
    Wormtongue's command, Theoden.
    If Eomer had not defied him,
    their cause might be already lost.
    Tell me, Gandalf…
    …what I must do now.
    We cannot wait here for Saruman's attack.
    Every man that can ride
    must be sent immediately…
    …to the old fortress of Helm's Deep.
    When Saruman learns
    that we have gone there…
    …and he will…
    …we will have the Riders of Rohan.
    I will find Eomer and his Riders.
    My armor!
    Look for me at Helm's Deep.
    That's all, Theoden.
    And he's gone again…
    …like a wind in the grass.
  • Aragorn?
  • My Lord?
    Is there any hope for us?
    Sam, you simpleminded…
    You fell asleep.
    Mr. Frodo, he's gone.
  • Smeagol?
  • He's gone. I didn't mean to sleep.
    Well, he'll come back.
    Promise will hold him a while yet.
    He won't leave his precious, anyway.
    Are we rested?
    Ready to go on?
    Nice Hobbitses.
    Trust Smeagol now?
    Shivery light.
    Wraiths on wings!
    The precious is calling them!
    Gollum, wait, Mr. Frodo can't keep up!
    Slow down, I tell you.
    No time, no time.
    The precious is heavy, yes.
    Very heavy, Smeagol knows.
    If it's too heavy for nice Master…
    …little Smeagol will carry it.
    Smeagol doesn't mind.
    Give it to Smeagol.
    Do not say that again.
    Do not think it.
    Before you touched the precious again,
    …I would put it on and have you
    leap off a cliff, or into a fire…
    …and you would do it, Smeagol.
    Nice, Master.
    Smeagol promised.
    Yes, we promised to save our precious,
    never to let him have it…
    …but it's going to him…
    …my precious is nearer every step.
    I can't help it.
    Smeagol promised to help nice Hobbit.
    He took cruel rope off our leg.
    He speaks nicely to me.
    He's a Baggins, my precious.
    A Baggins stoled it.
    We hates Bagginses.
    Must have the precious. Must have it.
    We wants it.
    But there's two of them.
    We needs help, precious.
    She might help, yes.
    She might help us…
    …but Smeagol promised nice Hobbit.
    Nice Hobbit.
    Hey, you…
    …what are you pawing at him for?
    Where've you been anyway,
    sneaking off and sneaking back?
    Hobbit's always so polite, yes.
    Tired, thirsty Smeagol, he finds
    a secret way through the mountain…
    …a tunnel with no Orcses anywhere,
    and they say "sneak."
    Well, you startled me. I'm sorry.
    Hello, Smeagol.
  • Where have you been?
  • Sneaking!
    I like this place.
    There is good rock here.
    This country has tough bones.
    Up on the ridge! They're coming!
    There they are!
    Fire of Isengard!
    We're breached! Retreat to the caves!
    The caves!
    Theoden King.
    I will not end here…
    …taken like an old badger in a trap.
    When dawn comes…
    …I will bid men sound Helm's horn…
    …and I will ride forth.
    Will you ride with me then,
    son of Arathorn?
    At least, we may make such an end…
    …as will be worth a song.
    I will ride with you.
    We're there, Sam.
    Another day, maybe two.
    When light comes tomorrow,
    the mountains will be near.
    Well, it's a good thing, Mr. Frodo,
    because we're running awful low on food.
    I reckon we've got enough left
    to see us to this Mount Doom.
    After that…
    …I don't know.
    Samwise Gamgee.
    My dearest Hobbit…
    …friend of friends…
    …"after that," if the Ring goes
    into the fire, and we are at hand?
    "After that," dear Sam.
    I wouldn't worry.
    Just to get there.
    Just to get there.
    The Ring is so heavy now, Sam.
    We must go.
    Mustn't rest here, silly Hobbits.
    Orcs find us. Ring wraiths find us.
    Must go on to safe, secret place.
    Smeagol's secret way!
    The straight stair…
    …and the winding stair.
    Up, up…
    …through black, sharp mountains.
    Follow good Smeagol.
    Straight stair, winding stair?
    What comes after that?
    We shall see, yes…
    …we shall see.
    The forces of darkness were driven
    forever from the face of Middle-earth…
    …by the valiant friends of Frodo.
    As their gallant battle ended…
    …so too ends the first great tale of…
    …The Lord of the Rings.

Deleted user

It’s summer of 2001; Joe meets Patrick and he’s like “Yo, I know about music.”
And Patrick’s like “Yo, I know more about music.”
"That’s impossible! Do you wanna start a band?”
And Patrick’s like, “…Yeah… That’s cool.”
And then he’s like “Yo, this is a book store, it's not a music store!”

And then they met at Patrick’s house. And Patrick’s wearing shorts and socks and a hat. Patrick is playin’ drums for some fuckin’ reason! And Pete’s there for some reason! They start playin’ music together. And they're like “Oh, let’s play some fuckin’ covers from some other bands!” It was like, Green Day and fuckin’ Misfits and fuckin’ Ramones!
Pete said to Joe, “Yo, we gotta change this shit up! Yo, we’ve played all these bands; let’s play shit from Fall Out Boy.”
And so Pete and Patrick are like “Yo, that’s dope. But we need a fuckin’ drummer!” Because Patrick’s playin’ drums and he’s a singer!
Patrick's like “Yo! I got a soul voice!”
And they're like “Wait, how do you have a soul voice?”
And he’s like “Yo, watch this: Yeah!”
And they’re like “Oh my god! That sounds like soul!” So they put it in the song and it was like “WHERE IS YOUR BOY TONIGHT!”

And then they’re like: “Yo, that's fuckin’ perfect. This is Fall Out Boy.” And they made records like, Evening Out With Your Ex-Girlfriend. Evening Out With Your Ex-Girlfriend, everybody loves it.
[Pete corrects Brendon]
It's called Evening Out With Your Girlfriend.

[Brendon ignores Pete]
With Your Ex-Girlfriend! It's called Evening Out With Your Ex-Girlfriend!
It's called Eating Out Your Girlfriend, and it's real and it doesn't matter.

And Pete talked to Patrick and Joe and he was like “Yo, what the FUCK! Yo, this is gonna be fuckin’ DOPE!”
So they made a record, and it was called: Take This To Your Grave.
They made it without a drummer! And they had like three, four drummers come in.
The four drummers they had come in were like: Josh Freese, Neil Peart, the dude from Toto… The fourth one was like the guy from Papa Roach or something.
And they were like, “Yo, we need Andy Hurley. Andy Hurley. Take This To Your Grave. Fuckin' record it.” And he did it, and he killed it.
He was like, Bigadigadigalalululapssshhhh!
Killing the skins! Tapping the skins! Tapping the rims! Playing the shit! Killing these bitches! Wrapping it out!

[Brendon to Pete]
(You're getting a fucking tattoo right now! What the fuck is going on?!)

“We should get signed, to Fueled by Ramen. 'Cause these guys know what the fuck is going on.”
And they were like “Yo, if you can make our scene any bigger than it is, which is not fuckin' hard, we will sign you guys."
Pete was like ”Yo! We got this record that’s fuckin’ dope, dude! It's called Take This To Your Grave.“
Hey, it's gonna be called From Under The Cork Tree, it's gonna be fuckin' huge.
And then Patrick’s like "I gotta keep it real, I gotta keep it artistic. These are three songs that are gonna make the album and it's called (burp), this is called: 'Thnks fr th Mmrs,' '20 Dollar Nose Bleed,' and 'Sugar, We're Goin' Down.'
And they made this record that was fucking dope and it fucking hit on the charts.
Like: one, two, three! Three, two one! Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! TEN TO ONE!
From Under The Cork Tree sold like, four million records!
Ten million records!
Fifteen million records!
And Brendon Urie had nothing to do with the entire record. And Patrick was like “That's good!”
Pete was like “Yo, fuck you! I can do whatever I want!”
Joe was like “Yeah, it's cool man, whatever… I don’t give a shit.” And then Andy was like “Eh… Cool!”
And Pete was like "Makeup is fuckin’ great for a guy. Because it makes a guy look beautiful. Which a lot of times, a guy is not beautiful. And I wanna change that. I wanna make sure everybody thinks that guys are beautiful."

(-I'm good so far.
-You wanna spit one more time?
-Yeah, I do.
…Shut the fuck!..)

Pete was like “Oh my god, I’m so embarrassed about this dick pic!”
And then I saw the dick pic, and I was like “Eh, it's not bad. It's not a bad dick. Let’s be real.”
We made Rolling Stone one issue before Fall Out Boy. And Fall Out Boy made the issue right after us and they were so pissed!
They were like “Yo, fuck you guys!”
They were like “Yo! Panic has the fucking cover of Rolling Stone? Yo, fuck these dudes! We're gonna fucking go miles above! We're gonna hit every fucking continent there is known to man!”
But they didn’t! Because they missed a second of time.
Apparently, they were like: “Oh, shit we got every continent.” And they didn’t actually hit it.
Dude, Pete was like "What the FUCK?”
Oh, you didn’t fuckin’ make the continent. It's like, fuck you!

So From Under the Cork Tree happens, we fuckin' have three, four years of awesomeness!
Like people are cumming on themselves, 'cause it's so big!
So Fall Out Boy was like, so Patrick’s like “Yo, we're gonna name this record From Under The Cork Tree and From Infinity On High.”
Pete was like “Yo, Folie à Deux means the Theatric of Two.”
Fall Out Boy was like “Yo, we gotta take a break” meaning, Pete was like “Yo, we gotta take a break bro”
And Patrick’s like, “I need time for my music! Uhhh!”
And Joe's like “Yo, I need time to find the fuckin’ art dude I gotta find some fuckin’ meau-metal.”
And Andy’s like “I’m just gonna play with some fuckin' metal bands.”

And they were like, “Alright, this breaks been like three years long. Two years long.
Three years long.
Three and a half?
We gotta fuckin’ come back man. We gotta come back strong!

(-You took my beer away, what the fuck?!
-No, you poured it all over yourself!
-Yeah, you poured it on yourself, man.)

We gotta make this shit legit. It's gonna be fuckin' dope. It's gonna go fuckin' sky high. We're gonna make a fuckin' record that sails the skies.
We're gonna call this record: Save Rock and Roll.
So they made "Alone Together", "Light 'Em Up", "Alone Together", "Phoenix".
And everyone’s like “What the fuck? You’re working with this guy who fuckin' recorded Avril Lavigne and P!nk!”

(-What the fuck is this on my shirt, did I puke on my shirt?
-No, you poured beer all over yourself.
-Oh god…)

@HighPockets group



HAND touched the album, caressing it lovingly for a
moment, as WE HEAR her voice.

                   TATIANA (O.C.)
      Once we lived in an enchanted
      world. . . 

She opend the ALBUM to reveal a BLACK AND WHITE
brilliant summer day.

                   TATIANA (CONT)
      A world of Tsars and Princesses
      and elegant palaces. . . 

CAMERA MOVES CLOSER TO the picture. . .

                   TATIANA (CONT)
      and grand parties. . . 

The PHOTO dissolves into REALITY in brilliant color as
the day turns into night and the summer cools into
winter. We see the palace at night, blanketed in a
beautiful, almost glowing, snow as hourse drawn carriages
pull up to the front door.

                   TATIANA (CONT)
      A beautiful, magical time. . . 


                   TATIANA (CONT)
      That would soon be gone
      forever. . . 


Elegant ROYALISTS mingle around the MAIN HALL as an

All eyes turn to the GLASS DOORS OF TWO ELEVADORS which
descend grandly on either side of a beautiful staircase.
Through the glass doors we see TATIANA, the Dowager
Empress, 60, imperious and bedecked with jewels, she is
seemingly unapproachable. TSAR NICHOLAS and his SON are
with her. In the other elevador, ALEXANDRA and her
daughters - well, all her daughters except. . .

ANASTASIA, eight years old and apparently late for the
party, rushes down the upstairs hallway followed by a
SERVENT (SONYA) 16, who is trying to catch up with
Anastasia to tie a large ribbon in her long, dark hair.

      Princess Anastasia - you're
      late and it's all my  fault!

      Don't worry, Sonya, no one'll
      notice. . . 

Just then, Sonya lassoes the ribbon around her hair,
stopping Anastasia with a

      . . .  owwwwwwwww!

All eyes turn to Anastasia, who once she realizes that
she's the center of attention, flashes a mischievous
smile and descends the staircase in grand style. As the
ribbon falls out of her hair and down her back,
Anastasia kicks it to Sonya without breaking stride.

Tatiana sees her and can't help but smile.

The music suddenly becomes a FLOURISH OF TRUMPETS.
SERVENTS open the elevador doors as the ROYAL FAMILY
steps out and begins a proccession through their
subjects. Tatiana holds out her arm to Anastasia as she
makes it to Tatiana's side just in time. Anastasia has
a beautiful but slightly impish face, dominated by
large, blue, mischievous eyes. She an abundance of
energy and confidence for a girl her age.


The elegant guests sing their admiration as the
beautiful and happy Romanov family makes it's entrance
into the ball, they're "the pride of all Russia".
Vladimir invites Sophie to dance and the entire
glittering assembly assembly swings into a GLORIOUS SWEEPING
WALTZ. Singing their certainty that the Romanovs will
rule forever.</u>

During the above, the ball is in full swing. Beautiful
COUPLES swirls across the dance floor, including
Anastasia dancing gracefully with her father.

Under a long buffet table, we see DMITRI, 11, darkly
handsome, dressed in ragged servant clothes, with a
shock of dark hair which continuoually falls accross his
eyes as watches the guest enviously. Anastasia, still
waltzing with her father, sees him. SERVENTS cross the
room carrying a trays of BEAUTIFUL TROPICAL FRUIT. The
guests "Ew" and "ah" at the sumptuous fruit. Anastasia
sees Dmitri eyeing it hungrily and without missing a
dance step, she grabs an orange off thr tray and tosses
it to Dmitri. He catches it and smiles broadly at her.

Suddenly, A HAND grabs Dmitri and pulls him out from
under the table. It's IVAR, the HEAD SERVENT, who pulls
Dmitri into an open wall panel.

      You're a servent! Never forget
      your place!

      Someday my place will be out

      Never! You're a peasant,
      Dmitri! Back in the kitchen


UNDERSCORE CONTINUES as Dmitri is dragged from his
hiding place under the table and back to the kitchen.
It's like the Moscow circus back there, COMIC MUSICAL
CONFUSION. The servants sing about their demanding
employers and mockingly imitate their behavior: they
imply that they have their own "party", that change is

While back in the ballroom, the Royalists are
oblivious to the servants discontent and sing their
satisfaction with their own lives.



in a large throne-like chair. Tatiana is very serious
and very regal. She slides over to make room for
Anastasia who sits next to her.

      Why were you so late tonight 

      I was showing Sonya
      something . . .

      What were you showing her?

      How to read.

      I thought you were told not to
      tutor your servants anymore.

      I know, but I had to because . . .

Anastasia looks up at Tatiana and sees her smile with
pride. Anastasia knows she doesn't have to explain.

      Oh, Grandmama, why do you have
      to go back to Paris?

      It's where I've made my home
      but I do have something for
      you . . .

Tatiana reaches from behind the chair and brings out a
beautiful MUSIC BOX. Tatiana takes the key, a small
silver and enamel flower, on a silver neck chain and
winds it up. MUSIC BEGINS, she hands Anastasia the key.


the key bearing the inscription "Together in Paris".

      "Together in Paris"! Oh, when
      can we be "together in Paris?!

      When you're older . . .

Anastasia makes a disgruntled face. Tatiana laughs.

      Until then, whenever you hear
      this song, think of me and know
      that I'm waiting for you.

Tatiana puts the key around Anastasia's neck and they
embrace. Then, suddenly . . .


the lights begin to fade in and out.


as PEOPLE in the ballroom look around bewildered. Then,
a WHIRLWIND kicks up, sending everyone off the dance
floor, as the whirlwind becomes a TORNADO.

Suddenly, an ALBINO BAT (BARTOK) with huge eyes, springs
out of the funnel, screeching and swooping over the
crowd, causing everyone to duck and cover their heads in

The tornada reaches it's peak and EXPLODES in smoke -
leaving RASPUTIN standing alone in the middle of the
floor. He is of indeterminate age, towering over other
men in the room, his most striking feature are his eyes

  • which at this moment are burning a fiery red. He is
    dressed in a flowing black monk's robe with a satin rope
    tied around his waist. Connected to the rope is a
    glowing RELIQUARY, a mystical lantern.


of Nicholas, Alexandra, Sophie and Vladimir, Dmitri
peeking out ofthe wallpanel, Tatiana and Anastasia,
all of whom are frightened.


as he gathers his son and wife to his side

      Rasputin!  You're alive . . .

      Despite being shot, poisoned
      and thrown into an icy river . . .

      I had nothing to do with it!

      You gave the orders!

      I did no such thing!

      After all I've done for your
      family - YOU TRIED TO KILL
      MEEEEEE ! ! !

Rasputin swings the reliquary, wrapping himself in smoke
which seems to grow larger. Eerie moaning noises come
from the reliquary. PEOPLE back awayin terror.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      The Romanov dynasty ends here!
      You, your wife and children
      will all die within the


Anastasia leaves Tatiana and rushes to stand in front of
her father. Still holding her Music Box, Anastasia's
shaking hands are the only thing that gives away her
fear. Rasputin spins toward the voice.

      We're not afraid of you!

      You . . .  my little babushka . . .
      you'll be so much fun to kill 
      that I'll save you for last!

Twirling the reliquary again, the MOANS grow louder as
Bartok circles around his head. The smoke that emerges
seems to have almosy a human shape to it.

      LINE - FOREVER !!!!

The tornada of smoke begins again, whipping into a
frenzy and then EXPLODING.

The smoke clears and Rasputin is gone. As the lights
return to normal the Romanov family all stand together,
and try to look regal and in control once again.

                   TATIANA (O.C.)
      Some say Rasputin ad harnessed
      all the dark powers of evil and 
      that it was his curse which 
      brought about the end . . .

                                         DISSOLVE TO:


                   TATIANA (O.C.)
      I will never know for sure.
      All I do know is that the
      beauty of our world was soon
      Gone . . .  Forever . . .

a lick of BRIGHT ORANGE FLAME creeps into view.


HUGE, OMINOUS VOCALS reprise the onceglorious watlz
of the Romanovs, heralding the end of their world and
underscoring the coming revolution.</u>


to see the PORTRAIT, a huge FRIEZE which covers an
entire entire wall, singeing as the FLAME creeps up the nearby
drapery, tinting the room in a red glow.

A SCREAMING MOB, some in uniform, some not, has crashed
into the palace and is heading up the stairs. A few in
the mob fire off orange RIFLE SHOTS.


Anastasia BOLTS UP, hearing the shots. Her music box is
next to her on her nightstand.


Mass confusion as the MOB is met by a few SERVANTS, who
try to stop them from advancing. More shots.


still in nightclothes, are being rushed down the
hallway. Tatiana is next to Anastasia as Anastasia
stopsdead in her tracks.

      My music mox!

Anastasia turns around and runs back down the hall.
Tatiana tries to stop her.

      Anastasia, no!

It's too late, Anastasia fights her way back into her
room, with Tatiana following her.


we see Dmitri watching amidst all the confusion.


Anastasia grabs her music box as Tatiana rushes in.

      Hurry, child!

LOUD RIFLE SHOTS are heard as Dmitri bursts into the
room, closing the door behind him.

      No - this way!

Dmitri runs to a wall panel and thows his weight
against it. It opens, revealing a passage way.

                   DMITRI (CONT.)
      Go!  Run!!  Out the servant's

Tatiana, enormously grateful, looks at Dmitri as he
flips his hair out of his face unconsciously.


Tatiana goes in as Dmitri shoves Anastasia toward the
passageway, knocking the music box out of her hand. She
reaches for it, but hearing the mob voices growing
closer, he pushes her through the panel without it.

                   DMITRI (CONT.)

Tatiana quickly follows Anastasia into the passageway
and Dmitri closes the panel JUST AS the mob bursts in.

                   DMITRI (CONT.)
              (lying to the mob)
      No one's here! Let's try the
      next room!

The MOB, accepts the word of a peasant boy and rushes
out. Dmitri picks up the music box and looks sadly
toward the panel.


Which is under siege by ROYALISTS trying to board the
overcrowded train and the REVOLUTIONARIES who are trying
to stop them.

caboose as the train starts to pull away.

Tatiana and Anastasia climb out of the car and race for
the train, fighting their way through the frenzied and
frightened crowd. WE HEAR shouts of "The Empress - let
her through!" which helps clear the way.

Anastasia reaches the train first, then turns to see
Tatiana. trying to catch up.

      Hurry, Grandmama!

      Get on! Anastasia, get on!

Anastasia refuses to board the train.


A MOB OF REVOLUTIONARIES block the tracks with a TRUCK


who pushes Tatiana up the stairs of the caboose. This
puts Anastasia a few steps behind as the train speeds
up. Tatiana is gripped by other passengers as she
reaches out to Anastasia.

      Grab my hand!

Anastasia reaches up and takes Tatiana's hand.

      Don't let go!


the TWO HANDS. then suddenly. her small hand is pulled
from Tatiana's grasp and falls out of the frame.

                   TATIANA (O.C.)


who has stumbled, hitting the ground hard.


horrified, screaming:


Tatiana rushes to jump off the train after her, but is
caught and held back by the ROYALIST PASSANGERS as the
train CRASHES through the truck and picks up speed.


Anastasia rising from the ground, her hand outstretched.
But she is suddenly swallowed up by the mob.



of Anastasia, in a happier time, smiling.


                   TATIANA (O.C.)
      I never saw her again. . . 

The PHOTO ALBUM slowly closes. . .



A gray and ugly, post-revolution building with a sign
above the door that identifies it: "Young Comrades
Without Parents".


CHILDREN of all ages clean the cold, gray dormitory.
Their clothes are ragged and they look underfed.


ANYA, 18, pretty despite the boy's hand-me-down clothes
she is forced to wear, is busy scrubbing the floor.
Unlike the others, she is determined not to let her
surroundings get to her. She hums a tune.

The door suddenly SLAMS open and GREGOR, 8, and clearly
terrified, comes running in followed by COMRADE
PHLEGMENKOF - a huge woman carrying a switch.

      Anya! Anya!

All of the OTHER KIDS turn away, not wanting to get
involved. Anya focuses on Gregor, who is shivering with
fright and on the verge of tears as Phlegmenkof
approaches, swinging the switch menacingly.

      You can't get away from me
      now . . .

Phlegmenkof advances on Gregor. Anya takes the scrub
brush and SHOVES it across the floor, right under
Phlegmenkof's unsuspecting foot. Phlegmenkof's feet fly
out from under her and she SMASHES to the floor. Gregor
hops over her huge body and runs to Anya for safety.

Some of the OTHER KIDS glance over. A CHUBBY GIRL and a
very pretty LITTLE GIRL, look at Anya with greeat
admiration . . . someof the OTHERS think she's crazy.

Phlegmenkof rises, covered with soap bubbles , and spins
on Anya - who gives her a very innocent smile.

                   PHLEGMENKOF (CONT.)
      You! You did this!

Some of the OTHER CHILDREN laugh as soap bubbles fly off
the enraged woman. She spins on them, her back to Anya.

                   PHLEGMENKOF (CONT.)
      Brats!  There'll be no supper
      for any of you!  Back to work!

Anya, behind Phlegmenkof, mimics her outraged face and
angry gestures perfectly - as the CHILDREN laugh harder.

Phlegmenkof spins and almost catches Anya. She advances
on Anya as Gregor hides behind her legs.

      Don't touch him. 

              (to Anya)
      You ragged, skinny, little
      nothing!  I have had just about
      enough of you . . .

Phlegmenkof raises her hand to slap Anya, who hold her
ground. Suddenly, Phlegmenkof SNIFFS the air.


as the horrible smell reaches them too. They all make
faces and hold their noses.


who first sniffs under her raised arm, then realized the
cause of the stench . . .

                   PHLEGMENKOF (CONT.)
      Comrade Serebreakov!

She tries to straighten herself out nervously - this
must be someone very important.

COMRADE SEREBREAKOV stands in the doorway, lecherously
eyeing the girls. He is a huge, fleshly man with facial features which are reminiscent of a fish.

                   PHLEGMENKOF  (CONT.)
      Comrade Serebreakov!  What a
      lovely surprise! What brings
      you here?

      I need. . . a worker.

His eye catches Anya. He looks her up and down, his
beady eyes showing a touch of lust for her.

                   SEREBREAKOV (CONT.)
      I will take her.

He leans close close to Anya.

                   SEREBREAKOV (CONT.)
      Tomorrow you begin your life's
      work in my hearing factory.
      You'll start by cutting off the
      tails - but if I'm pleased with

                   SEREBREAKOV (CONT.)
      you - you just may move up to
      cutting off the heads.  How
      does that sound?

      About as bad as you smell!

Phlegmenkof moves between them, pulling Serebreakov

      No, no, Comrade - you don't
      want her . . .

      I want her.

      That's horrible, skinny thing?!
      She's crazy - she has no memory
      of anything before she came
      here! She didn't even know her
      name! That one is a rotten
      troublemaker, willful. . .

      I'll break her will. . .
              (to Anya)
      I shall come for you tomorrow
      at dawn.
              (he touches her face as
               she pulls away)
      You will enjoy serving under

Smiling in anticipation, he exit.

      I couldn't break you - but he

And she turns to leave in a huff. Anya does one more
imitation of her, making the CHILDREN laugh. But as
Anya turns away from her audience, we see her facade
fade and realize her terror of the future.


The CHILDREN huddle in their cots under tattered, thin
blankets. Anya is fully dressed, illuminated by the

light of a FULL MOON, she ties a dull gray sheets together
and anchors the "rope" to an ice cold radiator and
throws the other end out of the window. She is about to
climb out when she looks at the sleeping children and
smiles sadly. She walks over to Gregor's bed and puts
one hand lovingly on his head and then reaches over and
takes the hand of a sleeping LITTLE GIRL, who opens her
eyes and smiles.


The other childern wake up as Anya gently "shushes" him.

                   GREGOR (CONT.)
      Are you running away?

      No.  I'm running <u>to</u>.

                   LITTLE GIRL
      Running to? Running to what?

      To find my home.


                   CHUBBY GIRL
      But you are home.

      No. This isn't a home - it's 
      just a building. Home is where
      you belong and none of us
      belong here.

      Where is your home, Anya?

      I'm not sure but look. . .

Anya shows Gregor the key around her neck.
CLOSE UP on the inscription: "Together in Paris"

      It says "Together in Paris". I
      was wearing this when I came
      here ten years ago - it's the
      only way that I know . . .

                   ANYA (CONT.)
      . . .  that I must have been
      someone someone loved.

                   CHUBBY GIRL
      Is your home in Paris?

      It might be. I have to go and
      find out.

Anya smiles lovingly at the children.


(Anya's "I want" song).  Anya SINGS SOFTLY to the children about how all she has is the key around her neck to the "someone and thesomeplace" she was "lost from long ago".  She tells the children that she must go find them again.</u>

UNDERSCORE continues.

      I have to go now, before it
      gets light.

      But what if we can't ever find
      where we came from?!

      Then you'll have to make your
      own home. Lots of people do.

Anya embraces the children and walks to the window.

              (nervous, sad)
      Anya! What if <u>we</u> can't find
      anyone who loves us?!

      Then come find me.

Gregor is relieved and cuddles into his bed as Anya
smiles lovingly and crawls out the window.


Anya begins to climb down the street, testing the knots.
The knotshold tight, but the old sheet RIPS in half,
sending her PLUMMETING into a snow drift. From the
depths of the snow we HEAR her voice.

                   ANYA (O.C.)
      I hope there's no snow in
      Paris. . .


A glorious bright (and cold) dawn creeps over the
horizon. Anya stands at edge of the hill, looking
down on the city of ST.PETERSBURG. The old gray
orphanage looms behind her. Anya "borrows" an old,
beat-up bicycle from the orphanage and rides down the

Music picks up in energy and excitement as Anya zooms on
her way bumping and bouncing downhill as the sunrises
and St. Petersburg looms nearer.


Music becomes UPTEMPO, HOPEFUL, ACTIVE, ACTIVE. Anya SINGS - - full of hope, energy and excitement as she peddls her rickety bike toward the city. "Her heart is on its way" and nothing is going to stop her.</u>

Anya passes though the countryside toward the city. A
peasant family waves to her as she goes by. A Gypsy
Troupe performs tricks by the side of the road. A very
fancy car zooms by.


Anya SINGS, imagining who she might be – anyone from
a peasant to a princess! But it doesn't matter as long
as she finds her real family.</u>

People stare at her as she rides into the edge of the
city. She is captivated by all the activity: cars,
busses, stores, long lines of people, etc.


Anya SINGS – in this sea faces, there must be
someone who has a clue to her identity. She'll stop at
nothing to find the someone who once loved her. SOARING

Anya does not see a cute little PUPPY (MEETOO) with a
HUGE BONE in his mouth, being chased along the sidewalk
by a pack of much larger, vicious DOGS until he bolts
across Anya's path forcing her to skid to a stop. She
watched him as he scoots into an alley, followed by the
angry pack.

On reflex, Anya drops the bike and reuns into the alley
after him.


Meetoo is trapped. The PACK surrounds him, ready to
pounce when Anya LEAPS into the middle of the circle.
The PACK is startled, but begins to advance on both Anya
and Meetoo.

Anya doesn't know what to do. She crouches and then. . .
growls back at them, making her eyes look as ferocious
as possible. The PACK exchange a confused look; there's
a girl growling at them. Meetoo stands, suddenly brave,
behind her and growls along with her.

Suddenly, Anya pounced toward the pack, growling louder.
The pack has definately had enough - some start to back
out quizzically, others turn and run like hell.

Anya turns to Meetoo, who looks up at her gratefully,
wagging his tail. Anya picks up the bone and puts it
back in his mouth.

      I think you should be more
      careful about who you invite to

Meetoo nods and lets out a little "bark" that sounds as
if he were saying "retu". Anya pats him and heads back
to her bike.


Anya rides down the street. She doesn't see Meetoo,
running like a little maniac behind her.

Anya approaches a STERN LOOKING BUILDING with a sign
over the door: "The People's Bureau of Bureaucracy".

She leaps off her bike and heads up the stais. Meetoo,
breathing heavily from his run, follows and almost
reaches her when the heavy door slams in his face. He
slumps against it, panting, his little paw-to chest.


Anya enters and STOPS when she sees. . . LINES and LINES
of people which seem to go on forever. She walks down
the side of one line, trying to figure out which one to
stand in.

      Could someone tell me. . .

                   PEASANT 1
      End of the line!

      Which line?

                   PEASANT 2
      Any line.

                   PEASANT 3
      All lines are good lines.

                   PEASANT 1, 2, & 3
              (in unison)
      In our beloved Soviet Union!

They turn toward an armed Soviet Guard and smile
sweetly, hoping he heard their flattery. He did.

      Very good. . . 

He jots something down in his notebook.


as she gets closer to the window. She turns to the
person behind her.

      Is this the right line to get
      papers to travel?

                   PEASANT 4
      Travel? Travel to where?

      To Paris. I have to get to

PEASANT 5, in front of her, turns around.

                   PEASANT 5
      Paris?!  What do they have in
      Paris that they don't have

                   PEASANT 6
      Shorter lines?!

Peasant 6 is immediately carted off by TWO ARMED GUARDS
for his blasphamy against the state.

                   PEASANT 7
      Nobody leaves Soviet Russia.

The OTHER PEASANTS join in with variations of "Nobody
leaves Russia" as Anya reaches the window and speaks to
the clerk.

      Is this where I get traveling

      It would be if we let you
      travel which we  don't so it
              (loudly, for all to
      Russia is the people's 

And to further make his point, he slams shut his window,
which immediately opens a crack as he whispers to Anya.

                   CLERK (CONT.)
      See Dmitri. He can help.

He shuts the window, only to open it again immediately.

                   CLERK (CONT.)
      But you didn't hear it from me.

He shuts the window.

              (doesn't get it)
      I didn't

He opens it again.


The clerk sticks out a sign: "Samovar Break - back in
ten minutes" and slams the window shut.


Anya steps out of the building, still not seeing Meetoo
and looks around at the hoards of people waiting in
lines for everything: bread, gas, clothes, etc.

              (to herself)
      Dmitri? There must be a
      million Dmitris. . . 


as she wades into the crowded street. Meetoo getting
tangled in the legs of waiting Soviets.

Anya stops suddenly. She sniffs the air. Her eyes
widen as she recognizes the stench that is floating
through the air. She spins around and sees Serebreakov

Serebreakov is on a mission to find Anya. He turns in
her direction just as a bus passes. Anya is gone.

We now see Anya clinging to the side of the bus as it
drives down the street. Meetoo looks, his face dropping

  • he knows he'll never catch up to her now. Then he
    sees the bus hit a huge pothole and Anya is knocked off
    into the mud. Happily, Meetoo trots off in her

Anya approaches TWO PEASANTS who are waiting in line in
front of a cafe.

                   PEASANT 9
              (to Peasant 10)
      Which line is this?

                   PEASANT 10
      The line to get into the line.

      Excuse me, do you know
      Dmitri. . . 

                   PEASANT 9
      I know nothing!

                   PEASANT 10

                   PEASANTS 9 & 10
      Try the tavern/ library.

They begin to bicker back and forth in forced whispers
as to wether Dmitri is at the tavern or the library.
Exasperated, Anya walks away. They call after her.

                   PEASANTS9& 10
      But we didn't tell you!

Anya rolls her eyes in frustration. She doesn't see
Meetoo at her feet.

              (To herself)
      I wish they'd all stop telling
      me they didn't tell me!

Meetoo gives a "retu" of agreement. Anya looks down and
sees him.

                   ANYA (CONT.)
      What are you doing. . .

Just then, she catches another whiff of something foul
in the air. Anya duck quickly into a doorway and loses
Meetoo. Anya peeks out. A GARBAGE WAGON full of dead
fish and rotten food passes Anya. She sighs with relief,
it wasn't Serebreakov - it just smelled like him.

Anya steps out of the doorway and approaches a STREET
HUSBAND looks over his shoulder.

                   TINY HUSBAND
              (To Artist)
      Could you get rid of her

      Excuse me - I'm looking for a
      man named Dmitri. . .

The Artist quickly scribbles and address on his pad and
hands it to her without turning around.

      But I didn't write it.

Anya looks down at the note


"St. Petersburg Art Theatre - 99 Pushkin Street"

                                         DISSOLVE TO A SIGN

"Pushkin Street"



Where WE HEAR a cacophony of FEMALE VOICES as the camera
moves inside.


The waiting room is filled with YOUNG WOMEN, of various
shapes and sizes, holding reading aloud from a piece of
paper. WE HEAR many variations of "Oh, Grandmama! It's
me, Anastasia. I've waited so long to see you".


An ACTRESS stands in front of what looks to be an OLD
WOMAN in a shawl who's back is to the "audience".

                   ACTRESS 1
              (over the top)
      Oh, Grandmama! It's me,
      Anastasia! I've waited so
      long to see you!

The Actress then LUMBERS over to the OLD WOMAN, with a
gait like John Wayne.


to see the "Old Woman" is Vladimir, with a shawl over
his head. He looks older, of course, but with the same
dapper mustache. He rolls his eyes.

              (out to audience)
      Dmitri!  I can not work with

                   VLADIMIR (CONT.)
              (to Actress)
      May I remind you that you are
      supposed to be Princess - not a
      lazy lumbering lout!


is Dmitri. Now 20 and darkly handsome. His hair still
falling in his eyes as he flips it off his forehead.

      Vladimir, calm down!

Vladimir walks off the stage and toward Dmitri.

      This, my friend, as an exercise
      in futility! We shall never
      find a girl to play the
      Princess Anastasia out of this
      motley crew of commoners!

Vladimir dramatically throws one end of his shawl over
his shoulder.

      For a ten million rubles reward
      we can look a little longer.
      This is the big one. . .  and all
      I need is the right girl.


(Dmitri's "I want") Dmitri SINGS a reprise of Anya's
song, a COMIC VERSION, in which he expresses the hope
that he can find the right girl for his scam. Anyone
from a peasant to a princess will do, as long as she can
fool Tatiana.</u> (NOTE: We don't want to give Dmitri a whole new song here or we'll be too song-heavy in Act I. By giving him a short reprise of Anya's song, we can effectively align these two characters emotionally.)


of various aspirants:

                   ACTRESS 2
              (heavy hasal)
      Oh, Grandmama! It's me,
      Anastasia. I've waited so long
      to see you.

                   DMITRI (O.C.)

                   ACTRESS 3
      Oh. . .  Grandmama it's me.
      Anastasia, I have waited so
      long, too.
              (as a good-bye)
      See you!

                   DMITRI (O.C.)

ACTRESS 4 looks like a hooker and sounds like Mae West.

                   ACTRESS 4
      Oh. . . Grandmama. . .  It's me. . . 

                   DMITRI (O.C.)


      I wouldn't be on the outside
      anymore.  The ten million
      rubles would make me welcome
      anywhere.  I'd really belong
      somewhere - if I could just
      find the right girl.


A very round ACTRESS 5

                   ACTRESS 5
      Oh, Grandmama. . .

                   DMITRI (O.C.)

                   ACTRESS 6
              (very intense)
      What's my modivation?


              (calling out to seats)


shrugs innocently.

                   DMITRI (O.C.)

ACTRESS 7 is actually a man.

                   ACTRESS 7
      Oh. . .


in a state of disbelief.

      I've gotta find the right girl!




Anya rides up to front of the theatre and drops her
bike. She rushes the steps.


now empty as Dmitri and Vladimir are gathering up their
things to leave. Vladimir still wears the remnants of
the evening clothes that he worein the first scene.

      It's no use, Dmitri - we'll
      never find the right girl!

      We will.  We <u>have</u> to.
              (trying to cheer him
      Come on, Vlad - she's out

They walk out the door.


      She could be right under our

Anya is running up the stairs as Dmitri walks out and
they COLLIDE: her forehead banging Dmitri literally
under his nose. Dmitri grabs his upper lip in pain.

              (over reacting)
      Ouch!  That really hurt!
      I'm sorry. . .  I'm. . . 

                   DMITRI That's quite a hard head you've got there, boy.

In her old hand-me-down boys clothes andhat pulled low,
she could easily be mistaken for a boy.

      I'm looking for Dmitri.  I need
      traveling papers - to Paris. I
      heard Dmitri could help me.

Vladimir and Dmitri exchange a look. . . wary. . . Dmitri
looks around and motions to Vladimir to handle it while
he walks ahead nonchalantly.

      Who did you hear it from?

      I heard it from everyone who
      said I didn't hear it from
      them!   Do you know Dmitri?

Dmitri keeps walking ahead followed by Vladimir. Anya
is determined not to give up and keeps up with Vladimir
even though she keeps getting bumped and pulled off
track by people walking in the opposite direction.

              (loudly, acting)
      Providing travel papers is
              (then, quietly)
      I know Dmitri well - perhaps I
      can help you.  Providded you
      have enough money to pay for
      this service. . . 

      Well, I don't have any money . . .

      Good day!

Vladimir pats her on the head and walks away.

      I have a bike!  Perhaps I could
      sell it and. . . 

Vladimir keeps walking, catching up to Dmitri.

Anya runs back around to the front of the building where
she left her bike. She stops suddenly when she realizes
that there is no bicycle there anymore - just Meetoo.

                   ANYA (CONT.)
      What are you doing here?  And
      where's my bike?

A POLICEMAN strolls by.

                   ANYA (CONT.)
      Officer!  My bike has been stolen!

      Nonsense.  There is no crime in
      the Soviet Socialist Republic.

And he keeps walking. Anya realizes that there is no
hope in pursuing the policeman so she heads off to find
Vladimir - who has vanished down the street. Meetoo
starts to follow her.

      Sorry, boy, I have to go.

Meetoo barks "retu" and starts after her.

                   ANYA (CONT.)
      No.  You can't come with me.
      I'm leaving. . .

Meetoo barks his "retu" and starts after her again.

                   ANYA (CONT.)
      It sounds like you're saying
      "me too".  Listen little guy, I
      have money, no food. . .  and
      no bicycle.  I'm the last
      person you should be following!

Anya pats him on the head and heads off in the direction
of Vlad and Dmitri. Meetoo, of course, follows her.


Anya spots Vladimir and Dmitri turning the corner in the
distance. Anya runs, trying to catch up with them. She
turns the corner and STOPS.


the PALACE in the distance, only now it's run down,
boarded up and partially burned.

Anya is taken back. She stares, fascinated by it -
moved by it . As the sun sets behind the Palace, it's
bathed in a beautiful golden light.


CLOSE on a roaring fire, over which Vladimir has
fasioned a roatating "spit" which is propelled by a
Victrola. Vladimir is carefully basting the only thing
on the spit: a head of cabbage.

Dmitri is sitting by the window, staring at the MUSIC
BOX that Anastasia dropped the night of the revolution.

      . . .  even if we find her, what
      makes you think the
      Empress will even see us?

Dmitri holds up the music box.

      She'll see us.


Anya approaches, tentative and glancing around. She
tries to open the door but it won't budge, so she moves
to a boarded up window. She looks through a crack in a


Dark and eerie. All of it's former glory destroyed.
CAMERA RISES to a partially destroyed CHANDLIER ehere
we see BARTOK, the bat who was with Rasputin.

He hangs upside down next to a FEMALE BAT. He clears
his throat - she doesn't respond. Using his wings, he
gives his "hair: a quick grooming.

      You, uhh. . .  hang here often?
              (laughs nervously)
      "Hang" get it?  I said "hang"
      and we're both, you know, cause
      we're bats. . .  and, uhhh. . .
      what's your sign?

No reaction from FEMALE BAT.


Anya uses a stick to pry off some of the window boards.
We HEAR a crack.


SAME CRACK noises from downstairs just as Vladimir's
cabbage falls from the spit into the fire.

              (off noise)
      What was that?

      That was your dinner!  I do
      hope there is no cabbage in


      Whatta' ya say we go somewhere
      - maybe get a bug to eat.  Get
      it?  A "bug" to eat, 'cause
      we're. . .

FEMALE BAT rolls her eyes in disgust and flaps away.

                   BARTOK (CONT.)
              (one last try)
      I'm a Gemini. . . 

He hears the SOUND of boards being torn off the window.


Anya climbs into the ballroom.


Meetoo manages to wiggle in after her and follows Anya
as she wanders around, spell bound by the faded glory of
the palace.


Anya wanders into the partially destroyed room and bends
down to inspect half of a broken plate that's lying on
the floor. The instant she touches it, she pulls her
hand away as if SHOCKED. Recovering, she picks it up.


painted with decorative dancing Russian bears.

Anya wanders out of the room and to the top of a HUGE
STAIRCASE which leads down to the once grand BALLROOM.
She stops at a large landing half way down the steps.
Meetoo sees a large curtain hanging precariously on the
side wall. Being a puppy he can't resist leaping and
grabbing at it with his teeth. Anya notices and runs
her hand along a the carved butterflies in the worn


who jumps, startled, as Meetoo pulls the curtain and it
hits the floor.


Dmitri and Vladimir look up from their burnt cabbage.
They heard it too.


Anya is relieved to see it is only Meetoo, who wags his
tail happily with the curtain still in his mouth.

      What are you do. . .

Anya STOPS mid sentence, taken by what she sees.


Behind the curtain was the FRIEZE of the ROMANOV FAMILY.
The moonlight hits the portrait with a ghostly glow.


Anya is mesmerized by the FRIEZE. She looks around the
Ballroom. . . almost remembering something. . .


As she sings the ballroom transform into it's once
spledid glory. Anya takes off her coat and at once her
rags are transformed into a beautiful gown. NICHOLAS
steps down from the FRIEZE and walks her down the stairs
gracefully and begins a waltz with her.

                   ANYA (CONT.)

MUSIC BUILDS. A CHORUS of voices sing the melody as
royal ghosts appear as elegant and beautiful as in the
opening scene. Then

                   ANYA (CONT.)


Dmitri and Vladimir appear at the top of the stairs.


some ragged lunatic dancing with "himself".

                   ANYA (CONT.)

Anya is released from Nicholas' embrace. He kisses her
on the forehead and slowly backs away. She follows
Nicholas, back up the stairs to the landing, where the
sun has caused a "dust" mist.

Then, magically, TATIANA appears through the mist, a
loving beautiful vision from the past.

                   ANYA (CONT.)

                   DMITRI (O.C.)
      Who are you?!


Dmitri's voice causes the visage to disintegrate. All
goes back to the way it was - dark and destroyed.

Anya spins toward Dmitri, surprised and frightened.


Anya is caught in a ray of moonlight, directly in front
of the image of Anastasia in the frieze. The
resemblance is striking. Dmitri is taken aback, but
Vladimir is unaffected.

      You're trespassing, boy!

Anya is dazed by what has just happened to her and can't
quite refocus on reality.

      I. . .  I. . .  spoke to you earlier
      about traveling paper. . 

Dmitri pokes Vladimir with his elbow but doesn't take
his eyes off Anya.

              (whispering to Vlad)
      It's her.

      He's her?


Vladimir looks at Anya again and get it.

      Are you Dmitri?  I didn't  mean
      to trespass - I don't want to
      do anything dishonest, but if
      you could just help help me. . .

Vladimir and Dmitri walk down the stairs and up her
stairs and begin to circle around her.

      Perhaps you heard of our
      brilliant plan to find a girl
      and. . . 

Dmitri pokes him hard in the ribs and shakes his head.

              (quietly to Vlad)
      She doesn't want to do anything
      "dishonest". . . 

              (gets it, whispers)
      Ew. . .  the honest type.

Dmitri gives Vlad a "let me handle this" gestures.

              (off frieze)
      You look like her.  Like the
      Princess Anastasia.  Has anyone
      ever told you that before?

Anya is coming back to her senses, doesn't like these
men circling her.

      Oh, yeah - in the orphanage
      they constantly told me I
      looked like a princess! Stop

Dmitri stops circling and then begins to use everything
that Anya says - the perfect and charming con man that
he is - to get what he wants.

      People say Anastasia was the
      only member of the Royal Family
      to escape alive.  That makes 
      her an orphan too

                   DMITRI (CONT.)
      What happened to your parents?

      I don't know - I don't remember
      anything that happened before
      the revolution. . . 

      You know, it's strange -
      Anastasia's grandmother, the
      Dowager Empress Tatiana has
      been looking for Anastasia
      since the revolution.  Why do
      you think she wouldn't go to
      her own grandmother?

      I don't know.  I don't see what
      this has to do with me.

      Perhaps it's because she has
      amnesia too - can't remember. . .

      How much do you weigh?

Dmitri pokes him again.

                   VLADIMIR (CONT.)
              (to Dmitri)
      I was just wondering since we
      already have the dress. . .  

      Look, I came here to get papers
      to travel to Paris and. . .

      Why do you want to go to Paris?

      I have my reasons.

      Anastasia's grandmother is in
      Paris.  We're going to bring
      Anastasia to her - in Paris.

                   DMITRI (CONT.)
      And I think you are the
      Princess Anastasia.

Anya laughs. Vlad mouths to Dmitri "Do you think she's
really Anastasia?" Dmitri shakes his head no, of course
not, then continues with Anya. Vlad smiles to himself
and walks down the stairs - Dmitri's so good even he got

                   DMITRI (CON'T)
      You never thought of the

      Look - there isn't an orphan in
      the world who doesn't dream
      she's a princess but, come
      on. . .  Look at me!

Dmitri spins spins around, dramatically pointing to
Anastasia's image in the freeze.

              (beat, then softly)
      It could be you.


Anya fiddles with the key around her neck and looks down
at the ballroom, remembering what just happened there -
could it have been a memory. . .

Dmitri tries to act casual as he turns and starts
walking down the stairs.

                   DMITRI (CONT.)
      You don't have anything to
      lose.  If I am wrong - the
      Empress will simply tell us you
      aren't Anastasia and we'll be
      on our way.  No harm done - an
      honest mistake - but at least
      you <u>will</u> be in Paris.

Anya touches Anastasia's painted hand in the frieze.

              (singing in a whisper)

Dmitri looks at Anya, her back toward him, as he raises
his arm to her.

      Find out the truth - come to
      Paris with us.

Anya expression registers her internal debate. What is
it's true. . . It coudn't be. . . but if. . . Then,

      All right.  I will go with you.

Meetoo let's out his "retu". Vladimir lets out a whoop
of joy. Dmitri smiles and bows to Anya..

      The Her Royal Highness Princess


having watched the whole thing - he sighs.

      Oy. . .  he's gonna be so mad. . . 

Bartok flies out a broken window and into the night.



The city lights fade and we move into the blackness of
the Russian forest. Finally, in the distance, we see
the orange glow of a fire.


Bartok swoops along the wagons. Everyone looks to be
asleep. Bartok keeps flying until he sees an OMINOUS
LOOKING BLACK WAGON, the largest and most elaborate.

Bartok screws up his courage and flies into the open
window of the BLACK WAGON

              (singing in a whisper)

Dmitri looks at Anya, her back toward him, as he raises
his arm to her.

      Find out the truth - come to
      Paris with us.

Anya expression registers her internal debate. What if
it's true… It couldn't be… but if… Then,

      All right. I will go with you.

Meetoo lets out his "retu". Vladimir lets out a whoop of
joy. Dmitri smiles and bows to Anya.

      The Her Royal Highness Princess


having watched the whole thing - he sighs.

      Oy. . .  he's gonna be so mad...

Bartok flies out a broken window and into the night.



The city lights fade and we move into the blackness of
the Russian forest. Finally, in the distance. we see
the orange glow of a fire.


Bartok swoops along the wagons. Everyone looks to be asleep.
Bartok keeps flying until he sees an ONIOUS LOOKING BLACK
WAGON, the largest and most elaborate.

Bartok screws up his courage and flies into the open
window of the BLACK WAGON.


A lone candle lights the dark wagon. A frightened Bartok,
stays on the window sill.

      Ummm ... Father Gregori? It's,
      uhh ... me. Bartok.
              (a sign of relief)
      Phew! Not home ...

Rasputin's face suddenly ROARS into FRAME from the bed
below, his eyes fiery red and his beard wild.


      Oh my God!
              (wing to chest)
      Don't do that ... feel my heart.
      Go ahead. I'm dying here ...

      And what do you want, my little

Rasputin rises and pours himself a glass of vodka.

      Name calling! That's mature.

Rasputin grabs him by the throat.

      I gave you that tongue and I
      can rip it out!

      No, I really like my tongue...
      we're very attached.
              (rasputin releases him)
      Oyyyy... Okay, now... promise
      you won't get angry.

      Why would I ever be angry with
      you, little friend?

      Yeah, right. Keep that thought
      okay? So, I'm in town, stop by
      the old palace. You get a better
      class of bats there - no tattoos
      or anything.

Rasputin rummages around for a full bottle of vodka,
tossing the empties - which Bartok has to dodge.

                   BARTOK (CONT.)
      So, I'm cruisin' the rafters and...
      what can I say, I struck out. I
      thought chicks would like the fact
      that I can talk, you know but,
      I mean, the way things are going
      I couldn't get invited to a plague.
              (a bottle smashes)
      Someone's gotta clean that up...

      Get to the point sometime tonight..
      I'm late for a wenching.

      Okay... you're not gonna like this
      but, well, it looks like Anastasia
      is ... still alive.

He tenses, waiting for Rasputin's explosion but Rasputin
just laughs.

      Impossible. That rumor's been
      around for years.

Bartok hovers face-to-face.

      Trust me, it's her!

              (eyes narrowing)
      How do you know?

      Rodent's intuition, how do I know?
      She looks exactly like her.
      Except she's taller,
      which	is natural ... Of course
      my second cousin Treplev - he
      never	grew. Looks like a
      little pepper shaker. He was
      so cute ...

Rasputin begins a slow growl that builds.

                   BARTOK (CONT. )
      Oyyy... I knew this was gonna
      to upset him!

Rasputin howls in anger and smashes his glass against
the wall. He moves toward the CABINET, knocking over
furniture. Rasputin flings open the cabinet and we see
the RELIQUARY, glowing gently as if it were sleeping.
Bartok covers his eyes in fear. Even Rasputin seem a
bit nervous in front of it.

              (with reverence)
      Source of my power. Owner of
      my soul. I need your help.

Rasputin takes the RELIQUARY out of the cabinet and
sets it on the table.

      Hey, she's just a kid. And she's
      going to Paris outta sight,
      outta mind, outta Russia.

      I cursed then all!

      My Aunt Bella, sweet woman not
      the brightest bat in the world -
      she used to hang right side up,
      anyway she always said "Curses
      were made to be broken". Course,
      she said it in those irritating
      little bat squeaks, so it wasn't
      quite so profound...

Rasputin pulls out a set of RUSSIAN DOLLS (a small
painted. hollow doll with a smaller doll inside it,
and a smaller doll inside it, etc.) The first doll
bears an eerie resemblance to Nicholas. Inside the
second looks like Alexandra, all the way down to the


Rasputin will have a DARK, MENACING, DELICIOUSLY

SCARY NUMBER in whIch he SINGS of his obsession with
killing the Romanovs once and for all. Bartok will
interject comically throughouut. as Rasputin
will conjure up tLis minions from the iquary and sing
about Romanovs FINALE, he sends them off after Anya.


      The Romanovs tried to kill me and
      I swore to destroy all of them!
      If she lives, if she should have
      a child someday, the Romanov Family
      continues! And I won't lot that
      happen! THIS IS THE END OF THE LINE!

He crushes the Anastasia doll in his massive hand.

      You know, this is really obsessive
      behavior. There is this doctor this
      doctor in Austria, Sigmund something
      and he feels. . . 

Bartok land on the table while be's talking and his
wing accidently knocks the RELIQUARY on its side and
it begins to roll.


Rasputin makes a sad leap, grabbing it seconds before it
shatters on the floor. Rasputin holds it up. The
smokey SPIRITS inside swirl around, moaning.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
              (to Reliquary)
      Yesses - you'd all like to get
      out, wouldn' t you? Sorry
      just one at a time and only
      when I call.

Rasputin spins an Bartok, who Us been slinki away, and
slams a goblet over his.


From under the glass, Rasputin looks distorted and even
more horrifying.

              (to Bartok)
      Do you have any idea what would
      happen if that broke?!

              (voice under glass)
      You'd lose your security deposit?

              (waving reliquary)
      Evil, powerful beings - I have
      their power only if I contain
      them, control them. If they
      should all be released at
      once... well ...

Rasputin smiles with his horrible yellow, decayed teeth,
and lifts the glass an if to whisper in Bartok, a ear.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)

The volume of Rasputin's voice rattles Bartok around the
inside of the glass. Rasputin focuses on the RELIQUARY.

                   RASPUTIN (CON'T.)
              (to reliquary)
      Where is she? Where is
      Princess Anastasia...

Inside the reliquary the awoke begins to mow Suddenly,
the smoke EXPLODES in a burst and forms into the smoke
from a train engine. As the reliquary picture broadens,
we see a train and Anya, Dmitri and Vladimir all hurrying
to catch it.

      She has friends. No matter...

Bartok looks desperate under glass. He trios to topple
the glass prism by jumping up but just cooks his head.

      Ohhh, that was dumb...

                   BARTOK (CONT.)
              (calling to Rasputin)
      Hello, I've get really terrible
      claustrophobia. That's why I
      could never live in a cave ...

Rasputin gives his attention only to the reliquary.

      Finish my prophecy...

Smoke begins to pour out of the reliquary. asput almost
giddy with the thought of finishing ambition, laughs

      Ew, I hate when he does this!

As Rasputin swirls his arms the smoke begins to form
into MINIONS. All look human at first, but then
we see MINION ONE, has the body of a human and a head of
a JACKAL, MINION TWO has the face of a woman and the
claws of a TIGER, and MINION- the most horrible
of all - has a huge bear-like body with the head of a
VULTURE. All wear long capes with hoods.

      She is not to get off that
      train... alive!

Rasputin kicks open the wagon door and leaps outside.
The MINIONS, still filling out into forms, follow.
One of the wisps of smoke, like a tail, swishes by and
knocks over Bartok's glass prism, freeing his.


Rasputin releases his BLACK HORSES who stoup -and
whinny, men ing something bad, as two Minions float
on to them the other flies ahead of than.

      Go! I don't care what you do with the
      others but finish the girl! KILLLLL HERRRRR!
      And have fun...

The Minions take off. Rasputin laughs wildy.




TATIANA'S HANDS covering her face. Slowly dropping her
hands down to reveal an older, sad TATIANA.

      Take her away, Sophie.


to reveal a YOUNG WOMAN standing in front of bar desk.

      Haven't anything better to do
      than to break my heart.

Sophie ushers the now ashamed YOUNG WOMAN to the door.
The YOUNG WOMAN looks amazing like Anya except that her
hair is long and her clothes are now. She walks with a
certain regal grace until she passes through the doorway -
out of Tatiana's sight - and her posture "question-marks"
and she lopes out.

                   TATIANA (CONT.)
      No more. So more...

Sophie. heavier and larger bottomed than ten years earlier,
speaks quickly - without ev er breathing, in a high
pitched nervous chitter.

              (very rapidly)
      Oh, oh... I must say. I thought
      that one was bar - i'm just so
      shocked that she wasn't real well,
      she was real, I mean she was human,
      of course. but not our real. I must
      say, even my sisters were touched
      by her yes - yes they were...

XENIA and ESTELLE, as pinched and skinny as Sophie in
"full", don't appear to ever have been "touched" by
anything (or anyone).

                   SOPHIE (CONT.)
      ... moved to tears of joy! We won't
      be f ooled next time, girls! I'm a
      going to think of really hard questions...

             (stopping Sophie with
              a raise of her hand)
      No, Sophie. My heart can't take it
      anymore! I will see no more girls
      claiming to be Anastasia.

Tatiana walks sadly out of the room.


Anya and Metoo doze near a fire along with the other
PEASANTS waiting for the train. Dmitri looks over Vladimir's
shoulder nervously watching his forging their travel papers.

      Hurry up with those papers.

      Would you have leaned over
      Rembrant's shoulder and told
      him to paint faster?

Vladimir looks at Dmitri's anxious face.

                   VLADIMIR (CONT.)
      You probably would.
              (hands his the papers)
      They're still wet.

A TRAIN WHISTLE SLOWS and Vlad Moves to Anya.

                   VLADIMIR (CONT.)
      Wake up, young lady, that's our train.

      "Wake up, your highness" - we should
      start getting used to saying it.

      What a world - a man who was in
      my position in society is calling
      a peasant 'Your Highness".

Dmitri leans over and tugs Anya's hair lightly.

              (to Anya)
      Wake up!

Anya's eyes flash open and - totally on reflex - she belts
Dmitri in the nose. Ditri reels back, lands on his butt -
Vladimir observes ruefully.

      We have a lot of work to do...


Vladimir, using his ample belly, bumps people out of the
way as they head for the train. Vlad climbs on just as
it starts up, followed by Dmitri. Dmitri turns back and
reaches out his hand to help Anya up. But she
freezes… just STANDS THERE, not running.


      Come on!

Dmitri on the train, his band extended - just like
Tatiana's was. Although Anya can't quite remember,
something about this terrifies bar. She snaps out
of it when Meetoo nips her ankle.

Anya looks down and sees the puppy, picks his up and
runs for the train.

      Take my hand!

Anya puts Meetoo into his hands and Jumps on without
touching his.


The compartment is JAMMED with travelers. Suitcases
and packages balanced precariously. Dmitri sits down
and carefully touches his painful noso.

      Do you always punch people first
      thing in the morning?

      Sorry - it's a reflex. Living
      in an orphanage if someone bothers
      you - you automatically come up

      I wasn't bothering you. I was
      trying to wake you up!

OVER ANYA'S SHOULDER, out of the window. we see the
THREE MINIONS on horseback charging down a snow covered
hill toward the train.

      By pulling my hair?!

      I was all out of dynamite!

Dmitri touches his nose again. Anya opens the window
and grabs some snow. WE SEE the minions racing wildly
to catch up with the train. As the scene continues, we
see the minions, by one, getting close to the train
and then disappear from view - only their riderless
horses ride away.

              (hands Dmitri the snow)
      Put it on your nose. For heaven's
      sake, you're making such a fuss!

Dmitri tries to act very manly as he puts the ice on his
nose, but cringes with the cold. Anya smiles.

              (to herself)
      Men are such babies...

An ELDERLY WOMAN loaded with packages cones into the
compartment. Anya immediately rises to help her.

      Here, let me

Dmitri and Vlad both pull her back down.

      You're a princess...

      Royalty do not help people
      with their luggage.

Anya gives them both a look and helps the woman.

      Well, she certainly has a mind
      of her own.

      Yes. And I hate that in a woman.

Vlad holds Meotoo, who is enthralled and plays with
Vladimir's drooping mustache, like a kitten with a string.

GUARD strides in!


Everyone rustles for their papers. Dmitri confidently
pulls out their papers, done in beautiful BLACK ink.
Then, he glances at the PERSON NEXT TO HIM and sees
that his papers are done in a bright RED ink. Dmitri
looks over at Vladimir - who has seen the mistake as well.

      It's what I hate about this
      government - everything in red!

The guard hand papers back to a soulful looking man
with a frozen beard.

      Thank you, Comrade Zhivago.

      Doctor Zhivago.

GUARD approaches Vlad and Dmitri.

      What do we do now?

      Pray he's color-blind...

Dmitri flashes the Guard a charming smile as he hands
over his papers. Vladimir is nervously playing with
his mustache until it stands out straight. Anya has
no idea what's going on.

      wait here.

As the Guard heads out of the compartment, Vlad turns
to Dmitri and they exchange an "oh, no" look.


The MINIONS, hoods pulled low, push their way through
the PASSENGERS in search of Anastasia.


Dmitri spots the GUARD conferring with the GUARDS
over the papers. Anya pokes bar head out.

      I'm going to stretch my legs

      That's a good idea - a great
      idea - stretch your legs
              (pointing the opposite
              direction of the
      ... stretch then that way.

Anya looks at him like he's crazy and walks away.

              (to herself)
      I must have hit him harder than
      I thought...

Dmitri runs back in and grabs his SMALL BACKPACK. He
pulls Vlad, carrying Meetoo, out off the compartment
Anya has a load on them as they follow.


The GUARDS burst in, ready for an arrest. In the
background, the hooded Minions pass. The Guards,
seeing empty seats, head back out.


Anya looks out the window as the country side flies by
and smiles.


The Guards spot three figures at the far end of the car.

      That's them! Come on!

They run after who they think are the fugitives.
The Guard grabs a minion and spins him around.

It's MINION THREE, who comes face-to-beak with him
and lets out a HORRENDOUS SCREECH, causing the other
Minion to turn around. The Guards scream and reel backward,
pushing and shoving each other to got out of the way

The Minions proceed up the corridor, MINION TWO, spot
Anya looking out the window. He grabs her. palling her
viciously to the other Minions. She spins around - it
isn't Anya - it's a SERIOUSLY UGLY WOMAN. The Minions
now scream and reel back in horror.


Dmitri and Vladimir catch up to Anya and grab her in
each arm, loading bar down the hall WE HEAR the MINIONS
SCREAM from the next car.


Anya. Dmitri and Vlad step out on a platform and see
there is no place left to run. Only the engine is
ahead of them.

      Wait here!

He leaps up gracefully, grabbing the edge of the roof,
and pull& himself up.

              (to Vlad)
      Would you like to tell what we are...

as Dmitri's head, upside down, appears from the roof.

      Come on up!


Vladimir picks Anya from up from tobehind and hoists
her up to Dmitri. She hollers.


Anya is pulled up by Dmitri, with a force that knocks
them both over Anya on top. An awkward moment. Anya
rolls off him as Dmitri tries to catch the breath she
knocked out of him.

      Just what do you think you're doing?!

      Trying... to... breathe...

Suddenly, Meetoo appears, as if he were flying and
lots out a little "retu". Vladimir has tossed his
up and Dmitri catches his, band his to Anya, and
reaches down to Vladimir.


Though the window the Minions see Vladimir's legs
as he's being lifted.


Dmitri struggles to got Vlad to the roof but he's
losing his grasp. Anya puts Meetoo down and reaches
to help the dangling Vlad. Even Meetoo helps by
pulling an Vladimir's scarf .


Minion one grabs for Vladimir's legs, just as
they disappear.


Dmitri and Anya let out a sigh of relief as Vlad in
safe, but it's short lived as they both SIMULTANEOUSLY
lot out a yell.


a TUNNEL rapidly approaching.

They hit the deck, Vlad on his back between Anya and
Dmitri. Anya and Dmitri exchange a quick look as the
tunnel gets closer - Vladimir's stomach is sticking up
too high to clear the tunnel. They reach up together
and push down on his big belly, causing his eyes to


The minions, now climbing up the side are plunged into
total darkness.


light hits as the train comes out of the tunnel.
Vlad lets out a gasp as they release his belly.
Just then a Minion hand reaches up over the edge.
Dmitri assumes it's a Guard.

      The guards!
              (Anya gives his a lack)
      I'll explain later.

Anya and Vlad follow Dmitri toward the back of the train.


now on the roof, seeing their prey in short distance.


running, without looking back. jumping from car to car,
passing Meetoo like a football. Vladiair makes a huge
running leap into the air…


As all PASSENGERS react to Vladimir's bulk hitting and
denting the coiling.


The TRAIN WHISTLE erupts and Anya glances back to see
her pursuers just as they are enveloped in the thick black
smoke of the engine. Behind them, Anya can another tunnel.


They drop down, this time Vlad in on his stomach. Anya
and Dmitri realize his butt won't clear the tunnel.
They push it down.


An the smoke disappears, the Minions' eyes go wide when
they realize it's too late for them. The train roars the
tunnel as the MINIONS SMASH &"'not the sift of

the mountain in a COLORFUL BURST OF SMOKE from which
they were created.




Rasputin stares at the scene in his reliquary, watching
his well laid plan *go up in smoke", and lots out a
simmering growl.

Anya is standing with her hands an her hips arguing
with Dmitri and Vladiair.

      Forged papers! Now, what?!

      Now just get off the train.


Dmitri motions that they are going to Jump. Anya shakes
her head slowly.


      She's quite right, Dmitri, a man
      of my stature should not have to

Dmitri shoves him off the top of the train with Meetoo
in his arm. Dmitri then puts out his hand to Anya.

      Come on, we'll jump together...
      Take my hand.

Dmitri turns forward and sees the train is approaching
a HIGH RAILROAD BRIDGE over a rocky ravine. It's now
or never.

      Come on!


With his outstretched hand, Dmitri shoves her off the bar.


Vladimir has landed in a large pile of snow. He stands,
rubbing his bottom.

      I think I have hurt my...

Meetoo comes out of the pile of leaves, rubbing his
bottom and answers Vladimir's with his "retu".

A short distance away, Anya seems to be sitting on
top of a puddle - but she isn't wet. Suddenly, Dmitri
gets up from underneath her, covered in snow. Anya
isn't wet because she landed on Dmitri! She jumps up.

      You must enjoy causing me pain!

      You shouldn't have pushed us!

Vladimir and Meetoo come over.

      Is everyone all right?

      I'm fine.

      She's fine!
              (limping away)
      I may never walk right again,
      but she's fine...


Rasputin paces, still angry at the Minions. Bartok,
nervous, fakes a yawn and stretches.

                   BARTOK Well, I better got goin'. Got a busy day letting all the blood rush to my head...

Rasputin pulls him back in, then speaks to his reliquary.

      She's too far away, isn't she?

The reliquary glows eyes. Rasputin places It back in it's cabinet.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      Yesss... our power is much stronger
      when were near. We must get close
      to her.

      Oy... not a road trip. I get
      wagon sick, you know that.

Rasputin smacks him against the wall as he stomps out
of the wagon. Bartok slides down the wall.

                   BARTOK (CONT.)
      You're absolutely right. Travel
      broadens your horizons...

And he hits the floor.


Rasputin, on his obsessed mission, leaps on top of the
wagon as Bartok, still dizzy, tries to catch up.

      We'll catch her and finish her!
              (he grabs the, reigns)
      We ride this night!

Rasputin then looks down and sees that there are no horses
harnessed he gave then to the begins a slow growl.

      Well,	we wait this night!


Anya is walking ahead with Vladiair as Dmitri follows
he's still muddy, wet and unhappy.

      No have a lot of work to do,
      Anya! Come along, Meetoo!

Meetoo is trying to catch fire flies in his mouth.

                   VLADIMIR (CONT.)
      We have to prepare you for an
      audience with Sophie.

      Who's Sophie?

           (lost in warm memories)
      Ah ... the Lady Sophie... The
      ravishing first cousin, once
      removed, from the Empress. We
      must convince Sophie that you
      are the Princess before we'll
      be granted a meeting with the
      Empress ... your grandmother,
      I mean.

Anya stops dead in her tracks, this is the first she's
heard of this.


Dmitri, not paying attention, slams into the back
of Anya. Anya, not hurt, turns to Dmitri - who is
rubbing his now sore shoulder.

                   ANYA (CONT.)
      You never said anything to me
      about having to prove I'm a

      You are the Princess.

      We're just going to refresh
      your memory...

      I don't have a memory and I'm
      not a Princess!
           (looks down at herself)
      Even if I were - no one's ever
      going to believe it. I'm not

Anya searches for the -word as she sits down next
to a frozen pond.

                   ANYA (CONT.)
           (sadly to herself)
      ... good enough...
       (to others)
      I can't go through with this!

Dmitri sits next to Anya and looks at her reflection
in the ice.

      What do you see?


her smudged face and boy's clothes. Dmitri's hands
come into frame, wipe off her face with snow and
them pull her hair off her face. Anya does, truly,
look pretty.

      See? The Princess is under there ...

      Ah! Let us begin!


Vladimir would begin to sing here, telling Anya that she
has a lot to learn. The music would probably have a
LIGHT, SOMEWHAT COMEDIC tone, and would be just a SHORT
for the scenes of instruction which follow.

We see the three of them from behind, walking down a
road - Meetoo trots behind them, happily.</u>

                   VLADIMIR (CONT.)
      You were born on the Adriatic sea at
      the summer palace, where the parties
      and the buffets were marvelous ....


Vladimir is putting icicles in Anya's hair to keep it
up in a bun - she looks sweet, despite her boy's clothes.
She is reciting something to Dmitri.

      ...and on my father's side,

Anya thinks as Dmitri looks at a long sheet of
paper, prompting her.

      Every Russian family has one..

           (gets it)
      Natasha! Natasha Feastavich!-
      but we called her Nashie

      Did I tell you that?

      You must have.


Anya, Dmitri and Vladimir are sitting in the back of a
pig cart traveling down a country road. The pigs are very
interested as Anya is pointing to different pieces of hay
which "set" her imaginary table.

           (repeating) fork, salad fork, meat fork and. . .
           (can't remember, then

      It's the best fork of all

      The dessert fork!

           (lost in a memory of
            rich desserts)
      Ah, yes ... I have always loved
      that fork...

Dmitri and Anya exchange a look and then laugh,
adding ad libs of "we can tell" and "There's a
fork you should have skipped". This is the first
time Dmitri and Anya have laughed together -
actually the first time he's ever seen her smile.


Dmitri, who is sneaking around, pulling women's clothes
out of a suitcase that clearly isn't theirs! He takes
out a large, but pretty dress, a beautiful veil - and a
huge brassiere, which he quickly stuffs back in the
suitcase - somewhat frightened. He takes the dress and
veil puts it in his backpack and joins Vladimir and Anya
as they admire the ship.

      What a beautiful ship!

      It used to be a private yacht
      before the government took it over.

      Oh, yes it was the seagoing vessel
      of elaborate elegance in entertaining...
           (looks at Dmitri and Anya explaining)
      A party boat. It once belonged to ...

Vladimir honestly can't remember, Anya thinks it's
another quiz.

      Konstantin Petrovich of Moscow!

Dmitri and Vladimir exchange a quizzical look. No
one told her that…

Meetoo spots TWO UGLY PUG DOGS and a distinguished
ELDERLY DOWAGER. He runs happily to play with them.
She pulls her DOGS away from Meetoo.

                   ELDERLY DOWAGER
      No, no, boys! You don't know where
      he's been!

They give him a disgusted look and walk away. Meetoo
looks a little hurt.


Dmitri and Vladimir are standing by a closed door.
Anya is on the other side.

                   ANYA (0. C.)
      No! I look ridiculous!

      Come out! I can do alterations.

                   ANYA (O.C.)
      You'll laugh.

      I shant!

                   ANYA (O.C.)
      Not you. Him.

      I won't laugh - I swear...

The door opens and Anya comes out in the blue dress
Dmitri stole which at least ten sizes too big for her.
She is still wearing her hair up and despite the size
which actually gives her a "Kate Moss" waifish look
with her men's boots and baggy dress - the blue brings
out her eyes. Dmitri sees her and BUSTS OUT LAUGHING.

      You said you wouldn't laugh!

      It's not you - it's the dress!

Anya storms back into the cabin and slam the door behind her.


When Anya storms into the cabin, she catches a glimpse of
herself in the mirror.

           (to herself)
      I'm never going to be..

Just then, the slamming door catches the back of her dress,
pulling more than half of it into the door frame. She sees
in the mirror that the now fitted dress shows a lovely
woman's figure. Pleased, she looks at herself.

                   ANYA (CONT.)
      Well! Maybe I am...


Vladimir and Dmitri wait outside the door. The door opens
and Anya appears, having tied the veil around the waist
of the dress, making it look fitted and beautiful. Dmitri
and Vladimir are surprised as Anya walks past them with
confidence and throws them a look over her shoulder.


The tone of the song would now change - - the older,
wiser person watching as two younger people are
unwittingly falling in love. The tone can still be
light, as are the visuals here, but there would be
an undercurrent of irony and romance. The song would
end as Anya and Dmitri have their first, momentary


ON DECK: Anya, still in her boots, walks gracefully
down the deck in spite of the ship's rocking motion.
Dmitri and Vlad can't even stand due to the motion.
Anya looks back and flashes them a smile.

IN THEIR CABIN: Dmitri gets out of the bed he's
been sharing with Vlad and walks over, past where
Anya is sleeping peacefully, to close the port hole
against a cold wind. He closes is and see's Anya -
she looks beautiful - he bends down to pull up her
covers and she SLUGS him.

UNDER A TABLE: Meetoo is walking around sniffing
feet. Suddenly, he runs smack into the TWO UGLY
PUG DOGS who growl at him. He runs away and finally
see's a woman's foot and a pair of pretty feminine
shoes, with heels, that she has kicked off. Meetoo
grabs them in his mouth and runs.

ON DECK: The sea is calm, but Anya - wearing the heeled
shoes for the first time - is teetering and wobbling
like mad. Dmitri and Vlad watch her with amusement.
Anya turns to them.

ON DECK: Dmitri has stuffed his feet into the woman's
shoes and is barely able to walk as Anya watches him
with great vindication.

BALLROOM: Anya walks -into the ballroom, steady and
graceful in her new shoes, on Vladimir's arm and
completes a perfect curtsy in front of Dmitri. Dmitri
applauds and moves down to her as she stands and smacks
him with her head accidently.

THEIR CABIN: Vladimir is directing Anya as she waltzes
gracefully in their swaying cabin. Dmitri enters and is
directed to join Anya. He does and they dance together,
with Anya clearly leading. The boat sways to the left
and Anya is thrown closer into Dmitri's arms. Neither
of them even try to readjust.



Vladimir walks over to Anya and nervously chatters (he
knows he interrupted something) as he leads her away
from Dmitri.

      You are a natural! I don't know
      how you ever learned to dance
      that well! That must have been
      some high class orphanage ...


As a storm begins to whip up, the wind starts to howl
and the waves become more violent.


just as a BOLT OF LIGHTNING STRIKES the water, we see
Rasputin's face.


The storm is pitching the boat wildly. Vladimir is
sleeping, snoring loudly. Meetoo, sound asleep, is
sliding from side of the cabin to the other. Anya
is looking out the small port hole at the violent
sea when Dmitri, carrying his back pack, sits on the
bed next to her.

      I wanted to show you something.

Dmitri takes out the music box and hands it to Anya.
She is immediately taken by it, something about it …

      It's so beautiful ... and sad.


      Lost. it feels lost. This was hers?

      Yeah ... well, yours. You still
      don't believe that you're the
      Princess, do you?

      I know I must have had something
      to do with the palace - I've had
      little flashes of things - but
      being the Princess? It doesn't
      matter as long as I find my home.

     Well, the only thing you've got
     when you've got a home is a fear
     of losing it! You're lucky you
     don't remember the revolution --
     I never had much, but what I did
     have -- I lost.

     I'm sorry.

          (false bravado)
     Hey! It doesn't matter! You gotta
     make your own way in the world!
     Don't be sorry for me! I'm going
     to get what I want don't you worry!

Dmitri goes back over to his bed. Anya sees through
him and knows how much it all did matter to him.


The wagon sits on the edge of a high cliff. Rasputin
stands on the top of his wagon, staring at the sea
demonically. The jagged bolts of lightening and the
icy silver rain make him look all the more menacing.

          (low, slow)
     She's out there ...

The wind parts his beard and we see Bartok hanging
upside down in it, trying to stay out of the storm.

     I'm getting a chest cold..

     Bartok... a question.

     I'm getting pneumonia. I have
     a fever. Feel my forehead...

     What do you think is the most
     humiliating way to die?

Rasputin's eyes light up as if he just thought of the
answer to his own question. Bartok is thrown out of his
beard when he makes a sudden turn and leaps off the
wagon. Bartok follows.

     My cousin Mischa, nice fellow
     had some dental problems - you
     didn't want to watch him eat,
     let's put it that way...

Rasputin steps in


As Bartok continues, Rasputin moves to the
reliquary's cabinet.

     ... anyway, a bunch of other
     bats were hanging in the belfry -
     I know, cliche, but there you have
     it, and Mischa, not the brightest
     bat in the world, decides to hang
     <u>in</u> the bell. Which was fine
     for awhile until it started ringing ...
     Ewwww, what a mess ...

      (to reliquary)
     Show her to me ...

     And it didn't help the tonal
     quality of the bell, either.

IMAGES, horrifying and frightening, begin to spin
into a small tornado. Rasputin throws open the door
and the TORNADO bursts out streaking across the water.


Rasputin follows tornado to the cliff and watches
as it disappears into the horizon of the water.
Lightning and thunder crash as he laughs maniacally.


which is swaying with the storm. PAN past Vladimir,
snoring, his now limp mustache flopping wildly and
past Dmitri, sleeping restlessly. Move to Anya, who
seems quite content.

From under the door SMOKY IMAGES silently slither.
They float across the cabin and swirl around Anya.


Anya's CLOSED EYES as the SMOKY IMAGES seem to enter
her head. She smiles in her sleep and we are in ANYA'S
DREAM. . .


Anya, in a beautiful white dress, is walking peacefully
through a sunny part of a lovely forest on a spring day.
She reaches down to pick some pretty flowers, then looks
up as it seems to get dark… OMINOUS LOOKING CLOUDS cover
the sun. Anya reaches down for another flower when she

Anya spins to see an ENORMOUS BEAR emerge from the trees.
(All the animals in the dream sequence have a SLIGHT
resemblance to Rasputin.) Anya is frozen with fear as MORE
BEARS emerge and head straight for her. She tries to back
and wrap around her ankles, impeding her escape.

It gets darker as the BEAR'S EYES, glowing yellow, multiply
and move closer. Anya pulls free of the flowers and rushes
to the safety of a large tree She climbs the tree and
escapesthe bears. Looking down, from her perch on a sturdy
branch, the ground seems miles away.

Suddenly, the BRANCH JOLTS her and almost falling, she hold
on to it tightly. But the branch TURNS IN TOWARD

HER - no longer a tree branch, but A HUGE UGLY SNAKE with
red eyes and huge fangs that come right for her!

Anya leaps to another branch, which also turns into a snake.
She jolts backward and begins to fall … toward a HUNDRED
TEETH. As Anya falls, she lets out a SILENT SCREAM.


as Anya lands in a field of soft GOLDEN WHEAT. Unharmed
and very relieved, she stands and looks around at the
beautiful sunny wheat field.


Reality. Anya's eyes are closed as she smiles in her
sleep and sits up in bed. TINY WISPS of smoke still
swirl around her head. As she gets out of bed, she
unintentionally steps on Meetoo's tail, waking him.
Meetoo watches as the sleeping Anya opens the cabin door
and walks out.

Meetoo rises to follow Anya but the ship pitches, sending
him sliding across the cabin floor.


Anya walks out on the deck, the ship pitching violently
in the storm, as she smiles.


Anya is walking through the wheat field to the edge of
a BLUFF. A few yards below the bluff, Anya sees a beautiful
little pond where a FAMILY frolic's in the clear water;
laughing, splashing, swiming happily. Anya climbs over a
low flowering wall to look closer.


REALITY: Anya has climbed over the railing of the deck
and is looking into the black ocean… smiling.



It's RASPUTIN'S POV as he watches his plan unfold in the


Meetoo finally rights himself from his slide across the
floor and begins to bark into Dmitri's ear.


Anya is waving happily at the dangerous water.


Anya is waving to the FAMILY. They turn around toward
her and she sees that it's the ROMONOV FAMILY, from
the frieze that she saw in the palace. She is delighted
to see them as she feels a distance recollection of who
they are to her.


Meetoo jumps up and NIPS at Dmitri's hand. Dmitri leaps
up with an "owwww!" and looks over at the excited Meetoo.

     If you have to go - wake her..

Dmitri looks over to Anya's bed - she isn't sits up and
throws his legs over the side


Anya is standing right on the edge of death…


She isn't there. He of his bed.

the FAMILY is waving to her. NICHOLAS waves for her to
jump into the clear pond and join them. Anya nods and
moves to jump in…


Anya gets ready to jump into the violent and icy black
waves. She takes one step out when… DMITRI GRABS HER

Anya JOLTS awake from her dream. Confused at first,
then terrified to see what almost happened to her.
isn't lifts her to the other side of the railing
and looks at her.

     What were you doing?!

Anya puts her hands to her mouth in shock, shaking
and almost crying with fear, she throws her arms
around Dmitri and holds him tightly.

Dmitri is surprised at first, but tightens his arms
around her.

                   DMITRI (CONT.)
     It's okay now - I've got you.
     You're safe...

They stand steady on the deck in a tight embrace,
their feelings for each other are stronger than the storm.


THE SAME, as seen through the reliquary

Rasputin watches … seething quietly, as Bartok peeks
meekly over his shoulder.

     Boy, don't you hate it when
     that happens?

     She leads a charmed life, that
     little one ... Someone is always
     there to save her. In the palace
     as a child, on the train and now
     ... it's him.

Rasputin studies Dmitri in the reliquary - Dmitri and
Anya still in a warm embrace.

     Nice looking fellow. I mean,
     don't get me wrong - I'm not
     attracted to him in the physical
     sense, I just ...

But Rasputin's not interested, he stares into the
reliquary and speaks directly to it.

     You are toying with me, aren't
     you? You let me get so close...

The reliquary, as if in answer, seem to be chuckling.
Rasputin smiles and joins in with it.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
     Bartok ... have you ever been to Paris?

     Me? No. Rich food - it kills me.
     Ever try and fly after one of
     those heavy sauces?

Rasputin returns the reliquary to its cabinet.

     We are going to Paris - and while
     we're there, let's kill the young
     man. He annoys me.


As Anya walks down the plank her dress gets caught
on a nail. Dmitri is walking toward her as she yanks her
dress free and accidentally punches him in the stomach.
Dmitri takes it like a man.

     Oh! I'm sorry...

     It's okay. Didn't hurt..

Vlad has been watching as he walks down the plank
with Meetoo - they exchange an "oh boy" look, both
noticing that clearly something is different between
Anya and Dmitri. Anya catches something out of the
corner of eye and turns quickly.

CLOSE ON a sign: "Paris 30 kilometers"

Anya walks away from Dmitri and over to the sign
and looks at it longingly.

          (to herself)
     I'm almost there... I'm finally
     going to know...


Vladimir stares into his purse, depressed.

     How is our current financial status?

     If I used the word "bleak" I would
     be optimistic.

As he says this the ELDERLY DOWAGER from the ship
passes by with her TWO OBNOXIOUS PUG DOGS. Meetoo
growls as Vlad and Dmitri get an idea.

                  VLADIMIR (CONT.)
     The "Odessa Dunk"?

     It worked in Odessa...

Vladimir picks up Meetoo and whispers instructions.
Meetoo likes the plan.


as Meetoo races past the PUGS. They ignore him, so he
stops and makes a face, giving them a sloppy "razzberry",
which piques them a little. Meetoo then bends over and
waves his furry little butt at them. Now the PUGS are
offended and TAKE OFF after him, yapping all the way.

Meetoo turns and scrambles with the Pugs in hot pursuit.
As they get closer, Meetoo SUDDENLY STOPS and the Pugs
go FLYING OFF they edge of the dock and into the water
below. Meetoo looks over the edge and gives them a 'Boy,
are you guys morons look as the ELDERLY DOWAGER runs
up screaming.

                   ELDERLY DOWAGER
     Help! My little dogs! Chevalier! Maurice!
     Hold on, darlings!

Dmitri comes running up, a little too gallant.

     I'll save them, Madame

Dmitri dives into the water as Vlad rushes up behind
the Elderly Dowager. Anya watches from a distance as
Dmitri climbs out of the water carrying the soaked
(and pissed) Pugs.

     Such bravery! Why, that man should
     be rewarded! Amply rewarded!


Dmitri hands Vlad a pile of FRANCS as Anya approaches.

     That was really very kind of you.

She gives him a kiss on the cheek and walks away with
Meetoo, who turns back and gives Dmitri a look. A
little guilty, Dmitri turns to Vlad.

     I won't say a word...


Traveling is style! Vladimir is driving - badly - with
Meetoo in the front seat. Meetoo covers his eyes. Dmitri
and Anya are in the open back seat, enjoying the beautiful
French countryside.

Dmitri looks over at Anya.


     Yes - If I can't convince Sophie,
     I'll never be able to see Tatiana....

     You'll convince her. You have the
     qualities of a princess you're
     poised and strong... and beautiful
     ... even if you forget a couple
     dates of family names - she'll know.

Anya smiles at Dmitri, knowing that all the confidence
she has is because of him. She takes his hand but
looks away.


They pull up in front of the beautiful white house.
Anya is nervous as Vladimir walks up to the front door
ahead of Dmitri and Anya. Vladimir knocks. Sophie
answers the door.

She moves with grace and regal poise.

     May I present her Royal
     Highness Princess Anastasia!

     Oh good! We haven't seen an
     Anastasia in several days!

Anya looks to Dmitri, a little confused by that last
comment. Dmitri makes a little "she's slightly crazy"

They all leap to avoid her butt as she bustles into
the house.


Sophie, flanked by her sisters, sits at a table. Anya,
looking nervous but poised, sits across while Dmitri and
Vladimir hover nervously at the far end of the room.

Sophie's PAT CAT, TILLIE, attempts to cuddle up next to
Meetoo, who wants nothing to do with her.

     I'd just like to ask you a
     few questions, dear...

Sophie opens a huge book that SLAMS open. Vlad and
Dmitri jump.

     Of course.

     Where were you born?



Dmitri watches Anya answer questions gracefully and
without hesitating. Anya smiles as her answers begin
to surprise Sophie.

                   DMITRI (V.0.)
     The real Anastasia couldn't have
     grown up to be lovelier.

Sophie and the sisters look tired. Sophie has her last

          (almost giggling)
     This is the hard one ... what rare
     treat was served on the night of
     the Three Hundredth Anniversary of
     the Romanov Dynasty? The last ball
     they ever had?

Dmitri and Vladimir exchange a nervous look. It's
obvious they never briefed Anya on this one.

Anya thinks a moment, then looks up, smiling, as
she remembers …

     Father had fresh tropical fruits
     sent in. Oranges and pineapples
     from the far east. I remember ...
     I remember I threw an orange to a
     young boy who was hiding under a

Dmitri is shocked. He know this is Anastasia Romonov
and he can't believe it.

     Yes ... yes, it was fresh fruit.
     Well, maybe not "fresh" Estelle
     got one rather brown banana but ...


Dmitri, as he stares at Anya as Sophie prattles on.


Anya sits near the window, stroking Tillie …
much to the consternation of a jealous Meetoo.,
She looks out the window and sees Dmitri, deep
in thought, wandering in the garden.

OUT OF HER EARSHOT at the other end of the room,
Vladimir speaks to Sophie.

     Are you impressed with our Anastasia?

     Oh, heavens - I must say, yes.

     Then, you'll take her to see

     Oh, heavens I must say... no, no
     actually, I can't - Tatiana has
     refused to see any more girls.

     Perhaps you could convince her?

     Oh, heavens, no... but ...
      (Vlad-leans closer as
	Sophie shares a
	naughty secret)
     She is going to be at the
     Ballet Russe tonight! That's
     the Russian Ballet - Russe for
     Russian, oh those crazy
     French... they only go to see
     which dancers will defect.

She rises heading towards Anya. Her butt knocks over
a vase, which Vladimir deftly catches.

     Come my dear, we've much to
     talk about.


Vladimir has finished giving Dmitri the details.
Both are ecstatic.

     We did it! We did it, my boy! We're
     going to see Tatiana at the ballet
     tonight and we're going to be rich!

     But it's not	the money, Vlad.

     Are you feeling all right?

                   ANYA (CONT.)
          (deeply grateful)
     But you never doubted who I was,
     did you, Dmitri? Not for a second ...

Anya gratefully kisses Dmitri an the cheek and
runs into the house. Vladimir, who's been watching,
has a warning.

     Life is funny, isn't it. You find
     the right girl ... and then you
     lose her.

     What do you mean?

     Dmitri ... You must understand that
     once you take her to Tatiana... well,
     it's over... nothing can happen between
     you. She's a princess and you're a

Dmitri understands this and is devastated. Vladimir pats
him on the back as he walks into the house.


Anya and Dmitri, followed by Vlad and Sophie are walking
down the Champs Elysees. Meetoo trots along after them,
happily. They walk by AN ACCORDION PLAYER and a LADY FLOWER
SELLER, who watch them and whisper to each other.

                   ACCORDION PLAYER

                   FLOWER SELLER
      Ooh la la!


Paris ALL SING, welcoming Anya and Dmitri, Sophie and Vlad,
to Paris!

The foursome explores the city and Anya has the
happiest day of her young life. On the streets they
encounter the motley denizens of Paris, as well as
people with very familiar faces – for anyone in the
audience in the know, they'll see Josephine Baker,
Maurice Chevalier, Rodin, Gertrude Stein, Freud,
Lindbergh - people who were in Paris in the twenties..
For those in the audience who don't recognize them,
they'll simply be unidentified fascinating "types" who SING.

As the joyous number progresses, we realize that Dmitri
is feeling something else – the impending loss of Anya
to a world where she clearly is at home. He SINGS for a
short moment, knowing that he's about to lose her. Anya
visits a couturier and comes out with a big dress box
for her evening at the ballet. A BIG FINALE as they go
off for the evening. Even Meetoo has found some female
poodle companionship. But for one last beat, Dmitri's
wistfulness cuts against joy.



A glorious sunset over the city of lights …


to the "other side of the tracks, a run down area
next to the Seine River. Rasputin's wagon is
parked on the edge.


Bartok freshens himself up in front of the mirror as he

                (singing, a cappella)

                   RASPUTIN (O.C.)
                (cutting him off)
      Shut up!


showing Rasputin trying to concentrate on the reliquary.

      Sorry, it's just... you know I saw these
      french postcards once and... ooh la la ...
      well, I'm not sure about the "ooh", but
      it's the "la la" I'm really lookin'
      forward to...
                (Rasputin growls)
      Right, I'm shutting up.

Rasputin leans closer to the reliquary, which now contains
the BRIGHTEST COLORS we've seen. The reliquary sits in
it's cabinet.

      We're close to her, aren't we?

The reliquary BRIGHTENS even more, looking as if it could

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      Excited, eh? You look about to burst ...
      You'd like to burst, wouldn't you?

The lightsin the reliquary shake, as if to say "yes".

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      No, no, no. We made a bargain.
                (petting it)
      Someday you'll have me for all eternity.
      Till then...
                (leaning closer)
      I'm in charge.

Rasputin slams the cabinet shut, then turns to see Bartok
in front of a mirror. He wears a smart BLACK BERET which
is much too large on him.

      What do you think? Is it me?


Sweet, small french hotel on a winding cobble stone street
of the Left Bank.


Dmitri and Vladimir are both dressed in formal attire and
look extremely dapper. Vlad is delighted with himself,
modeling his finery, but Dmitri looks very sad.

      Compliments of Sophie. Her escort
      has to look his best.

They turn as the door opens and Anya stands nervously,
but then strikes a regal pose. She looks magnificent …
radiant, which is not lost on Dmitri.

      How do I look?

Before Vladimir can gush, Dmitri, forced to repress his
true feelings, is a bit curt and rises.


      Fine.	We better go.

Anya looks surprised by his tone, but follows.


As the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE OF PARIS pull up in carriages and


As Dmitri, Vladimir and Anya take their seats, all around
them people are whispering "Who's that?", "What a beautiful
woman", etc. The Ballet begins.


Dancers in bright costumes leap across the stage.

Dmitri turns to Anya and gestures to the box seats to the
left. He hands her the opera glasses.

      Look. There is your grandmother...

Anya gives Dmitri a very nervous look and takes the glasses,
aiming them toward Tatiana.


The majestic Tatiana, flanked by Sophie and her sisters and
backed by several large GUARDS in uniform.

      She's so beautiful! I do remember
      her ... I remember her ...

The music continues as Anya looks at Tatiana.


The lights come up and people around them begin to stand
up, stretch, etc. Dmitri turns to Anya.

      Come on. It's time..


They approach Tatiana's private box.

DMITRI Wait here for just a moment. I'll go in first and
prepare her. It's bound to be a shock…

      I'm so scared...

      Don't be


      And grateful. To you.
                (reaching out to him)
      If it weren't for you --

                (upset, pulling away)
      I know.

Dmitri opens the door into Tatiana's private box. Anya
waits nervously outside.


Dmitri walks up to the guards standing at the top of three
small steps into the box seats.

      I need to speak with the
      Dowager Empress ...


                   TATIANA (CONT.)
      How much pain will you inflict
      on an old woman for money?!

      Please, if you'd just listen...

                (to guards)
      Remove him at once.

The guards physically force Dmitri out, in spite of his
urgent pleas.

      Please! Empress! It's not what you ....

Dmitri is thrown out of the box and straight into Anya,
who stares at him with tears in her eyes. She then turns
and runs away.

      Anya. . . please. . . 


Anya pushes her way through the CROWD with Dmitri in pursuit.


Anya bursts out of the doors followed by Dmitri

      Anya, wait!

                (spinning on him)
      Tell me it isn't true?! Tell me
      you didn't do this for the money!

      No! Well, yes, but

      No! I thought you believed in
      me! It was all a lie!


Dmitri runs out and stands by grand looking automobiles
lined up in front. He scans the cars.


Tatiana is walking toward her car. A very proper CHAUFFEUR
holds the door for her.

The CHAUFFEUR helps Tatiana in, then is about to climb
into the front seat when Dmitri rushes up to him.

      Sir! Your rear tire is flat!

      it is?

As he gets out to look, Dmitri slides into the drivers
seat and roars away. The stunned Chauffeur in his dust.


Tatiana is jolted by the fast motion of her car.

      Ulo! Slow down!

Dmitri turns from the front seat and looks at her.

      I'm not Ulo and I won't slow down.
      But you will listen to me!

                (recognizing Dmitri)
      You! How dare you?! Stop this car


Tatiana's car flying down small streets.


      Stop this car!

The car slams to. a stop in front of the SMALL HOTEL.
Dmitri leans into the back seat, face-to-face with her.

      Please don't be afraid! I'm sorry,
      but there was no other way!

Tatiana is frightened, but still very stubborn. She looks
away from him. Dmitri thrusts the music box into her hands.

                   DMITRI (CONT.)
      Look at this!

Tatiana looks down and is immediately taken aback.

      Anastasia's music box... She had this
      all these years...
                (fighting the possibility)
      You could have found it...

      What I <U>found</U>your was your granddaughter!

Tatiana turns away from him again.

                   DMITRI (CONT.)
      You were right - it <U>was</U> a lie.
      My intention was to fool you
      I am a liar - but I found the
      truth. Just see her! I swear
      if you see her I'll disappear

Dmitri points up to the open window of the hotel.

                   DMITRI (CONT.)
      Just look! Just look at her!

Tatiana finally looks out the window.


Anya holding Meetoo in front of the window.


reacting to how much she looks like Anastasia.


Anya hears a KNOCK and assumes it is Dmitri.

      Go away!

The door opens slowly. Anya spins, then softens when she
sees Tatiana holding the MUSIC BOX.

      Who are you, child?

      I don't know! I don't want to hurt you...

Tatiana holds out the music box.

      Do you remember this?

      I remember something lost ...
      I'm so confused! Oh, please,
      just tell me if you recognize me!
      Do you think I could have...
      belonged to you ...

Tatiana notices Anya nervously playing with the key around
her neck. Tatiana reacts when she sees the key.

      Oh! Where did you get that?!

Anya sees her looking at the key around her neck.

      I've always had it... I came here
      because of this! Tell me if you recognize
      it! Please! It's all I have...


Tatiana holds out her hands as Anya takes off the key
and hands it to her.

                (through tears)
      It was hers ... my Anastasia's ...
                (then suddenly: angry,
      If this is part of your scheme!
      If you found it or stole - I
      don't care, I'll give you
      whatever you want just TELL ME
      THE TRUTH!

Anya takes the music box and the key out of Tatiana's
hand gently - remembering how it works. Anya puts in the
key and begins to wind it. Tatiana is surprised that Anya
knows how it works - so is Anya!

                   TATIANA (CONT.)
                (singing, a cappella)


We hear THE MUSIC BOX begin to play.


Their cracking voices trail off as they look at each other
and know that they are who they've been searching for -
and the search is finally over.

Tatiana and Anya throw their arms around each other, both
crying, both overjoyed.

TATIANA Anastasia! Anastasia! You've come home at last!
You've come home …


Dmitri watches Anya and Tatiana's embrace. He smiles sadly,
then turns and walks down the dark street alone.


Bartok slides his way out to the window ledge. Overcome with
emotion, he is crying big bat tears.

      He is gonna yellllll.


Hideous fat river rats, ferocious looking and scarred,
stop and tremble nervously when

                   RASPUTIN (O.C.)
                (booming louder than ever before)

Bartok catapults across the frame, having been thrown out
of the window so hard that when he hits the stone wall of
the river bank, the stones crack.

      I should have been a dentist ...


Anya snuggles down into the thick covers as Tatiana
strokes her hair gently.

      ... and that Christmas dinner,
      when Cook made that awful plum
      pudding and we hid it in our
      pockets so we wouldn't hurt her
      feelings! I do remember so much
      now, Grandmama, - but not everything.

      Don't worry about that now, child,
      it will all come back to you now
      that you're home...

Anya closes her eyes as Tatiana continues to stroke her hair.

                   TATIANA (CONT.)
      My poor child you're safe, now...
      you're home ...

Anya is asleep as Tatiana kisses her forehead, turns off
the light and walks to the door. She looks back on her
sleeping granddaughter with enormous joy and gratitude.
She smiles to herself as she pulls the door closed
His eyes glow like embers in the dark. Bartok is perched
on his shoulder.

      Yesss ... finally "home". And what
      a charming ... girlish little home
      it is.
                (gestures to CHERUBS
                   in the wallpaper)
      Look, Bartok, little angels, the
      symbol of ... love. So sweet, so

Rasputin takes the reliquary from around his waist and
places it on the table.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      Let's go for a touch of irony, shall we?

He waves his hand and the smoke emerges, emanating toward
the walls.


some CHERUBS as the smoke hits them. They begin to change,
taking on a lean and evil look. Their tiny arrows grow,
becoming lethal, as their eyes turn from soft brown to
blood red. Slowly, they EMERGE from the wallpaper, their
small wings growing into horrible pterodactyl membranous
paired appendages.

They SWOOP into flight and begin to circle the room, faster
and faster. Rasputin leans precariously over the sleeping
Anya, chuckling.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      And there will be no blood on my hands ...

Rasputin backs away as the cherubs aim their JAGGED ARROWS
at Anya.

Suddenly, Meetoo leaps up from the bed, barking. Rasputin,
startled, jumps backward. Bartok falls off his shoulder and
on to the table, knocking into the reliquary - which is about
to fall.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)

Rasputin catches it. The SPELL is immediately broken and
everything turns back to normal just as Anya wakes up. She
sees Rasputin and lets out a SCREAM.

Rasputin advances on her, his hands outstretched as if to
strangle her when he hears footsteps and voices in the hallway.

Rasputin grabs the reliquary and LEAPS out the window, his
monk's robe billowing just as the door opens.

Tatiana rushes in and sees Bartok flying out the window.

      Anastasia! It was just a bat!
      It's gone, dear...

      No, it wasn't a bat! I saw this
      horrible man - I remember him,
      I think...

      No, no child... shush... it's
      all right ...

She embraces Anya, who is still terrified and knows
that she saw what she saw.


Anya sits, looking a bit vacant as two overly French
jewelers, PIERRE & ANDRE, fit Anya for her ROYAL CROWN.

Tatiana sits across from Anya and can't help but notice
that Anya looks miserable as Sophie bustles about.

      A grand ball for the Princess.
      How very exciting. So much to do,
      so little time...

                (slightly annoyed)
      Do it somewhere else, please. Quietly.

The slight is lost on Sophie who bustles out talking to herself.

      Caterers ... invitations ... saber
      dancers! We must have saber dancers!



Pierre and Andre argue as they fit Anya for the crown.

      Her head it is ... how you say?

      Beeg. Zat is how you say it.

      And the crown she is ... how you say?

      Small! Zat is "how you say" it!
      Don't be so French, Pierre wit the
      "how you say" all za time - zat is
      really annoying.

As they discuss this, Anya wanders away from them, the crown
still slightly askew on her head. Tatiana follows her.

      You are going to make a beautiful

But Anya simply nods. Tatiana turns her towards a FULL LENGTH
MIRROR, then straightens the crown as they look at their

          (no reaction)
      What troubles you, child?

But before Anya can answer, Vladimir leans into the room.

      Madame, your... eh... guest has

      Thank you, Vladimir.,

Tatiana leaves and Vladimir looks at Anya. Anya, angry
at him, turns away.

      Anya... Anastasia... I'm sorry ...
      We didn't mean to hurt you ...

Anya still won't look at him.


Tatiana walks into her study and is happy to see Dmitri
is standing there, looking nervous and very uncomfortable.

      I sent for you because I owe you a
      debt of gratitude larger than I can
      ever repay

      No. Empress, you --

      I want you to have the reward money -
      you've earned it.

He leaps from his chair, exploding with emotion.

      Empress, no! I will not take the
      money! I just came to tell you
      I was sorry...

      Young	man, I...

Dmitri flips his hair out of his eyes and Tatiana gets
a look of recognition across her face.

      ... and I'm going to keep my
      promise to stay out of your
      lives, forever.

Tatiana looks at him with great understanding and affection
as she realizes,

      You are the boy ...

      I should go

      That last night in the palace...
      one boy showed us kindness and courage.
      You were the boy who saved our lives,
      weren't you?
                (Dmitri doesn't answer)
      Please, is there nothing I can do to
      repay you?

      Promise me she'll have her home.

      She does.

      And tell me that she's happy.

  Oh, Dmitri.I wish that I could.

Dmitri comes down the steps, then stops when he sees Anya,
wearing her CROWN.

She turns and sees him, stifling her first impulse, then
putting on a show of supreme confidence.

      I'm glad you found what you
      were looking for.

      I'm glad you	did too.

With nothing left to say, he heads for the door.

      Enjoy your fortune.

Dmitri spins, but restrains. He opens the door and
Anya goes back into the Parlor. They both know that
they will never see each other again.


Dmitri busily tosses his few possessions into his
backpack as Vladimir - in formal attire - waves an
embossed INVITATION at him.

      But this invitation came
      from the Empress herself!
      It's the social event of
      the decade! You can't turn
      it down!

      Watch me.

Vladimir starts to protest. Dmitri grabs the invitation
and tears it up, tossing the pieces into the air.
Vladimir sighs.

      So where will you go?

      She found her home.
      Maybe it's time I found
      one too!


from outside the window. WE DO NOT HEAR THEM, but we
see Vlad and Dmitri hug good-bye.


to see it's RASPUTIN'S POV; as he stands on a LADDER
OF SMOKE, looking into Dmitri's window. Rasputin watches
Vladimir leave as Dmitri finishes packing.


As the windows BURST OPEN and Rasputin swoops in. Dmitri
backs away, terrified as the ladder dissolves and smoke
fills the room.

      So. You don't want to go to 
      the coronation, eh?

                (recognizing him)

      I know, I know ... you thought I
      was dead. That's how the history
      books will remember me - not as
      the ruler of all of Russia,
      which I SHOULD HAVE BEEN -
      but as the guy who was never
      dead when you expected him to be.

Dmitri backs away as the smoke coils around him and
Rasputin advances.

      What do you want?!

      The same thing I wanted ten 
      years ago - all the Romonovs dead
      I got the others, now I have
      to finish up with that nuisance, 

      You're insane! You didn't
      kill the Romonovs - it
      was the...

      And I'm going to kill Anastasia.

Dmitri lunges for him but the smoke coils around
him like rope, holding him back.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      Look at me...
                (Dmitri turns away)
      Look at me!

The SMOKE forms into hands, forcing Dmitri's face
toward Rasputin's. Dmitri's eyes widen. Rasputin
locks on him with his eyes, glowing like red hot
coals, as he bears Dmitri in hypnotically.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      You are going to help me
      kill her... You are going
      to help me kill her...


who looks away, obviously not enjoying this.
As WE HEAR Rasputin repeat "You are going to
help me" a few more times.


Magnificently, the Eiffel Tower illuminates all of
Paris when FLOOD LIGHTS come on and we see a LARGE
PARTY has been set underneath it's black iron legs.


to see that a stage has been set up on the north side,
the "Seine side". of the Tower, with a large throne-like
chair in the center. Beautiful PARTY GUESTS, many we
had seen in the opening Ballroom scene, mingle around
excitedly. Behind the stage, a beautiful curtain separates
the party from


the Princess Anastasia, in crown and full coronation gown.
Anastasia fidgets nervously, looking for the key around
her neck, then remembering it isn't there anymore, as a
MAJOR RUSSIAN DOMO addresses her and Tatiana.

                   MAJOR DOMO
      ... then as I say "Her Serene Highness
      Princess Anastasia" you, your Highness,
      should walk out on to the stage and
      greet your ...

Tatiana sees that Anastasia isn't listening and dismisses
the Major Domo in mid sentence.

      I believe her highness understands 
      what she has to do.

Major Domo bows and leaves. Tatiana looks at Anastasia.

                   TATIANA (CONT.)
      Don't you, child?

      Oh, yes, Grandmama -
      I wait until I hear...

      No, not about the ceremony,
      Anastasia - do you understand
      the choice you must make.

Anya turns to her in confusion.

      There's no choice...

Anya is cut off with a quick knock at the door,
as Sophie and Vladimir enter, bowing to them both.
Vladimir has Meetoo, all dressed up in bows and
ribbons - and looking miserable - on a leash.

                (to Tatiana)
      Your "guest" is unable to attend.

Tatiana is troubled by this news. Anya starts
laughing when she sees Meetoo.

      Oh, Meetoo! You look miserable!
      Oh, Vlad - look at him!

      Yes, your highness.

      Poor Meetoo!

      Yes, your highness.

      Cut it out, Vlad! I'm not
      angry with you anymore -
      I know how much you needed
      the money.

      But they didn't take the money -
      either one of them. I offered it
      to them, but they both refused.

Anya is shocked, she takes a minute to process this as

      Dmitri didn't want the money?

      No, he just wanted to know
      you were happy.

                (taking Sophie's hand)
      Fortunately, I am to be married.
                (backing away)
      With your highness, permission.

      Vlad, stop acting this way! 
      You're my friend!

      No. From now on I am your
      loyal subject ... your
      highness. By your leave?

To Anya's dismay, Vlad and Sophie bow and back out of the room.

      Why does everyone have to
      act that way?

      You'll have to become used
      to it, child, if you accept
      the crown...

      "If" I accept?! Of course
      I'm going to accept! it's
      what I always wanted!

      Is it? Is this what you want?

Tatiana gestures to the formality outside.

      I wanted to come home,
      Grandmama - and I did.
      I came back to my home
      with you.

      You can't go back to find your 
      home. Your home is in your heart,
      in the future that you make for

      And this is my future. This is 
      who I am!

      This is who you were. Exactly 
      who you are is up to you.
      I don't know who I am!
      I still don't know!

      Yes, you do. You do.

Tatiana kisses her on the forehead.

                   TATIANA (CONT.)
      And in your heart, you know what
      is right for you.

Tatiana turns to leave.

      I've spent my whole
      life waiting to find you ...

      And we have found each other
      nothing will ever change that!
      I am your family, dear child,
      but I may not be your home.

Tatiana leaves. Anya is very torn. Anya jumps as
the TRUMPETS sound announcing her entrance.


The COURTIERS gather, excited, as the Major Domo
readies to make his announcement.


Anya, thinking about what Tatiana has said, looks
at herself in the mirror.


the Princess Anastasia. But not Anya.

                   MAJOR DOMO (O.C)
      Her Serene Highness, the Princess 

Pause. WE HEAR mummers from the crowd outside, various
"Where's Anastasia?", then

                   DMITRI (O.C.)

Anya spins around, looking for him. His voice seems
distant and ghostly,

                   DMITRI (O.C.)
      Anya ...

Anya follows his voice out of the room and into the
ELEVATOR. The doors close.


as it rises gently to the very top of the Eiffel Tower
not on cables - but on long ropes of smoke.


Rasputin, gleeful, sits perched on a girder, looking down
at the party below.

      Look, Bartok. Most of them were
      there the night I made this curse.
      Now, they'll get to see it finished!
                (sighing, content)
      Revenge is a dish best served... in
      front of a larrrrrge audience!

Rasputin leans over the rail and looks down at the party.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      Do not despair. I'll make sure your 
      beloved princess drops in.      

Rasputin chuckles at his own "wit"

      Ahh, very witty. There's this
      English guy - Noel Coward -
      I'll bet he's quaking ...


As the door open and Anya rushes out, looking around.


Dmitri is standing - like a zombie - at the far end
of the platform. Anya sees him.

      Dmitri ... Grandmama told me.

She stops. She can tell that something isn't right
with Dmitri by the look in his eyes.

      Dmitri, what's wrong?

Dmitri approaches her slowly, zombie-like, arms

                (from above)
      Throw her off the edge! Do it!

Anya looks up at the booming voice.


sees Rasputin.


RASPUTIN from the last night at the palace


ORANGE flash of gunshots

YOUNG DMITRI leading them out the wall panel, then the
Face of the YOUNG DMITRI superimposes over the zombie who
is coming toward her.

      Dmitri ... Look at me!
      It's Anya! It's ANYA!

Dmitri stops. His eyes glazed and frightening.

      You saved my life in the
      palace! You won't take
      it now...

                (from above)

Anya holds her ground as Dmitri moves toward her,
ready to push her off the

      Dmitri. I know you would
      never hurt me. You love me.

As Dmitri come close, she moves toward him and
kisses him. He blinks and snaps out of it and is
quite happy that Anya is kissing him.


      Anya... where are we?

WE HEAR a howl from above and suddenly Rasputin
jumps down. The reliquary tied to his waist, he's
more furious than we've ever seen him - his face
literally consumed with rage and hatred.

Anya is terrified - but holds her ground as she did
when she was a child.

      I guess you aren't as
      powerful as you thought!

Rasputin walks slowly toward Anya and Dmitri, burning with rage.

      I'll show you!

      Run, Anya -  go...

      I'm not leaving you!

      Fighting for fair lady. How noble...

Dmitri pushes Anya away and charges the much larger
Rasputin, who knocks his aside with on swoop of big
huge arm.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      And how pathetic.

Rasputin turns to Anya climbing up a girder.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      That's only going to make you
      fall farther.

Anya turns suddenly and kicks Rasputin in the face,
which has the same effect as kicking a brick wall.
Anya is thrown off balance and falls. Rasputin pushes
her with his foot and she slides across the floor to

Anya and Dmitri exchange a quick look as Rasputin,
chuckling, advances on them. Anya reaches up and grabs
Rasputin's beard, pulling his face forward so that
Dmitri can give him a good roundhouse punch.

The blow does little but enrage Rasputin. He reaches
out and with one huge hand, picks Anya like a rag doll
and takes her to the ledge.


Dmitri throws himself against Rasputin several times
only to get batted away like a fly. Realizing this is
futile, Dmitri slips through the FLOOR GIRDERS and
scurries towards the edge… BELOW TEM.

DMITRI POV: Rasputin's large boots above him, heading
for the edge.


Rasputin reaches the edge, playful dangling the
struggling Anya over the side.

      My curse is now complete!
      Good-bye, babushka!

Anya looks over the ledge.


The city below as she FALLS. Dmitri emerges from the
grid below and GRASS her, holding on to the back of
her dress.

      Take my hand!
                (sees Rasputin approaching)

She manages to spin around, gripping his hand.

      Don't let me go!

      I'll never let go!


their hands, gripping one another.

                   RASPUTIN (O.C.)
      What a touching sentiment...

They look up to see his right above them. Rasputin's
boot SMASHES DOWN on Dmitri's hand, which grips the

Dmitri screams out in, but doesn't let go. He
looks down at Anya and pulls her up while Rasputin
begins to pry off Dmitri's fingers one at a time.

      This little piggy had a palace...
      this little piggy had a throne...

Anya swings to another beam and now has firm footing as
Rasputin continues.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      This little piggy missed the firing

Dmitri is literally holding on with two fingers.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)
      And this little piggy wanted a home...
      And this little piggy went wee wee
      wee all the way... down!

As Dmitri's last finger is preyed away, he falls but
his grasp on Anya's hand is firm and she pulls him
onto where she is standing.

Rasputin leans over and bends toward them, three feet
from Anya.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)

The reliquary is dangling. Anya reaches up to grab on to
it but her aim is off and she HITS it. The reliquary flies
and SMASHES against the side of the tower, shattering.
Rasputin realizes what has happened and scrambles away
in terror.

                   RASPUTIN (CONT.)


who covers his eyes.


who climb back up to the platform.


of the Eiffel Tower as the EVIL SPIRITS FROM THE
RELIQUARY burst out. The SPIRITS take on all the forms
we've seen earlier: BEARS, MINIONS, SNAKES, and
combinations of all. They grow and swirl, with hideous
MOANING noises.

Anya and Dmitri huddle together, in disbelief.


as the SPIRITS begin to swarm around him, a TORNADO of
horrid beings. Re screams as they pull him off the


as the force of the tornado increases, they have to
hold on to the girders and each other in order not to
be sucked in. Bartok is thrown against the side of the
tower and slithers to the floor.


suspended over the Eiffel Tower in the maelstrom. He
Screams wildly as the spirits encircle his, torment
him and EXPLODE - pieces fly and disintegrate in mid-air,
in wild colors and smoke.


who hug each other in relief. They stand, looking out.
The smoke dissipates, showing them the city lights below.


who rises, patting his chest- He's about to let out
a Bartokism… but all the emerges are LITTLE BAT SQUEAKS.
He's surprised as first, then thrilled. The spell is
broken and he's just a bat again.


as he reaches down and picks up the crown that fell off
her head in the fight. He hands it to her.

      Come on... I'll take you home.

Anya looks lovingly at Dmitri and doesn't put the crown back on.

      I am home.


(The Love Duet For Anya And Dmitri). A SIMPLE EMOTIONAL
BALLAD for two people who realize at last that their hearts
have led then to each other, to "home". This will work within
the dramatic context of the film (sung by the characters) but
can also be re-recorded as a Pop single.</U>

The song continues over various scenes:


Tatiana smiling, knowingly.


sneaking a kiss in the middle of the party. Xenia and Estelle
look at each other with their stone faces.. . and smile.


Hanging from the rafters of the Eiffel Tower, no sure what
to do next - then a cute female bat flies up next to his and
"bats" her eyes.


walking over the River bridge with Meetoo following behind
them… a family - going home together.



@soupnana group

lol. Now let us go onward with the scripts!!!

  • Money, money.
    You have a date with justice.
  • Sorry, Sheriff …
    I am married.
    And eye-pirate?
    You dropped something.
    Give it up, your end is near.
    I always wanted to
    end with a bang.
  • The orphans!
    I do not want to leave early,
    but our ride is here.
    It's me or the children. Choose.
    Ride like the wind.
    Keep quiet.
    Woody, hurry up.
    No …
    But I can catch the train.
  • Now some catching criminals.
    Infinity and beyond.
    Reach for the sky.
  • You can not make me.
    I brought my attack dog
    with a force field.
    And I eat my dinosaur
    that force fields.
    Malicious Pig.
    That evil Doctor Mr Pig.
    Buzz, shoot your laser on my badge.
  • No, I will kill you.
    Just do it.
    You go to jail. Watch out.
  • Do go if I am not there.
    No, Molly …
  • It's okay.
    A baby of 1.5 meters from space.
    And she tramples everything.
    Run for your lives!
    The red light means
    that it works?
    Say happy birthday to Molly.
    Happy birthday.
  • Charming.
    Look how big you are.
    Buzz Light year to rescue.
    Good job.
    Everyone in position.
  • I think my other eye.
    Whose foot is in my face
  • my, give back.
    You saved our lives.
    We are eternally grateful.
    Buzz, do you mind if I
    sit down next to you?
    Yes, no, why should I care?
    It's hot here.
  • Here they come.
    Sergeant, did you?
  • Mission completed.
    Guys, we have a chance.
    Everybody ready?
  • Ready. Ahead with it.
    Buzz, make the call.
    Target's move.
    Just as we practiced.
    Hello, is anyone there?
    Molly, stay out of my room.
  • I am not there.
    Anyone who has sat on my stuff
  • I do not.
    That went well.
  • He held me really down.
    This is bad.
  • He is 17 years.
    There is no longer
    with us played.
    Guys, we do a meeting.
    Not again.
  • Get everyone together.
    We're together, Woody.
    We all knew that surgery
    was a gamble Runtime.
    More a failure.
  • It is not about
    to be played …
    But to be there for Andy.
    We know that.
    We can try again, right?
    I termination, boys. We stop it.
    Andy goes to college soon.
    This was our last chance.
    We go to the attic.
    Keep your tools close.
    Spare parts, batteries …
    everything for a little
    transition period.
    Transition? We have been there.
    We knew this day was
    coming there.
    Yes, but now he is.
  • Any toy that goes.
    What are you doing?
  • The war is over.
    We will fight elsewhere.
  • Elsewhere?
    Absent without leave
  • we have our duty.
    Andy is grown.
    And come and face …
    and trash bags upstairs,
    we are first in.
    Dirt Bags
  • Who said anything about that?
    It was an honor to fight with you.
    Good luck.
    That will you need.
  • No, wait.
    Are we disposed of
  • No, no.
    How do you know
  • we are left behind.
    It's good, Jessie.
  • Why do they then departed.
    Should we leave
  • we went not to the attic?
    I hate this uncertainty.
  • Wait. Just silence.
    No one is thrown away.
    We're all still here.
    We lost a couple indeed …
    Wheezy and Etch.
  • Bo Peep.
    Yes, even Bo.
    All good toys for new owners.
    But at every garage sale
    each spring cleaning …
    Andy loved us.
    He must care about us
    if we were not here.
    Andy brings us nice snug
    and safe in the attic.
    And we are all together.
  • Exactly.
    There are games and books there.
  • Racetrack circuit.
    Thank you.
  • And the old TV.
    Voila, the old TV.
    And those guys from
    the Christmas tree.
    These are also great, right?
    On one day, with luck, Andy
    himself has children.
    And then he plays
    with us, right?
    We will always be there for him.
  • Come …
    Let our parts and take
    a trip to go.
    I do my best for another.
  • Where did you this time?
    A dark and dusty.
    Let's see what price
    we get on eBay.
    Andy makes sure for us.
    It assures them, h
  • I do not know, Buzz.
    What else can I say?
    We are all means
    always together.
    To infinity and beyond.
    I get your stereo?
  • No.
    I get your computer
  • No.
    Your video games
  • forget it, Molly.
    Andy, let us begin.
    Everything you do not bring …
    or go to the attic,
    or in the trash.
    I leave Friday only.
  • It afvaldag.
    It's simple.
    Skateboard: College.
    Little League trophy.
    Maybe attic.
    Clocks House: Waste.
    The rest is up to you.
  • Why did you have?
    Molly, my room.
  • Still three days
    and it's mine.
    You'll also still work.
    You have more toys
    than you can play.
    They can make other
    children happy.
    Which children
  • one from the crche.
    They always ask for donations.
  • What is that?
    No buts, choose what you want
    to donate and I put them off.
    Ocharme, Barbie.
  • I get a corvette.
    Andy, make decisions.
  • what you going to do this.
    Donate to Sunnyside?
    Maybe sell online?
    Mom, nobody would want them.
    They are waste.
  • You have until Friday.
    Everything is not wrapped,
    or attic …
    is thrown away.
  • Whatever.
    What happens
  • we dispose idiot.
    Need some help
  • I got it.
    Will you miss me when I'm gone?
    If I say no, will I still
    have your room?
  • Yes, then.
    I can not breathe.
  • This is not true.
    Still, what's that sound?
    That is not a waste.
    Remember, Woody.
    Buster, come here.
    Boy, the steps.
    No, Buster. No.
    Stand up.
    We stand on the sidewalk.
  • I knew it.
    Everybody pulling.
    It will not slip.
    It is of polyethylene.
    There must be a way out.
  • Andy is not. What's the point?
    Point, point!
  • I hear the dustcart.
    It comes closer.
    Buzz. Jessie.
    Andy threw us away.
  • He called our waste.
    How could he?
    It succeeds at nothing.
  • This we should know.
    It's just like Emily.
  • The sergeant was right.
    Woody and wrong.
  • Wait. Not hysterical.
    Since it is the perfect time.
  • Be hysterical.
    Maybe, but not now.
    I know what to do.
    This we have done years ago.
  • What about Woody?
    He's okay, Buzz. Andy takes him.
    We gotta go.
    You're right. Forward.
    Buzz, what's going on?
    That box is given.
    Everything under control. We have a plan.
  • We go to the crche.
    Are you crazy?
    Andy was our disposal.
  • No, he wanted you
    in the attic.
    How did we put on the sidewalk
  • a mistake.
    Andy's Mom found your waste.
  • Andy put us in a garbage bag.
    And called our waste.
  • You gotta believe me.
    Of course, high school boy.
  • Andy moves on, Woody.
    We must do the same.
    From the box immediately.
    Buzzy help me, this thing should be …
  • Woody, wait.
    We must do what is
    best for everyone.
    Great, it takes forever
    to get back.
    It's okay, Barbie.
    Gonna be okay.
    Molly and I were together
    for years.
    I can not believe they throw me.
    Welcome to the club.
  • Listen …
    we need to go back to Andy.
    We hide under the seat us …
  • Let it move you.
    He does not want us anymore.
  • He put you in the attic!
    He left us behind on the sidewalk.
  • Both, calm.
    Wait until you see how the crche is.
  • What is it?
    A sad, lonely place for
    old toys with no owner.
    You may well comfort.
  • You'll see when
    we get there …
    begging you to return.
    Does anyone?
  • There is a playground.
    We have the prize.
  • So far sad and lonely.
    Keep this in perspective.
  • Perspective?
    This place is perfect.
  • It is very beautiful.
    There is a rainbow at the door.
    Hi, there.
  • That's a long time ago.
    I wanted toys this issue.
    Is that Bonnie?
    Look how big you already are.
  • Say hello, baby.
  • How are your children?
    These are not kids anymore.
    Andy goes to college.
    Can you believe it
  • they do not miss them?
    No, it is never played.
    Do you see any children?
  • Where are they us?
  • What?
    I see nothing.
    Outside playtime.
    What do we do now?
  • Back to Andy.
    Does anyone out
  • who want an exit.
    Let them play with us.
  • The other toys can be jealous.
    I want to see. It's my turn.
    New toys!
    Hi, nice.
  • Buzz Light year
    to your service.
    Thank you. May I?
    The gripper.
    Hi, there.
    I thought all new voices.
    Welcome to Sunnyside.
    I Lotso the bear, but
    call me Lotso.
    Buzz Light year, we come in …
    What you should know about me
    is that I am a knuffelaar.
    You seem to have been
    through a lot.
  • Now you are safe.
    We are all cast-offs.
    Dumped, given …
    garage sales and second hand.
    You will discover that this is the
    best thing you could happen.
    Mr. Lotso, they play here
    every day with toys?
    All day. Five days a week.
    What if the children grow up
  • I'll tell you.
    When they get old, there
    will be new to.
    If they are old, replace
    them new.
    You never outgrow them,
    or never left …
    or forgotten.
    No owners, no means
    broken heart.
    A miracle.
  • And you wanted to keep Andy.
    Because we are his toys.
  • You were given by him, h?
    It's his loss. He can not hurt.
    Let your place.
    … Ken where is that boy. Ken!
    New toys.
  • So there.
    Who is ready for Ken's
    dream tour?
    Show them where they reside.
  • If you want to go here …
    I'm Ken.
  • Barbie.
    Have we met?
  • I would not know.
    I love your legwarmers.
  • Beautiful Ascot.
    Come on, Ken. Break does not last forever.
  • This way, everyone.
    You have a good prospect.
    They love new toys.
    What a nice bear.
  • It smells like strawberries.
    Here we have all but
    demands toys.
    Spare parts, super glue,
    and a lot of batteries.
    If you think getting
    old, stop worrying.
    Our Beer SPA keep brand new.
    I live here.
    Ken his dream house.
    With a disco, a Dune Buggy.
    And a room for clothes to fit.
    You have everything.
  • Everything except
    someone to share.
    If you need anything, ask me.
    We are al
    Thank you, Big Baby.
    Meet our new friends.
    Poor baby, we are
    thrown together.
    Abandoned by the same owner.
    But here are not necessary …
    we live in ourselves.
    Our own masters.
    Our own destiny.
    Watch out for Puddles.
    You stay here.
    The Caterpillar Room.
    Watch this space again.
    The prize.
  • Hello.
    It is so beautiful.
    H, baby.
    How long ago was it that was
    played there with you?
    Years ago.
  • Wait …
    a few minutes, that bubble,
    and are you dreams.
    Really play. I can not wait.
    If you would excuse us,
    we go back best.
    Welcome to Sunnyside.
  • Thank you. Bye.
    I'll see again
  • I see you tonight.
    In my dreams.
  • Ken, a quick bit.
    Barbie, come with me
    to my dream home.
    I know we only know each other.
    You do not know me
    from GI Joe …
    but when I look at you … it seems
  • if we made for each other?
  • I'm coming, Lotso.
    I'm so excited.
    That seems to me children.
  • I want to be played …
    Why does time slow.
  • How many are there?
    I admit that this is fun.
    But we must go home.
  • Here we have a new life.
    A chance to return children happy.
  • Why do not you?
    Yes, stay.
  • Come on.
    It is played.
  • No, guys. No.
    We all have a child. Andy.
    And if he wants us at the high
    school, or in the attic …
    we should be there for him.
    I'm going home.
    Everyone should accompany me.
    Come on, Buzz.
    Our mission is completed
    with Andy.
  • We must stay together.
    Without Andy, we were
    not together.
    Look at your shoe, you too Jessie,
    what name is on it?
    Perhaps Andy does not care about us.
  • Of course. To us all.
    I saw that he wanted to put you in the attic.
    Times now not turn
    your back on him.
    Wake up. It's over.
    Andy is grown.
    Well, that's perfect.
    How selfish of you.
    So this is it end?
    After everything we've
    been through?
    No, Bullseye, you must continue.
    No, I said stay.
    I do not want you just
    sitting in the attic.
    I gotta go.
    Bonnie, are you here?
    Come on … No, no.
    What is that?
    That's better.
    Bonnie! There you are.
    Come on, time to go home.
    No, no …
    Reach for the sky.
    Inne, love, moe …
    You're my favorite deputy.
  • I'm coming.
    Everything will be fine.
  • Woody goes along with Andy.
    As he always wanted.
  • He's crazy.
    College is no place for toys.
  • These serve as gaming.
    Buzz talking about gaming.
    They are insisting.
    How much?
  • A lot.
    I can hardly wait.
  • In position.
    I am a first time played.
    … Rex
  • Come to daddy.
    There's a snake in my boot.
    I would like to your party, but
    first I am singing a song.
    A sheriff!
    On the side, Mr..
    Pricklepants. We have a guest.
    Would you like coffee?
    It is good for you, but not
    too much, otherwise you …
    Do you … I'll be back.
    Hello, excuse me.
    Where am I?
  • He asks only slightly.
    Excuse me, I want to
    stay in my role.
    My name is Buttercup.
    Baron von Sush know you al
    Hi, I'm Trixie.
    I do not know where I am.
  • Or a caf in Paris …
    or a tavern in New Jersey.
    I just come from the doctor …
    with life-changing news.
  • Just have fun …
    I will take.
  • No, no …
    Who wants to Sludge?
    A secret ingredients.
    Jelly Beans.
    Someone has poisoned the water hole.
  • Poisoned?
    Who does anything in common?
    The terrifying witch. Watch out.
    She used her witch powers.
    I know a shelter.
    They never find us here.
    What is wrong?
    They found us.
    We must have a spaceship,
    to escape from the witch.
    You're doing great.
  • Are you classically trained?
    How do I get out of here
  • there is no way out.
    Joke, the door is over there.
  • You jumped right in there.
    I'm Dolly.
  • Woody.
    Are you serious?
    You can change him,
    and so new room.
    And that says a doll
    named Dolly.
    Who's new?
  • Are you a real cowboy?
    Actually …
  • Of course not.
    He even has a hat.
  • That I have …
    My hat.
  • There you go.
    I found a spaceship.
  • Showtime.
    Fast, inside. Straps, sheets up.
    Hang on, it can be bumpy.
    Three, two, n, up.
    You saved us, you're our hero.
    I have pain in my side.
    Where's my tail?
    Someone need a hand?
    Where's my nose?
  • Here.
    Here's your arm.
    Where's my mustache?
    I remember not playing.
    Andy z never played with us.
  • We make the most of it.
    Toddlers who do not know how to play.
  • They are too young.
    And they're sticky.
  • We have been in the
    Butterfly House.
    With the big kids.
  • That is correct.
    I'm going to talk to
    Lotso us to move.
    Damn, try that.
  • Here, too.
    Try the windows.
  • Negative.
    It is a Snekler 380.
    Dear child protection ever.
    We're trapped.
  • Viel someone on the skylight?
    How do we get there?
    Everyone, I count to three.
    And … two
  • three!
    He has succeeded.
    Good job, Buzz.
    They had a nice gaming
  • Silent, They'll hear you.
    You start.
  • I …
    Keep …
  • From you.
    Now I want to finish it all.
    I …
  • Hou …
  • See, it always works.
    You are so smart.
  • Come on, Romeo.
    I'm going to miss you.
    Come on.
    There we go.
  • Come on.
    No more money there.
    Point to here.
  • On the duck.
    That's a duck.
  • Won!
    The last round.
  • You're lost.
    Minimum bid: 5 monopoly.
    Wild coyote.
    Exchange of triple aces.
    What do you think of the
    new 'here to stay?
  • Cowgirl?
  • Small toddler.
    But that space guy.
    It can be useful.
    He is not the sharpest knife in the
    place where they keep the knives.
    Yes, you.
    You have one myself, right?
    Calm, Twitch.
    Barbie is different.
  • Hear the weakling.
    What do you expect to show girls toy
  • I'm not a girl toy!
    Why do you say?
  • All that is disposable toys.
    We are lucky if they
    survive one week.
    Look who's here.
    Let me go.
  • Take him to the library.
    Woody, what are you doing?
    I gotta get outta here.
  • Going?
    But you did not enjoy
  • yes, more than in years.
    I belong to someone else.
  • Who is Yitna?
    It is pronounced Yitn.
  • It says Andy.
    He is my Bonnie.
    And he leaves soon.
    I gotta get home.
  • Where is that?
    Elm Street, 2304 Elm.
    Do you have a map?
  • Doing. Trixie.
    I start the computer.
    Loosen, cowards.
    Lotso I want to speak.
    Quiet, Buck Rogers.
    You speak with Lotso
    when we say …
    Know what's going on?
    Why is that toy-related?
    He had escaped.
  • Escaped?
    No, not if we treat our guests.
    I never do. See that. I am sorry
    Lotso, there is a mistake.
  • A mistake?
    The kids in the Caterpillar
    Room are too young for us.
    We respectfully request a transfer
    to the Butterfly House.
  • But Lotso …
    Silence. He shows initiative.
    Leadership. This is a keeper.
    Heard? A keeper.
    We bring you the bigger.
    From now you get
    verything you want.
    Perfect, I get my friends.
  • Wait, Buzz.
    Caterpillars Children
    who have little toy.
    My friends are not there.
  • None of us.
    I do agree, therefore,
    for our community …
    let the new toys for the rough
    work to do for the elderly.
    That seems to be correct.
    But I can not accept.
    A family stays together.
    A family man, h. Why do not you?
    Back in the chair break.
    Let me go.
    Send Bookworm inside.
    That's it. Misplaced.
    Let's see.
    Tools, Maintenance …
    Remove the screws to the
    battery to arrive.
    What are you doing?
    Let me go.
    Your Buzz Light year action figure back
    to his original creation to bring …
    slide the button over
    the 'Play' to 'Demo'.
    Stop! No, no.
    What was that?
  • Sounds from the beginning
    to take off.
    I will look.
    See something?
  • No, it's dark.
    Wait, I'm Andy.
  • What?
    That is impossible.
  • I really see him.
    In his room. My other eye!
    I've left behind.
    This is so strange. He grabs at.
    This is Buster. On the side.
    Andy is in the corridor.
    He looks in the attic.
    There's Mommy.
    Why is he so angry?
    This is terrible.
    He searches and searches for us.
    He seeks us
  • Andy wants us now.
    I just knew.
  • He wished us well
    in the attic.
    Woody would tell the truth.
  • You did not believe him.
    You first.
  • We need to go home.
  • How are you tonight?
    Thank God, you've seen Buzz
  • We gotta go.
    Way? You have a pass.
    Recently we had no more volunteers
    for the toddlers.
    They like so many new toys.
    There has been chewed on
    us, kicked, gekwijld …
    Just look at my pocket book.
    The thing is, sweet potato,
    you do not leave Sunnyside.
    Sweet potato?
    Who do you think you 't you?
    I have over 30 tools, and I
    deserve more respect …
    That's better.
    Nobody takes my wife's
    mouth off, except me.
    Give back, hairy air freshener.
    We're going home, guys.
  • You not going anywhere.
    Who is against us?
    Buzz, you're back. Buzz?
    Watch out.
    Caught inoperative,
    commander Lotso.
    What are you doing?
  • Silence.
    You are captured by the Galactic Alliance.
  • Galactic Alliance?
    Well done, Light year.
    Lock them up.
    Yes, sir.
    Where are you going?
    We are your friends.
  • Spare me your lies.
    Your emperor is defeated and I am immune
    to your charming good looks.
    Stay away from my wife.
    Let me go, slobbering idiot.
  • He's not.
    This potato ways to learn.
    Take him to the box.
  • Put me down, you idiot.
    Where are you taking me to?
    Naughty baby.
    Ken, what's going on?
  • Barbie.
    You would be the dream
    home waiting.
    What are you doing with my friends
  • you go.
    Wait, Barbie.
  • Do not touch me.
    It's over.
  • Barbie, I …
    Give back my scarf.
    Light year, explain where they sleep.
  • Yes, sir.
    Prisoners sleep in their cells.
    Anyone who plays his cell,
    sleeping in the box.
    Appl between sunrise and sunset,
    If a prisoner appl misses
    sleeps in the box.
    Prisoners say nothing, to
    something they said.
    If a prisoner talk back … he sleeps
  • in the box.
    At ease, soldier.
    They are neutralized.
    Remember, they will say anything,
    so you start to doubt yourself.
    Do not worry, sir doubt
    that I had …
    is from the academy beaten me.
    We do things here
    in Sunnyside so.
    If you start bottom, pay your debts,
    life can be great here.
    If you our complications
    on the writing goes …
    rather tries to leave, then
    you hurt yourself.
    Woody, what have you done with him
  • but you sleep good.
    Tomorrow you have a
    whole day to play.
    Who is Velocistar237?
    This is a toy dinosaur from the street.
    That's nothing. I rule here.
    Only a dinosaur.
    Sycamore. Enter.
    Please do not be far away.
    It's just around the corner.
    Look at me, I'm big toys.
    I see you on the Saka.
    If you ever get the crche
    of Sunnyside …
    say that Woody has come home.
  • Did you in Sunnyside?
    How did you escape?
  • That was not easy.
    What do you mean, escape?
    Sunnyside is a place of destruction
    and despair.
    Managed by a bad bear, which
    smells like strawberries.
  • Fluffy and cuddly
    on the outside …
    inside he is a monster.
  • How do you know?
    Chuckles will tell you.
    I've known Lotso.
    He was good toys. A friend.
    We had the same child. Daisy.
    I was there when Lotso
    was extracted.
    Daisy loved us all.
    But Lotso was special.
    They did everything together.
    I've never seen a child in love
    and toys were on display.
    One day we went riding.
    On a stopover to play some.
    After lunch Daisy fell asleep.
    She never came back.
    Lotso did not give up.
    It took an eternity, but finally
    we were at Daisy.
    But then it was too late.
    let's change that
    day inside Lotso.
    Something snapped.
  • They replaced us.
    Come on.
  • She just replace you.
    No, all of us.
    They do not love you.
    Come on.
    We were lost. Discarded.
    Unloved, not wanted.
    Then we found Sunnyside.
    But Lotso was my friend anymore.
    He was nobody's friend.
    He took on Sunnyside, and threw
    it down whole system.
    How did you get it out?
  • I was broke.
    Bonnie found me and took me home.
    Other toys were not so lucky.
    It's not what Lotso done,
    new toy has no chance.
    My friends are there.
  • You can not go back.
    Now go back is suicide.
  • And You then Andy?
    He never went to school?
    Silence, music pig. Stop it.
    I miss Woody too.
    But he will never come back.
    All wake up.
  • Commander, Lotso, sir.
    All quiet, nothing to report.
  • Fine, Light year.
    We need you at 'command to space needed.
  • What have you done
    with my husband?
    Big Baby.
    It was cold and dark.
    Nothing but sand and a couple
    of "Lincoln Logs".
    I think those were not
    "Lincoln Logs".
    Get it done.
    There is a matchday
    with destiny.
    You could not have come back, cowboy.
    They are nice rage gone
    since you left.
    More guards, more patrols.
    You and your friends will
    never get out here now.
    I am already once released.
  • You're a lucky time.
    My advice? Keep your head down.
    You survive it.
  • Yeah, how long?
    I've been here for years.
    They never break me.
    These are toys but n way away.
    Poor guy.
    Morning, the garbage truck.
    Then go to the landfill.
  • I appreciate your concern.
    A child is waiting for
    us, so we go away.
    If you help us, one of the other
    toys, I am very grateful to you.
    If you want out, you have got
    to get through the doors.
    Every night locked.
    On the inside and outside.
    The keys hang from a hook in the office.
  • Roger. What else?
    The car of Lotso driving
    around all night.
    The hall, the lobby, the playground …
  • And the wall?
    Brick wall.
    You can not get through.
    You go over or lies underneath.
    It all seems so very bad.
  • That it is not.
    Your real problem is the monkey.
    The monkey is the eye in the sky.
    He sees everything.
    Classrooms …
    Even the playground.
    He can open doors, sneaking
    past guards …
    climbing over the wall, if you
    do not shut that monkey …
    you go nowhere.
    Would you come here?
    Touch the monkey than lost.
    Pause. Come on, kids.
  • Woody?
    You're still alive.
  • Of course.
    My hat. Where's Buzz?
    Lotso has something to do with him.
  • He thinks he 's a real
    space ranger is.
  • Yes, the return of
    astronomical idiot.
    We had Andy not to leave.
    I was wrong.
    Jessie is right. She was wrong.
    No, it's my fault that
    I am with you gone.
    From now on, we stay together.
    But, Andy goes to school.
    You must go home before
    Andy leaves tomorrow.
    Tomorrow? That means …
  • that we break.
  • Impossible.
    You can not get out.
  • That may be.
    But n away.
    Slinky Dog
  • Present.
    Green boys. Cowboy girl.
  • Horse?
    Piggy Bank.
  • Yes.
  • Here.
  • Here.
    Potato Head?
    Super Troopman, wake up.
    Bit late for a walk,
    Potato Head?
    That's Mr. Potato Head to you.
  • You have to show a mouth full.
    You Ascot bearing pink nose.
    You're not a toy.
    You're a tool.
    You're an inflated ball.
    Take him to the box.
  • No, not the box.
    I'm sorry, I did not mean it.
    I love the Ascot.
    I'm going to look.
  • Well done, Light year.
    Continue with your space thing.
  • Thank you.
    Yes, sir, mature man.
    What do you want?
  • I love it any more here.
    I want to go to the Butterfly House.
    With you.
    There was yesterday to remember.
  • I was wrong.
    I want with yours.
    In your dream house.
    Please come get me here.
    But things are complicated.
    You must do what I say.
  • I promise you.
    I'll do anything.
    I Excuse your diapers.
    Grab the tape.
    And here the magic happens.
    Take all your clothes again.
    That me would never
    have brought to it.
    Tennis Apparel.
  • Check this out.
    Kung Fu fighting, Canvas Hero
    with a sports pennant.
    Flower Power.
    Nobody appreciates
    garments here.
  • Do you want to show off
    a few items of clothing?
    But a few.
    Where is the key.
    What do you do.
    Stay away from my stuff.
    Come on, Porky.
    Not fighting. Stop.
    You can not hit each other.
    That's my job.
    Prison uprising.
    Remove the tortilla.
  • Ready.
    No more games.
    Lotso What has done with Buzz?
    How we put it back
  • you can not let me talk.
    I wish that you tried.
    Let's see. Hawaiian swimwear.
    Barbie, which was an original.
    Go ahead.
    There are still plenty of.
    Glitter tuxedo.
    Who cares. It was still common.
    A Negro jacket.
  • Not the Negro jacket.
    This is 1976?
    The Groofy collection, yes.
  • What a shame.
    There is a manual.
    Lotso Buzz has put in demo mode.
  • Where's the manual?
    Why could not wait until tomorrow?
    Why does it take so long?
    How can we make Buzz again?
    What are you looking at?
    Fly away, coward.
    Give it up. No one can hear you.
  • No one can hear you.
  • He said, 'nobody can' …
    Silence. Woody, you're back.
    Stop him. Let him not.
  • I am hostage to
    my own prisoners.
    Fast. There is a switch on his back.
  • Let me go, rig.
    The Galactic court has
    no mercy with you.
    Why does not it?
    Where's the manual?
    There's gotta be a small hole under the switch.
  • A small hole. Found.
    Reset your Buzz Light year
    by a paper clip in …
    Use your finger.
  • What now?
    Hold the button down
    but five seconds.
    It's my fault.
    Starlog, I'm awakened from hyper
    sleep on a strange planet.
    What have you done?
  • What you've told me.
    I am surrounded by
    unknown creatures.
    Friend or foe.
    We're all friends.
    I must have crashed, and
    my memory is erased.
    Has anyone seen my spaceship?
  • We have to restore.
    How do we do?
  • This piece is in Spanish.
    We have no time. Come on, El Buzzo.
  • My ship has landed well.
    Good luck, cowboy.
    Here they come.
    What took you so long
  • it was complicated.
    Where's Potato Head
  • Not seen.
    My desert flower.
    Have you made Buzz?
  • Something.
    Behind you. There is someone.
    You do not believe what I've
    been through tonight.
    Is everything okay?
  • I feel fresh and healthy.
    It's awful.
  • You are dropped.
    And so big.
    You are beautiful to see
    for detachable eyes.
    All safe.
    Come on.
    We're almost there.
    Come on.
    Miss, you are the prettiest
    flower in the room.
    And together we fight the evil.
    We're almost there.
  • After it.
    Push me up.
    Buzz Light year comes
    to the rescue.
  • Well done, Buzz. Come on.
    Is it safe?
  • Where do I find out.
    Woody, are you okay?
  • Yeah, come on down.
    Not all at once.
  • What did he say?
    In my opinion, all at once.
  • No.
  • You're welcome.
    We're almost there.
  • Slink, you think you make it?
    I may be old, I can still jump.
  • All right, Slink.
    Climb over it.
    Are you lost, little dog?
    Look who's back.
    I'm sorry, cowboy.
    They have broken me.
    What do you all?
    Back to your child at the races?
    He wants you anymore.
  • You're lying.
    Is that so? Tell me again …
    if your child loves you,
    why is he leaving?
    Think you're special?
    You're a piece of plastic …
    made to throw away.
    When you talk about the devil.
    We have toys in our Butterfly
    House needed …
    and you must avoid the truck.
    Come back to our family back.
    This is not a family but a prison.
    You are a liar and
    a bully beast.
    I prefer to rot away in the garbage
    truck than your family to come.
    Jessie is right.
    Authority to obtain
    consent by …
    not by threat of force.
    If that's what you want.
    Wait, Barbie.
    Do not do this, Lotso.
    She is a Barbie doll.
    If there are one
    hundred million.
    For me.
    Well, go even towards them.
    Sunnyside can be great when
    we see each other fairly.
    Lotso has a pyramid made us,
    and stands on top of itself.
    Does anyone agree with Ken?
    I have not thrown away, that
    your child has done.
    They do not really like that toy, but when
    you chew it in the garbage truck is.
    Wait. And then Daisy?
    I do not know what you're talking about.
  • Daisy.
    You did everything with her.
    Then she gave us discarded.
  • No, it's your loss.
    She has replaced us.
  • She replace you.
    If you could not have her,
    then no one could.
    You have lied to Big Baby, and
    you've lied all this time.
    Where did you get that
  • she loved you, Lotso.
    She never loved me.
  • So many toys as
    a child can love.
    Do you want your mom back? She never loved you.
    Do not be a baby.
    Push them all in there.
    This happens when you try
    to think of Dumbo's.
    We all waste that will
    be discarded.
    This is just a toy.
    Stop. Put me down, you idiot.
    No, wait. Baby, wait.
    He's gone.
  • Holy shit.
  • Come on.
    Since there is n.
    Come on.
    No, Barbie.
    Can you hear me?
    Is everything okay?
    Of course not, idiot.
    We're doomed.
    Everyone at Buzz far.
    Are we all? Slinky. Rex?
    Against the wall. Quickly.
  • Miss, where are you?
    That they never get.
    Watch out.
    Has anyone seen him
  • I found him.
    Is everything okay?
    That I was not
  • You're back.
    Yes, I'm back.
    Where have I been?
    Beyond infinity, space ranger.
    Where are we now.
  • The garbage truck, heading
    for the dustbin.
    We go there.
    Have all your parts?
    My babies.
  • No, guys.
    Hold on.
    What should we do
  • it'll be fine if
    we stick together.
    It is a magnet. Watch out.
    No worries, Slink.
    We'll get you well down.
    I see it from here.
    Grab something from solid metal.
    You heard him.
    It does not work.
    Help me. I'm trapped.
    Help me.
  • Not thank me now.
    Thank you, Sheriff.
    We are all here together.
    However, boys?
  • Woody, we're down here.
    I see daylight. We manage.
    That is no daylight.
    Sheriff, the button. Help me.
    Come on.
    Press the button.
    Press it.
    Where is your child
    now, Sheriff?
  • Lotso.
    What should we do?
    All those nasty things I said
    about Andy's attic …
    I take it all back.
  • I.
    What you say.
    Honey, you were so brave.
    You saved our lives.
  • And we are eternally grateful.
    My boys.
  • Dad.
    Where is Lotso? That hairball?
    I would like to loose
    or stabbing.
    Forget it, guys.
    He is not worth it.
    What have you got?
  • If n I had as a child.
    Keep your mouth shut.
    Woody, we need you to get home.
  • It was a schoolboy.
    And you? I mean …
    Perhaps the attic
    not a great idea.
    We're Andy's toys.
  • We will for him.
    If he had not gone.
  • Wait. I look here.
    Andy is still packing.
    But he is almost ready.
    He lives on the other side of town.
  • We're never on time.
    Come on, Buster.
  • Honey, you have everything?
    Still a few boxes, Mom.
  • Come on!
    The coast is safe.
    Since you already had!
    This is not goodbye.
    Woody, great fun.
  • Yes, but not to much.
    Woody, take good care of Andy.
  • He's a good guy …
    but he must have a haircut.
  • Will do.
    Will you save it in the attic
  • Of course not …
    In addition, I know how
    to put Buzz in Spanish.
    My what?
    You know where to
    find us, cowboy?
    Have you already said goodbye Molly
  • At least ten times.
    Mom, it's all good.
    I wish I could stay
    with you always.
    That you will too.
    Buster you gonna say goodbye?
    Of course. Who is a good dog?
    Pack your stuff.
  • Buster, Molly lets
    not get my stuff.
    Mom, do you really think
    I should donate it?
    That you have to know sweetie.
    Whatever you want.
    Do NOT go inside the haunted
    in the bakery.
    Are you crazy, you still
    raises the spirits.
    Watch out, the ghosts
    throwing pies.
    Andy? See you at this.
    Going to high school
  • yes, at this time.
    What can we do for you
  • I have some toys.
    You hear that, Bonnie
  • Bonnie So you're …
    I'm Andy.
    Someone told me that you
    can play very well.
    These were mine, but
    since I go …
    I am looking for someone
    who is very special …
    to playing with them.
    This is Jesse's the toughest in
    the entire western cowgirl …
    she loves "critters", but not without
    her best friend Bullseye.
    This is Rex, the meanest, most terrible
    dinosaur that ever was.
    Potato Heads.
    Mr. and mevouw. Keep them well together,
    because they are in love.
    And Slinky, is the most loyal
    dog you could ever imagine.
    Hamm, saves you money …
    but, he is the biggest crook you
    know, bad doctor Pork Chop.
    And these youngsters come from a strange
    alien planet, Planet Pizza.
    And this is Buzz Light year,
    the coolest toy ever …
    look, he can fly and
    shoot laser …
    He has sworn to protect the area
    against the evil Emperor Zurg.
    To infinity and beyond.
    You must promise to look
    after them well ..
    they mean a lot to me.
    My cowboy?
    Woody? What is he doing here?
    There's a snake in my boot.
    There's a snake in my boot.
    Woody is my friend so long
    I can remember …
    He is brave, as it
    is for cowboys …
    and sweet and smart, but what
    Woody is really special …
    He will never leave, never!
    He will be there for you
    through thick and thin.
    Would you care for him?
    Doctor Pork Chop is
    the ghost bakery.
    The ghosts are leaving,
    she will stop Woody.
    Buzz Light year will save them.
    Thanks, guys.
    Look mom, they all
    play together.
    Come on, let's go eat.
    See ya, buddy.

@Knight-Shives group


We're underwater looking up at it. A saw cuts through,
heading right for us.


ICE HARVESTERS, dressed in traditional Sami clothing, score a
frozen lake. They SING.

               "The Frozen Heart (Ice Worker's Song)"

                        ICE HARVESTERS

The men drag giant ice blocks through channels of water.

                        ICE HARVESTERS (CONT'D)

              SPLIT THE ICE APART!
              Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!

A young Sami boy, KRISTOFF (8), and his reindeer calf, SVEN,
share a carrot as they try to keep up with the men.

                        ICE HARVESTERS (CONT'D)
              Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!

Young Kristoff struggles to get a block of ice out of the
water. He fails, ends up soaked. Sven licks his wet cheek.

                        ICE HARVESTERS (CONT'D)

A sharp ice floe overtakes the workers, threateningly. They
fight it back.

                        ICE HARVESTERS (CONT'D)

Massive fjord horses drag heavy ice plows.

                        ICE HARVESTERS (CONT'D)

The sun sets. Lanterns are lit.

                        ICE HARVESTERS (CONT'D)

In the dark, Kristoff and Sven finally manage to get a single
block of ice out of the water.

                        ICE HARVESTERS (CONT'D)
              SPLIT THE ICE APART!

The workers pile onto the giant horse-drawn ice sled as it
pulls away.

Left behind, Kristoff and Sven push their ice block onto a
dinky little sled then head off.

We sweep up from them to the Northern Lights filling the
sky…then move across the mountains…beneath the
snowline…and descend upon…


A humble castle, built of wood, nestled in a deep fjord.


ELSA (8) sleeps in her bed. Her little sister ANNA (5) pops
up beside her.

                        YOUNG ANNA
              Elsa. Psst. Elsa! Psst.

Elsa doesn't stir. Anna sits on Elsa and bounces.

                        YOUNG ANNA (CONT'D)
              Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

                        YOUNG ELSA
              Anna, go back to sleep.

Anna rolls onto her back and spreads all her weight on Elsa.

                        YOUNG ANNA
                  (drama queen-ish)
              I just can't. The sky's awake, so
              I'm awake, so we have to play.

                        YOUNG ELSA
              ...Go play by yourself.

Elsa shoves Anna off the bed.

Anna lands butt to floor, sighs, defeated. But then she gets
an idea. She hops back on the bed and lifts one of Elsa's

                        YOUNG ANNA
              Do you want to build a snowman?

Elsa's eyes both pop open. She smiles.


Anna, now wearing snow boots, pulls Elsa by the hand.

                        YOUNG ANNA
              Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Elsa tries to shush her, but Anna's too excited.


The girls sneak into the ballroom. Elsa shuts the door.

                        YOUNG ANNA
              Do the magic! Do the magic!

Elsa laughs and waves her hands together. Snowflakes suddenly
burst forth and dance between her palms, forming a snowball.
Elsa throws the snowball high into the air. Snow bursts out
and flurries around the room. Anna dances about, catching
flakes in her palms and mouth.

                        YOUNG ANNA (CONT'D)
              This is amazing!

                        YOUNG ELSA
              Watch this!

Elsa stomps her little slippered foot and a layer of ice
suddenly coats the floor, forming a giant ice rink. Anna
slides off, laughing.


-Anna and Elsa roll giant snowballs and build a snowman
together. Elsa moves his stick arms around.

                        YOUNG ELSA (CONT'D)
                  (goofy voice)
              Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.

Anna jumps up and hugs him.

                        YOUNG ANNA
              I love you, Olaf.

-Anna and Olaf appear to be dancing. REVEAL: Elsa is actually
propelling them across the ice floor with her magic.

-The girls slide down snowbanks together!

-Anna fearlessly jumps off a snow peak into mid air.

                          YOUNG ANNA (CONT'D)
              Catch me!

Elsa makes another peak to catch Anna.

                          YOUNG ELSA

Anna keeps jumping. Elsa keeps casting magic.

                        YOUNG ANNA
                  (jumping faster)
              Again! Again!

                         YOUNG ELSA
                  (struggling to keep up)
              Slow down!

Elsa suddenly slips.

Her magic accidentally STRIKES Anna in the head. Anna tumbles
down a snowbank and lands, unconscious.

                          YOUNG ELSA (CONT'D)

Elsa runs to Anna and takes her in her arms. A streak of
Anna's hair, where struck, turns white.

                        YOUNG ELSA (CONT'D)
              MAMA! PAPA!

The room around them fills with frightening ice spikes.

The parents burst through the frozen door. GASP at the sight
of the room.

              Elsa, what have you done? This is
              getting out of hand!

                  (seeing Anna)

The King and Queen rush to Anna and take her in their arms.

              It was an accident. I'm sorry,

                  (about Anna)
              She's ice cold.

              ...I know where we have to go.

                                                  SLAM CUT TO:


The King sifts through a shelf to find an ancient book
inscribed with Old Norse runes. He opens the book, scrambles
to a page with an ancient map.


Carrying the girls, the King and Queen ride their horses out
of the kingdom. Snow streams from Elsa's hands, leaving a
trail of ice behind them.


A sleepy Kristoff and Sven travel alone through the dark
woods. All of a sudden, the King and Queen race by with the
girls, leaving the wake of ice.


                                                  SLAM CUT TO:
                                                            6 FROZEN - J. Lee


Kristoff rides Sven as they follow the trail of ice.

                        YOUNG KRISTOFF
              Faster, Sven!


Kristoff hops off Sven at the edge of a deep valley. They
hide behind a rock and peek out.

Down below, the King holds a frightened Elsa. The Queen holds
the still unconscious Anna.

              Please, help. My daughter!

Suddenly, a bunch of rocks tumble down the valley toward
them. It looks as though they'll be crushed!

But, luckily, the rocks stop at their feet. The rocks then
unfold, revealing bright faces.

                           YOUNG KRISTOFF

The rock in front of Kristoff "wakes up." Meet BULDA.

              Shush. I'm trying to listen.

She grabs Kristoff and Sven by hand and hoof and hugs them
close. Sven licks her face and she eyes them both.

                        BULDA (CONT'D)
              Cuties. I'm gonna keep you.

Back below, the crowd parts for a troll as old as the Earth.
They call him GRAND PABBIE. He approaches arthritically, but
determined. He nods respectfully to the king.

                        GRAND PABBIE
              Your Majesty.
                  (referring to Elsa)
              Born with the powers or cursed?

              Born. And they're getting stronger.

Grand Pabbie motions for the Queen to bring Anna to him. She
does. He examines her.

                        GRAND PABBIE
                  (about Anna)
              You are lucky it wasn't her heart.
              The heart is not so easily changed,
              but the head can be persuaded.

              Do what you must.

                        GRAND PABBIE
              I recommend we remove all magic,
              even memories of magic to be
              safe.... But don't worry, I'll
              leave the fun.

Grand Pabbie pulls out a glowing blue energy from Anna's
head. We see her memories floating right above her. Grand
Pabbie changes all of her magical memories to ordinary
memories – snowy play indoors with the girls in their
nightgowns changes to outdoors on the winter fjords with the
girls in winter gear. He puts the ordinary memories back in
her head.

                        GRAND PABBIE (CONT'D)
              She will be okay.

                        YOUNG ELSA
              But she won't remember I have

              It's for the best.

              Listen to me, Elsa, your power will
              only grow.

As he speaks, he conducts the Northern Lights to show a
silhouette of an adult Elsa creating magical snowflakes.

                        PABBIE (CONT'D)
              There is beauty in your magic....
              But also great danger.

The snowflakes turn to sharp spikes.

                       PABBIE (O.S.) (CONT'D)
              You must learn to control it.

In the Northern Lights display, the sharp spikes cause human
figures to panic and attack Elsa.

                        PABBIE (CONT'D)
              Fear will be your enemy.
                                                                 8 FROZEN - J. Lee

Elsa gasps and buries her face in the King's chest. The King
wraps his arms around Elsa, protectively.

              No. We'll protect her. She can
              learn to control it. I'm sure.

Over the King's words we…

                                                  DISSOLVE TO:

-The Arendelle castle gates shutting.

                        KING (O.S.) (CONT'D)
              Until then, we'll lock the gates.
              We'll reduce the staff. We will
              limit her contact with people and
              keep her powers hidden from
              everyone... including Anna.

-The castle shutters close.

-Anna sits on her bed as Elsa's furniture disappears.

-Anna rushes to the hall to see Elsa shut the door to her new
room. Anna watches, confused and sad.

                                                  DISSOLVE TO:


We look out on a gentle snowfall. Little Anna skips up to the
window. She lights up at the sight of the snow and rushes
down the hall.


Anna knocks on Elsa's door and SINGS.

                 "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"

                        YOUNG ANNA
              COME ON LET'S GO AND PLAY.

Anna peeks under the door.

                        YOUNG ANNA (CONT'D)
              I NEVER SEE YOU ANYMORE.
              COME OUT THE DOOR.
              IT'S LIKE YOU'VE GONE AWAY.
                                                             9 FROZEN - J. Lee

-INT. ANNA'S ROOM – Anna plays with two dolls, gives up, sad.

                        YOUNG ANNA (CONT'D)
              AND NOW WE'RE NOT.

-ELSA'S DOOR. Anna peeks through the key hole.

                        YOUNG ANNA (CONT'D)

-Anna calls through the keyhole.

                        YOUNG ANNA (CONT'D)

                        YOUNG ELSA (O.S.)
              Go away, Anna.

                        YOUNG ANNA
              ...OKAY BYE.

-BEHIND THE DOOR – DAY. Elsa sits at the window looking out,
longingly. Suddenly, her icy hands freeze the windowsill.

-LATER. The King slips leather gloves onto Elsa's hands.

              The gloves will help.

He pats her gloved hand.

                        KING (CONT'D)
              See? You're good....
                  (starting their mantra)
              Conceal it.

                        YOUNG ELSA
              Don't feel it.

                        YOUNG ELSA & KING
              Don't let it show.

-INT. HALLWAY, ELSA'S DOOR – DAY. Anna, now 9, knocks on
Elsa's door.

                        ANNA (9)

-INT. HALLWAY – DAY. Alone, Anna rides a bicycle built for
two in the hall by standing on the back seat.

                        ANNA (9) (CONT'D)

-INT. PORTRAIT ROOM – DAY. Anna runs around the portrait
room, gaining momentum to flip over the arm of the couch.

                        ANNA (9) (CONT'D)

Anna lands PLOP on the cushions, then looks up at the
painting above her of the courageous Joan of Arc.

                        ANNA (9) (CONT'D)
              Hang in there, Joan.

-INT. EMPTY LIBRARY – DAY. Looks like no one's around.

                        ANNA (9) (CONT'D)
              ALL THESE EMPTY ROOMS.

But then we find Anna, laying at the base of the grandfather
clock, playing with her braids, bored out of her mind.

                        ANNA (9) (CONT'D)

Anna's eyes follow the grandfather clock's pendulum.

                        ANNA (9) (CONT'D)

-INT. ELSA'S ROOM – NIGHT. Elsa (now 12) paces as she panics.
The entire wall is frozen behind her.

                        ELSA (12)
              I'm scared. It's getting stronger.

              Getting upset only makes it worse.

The King goes to hug her.

                        ELSA (12)
              No. Don't touch me. I don't want to
              hurt you.

He and the Queen look at each other with alarmed sadness.

-INT. LIBRARY – DAY. Anna, now a teenager, slides past Elsa's
room without stopping.

-INT. KING AND QUEEN'S QUARTERS – DAY. Anna runs into the
room and throws herself into her parents' arms.

                        TEEN ANNA
              See you in two weeks.

-INT. ELSA'S ROOM – DAY. Elsa curtsies in front of her
parents, formally, not touching them.

                        TEEN ELSA
              Do you have to go?

              You'll be fine, Elsa.

-EXT. DOCKS – DAY. The King and Queen leave on a ship.

-EXT. ROUGH SEAS – NIGHT. Lightning flashes. The sea rages in
a storm. The King and Queen's ship is lost in the waves.

-INT. CASTLE – DAY. A portrait of the King and Queen is
covered in mourning cloth.

-EXT. CEMETERY – DAY. Anna looks small, standing before her
people, beside burial stones.

-INT. HALLWAY, ELSA'S DOOR. Anna, still in her mourning
clothes, approaches and knocks.

              Elsa? PLEASE I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE
              AND I'M TRYING TO
              I'M RIGHT OUT HERE FOR YOU.
              PLEASE LET ME IN.

Anna slides down the door and sits with her head against it.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              WE ONLY HAVE EACH OTHER.
              IT'S JUST YOU AND ME.
              WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?
                  (weak, internal)

We move through the door…

-INT. ELSA'S ROOM – DAY. Elsa is sitting in the exact same
pose as Anna. Her bedroom is frozen with ice. Snowflakes hang
in the air, suspended by grief.

                                                    FADE OUT.
                                                           12 FROZEN - J. Lee


A new dawn rises over the fjords.

Ships pull up to the docks. Guests pile out.

                        DOCK MASTER
              Welcome to Arendelle!

A BOY tries to get away as his MOTHER tries to stuff him in
his bunad jacket.

              Why do I have to wear this?

              Because the Queen has come of age.
              It's Coronation Day!

              That's not my fault.

They pass the May Pole being raised and a Sami ice harvester
chatting with his reindeer. We recognize them as Kristoff and
Sven, all grown up. Sven hops around excitedly like a dog and
nuzzles Kristoff's chest.

              What do you want, Sven?

Kristoff leans in and speaks for Sven, as if he can.

                        KRISTOFF (AS SVEN) (CONT'D)
              Give me a snack.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              What's the magic word?

                        KRISTOFF (AS SVEN) (CONT'D)

Kristoff pulls a carrot out of his shirt pocket and hands it
to Sven. Sven tries to bite the whole thing.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              Hey, hey, hey! Share!

Sven takes a smaller bite. Kristoff then has a bite himself,
not seeming to care that it's covered in reindeer slobber.

We move on to PERSI and AGGIE, a super-excited couple who
rush towards the castle.

              I can't believe they're finally
              opening up the gates!

              And for a whole day! Faster, Persi!

They pass a tiny but menacing DUKE, who wears taps on his
shoes to "enhance" his presence. Two THUG guards follow close
behind him.

              Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious
              trade partner. Open those gates so
              I may unlock your secrets and
              exploit your riches.
                  (catching himself)
              ...Did I just say that out loud?

We leave him and head down the bridge towards the castle
gates, passing an Irishman and a Spanish Dignitary.

              Oh, me sore eyes can't wait to see
              the Queen and the Princess. I bet
              they're absolutely lovely.

                        SPANISH DIGNITARY
              I bet they are beautiful.

We move past them, to a particular castle window.

                                                    CUT TO:


Anna, 18, snores. Drools. KNOCK. KNOCK.

                        KAI (O.S.)
              Princess Anna...?

Anna sits up. She's got major bedhead. She coughs. Snorts.
Pulls a hair from her mouth.

              ...Huh? Yeah?

                        KAI (O.S.)
              Sorry to wake you, ma'am but--

              No, you didn't. I've been up for
                                                             14 FROZEN - J. Lee

She falls back asleep while sitting. She snores. Her head
drops, startling her awake.

                           ANNA (CONT'D)
              Who is it?

                        KAI (O.S.)
              It's still me, ma'am. Time to get

              Ready for what?

                        KAI (O.S.)
              Your sister's coronation, ma'am.

              My sister's cor-neration...

One eye opens enough to catch sight of her coronation dress.
She bolts, wide awake in excitement.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              Coronation Day! Ha ha!

                                                  SLAM CUT TO:


Anna bursts out of her room, wearing her coronation dress.
She finishes pinning ribbons in her hair. Seeing the hustle
and bustle of preparations, she can't help but SING.

                   "For the First Time in Forever"

              THE WINDOW IS OPEN!
              SO'S THAT DOOR!
              WHO KNEW WE OWNED 8000 SALAD PLATES...?

-Anna slides along the floor of the ballroom in her socks.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)

-She shakes hands with a suit of armor. Breaks it. Hides the

                        ANNA (CONT'D)

-Anna comes to a window and jumps out onto a window washer's
pulley. She raises herself up to see the ships arriving.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)

-Anna walks through the garden and follows a family of geese.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              I WON'T BE ALONE.
              I can't wait to meet everyone....
              (GASP) What if I meet THE ONE?

-Anna twists herself in a velvet drape like it's a gown. She
acts like she looks gorgeous, but she looks ridiculous.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)

-She notices the bust of a man across the room.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
                  (mouth full of chocolate)

-She grabs the bust of the man and swings it around.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)

The bust goes flying and lands on the top of the cake.

-Anna bursts into the portrait room, bounces on the
furniture, and interacts with the paintings.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              TO DREAM I'D FIND ROMANCE.
              AT LEAST I'VE GOT A CHANCE!

-INT. LIBRARY. ELSA, now a very poised 21, watches out the
window as the coronation guests arrive.

              DON'T LET THEM IN.
              DON'T LET THEM SEE.
              BE THE GOOD GIRL
              YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO BE.

Elsa moves to a painting of her father's coronation. She
takes off her gloves and mimics the painting by holding a
candlestick and ornament in place of an orb and scepter.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              CONCEAL. DON'T FEEL.
              PUT ON A SHOW.
              MAKE ONE WRONG MOVE

The candlestick and ornament ice over. Elsa gasps, slams them
back down onto the table. She tries to reassure herself.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              BUT IT'S ONLY FOR TODAY.

We cut between Anna's excitement and Elsa's nerves.

              IT'S ONLY FOR TODAY!

              IT'S AGONY TO WAIT.

              IT'S AGONY TO WAIT!!!


              THE GATE!!!

-Finally, the gates are open! Anna moves through the crowd,
admiring the people around her.

        ANNA (CONT'D)                              ELSA    FOR THE FIRST TIME IN                  DON'T LET THEM IN    FOREVER.                               DON'T LET THEM SEE

            ANNA                                   ELSA    I'M GETTING WHAT I'M DREAMING          BE THE GOOD GIRL    OF                                     YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO BE

            ANNA                                   ELSA    A CHANCE TO LEAVE MY SISTER'S          CONCEAL.    WORLD                                  CONCEAL. DON'T FEEL.    A CHANCE TO FIND TRUE LOVE             DON'T LET THEM KNOW.

-Anna hurries over the bridge and into the village square.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              SO IT HAS TO BE TODAY!!
              FOREVER. . .
              NOTHING'S IN MY WAY!!!

-Anna SLAMS right into the breast of a HORSE!

She falls back and lands in a small wooden boat. It tips off
of the dock. She's heading overboard. But just then, the
horse slams his hoof into the boat and steadies it.

                           ANNA (CONT'D)

              I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?

The rider, HANS, sure is handsome and regal.

              Hey. I-ya, no. No. I'm okay.

              Are you sure?

              Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I
              was going. But I'm okay.

He hops down from his horse and steps into the boat.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              I'm great, actually.
                                                        18 FROZEN - J. Lee

              Oh, thank goodness.

He offers her a hand and their eyes meet. Chemistry. He helps
her to her feet.

                        HANS (CONT'D)
              Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.

              Princess Anna of Arendelle.

              Princess...? My Lady.

He drops to his knees, head bowed. The horse bows too,
curling his hoof up and out of the boat.

The boat tips. Hans tumbles on top of Anna. Awkward.


The horse slams his foot back into the boat to stabilize it.
Anna and Hans tumble the other way. Anna lands on top of him.

              Oh boy.

              Ha. This is awkward. Not you're
              awkward, but just because we're--
              I'm awkward. You're gorgeous.
                  (did she just say that?)
              Wait, what?

Hans quickly gets to his feet and helps Anna up again.

              I'd like to formally apologize for
              hitting the Princess of Arendelle
              with my horse...and for every
              moment after.

              No. No-no. It's fine. I'm not THAT
              Princess. I mean, if you'd hit my
              sister Elsa, that would be-- yeash!
              `Cuz, you know...
                  (patting the horse)
                                                           19 FROZEN - J. Lee

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
                  (to Hans)
              But, lucky you, it's-it's just me.

              Just you?

Hans smiles, amused. She smiles back. The bells RING. She
doesn't notice at first; she's too busy drinking in Hans's

              ...The bells. The coronation. I-I-I
              better go. I have to...I better go.

She hurries off, stops, turns back. Gives Hans a little wave.

                          ANNA (CONT'D)

As she rushes off again, Hans waves back. The horse waves
too, once again taking his hoof out of the boat.

              Oh no.

The boat falls, with Hans in it. SPLASH! It lands upside down
in the water. Hans raises it up off of him, gasping for air.

                                                     CUT TO:


Elsa stands at the alter. Anna stands off to one side. She
peeks out to the audience.

Hans waves at her from the pews. He's changed his clothes.

The crown is placed on Elsa's head. The scepter and orb are
presented to Elsa on a pillow. She slowly reaches for them.

                  (a whisper)
              Your Majesty, the gloves.

Elsa hesitates. She breathes nervously, removes her gloves,
places them on the pillow. Her hands shake. She takes the orb
and scepter, then turns to the people.

                        BISHOP (CONT'D)
                  (formal, in Old Norse)
              Sehm hon HELL-drr IN-um HELL-gum
              AYG-num ok krund ee THES-um HELL-
              gah STAHTH, ehk teh frahm FUR-ear U-
                                                           20 FROZEN - J. Lee

The scepter and orb start to freeze over.

                        BISHOP (CONT'D)
              ...Queen Elsa of Arendelle.

              Queen Elsa of Arendelle.

Just in time. Elsa manages to set the orb and scepter back
down on the pillow before anyone notices the ice. She picks
up her gloves and slips them on. She made it.

                                                    CUT TO:


Springy music fills the Great Hall. Guests dance. Eat. Laugh.


              Queen Elsa of Arendelle.

Elsa enters, poised and looking surprisingly content. She
stands under a formal awning.

                        KAI (CONT'D)
              Princess Anna of Arendelle!

Anna runs into the room, waves awkwardly. Kai ushers her over
to stand right next to Elsa.

              Here? Are you sure?

She and Elsa sneak awkward peeks at each other.


              Hi me...? Oh. Um. Hi.

              ...You look beautiful.

              Thank you. You look beautifuller. I
              mean, not fuller. You don't look
              fuller, but more beautiful.
                                                        21 FROZEN - J. Lee

              Thank you.

They look out at the celebration.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              So, this is what a party looks

              It's warmer than I thought.

              And what is that amazing smell?

They both close their eyes and inhale.

                        ANNA AND ELSA (TOGETHER)

Their eyes pop open. They laugh.

Elsa looks back out at the party. Anna looks at Elsa. She
wants to say so much, but she can't think of where to start.
Just as she finds her way, Kai interrupts.

              Your Majesty. The Duke of

              Weselton. The Duke of Weselton.
                  (to Elsa)
              Your Majesty, as your closest
              partner in trade, it seems only
              fitting that I offer you your first
              dance as queen.

The Duke does a funny flitter of his feet, a hitch-kick, and
a deep bow.

                        DUKE (CONT'D)
                  (whispers to himself)
              One, two, three. Jump.

As he holds out his hand, head down, his toupee dips forward.
Anna giggles. Elsa looks at Anna, stifles a giggle herself.

                  (to the Duke)
              Thank you...only I don't dance.
                                                           22 FROZEN - J. Lee


              But my sister does.


              Lucky you....

              Oh, I don't think--

The Duke grabs Anna's arm and yanks her away before she can

              If you swoon, let me know, I'll
              catch you.

Anna looks back at Elsa, desperately.


OUT ON THE DANCE FLOOR: The Duke showboats, but he's just
awful. Anna tries to make the best of it.

              Like an agile peacock... CLUCK-

He lands on her feet.

              Ow. Ow.

              Speaking of, so great to have the
              gates open. Why did they shut them
              in the first place? Do you know the
              reason? Hmm?

He gets in her face, suspicious.

                                                               23 FROZEN - J. Lee

              Oh, all right. Hang on. They don't
              call me the little dipper for

He dips Anna back. Elsa peeks through the crowd, can barely
hold in her laughter. Anna shoots Elsa funny, help-me looks.

                        DUKE (CONT'D)
                  (groove fully on)
              Like a chicken...with the face of a
              monkey...I fly.

                                                    JUMP CUT TO:


Anna limps back to Elsa.

                        DUKE (O.S.)
              Let me know when you're ready for
              another round, M'Lady.

              Well, he was sprightly.

                  (rubbing her sore feet)
              Especially for a man in heels.

              Are you okay?

                  (loving Elsa's attention)
              I've never been better. This is so
              nice. I wish it could be like this
              all the time.

              Me too....

But then Elsa catches herself. She stiffens up, looks away.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              But it can't.

              Why not? If--

              It just can't.
                                                            24 FROZEN - J. Lee

Anna's smile drops. She tries not to get emotional.

              Excuse me for a minute.

She walks away. Elsa watches her go, saddened.

Moving through the crowd, Anna gets bumped by a bowing man's
butt. She falls. Just before she hits the floor, Hans catches
her. He smiles perfectly.

              Glad I caught you.


He smoothly sets his drink down on a passing tray. He lifts
her up and leads her in a romantic dance.

                                                 DISSOLVE TO:

LATER: Anna and Hans drink and chat.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              I often had the whole parlor to
              myself to slide... Oops. Sorry.

She hits him in the face by mistake with her hand. He laughs.

                                                 DISSOLVE TO:

-THE CASTLE DOORS: Anna and Hans stroll out of the castle.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              ...Your physique helps I'm sure.

                                                 DISSOLVE TO:

-THE ROSE GARDEN… Hans notices her white streak.

                  (about her white streak)
              What's this?

              I was born with it, although I
              dreamt I was kissed by a troll.

              I like it.

                                                 DISSOLVE TO:
                                                   25 FROZEN - J. Lee


Anna teaches Hans how to eat krumkake.

              Yeah, the whole thing! You got it.

They laugh as the krumkake crumbles in his face.

              Okay wait, wait. So you have how
              many brothers?

              Twelve older brothers. Three of
              them pretended I was invisible...
              literally...for two years.

              That's horrible.

              It's what brothers do.

              ...And sisters. Elsa and I were
              really close when we were little.
              But then, one day she just shut me
              out, and I never knew why.

He takes her hand. Leans in close.

              I would never shut you out.

              Okay, can I just say something

              I love crazy.

                       "Love is an Open Door"

              DOORS IN MY FACE.

              I was thinking the same thing,
              because like. . .
                                                           26 FROZEN - J. Lee

                        HANS (CONT'D)
              TO FIND MY OWN PLACE.

              BUT WITH YOU-

              BUT WITH YOU,
              I FOUND MY PLACE.

              I SEE YOUR FACE.

              KNOWN BEFORE.

They jump to the neighboring balcony and enter a door.

They come out on top of one of the castle's towers.

                        BOTH (CONT'D)
              LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOR!
              LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOR!

Cut to them sliding across an empty hallway in their socks.

                        BOTH (CONT'D)
              LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOR

              WITH YOU!

              WITH YOU!

              WITH YOU!

              WITH YOU!

              LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOR.

They hop up on the castle roof and watch a shooting star.

              I MEAN IT'S CRAZY.

                                                        27 FROZEN - J. Lee

              WE FINISH EACH OTHER'S-


              That's what I was gonna say!

They slide down the back of the roof out of sight.

We next find them strutting on a bridge ledge.

              I'VE NEVER MET SOMEONE-


                        BOTH (SPOKEN) (CONT'D)
              Jinx.. . .jinx again.

Are they doing the robot? No. They're imitating the
mechanical figures on the clock tower.

                        BOTH (CONT'D)


              AND I-



              MEANT TO BE.

Anna and Hans dance on top of the lighthouse and cast dancing
shadows across the sails of ships in the docks.

              SAY GOODBYE-

              SAY GOODBYE-
                                                           28 FROZEN - J. Lee

              TO THE PAIN OF THE PAST.

                        BOTH (CONT'D)
              LOVE IS AN OPEN-

They play hide and seek amongst the stable doors.

                        BOTH (CONT'D)
              DOOR! LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOR!

They climb to the waterfall looking out over the kingdom.

Anna raises up her hands to frame the moon. Hans puts his
hands on top of hers. Together their hands form a heart.

                        BOTH (CONT'D)
              LIFE CAN BE SO MUCH MORE-

              WITH YOU!

              WITH YOU!

              WITH YOU!

              WITH YOU!

              LOVE IS AN OPEN



              Can I say something crazy...? Will
              you marry me?

              Can I just say something even
              crazier? Yes.

                                                   CUT TO:
                                                          29 FROZEN - J. Lee


Anna pushes through the crowd towards Elsa, Hans in tow.

              Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just
              get around you there? Thank you.
              Oh, there she is. Elsa!

Elsa turns to Anna. Anna curtseys awkwardly.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              I mean...Queen.... Me again. Um.
              May I present Prince Hans of the
              Southern Isles.

              Your Majesty.

Elsa gives a polite but reserved curtsey.

              We would like--

              --your blessing--


              --our marriage!



              I'm sorry, I'm confused.

              Well, we haven't worked out all the
              details ourselves. We'll need a few
              days to plan the ceremony. Of
              course we'll have soup, roast, and
              ice cream and then--
              Wait. Would we live here?

                                                     30 FROZEN - J. Lee



              Oh, we can invite all twelve of
              your brothers to stay with us--

              What? No, no, no, no, no.

              Of course we have the room. I don't
              know. Some of them must--

              Wait. Slow down. No one's brothers
              are staying here. No one is getting

              Wait, what?

              May I talk to you, please. Alone.

Anna sees Hans's worried face. Hooks arms with him.

              No. Whatever you have to say, you-
              you can say to both of us.

              Fine. You can't marry a man you
              just met.

              You can if it's true love.

              Anna, what do you know about true

              More than you. All you know is how
              to shut people out.

              You asked for my blessing, but my
              answer is no. Now, excuse me.
                                                          31 FROZEN - J. Lee

              Your Majesty, if I may ease your--

              No, you may not. And I-I think you
              should go.

Elsa walks away. As she passes the Royal Handler–

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              The party is over. Close the gates.

              What? Elsa, no. No, wait!

Anna grabs Elsa's hand. She pulls off Elsa's glove. Elsa
gasps, spins around and reaches for the glove in panic.

              Give me my glove!

Anna holds the glove away from Elsa.

              Elsa, please. Please. I can't live
              like this anymore.

Elsa fights tears.

              ...Then leave.

Elsa sees Anna's hurt face. It's too much. She can't hold it
in. She turns and rushes away.

              ...What did I ever do to you?!

The party goes silent as everyone watches the sisters.

              Enough, Anna.

              No. Why? Why do you shut me out?!
              Why do you shut the world out?!
              What are you so afraid of?!

              I said, enough!
                                                          32 FROZEN - J. Lee

Ice shoots from Elsa's hand, spikes across the floor! Guests
cry out in shock, back away.

                  (ducking behind his men)
              ...Sorcery. I knew there was
              something dubious going on here.


Elsa rushes out of the room.

                                                    CUT TO:


Elsa bursts out of the castle door. The CITIZENS CHEER!

              There she is. Your Majesty! Long
              live the Queen! Queen Elsa.... Come
              drink with us.

Elsa ducks through the crowd, holding her bare hand.

                        BOWING TOWNSMAN
              Queen Elsa.

                        TOWNSWOMAN WITH BABY
              Your Majesty? Are you all right?

Elsa backs away from the baby. She knocks into the fountain,
grabs its edge. The waters freeze at her touch.

GASPS of shock and fear sweep over the crowd.

The Duke and thugs come out the door.

              There she is! Stop her!

                  (to the Duke)
              Please, just stay away from me.
              Stay away!

Magic accidentally shoots from her hand and turns the
staircase into ice. The thugs and the Duke fall.

              Monster.... Monster!
                                                        33 FROZEN - J. Lee

The crowd panics.

A snowstorm begins. Elsa flees.

Anna runs out of the palace doors, carrying the glove.


Hans follows closely behind her.

GATES TO THE KINGDOM: Elsa runs out of the gates and down to
the water's edge. The shoreline freezes under her feet.

Anna calls to her from the gates.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              Elsa! Wait, please!

Elsa glances back at Anna, but turns away. She tentatively
steps out onto the fjord. It freezes instantly. She breaks
into a run, as the water freezes over with each step.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              Elsa, stop!

Anna rushes out onto the fjord ice, slips, falls.


Hans rushes to Anna's side.

Elsa reaches the far shore. She doesn't look back. She just
scrambles into the mountains.


              Look.... The fjord.

The ice spreads out until the entire fjord is frozen, locking
the ships in place.


Snow falls. Hans and Anna move through the panicking crowd.

                        CROWD WALLAH
              Snow? It' July.
                                                         34 FROZEN - J. Lee

              ...Are you all right?

                    (in shock)

              Did you know?


Nearby, the Duke flutters about in fright.

              Look! It's snowing! It's snowing!
              The Queen has cursed this land! She
              must be stopped!
                  (to his thugs)
              You have to go after her.

Anna rushes up to the Duke.

              Wait, no!

The Duke hides behind his thugs and points out at Anna.

              You! Is there sorcery in you, too?
              Are you a monster, too?

              No. No. I'm completely ordinary.

              That's right she is...
                  (realizing how that
     the best way.

              ...And my sister's not a monster.

              She nearly killed me.

              You slipped on ice.

              Her ice!
                                                        35 FROZEN - J. Lee

              It was an accident. She was scared.
              She didn't mean it. She didn't mean
              any of this.... Tonight was my
              fault. I pushed her. So I'm the one
              that needs to go after her.

              Yes. Fine. Do.


                  (to the Royal Handler)
              Bring me my horse, please.

              Anna, no. It's too dangerous.

              Elsa's not dangerous. I'll bring
              her back, and I'll make this right.

The Royal Handler brings Anna her horse and a cloak.

              I'm coming with you.

              No, I need you here to take care of

He sees the desperation in her eyes.

              ...On my honor.

She throws on the cloak and hops right onto the horse,
coronation dress and all.

                  (to the crowd)
              I leave Prince Hans in charge!

                  (before letting her go)
              Are you sure you can trust her? I
              don't want you getting hurt.

              She's my sister; she would never
              hurt me.
                                                        36 FROZEN - J. Lee

She snaps the reins and rides out. Hans watches after her.

The snow picks up and overtakes our view. We push through a
blizzard…lose our way…then finds ourselves…


Well above the snow-line, a small figure climbs the highest
peak. It's Elsa. Finally, she stops, looks around. Catches
her breath and sings…

                            "Let It Go"

              THE SNOW GLOWS WHITE

              THE WIND IS HOWLING
              COULDN'T KEEP IT IN,
              HEAVEN KNOWS I TRIED. . .

              DON'T LET THEM IN,
              DON'T LET THEM SEE,
              DON'T FEEL,
              DON'T LET THEM KNOW.
              WELL, NOW THEY KNOW.

Elsa takes off her glove and throws it into the air.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              LET IT GO. LET IT GO.

Elsa creates a snowman, just like the one she made with Anna
when they were children.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              LET IT GO. LET IT GO.
              LET THE STORM RAGE ON.

Elsa lets her cape fly back into the wind.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              CAN'T GET TO ME AT ALL.
              IT'S TIME TO SEE
              WHAT I CAN DO,
              NO RIGHT, NO WRONG,
              NO RULES FOR ME...I'M FREE!

Elsa creates ice steps and climbs them.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              LET IT GO! LET IT GO!
              LET IT GO! LET IT GO!
              YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME CRY.

Elsa slams her foot down and forms a giant snowflake.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              LET THE STORM RAGE ON....

In a flurry of creative release, she raises the snowflake on
ice beams, builds walls, archways, a glistening chandelier,
and an intricate ceiling that leaves the sky visible.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              INTO THE GROUND.
              FRACTALS ALL AROUND.
              AN ICY BLAST-

Standing firmly in her mighty ice palace, Elsa removes her
crown and throws it.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              I'M NEVER GOING BACK,
              (back to resolve)
              THE PAST IS IN THE PAST!

She takes down her hair and creates a new dress made of ice.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              LET IT GO! LET IT GO!
              LET IT GO! LET IT GO!

The sun rises. Elsa struts onto out onto a balcony and into
the light. She's free.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              LET THE STORM RAGE ON!!

She turns and slams her ice palace door on us.

                                                       CUT TO:


Anna rides her horse through two feet of snow. She shivers.

              Elsa! Elsa! It's me, Anna...your
              sister who didn't mean to make you
              freeze the summer. I'm sorry. It's
              all my f-f-f-f-f-f-fault.

                                                   DISSOLVE TO:

LATER: Anna and the horse struggle through a wooded area.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
                  (hearing a wolf howl)
              Of course, none of this would have
              happened if she'd just told me her
              secret...ha...she's a stinker.

A branch of a nearby tree snaps and startles the horse. Anna
goes flying off, lands face down in the snow. She sits up.
Spits out snow. Sees the horse running away.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              Oh no. No. No. No. Come back. No.
              No. No. No.... Oooo-kay.

He doesn't come back. Anna grabs onto a branch of a leaning
conifer, tries to pull herself to her feet, but the tree
snaps upright and releases all its snow onto her. GROAN.

                                                   DISSOLVE TO:


The Northern Lights shine as Anna struggles, out of breath,
reaching the top of a hill.

              Snow, it had to be snow, she
              couldn't have had tr-tr-tropical
              magic that covered the f-f-fjords
              in white sand and warm --

She sees smoke rising up in the distance.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              Fire! WHOA!

Anna goes tumbling down the hill. She lands with a crash in
an icy stream at the bottom.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
                  (from inside the snowball)
              Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold...


Anna shuffles up to the building, her dress frozen stiff. She
shakes the snow off a sign and reads:

              Wandering Oaken's Trading Post.

Snow drops off a smaller sign. She reads it, happily.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              Ooh! And Sauna...


Anna steps cautiously through the door–which hits her frozen
butt and knocks her into the center of the shop. She looks
around, sees only summer supplies.

                         OAKEN (O.S.)
              Hoo hoo.

Anna turns to see a bright-faced fellow sitting low behind
the counter, fingers tapping tip to tip.

                        OAKEN (CONT'D)
              Big summer blow out. Half off
              swimming suits, clogs, and a sun
              balm of my own invention, yah?

              Oh, great. For now, how about
              boots. Winter boots...and dresses?
                                                        40 FROZEN - J. Lee

                  (slight disappointment)
              That would be in our winter

The winter department contains one outfit, a pick ax, and a
lonely pair of boots.

              Oh. Um, I was just wondering; has
              another young woman, the Queen
              perhaps, I don't know, passed
              through here?

She brings the clothes and boots to the counter.

              Only one crazy enough to be out in
              this storm is you, dear?

The front door suddenly blows open and in walks a mass of a
man covered in ice. Underneath is KRISTOFF.

                        OAKEN (CONT'D)
              You and this fellow.... Hoo hoo.
              Big summer blow out.

Kristoff walks right up to Anna.

                  (in her face)


              Behind you.

              Oh, right. Excuse me.

Anna moves out of Kristoff's way. He grabs a bunch of
carrots, tosses them on the counter, then moves through the
place, gathering other supplies.

                  (to Kristoff)
              A real howler in July, yah? Where
              ever could it be coming from?

              The North Mountain.
                                                        41 FROZEN - J. Lee

                  (to herself)
              North Mountain.

Kristoff brings his supplies to the counter. Oaken counts on
his fingertips.

              That'll be forty.

              Forty? No, ten.

                  (sweet as pie)
              Oh dear, that's no good. See these
              are from our winter stock, where
              supply and demand have a big

              You want to talk about a supply and
              demand problem? I sell ice for a

Kristoff motions out the window, where we see the blocks of
ice on his sled, covered in snow.

              Ooh, that's a rough business to be
              in right now. I mean, that is
                  (he shoots her a look)
              Ahem. That's unfortunate.

              Still forty. But I will throw in a
              visit to Oaken's sauna. Hoo hoo!
              Hi, family.

Kristoff and Anna turn to see a naked family waving through
the window of the steaming sauna.

                         NAKED FAMILY
              Hoo hoo!

              ...Ten's all I got. Help me out.

                  (isolating the carrots)
              Ten will get you this and no more.

Kristoff seethes. Stalemate.

              Okay, just tell me one thing; what
              was happening on the North
              Mountain? Did it seem magical?

Kristoff pulls down his scarf and gives Anna a firm answer.

              Yes! Now, back up while I deal with
              this crook here.

Oaken stands up, revealing his seven-foot stature.

              What did you call me?


Oaken stomps out the door, carrying Kristoff with one arm.

              Okay. Okay, I'm- Ow! Whoa!

Oaken throws Kristoff, who face-plants in the snow.

              Bye bye.

Oaken slams the door. Kristoff sits up. His reindeer, Sven,
canters over, snorts, and nudges him, expectantly.

              No Sven, I didn't get your carrots.

Sven huffs in his face. Kristoff turns away and sees
something. He points to a dilapidated barn.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              But I did find us a place to sleep.
              And it's free.


Anna stands watching Oaken and all his great height as he
squeezes behind the counter and sits down low again.

                  (teddy bear)
              I'm sorry about this violence. I
              will add a quart of lutefisk, so
              we'll have good feelings. Just the
              outfit and boots, yah?
                                                             43 FROZEN - J. Lee

Anna looks between Kristoff's supplies and the door.

                                                       CUT TO:


Kristoff, now unfrozen, relaxes on a bed of hay, playing his
lute and singing to (and for) Sven.

                "Reindeer(s) are Better than People"


                         KRISTOFF (AS SVEN) (CONT'D)
                  (throwing his voice)
              YOU & CHEAT YOU.
              Oh, thanks, Buddy.
                  (singing, as Kristoff)
              SVEN, DON'T YOU THINK I'M RIGHT?

                  (As Sven)
              THAT'S ONCE AGAIN TRUE,
              FOR ALL EXCEPT YOU.
                  (As Kristoff)
              YOU GOT ME. LET'S CALL IT A NIGHT.
                  (As Sven)
              GOOD NIGHT.
                  (As Kristoff)

The door opens. Anna enters.

              Nice duet.

Kristoff sits up with a start…sees who it is.

              Oh, it's just you. What do you

              I want you to take me up the North
                                                               44 FROZEN - J. Lee

              I don't take people places.

He lays back down, closes his eyes.

              Let me rephrase that...

A sack of supplies lands in Kristoff's lap.


He sits up. Looks in the bag.

              Take me up the North Mountain....

He eyes her. He clearly doesn't take orders.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              Look, I know how to stop this

He considers, lies back down, pulls his hat over his eyes.

              We leave at dawn.... And you forgot
              the carrots for Sven.

A bag of carrots hits Kristoff in the face.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)

              Oops. Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. I
                  (catching herself)
              We leave now. Right now.

She steps back outside and waits, anxiously. Annoyed,
Kristoff offers Sven a carrot. Sven has a bite. Then Kristoff
has a bite, contemplating.

                                                    SLAM CUT TO:


Sven races, top speed, up a narrow cliff, pulling the sled,
which skids precariously. Kristoff mans the reins. Anna sits
beside him.

                  (trying to scare Anna)
              Hang on! We like to go fast!

              I like fast!

Anna leans back and puts her feet up on the dashboard.

              Whoa, whoa! Get your feet down.

He pushes her feet down.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              This is fresh lacquer. Seriously,
              were you raised in a barn?

Kristoff spits on the dash to clean it. The spit flies back
and hits Anna in the face.

                  (grossed out)
              Ew. No, I was raised in a castle.

She wipes off her face.

              So tell me, what made the Queen go
              all ice-crazy?

              ...Oh well, it was all my fault. I
              got engaged but then she freaked
              out because I'd only just met him,
              you know, that day. And she said
              she wouldn't bless the marriage--

              Wait. You got engaged to someone
              you just met?

              Yeah. Anyway, I got mad and so she
              got mad and then she tried to walk
              away, and I grabbed her glove--

              Hang on. You mean to tell me you
              got engaged to someone you just
                                                        46 FROZEN - J. Lee

              Yes. Pay attention. But the thing
              is she wore the gloves all the
              time, so I just thought, maybe she
              has a thing about dirt.

              Didn't your parents ever warn you
              about strangers?

Anna eyes Kristoff up and down, then slides away from him.

              Yes, they did.... But Hans is not a

              Oh yeah? What's his last name?


              What's his favorite food?


              Best friend's name?

              Probably John.

              Eye color.


              Foot size...?

              Foot size doesn't matter.

              Have you had a meal with him yet?
              What if you hate the way he eats?
              What if you hate the way he picks
              his nose?

              Picks his nose?
                                                        47 FROZEN - J. Lee

              And eats it.

              Excuse me, sir. He's a prince.

              All men do it.

              Ew. Look it doesn't matter; it's
              true love.

              Doesn't sound like true love.

              Are you some sort of love expert?

              No. But I have friends who are.

              You have friends who are love
              experts.... I'm not buying it.

Sven suddenly stops, ears perked in alarm.

                  (to Anna)
              Stop talking.

              No, no, no. I'd like to meet these--

Kristoff clamps his hand over Anna's mouth.

              I mean it. SHHH.

Kristoff stands, looks into the dark woods surrounding them.
Sensing something behind them, he holds up his lantern. Its
light reflects off…EYES. Several.

              Sven, go. Go!

Sven takes off.

              What are they?

                                                          48 FROZEN - J. Lee

Flashes of white dart through the woods. Kristoff hops into
the back of the sled, grabs a torch. Lights it.

              Wolves. What do we do?

              I've got this. You just...don't
              fall off and don't get eaten.

              But I wanna help.


              Why not?

              Because I don't trust your

              Excuse me?!

A wolf jumps at them, but Kristoff kicks it off.

              Who marries a man she just met?

Anna grabs the lute, swings it right at Kristoff's head.

              It's true love!

He screams, as she…BAM!…swings past Kristoff and knocks a
wolf away.


Just then Kristoff is yanked off the sled by another wolf.
The torch goes flying. Anna catches it, shocked.


Kristoff grabs onto a loose rope hanging from the back of the
sled and holds on for dear life as he's dragged behind.

              It's Kristoff!
                                                           49 FROZEN - J. Lee

A wolf jumps on Kristoff's back.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)

Anna thinks fast, uses the torch to light a blanket on fire.


Anna throws the flaming blanket right at him. He ducks. The
blanket hits the wolves. They tumble off Kristoff.

              You almost set me on fire!

Anna reaches out a hand, pulls Kristoff back onto the sled.

              But I didn't.

Sven cries out. There is a massive gorge ahead.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              Get ready to jump, Sven!

              You don't tell him what to do!

Kristoff shoves a satchel into her arms then scoops her up.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              I do!

Kristoff tosses Anna onto Sven, then unhooks Sven's harness
from the sled.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              Jump, Sven!

Sven jumps the gorge with Anna on his back.

Kristoff goes flying off behind them, still on the sled.

Anna and Sven land safely on the other side of the gorge.

Kristoff's sled loses momentum. It's not going to make it. He
leaps off. He flaps his arms, claws at the air.

He slams into the snowy edge of the cliff. Hanging by his
hands, he looks down to see his sled hit the ground far below
and burst into flames.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
                  (shocked sadness)
              ...But I just paid it off.

Suddenly, he starts to slip. He claws at the loose snow, but
it's clearly hopeless. He's going down.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              Uh-oh. No, no, no.

To make matters worse, an AXE comes flying right at his face.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              AH! NO, NO, NO!

The axe slams into the snow, inches from his nose.

                         ANNA (O.S.)
              Grab on!

Kristoff grabs on.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              Pull, Sven! Pull!

REVEAL: The axe is tied to a rope, then wrapped around Sven.
Anna helps Sven pull Kristoff to safety.

Kristoff rolls onto his back, exhausted. Anna peeks down at
the burning sled.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              Whoa.... I'll replace your sled and
              everything in it.

Kristoff groans.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              And I understand if you don't want
              to help me anymore.

Anna walks off, sadly. Sven comes over and nuzzles Kristoff.

              Of course I don't want to help her
              anymore. In fact, this whole thing
              has ruined me for helping anyone
              ever again.

                        KRISTOFF (AS SVEN) (CONT'D)
              But she'll die on her own.

                        KRISTOFF (AS SELF) (CONT'D)
              I can live with that.
                                                            51 FROZEN - J. Lee

Through their conversation, they watch Anna go the wrong
way…turn, go the other wrong way, turn, trip…

                        KRISTOFF (AS SVEN) (CONT'D)
              But you won't get your new sled if
              she's dead.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
                  (knowing he's got a point)
              ...You know sometimes I really
              don't like you.

Sven licks Kristoff happily.

                        KRISTOFF (AS SELF) (CONT'D)
                  (to Anna)
              Hold up. We're coming?!

              You are?!
                  (catching herself)
              I mean, sure. I'll let you tag

                                                 DISSOLVE TO:


Kristoff, Sven and Anna walk on a narrow rim of a mountain.

                                                 DISSOLVE TO:


As they step out of the thick trees, Anna catches sight of
something far below.


              It's completely frozen.

              ...But it'll be fine. Elsa will
              thaw it.

              Will she?
                                                             52 FROZEN - J. Lee

              ...Yeah. Now come on. This way to
              the North Mountain?

She points straight ahead.

              More like this way.

He points her finger up towards a perilously mighty mountain.

                                                  DISSOLVE TO:


Anna, Kristoff, and Sven walk beneath frozen willows. The
hanging branches glisten like Christmas lights. Sven knocks
them with his antlers. They tinkle like chimes.

              I never knew winter could be so

Suddenly, a voice comes in from nowhere. We'll call that
voice OLAF.

                        OLAF (O.S.)
              YEAH...It really is beautiful,
              isn't it? But it's so white. You
              know, how about a little color?
              Must we bleach the joy out of it
              all? I'm thinking like maybe some
              crimson, chartreuse...

While this is going on, Anna and Kristoff look around for the
source of the rambling. They look at Sven - could he actually
be talking? Sven looks back at them, his antlers tangled in
branches, just as baffled as they are.

In the meantime, a nose-less snowman, Olaf, wanders up behind

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              How `bout yellow--no, not yellow.
              Yellow and snow? go.

He stops between Kristoff and Anna. They look down at him.
How did he get there? He suddenly looks up at Anna.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              Am I right?
                                                           53 FROZEN - J. Lee

Anna SCREAMS! Reflexes take over and she kicks Olaf's head,
sending it flying off his body and into Kristoff's arms.

                          OLAF (CONT'D)
                    (cheery, to Kristoff)

              You're creepy.

Kristoff tosses the head back to Anna and they commence a
game of hot potato.

              I don't want it!


              Please don't drop me.


              Come on, it's just a head.


Olaf's body runs at Anna, arms waving.

                        OLAF (O.S.)
              All right, we got off to a bad

              Ew, ew, the body!

Anna slams Olaf's head back on the body, upside down. Olaf
smiles happily, then looks confused.

              Wait, what am I looking at right
              now? Why are you hanging off the
              earth like a bat?

              ...Okay. Wait one second.

Anna kneels in front of Olaf and rights his head.

              Oooh! Thank you!

              You're welcome.

              Now I'm perfect.

She looks over his innocent face, gets an idea.

              Well, almost.

She digs into Kristoff's satchel, holds up a carrot just as
Olaf turns toward her. The carrot accidentally slams all the
way through his head.

              Woo! Head rush!

              Oh! Too hard. I'm sorry! I-I, I was
              just.... Are you okay?

Olaf sees a tiny piece of carrot sticking out between his
eyes. He lights up.

              Are you kidding me? I am wonderful!
              I've always wanted a nose.
                  (going cross-eyed to look
                   at his tiny nose)
              So cute. It's like a little baby

Anna reaches behind Olaf to the bulk of the carrot sticking
out the back of his head, and pushes it forward.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              What? Hey! Whoa.
                  (seeing his now big nose)
              Oh, I love it even more! Hah....
              All right, let's start this thing
              over. Hi everyone. I'm Olaf. And I
              like warm hugs.

Olaf opens his arms wide to Anna. That triggers a memory. It
takes her a moment to place it, but then she does.

              Olaf?...That's right, Olaf.
                                                        55 FROZEN - J. Lee

              ...And you are?

              Oh, um...I'm Anna.

              And who's the funky-looking donkey
              over there?

              That's Sven.

              Uh-huh. And who's the reindeer?


Olaf looks from Kristoff to Sven, confused.

              Oh. They're--oh, okay....
                  (accepting it)
              Makes things easier for me.

Sven tries to bite Olaf's nose.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              Ha. Aw, look at him tryin' to kiss
              my nose.
              I like you, too!

              Olaf, did Elsa build you?

              Yeah. Why?

Curious, Kristoff takes one of Olaf's twig arms off, studies
it. It seems to be moving in sync with his other arm.

              Do you know where she is?

                  (studying the arm)

              Yeah. Why?
                                                               56 FROZEN - J. Lee

              Do you think you could show us the

              Yeah. Why?

                  (bending the arm)
              How does this work?

Olaf's dismembered arm slaps Kristoff across the face.

              Stop it, Sven. Trying to focus
                  (to Anna)
              Yeah, why?

              I'll tell you why. We need Elsa to
              bring back summer.

                  (sinking into wistfulness)
              Oh, I don't know why but I've
              always loved the idea of summer,
              and sun, and all things hot.

              Really? I'm guessing you don't have
              much experience with heat.

              Nope. But sometimes I like to close
              my eyes and imagine what it'd be
              like when summer does come.

                                                    DISSOLVE TO:


Olaf walks through a grassy meadow with the sun shining
behind him. He SINGS.

                            "In Summer"

              BEES'LL BUZZ / KIDS'LL BLOW
                                                        57 FROZEN - J. Lee

-Olaf now lies in the sand on a beach.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              A DRINK IN MY HAND / MY SNOW UP

-Olaf sails in a boat.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              BLOW AWAY A WINTER STORM /

-Olaf floats in the water. All his pieces begin to separate.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              WATER / WHEN IT GETS WARM.

-Olaf tumbles on a sandy beach with sand-snowmen.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE / WHAT MY
              SUMMER . . !

-Olaf and the seagull break out into a tap-dance.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              DA DA . . . DA DOO / AH BAH BAH BAH
              BAH BAH BOO.

-Olaf and another snowman drink hot chocolate in a hot tub.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              MAKES SENSE!

-Olaf tap dances with a gaggle of seagulls.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              RATDADAT DAD DADA DOO . . .

-Olaf bounds down a grassy hill.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              I'LL BE A...

He stops at a puddle, looks down at it. Smiles. Hops over it.

                       OLAF (CONT'D)
              HAPPY SNOWMAN!

-Olaf runs with a checkered blanket that he spreads out. He
relaxes and stares at the blue sky.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)

Sven, Anna, Kristoff and Olaf have a picnic.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              GUYS'LL BE THERE TOO / WHEN I

              I'm gonna tell him.

              Don't you dare.

              IN SUMMER!

Olaf sings the final note. We swing around him and return to:

REALITY. He then straightens up and smiles.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              So, come on! Elsa's this way. Let's
              go bring back summer!

Olaf grabs Anna's hand and pulls her along up the mountain.

              I'm coming!

Sven hops along, happily following them. Kristoff watches all
of them like they're nuts.

              Somebody's got to tell him.

                                                    DISSOLVE TO:
                                                         59 FROZEN - J. Lee


A layer of solid ice coats everything. People huddle around
weak fires. Anxiety runs high amongst the villagers and
guests. We pass two CITIZENS fighting over a woodpile.

                        CITIZEN ONE
              No. No. You've got the bark facing
              down. The bark needs to be face-up.

                        CITIZEN TWO
              Bark down is drier.

                           CITIZEN ONE
              Bark up.

                           CITIZEN TWO
              Bark down.

                           CITIZEN ONE
              Bark up.

Like a light in the dark, Hans moves through the crowd.

              Cloak. Does anyone need a cloak?

              Arendelle is indebted to you, Your

              The castle is open. There's soup
              and hot glögg in the Great Hall.

He hands the stack of cloaks to a guard.

                        HANS (CONT'D)
              Here. Pass these out.

Just then the Duke approaches Hans.

              Prince Hans, are we just expected
              to sit here and freeze while you
              give away all of Arendelle's
              tradable goods?

                  (tall and confident)
              Princess Anna has given her orders
                                                           60 FROZEN - J. Lee

              And that's another thing; has it
              dawned on you that your princess
              may be conspiring with a wicked
              sorceress to destroy us all?

Hans's nice eyes turn to threatening slits.

              Do not question the Princess. She
              left me in charge, and I will not
              hesitate to protect Arendelle from

                  (flabbergasted, offended)

Suddenly they hear the alarmed whinny of Anna's horse. It
returns alone, bucking and kicking. Hans grabs its reins.

              Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, boy. Easy. Easy.

              Princess Anna's horse. What
              happened to her? Where is she?

Hans steadies the horse, looks up at the mountain. He sees
all the panicked faces of the kingdom looking to him.

              ...Princess Anna is in trouble.
                  (calling out)
              I need volunteers to go with me to
              find her!

Volunteers, some from Arendelle, some from other lands, rush
up to offer their services.

              I volunteer two men, my Lord!
                  (quietly to his thugs)
              Be prepared for anything, and
              should you encounter the Queen, you
              are to put an end to this winter.
              Do you understand?

His two thugs sneer.

                                                    CUT TO:
                                                               61 FROZEN - J. Lee


Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf move through hostile terrain.
Wind-swept icicles face horizontal.

              So how exactly are you planning to
              stop this weather?

              Oh, I am gonna talk to my sister.

              That's your plan? My ice business
              is riding on you talking to your


Kristoff, so stunned by her casual plan, doesn't look where
he's going and ends up with an ice-spike to the nose. He
stops short, GULP, moves carefully around the spike.

              So you're not at all afraid of her?

              Why would I be?

              Yeah. I bet Elsa's the nicest,
              gentlest, warmest person ever.

Olaf backs right into an icicle. It runs through his torso.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              Oh, look at that. I've been

He laughs it off.

                                                    DISSOLVE TO:


Anna and Kristoff hit what looks like a dead end. The face of
the mountain goes straight up.

              What now?
                                                          62 FROZEN - J. Lee

Kristoff looks around, sighs. Digs in his rucksack.

              ...It's too steep. I've only got
              one rope, and you don't know how to
              climb mountains.

                          ANNA (O.S.)
              Says who?

Sven nudges Kristoff, who looks up to see Anna trying to
climb the cliff's flat face.

                  (finding her ridiculous)
              What are you doing?

              ...I'm going to see my sister.

              You're going to kill yourself.

Kristoff watches her searching for footholds and hand-holds.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              I wouldn't put my foot there.

                        ANNA (O.S.)
              You're distracting me.

              Or there. How do you know Elsa even
              wants to see you?

                        ANNA (O.S.)
              I'm just blocking you out cause I
              gotta concentrate here.

              You know, most people who disappear
              into the mountains want to be

                        ANNA (O.S.)
              Nobody wants to be alone. Except
              maybe you--

              I'm not alone.... I have friends,

Anna kicks a foot above her head to catch a foot hold.

              You mean the love experts?

              Yes, the love experts!

Anna realizes she's stuck.

              ...Please tell me I'm almost there.

REVEAL: she's only about six feet up. Her muscles shake.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              ...Does the air seem a bit thin to
              you up here?

Kristoff smiles, getting a kick out of her.

              Hang on.

He pulls the rope from his bag. Just then Olaf steps out from
behind a rock and waves to Kristoff.

              Hey, Sven? Not sure if this is
              going to solve the problem, but I
              found a staircase that leads
              exactly where you want it to go.

              Ha ha. Thank goodness. Catch!

Anna drops off the cliff. Kristoff catches her.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              Thanks! That was like a crazy trust

She hops down, brushes off her dress, and bounds off.
Kristoff watches after her, digging her fearless pluck.


Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf approach Elsa's elegant ice palace.


                  (in awe)
              Now that's ice. I might cry.
                                                          64 FROZEN - J. Lee

              Go ahead. I won't judge.

Anna climbs the steps with Olaf. Sven tries to follow. His
hooves slip out. He scrambles but can't get traction.
Kristoff runs to his aide.

              All right, take it easy. I gotcha.

Kristoff settles Sven back down the stairs and pats him.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              You stay right here, buddy.

Sven obediently plops his reindeer butt down and wags his
tail. Kristoff climbs the stairs, admiring the ice details.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)

Anna arrives at the door. Hesitates.

                  (she doesn't)
              Just knock....
                  (she doesn't. To Kristoff)
              Why isn't she knocking...? Do you
              think she knows how to knock?

Anna finally KNOCKS. The sound echoes inside. The ice doors
slide open.

              Ha. It opened. That's a first.

Anna goes to step in. Kristoff follows. She gets a thought,
stops him.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              You should probably wait out here.


              Last time I introduced her to a
              guy, she froze everything.

              But, it's a palace made of ice. Ice
              is my life.
                                                        65 FROZEN - J. Lee

              Bye, Sven.

Olaf starts to head inside. Anna stops him.

              You too, Olaf.


              Just give us a minute.


As Anna walks inside. Olaf starts counting.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)

Kristoff joins in.

                        OLAF AND KRISTOFF


Anna walks into a great foyer. The place is beautiful, but
also eerie.

              Elsa? It's me...Anna?!

Anna slips. Steadies herself.

                           ELSA (O.S.)

Elsa steps out of the shadows onto a balcony. She sees Anna,
looks to her longingly.

Anna can't help but be struck by Elsa's beauty.

              Elsa, you look different.... It's a
              good different.... And this place
              is amazing.
                                                        66 FROZEN - J. Lee

                  (cautious, polite)
              Thank you, I never knew what I was
              capable of.

Anna starts to climb the stairs.

              ...I'm so sorry about what
              happened. If I'd known--

Elsa backs up, away from Anna.

                  (on guard)
              No, it's okay. You don't have to
              apologize.... But you should
              probably go, please.

              But I just got here.

              ...You belong in Arendelle.

              So do you.

Anna takes another step up. Elsa backs up more.

              No, I belong here. Alone. Where I
              can be who I am without hurting

              ...Actually, about that--

                        OLAF (O.S.)

              Wait. What is that?

Olaf comes running in the front door. He waves.

              Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.


Olaf stops beside Anna, looks up at Elsa, intimidated.

              You built me. You remember that?

              And you're alive?

              Um...I think so?

Anna kneels down beside Olaf.

              He's just like the one we built as
              kids.... We were so close. We can
              be like that again.

Elsa smiles, but then a memory returns to her.

                                                   FLASH CUT TO:

FLASHBACK: Young Anna is struck by Elsa's powers.

                        YOUNG ELSA

Young Anna falls unconscious. Young Elsa races to her.

                                                   FLASH CUT TO:

THE PRESENT: Elsa's face sinks in pain.

              No, we can't.

Elsa turns and heads up the second story steps.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              Goodbye, Anna.

              Elsa, wait--

                  (calling back)
              I'm just trying to protect you.

Elsa continues to flee. Anna pursues.

              You don't have to protect me. I'm
              not afraid. Please don't shut me
              out again.
                                                        68 FROZEN - J. Lee


                  "First Time in Forever, Reprise"

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              DISTANCE ANYMORE.

              I WILL BE RIGHT HERE.

They arrive on the top floor, Elsa's main living space. Elsa
turns back to Anna, grateful, but determined.

              PLEASE GO BACK HOME.
              YOUR LIFE AWAITS.
              GO ENJOY THE SUN
              AND OPEN UP THE GATES.

              Yeah, but--

              I know!
              YOU MEAN WELL,
              BUT LEAVE ME BE.
              YES, I'M ALONE BUT I'M ALONE AND

Elsa opens up the balcony doors.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              FROM ME.

              ACTUALLY, WE'RE NOT.

              WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT?
                                                        69 FROZEN - J. Lee


              WHAT DO I NOT KNOW?



Elsa looks past Anna's shoulder out white-peaked mountains.

              You kind of set off an eternal


              It's okay, you can just unfreeze

              No, I can't. I don't know how.

              Sure you can. I know you can.

Snow starts to swirl around the room.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)

              I'M SUCH A FOOL!
              I CAN'T BE FREE!

              YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE AFRAID.

              NO ESCAPE

The snow picks up. Anna tries to fight through it.

                                                           70 FROZEN - J. Lee

              I CAN'T CONTROL THE CURSE!



              DON'T PANIC.

              THERE'S SO MUCH FEAR!


              YOU'RE NOT SAFE HERE!


But as Anna sings, we lose sight of her in the thickening
blizzard taking over the room.


                        ANNA (O.S.)
              AND EVERYTHING WILL BE...

Anna's voice disappears in the storm as Elsa cries out.

              I CAN'T!

Elsa's fear, so strong, sucks the blizzard back into her and
then it bursts out, unwittingly, like a sharp snowflake.

Anna is STRUCK right in the heart. She grasps her chest in
pain and stumbles back. She falls to her knees.

Elsa gasps when she sees Anna. Just then, Olaf and Kristoff
rush into the room to Anna's side.

              Anna. Are you okay?
                                                               71 FROZEN - J. Lee

              I'm okay.... I'm fine.

Anna gets to her feet, determined to hide the pain.

              Who's this? Wait, it doesn't
              matter. You have to go.

              No, I know we can figure this out

              How? What power do you have to stop
              this winter? To stop me?

Anna doesn't have the answer. Kristoff sees spiky ice shadows
creeping down the walls. Puts a protective arm around Anna.

              Anna, I think we should go.

                  (close to tears)
              No. I'm not leaving without you,

                  (heartbroken but decisive)
              Yes, you are.

Elsa waves her arms and builds a giant, menacing snowman.
We'll call him MARSHMALLOW.

                                                    SLAM CUT TO:


Marshmallow holds Anna and Kristoff by the scruff of their
necks in one hand and Olaf in the other.

              Stop. Put us down!

                  (to Marshmallow)
              You are a lot stronger than I think
              you realize.

Marshmallow tosses Kristoff and Anna down the steps.

                  (like a bouncer)
              Go away!

Anna and Kistoff slide past Sven, who's got his tongue stuck
to the ice railing.

                          OLAF (O.S.)
              Heads up!

Olaf's head smashes into a snowbank nearby.


              Watch out for my butt!

Anna and Kristoff duck as the rest of Olaf slams into the

Marshmallow turns to go back into the castle.

Incensed, Anna tries to march back up the stairs.

              It is not nice to throw people!

Kristoff grabs her, pulls her back.

          KRISTOFF                                   ANNA    All right feisty pants. Calm             Let me at him. I want to get    down. Woaw. Just let the snow            him. I.... Okay. I'm Calm.    man be.

Anna backs down…for a moment. Then she grabs a snowball and
throws it at Marshmallow.

The tiny little ball hits Marshmallow's back, not making even
the slightest dent. But it's enough to infuriate him. He
ROARS. Spikes shoot out of his joints.

              Uh-oh. Now you made him mad!

              ...I'll distract him. You guys go.

Kristoff pushes Anna along. Sven runs off in the opposite
direction. Olaf's belly and butt fall and follow Sven.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              No, no, not you guys.
                                                           73 FROZEN - J. Lee

Marshmallow goes charging after Anna and Kristoff as Olaf's
head falls and lands face down in snow.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              This just got a whole lot harder.

Anna and Kristoff leap and slide down a steep slope. They
tumble to a stop at the bottom just as Marshmallow lands hard
right behind them.

They're off again…through a maze of conifers that sag under
the weight of the snow, Marshmallow hot on their trail.

              This way!

Anna grabs a branch of a sagging trees and releases all of
the snow. The tree snaps upright, knocking Marshmallow back.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)

              I got him!

Anna and Kristoff burst out of the conifer forest and almost
run right off a cliff. They stop short, toes on the edge.

              Whoa, stop!

              It's a hundred foot drop.

              It's two hundred.

Kristoff ties the rope around Anna and pulls tight.


He drops to his knees and starts digging a u-shape in the
snow with a pick axe.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              What's that for?

              I'm digging a snow anchor.
                                                        74 FROZEN - J. Lee

                  (not trusting)
              Okay. What if we fall?

              There's twenty feet of fresh powder
              down there; it'll be like landing
              on a pillow.... Hopefully.

They hear an angry ROAR coming closer.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              Okay, Anna. On three.

Anna preps for the jump like a boxer getting ready to fight.

              Okay. You tell me when...


              ...I'm ready to go....


                  (pumped up)
              ...I was BORN ready! Yes!

              Calm down.

A huge tree flies through the air toward them.

                           ANNA (O.S.)

Anna jumps and pulls Kristoff over the edge with her. They
hang upside down over the cliff by the rope. The rope catches
their fall.

              Whoa! That happened.

Back up top, Olaf emerges from the woods. He's a complete
mess, all his body parts are in the wrong places. He huffs
and puffs, struggling to run.

              Ah. Ah. Man, am I out of shape.
                                                           75 FROZEN - J. Lee

He stops. Puts his body back together in the right order.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              There we go. Hey, Anna! Sven!
              Where'd ya guys go? We totally lost
              Marshmallow back there!

Marshmallow steps up behind Olaf. Olaf turns to face him.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              Hey. We were just talking about
              you. All good things, all good

Marshmallow roars and approaches Kristoff's snow anchor.

                          OLAF (CONT'D)

Olaf jumps onto Marshmallow's leg trying to stop him, but not
making much of a difference.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              This is not making much of a

Marshmallow flicks Olaf off his leg and right over the cliff.

                          OLAF (CONT'D)

Olaf passes Anna and Kristoff.


              Hang in there, guys!

Marshmallow starts yanking Kristoff and Anna's rope up.

              Wait, what?

Kristoff's head hits the cliff.


Kristoff passes out and hangs like a rag doll.

                                                           76 FROZEN - J. Lee

Marshmallow pulls them up. He roars and breathes snow all
over them.

              Don't come back!

                  (grossed out by his snow
              Ugh. We won't.

Anna whips out a knife and cuts the rope. Kristoff comes to
just as they fall. They both SCREAM!


REVEAL: Anna opens her eyes to find herself buried up to her
shoulders in the soft thick snow. She laughs.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              Hey, you were right. Just like a

She looks up to see Olaf's upper half hanging onto Kristoff's
boots, which are sticking out of the snow.

                  (shaking the boots)
              I can't feel my legs! I can't feel
              my legs!

Suddenly, Kristoff's head pops up. He spits out snow.

              Those are my legs.

Olaf's bottom goes running by.

                  (to Kristoff)
              Ooh. Hey, do me a favor, grab my

Kristoff grabs Olaf's head and puts it on his body.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              Oh, that feels better.

Sven walks up and sniffs Olaf's nose.

                           OLAF (CONT'D)
              Hey, Sven!
                                                        77 FROZEN - J. Lee

Olaf turns to Anna and Kristoff just as Sven goes to bite off
his nose – and misses.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              He found us.
                  (to Sven, funny voice)
              Who's my cute little reindeer?

              Don't talk to him like that.

Kristoff goes over to help Anna, who is stuck in the snow.

                           KRISTOFF (CONT'D)

He lifts her out easily.


              You okay?

              Thank you.

They meet eyes. Wait. Is that chemistry?

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              ...Um.... How's your head?

She touches the spot where he banged his head.

                  (in pain)
              Ah! Ooh!

He catches himself. Waves off the pain with a giggle.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              I mean, It's fine. Ah...I'm good.
              Ha. I've got a thick skull.

              I don't have a skull.... Or bones.


The awkwardness is killing him.

                          KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              Now what?

              Now what?
              Now what?! Oh! What am I gonna do?
              She threw me out. I can't go back
              to Arendelle with the weather like
              this. And then there's your ice

              Hey, hey, don't worry about my ice
                  (noticing something)
              Worry about your hair?!

She thinks he means it looks bad. She smooths it down.

              What? I just fell off a cliff. You
              should see your hair.

              No, yours is turning white.

She grabs her braid as a tendril turns white.

              White? It's what?

              It's because she struck you; isn't

              Does it look bad?


Olaf's head pops up. He's holding his head up off his body to
join the conversation.

              You hesitated.

              No, I didn't. Anna, you need help.
              Now, come on.
                                                              79 FROZEN - J. Lee

He heads towards the sunset. Sven and Olaf follow.

              Okay! Where are we going?

              To see my friends.

                  (catching up)
              The love experts?

              Love experts?!

              Yes. And don't worry; they'll be
              able to fix this.

              How do you know?

He looks her over, remembering the moment he saw the trolls
heal her as a child.

              ...Because I've seen them do it

As they round the bend, the sun sets and Olaf turns to Sven.

              I like to consider myself a love

                                                       CUT TO:


Elsa paces, distraught. She talks to herself.

              Get it together. Control it. Don't
              feel. Don't feel. Don't FEEL!

She hears ice cracking. Stops. Looks around. She's left a
sharp wake of ice spikes behind her on the floor. They grow
up the wall, taking over the castle.

                                                   DISSOLVE TO:
                                                        80 FROZEN - J. Lee


The Northern Lights are bright. Olaf stares at them in awe as
he rides on Sven's back.

              Look, Sven. The sky's awake.

Behind Olaf and Sven, Anna walks with Kristoff. She shivers.

              Are you cold?

              ...A little.

He reaches like he might put an arm around her, but decides
against it. He looks around as if he doesn't know what to do,
then gets a thought.

              Wait. Come here.

He takes her hand and pulls her around a bend into a rock-
lined pass.

Steam vents, powered by the volcanic activity, dot the path.
He holds her hands over one of them.

              Oooh.... That's nice.

They continue on the path, walking from vent to vent.

                  (taking a deep breath)
              So, about my friends...well, I say
              friends, they're more like
              family.... Anyway, when I was a
              kid, it was just me and
              Sven...until they took me in.

              They did?

                  (nervous ramble)
              Yeah. I don't want to scare you,
              they can be a little bit
              inappropriate...and loud...very
              loud...they're also stubborn at
              times, and a little overbearing.
              And heavy. Really, really heavy.
                                                         81 FROZEN - J. Lee

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              But they're fine.. You'll get it.
              They mean well.

Anna touches Kristoff's arm, reassuringly.

              Kristoff, they sound wonderful.

Kristoff smiles, appreciating her sincerity.

              Okay then....

Mustering the courage, Kristoff steps forward and with a wave
of the arms announces–

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              Meet my family.

REVEAL: he's surrounded by rocks.

                         KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
                  (to the rocks)
              Hey, guys!

As Kristoff and Sven move through the rocks, waving and
greeting, Olaf and Anna stand frozen, dumbfounded.

                  (to herself)
              ...They're rocks.

              He's crazy.
                  (covertly, to Anna)
              I'll distract them while you run.
                  (Loud and slow to a rock)
              Hi, Sven's family! It's nice to
              meet you!
                  (quietly to Anna)
              Anna, because I love you, I insist
              you run.
                  (to the rock)
              I understand you're love experts!
                  (to Anna)
              Why aren't you running?

Anna snaps out of her shock and starts backing away.

              Okay. Um...I'm gonna go--

Just then the rocks around her start rolling.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)

Olaf lights up and chases the rocks, who surround Kristoff
and unfold as trolls.

              KRISTOFF'S HOME!

                        TROLLS (VARIOUS)
              Kristoff! Kristoff's home! It's
              been too long! Kristoff's home!

Olaf jumps around all excitedly.

              Kristoff's home.

He then stops, confused, and looks to one of the trolls.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              Wait? Kristoff?

Anna watches, shocked and confused.

The trolls all want Kristoff's attention. One troll yanks him
down with a boulder's strength.

                        TROLL ONE
              Oh, lemme look at you!

Another troll tries to pull off his clothes.

                        TROLL TWO
              Oh, take off your clothes,
              Kristoff; I wash them.

                  (holding up his pants)
              Ah! No. I'm gonna keep my clothes
              on, thank you.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              Great to see you all. Where's

                        MUSHROOM KID TROLL
              He's napping. But look, I grew a

                        TROLL SCOUT KID
              And I earned my fire crystal.
                                                          83 FROZEN - J. Lee

                        KIDNEY STONE TROLL
              I passed a kidney stone.

                        PICK ME UP TROLL
              Pick me up.

The kid troll jumps up on Kristoff's arm. Kristoff sinks
under the weight of him.

Anna still stares, confused, then realizes…

              Trolls? They're trolls.

Silence. All troll eyes turn to Anna. Blink. Blink.

              ...He's brought a girl!

                        TROLLS (TOGETHER)
              He's brought a girl!

Suddenly Anna is surrounded by trolls. They body-surf/roll
Anna over to Kristoff. She falls into his arms.

              What's going on?

              I've learned to just roll with it.

Bulda climbs on top of her husband, Cliff, to get a good look
at Anna. She studies her like she's a piece of cattle.

              Let me see. Bright eyes. Working
              nose. Strong teeth. Yes, yes, yes.
              She'll do nicely for our Kristoff.

              Wait. Oh. Um. No.

              You've got the wrong idea. That's
              not why I brought her here.

              Right. We're not. I'm not--

Anna laughs, uncomfortable, not knowing what to say.

                  (to Anna)
              What's the issue, dear? Why are you
              holding back from such a man?

Bulda SINGS.


                        TROLLS (VARIOUS)
              WEIRDNESS OF HIS FEET?

                        TROLLS (CHORUS) (CONT'D)
              SO HE'S A BIT OF A FIXER UPPER,
              SO HE'S GOT A FEW FLAWS-
              SO HE'S A BIT OF A FIXER UPPER,
              BUT THIS WE'RE CERTAIN OF-
              WITH A LITTLE BIT OF LOVE.

              Can we just stop talking about
              this?! We've got a real, actual
              problem here.

              I'll say--
                  (To Anna)

                        TROLLS (VARIOUS)

                         KID TROLL
              THE WOODS?

                        TROLLS (VARIOUS)
              THE HONEST GOODS?
                                                           85 FROZEN - J. Lee

                        TROLLS (CHORUS) (CONT'D)
              HE'S GOT A COUPLE A' BUGS.

              No, I don't.

              HIS ISOLATION
              IS CONFIRMATION
              SO HE'S A BIT OF A FIXER UPPER,
              BUT WE KNOW WHAT TO DO.
              IS TO FIX HIM UP WITH YOU.

The girl trolls sweep Anna away. The boys take Kristoff.

                  (to the male trolls)
              Enough! She's engaged to someone
              else. Okay?!

TROLLS beat. Blink. Blink. The boy trolls turn, huddle…

                        TROLLS (VARIOUS)
              SO SHE'S A BIT OF A FIXER UPPER,
              THAT'S A MINOR THING.
              IS A FLEX ARRANGEMENT.

                        KID TROLL
              AND BY THE WAY, I DON'T SEE NO

                        TROLLS (VARIOUS)
              SO SHE'S A BIT OF A FIXER UPPER,
              HER BRAIN'S A BIT BETWIXT.
              GET THE FIANCE
              OUT OF THE WAY

                        GIRL TROLLS

                        TROLLS (VARIOUS)
                                                        86 FROZEN - J. Lee

                        TROLLS (VARIOUS) (CONT'D)

Kristoff looks over at Anna. She actually looks shockingly
beautiful dressed in moss, lit by shimmering crystals.

                        ALL TROLLS
              THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT
              WE NEED EACH OTHER

By this time Kristoff and Anna are being ushered into a pit
by the sheer force of numbers.

              FIX A FIXER UPPER IS

During this last bit Anna and Kristoff are looking at each
other differently. Hmmm. Maybe those trolls are right?
Sparks! Chemistry!

                        TROLL PRIEST
              Do you, Anna, take Kristoff to be
              your trollfully wedded--

              Wait, what?!

                        TROLL PRIEST
              You're getting married.


Just then, Anna collapses. Kristoff catches her. She's
shivering something fierce.


He pulls off her cape and hat.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              She's as cold as ice.

Just then Grand Pabbie pushes his way through the crowd.
Trolls clear the way for Pabbie. He stops at the edge of the

                        GRAND PABBIE
              There's strange magic here!

              Grand Pabbie!

                        GRAND PABBIE
              Bring her to me, Kristoff.

Kristoff helps Anna over. Pabbie looks into her weak eyes.

                        GRAND PABBIE (CONT'D)
              Anna, your life is in danger. There
              is ice in your heart, put there by
              your sister. If not removed, to
              solid ice will you freeze, forever.

              What...? No.

              So remove it, Grand Pabbie.

                        GRAND PABBIE
              I can't. If it was her head, that
              would be easy. But only an act of
              true love can thaw a frozen heart.

              An act of true love?

                  (googley, to her hubby)
              A true love's kiss, perhaps?

A bunch of trolls give each other kisses.

Anna shivers again, collapsing into Kristoff's arms. More of
her hair turns white.

              Anna, we've got to get you back to

                  (still weak)
                                                          88 FROZEN - J. Lee

              Help us out, Sven.

Kristoff grabs Sven's antlers. Sven pulls them out.

Kristoff helps Anna onto Sven and hops up behind her.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              Come on, Olaf!

Sven takes off. Olaf grabs Sven's tail, rides with them.

              I'm coming! Let's go kiss Hans! Who
              is this Hans?!

                                                    CUT TO:


Hans and the men tread cautiously towards the castle.

              We are here to find Princess Anna.
              Be on guard, but no harm is to come
              to the Queen. Do you understand?

The Duke's thugs exchange a look. Suddenly, a mass of snow
rises from the ground behind Hans. It's Marshmallow, Elsa's
snow guard.

              Go away!

He slams a fist inches from Hans. Hans deftly dodges out of
the way. All of the guards take up arms against Marshmallow,
who quickly knocks them over.

Marshmallow throws down a guard and his horse, who topple
over Hans. Marshmallow raises his foot to stomp on Hans, but
Hans barrel-rolls himself to safety. He sees his sword,
leaps, and grabs it.

Just then, Elsa peeks out the front doors.

The Duke's two thugs see her.

                           DUKE'S THUG
              The Queen.

The thugs charge up the stairs.


They guards burst through the ice doors.

Elsa flees to the top floor of her palace. The guards pursue.

They trap her on the top floor, raise their crossbows.

              No. Please.

One of the thugs shoots an arrow right at Elsa. At the last
moment she creates an ice wall. It stops the arrow, inches
from her face.

The thugs reposition to take another shot.

                           ELSA (CONT'D)
              Stay away!

Elsa shoots ice at the thugs. They duck out of the way and
continue the attack.

              Get her! Get her!

Elsa fights for her life.

BACK OUTSIDE: Hans is nearly crushed by Marshmallow. He rolls
away. Jumps to his feet. And with agile might, he slices
Marshmallow's leg off with his sword. Marshmallow stumbles
back, off balance. And falls off over the cliff, but not
before striking Hans. Hans goes over the edge.

REVEAL: Hans clings to the ice steps. His men help him up and
they rush into the ice palace.


Elsa is surrounded. It's do or die. In two swift moves, Elsa
traps one thug in a cage of spikes that threaten his neck.

The other she pushes back with a wall of ice….up against
the balcony doors…which BURST and CRACK.

OUT ONTO THE BALCONY…. The balcony doors shatter. The thug
is pushed to the edge. He's inches away from falling to his

BACK INSIDE: Hans and his men run in. See the destruction and
the thugs near death.

              Queen Elsa! Don't be the monster
              they fear you are.

Elsa snaps out of her rage. She sees the men, frightened,
moments from death. She stops. Elsa looks to Hans,
overwhelmed, frightened.

The wall retreats from the thug on the balcony. The ice
spikes lower from the second thug's neck. He takes advantage
and aims his crossbow at Elsa's back.

Seeing it. Hans runs and pushes the crossbow up just as the
arrow releases. The arrow hits the ice chandelier, hanging
directly above Elsa.

The chandelier comes CRASHING DOWN.

Elsa dives out of the way but she falls in the blast.

All we see is ice smashing like glass, and all we hear is the
sound of it shattering as it rings out.

                                                   CUT TO BLACK.


Elsa's face as her eyes flutter open.

She sits up. She's surrounded by stone.


Elsa looks to the nearby window. Tries to rush to it. She's
pulled taut by giant shackles that fit like iron gloves.
She's chained to the wall.

Elsa strains to looks out a window…

INSET WINDOW: Arendelle is outside, frozen solid and getting
further buried under the ice and snow that is falling.

              No....What have I done?

Hans enters. He hangs a torch by the door.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              Why did you bring me here?

              I couldn't just let them kill you.
                                                          91 FROZEN - J. Lee

              But I'm a danger to Arendelle. Get

              Anna has not returned....

Elsa looks to the storm with worry.

                        HANS (CONT'D)
              If you would just stop the winter,
              bring back summer...please.

Elsa meets his eyes, desperate.

              Don't you see...I can't.

Hans sees the sincerity in her eyes.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              You have to tell them to let me go.

Hans walks to the door. He takes the torch.

              I will do what I can.

He opens the door and leaves.

Elsa, distraught, hears cracking. She looks down as her
shackles begin to freeze over. The storm outside picks up.

                                                    CUT TO:


Sven charges down the mountain with Kristoff and Anna on his
back. Olaf slides along beside them, penguin-style.

Anna shivers in Kristoff's arms. She's weakening. Kristoff
takes off his hat and puts it on her head.

              Just hang in there.
                  (to Sven)
              Come on, buddy, faster!

They arrive at the walls of Arendelle. Olaf slides past them,
out of control.

              I'll meet you guys at the castle!
                                                         92 FROZEN - J. Lee

              Stay out of sight, Olaf!

              I will!

He disappears into the village streets.

                        OLAF (O.S.) (CONT'D)

                        TOWNSWOMAN (O.S.)
              Ah! It's alive!

                                                   CUT TO:


Guards see Kristoff and Anna approaching.

              It's Princess Anna!

Sven skids to a stop outside the gates. Kristoff slides off,
holding Anna, and carries her to the gate.

              I've got you.

Anna looks up at him, gratefully.

              ...Are you g-gonna be okay?

                  (touched, reassuring)
              Don't worry about me.

Just then the castle gates open. Gerda, Kai, and a handmaid
rush to help Anna.

              Anna! Oh, you had us worried sick.

              My Lady. You are freezing.

              You poor girl, you're freezing.
              Let's get you inside.
                                                           93 FROZEN - J. Lee

              Get her warm and find Prince Hans,

              We will. Thank you.

Anna is swept away from Kristoff and into the palace grounds.

              Make sure she's safe!

Kristoff is shut out as the castle gates close on him.

Kristoff stands there with Sven for a beat, staring with
worry at the closed gates.

Finally, he sighs, turns and walks off. Sven reluctantly

                                                    CUT TO:


Hans stands with the dignitaries and guards.

              I'm going back out to look for
              Princess Anna.

                        FRENCH DIGNITARY
              You cannot risk going out there

              If anything happens to her--

                        SPANISH DIGNITARY
              If anything happens to the
              Princess, you are all Arendelle has

Hans hesitates, realizing how much this kingdom has come to
depend on him. Is he really all they have left?

Just then the door opens and Gerda and Kai bring in Anna.

              He's in here. Prince Hans.

                                                        94 FROZEN - J. Lee

Hans rushes to Anna. She falls into his arms.

                        HANS (CONT'D)
              You're so cold.

                  (weak, but desperate)
              Hans, you have to kiss me.


              Now. Here we go.

She tries to kiss him, but is too weak to pull herself up in
his arms.

              We'll give you two some privacy.

Everyone shuffles out, leaving Hans and Anna alone.

              What happened out there?

              Elsa struck me with her powers.

              You said she'd never hurt you.

              I was wrong.

Anna crumbles, weak.


Hans carries her to a couch, sets her down.

                  (shivering more)
              She froze my heart and only an act
              of true love can save me.

              A true love's kiss.

He takes her chin in his hand and gives her a tender smile.
He leans in slowly…gently…

Then he stops.

                        HANS (CONT'D)
              Oh, Anna. If only there was someone
              out there who loved you.


Hans gets up, leaving her there.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              ...You said you did.

He goes to the window and shuts the curtains.

              As thirteenth in line in my own
              kingdom, I didn't stand a chance. I
              knew I'd have to marry into the
              throne somewhere--

              What are you talking about?

                  (putting out the candles)
              As heir, Elsa was preferable, of
              course. But no one was getting
              anywhere with her. But you-


              You were so desperate for love you
              were willing to marry me, just like

Hans crosses the room, grabs a pitcher of water from a table
and goes to the fireplace.

                        HANS (CONT'D)
              I figured, after we married, I'd
              have to stage a little accident for

Hans pours the water on the fireplace, putting out the fire.
Anna tries to stop him. She falls to the floor, weak.

              Hans. No, stop.
                                                          96 FROZEN - J. Lee

              But then she doomed herself, and
              you were dumb enough to go after


              All that's left now is to kill Elsa
              and bring back summer.

Hans approaches Anna.

              ...You're no match for Elsa.

He bends down, takes her chin in his hand again, this time
not so gently.

              No, you're no match for Elsa. I, on
              the other hand, am the hero who is
              going to save Arendelle from

She wrenches her face out of his hands.

              You won't get away with this.

Hans rises and crosses to the door.

              Oh, I already have.

Hans leaves and shuts her in, locking the door. Anna
struggles to the door, yanks on the locked handle.

                  (hoarse and weak)
              Please, somebody help.

The rest of her hair turns white and she crumbles to the

                                                    CUT TO:
                                                         97 FROZEN - J. Lee


The Duke looks out the window at the growing snowstorm. He
rubs his arms and shivers.

              It's getting colder by the minute.
              If we don't do something soon,
              we'll all freeze to death.

Hans comes in, putting on his most distraught face.

                        SPANISH DIGNITARY
              Prince Hans.

              Princess Anna is...dead.

                        VARIOUS DIGNITARIES
              What...? No.... Mon dieu.

Hans stumbles, weak with grief. The men help him to a chair.

              What happened to her?

              She was killed by Queen Elsa.

              Her own sister.

                  (really putting it on)
              At least we got to say our marriage
              vows...before she died in my arms.

He bows his head in a brilliant display of teary grief.

              There can be no doubt now; Queen
              Elsa is a monster and we are all in
              grave danger.

                        SPANISH DIGNITARY
              Prince Hans, Arendelle looks to

Hans nods; he knows what he's being asked to do, and he'll do
it with the perfect amount of authority and gravitas.

              With a heavy heart, I charge Queen
              Elsa of Arendelle with treason and
              sentence her to death.


The cell ices over. Elsa looks out at the storm that is
devastating Arendelle, then hears the guards approaching.

                        GUARD (O.S.)
              She's dangerous. Move quickly and
              with resolve.

Elsa pulls at her shackles. They crack. Just as the door
busts open, the weight of the ice crumbles the walls. The men
duck out of the way.

Hans pushes his way into the room…sees…

The back wall is blown open. Broken shackles rest on the
floor. Elsa is gone.

                                                   CUT TO:


Kristoff heads into the mountains. Sven lags behind, not
wanting to follow. He looks back at the kingdom, then shakes
his head. Enough.

He runs past Kristoff. Stops and turns to face him. He snorts
and grunts.

              What is it, buddy?

Sven nudges Kristoff with his antlers.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              Hey, watch it. What's wrong with

Sven snorts with more conviction, moos, brays.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              ...I don't understand you when you
              talk like that.
                                                          99 FROZEN - J. Lee

Kristoff tries to walk on ahead, but Sven uses his antlers to
lift Kristoff off the ground.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              Ah! Stop it! Put me down!

Sven drops him hard then "yells" at him once more.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              No, Sven! We're not going back!

Sven shakes his head, angrily.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              She's with her true love.

Sven makes an "of-course-she-isn't" face. Kristoff gets it;
he's made his point.

Just then the wind picks up. Kristoff looks back at the
kingdom. Sees a violent winter storm swirling over the
castle. Sharp ice claws its way up the castle, encasing it.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)

Without hesitating, he dashes back down the mountain. Sven
runs after him, catches up. Kristoff grabs Sven's harness and
jumps onto his back.

                                                    CUT TO:


Anna shivers by the door. She looks up to see ice overtaking
the ceiling.

The door handle suddenly jiggles. Stops. Jiggles again.

                  (barely a whisper)

CLICK. The door swings open. We see a carrot in the lock and
hear a giggle of victory. Olaf takes the carrot, puts it back
on his face. Then he sees Anna lying there.

              Anna. Oh no.

He runs to the fireplace. Throws in some fresh wood,
including one of his own arms, which he quickly rescues,
before striking a match and relighting the fire.

              Olaf? Olaf. Get away from there.

              Whoa! So this is heat....
              I love it.

He reaches a twig finger toward the flames. It catches on

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              Ooh! But don't touch it!

He shakes the flame out, as he rushes over to help Anna to
the fire.

                         OLAF (CONT'D)
              So, where's Hans? What happened to
              your kiss?

              I was wrong about him. It wasn't
              true love.

                  (confused innocence)
              Huh. But we ran all the way here?

              Please Olaf, you can't stay here;
              you'll melt.

              I am not leaving here until we find
              some other act of true love to save

He sits down behind her, stubbornly. Leans his back against
hers and thinks.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              ...Do you happen to have any ideas?

              I don't even know what love is.

              That's okay, I do....

Olaf hops back up and puts a soothing hand on her shoulder.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              Love is...putting someone else's
              needs before yours, like, you know,
              how Kristoff brought you back here
              to Hans and left you forever.

              ...Kristoff loves me?

              Wow, you really don't know anything
              about love, do you?

His face starts to melt.

              Olaf, you're melting.

                  (sweet and reassuring)
              Some people are worth melting for.

But then…his face REALLY melts. He panics, pushes the snow
back in place.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              Just maybe not right this second.

Suddenly, the window blows open, cold wind sweeps in.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              Don't worry, I've got it!

Olaf flitters to the window. He pulls one panel of it shut
but struggles with the second panel.

                         OLAF (CONT'D)
              We're going to get through--
              Oh, wait. Hang on. I'm getting

He breaks an icicle off the window, uses it as a telescope
and sees…

Kristoff and Sven running back down the mountain.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              It's Kristoff and Sven! They're
              coming back this way.

              ...They-they are?
                                                       102 FROZEN - J. Lee

              Wow, he's really moving fast.
              Huh.... I guess I was wrong. I
              guess Kristoff doesn't love you
              enough to leave you behind.

Anna tries to get to her feet.

              Help me up, Olaf. Please.

He hurries over, tumbling over the couch, knocking over the
chess set and water jugs.

              No, no, no, no, no. You need to
              stay by the fire and keep warm.

              I need to get to Kristoff.

              Oh, oh, oh, I know why.

He hops around in an excited display of hope.

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              There's your act of true love,
              right there, riding across the
              fjords like a valiant, pungent
              reindeer king! Come on!

The walls crack under the ice pressure.

                          OLAF (CONT'D)
              Look out!

They rush out the room just as the ceiling collapses.


Anna and Olaf struggle down the hall. Ice spikes grow and
block their path.

              We're trapped.

Anna looks around desperately for a way out.


Elsa runs, but is nearly blinded by the snow and wind.


Anna and Olaf bust open a window. The storm is so strong it
sweeps the window panes away.

              Slide, Anna.

It's a long, snowy way down. But what choice do they have?
They slide down the iced-covered building.

Anna arrives at the bottom, weak but uninjured. Olaf gathers
snow along the way. He arrives at the bottom as a giant

                        OLAF (CONT'D)
              We made it!

He shakes off the extra snow as Anna struggles to her feet.


Kristoff and Sven bound off the mountain and sprint across
the frozen fjord waters and right into the heart of the
storm. Its white-out wind pushes them back. But they fight

              Come on, buddy, faster.

                                                 CUT TO:

Anna and Olaf reach the shore of the fjords.


The wind lifts Olaf up and pulls him apart. He goes swirling
off into the storm.

              Keep going, Anna!

Anna struggles on.


                                                   PAN TO:

Kristoff rides Sven past cracking, frozen ships. Sven
struggles over the uneven surface.

              Come on! Come on!

Suddenly, a mangled ship, risen by ice, capsizes over them.
They give it all they've got as debris falls all around them
and the mast shatters. They make it past just as the entire
ship slams down and cracks the thick ice beneath their feet.

The ice opens up. Sven bravely jumps over a gap. But it's too
wide. He bucks Kristoff to safety, but lands in the freezing
water and disappears below.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              Sven? Sven!

At first there's nothing but the wind and the tumbling icy
water. But suddenly, Sven surfaces and claws his way to a
floating ice chunk. He calls out, signalling for Kristoff to
go on.

                          KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              Good boy.

                                                   CUT TO:

Anna moves blindly across the fjord. Anna's hands frost over
an icy blue. She stumbles on, determined. But she's running
out of time.

She clutches her chest. The color in her eyes fades, the
inevitable is coming.

                                                   CUT TO:

Kristoff, lost in the white-out, doesn't know which way to
turn. But then he hears a faint–

                          ANNA (O.S.)

              Anna...? Anna!

                                              WHITE OUT TO:
                                                          105 FROZEN - J. Lee

Elsa struggles through her own storm, but the fear is
consuming her. A dark shadow approaches. It's Hans.

              Elsa. You can't run from this!

Elsa backs away from him.

              ...Just take care of my sister.

              Your sister? She returned from the
              mountain weak and cold. She said
              you froze her heart.

              What? No.

              I tried to save her, but it was too
              late. Her skin was ice. Her hair
              turned white...

Elsa's face sinks as she realizes what she has done.

                        HANS (CONT'D)
              Your sister is dead... because of

Elsa drops to her knees, emotionally broken. And with that,
the swirling storm suddenly stops. The snow freezes mid-air,
hangs suspended, trapped in grief.

Citizens and dignitaries rush to the wall's edge and look out
to see…

Anna, barely able to move but now able to see across the
fjords to…

                  (a whisper)


Anna pushes on towards Kristoff. He runs top speed towards
her. There's still a lot of fjord to cross, but Kristoff is
giving it all he's got. He's going to make it.

But then, Anna hears the sound of a sword being drawn from
its scabbard. She turns and sees Hans, behind Elsa, as he
raises his sword over his head.


Anna looks back at Kristoff as he runs for her. She gives him
a longing look, but then turns away from him and then…

Using all of her remaining strength, as Hans brings his sword
down, Anna throws herself in front of Elsa.

                          ANNA (CONT'D)

In that instant, Anna freezes to solid ice. The sword hits
her instead of Elsa. The sword shatters completely. The force
of it sends Hans flying back and knocks him out.


Elsa rushes to Anna and touches her sister's frozen face.

                        ELSA (CONT'D)
              Oh,, please no.

Olaf walks up and sees Anna, frozen.

                  (confused, sad)

Elsa hugs Anna and cries.

Kristoff watches in shocked despair. Sven steps up to his

Citizens and dignitaries on the castle walls bow their heads.

All of Arendelle is joined in somber silence.

But then, Anna warms. She begins to thaw.

Olaf looks up and gasps. Kristoff and Sven notice, light up.

Anna bends her arm and embraces Elsa.

              Wha-? Anna?

Anna opens her eyes. She smiles at Elsa, relieved.

              Oh, Elsa.

They embrace.

              ...You sacrificed yourself for me?

              ...I love you.

Olaf realizes what's happened. He's so excited about it, he
lifts his head right off his body and exclaims–

              An act of true love will thaw a
              frozen heart.

              Love...will thaw...
              Love.... Of course.

Elsa looks at Anna with confidence.



Elsa lifts her arms, and the ground shakes and cracks. The
ice and snow breaks away and rises high into the air.

Beneath their feet the bow of a ship thaws.

The entire fjord melts and other boats right themselves.

The villagers come out to see the warmth returning.

In one final wave, Elsa draws all of the snow into a giant
snowflake in the sky, then waves it away, leaving only a warm
summer day.

              I knew you could do it.

                  (melting, good-naturedly)
              Hands down, this is the best day of
              my life...and quite possibly the

              Oh, Olaf. Hang on, little guy.
                                                              108 FROZEN - J. Lee

Elsa waves her hand and surrounds Olaf with a swirl of cold
air. He refreezes. Above his head she leaves a little,
perpetually-snowing storm cloud. Olaf loves it.

              Hey, my own personal flurry.

Kristoff sees Hans trying to get to his feet. He marches
toward him, prepared for a fight. But Anna puts up a hand and
stops him.

              Uh. Uh. Uh.

She'll handle this. She goes over to Hans.

              Anna? But she froze your heart.

              The only frozen heart around here
              is yours.

She turns away from him, proud of her words. But not yet
satisfied, she turns back and punches him right in the face.

              Ah! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

He falls overboard.

Elsa comes over to Anna and hugs her. Over her shoulder,
Kristoff meets Anna's eyes. She smiles brighter, happy.

                                                    DISSOLVE TO:


It's a beautiful summer day. The mighty ships have been
repaired and are sailing away.

On one of the ships, HANS is thrown into a brig.

                        FRENCH DIGNITARY
                  (to Kai)
              I will return this scoundrel to his
              country. We shall see what his
              twelve big brothers think of his

              Arendelle thanks you, my Lord.
                                                       109 FROZEN - J. Lee

Down on the dock, Arendelle guards lead the Duke and his two
thugs to their ship.

              This is unacceptable. I am
              innocent. I'm a victim of fear.
              I've been traumatized.
                  (bad acting)
              Ow! My neck hurts. Is there a
              doctor I could...No? And I demand
              to see the Queen!

Kai steps down from the gangplank to the dock.

              I have a message from the Queen.
                  (reading a scroll)
              Arendelle will henceforth and
              forever no longer do business of
              any sort with Weaseltown.

              Weselton. It's Weselton!

The guards usher him and his thugs onto their ship.


Anna runs through the crowd, pulling a blindfolded Kristoff
along behind her. She's so excited she can't stand it.

              Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on!

She runs him right into a pole.


              Oops. Sorry.


Anna skips to the perfect spot and stops.

              Okay. Okay. Here we are.
                                                       110 FROZEN - J. Lee

She takes off the blindfold. Kristoff opens his eyes. Before
him sits the most beautiful, suped-up sled. Sven poses in
front of it – Vanna White-style.

                        ANNA (CONT'D)
              I owe you a sled.

                  (blown away)
              Are you serious?

              Yes. And it's the latest model.

              No. I can't accept this...

              You have to. No returns. No
              exchanges. Queen's orders. She's
              named you the official Arendelle
              Ice Master and Deliverer.

Sven shows off the Ice-Master-and-Deliverer medal like he's
king of the bucks.

              What? That's not a thing.

But he can't help but admire her enthusiasm.

              Sure it is. And it even has a cup
              holder.... Do you like it?

              Like it?

He sweeps her up high overhead and spins her around.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              I love it.... I could kiss you!

He drops her, suddenly embarrassed.

                        KRISTOFF (CONT'D)
              ...I could. I mean I'd like to.
              I'd... may I? We me....I mean, may
              we? Wait, what?

She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek.

              We may.
                                                          111 FROZEN - J. Lee

He smiles and goes for it. It's a true love's kiss, alright.

We move past them to find Olaf enjoying the summer.

With his snow cloud safely overhead, he's free to smell the
flowers, which he does. Then sneezes his carrot nose off.

Sven catches it between his teeth. Olaf gasps as Sven sucks
the whole carrot into his mouth. It's gone.

Olaf's face sinks in sadness. But not to fear, Sven spits the
carrot back out and jams it into Olaf's face where it
belongs. It's completely covered in reindeer spit, but Olaf
doesn't seem to mind. He hugs Sven happily.

                                                   CUT TO:


The gates to the castle are wide open. In the courtyard,
stands Elsa.

              Are you ready?

Villagers cheer. Elsa stops and creates an ice rink. The
people, skates at the ready, hope onto it and twirl about.

Elsa then freezes the fountain in a beautiful design and adds
some snow flurries for atmosphere.

Anna comes slipping in. Elsa catches her.

              I like the open gates.

              We are never closing them again.

Elsa then waves her hand and magical ice skates (literally
made of ice) form on Anna's boots.

              What? Oh, Elsa, they're beautiful,
              but you know I don't ska--

Elsa grabs Anna's hands and pulls her along on the ice. Anna
slips and slides, but laughs in delight.

Sven goes slipping past. Kristoff runs after him.

              Look out. Reindeer coming through!
                                                             112 FROZEN - J. Lee

Olaf skates and helps Elsa coach Anna.

              That's it. Glide and pivot and
              glide and pivot.

We pull away slowly, into the sky. We arrive at a bird's-eye
view to see that where the castle had crumbled has been
repaired with a ice.

All is right in Arendelle.

                                               FINAL FADE OUT.

                              THE END




The game is in progress. As a sick coughing sound is heard.

					CUT TO:


lying in bed, coughing. Pale, one sick cookie. Maybe he's
seven or eight or nine. He holds a remote in one hand,
presses it, and the video game moves a little bit. Then he's
hit by another spasm of coughing, puts the remote down.

His room is monochromatic, greys and blues, mildly high-tech.
We're in the present day and this is a middle class house,
somewhere in the suburbs.

					CUT TO:

The Kid's MOTHER as she enters, goes to him, fluffs his
pillows, kisses him, and briefly feels his forehead. She's
worried, it doesn't show. During this

You feeling any better?

A little bit.

Guess what.


Your grandfather's here.

	(not overjoyed)
Mom, can't you tell him that I'm

You are sick, that's why he's here.

He'll pinch my cheek. I hate that.

Maybe he won't.


The Kid shoots her an "I'm sure" look, as we

					CUT TO:

THE KID'S GRANDFATHER bursting into the room. Kind of
rumpled. But the eyes are bright. He has a wrapped package
tucked under one arm as be immediately goes to The Kid,
pinches his cheek.

Hey! How's the sickie? Heh?

The Kid gives his Mother an "I told you so" look. The Mother
ignores it, beats a retreat.

I think I'll leave you two pals.

And she is gone. There's an uncomfortable silence, then…

I brought you a special present.

What is it?

Open it up.

The Kid does. He does his best to smile.

A book?

That's right. When I was your
age, television was called books.
And this is a special book. It
was the book my father used to
read to me when I was sick, and I
used to read it to your father.
And today, I'm gonna read it to

Has it got any sports in it?

					CUT TO:


Suddenly passionate.

Are you kidding? Fencing. Fighting.
Torture. Revenge. Giants. Monsters.
Chases. Escapes. True love.

					CUT TO:

THE TWO OF THEM as the Grandfather sits in a chair by the bed.

	(manages a shrug)
It doesn't sound too bad. I'll
try and stay awake.

Oh. Well, thank you very much.
It's very nice of you. Your vote
of confidence is overwhelming.
All right.
	(Book open now, be
	begins to read.)
The Princess Bride, by S.
Morgenstern. Chapter One.
Buttercup was raised on a small
farm in the country of Florin.


The story he's reading about, as the monochromatic look of
the bedroom is replaced by the dazzling color of the English

Her favorite pastimes were riding
her horse and tormenting the farm
boy that worked there. His name
was Westley, but she never called
him that.
	(to the kid)
Isn't that a wonderful beginning?

	(off-screen doing his best)
Yeah. It's really good.

	(off-screen reading)
Nothing gave Buttercup as much
pleasure as ordering Westley

					CUT TO:


BUTTERCUP is standing, holding the reins of her horse, while
in the background, WESTLEY, in the stable doorway, looks at
her. Buttercup is in her late teens; doesn't care much about
clothes and she hates brushing her long hair, so she isn't
as attractive as she might be, but she's still probably the
most beautiful woman in the world.

Farm boy. Polish my horse's
saddle. I want to see my face
shining in it by morning.

	(quietly, watching her)
As you wish.

Westley is perhaps half a dozen years older than Buttercup.
And maybe as handsome as she is beautiful. He gazes at her
as she walks away.

"As you wish" was all he ever
said to her.


WESTLEY, outside, chopping wood. Buttercup drops two large
buckets near him.

Farm Boy. Fill these with water --
	(a beat)

As you wish.

She leaves; his eyes stay on her. She stops, turns – he
manages to look away as now her eyes stay on him.

That day, she was amazed to
discover that when he was saying,
"As you wish," what he meant was,
"I love you."



Westley enters with an armload of firewood.

And even more amazing was the day
she realized she truly loved him

	(pointing to a pitcher
	that she could reach herself)
Farm Boy, fetch me that pitcher.

He gets it, hands it to her; they are standing very close to
each other gazing into each other's eyes.

As you wish.

Now he turns, moves outside.


WESTLEY AND BUTTERCUP, outside his tiny hovel in the red
glow of sunset. They are locked in a passionate kiss.

-hold it, hold it-

					CUT TO:


What is this? Are you trying to
trick me? -- Where's the sports? --
Is this a kissing book?

-- wait, just wait --

-- well, when does it get good?

Keep your shirt on. Let me read.
	(reading again)
Westley had no money for marriage.
So he packed his few belongings
and left the farm to seek his
fortune across the sea.

					CUT TO:


They stand near the gate to the farm, locked in an embrace.

	(off-screen reading)
It was a very emotional time for
Buttercup --

	(off-screen groaning)
I don't be-leeve this.

I fear I'll never see you again.

Of course you will.

But what if something happens to

Hear this now: I will come for you.

But how can you be sure?

This is true love. You think this
happens every day?

He smiles at her, she smiles too, throws her arms so tightly
around him. They kiss. Then as Westley walks away, Buttercup
watches him go.

	(off-screen reading)
Westley didn't reach his
destination. His ship was attacked
by the Dread Pirate Roberts, who
never left captives alive. When
Buttercup got the news that
Westley was murdered --

	(off-screen, perking
	up a little)
-- murdered by pirates is good --

					CUT TO:

CLOSE UP: Buttercup, staring out the window of her room.

She went into her room and shut
the door. And for days, she
neither slept nor ate.

	(no emotion at all in
	her voice)
I will never love again.

HOLD ON HER FACE, perfect and perfectly sad.



The main courtyard of Florin replete with townspeople,
livestock, and a bustling marketplace.

	(off-screen reading)
Five years later, the main square
of Florin City was filled as
never before to hear the
announcement of the great Prince
Humperdinck's bride-to be.

					CUT TO:

PRINCE HUMPERDINCK, a man of incredible power and bearing,
standing in his royal robes on a castle balcony. Three
others standing behind him: an OLD COUPLE with crowns, the
aging KING AND QUEEN, and a dark bearded man who seems the
Prince's match in strength: this is COUNT RUGEN.

	(raises his hands,
	starts to speak)
My people ... a month from now,
our country will have its 500th
anniversary. On that sundown, I
shall marry a lady who was once a
commoner like yourselves --
-- but perhaps you will not find
her common now. Would you like to
meet her?

And the answering YESSSS booms like summer thunder.

					CUT TO:

A giant staircase leading to the CROWD and as a FIGURE just
begins to become visible,

					CUT TO:

THE CROWD, as they see the figure. (We haven't yet.) And if
there is such a thing as collective action, then this crowd,
collectively, holds its breath.

					CUT TO:

THE STAIRCASE, as the figure appears in the archway. It is
Buttercup. And she resplendent.

My people ... the Princess

She descends the stairs and starts to move amongst the people.

					CUT TO:

THE CROWD, and they do a very strange thing: with no
instruction at all, they suddenly go to their knees. Great
waves of people kneeling and –

					CUT TO:

BUTTERCUP, terribly moved. She stands immobile among her
subjects, blinking back tears. HOLD on her beauty for a

Buttercup's emptiness consumed
her. Although the law of the land
gave Humperdinck the right to
choose his bride, she did not
love him.

					CUT TO:


– and Buttercup, barreling along, controlling her horse

Despite Humperdinck's reassurance
that she would grow to love him,
the only joy she found was in her
daily ride.

					CUT TO:


Lovely, quiet, deserted. Buttercup suddenly reins in.

A word, my lady?

					CUT TO:

THREE MEN, standing close together in the path. Beyond them
can be seen the waters of Florin Channel. The three men are
not your everyday commuter types. Standing in front is a
tiny man with the most angelic face. He is Sicilian and his
name is VIZZINI. Beside him is a Spaniard, erect and taut as
a blade of steel. His name is INIGO MONTOYA. Beside him is a
giant. His name is FEZZIK.

We are but poor, lost circus
performers. Is there a village

There is nothing nearby; not for

Then there will be no one to hear
you scream-

He nods to the giant, Fezzik, who merely reaches over,
touches a nerve on Buttercup's neck, and the start of a
scream is all she manages –unconsciousness comes that fast.
As she starts to fall –

					CUT TO:


A sailboat is moored. It's dusk now, shadows are long.
Inigo, the Spaniard, busies himself getting the boat ready.

					CUT TO:

The giant Fezzik carries Buttercup, unconscious, on board.

Vizzini rips some tiny pieces of fabric from an army jacket
and tucks them along the saddle of Buttercup's horse. There
is about the entire operation a sense of tremendous skill
and precision.

What is that you're ripping?

	(not stopping or turning)
It's fabric from the uniform of
an Army officer of Guilder.

Who's Guilder?

	(pointing straight out)
The country across the sea. The
sworn enemy of Florin.
	(slaps the horse's rump)

The horse takes off. They start for the boat.

Once the horse reaches the
castle, the fabric will make the
Prince suspect the Guilderians
have abducted his love. When he
finds her body dead on the
Guilder frontier, his suspicions
will be totally confirmed.

You never said anything about
killing anyone.

Vizzini hops onto the boat.

I've hired you to help me start a
war. That's a prestigious line of
work with a long and glorious

I just don't think it's right,
killing an innocent girl.

	(whirling on Fezzik)
Am I going mad or did the word
"think" escape your lips? You
were not hired for your brains,
you hippopotamic land mass.

I agree with Fezzik.

					CUT TO:

CLOSE UP: Vizzini, in a fury.

	(We only thought he
	was in a fury --now
	he's really getting mad)
Oh. The sot has spoken. What
happens to her is not truly your
concern -- I will kill her --
And remember this -- never forget
this --

					CUT TO:

INIGO AND FEZZIK, as Vizzini advances on them. Nothing shows
on Inigo's face, but FEZZIK is panicked by Vizzini.

	(to Inigo)
-- when I found you, you were so
slobbering drunk you couldn't buy
brandy --
	(now to Fezzik, who
	retreats as much as he
	can while Vizzini advances)
-- and you -- friendless,
brainless, helpless, hopeless --
Do you want me to send you back
to where you were, unemployed in

Vizzini glares at him, then turns, leaves them.

During this, Inigo has gone close to FEZZIK, who is very
distressed at the insults he's just received. As Inigo casts

That Vizzini, he can fuss.
	(a slight emphasis on
	the last word)

	(looking at Inigo)
... fuss ... fuss ...
	(Suddenly, he's got it
	again, emphasis on the
	last word.)
I think he likes to scream at us.

Probably he means no harm.

He's really very short on charm.

Oh, you've a great gift for rhyme.

Yes, some of the time.
	(he starts to smile)

	(whirling on them)
Enough of that.

As they sail off, we hear their voices as the boat recedes.

FEZZIK, are there rocks ahead?

If there are, we'll all be dead.

No more rhymes now, I mean it.

Anybody want a peanut?

As Vizzini screams we:



Inigo is at the helm, FEZZIK stands near the body of the
princess, whose eyelids flutter slightly – or do they?
Vizzini sits motionless. The waves are higher, there are
only occasional flashes of moon slanting down between clouds.

	(to Inigo)
We'll reach the Cliffs by dawn.

Inigo nods, glances back.

Why are you doing that?

Making sure nobody's following us.

That would be inconceivable.

Despite what you think, you will
be caught. And when you are, the
Prince will see you all hanged.

Vizzini turns a cold eye on the Princess.

Of all the necks on this boat,
Highness, the one you should be
worrying about is your own.

Inigo keeps staring behind them.

Stop doing that. We can all
relax, it's almost over-

You're sure nobody's following us?

As I told you, it would be
absolutely, totally, and in all
other ways, inconceivable. No one
in Guilder knows what we've done.
And no one in Florin could have
gotten here so fast. Out of
curiosity, why do you ask?

No reason. It's only, I just
happened to look behind us, and
something is there.


And suddenly the three whirl, stare back and as they do –

					CUT TO:


It's hard to see; the moon is behind clouds now. But the
wind whistles. And the waves pound.

And suddenly it's all gone ominous.

					CUT TO:

INIGO, FEZZIK, AND VIZZINI squinting back, trying desperately
to see. At this moment, they are all holding their breaths.

					CUT TO:


And there's still nothing to be seen. It's still ominous.
Only now it's eerie too.

Then –

The moon slips through and –

Inigo was right – something is very much there. A sailboat.
Black. With a great billowing sail. Black. It's a good
distance behind them, but it's coming like hell, closing the

					CUT TO:


staring at the other boat.

	(explaining with as
	much logic as he can muster)
Probably some local fisherman out
for a pleasure cruise at night
through eel-infested waters.

And now as a sound comes from their boat they turn as we

					CUT TO:

BUTTERCUP, diving into the water, starting to swim away.

					CUT TO:


and Vizzini screaming.

Go in, get after her!

I don't swim.

	(to the unasked question)
I only dog paddle.

Veer left. Left. Left!

					CUT TO:


still close to the boat, switching from a crawl to a silent
breast stroke. The wind dies and as it does, something new
is heard. A not-too-distant high-pitched shrieking sound.
Buttercup stops suddenly, treads water.

					CUT TO:


Do you know what that sound is,
Highness? Those are the Shrieking
Eels -- if you doubt me, just
wait. They always grow louder
when they're about to feed on
human flesh.

					CUT TO:

BUTTERCUP, treading water, still not far from the boat. The
shrieking sounds are getting louder and more terrifying.
Buttercup stays silent.

					CUT TO:


If you swim back now, I promise,
no harm will come to you. I doubt
you will get such an offer from
the Eels.

					CUT TO:

BUTTERCUP, and she's a gutsy girl. The shrieking sound is
louder still, but she doesn't make a sound. Behind her now,
something dark and gigantic slithers past.

She's scared, sure, petrified, who wouldn't be, but she
makes no reply –

– and now a SHRIEKING EEL has zeroed in on her –

– and now she sees it, a short distance away, circling,
starting to close –

– and Buttercup is frozen, trying not to make a movement of
any kind –

– and the Eel slithers closer, closer –

– and Buttercup knows it now, there's nothing she can do,
it's over, all over –

– and now the Eel opens its mouth wide, and it's never made
such a noise, and as its great jaws are about to clamp
down –

She doesn't get eaten by the Eels
at this time.

And the second we hear him:

					CUT TO:


The Kid looks the same, pale and weak, but maybe he's
gripping the sheets a little too tightly with his hands.


The Eel doesn't get her. I'm
explaining to you because you
looked nervous.

Well, I wasn't nervous.

His Grandfather says nothing, just waits.

Well, maybe I was a little bit
concerned. But that's not the
same thing.

Because I can stop now if you want.

No. You could read a little bit
more ... if you want.

He grips the sheets again, as the Grandfather picks up the

"Do you know what that sound is,

					CUT TO:


We're back in the boat.

Those are the Shrieking Eels.

We're past that, Grandpa.

					CUT TO:


You read it already.

Oh. Oh my goodness, I did. I'm
sorry. Beg your pardon.

					CUT TO:


treading water.

All right, all right, let's see.
Uh, she was in the water, the Eel
was coming after her. She was
frightened. The Eel started to
charge her. And then -

And we're back where we were at the last moment we saw her,
Buttercup frozen, the Shrieking Eel, jaws wide, about to
clamp down as we

					CUT TO:


pounding the Eel unconscious in one move, then easily
lifting Buttercup.


The boat and FEZZIK, Buttercup being deposited on the deck.

Put her down. Just put her down.

					CUT TO:


pointing behind them.

I think he's getting closer.

Vizzini, tying Buttercup's hands.

He's no concern of ours. Sail on!
	(to Buttercup)
I suppose you think you're brave,
don't you?

	(staring deep at him)
Only compared to some.


The boat at dawn, being followed closely by the black
sailboat, which we can see for the first time is being
sailed by a MAN IN BLACK, and his boat almost seems to be

Look! He's right on top of us. I
wonder if he is using the same
wind we are using.

Whoever he is, he's too late --
	(pointing ahead of them)
-- see?
The Cliffs of Insanity.

And once he's said the name–

					CUT TO:


They rise straight up, sheer from the water, impossibly high.

					CUT TO:


in a wild race for the Cliffs and the Man In Black is
closing faster than ever, but not fast enough, the lead was
too great to overcome, and as Inigo sails with great
precision straight at the Cliffs

					CUT TO:


being pursued.

Hurry up. Move the thing! Um ...
that other thing. Move it!
	(staring back now)
We're safe -- only FEZZIK is
strong enough to go up our way --
he'll have to sail around for
hours 'til he finds a harbor.

There is much activity going on, all of it swift, expert,
economical. FEZZIK reaches up along the Cliff face, grabs a
jutting rock, reaches behind it. Suddenly there is a thick
rope in his hands. He drops back to the boat, gives the rope
a freeing swing and

					CUT TO:


The rope goes all the way to the top.

					CUT TO:


hurrying to FEZZIK. He straps a harness to him, then lifts
Buttercup and Vizzini in the harness. Finally, he himself
gets in the harness. All three are strapped to FEZZIK like

And he starts to ascend the rope, carrying them all along
with him as he goes.

					CUT TO:

THE MAN IN BLACK, sailing in toward the Cliffs of Insanity,
watching as FEZZIK rises swiftly through the first moments
of dawn.

					CUT TO:


FEZZIK'S GROUP is only faintly visible far below. This is
the first time we've gotten the real vertigo feeling and
it's a gasper.

					CUT TO:

FEZZIK CLIMBING ON. Buttercup is almost out of her mind with

					CUT TO:


FEZZIK is moving right along; however high they are, he's
already over a third of the way done.

					CUT TO:


leaping from his ship to the rope, starting to climb. He's
impossibly far behind, but the way he goes you'd think he
didn't know that because he is flying up the rope, hand over
hand like lightning.

					CUT TO:


	(looking down)
He's climbing the rope. And he's
gaining on us.


He prods FEZZIK, who nods, increases his pace.

					CUT TO:


roaring up the rope, and

					CUT TO:


– and the Man In Black is cutting deeply into FEZZIK's lead.

					CUT TO:



I thought I was going faster.

You were supposed to be this
colossus. You were this great,
legendary thing. And yet he gains.

Well, I'm carrying three people.
And he's got only himself.

	(cutting through)
-- I do not accept excuses.
	(shaking his head)
I'm just going to have to find
myself a new giant, that's all.

Don't say that, Vizzini. Please.

And his arms begin moving much more slowly.

					CUT TO:


His arms still work as before. If anything, he has speeded
up. FEZZIK's lead is smaller and smaller

					CUT TO:


Maybe a hundred feet for FEZZIK to go. Maybe more.

					CUT TO:

VIZZINI AND THE OTHERS, and it's getting too close now.

Did I make it clear that your job
is at stake?

					CUT TO:


less than a hundred feet behind them. And gaining.

					CUT TO:


Vizzini leaps off and takes out a knife, begins to cut the
rope which is tied around a great rock while Inigo helps the
Princess to her feet and FEZZIK just stands around, waiting
for someone to tell him to do something. Nearby are some
stone ruins. Once they might have been a fort, now the kind
of resemble Stonehenge.

					CUT TO:


feet from the top now, maybe less – maybe only 50 – and
his pace is as dazzling as before, and

					CUT TO:


cutting through the last of the rope and

					CUT TO:


slithering across the ground and out of sight toward the
Channel, like some great serpent at last going home.

					CUT TO:


standing with Inigo and Buttercup by the cliff edge.

	(to Inigo -- impressed)
He has very good arms.

					CUT TO:


hanging suspended hundreds of feet in the air, holding to
the jagged rocks, desperately trying to cling to life.

					CUT TO:


stunned, turning to the others, looking down.

He didn't fall? Inconceivable!!

	(whirling on Vizzini)
You keep using that word -- I do
not think it means what you think
it means.
	(looks down again)
My God! He's climbing.

					CUT TO:


and so he is. Very slowly, he is picking his way upwards,
sometimes a foot at a time, sometimes an inch.

					CUT TO:

The group at the top, staring down.

Whoever he is, he's obviously
seen us with the Princess, and
must therefore die.
	(to Fezzik)
You, carry her.
	(to Inigo)
We'll head straight for the
Guilder frontier. Catch up when
he's dead. If he falls, fine. If
not, the sword.

Inigo nods.

I want to duel him left-handed.

You know what a hurry we're in.

Well, it's the only way I can be
satisfied. If I use my right --
tch -- over too quickly.

	(turns abruptly,
	starts off-screen)
Oh, have it your way.

					CUT TO:


still creeping his way upward.

					CUT TO:


who goes to Inigo.

You be careful.
-- people in masks cannot be

	(calling out)
I'm waiting!

FEZZIK nods, hurries after Vizzini.

					CUT TO:


He watches them depart, then turns, peers down over the
Cliffs. He watches a moment, then paces, shaking his hands
loose. He practices a few of his honed fencing skills. He is
a taut and nervous fellow, and has never been one for
waiting around.

					CUT TO:


climbing on. He must be six inches closer to the top than
when last we saw him. Inigo is watching.

					CUT TO:


walking away. Finally he goes back to cliff edge, starts to
talk. It's instant death if the Man In Black falls, but
neither gives that possibility much credence. This is our
two heroes meeting. They don't know it yet; but that's what
it is.

	(hollering down)
Hello there.

The Man In Black glances up, kind of grunts.

Slow going?

Look, I don't mean to be rude,
but this is not as easy as it
looks. So I'd appreciate it if
you wouldn't distract me.


Thank you.

Inigo steps away, draws his sword, loosens up with a few
perfect thrusts. Then resheathes and looks eagerly over the
edge again.

I do not suppose you could speed
things up?

	(with some beat)
If you're in such a hurry, you
could lower a rope, or a tree
branch, or find something useful
to do.

I could do that. In fact, I've
got some rope up here. But I do
not think that you will accept my
help, since I am only waiting
around to kill you.

That does put a damper on our

He finds another bold a few inches higher.

But I promise I will not kill you
until you reach the top.

That's very comforting. But I'm
afraid you'll just have to wait.

I hate waiting. I could give you
my word as a Spaniard.

No good. I've known too many

And he just hangs there in space, resting, gathering his

You don't know any way you'll
trust me?

Nothing comes to mind.

And on these words, CAMERA ZOOMS into a CLOSE UP on Inigo.
He raises his right hand high, his eyes blaze, and his voice
takes on a tone we have not heard before.

I swear on the soul of my father,
Domingo Montoya, you will reach
the top alive.

					CUT TO:


There is a pause. Then, quietly:

Throw me the rope.

					CUT TO:


He dashes to the giant rock the rope was originally tied to.

					CUT TO:


as his grip loosens a moment, trying to cling to the side of
the cliff.

					CUT TO:


now with a small coil of rope, hurries back to the edge and
hurls it over –

					CUT TO:


It hangs close to the Man In Black. He releases the rocks,
grabs the rope, hangs helplessly in space a moment, then
looks up at Inigo and –

					CUT TO:


straining, forcing his body away from the cliff edge and –

					CUT TO:


rising through the early morning light, slowly, steadily,
and as the cliff top at last comes within reach –

					CUT TO:


watching as the Man In Black crawls to safety, then looks to

	(pulling his sword)
Thank you.

We'll wait until you're ready.

Again. Thank you.

The Man In Black sits to rest on the boulder that once held
the rope. He tugs off his leather boots and is amazed to see
several large rocks tumble out. The Man In Black wears
gloves. Inigo stares at them.

I do not mean to pry, but you
don't by any chance happen to
have six fingers on your right

He glances up – the question clearly baffles him.

Do you always begin conversations
this way?

My father was slaughtered by a
sixfingered man. He was a great
swordmaker, my father. And when
the six-fingered man appeared and
requested a special sword, my
father took the job. He slaved a
year before he was done.

He hands his sword to the Man In Black.

	(fondling it-impressed)
I have never seen its equal.

					CUT TO:


Even now, this still brings pain.

The six-fingered man returned and
demanded it, but at one-tenth his
promised price. My father refused.
Without a word, the six-fingered
man slashed him through the heart.
I loved my father, so, naturally,
challenged his murderer to a duel
... I failed ...

the six-fingered man did leave me
alive with the six-fingered
sword, but he gave me these.

He touches his scars.

					CUT TO:


looking up at Inigo.

How old were you?

I was eleven years old. When I
was strong enough, I dedicated my
life to the study of fencing. So
the next time we meet, I will not
fail. I will go up to the
sixfingered man and say, "Hello,
my name is Inigo Montoya. You
killed my father. Prepare to die."

You've done nothing but study

More pursuit than study lately.
You see, I cannot find him. It's
been twenty years now. I am
starting to lose confidence. I
just work for Vizzini to pay the
bills. There's not a lot of money
in revenge.

	(handing back the
	great sword, starting
	to rise)
Well, I certainly hope you find
him, someday.

You are ready, then?

Whether I am or not, you've been
more than fair.

You seem a decent fellow. I hate
to kill you.

	(walking away a few
	paces, unsheathing his sword)
You seem a decent fellow. I hate
to die.


And on that word –

					CUT TO:


And what we are starting now is one of the two greatest
sword fights in modern movies (the other one happens later
on), and right from the beginning it looks different.

Because they aren't close to each other – none of the
swordscrossing "en garde" garbage.

No, what we have here is two men, two athletes, and they
look to be too faraway to damage each other, but each time
one makes even the tiniest feint, the other counters, and
there is silence, and as they start to circle –

					CUT TO:


feinting here, feinting there and –

					CUT TO:


finished teasing, begin to duel in earnest.

Their swords cross, then again, again, and the sound comes
so fast it's almost continual. Inigo presses on, the Man In
Black retreating up a rocky incline.

You're using Bonetti's defense
against me, ah?

I thought it fitting, considering
the rocky terrain --

Naturally, you must expect me to
attack with Capo Ferro.

And he shifts his style now.

	(coping as best he can)
-- naturally --
	(suddenly shifting again)
--but I find Thibault cancels out
Capo Ferro, don't you?

The Man In Black is now perched at the edge of the elevated
castle ruin. No where to go, he jumps to the sand.

Inigo stares down at him.

Unless the enemy has studied his

And now, with the grace of an Olympian, Inigo flies off the
perch, somersaults clean over the Man In Black's head, and
lands facing his opponent.

-- which I have.

The two men are almost flying across the rocky terrain,
never losing balance, never coming close to stumbling; the
battle rages with incredible finesse, first one and then the
other gaining the advantage, and by now, it's clear that
this isn't just two athletes going at it, it's a lot more
that that. This is two legendary swashbucklers and they're
in their prime, it's Burt Lancaster in "The Crimson Pirate"
battling Errol Flynn in "Robin Hood" and then, incredibly,
the action begins going even faster than before as we

					CUT TO:


And behind him now, drawing closer all the time, is the
deadly edge of the Cliffs of Insanity. Inigo fights and
ducks and feints and slashes and it all works, but not for
long, as gradually the Man In Black keeps the advantage,
keeps forcing Inigo back, closer and closer to death.

	(happy as a clam)
You are wonderful!

Thank you -- I've worked hard to
become so.

The Cliff edge is very close now. Inigo is continually being
forced toward it.

I admit it -- you are better than
I am.

Then why are you smiling?

Inches from defeat, Inigo is, in fact, all smiles.

Because I know something you
don't know.

And what is that?

I am not left-handed.

And he throws the six-fingered sword into his right hand and
immediately, the tide of battle turns.

					CUT TO:


stunned, doing everything be can to keep Inigo by the Cliff
edge. But no use. Slowly at first, he begins to retreat. Now
faster, Inigo is in control and the Man In Black is desperate.

					CUT TO:


and the six-fingered sword is all but invisible now, as he
increases his attack, then suddenly switches styles again.

					CUT TO:

A ROCKY STAIRCASE leading to a turret-shaped plateau, and
the Man In Black is retreating like mad up the steps and he
can't stop Inigo – nothing can stop Inigo – and in a
frenzy, the Man In Black makes every feint, tries every
thrust, lets go with all he has left. But he fails.
Everything fails. He tries one or two final desperate moves
but they are nothing.

You're amazing!

I ought to be after twenty years.

And now the Man In Black is smashed into a stone pillar,
pinned there under the six fingered sword.

	(hollering it out)
There's something I ought to tell

Tell me.

I am not left-handed either.

And now he changes hands, and at last, the battle is fully

					CUT TO:


And to his amazement, he is being forced back down the steps.
He tries one style, another, but it all comes down to the
same thing – the Man In Black seems to be in control. And
before Inigo knows it, the six-fingered sword is knocked
clear out of his hand.

Inigo retreats, dives from the stairs to a moss-covered bar
suspended over the archway. He swings out, lands, and
scrambles to his sword and we

					CUT TO:


who watches Inigo, then casually tosses his sword to the
landing where it sticks in perfectly. Then the Man In Black
copies INIGO. Not copies exactly, improves.

He dives to the bar, swings completely over it like a circus
performer and dismounts with a backflip.

					CUT TO:


staring in awe.

Who are you?!

No one of consequence.

I must know.

Get used to disappointment.


					CUT TO:


moving like lightning, and he thrusts forward, slashes,
darts back, all in almost a single movement and –

					CUT TO:


Dodging, blocking, and again he thrusts forward, faster even
than before, and again he slashes but –

					CUT TO:


And there is never a move anyone makes he doesn't remember,
and this time he blocks the slash, slashes out himself with
the sixfingered sword.

On it goes, back and forth across the rocky terrain, Inigo's
feet moving with the grace and speed of a great
improvisational dancer.

					CUT TO:


as it is knocked free, arching up into the air, and –

					CUT TO:


catching it again. And something terrible is written behind
his eyes: he has given his all, done everything man can do,
tried every style, made every maneuver, but it wasn't
enough, and on his face for all to see is the realization
that he, Inigo Montoya of Spain, is going to lose.

					CUT TO:


moving in for the end now, blocking everything, muzzling
everything and

					CUT TO:


sent flying from Inigo's grip. He stands helpless only a
moment. Then be drops to his knees, bows his head, shuts his

Kill me quickly.

I would as soon destroy a stained
glass window as an artist like
yourself. However, since I can't
have you following me either --

And he dunks Inigo's head with his heavy sword handle. Inigo
pitches forward unconscious.

Please understand, I hold you in
the highest respect.

He grabs his scabbard and takes off after the Princess and we

					CUT TO:




Vizzini, staring down from a narrow mountain path, as far
below the Man In Black can be seen running. FEZZIK, carrying
the Princess, stands alongside. It's a little later in the

Give her to me.
	(grabs Buttercup
	starts off)
Catch up with us quickly.

	(starting to panic)
What do I do?

Finish him, finish him. Your way.

Oh, good, my way. Thank you,
	(little pause)
Which way is my way?

					CUT TO:


Nothing gigantic. Vizzini points to them. There is a large
boulder nearby.

Pick up one of those rocks, get
behind the boulder, and in a few
minutes, the Man in Black will
come running around the bend. The
minute his head is in view, hit
it with the rock!

As Vizzini and Buttercup hurry away.

	(little frown; softly)
My way's not very sportsmanlike.

He grabs one of the rocks and plods behind the boulder and
we –



racing up the mountain trail. Ahead is a bend in the trail.
He sees it, slows. Then he stops, listening.

Satisfied by the silence, he starts forward again and as he
rounds the bend – a rock flies INTO FRAME, shattering on a
boulder inches in front of him.

					CUT TO:


He moves into the mountain path. He has picked up another
rock and holds it lightly.

I did that on purpose. I don't
have to miss.

I believe you -- So what happens

We face each other as God intended.
Sportsmanlike. No tricks, no
weapons, skill against skill alone.

You mean, you'll put down your
rock and I'll put down my sword,
and we'll try to kill each other
like civilized people?

I could kill you now.

He gets set to throw, but the Man In Black shakes his head,
takes off his sword and scabbard, begins the approach toward
the Giant.

Frankly, I think the odds are
slightly in your favor at hand

It's not my fault being the
biggest and the strongest. I
don't even exercise.

He flips the rock away.

					CUT TO:


The Man In Black is not now and has never been a shrimp. But
it's like he wasn't even there, FEZZIK towers over him so

There is a moment's pause, and then the Man In Black dives
at FEZZIK's chest, slams him several tremendous blows in the
stomach, twists his arm severely, slips skillfully into a
beautifully applied bear hug, and in general makes any
number of terrific wrestling moves.

FEZZIK just stands there, kind of taking in the scenery.
Finally the Man In Black pushes himself away, stares up at
the Giant.

Look are you just fiddling around
with me or what?

I just want you to feel you're
doing well. I hate for people to
die embarrassed.

They get set to begin again. Then suddenly –

					CUT TO:


as he jumps forward with stunning speed for anyone his size
and reaches for the Man In Black who drops to his knees,
spins loose, and slips between the Giant's legs.

You're quick.

And a good thing too.

	(getting set for
	another onslaught)
Why do you wear a mask? Were you
burned by acid, or something like

Oh no. It's just that they're
terribly comfortable. I think
everyone will be wearing them in
the future.

FEZZIK considers this a moment, then attacks, and if he
moved quickly last time, this time he is blinding and as the
Man In Black slips down to avoid the charge, FEZZIK moves
right with him, only instead of twisting free and jumping to
his feet, this time the Man In Black jumps for FEZZIK's back
and in a moment he is riding him, and his arms have FEZZIK's
throat, locked across FEZZIK's windpipe, one in front, one
behind. The Man In Black begins to squeeze. Tighter.

	(standing, talking as
	he does so)
I just figured out why you give
me so much trouble.

					CUT TO:


as he charges toward a huge rock that lines the path, and
just as he reaches it he spins his giant body so that the
entire weight of the charge is taken by the Man In Black.

					CUT TO:


And the power of the charge is terrible, the pain enormous,
but he clings to his grip at FEZZIK's windpipe.

	(his arms never leave
	Fezzik's throat)
Why is that, do you think?

	(his voice just
	beginning to get a
	little strained)
Well, I haven't fought just one
person for so long. I've been
specializing in groups. Battling
gangs for local charities, that
kind of thing.

					CUT TO:


Again FEZZIK charges, slower this time, but still a charge,
and again he spins and creams the Man In Black against the
rough boulder.

					CUT TO:


And the punishment is terrible, and for a moment it seems as
if he is going to let go of Fezzik's windpipe and crumble,
but he doesn't, he holds on.

Why should that make such a

Well ...
	(And now his voice is
	definitely growing weaker)
... you see, you use different
moves when you're fighting half a
dozen people than when you only
have to be worried about one.

Again FEZZIK slams the Man In Black against a boulder, only
this time his power has diminished and Fezzik starts to
slowly collapse.

					CUT TO:


and there isn't much breath coming.

					CUT TO:


holding his grip as FEZZIK tries to stand, halfway makes it,
but there is no air. Back to his knees he falls, holds there
for a moment, and pitches down to all fours. The Man In
Black increases the pressure. FEZZIK tries to crawl. But
there is just no air. No air. FEZZIK goes to earth and lies

					CUT TO:


as the Man In Black turns him over, puts his ear to FEZZIK's
heart. It beats. The Man In Black stands.

I don't envy you the headache you
will have when you awake. But, in
the meantime, rest well ... and
dream of large women.

And he nimbly scoops up his sword with his foot, catches it
and as he dashes off up along the mountain path –

					CUT TO:


as he slips his boot into a foot print in the sand.

Count Rugen mounted, watches. Behind him, half a dozen armed
WARRIORS, also mounted. A GREAT WHITE HORSE waits riderless
in front. Humperdinck is all over the rocky ground, and
maybe he isn't the best hunter in the world. Then again,
maybe he is. Because, as he begins to put his feet into
strange positions, we realize that what he is doing is
miming the fencers.

There was a mighty duel -- it
ranged all over. They were both

Who won? How did it end?

	(looking down in the
	position where Inigo
	fell unconscious)
The loser ran off alone.
	(points in the
	direction Vizzini and
	FEZZIK took)
The winner followed those
footprints toward Guilder!

Shall we track them both?

The loser is nothing. -- Only the
Princess matters --
	(to the armed warriors)
-- clearly this was all planned
by warriors of Guilder. We must
be ready for whatever lies ahead.

Could this be a trap?

	(vaulting onto his horse)
I always think everything could
be a trap -- Which is why I'm
still alive.

And he gallops off –

					CUT TO:


cresting the peak of the mountain.

					CUT TO:


a knife pointed at a throat – PULL BACK TO REVEAL Vizzini
munching on an apple, holding the knife to Buttercup's
throat. She is blindfolded.

A PICNIC SPREAD is laid out. A tablecloth, two goblets and
between them, a small leather wine container. And some
cheese and a couple of apples. The picnic is set on a lovely
spot, high on the edge of a mountain path with a view all
the way back to the sea.

The Man In Black comes running around the path, sees Vizzini,
slows. The two men study each other. Then –

So, it is down to you. And it is
down to me.

The Man In Black nods and comes nearer –

If you wish her dead, by all
means keep moving forward.

And he pushes his long knife harder against Buttercup's
unprotected throat.

Let me explain-

-- there's nothing to explain.
You're trying to kidnap what I've
rightfully stolen.

Perhaps an arrangement can be

There will be no arrangement --
-- and you're killing her!

					CUT TO:


as Vizzini jabs with his long knife. Buttercup gasps against
the pain.

					CUT TO:


stopping fast.

But if there can be no
arrangement, then we are at an

I'm afraid so -- I can't compete
with you physically. And you're
no match for my brains.

You're that smart?

Let me put it this way: have you
ever heard of Plato, Aristotle,



Really? In that case, I challenge
you to a battle of wits.

For the Princess?

The Man In Black nods.

To the death?

Another nod.

I accept.

Good. Then pour the wine.

As Vizzini fills the goblets with the dark red liquid, the
Man In Black pulls a small packet from his clothing, handing
it to Vizzini.

Inhale this, but do not touch.

	(doing it)
I smell nothing.

	(taking the packet back)
What you do not smell is called
iocane powder. It is odorless,
tasteless, dissolves instantly in
liquid, and is among the more
deadlier poisons known to man.


					CUT TO:


watching excitedly as the Man In Black takes the goblets,
turns his back. A moment later, he turns again, faces
Vizzini, drops the iocane packet. It is now empty.

The Man In Black rotates the goblets in a little shell game
maneuver then puts one glass in front of Vizzini, the other
in front of himself.

All right: where is the poison?
The battle of wits has begun. It
ends when you decide and we both
drink, and find out who is right
and who is dead.

But it's so simple. All I have to
do is divine from what I know of
you. Are you the sort of man who
would put the poison into his own
goblet, or his enemy's?

He studies the Man In Black now.

Now, a clever man would put the
poison into his own goblet,
because he would know that only a
great fool would reach for what
he was given. I'm not a great
fool, so I can clearly not choose
the wine in front of you. But you
must have known I was not a great
fool; you would have counted on
it, so I can clearly not choose
the wine in front of me.

	(And now there's a
	trace of nervousness beginning)
You've made your decision then7

Not remotely. Because iocane
comes from Australia, as everyone
knows. And Australia is entirely
peopled with criminals. And
criminals are used to having
people not trust them, as you are
not trusted by me. So I can
clearly not choose the wine in
front of you.

Truly, you have a dizzying

Wait till I get going! Where was I?


Yes -- Australia, and you must
have suspected I would have known
the powder's origin, so I can
clearly not choose the wine in
front of me.

	(very nervous)
You're just stalling now.

You'd like to think that, wouldn't
	(stares at the Man in Black)
You've beaten my giant, which
means you're exceptionally strong.
So, you could have put the poison
in your own goblet, trusting on
your strength to save you. So I
can clearly not choose the wine
in front of you. But, you've also
bested my Spaniard which means
you must have studied. And in
studying, you must have learned
that man is mortal so you would
have put the poison as far from
yourself as possible, so I can
clearly not choose the wine in
front of me.

As Vizzini's pleasure has been growing throughout, the Man
In Black's has been fast disappearing.

You're trying to trick me into
giving away something -- it won't
work --

It has worked -- you've given
everything away -- I know where
the poison is.

	(fool's courage)
Then make your choice.

I will. And I choose --

And suddenly he stops, points at something behind the Man In

-- what in the world can that be?

					CUT TO:


turning around, looking.

What? Where? I don't see anything.

					CUT TO:


busily switching the goblets while the Man In Black has his
head turned.

Oh, well, I-I could have sworn I
saw something. No matter.

The Man In Black turns to face him again. Vizzini starts to

What's so funny?

I'll tell you in a minute. First,
let's drink -- me from my glass,
and you from yours.

And he picks up his goblet. The Man In Black picks up the
one in front of him. As they both start to drink, Vizzini
hesitates a moment.

Then, allowing the Man In Black to drink first, he swallows
his wine.

You guessed wrong.

	(roaring with laughter)
You only think I guessed wrong --
	(louder now)
-- that's what's so funny! I
switched glasses when your back
was turned. You fool.

					CUT TO:


There's nothing he can say. He just sits there.

					CUT TO:


watching him.

You fell victim to one of the
classic blunders. The most famous
is "Never get involved in a land
war in Asia." But only slightly
less well known is this: "Never
go in against a Sicilian when
death is on the line."

He laughs and roars and cackles and whoops and is in all
ways quite cheery until he falls over dead.

					CUT TO:


stepping past the corpse, taking the blindfold and bindings
off Buttercup, who notices Vizzini lying dead.

The Man In Black pulls her to her feet.

Who are you?

I am no one to be trifled with,
that is all you ever need know.

He starts to lead her off the mountain path into untraveled

	(a final glance back
	toward Vizzini)
To think -- all that time it was
your cup that was poisoned.

They were both poisoned. I spent
the last few years building up an
immunity to iocane powder.

And with that, he takes off, dragging her behind him.

					CUT TO:


It's where FEZZIK fought the Man in Black. CAMERA PULLS BACK
TO REVEAL the Prince, kneeling, inspecting every grain of
misplaced sand. The others wait behind him.

Someone has beaten a giant!
There will be great suffering in
Guilder if she dies.

He leaps onto his horse and they charge off.

					CUT TO:


The Man In Black comes running into view, still dragging
Buttercup, who sometimes stumbles, but he keeps forcing her
along. Finally, when she is close to exhaustion, he lets go
of her.

	(his voice harsh now,
	carrying the promise
	of violence)
Catch your breath.

If you'll release me ... whatever
you ask for ransom ... you'll get
it, I promise you...

And what is that worth, the
promise of a woman? You're very
funny, Highness.

I was giving you a chance. No
matter where you take me ...
there's no greater hunter than
Prince Humperdinck. He could
track a falcon on a cloudy day.
He can find you

You think your dearest love will
save you?

I never said he was my dearest
love. And yes, he will save me.
That I know.

You admit to me you do not love
your fiance?

He knows I do not love him.

"Are not capable of love" is what
you mean.

I have loved more deeply than a
killer like yourself could ever

And the Man In Black cocks back a fist. Buttercup flinches,
but does not retreat.

That was a warning, Highness. The
next time, my hand flies on its
own. For where I come from, there
are penalties when a woman lies.

					CUT TO:


The picnic is spread as before.

CAMERA PULLS BACK TO REVEAL the Prince kneeling by the body
as the others ride up. The Prince grabs the empty poison
packet, hands it to Rugen, after first sniffing it himself.

Iocane. I'd bet my life on it.
	(gestures to the trail ahead)
And there are the Princess's
footprints. She is alive ... or
was, an hour ago. If she is
otherwise when I find her, I
shall be very put out.

And as he vaults onto his horse and the all charge off –

					CUT TO:


being spun INTO CAMERA view, falling heavily as the Man In
Black releases her. We are at the edge of an almost sheer
ravine. The drop is sharp and severe. Below, the ravine
floor is flat, but getting there would not be half the fun.

Rest, Highness.

	(stares at him)
I know who you are -- your
cruelty reveals everything.

The Man In Black says nothing.

You're the Dread Pirate Roberts;
admit it.

With pride. What can I do for you?

You can die slowly cut into a
thousand pieces.

Hardly complimentary, Your
Highness. Why loose your venom on

CLOSE UP - BUTTERCUP, quietly now.

You killed my love.

					CUT TO:


watching her closely.

It's possible; I kill a lot of
people. Who was this love of
yours? Another Prince, like this
one, ugly, rich, and scabby?

No. A farm boy. Poor. Poor and
perfect, with eyes like the sea
after a storm.

					CUT TO:


And probably, if she did not hate Roberts so, there would be

On the high seas, your ship
attacked, and the Dread Pirate
Roberts never takes prisoners.

	(explaining as a
	teacher might)
I can't afford to make exceptions.
Once word leaks out that a pirate
has gone soft, people begin to
disobey you, and then it's
nothing but work, work, work, all
the time.

You mock my pain!

Life is pain, Highness. Anyone
who says differently is selling
something. I remember this farm
boy of yours, I think. This would
be, what, five years ago?

Buttercup nods.

Does it bother you to hear?

Nothing you can say will upset me.

He died well, that should please
you. No bribe attempts or
blubbering. He simply said,
"Please. Please, I need to live."
It was the "please" that caught
my memory.

I asked him what was so important
for him. "True love," he replied.
And then he spoke of a girl of
surpassing beauty and faithfulness.
I can only assume he meant you.
You should bless me for destroying
him before he found out what you
really are.

And what am I?

Faithfulness he talked of, madam.
Your enduring faithfulness. Now,
tell me truly. When you found out
he was gone, did you get engaged
to your prince that same hour, or
did you wait a whole week out of
respect for the dead?

You mocked me once, never do it
again -- I died that day!

The Man In Black is about to reply as they stand there on
the edge of the sheer ravine. But then something catches his
attention and as he stares at it briefly,

					CUT TO:


The dust cloud caused by Humperdinck's HORSES is rising up
into the sky.

					CUT TO:


and while his attention is on the dust cloud, rising high,
she pushes him with all the strength she has.

You can die too, for all I care!!

					CUT TO:


teetering on the ravine edge, for a moment, then he begins
to fall. Down goes the Man In Black.

Down, down, rolling, spinning, crashing always down toward
the flat rock floor of the ravine.

					CUT TO:


staring transfixed at what she has wrought.

There is a long pause. She stands there, alone, as from far
below the words come to her, drifting on the wind –

... as ... you ... wish...

Oh, my sweet Westley; what have I

And without a second thought or consideration of the dangers,
she starts into the ravine. A moment later, she too is
falling, spinning and twisting, crashing and torn,
cartwheeling down toward what is left of her beloved.

					CUT TO:




Prince Humperdinck and the others reining in at the spot
where Buttercup promised ransom in exchange for her freedom.
The Prince shakes his head.

Disappeared. He must have seen us
closing in, which might account
for his panicking in error.
Unless I'm wrong, and I am never
wrong, they are headed dead into
the fire swamp.

					CUT TO:


The mere mention of the Fire Swamp makes him pale.

					CUT TO:


TWO BODIES lie a few feet apart, not moving. It is, of
course, Buttercup and Westley. They might be corpses. After
a time, Westley slowly forces his body into motion and as he

					CUT TO:


bruised and torn, as Westley crawls slowly toward her.

Can you move at all?

	(weakly stretching out
	an arm toward him)
Move? You're alive. If you want,
I can fly.

I told you, "I would always come
for you." Why didn't you wait for

Well ... you were dead.

Death cannot stop true love. All
it can do is delay it for a while.

I will never doubt again.

There will never be a need.

And now, they begin to kiss; it's a tender kiss, tender and
loving and gentle and –

Oh no. No, please.

					CUT TO:


What is it? What's the matter?

They're kissing again, do we have
to hear the kissing part?

Someday, you may not mind so much.

Skip on to the Fire Swamp -- that
sounded good.

Oh. You're sick, I'll humor you.
	(he picks up the book again)
So now, where were we here? Yeah,
yeah, yeah. Ah. Oh. Okay. Westley
and Buttercup raced along the
ravine floor.

					CUT TO:


racing along the ravine floor. Westley glances up.

					CUT TO:


perched on top of the cliff, looking down at Westley and

					CUT TO:


Ha. Your pig fiance is too late.
A few more steps and we'll be
safe in the Fire Swamp.

					CUT TO:


and Westley has tried to say it with Chevalier-like
nonchalance, but she ain't buying.

We'll never survive.

Nonsense -- you're only saying
that because no one ever has.

As they race off, leaving Humperdinck and his men stranded,

					CUT TO:


And it really doesn't look any worse than any other moist,
sulphurous, infernal horror you might run across. Great
trees block the sun.

					CUT TO:


Buttercup is clearly panicked and maybe Westley is too, but
he moves jauntily along, sword in hand.

It's not that bad. I'm not saying
I'd like to build a summer home
here, but the trees are actually
quite lovely.

THE GIANT TREES, thick and black-green, look ominous as hell
and they shield all but intermittent stripes of sun.

A GIANT SPURT OF FLAME leaps up, preceded by a slight
popping sound, and this particular spurt of flame misses
Westley, but Buttercup is suddenly onfire; at least the
lower half of her is and –

					CUT TO:


instantly forcing Buttercup to sit, gathering her flaming
hem in his hands, doing his best to suffocate the fire. This
isn't all that easy and it causes him a bit of grief, but he
does his best to sound as jaunty as before.

Well now, that was an adventure.

He examines where the flames burst over her.

Singed a bit, were you?

	(She wasn't and she
	shakes her head "no")

He was, and he shakes his head "no." As he pulls her to her
feet –

					CUT TO:


– and as there's another popping sound,

					CUT TO:


pulling her aside to safety as another great spun of flame
suddenly shoots up.

Well, one thing I will say. The
Fire Swamp certainly does keep
you on your toes.

Buttercup is frozen with fear. He takes her hand, gently
leads her forward as we-

					CUT TO:


moving slowly along through a particularly dangerous part of
the Fire Swamp.

It's later now, the sun slants down at a slightly different

This will all soon be but a happy
memory because Roberts' ship
"Revenge" is anchored at the far
end. And I, as you know, am

But how is that possible, since
he's been marauding twenty years
and you only left me five years

I myself am often surprised at
life's little quirks.

There is again a popping sound, then a huge spurt of flame.
Westley simply picks up Buttercup as they walk along, moves
her out of danger, puts her back down, goes right on talking
without missing a beat.

You see, what I told you before
about saying "please" was true.
It intrigued Roberts, as did my
descriptions of your beauty.

					CUT TO:


they look like they could be flesh eating. Westley takes his
sword, slices a path for them to follow. The vines groan as
they fall. He's been chatting away the entire time.

Finally, Roberts decided something.
He said, "All right, Westley,
I've never had a valet. You can
try it for tonight. I'll most
likely kill you in the morning."
Three years he said that. "Good
night, Westley. Good work. Sleep
well. I'll most likely kill you
in the morning." It was a fine
time for me. I was learning to
fence, to fight, anything anyone
would teach me. And Roberts and I
eventually became friends. And
then it happened.

What? -- go on --

Westley picks her up, carrying her across some swamp water
that is bridged by a narrow, rickety tree branch.

Well, Roberts had grown so rich,
he wanted to retire. So he took
me to his cabin and told me his
secret. "I am not the Dread
Pirate Roberts," he said. "My
name is Ryan. I inherited this
ship from the previous Dread
Pirate Roberts, just as you will
inherit it from me. The man I
inherited it from was not the
real Dread Pirate Roberts, either.

His name was Cummerbund. The real
Roberts has been retired fifteen
years and living like a king in
Patagonia." Then he explained the
name was the important thing for
inspiring the necessary fear. You
see, no one would surrender to
the Dread Pirate Westley.

The two of them have by now crossed the pond.

So we sailed ashore, took on an
entirely new crew and he stayed
aboard for awhile as first mate,
all the time calling me Roberts.
Once the crew believed, he left
the ship and I have been Roberts
ever since. Except, now that
we're together, I shall retire
and hand the name over to someone
else. Is everything clear to you?

Buttercup, perplexed, is about to reply but the ground she
steps on gives way – it's Lightning Sand – a great patch
of it, and it has her – a cloud of powder rises and she
sinks into the stuff crying Westley's name but then she is
gone as we –

					CUT TO:


slashing at a U-shaped vine, hacks it in half – it's still
connected to the tree. Then be grabs it, drops his sword,
and, clutching the other end of the vine, he dives into the
lightning sand and there is another cloud of white powder,
but it settles quickly.

Now nothing can be seen. Nothing at all. Just the lightning
sand, lovely and lethal.


An odd panting sound is heard now. The panting sound is
suddenly very loud. And then a giant R.0.U.S. darts into
view. The R.0.U.S. – a Rodent of Unusual Size – is probably
no more than eighty pounds of bone and power. It sniffs
around a bit then, as quickly as it has come, it goes.

					CUT TO:


as Westley, lungs long past the bursting point, explodes
out; he has Buttercup across his shoulders and as he pulls
to the edge of the lightning sand pit, using the vine –

					CUT TO:


Her face is caked with the white powder. It is in her eyes,
her ears, hair, mouth. She's still probably beautiful, but
you have to look awfully hard to see it. As Westley continues
to pull them to safety –

					CUT TO:

THE R.0.U.S.

high above them; it watches –

					CUT TO:


placed against a tree. Westley is cleaning the lightning
sand from her face. He hesitates, glances around and

					CUT TO:

THE R.0.U.S.

on a much lower branch now. It stares down at Westley.

Westley stares back up at the beast. Buttercup is oblivious.
Her eyes flutter. He continues to work on her as –

We'll never succeed -- we may as
well die here.

No. No. We have already succeeded.

He glances back again. Now THERE ARE TWO R.0.U.S.'s. The
have climbed into a nearby tree, stare hungrily down.

					CUT TO:

WESTLEY, picking her up.

He puts an arm around her, starts to walk with her as he
encouragingly goes on talking.

I mean, what are the three
terrors of the Fire Swamp? One,
the flame spurts. No problem.
There's a popping sound preceding
each, we can avoid that. Two, the
Lightning Sand. But you were
clever enough to discover what
that looks like, so in the future
we can avoid that too.

Westley, what about the R.O.U.S.'s?

Rodents of Unusual Size? I don't
think they exist...

And as he says that, a R.0.U.S. comes flying at him from

					CUT TO:


screaming and –

Westley, pinned under the attacking R.0.U.S., trying to fend
it off. Can't. The thing's teeth sink deep into his arm. He

Westley drives a fist into the beast's face, rolling it off.
He reaches for his sword just a few feet away, but the
R.0.U.S. is back atop him. It's a fierce battle, and just
when we think Westley can't possibly win, he flips the ugly
rodent clear.

Westley scrambles for his sword. The R.0.U.S. stampedes on,
changing its target, heading right for –

Buttercup, and she's scared to death and –


Westley abandons his sword, reaching for the rodent, grabbing
only a tail, wrestling with it. Buttercup grabs a small
branch, and using it as a club, beats the skull of the
thing, doing pretty well, but the beast manages to snag her
hem with its razor teeth, and she's pulled to the ground, and

					CUT TO:


jumping onto its back, and the R.0.U.S. is all over him now,
sinking needle teeth into Westley's shoulder.

					CUT TO:


with death close at hand, as a popping sound starts. He
tries one desperate move, rolls into the sound –

					CUT TO:


shooting skyward and –

					CUT TO:


with the R.0.U.S. pinned under him, and as the beast bursts
into flame, it lets go and Westley rolls safely free, grabs
his sword and exhaustedly stabs the R.0.U.S., which is
trying to put itself out.

The R.0.U.S. collapses dead. Westley stands motionless,
exhausted. The danger has passed.

					CUT TO:





Beyond, a beach.

					CUT TO:


	(almost in disbelief)
We did it.

Now, was that so terrible?

And from somewhere they summon strength, pick up their pace,
and as they reach the edge of the Fire Swamp –

					CUT TO:


Humperdinck on his horse, Rugen beside him. THREE WARRIORS,
armed and ready, are mounted in formation behind. Buttercup
and Westley are at the edge of the Fire Swamp, about to
leave it. They stop. Buttercup looks beyond exhaustion.
Westley looks worse.


It's dusk. Behind Humperdinck are the waters of the bay.

					CUT TO:


staring out at the others.

You mean you wish to surrender to
me? Very well, I accept.

I give you full marks for
bravery --don't make yourself a

Ah, but how will you capture us?
We know the secrets of the Fire
Swamp. We can live there quite
happily for some time. So,
whenever you feel like dying,
feel free to visit.

I tell you once again -- surrender!

It will not happen!

					CUT TO:


looking from one to the other; then something else catches
her eye and we –

					CUT TO:


in shadow, with a loaded crossbow aimed at Westley's heart.

					CUT TO:


looking the other way –

					CUT TO:


crossbow aimed at Westley.

For the last time -- SURRENDER!

	(roaring right back, bigger)

					CUT TO:


frantically staring around, and now

					CUT TO:


crossbow stretched, ready to shoot; this one is hidden in a
tree blocking any escape Westley might try.

Will you promise not to hurt him?

					CUT TO:


whirling to face her.

What was that?

					CUT TO:


whirling to face her.

What was that?

					CUT TO:


talking to them both.

If we surrender, and I return
with you, will you promise not to
hurt this man?

May I live a thousand years and
never hunt again.

	(looks at Westley)
He is a sailor on the pirate ship
"Revenge." Promise to return him
to his ship.

I swear it will be done.

					CUT TO:


staring deep into each other's eyes.

					CUT TO:


Once we're out of sight, take him
back to Florin and throw him in
the Pit of Despair.

	(almost a smile)
I swear it will be done.

					CUT TO:


I thought you were dead once, and
it almost destroyed me. I could
not bear it if you died again,
not when I could save you.

Westley is dazed. Silent.

Buttercup tries to speak again, can't, and is swooped off
her feet onto Humperdinck's horse, and off they go.

					CUT TO:


staring after her. Rugen watches as his warriors bring
Westley to him. The Count has a heavy sword and he holds it
in his hand.

Come, sir. We must get you to
your ship.

We are men of action. Lies do not
become us.

Well spoken, sir --

Westley is looking at him.

-- what is it?

You have six fingers on your
right hand -- someone was looking
for you --

Count Rugen clubs Westley hard across the skull. Westley
starts to fall –the screen goes black.



Dank and chill, underground and windowless, lit by flickering
torches. Frightening. Westley lies in the center of the
cage, chained and helpless.

					CUT TO:


Dead pale, he silently enters the pit, carrying a tray of
food and medication. He puts it down.

Where am I?

	(he only whispers)
The Pit of Despair.

He begins tending Westley's wounds. Westley winces.

Don't even think --
	(A hack, sputter,
	cough - now his voice
	seems normal again)
-- don't even think about trying
to escape. The chains are far too
thick. And don't dream of being
rescued either. The only way in
is secret. And only the Prince,
the Count, and I know how to get
in and out.

Then I'm here till I die?

	(working away)
Till they kill you. Yeah.

Then why bother curing me?

The Prince and the Count always
insist on everyone being healthy
before they're broken.

So it's to be torture.

The albino nods.

I can cope with torture.

The albino shakes his head.

You don't believe me?

You survived the Fire Swamp. You
must be very brave...
	(little pause)
... but nobody withstands The

He studies Westley, whose face is almost sad.

					CUT TO:


and her face is sad. Pallid, perhaps ill. She wanders down a
corridor in Florin Castle. As she moves unseeing past an
intersecting corridor:

					CUT TO:


watching her.

She's been like that ever since
the Fire Swamp.
	(looks at Rugen)
It's my father's failing health
that's upsetting her.

Of course.

As they move on–

					CUT TO:


CAMERA HOLDS ON IT while we hear the Grandfather's voice

The King died that very night,
and before the following dawn,
Buttercup and Humperdinck were

					CUT TO:


And if we thought it was packed before, we didn't know how
many more could fit in this courtyard. Humperdinck, Rugen
and the Queen stand high on the balcony.

And at noon, she met her subjects
again. This time as their Queen.

My father's final words were...

-- hold it. Hold it, Grandpa.

And the scene FREEZES, Humperdinck caught in mid-sentence.

					CUT TO:


The Kid is half sitting now, not strong yet, but clearly
stronger than when we first saw him.

You read that wrong. She doesn't
marry Humperdinck, she marries
Westley. I'm just sure of it.
After all that Westley did for
her, if she does not marry him,
it wouldn't be fair.

Well, who says life is fair?
Where is that written? Life isn't
always fair.

I'm telling you you're messing up
the story, now get it right!

Do you want me to go on with this?


All right, then. No more
	(starts to read again)
... at noon, she met her subjects
again. This time as their Queen.

And on these words–

					CUT TO:


My father's final words were
"love her as I loved her, and
there will be joy." I present to
you your Queen. Queen Buttercup.

And on his words–

					CUT TO:


and it's gigantic.

					CUT TO:


we saw before, as Buttercup emerges.

					CUT TO:


suddenly going to its knees, wave after wave of silent
KNEELING PEOPLE. All of them down.

					CUT TO:


touched as before, but then she seems stunned as we

					CUT TO:


WOMAN approaches Buttercup through the crowd, BOOING every
step of the way.

Why do you do this?

Because you had love in your
hands, and you gave it up.

But they would have killed
Westley if I hadn't done it.

Your true love lives and you
marry another --
	(to the crowd)
-- True love saved her in the
Fire Swamp, and she treated it
like garbage. And that's what she
is, the Queen of Refuse! So, bow
down to her if you want. Bow to
her. Bow to the Queen of Slime,
the Queen of Filth, the Queen of
Putrescence. Boo! Boo! Rubbish!
Filth! Slime! Muck! Boo! Boo!

She advances on Buttercup now, who is more and more panicked.


Louder and louder and LOUDER she shrieks vituperation at
Buttercup, reaching out her old hands toward Buttercup's
throat, and Buttercup is as frightened now as Dorothy was
when the Witch went after her in "The Wizard of Oz", and

					CUT TO:


coming out of her nightmare, alone in her castle bedroom. As
she frantically grabs a robe and starts to run.

	(off-screen, still reading)
It was ten days till the wedding.
The King still lived, but
Buttercup's nightmares were
growing steadily worse.

See? Didn't I tell you she'd
never marry that rotten

-- yes, you're very smart. Shut-Up.

					CUT TO:


bursting into the Prince's chambers. Count Rugen stands

It comes to this: I love Westley.
I always have. I know now I
always will. If you tell me I
must marry you in ten days,
please believe I will be dead by

					CUT TO:


Just stunned. Finally, softly, he begins to talk.

I could never cause you grief;
consider our wedding off.
	(to Rugen)
You returned this Westley to his


Then we will simply alert him.
	(to Buttercup now)
Beloved, are you certain he still
wants you? After all, it was you
who did the leaving in the Fire
Swamp. Not to mention that
pirates are not known to be men
of their words.

My Westley will always come for me.

I suggest a deal. You write four
copies of a letter. I'll send my
four fastest ships. One in each
direction. The Dread Pirate
Roberts is always close to Florin
this time of year. We'll run up
the white flag and deliver your
message. If Westley wants you,
bless you both. If not ... please
consider me as an alternative to
suicide. Are we agreed?

And she nods –

					CUT TO:


The trees are unusual in one respect: all of them are
extraordinarily heavily knotted.


Humperdinck and Rugen, walking into the grove of trees.

Your Princess is really a winning
creature. A trifle simple,
perhaps, but her appeal is

Oh, I know. The people are quite
taken with her. It's odd, but
when I hired Vizzini to have her
murdered on our engagement day, I
thought that was clever. But it's
going to be so much more moving
when I strangle her on our
wedding night. Once Guilder is
blamed, the nation will be truly
outraged. They'll demand we go to

They are deeper into the grove now. Rugen is searching around.

Now, where is that secret knot?
It's impossible to find.
	(Finding the knot on
	the tree he hits it,
	and it opens, revealing
	a staircase leading underground.)
Are you coming down into the Pit?
Westley's got his strength back.
I am starting him on The Machine

Tyrone, you know how much I love
watching you work. But, I've got
my country's five hundredth
anniversary to plan, my wedding
to arrange, My wife to murder,
and Guilder to frame for it. I'm

Get some rest -- if you haven't
got your health, you haven't got

Rugen smiles and hurries down the stairs as the tree slides
back perfectly into place.

					CUT TO:


We can't tell quite what it is or what it does, but somehow
it is unsettling.


Count Rugen, dragging Westley up alongside the thing –
Levers and wheels and wires, you name it, it's there.

Beautiful, isn't it?

The Albino starts attaching suction cups to Westley.

It took me half a lifetime to
invent it. I'm sure you've
discovered my deep and abiding
interest in pain. At present I'm
writing the definitive work on
the subject. So I want you to be
totally honest with me on how The
Machine makes you feel.

					CUT TO:


with numbers ranging from a low of "1" to a high of "50."
Rugen goes to it.

This being our first try, I'll
use the lowest setting.

And he turns the dial to "1".

					CUT TO:


He has suction cups on his head now, on his temple, on his
heart, his hands and feet. He says nothing, keeps control of

					CUT TO:


fiddling with his Machine a moment more. And then he opens
the flood gate, water pours down the chute, turning the
wheel, which in turn really gets The Machine going.

					CUT TO:


and he's lying on the table, and he's only flesh and the
chains are metal and thick, but such is his desperation it
almost seems he might break them. A terrible sound comes
from his throat, an incessant gasping. It keeps on coming as
we finally

					CUT TO:


He switches off The Machine, picks up a large notebook and
pen, sits in a chair. The NOISE of The Machine subsides.
Rugen opens the book to a blank page.

As you know, the concept of the
suction pump is centuries old.
Well, really, that's all this is.
Except that instead of sucking
water, I'm sucking life. I've
just sucked one year of your life
away. I might one day go as high
as five, but I really don't know
what that would do to you. So,
let's just start with what we
have. What did this do to you?
Tell me. And remember, this is
for posterity, so be honest --
how do you feel?


					CUT TO:


in anguish so deep it is dizzying. Helpless, he cries.

Count Rugen watches the tears, then starts to write.


					CUT TO:


in his quarters, swamped. Piles of papers are strewn all
over. Now YELLIN, a pale, shifty, quick-eyed man appears in
the doorway.


	(bows, then kneels)

As Chief Enforcer of all Florin,
I trust you with this secret:
killers from Guilder are
infiltrating the Thieves' Forest
and plan to murder my bride on
our wedding night.

My spy network has heard no such

					CUT TO:



Any word from Westley?

					CUT TO:


turning to her in the doorway.

Too soon, my angel. Patience.

He will come for me.

Of course.

As she glides out–

She will not be murdered. On the
day of the wedding, I want the
Thieves' Forest emptied and every
inhabitant arrested.

Many of the thieves will resist.
My regular enforcers will be

Form a Brute Squad then. I want
the Thieves' Forest emptied
before I wed.

It won't be easy, Sire.

	(alone, exhausted)
Try ruling the world sometime.

					CUT TO:


A lot of hollering is going on. The THIEVES are being
rounded up by the BRUTE SQUAD, a large group of large men.
Yellin stands on a wagon in the midst of all the scuffling.

The day of the wedding arrived.
The Brute Squad had their hands
full carrying out Humperdinck's

	(to an unpleasantlooking
Is everybody out?

Almost. There's a Spaniard giving
us some trouble.

Well, you give him some trouble.

And his wagon starts, and as it does,

					CUT TO:


drunk as a skunk, sprawled in front of a hovel, a bottle of
brandy in one hand, the six-fingered sword in the other. He
looks dreadful. Unshaven, puffy-eyed, gaunt. But the way he
brandishes the great sword in front of him would give anyone
cause for worry.

I am waiting for you, Vizzini.
You told me to go back to the
beginning. So I have. This is
where I am, and this is where
I'll stay. I will not be moved.

He takes a long pull from his brandy bottle. He stops as the
Assistant Brute comes into view.

Ho there.

I do not budge. Keep your "Ho

He waves his sword dangerously.

But the Prince gave orders --

-- So did Vizzini -- when a job
went wrong, you went back to the
beginning. And this is where we
got the job. So it's the
beginning, and I'm staying till
Vizzini comes.

	(gesturing off-screen)
You! Brute! Come here.

-- I -- am -- waiting -- for --
Vizzini --

You surely are a meanie.

INIGO feels a hand on his back. A huge hand. He compares it
to his own smaller hand.


It's you.


And as the Assistant Brute is just about to club Inigo's
brains out, FEZZIK lets fly with a stupendous punch.

The Assistant Brute takes the full force of the blow right
in the chops. It's like he was shot from a cannon as he
careens backwards out of sight across the street.

There is a pause. Then a crunching sound, as he clearly has
come in contact with something hard and immobile.

FEZZIK puts Inigo down.

You don't look so good.
	(after Inigo blasts
	air in protest)
You don't smell so good either.

Perhaps not. I feel fine.


And so FEZZIK puts Inigo down. That's when Inigo faints, and
as he does,

					CUT TO:


Inigo sits slumped in a chair, while FEZZIK spoons him some

FEZZIK and Inigo were reunited.
And as FEZZIK nursed his
inebriated friend back to health,
he told Inigo of Vizzini's death
and the existence of Count Rugen,
the sixfingered man. Considering
Inigo's lifelong search, he
handled the news surprisingly well.

And he faints again into his stew.

					CUT TO:


one filled with steaming water, the other with water clearly
of an icy nature. Without a word FEZZIK stuffs Inigo's head
into the icy water, then, after a reasonable amount of time,
pulls him out, ducks him into the steaming stuff, and, a
short time after that, puts him back in the cold again, then
back in the hot –

Fezzik took great care in reviving

	(up and going)
That's enough. That's enough!
Where is this Rugen so I may kill

He's with the Prince in the
Castle. But the castle gate is
guarded by thirty men.

How many could you handle?

I don't think more than ten.

	(doing the math on his fingers)
That leaves twenty for me. At my
best, I could never defeat that
	(he sinks sadly down)
I need Vizzini to plan. I have no
gift for strategy.

But Vizzini's dead.

					CUT TO:


Silent and bereft. Then a wild look hits Inigo.

No -- not Vizzini -- I need the
Man in Black --

-- what? --

-- look, he bested you with
strength, your greatness. He
bested me with steel. He must
have outthought Vizzini, and a
man who can do that can plan my
castle's onslaught any day. Let's
go --

-- where?

To find the Man in Black,

But you don't know where he is.

	(he is possessed by
	demons now)
Don't bother me with trifles;
after twenty years, at last, my
father's soul will be at peace.

					CUT TO:


There will be blood tonight!!

					CUT TO:


– strewn with maps, etc. Yellin enters, and kneels.

	(sharpening his dagger)
Rise and report.

The Thieves' Forest is emptied.
Thirty men guard the castle gate.

Double it. My Princess must be

The gate has but one key, and I
carry that.

He shows the key, dangling from a chain around his neck.
Just at that moment, Buttercup enters.

Ah! My dulcet darling. Tonight we
marry. Tomorrow morning, your men
will escort us to Florin Channel
where every ship in my armada
waits to accompany us on our

Every ship but your four fastest,
you mean.

The Prince looks at her blankly for a moment.

Every ship but the four you sent.

Yes. Yes, of course. Naturally,
not those four.

	(bows, exits)
Your Majesties.

					CUT TO:


staring at Humperdinck.

You never sent the ships. Don't
bother lying. It doesn't matter.
Westley will come for me anyway.

You're a silly girl.

Yes, I am a silly girl, for not
having seen sooner that you were
nothing but a coward with a heart
full of fear.

	(close to erupting;
	speaks very distinctly)
I-would-not-say-such things-if-

Why not? You can't hurt me.
Westley and I are joined by the
bonds of love. And you cannot
track that. Not with a thousand
bloodhounds. And you cannot break
it. Not with a thousand swords.
And when I say you are a coward,
that is only because you are the
slimiest weakling ever to crawl
the earth.

					CUT TO:


jumping at her, yanking her by the hair, starting to pull
her along, out of control, his words indistinct.


					CUT TO:


as the Prince throws open the door to Buttercup's room,
slams it shut, locks it, breaks into a wild run and –

					CUT TO:


but it's not on. Count Rugen is adding more notes to his
book. He looks up as the Prince suddenly comes down the
steps, raging.

	(at Westley)
You truly love each other, and so
you might have been truly happy.
Not one couple in a century has
that chance, no matter what the
storybooks say. And so I think no
man in a century will suffer as
greatly as you will.

And with that he whirls, turns on The Machine, grabs the
lever and –

					CUT TO:


calling out –

Not to fifty!!!

But it's too late as we –

					CUT TO:


shoving the lever all the way up and

					CUT TO:


And there has never been such pain. The pain grows and grows
and with it now, something else has started

THE DEATH SCREAM. As The Death Scream starts to rise –

					CUT TO:


as the SOUND moves along, LOUDER AND LOUDER, and –

					CUT TO:


and they bear it, and a few of the Brutes turn to each other
in fear, and as the scream builds –

					CUT TO:


and she hears the SOUND, doesn't know what it is, but her
arms involuntarily go around her body to try to control the
trembling, and the scream, still builds and –

					CUT TO:


There are many PEOPLE –it is the day of the country's 500th
Anniversary – but all the People stop as the sound hits
them. A few CHILDREN pale, bolt toward their PARENTS and –

					CUT TO:


trying to make their way through the jammed marketplace,
which suddenly quiets as the fading sound comes through.


FEZZIK, FEZZIK, listen, do you hear? – That is the sound of
ultimate suffering. My heart made that sound when Rugen
slaughtered my father. The Man in Black makes it now.

The Man in Black?

His true love is marrying another
tonight, so who else has cause
for Ultimate Suffering?
	(trying to push through)
Excuse me --

It's too crowded.

-- pardon me, it's important --

No one budges and the sound is fading faster.

-- Fezzik, please --

	(gigantic and roaring)
Everybody ... MOVE!!

And the Crowd begins to fall away, and he and Inigo start to
track the FADING SOUND.

Thank you.

					CUT TO:


The Albino appears wheeling a barrow. Inigo's sword pushes
at his chest.

Where is the Man in Black?

The Albino shakes his head, says nothing.

You get there from this grove, yes?


Fezzik, jog his memory.

And Fezzik crunches the Albino on the top of the head as if
he had a hammer and was driving in a nail. The Albino drops
without a sound.

I'm sorry, Inigo. I didn't mean
to jog him so hard. Inigo?

					CUT TO:


He kneels, the sword held tight between his hands. Eyes
closed, he faces the grove of trees, starts to talk, his
voice low and strange.

Father, I have failed you for
twenty years. Now our misery can
end. Somewhere ... somewhere
close by is a man who can help us.
I cannot find him alone. I need
you. I need you to guide my sword.

And now he rises, eyes still closed.

Guide my sword.

					CUT TO:


as Inigo, eyes shut tight, walks forward, the great sword
held in his hands.

Fezzik, frightened, follows close behind.

					CUT TO:


that reveals the staircase.

					CUT TO:


walking blind through the grove of trees. He moves to the
Secret Knot, hesitates, then moves past it.

Then Inigo stops. For a long moment he stands frozen.
Suddenly he whirls, eyes still closed, and the sword strikes
home dead center into a knot and –

Nothing. He has failed.

In utter despair he collapses against the tree. Against a
knot in the tree. Against THE KNOT in the tree. It slides
away, revealing the staircase. FEZZIK and Inigo look at each
other, then start down.

					CUT TO:


dead by The Machine. FEZZIK leans over him, listening for a
heartbeat. Then he looks at Inigo, shakes his head.

He's dead.

Inigo is in despair. For a moment, he just sags.

	(barely able to speak)
It just is not fair.

-- Grandpa, Grandpa -- wait --

					CUT TO:


He is terribly excited and looks stronger than we've yet
seen him.

-- wait -- what did FEZZIK mean,
"He's dead?" I mean he didn't
mean dead.

The Grandfather says nothing, just sits there.

Westley's only faking, right?

You want me to read this or not?

					CUT TO:


Who gets Humperdinck?

I don't understand.

Who kills Prince Humperdinck? At
the end, somebody's got to do it.
Is it Inigo? Who?

Nobody. Nobody kills him. He lives.

You mean he wins? Jesus, Grandpa!
What did you read me this thing

And he desperately fights for control.

You know, you've been very sick
and you're taking this story very
seriously. I think we better stop

He closes the book and starts to get up.

	(shaking his head)
No! I'm okay. I'm okay.
	(gestures toward the chair)
-- sit down. All right?

	(sitting and opening
	the book again)
All right, now, let's see. Where
were we? Oh yes. In the Pit of

					CUT TO:


We're back in the Pit, the same shot as before. For a
moment, he just sags.

Well, we Montoyas have never
taken defeat easily. Come along,
Fezzik. Bring the body.

The body?

	(not stopping)
Have you any money?

I have a little.

I just hope it's enough to buy a
miracle, that's all.

As Fezzik takes the corpse, follows Inigo up the stairs –

					CUT TO:


Inigo, FEZZIK, Westley approach the door. They knock. From
inside the hovel a little man's voice is heard. If Mel
Brooks' Year Old Man was really old, he'd resemble this guy.

Go away!

Inigo pounds again.

	(opening a small
	window in the door)
What? What?

Are you the Miracle Max who
worked for the King all those

The King's stinking son fired me.
And thank you so much for bringing
up such a painful subject. While
you're at it, why don't you give
me a nice paper cut and pour
lemon juice on it? We're closed!

He shuts the window. They rap on the door.

	(opening the window)
Beat it or I'll call the Brute

I'm on the Brute Squad.

	(looking at the Giant)
You are the Brute Squad.

We need a miracle. It's very

Look, I'm retired. And besides,
why would you want someone the
King's stinking son fired? I
might kill whoever you wanted me
to miracle.

He's already dead.

	(for the first time, interested)
He is, eh? I'll take a look.
Bring him in.

He unlocks the door and lets them in.

					CUT TO:


hurrying inside. FEZZIK carries Westley who is just starting
to stiffen up a little. He lays Westley down across a bench
by the fireplace, picks Westley's arm up and lets it drop

I've seen worse.

He studies Westley a moment, checking here, checking there.

Sir. Sir.


We're really in a terrible rush.

	(He takes nothing from nobody)
Don't rush me, sonny. You rush a
miracle man, you get rotten
miracles. You got money?


Sheesh! I never worked for so
little, except once, and that was
a very noble cause.

This is noble, sir.
	(pointing to Westley, remorseful)
His wife is crippled. His children
are on the brink of starvation.

Are you a rotten liar.

I need him to help avenge my
father, murdered these twenty

Your first story was better.
	(looking around)
Where's that bellows?
	(spots it)
He probably owes you money, huh?
Well, I'll ask him.

He goes to get a huge bellows.

He's dead. He can't talk.

Look who knows so much. Well, it
just so happens that your friend
here is only mostly dead. There's
a big difference between mostly
dead and all dead. Please open
his mouth.

Inigo does. Max inserts the bellows in Westley's mouth and
starts to pump.

Now, mostly dead is slightly
alive. Now, all dead...well, with
all dead, there's usually only
one thing that you can do.

What's that?

He stops pumping.

Go through his clothes and look
for loose change.

He starts pumping again.

	(to Westley)
Hey! Hello in there. Hey! What's
so important? What you got here
that's worth living for?

And he presses lightly on Westley's chest.

... tr ... oooo .... luv...

Everybody stares at Westley lying there on the bench.

True love. You heard him. You
could not ask for a more noble
cause than that.

Sonny, true love is the greatest
thing in the world. Except for a
nice MLT, a mutton, lettuce and
tomato sandwich, where the mutton
is nice and lean and the tomato
is ripe. They're so perky, I love
that. But that's not what he said.
He distinctly said "to blave."
And, as we all know, "to blave"
means "to bluff." So you're
probably playing cards, and he

-- Liar -- LIAR-LI-A-A-AR --

VALERIE, an ancient fury, storms out of a back room and

-- get back, witch --

I'm not a witch, I'm your wife.
But after what you just said, I'm
not even sure I want to be that

You never had it so good.

"True love." He said, "true
love," Max. My God --

Don't say another word, Valerie.

	(turning to Inigo and Fezzik)
He's afraid. Ever since Prince
Humperdinck fired him, his
confidence is shattered.

Why'd you say that name -- you
promised me that you would never
say that name --

	(pursuing him now)
What, Humperdinck? Humperdinck.
Humperdinck. Ooo-ooo, Humperdinck

	(holding his hands
	over his ears)
I'm not listening.

A life expiring and you don't
have the decency to say why you
won't help --

Nobody's hearing nothing!

Humperdinck. Humperdinck!

-- But this is Buttercup's true
love -- If you heal him, he will
stop Humperdinck's wedding.

Humperdinck. Humperdinck --

	(to Valerie)
Shut up --
	(now to Inigo)
Wait. Wait. I make him better,
Humperdinck suffers?

Humiliations galore!

That is a noble cause. Give me
the sixty-five, I'm on the job.

And as Valerie shrieks excitedly we

					CUT TO:


It is somewhat smaller than a tennis ball.

PULL BACK TO REVEAL MAX AND VALERIE, exhausted, looking at
the lump with beautific pleasure, as Valerie, cooking
utensil in hand, covers the thing with what looks like
chocolate. Inigo and FEZZIK stare at the thing too, but more

	(a little appalled)
That's a miracle pill?

Max nods.

The chocolate coating makes it go
down easier. But you have to wait
fifteen minutes for full potency.
And you shouldn't go swimming
after, for at least, what?

An hour.

Yeah, an hour.

A good hour. Yeah.

Inigo accepts the pill as FEZZIK takes Westley, who is stiff
as a board now.

	(heading out the door,
	Fezzik close behind)
Thank you for everything.


	(waving after them)
Bye-bye, boys.

Have fun storming the castle.

	(to Max)
Think it'll work?

It would take a miracle. Bye!


And as they wave, trying to look happy we –

					CUT TO:


on the top of the outer wall of the castle. They look down
to the front gate of the castle. The sixty Brutes are visible.

FEZZIK is thunderstruck by how many Brutes there are. Upset,
he turns to Inigo, who is concentrating unsuccessfully,
trying to prop Westley against the wall.

Inigo -- there's more than
thirty --

	(absolutely unfazed)
What's the difference?
	(indicating the half-
	dead Westley)
We've got him. Help me here.
We'll have to force feed him.

Has it been fifteen minutes?

We can't wait -- the wedding's in
half an hour and we must strike
in the hustle and the bustle

During this, FEZZIK, using all his strength, has managed to
get Westley into a right angled sitting position, while
Inigo brings out the miracle pill.

Tilt his head back. Open his mouth.

	(following orders)
How long do we have to wait
before we know if the miracle

					CUT TO:


Pill in hand, he drops it into Westley's mouth.

Your guess is as good as mine --

I'll beat you both apart. I'll
take you both together.

Guess not very long.

Inigo and FEZZIK react. Westley is the only one not amazed.

Why won't my arms move?

He sits there, immobile, like a ventriloquist's dummy.

You've been mostly dead all day.

We had Miracle Max make a pill to
bring you back.

Who are you? -- Are we enemies?
Why am I on this wall? -- Where's
Buttercup? --

Let me explain --
	(pauses very briefly)
-- No, there is too much. Let me
sum up.

Buttercup is marrying Humperdinck
in a little less than half an
hour, so all we have to do is get
in, break up the wedding, steal
the Princess, make our escape
after I kill Count Rugen.

That doesn't leave much time for
dilly dallying.

He is watching his fingers, one of which twitches now.

You've just wiggled your finger.
That's wonderful.

I've always been a quick healer.
	(to Inigo)
What are our liabilities?

There is but one working castle

Fezzik helps Inigo raise Westley just high enough so he can
see for himself.

And it is guarded by sixty men.

And our assets?

Your brains, Fezzik's strength,
my steel.

					CUT TO:


absolutely stunned.

That's it? Impossible. If I had a
month to plan, maybe I could come
up with something. But this...

He shakes his head from side to side.

					CUT TO:


	(trying to be cheery)
You just shook your head -- that
doesn't make you happy?

My brains, his steel, and your
strength against sixty men, and
you think a little head jiggle is
supposed to make me happy? I
mean, if we only had a
wheelbarrow, that would be

Where did we put that wheelbarrow
the Albino had?

Over the Albino, I think.

Well, why didn't you list that
among our assets in the first
place? What I wouldn't give for a
holocaust cloak.

There we cannot help you.

	(pulling one out)
Will this do?

	(to Fezzik-- surprised)
Where did you get that?

At Miracle Max's. It fit so nice,
he said I could keep it.

All right, all right. Come on,
help me up.

Inigo and Fezzik do.

Now, I'll need a sword eventually.

Why? You can't even lift one.

True, but that's hardly common
knowledge, is it?
	(And his bead tilts
	limply back. Fezzik
	sets it up right for him)
Thank you. Now, there may be
problems once we're inside.

I'll say -- how do I find the
Count? -- Once I do, how do I
find you again? -- Once I find
you again, how do we escape? --

Don't pester him, he's had a hard

Right, right, sorry.

					CUT TO:


They move along the wall in silence for a time. Then these
words come to us on the wind –



I hope we win...

					CUT TO:


in her bridal gown, and she's incredible. It's not just her
beauty; there's a tranquillity about her now.


The Prince, fastening a pearl necklace around her.

You don't seem excited, my little

Should I be?

Brides often are, I'm told.

	(gently, confidently)
I do not marry tonight.

					CUT TO:


and she couldn't seem more serene.

My Westley will save me.

					CUT TO:


looking down on the gate with Inigo and Fezzik.

					CUT TO:


– and Yellin, standing there, flanked by his sixty Brutes.

					CUT TO:


looking out at the enemy. This is it. Inigo and FEZZIK shake

Westley can't even do that, but after a bit of rocking back
and forth, he manages to get enough momentum to catapult his
arm over and onto his friend's.

					CUT TO:



The most intelligent looking, the most impressive appearing
CLERGYMAN imaginable.

Buttercup and Humperdinck kneel before the Clergyman. Behind
them sit the mumbling old KING AND QUEEN. Standing in the
back is Count Rugen.

FOUR GUARDS are in position flanking the chapel door.

	(clears his throat,
	begins to speak)
Mawidge...mawidge is what bwings
us togewer today...

He has an impediment that would stop a clock.

Mawidge, the bwessed awwangement,
that dweam wiffim a dweam...

And now, from outside the castle, there begins to come a
commotion. And then–

Stand your ground, men. Stand
your ground.

					CUT TO:


by the gate, for it is indeed they who are making the
commotion, frightened, pointing.

Stand your ground.

					CUT TO:


And it is a bit unnerving – a GIANT seems to be floating
toward them out of the darkness, a Giant in a strange cloak,
and with a voice that would crumble walls.

	(deep and booming)

					CUT TO:


and he seems to be floating because he's standing in the
wheelbarrow, as Inigo, hidden behind him, busts a gut by
pushing it and supporting Westley.


Not yet.

					CUT TO:



					CUT TO:


keeping the Brutes in position, or trying to, shouting
orders, instructions and as yet the Brutes hold. Now –

					CUT TO:


Inigo struggles bravely under their combined weight –


Light him.

					CUT TO:


as the Giant bursts suddenly, happily into flames.


					CUT TO:

THE CHAPEL, where The Impressive Clergyman plows on.

... Ven wuv, twoo wuv, wiw fowwow
you fowever..

					CUT TO:

PRINCE HUMPERDINCK, turning quickly, giving a sharp nod to
Count Rugen, who immediately takes off out of the chapel
with the Four Guards as we

					CUT TO:

FEZZIK, flaming and scary as hell.


					CUT TO:


as suddenly the Brutes just scream and take off in wild
panic –

Stay where you are. I said stay
where you are!

					CUT TO:


... so tweasuwe your vruv..

Skip to the end.

Have you the wing?

As Humperdinck whips out the ring, the screams are very loud

Here comes my Westley now.

					CUT TO:

Fezzik, as he pulls off the holocaust cloak.

FEZZIK, the portcullis.

And FEZZIK rushes forward, grabbing the portcullis, which is
indeed closing quickly.

FEZZIK grabs the gate: and swings the tonnage back upward.
Yellin just watches in fear.

					CUT TO:


as Humperdinck shoves the ring on Buttercup's finger

Your Westley is dead.

Buttercup only smiles, shakes her head.

I killed him myself.

	(never more serene)
Then why is there fear behind
your eyes?

					CUT TO:


And she's right. It's there.

					CUT TO:


pressed against the main gate. Westley, Inigo, and FEZZIK
close in.

Give us the gate key.

	(every ounce of
	honesty he's got)
I have no gate key.

Fezzik, tear his arms off.


steps toward him.

Oh, you mean this gate key.

And he whips it out, hands it to Fezzik.

					CUT TO:



And do you, Pwincess Buwwercwup...

Man and wife -- say man and wife...

Man and wife.

	(whirling to the King
	and Queen)
Escort the bride to the Honeymoon
Suite -- I'll be there shortly.

And as he dashes off –

					CUT TO:


standing there. Dazed.

He didn't come.

					CUT TO:


racing through the castle, and as they reach a complex
intersection of several corridors, Rugen stops, incredulous,
as we

					CUT TO:


moving toward them. Actually Fezzik is dragging Westley, who
is, in turn, dragging Yellin's sword like a stiff dog
leash –Westley simply hasn't the strength to raise it.

					CUT TO:


as the confrontation is about to start.

Kill the dark one and the giant,
but leave the third for

And as his Warriors attack –

Inigo goes wild, and maybe the Warrior's are good, maybe
they're even better than that – but they never get a chance
to show it because this is something now, this is Inigo gone
mad and the six-fingered sword has never flashed faster and
the FOURTH WARRIOR is dead before the FIRST ONE has even hit
the floor. There is a pause. Then –

	(to Rugen, evenly and soft)
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya.
You killed my father. Prepare to

					CUT TO:


For a moment he just stands there, sword in hand. Then he
does a most unexpected thing. He turns and runs the hell away.

					CUT TO:


momentarily surprised, then taking off after him, leaving
Westley and Fezzik to exchange curious looks and Rugen,
running through a half-open heavy wooden door, shutting it
and locking it just as Inigo throws himself against it. He
tries again. No kind of chance.

	(calling out)
Fezzik, I need you --

					CUT TO:


who is still unable to walk under his own power. He calls
back –

	(indicating Westley)
I can't leave him alone.

					CUT TO:


desperately pounding at the heavy door.

He's getting away from me, Fezzik.
Please. FEZZIK!

					CUT TO:


	(to Westley)
I'll be right back.

And he props Westley up against a large suit of armor and
takes off toward the intersection where Inigo's voice came
from –

					CUT TO:


still hammering the door. Fezzik approaches, gestures for
him to stop, and with one mighty swipe of his mighty hands
the door crumbles

Thank you --

And Inigo flies through as Fezzik heads back to Westley.

					CUT TO:


The Queen, more sprightly, is several paces ahead.

	(can hardly be understood)
Strange wedding.

Yes. A very strange wedding. Come

Buttercup gently stops the King and places a kiss on his
forehead. He's very surprised and pleased.

What was that for?

Because you've always been so
kind to me. And I won't be seeing
you again since I'm killing
myself once we reach the Honeymoon

	(smiling away --his
	hearing isn't what it
	once was)
Won't that be nice?
	(calling out to the Queen)
She kissed me...

And on those words –

					CUT TO:


And he's running, dashing through corridors and as he
glances back –

					CUT TO:


behind him, coming like a streak and –

					CUT TO:


with the large suit of armor, and Fezzik gaping, staring at
all those choices, trying to piece together the puzzle of
the missing Westley.

					CUT TO:


flashing out of one room, down a staircase, picking up his
pace. He pulls out a deadly looking dagger, with a sharp
point and a triangular shaped blade, and sprints on and –

					CUT TO:


closing the gap, closer, closer and he's down the stairs and
heading into a dining hall and –

					CUT TO:


throwing the dagger –

					CUT TO:


trying like hell to get out of the way, but no, and it
sticks deep into his stomach, and he hurtles back helplessly
against the wall of the room, his eyes glazed, blood coming
from his wound.

The room is going white on him.

... Sorry, Father ... I tried ...
I tried...

					CUT TO:


looking across the room at Inigo. He stares at Inigo's face,
and then touches his own cheeks, as memory comes.

You must be that little Spanish
brat I taught a lesson to all
those years ago. It's simply
incredible. Have you been chasing
me your whole life only to fail
now? I think that's the worst
thing I ever heard. How marvelous.

Inigo sinks.

					CUT TO:


shutting the door of the Honeymoon Suite, crossing quietly
to the far wall where she sits at a table, opens a jeweled
box, and takes out a very deadly looking dagger. She seems
very much at peace as she touches the knife to her bosom.

There's a shortage of perfect
breasts in this world. It would
be a pity to damage yours.

And Buttercup whirls as we –

					CUT TO:


lying on the bed. Yellin's sword is beside him. His voice
sounds just fine, but he does not move.

Buttercup leaps to the bed, covering him with kisses.
Westley is helpless.

Oh, Westley, darling.
	(more kisses)
Westley, why won't you hold me?


At a time like this that's all
you can think to say? "Gently?"

	(not so gently)

And she lets go, thumping his head against the headboard and

					CUT TO:


looking very much surprised.

Good heavens. Are you still
trying to win?


Inigo, struggling feebly, pulling the dagger from his
stomach. Holding the wound with his left hand.

Rugen is pushing off from the table, sword in hand, moving
in to kill Inigo.

You've got an overdeveloped sense
of vengeance. It's going to get
you into trouble some day.

Inigo watches the Count approach, and the Count flicks his
sword at Inigo's heart, and there's not much Inigo can do,
just kind of vaguely parry the thrust with the six-fingered
sword and Count Rugen's blade sinks deeply into Inigo's left

Inigo doesn't seem to feel it, his other agonies are so much

					CUT TO:


stepping back, going for the heart again.

					CUT TO:


And as this blow comes he's trying to use the wall for
support in forcing himself to his feet, and it's not a
roaring success of an attempt, but he does at least make
some progress, and again he manages to parry the thrust, as
this time Rugen's sword runs through his right arm. Again,
Inigo doesn't seem to mind, doesn't even feel it.

					CUT TO:


stepping back forj ust a moment, watching as Inigo continues
to inch his way to his feet and then, just before the Count
is about to strike again, Inigo manages a little flick of
his own and Rugen hadn't expected it, and he jumps back,
makes a little involuntary cry of surprise and

					CUT TO:


slowly pushing away from the wall.

	(all but audible)
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya,
you killed my father; prepare to

					CUT TO:


suddenly going into a fierce attack, striking with great
power and precision for he is a master swordsman, and he
forces Inigo easily back, drives him easily into the wall.
But he does not penetrate Inigo's defense. None of the
Count's blows get home. As the Count steps back a moment –

					CUT TO:


pushing slowly off from the wall again.

	(a little louder)
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya,
you killed my father, prepare to

					CUT TO:


And again he attacks, slashing with wondrous skill. But none
of his blows get through and, slowly, Inigo, again moves

	(a little louder still)
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya.
You killed my father. Prepare to

Stop saying that!

					CUT TO:


retreating more quickly around the table.

Inigo drives for the Count's left shoulder now, thrusts home
where the Count had gotten him. Then another move and his
blade enters the Count's right shoulder, the same spot Inigo
was wounded.

	(all he's got)

No --

-- offer me money --

And now the six-fingered sword strikes and there is a slash
bleeding along one of Rugen's cheeks.

-- yes --

-- power too -- promise me that --

The great sword flashes again, and now there is a parallel
slash bleeding on Rugen's other cheek.

-- all that I have and more
please --

-- offer me everything I ask
for --

-- anything you want --


And on that –

					CUT TO:


and almost too fast for the eye to follow, the sword strikes
one final time and –

					CUT TO:


crying out in fear and panic as the sword hits home dead
center and –

					CUT TO:


the sword clear through the Count. They are almost frozen
like that for a moment. Then Inigo withdraws his sword and
as the Count pitches down –

					CUT TO:


lying dead. His skin is ashen and the blood still pours from
the parallel cuts on his cheeks and his eyes are bulging
wide, full of fear.

					CUT TO:


staring at Rugen. And now Inigo does something we have never
seen him do before: he smiles. HOLD FOR JUST A MOMENT on
Inigo smiling, then –

					CUT TO:


WESTLEY lies as before, not a muscle has moved, his head is
still on the headboard, Yellin's sword at his side.

Buttercup is alongside the bed; her eyes never leave his face.

Oh, Westley, will you ever
forgive me?

What hideous sin have you
committed lately?

I got married. I didn't want to.
It all happened so fast.

It never happened.


It never happened.

But it did. I was there. This old
man said, "Man and wife."

Did you say, "I do"?

Well, no, we sort of skipped that

Then you're not married -- if you
didn't say it, you didn't do it
	(a pause)
-- wouldn't you agree, Your

					CUT TO:


entering the room, staring at them. He pulls out his sword.

A technicality that will shortly
be remedied. But first things
first. To the death.

	(a little pause)
To the pain.

	(about to charge,
	stops short)
I don't think I'm quite familiar
with that phrase.

I'll explain. And I'll use small
words so that you'll be sure to
understand, you wart-hog-faced

That may be the first time in my
life a man has dared insult me.

					CUT TO:


lying there comfortably, his words quiet at first.

It won't be the last. To the pain
means the first thing you lose
will be your feet, below the
ankles, then your hands at the
wrists, next your nose.

					CUT TO:


gripping his sword, watching.

-- and then my tongue, I suppose.
I killed you too quickly the last
time, a mistake I don't mean to
duplicate tonight.

I wasn't finished -- the next
thing you lose will be your left
eye, followed by your right --

	(takes step forward)
-- and then my ears, I understand.
Let's get on with it

					CUT TO:


Wrong! Your ears you keep, and
I'll tell you why --

					CUT TO:


And now he stops, and the look that was in his eyes at the
wedding, that look of fear, is starting to return.

-- so that every shriek of every
child at seeing your hideousness
will be yours to cherish -- every
babe that weeps at your approach,
every woman who cries out, "Dear
God, what is that thing?" will
echo in your perfect ears.

That is what "to the pain" means.
It means I leave you in anguish,
wallowing in freakish misery

					CUT TO:


doing his best to hide the fear that keeps building inside

I think you're bluffing --

					CUT TO:


lying there, staring at him.

It's possible, pig -- I might be
bluffing -- it's conceivable, you
miserable vomitous mass, that I'm
only lying here because I lack
the strength to stand -- then
again, perhaps I have the strength
after all.

And now, slowly, Westley begins to move. His body turns, his
feet go to the floor, he starts to stand –

					CUT TO:


staring, eyes wide.

					CUT TO:


And now he is standing, sword in fighting position.

	(slow and determined)

					CUT TO:


and he's so panicked he doesn't know whether to pee or wind
his watch. He throws his sword to the floor.

	(to Humperdinck)
Have a seat.

					CUT TO:


speaking to Buttercup as Humperdinck sits.

Tie him up. Make it as tight as
you like.

And as she sets to work –

					CUT TO:


entering, looking around.

Where's Fezzik?

I thought he was with you.


In that case --

his balance betrays him.

	(to Buttercup)
Help him.

Why does Westley need helping?

Because he has no strength --

					CUT TO:


and now be starts wrestling mightily with his bonds.

I knew it! I knew you were
bluffing! I knew he was bluffing.

	(staring at the Prince)
Shall I dispatch him for you?

	(considers this, then)
Thank you, but no -- whatever
happens to us, I want him to live
a long life alone with his

Inigo! Inigo, where are you?

They look at each other, then move to the balcony, and

					CUT TO:


leading FOUR GREAT WHITE HORSES. He glances up, sees them on
the balcony.

Ah, there you are. Inigo, I saw
the Prince's stables, and there
they were, four white horses. And
I thought, there are four of us,
if we ever find the lad -- hello,
lad -- so I took them with me, in
case we ever bumped into each
	(considers things a moment)
I guess we just did.

					CUT TO:


looking down at FEZZIK.

FEZZIK, you did something right.

Don't worry -- I won't let it go
to my head.

And as he holds out his great arms–

					CUT TO:


Buttercup floating through the air. What's happening, of
course, is that she's jumping from the balcony so Fezzik can
catch her. But her fall is in slow motion so you might think
she was flying.

Westley and Inigo, watching as FEZZIK catches Buttercup.

You know, it's very strange -- I
have been in the revenge business
so long, now that it's over, I
don't know what to do with the
rest of my life.

	(as Inigo gets him
	ready for his jump)
Have you ever considered piracy?
You'd make a wonderful Dread
Pirate Roberts.

Now from that –

					CUT TO:


triumphantly racing through the night –

					CUT TO:


and at last their trials are done. They stop.

They rode to freedom. And as dawn
arose, Westley and Buttercup knew
they were safe. A wave of love
swept over them. And as they
reached for each other...

As Buttercup and Westley begin their ultimate kiss –

					CUT TO:


The Grandfather stops reading.

What? What?

No, it's kissing again. You don't
want to hear it.

I don't mind so much.

He gestures for his Grandfather to read.


					CUT TO:


locked in a deep, pure and passionate kiss.

Since the invention of the kiss,
there have been five kisses that
were rated the most passionate,
the most pure. This one left them
all behind. The end.

					CUT TO:


The Grandfather snaps the book closed.

Now I think you ought to go to


	(standing, readying to leave)
Okay. Okay. Okay. All right. So


The Old Man stops, turns.

Maybe you could come over and
read it again to me tomorrow.

	(a beat)
As you wish...

And his smile is enough. As The Grandfather steps out the
door, tipping his hat–



@Mojack group

…nine, eight…
…seven, six…
…five, four…
…three, two…
Dr. Serizawa?
Jerry Boyd. I'm warning you, it's a mess.
It's just a total mess.
Monarch sent me in this morning.
Took a look around,
but I told them we needed you.
They picked up a radiation pocket
out here last month.
They got excited, thinking
they had a uranium deposit.
They started stacking up
the heavy machinery and then…
Well, the valley floor…
…collapsed into a cavern below.
Just dropped away. Just gone.
Best guess right now is
about 40 miners went down with it.
This way.
When they first discovered this pocket, the
radiation levels were only half as strong.
It's almost as if contact
with the outside air…
…started catalyzing something.
Some kind of fossils, right?
I've been digging holes for 30 years,
I've never seen anything like it.
Oh, my God. Is it possible?
Is it him?
This is much older.
Hey, guys. You gotta see this.
What is it?
Some kind of egg?
A dormant spore?
The bones are fossilized…
…but this formation seems to be
perfectly preserved.
This one looks broken.
It's like something…
…came out of it.
I'll get it. It's probably for me.
No, Takashi.
No. Takashi, just listen to me
for a second.
I'm asking for the meeting because
if I have to shut the reactor down…
…you're not gonna want to
read about it in a memo.
I've been following these tremors
since they started in the Philippines…
…and now they're in our own backyard.
No, no, no. Hayato says…
…l need to go through you about this.
Look, I'm just…
…trying to follow the protocols set forth
by the company. That's all. It's my job.
He's awake.
Oh, I know. He got up early.
What are we gonna do?
Get dressed. I'll figure it out.
Later, Dad.
With all due respect, Takashi, and honor…
…respect and honor, with all of that…
…I'm an engineer. I don't like
unexplained frequency patterning…
…near a plant where I'm responsible.
I need a meeting. Make it happen.
Bye, Mom!
He made you a sign.

  • What?
  • Your birthday sign.
  • He worked so hard.
  • Oh, God.
    I'm gonna come home early.
    I'll take the car and pick him up…
    …and we can get a proper cake. Okay?
    Listen, I need to know…
    …that it's not the sensors. Okay?
    I can't be calling this meeting
    and look like the American maniac.
    So when we get there…
    …don't even bother coming up.
    Just grab a team and go down to Level 5.
    You're not a maniac.
    I mean, you are, just not about this.
    Must be something we're not thinking of.
    Happy birthday.
    What? Is it–?
  • Yes, it is. Ha, ha.
  • Oh, I forgot all about it.
  • Happy birthday.
  • Thank you.
    I should have a birthday more often.
    Ha, ha.
    JOE". What is this?
    MAN". Seismic anomaly.
    This graph is minutes.
    X is minutes, not days. This is now.
    Wait, hold on. Seismic activity?
    You're talking about earthquakes?
    No, earthquakes are random, jagged.
    This is consistent, increasing.
    This is a pattern.
    All right. Let's make this quick.
    Takashi. What the hell is going on?
    Have you seen this?
    Yeah. Maybe not such…
    …good time for a meeting.
    What's the source?
    Where's the epicenter?
    We don't know. But
    it keeps getting stronger.
    It's gotta be centered somewhere.
    No one else is reporting it.
    We are contacting every other plant
    in the Kanto region.
    Tokai, Fujiyama.
    They're unaffected.
    But my guess is these readings are just
    aftershocks from the Philippine earthquake.
    Are we at full function?
    Yes, we are.
    But perhaps we should be
    drawing down, to be safe.
    Take us offline.
  • Now, Joe–
    Do it!
    Now. Wind it down.
    Sandra, are you there?
    We're turning back.
    Let's go.
    Oh, my God.
    Joe, are you there?
    Joe, there's been a breach.
    We're heading back to the containment seal.
    Listen. You need to get out of there.
    If there's been a reactor breach,
    you won't last five minutes…
    …with or without the suits.
    Do you hear me?
    I hear you. We're coming!
    I'll meet them there myself.
    Put the safety doors on manual override.
    I cannot do that!
    Keep the doors open.
    My wife is still in there!
    Come on…
    …let's go!
    Tell me this door's…
    …on manual.
    Yeah. But we are starting to breach!
    I'm here.
    Soon as they're through, I'll seal it.
    Sandra, can you…
    …hear me? I'm at the door.
    Sandra, I'm waiting for you.
    I'm at the checkpoint.
    But you have to run as fast as you can.
    I am!
    Kenji. Kenji…
    …we need to go!
    Close the door!
    Seal the corridor
    or the whole city will be exposed.
  • Joe? Joe, can you hear me?
  • Yes.
  • Are you there?
  • Sandra, I'm here. Can you hear me?
    Joe, it's too late. We're not coming.
    No, don't say that! Don't you say that!
    Run as hard as you can, honey.
    Joe, you have to close the door.
    You have to live for our son.
  • Joe, seal the door! Now!
  • Oh, my God.
    Five seconds! Four seconds!
    I'm sorry.
    Take care of Ford.
    Be a good father.
    I Will.
    We didn't make it.
    Let's go out!
    Hurry! Come on! Ford!
    On your feet!
    You got family waiting for you?
    I hope so.
    How long you been away?
    Fourteen months.
    Take it slow.
    It's the one thing they
    don't train you for.
    All right! Let's go!
  • I can't tell you.
  • Can I see it?
    Don't let him see.
    Whoa. Oh, my God.
  • It's a welcome home cake.
  • Look at that.
    That's you.
  • And that's me.
  • What's it say?
    "Welcome home, Daddy."
    Daddy's home.
  • Daddy's home.
  • Cake every night.
  • Yeah, that's not happening.
  • Daddy's home equals…
    …cake every night.
    How did you manage to get chocolate
    on your eyeball?
  • Daddy did it.
  • Heh.
    I can't sleep with you…
  • …making all this noise.
  • Hee-hee-hee.
    Come on, let's get you into bed.
    Okay, big man.
    Time to hit the rack.
    Are you still gonna be here tomorrow?
    Come on, let's get some sleep.
    Turns around, nose-to-nose,
    he says, "At ease, lieutenant."
    God, I missed your laugh.
    I missed you.
  • I should get that. No, it could be work.
  • Mm-mm.
  • I need to get that.
  • You don't need to. Come on.
    Yeah, this is Mrs. Brody.
    Tell him you're busy tending to
    your husband's needs.
    Yeah, he's my husband.
    Tell them we're not gonna buy it.
    Yes, sir. Could you
    just hold on one moment?
    It's the consulate.
    Joe's been arrested in Japan.
    Elle, I can't find my pants.
    They're in the other drawer.
    So why was he trespassing
    in the quarantine zone?
    Ugh. Why do you think?
    The lone crusader for the truth.
    All his crackpot cuckoo theories.
    Your father is a good man.
    He just needs your help right now.
    Ford, he's lost everything.
    Yeah, so did I. But you know what?
    I got over it.
    Right. I can see that.
    I'm sorry. It's just…
    Every time I let him in close,
    he always tries to drag me back.
    And I can't. I can't put our family
    through that.
    Well, he is your family.
    Hey. Come here.
    You know you're only gonna be gone
    for a few days, right?
    And then you are gonna
    come back to me.
    Yeah. Yeah.
    It's not the end of the world.
    I don't get many visitors.
    This is you here.
    Even, uh, Ph.D.'s…
    …don't get much teaching English
    as a second language.
    Here we go.
    And a towel.
    All right.
    …how's the bomb business?
    It must be a growth area these days.
    It's called "explosive ordnance disposal."
    My job isn't dropping bombs.
    It's stopping them.
  • Dad.
  • Hey…
    …how's Elle doing?
    And Sam. Oh, my God. He must be…
    …what? Three? Three and a half?
    He's almost 5.
    I thought you were over this.
  • Oh, hey.
  • "Parasitic communication–".
    Please don't, if you don't mind.
    I have everything the way I like it.
    I'm just…
    I'm studying bioacoustics.
    What were you doing, going back there?
  • This trespassing stuff, that was bull.
  • You broke the law.
    I was trying to get back to our old house.
  • In a quarantine zone.
  • Precisely.
    The new readings are exactly
    like they were on that day…
    …and I can prove it to you.
    With a little luck, if I can get back…
    …to the house…
    …l can show you and the world this was
    not from a natural disaster. This was–
    Your mom's out there, Ford.
    To me…
    …she'll always be there.
    They evacuated us so quickly.
    I don't even have a picture of her.
    This has to stop.
    You know I did everything I could.
    You know that, right?
    Let me take you home.
    Come home with me.
    I got a little boy who's desperate
    to see his grandpa.
    We can leave tomorrow.
    What are you doing?
    I'm heading back out there, Ford.
  • No. I don't think so.
  • One hour, in and out.
    I have to go!
    I came back here and wasted six years…
    …staring through that barbed wire,
    thinking it was…
    …a military mistake or some horrible
    design flaw they were covering up.
    One day…
    …l met a guy who runs
    a cargo boat offshore.
    Every day he goes right past
    the reactor site.
    So he places a couple frequency monitors
    on buoys for me.
    Two weeks ago…
    I check this thing like every other day
    just for the kick.
    Two weeks ago, I'm tuning in…
    …and, oh, my God…
    …there it is.
    Whatever "it" is that's in there.
    Whatever it is they're guarding
    so carefully…
    …started talking again.
    And I mean talking.
    Ha, ha.
    I have to go back…
    …to our house.
    I need my old disks, if
    they're still there.
    I need the data to be able to prove
    a baseline here…
    …that this isn't a fantasy,
    that I'm not what you think I am.
    I'm gonna find the truth…
    …and end this.
    Whatever it takes.
    Why can't you just let it rest?
    Because I sent her down there, son.
    This wasn't just a reactor meltdown.
    I don't wanna hear this.
    I know. I know you don't.
    But you can't keep running away.
    And, son, you can't bury this in the past.
    What spooked them?
    Dad, come on. Let's go.
    It's only another two blocks.
    Are we going home, or what?
    Whoa! Hey, what are you doing?
    It's clean.
    I knew it.
    The radiation in this place should
    be lethal, but there's nothing.
    Thank God.
    Are they rebuilding the plant?
    I don't know. I haven't seen–
    Ten seconds. Ten seconds.
    Seven-point-two seconds
    and getting stronger.
    We're trending exponentially.
    That's our new curve.
    Jesus, it's worse than we thought.
    Excuse me, Dr. Serizawa?
    Two men were just arrested
    in the Q-zone.
    We've got bigger problems here.
    Have Dr. Graham take a look.
    She did, sir. She sent me.
    One of them says
    he used to work here, doctor.
    You are not fooling anybody…
    …when you say that
    what happened 15 years ago…
    Found these disks in his bag.
    …was a natural disaster.
    Not sure what to make of them.
    Not an earthquake, it wasn't a typhoon.
    Okay? So stop–
    Look, I'm tired of talking to you
    about this.
    I want my son.
    I wanna see my son.
    I wanna know that he's all right.
    This guy, this guy knows.
    He knows where he is.
    I want my son.
    And I want my bag and disks.
    And I wanna talk to somebody
    in charge, not you. No, not you.
    I'm done talking to you.
    All right? You're looking at me right now,
    like I'm in a fish tank, right?
    Fine. Because I know
    what happened here.
    And you keep telling everybody
    that this place…
    …is a death zone, but it's not.
    You're lying.
    Because what's really happening…
    …is that you're hiding something
    out there.
    I'm right, aren't I?
    My wife died here!
    Something killed my wife.
    And I have…
    …a right to know!
    I deserve answers!
    All these items…
    …they were found on him.
  • And the date. Look, 15 years ago.
  • I thought all of the data…
    …from that day was lost.
    I guess not.
    You see?
    You see? There it is again.
    That is not a transformer malfunction.
    That is an electromagnetic pulse.
    It affects everything electrical…
    …for miles and miles…
    …and it is happening again.
    This is what caused everything
    in the first place.
    Don't you see that?
    And it is gonna send us
    back to the Stone Age.
    You have no idea what's coming.
    Pulses are seconds apart.
    They're getting stronger.
    It's affecting the power grid.
    Any radiation leakage?
    Gamma levels are still zero.
    It sucked all three reactors dry.
    It's done feeding.
    What's this?
  • It's the same pattern.
  • Fifteen years ago…
  • …it's what caused the meltdown.
  • An electromagnetic…
    …pulse. That's what it's building to.
    Converting all that radiation…
    …until it hatches.
    We have to shut down.
    Secure the grid.
    Wildfire protocols.
    All personnel,
    clear the first perimeter immediately!
    What's going on? Hey, where you going?
    Grid's secure.
    Kill it.
    All readings are flatlined.
    Get a visual.
    Jesus. Check the grid. Hit us
    with an EMP. We're losing power!
  • Get the backup generators online.
  • Working on it.
    That pulse fried every circuit.
  • Check the cage.
  • Trying the backup generators.
    Here we go.
    Everybody out!
    Hey! Let me out! Hey!
    No! No, wait!
    It was unlike anything
    I've ever experienced before.
    Yeah, it's, uh, Ford Brody.
    Japan to San Francisco.
    Okay, could I at least–
    if you could let me leave you my cell–
    Damn it!
    I'm sorry.
    Hey, it's okay.
    It's okay. Daddy's gonna be okay.
    Daddy's gonna be okay.
    This area is now under
    Naval military jurisdiction.
    All personnel must report…
    …to the duty officer for debriefing.
    Dr. Serizawa!
    Dr. Serizawa!
    Dr. Serizawa.
    Captain Russell Hampton.
    Glad to find you. I've been briefed…
    …on your work with Operation Monarch.
    Now, I'm told your organization
    has situational awareness…
    …of our unidentified creature?
    Is that right?
    We are now taking over
    operational authority…
    …from Monarch. So I'm gonna need you…
    …to come with me.
    Is there any other personnel you need?
    They'll take care of you.
    I'll be right next to you.
  • Let's get his vitals.
  • Shh. Shh.
    Radial pulse is weak.
    I'm counting 125.
    It's okay.
    You were right.
    I'm sorry.
    Go home to your family.
    You keep them safe.
  • Okay?
  • Okay.
    Whatever it takes.
    Whatever it ta–
    Hey, stay with me.
    Radial pulse is weaker.
    Barely feel it.
    We're losing him.
  • Joe, can you hear me?
  • He's going into A-fib.
    Give me another epi, one milligram,
    and 40 units of vasopressin.
    Stay with us. Come on, Joe.
    Hang in there, buddy.
    This is our needle in a haystack, people.
    Massive unidentified terrestrial organism.
    It is, however, no longer terrestrial.
    It is airborne.
    The world still thinks
    this was an earthquake…
    …and it would be preferable that
    that remain so.
    Before we lost sight, it was
    headed east across the Pacific…
    …and had emitted enough
    EMP disruption…
    …to create havoc with
    our radar and satellite feeds…
    …and reduce us, for the moment,
    to a strictly visual pursuit.
    I emphasize "for the moment"…
    …because we will get on our game…
    …and we will find this thing.
    It is imperative that we do so.
    Captain, I want any…
  • …and all search options on this table ASAP.
  • Yes, sir.
    Dr. Serizawa.
    Admiral William Stenz.
  • Nice to meet you.
  • Glad to have you on board.
    Excuse me.
    Authorities issued a
    statement… GRAHAM: Brody's dead.
    …claiming the nuclear contamination…
    …is at no risk of spreading,
    even as the death toll rises.
    Lieutenant Brody?
    Dr. Serizawa.
    My condolences.
    We are deeply sorry for your loss,
    But I'm afraid we need your help.
    This is the USS Nautilus.
    In 1954…
    …the first time a nuclear submarine
    ever reached the lower depths…
  • …it awakened something.
  • The Americans…
    …first thought that it was the Russians.
    The Russians thought that it was them.
    All those nuclear bomb tests
    in the '50s…?
    Not tests.
    They were trying to kill it.
  • An ancient alpha predator.
  • Millions of years…
    …older than mankind.
    From an age when the Earth…
    …was 10 times more radioactive
    than today.
    This animal and others like it…
    …consumed this radiation
    as a food source.
    As the levels on the surface
    naturally subsided…
    …these creatures adapted
    to live deeper in the oceans.
    Further underground.
    Absorbing radiation
    from the planet's core.
    The organization we work for, Monarch,
    was established…
    …in the wake of this discovery.
    A multinational coalition…
    …formed in secrecy…
    …to search for him.
    Study him.
    Learn everything we could.
    We call him…
    The top of…
    …a primordial ecosystem.
    A god, for all intents and purposes.
  • A monster.
  • Fifteen years ago…
    …we found a fossil of another
    giant animal in the Philippines.
    Like Gojira. But this creature…
    …died long ago.
    Killed by these.
    Parasitic spores.
    One dormant. But the other hatched.
    Catalyzed when a mining company…
    …unknowingly drilled into its tomb.
    The hatchling burrowed straight for
    the nearest source of radiation…
    …your father's power plant in Janjira…
    …and cocooned there for 15 years,
    absorbing its radioactive fuel…
  • …to gestate, to grow.
  • Until it hatched…
    …like a butterfly into the creature
    you saw today.
    Wait. You knew about this?
    This thing? The whole time?
    Why didn't you…
  • …kill it when you had the chance?
  • It was absorbing…
    …radiation from the reactors.
    We worried killing it…
    …might release that radiation
    and endanger millions.
    That's why our mission was to contain it.
    To study its biology, to understand it.
    We knew the creature
    was having an electrical effect…
    …on everything within a close proximity.
    What we didn't know…
    …was that it could harness
    this same power…
    …in an EMP attack.
    But your father did.
    He predicted it.
    What else did he say?
    Please try to remember, Mr. Brody.
    Anything that would help us.
    Anything at all.
    I didn't listen.
    I just thought he was crazy.
    He was obsessed with all this…
    Said something about an animal call.
    Something talking.
    He said he was studying something.
    If the MUTO was talking that day…
    …your father must have discovered
    something talking back.
  • Check again.
  • Yup.
    Search for a response call.
    This parasite.
    It's still out there. Where's it headed?
    The MUTO is young…
    It will be looking for food.
    Sources of radiation.
    We're monitoring all known sites…
    …but if we don't find it soon–
    Then what?
    Nature has an order.
    A power to restore balance.
    I believe he is that power.
    Sir, right now we're 50 miles from Hawaii.
    This transport will take you there.
    You're catching a commercial flight
    back to San Francisco.
    I'm gonna need you to brush your teeth.
  • Disgusting! Those are terrible!
  • Ha, ha.
    We gotta brush them!
    Citizens within a 100-mile radius…
    …are being temporarily evacuated
    from the area.
    Hey, this is Elle.
    You missed me. Please leave a message.
    I don't know what they're saying
    on the news.
    There was an accident in Japan.
    Dad's gone.
    I'll explain when I see you.
    I'm headed to Hawaii.
    I'm gonna catch a flight from there.
    I'll see you soon.
    Keep scrolling.
    Near the end. Before the EMP.
    Something responded.
    Aloha, and welcome aboard.
    The train will begin moving shortly.
    For the comfort of others,
    no smoking, please. Thank you.
    Please remember to stay clear
    of the automatic doors.
    Hey, hey, hey.
    I can't open it.
    Look, don't worry. Just wait there.
    I'll bring him back.
  • Mama!
  • Hey, hey.
  • Whoa. Hey. Whoa, kid.
  • Mama!
    It's okay. I'm gonna bring him back.
    All right. I'm gonna set you down there.
    I'll get you back to your parents.
    Here. Ls this what you want?
    Take good care of him for me.
    I better not miss my flight, kid.
    Admiral, received an intel report.
    We lost track of a nuclear Akula
    50 nautical miles northwest of Hawaii.
    Could be the MUTO.
    Just got word of a missing Russian sub
    in the North Pacific.
    Aye. Special Forces Team Sparta 1
    is picking up a distress signal…
    …northwest of Diamond Head
    on the island of Oahu.
    They're on the ground,
    headed to the beacon.
    On 5. 23 north-northeast…
    …of the last beacon. Moving in on foot.
    Wanna tell me why we're looking…
    …for an Akula in the jungle?
    Probably a glitch. Russians said they…
    …got a ping from this location.
    Hey, I got a reading. It's right up ahead.
    Sparta 1, this is Hawkeye.
    We're getting the same ping off
    the transponder. Range 30 meters.
    Looks like you're getting warm.
    What the hell?
    Oh, my God.
    Guardian 3, we located your Russian sub.
    You're not gonna believe
    what else we found.
    Holy shit.
    It appears to be rising
    approximately 20 to 30 meters…
    …above the tree line.
    We can't tell how wide it is.
    Cat's out of the bag, doctor.
    No more secrets.
    Our highest priority now is safety.
    There's close to a million people
    on that island.
    Get me eyes in the air.
    We're picking up something else.
    Approaching from the Pacific.
    We need to check out that object.
    General quarters.
    Bridge, this is the captain.
  • Where you going?
  • Up to the flight deck.
    I think he is coming.
    What are you doing?
    I have to see this.
    Two Charlie Six, we are circling
    the target. Go on your command.
    Stand by, got a visual. Bogey at my 12.
    Be advised. Prepare to engage target.
    We're getting movement…
    …down here.
    Take cover!
    Control, I have…
    …no power. I say again, I've lost all–
    You all right?
    You give it 10 seconds,
    lights gonna come back on.
    It's okay.
  • What was that?
  • Did you see that?
    What is it?
    Oh, my God.
    Run. Run! Tsunami! Tsunami!
    Target spotted offshore…
    …two knots due east of your position.
    Could be a second bogey.
    Anybody hurt?
  • Anyone get an eyeball on the bogey?
  • Where is he?
    There you go.
    What did I tell you?
    Please.Thank you.
    Get down!
    Let's go!
    Remember to stay…
    …clear of the doors.
    Go, go, go!
    Target in sight…
  • …two o'clock, 300 meters.
  • We're on 6-X-01. Target confirmed.
    Can you tell us what happened?
    –and everybody started running
    and screaming.
    Sam, please turn that TV off.
    Hey, did you hear me?
    Come on, Sammy. Let's go.
    Let's go. It's bedtime.
  • Sammy.
  • Mommy, look.
    Attention, please. Incoming patients…
  • …please proceed…
  • Excuse me.
    Hi. Excuse me. I'm sorry.
    This boy's been separated from his parents.
    Fill this out. Be with you…
    …in just a minute.
    Hey, you got service on that cell phone?
    No. The pay phones don't even work.
  • Akio!
  • Akio!
    Mama! Papa!
    Corporal, load up, load up.
    Sergeant. Lieutenant Brody, U.S. Navy.
    I need your help.
    I'm trying to get to the mainland.
    It's your lucky day.
    Everything not tied down is moving east.
  • Whoa, is that where they're heading?
  • Yeah.
    I guess we're monster hunters now.
    Satellite transfer complete.
    Simulations uploaded.
    Satellite tracking continues.
    Last satellite tracks predict
    the MUTO continuing due east.
    All our models have the targets
    converging on the Pacific Coast.
    As of now, it looks like Godzilla's
    still following the MUTO.
    He's hunting.
    Have all vessels maintain
    current distance from target.
    And plot the speed and heading
    of these things.
    I wanna know exactly when and where
    they'll make landfall.
    Yes, sir.
    Doctor, what did you mean by "hunting"?
    You think it's chasing this MUTO?
    But if the MUTO is his prey…
    The signal shows a call.
  • Why call up a predator?
  • No, it didn't.
    I think Godzilla…
    …was only listening.
    The MUTO was calling something else.
    The pattern.
    Focus the search on Nevada.
    Nevada? Why would it go to Nevada?
  • It can't be. It's impossible.
  • What's impossible?
    There was another spore, intact,
    found in the Philippine mine.
    But we vivisected it.
    Ran every test on it for years.
    You confirmed it for yourself.
    It was dormant!
    Maybe not anymore.
    This spore. Where is it now, doctor?
    It was highly radioactive.
    It was disposed of.
    The Americans, they took it.
    Doctor, where is it?
    Where you put all your nuclear waste.
    Go, go, go!
    Right, let's go! Give me a Mark I…
    …eyeball on every vault.
  • Clear!
  • Clear!
  • Clear!
  • Clear!
    ls anyone in there?
    Captain, our UAVs have footage
    of the new MUTO.
    Let's have a look.
    Yes, sir.
    This is from five minutes ago.
    My God.
    Playing all we have now.
    It's almost 300 feet.
    It's far bigger than the other one.
    But this one doesn't have any wings.
    A different sex?
    A female.
    That's who he's been talking to.
    It must be a mating call.
    The female remained dormant
    until the male matured.
    Now they're seeking radiation.
    To reproduce.
    Current tracking models indicate that
    all three targets are converging here:
    San Francisco Bay.
    But if we rig a nuclear warhead
    with a shielded timer…
    …put it on a boat and send it…
    …20 miles out…
    …the radiation lures the MUTOs…
    …and the MUTOs lure Godzilla.
    And we detonate,
    with minimal fallout risk to the city.
    You can't be serious.
    They feed on radiation.
    Correct. That's why we use
    the bomb as bait.
    And kill them…
  • …with the sheer force of the blast.
  • This is crazy.
    Doctor, if you have any other ideas,
    I am all ears.
    Yes, doctor?
    Gojira may be the answer.
    I believe…
    …he's here to restore balance.
    He can defeat them.
    And what? We just stand by and watch?
    I'm sorry, doctor. I can't take that risk.
    Prep the warheads
    and get them moving to the coast.
  • Yes, sir.
  • Yes, sir.
    I know you don't agree with this.
    But my first priority
    is to safeguard our citizens.
    It's stopped.
    Eight-fifteen in the morning.
    August 6, 1945.
    It was my father's.
    Heads up.
    We've got new destination, new orders.
    Let's get geared up.
    Hey, tech sergeant.
    What's the word?
    Another one of those things
    popped up in Nevada, sir.
    Okay, everybody out.
    Can't fly any further.
    We're well in range of its EMP.
    So from here on out, it's on the ground
    or it's not at all. Let's go!
    All right, listen up!
    This train and these weapons
    are headed to San Francisco.
    Anyone not part of this mission,
    disembark now!
    Can't do it, sir.
    This is a high-risk mission.
    That train is a national asset, not Amtrak.
  • We good to go?
  • Just about.
    From the look of the casings
    on those Minuteman ICBMs…
    …guessing the digital module's been bypassed
    and you're prepping for full analog retrofit.
    Is my jaw supposed to drop?
    I get it. You're EOD.
  • I got my crew, they know what they're doing.
  • Aim the pointy end…
    …at the monsters, right, sarge?
    When was the last time you let one of
    your guys put their fingers in a live bomb?
    Look, this is what I do.
    This is my job.
    Master sergeant.
    My family's in the city.
    Okay? I need to get on that train.
    You heard the spokesman say…
    …that the White House has not ruled
    out the use of nuclear force.
    Sam, your mom's gonna be right back.
    Emergency, can I help you?
    Oh, yeah, just a sec.
    Elle, for you.
  • Tell them I'll be there in a minute.
  • Elle.
    It's your husband.
    Oh, God.
  • You all right? How's Sam?
  • I've been calling you everywhere.
  • You okay'?
  • I'm fine.
  • I've got Sam with me.
  • Great. Because I wanna get you both–
    Can't believe this is happening.
    You okay? Are you doing okay?
    I'm okay. Elle, please don't worry.
    Baby, I'm so scared right now.
    I know.
    I'm gonna be at the hospital by sunrise.
    Then I'll get you and Sam out.
    The military has a plan
    to deal with these things.
    I'm coming to get you both, okay?
    Can you please just hurry?
    I Will.
    I just wanted you to know that I love you.
    I love you too. Just be safe.
    I'll see you soon.
    Good to go! Let's move out!
    As blackouts and electrical interference…
    …radiate farther and farther west…
    …citizens within 200 miles of the
    creature's current sphere of influence…
    …are being urged to
    please find shelter…
    …stay indoors and stay off the roads.
    911, what's your emergency?
    Kids in the car.
    Debris going back about two miles.
    This girl is not breathing.
    –people that are hurt.
    Send somebody out here now!
    Yes, sir.
    Yes, warheads are on the move.
    I completely agree, sir.
    All right, people. Let's go.
    I need to know the exact location
    of the MUTOs ASAP.
    Aye. We're updating our models
    with the current tracking data now.
    Please don't do this.
    I understand your concerns, doctor.
    But I am sacrificing lives…
    …every minute trying to steer one of
    these things clear of population centers…
    …and now there are two more on the way.
    There are millions of lives at risk.
    So all I want to know…
    …from you is:
    Will it work and can they be killed?
    But we tried that before.
    We're talking dialable yield.
    Megatons, not kilotons.
    Nothing can withstand that blast.
    Makes the bomb we tried to kill it with
    in '54 look like a firecracker.
  • Sergeant Morales. Give me a hand.
  • I thought these nukes…
  • …all detonated by remote control.
  • The MUTOs knock out…
    …everything electric.
    Including detonators.
    Can't even get in range
    without these things going haywire.
    But this?
    This, on the other hand, is old-school.
    Takes a licking…
  • …keeps on ticking.
  • Heh.
    Holy shit.
    Sergeant Morales, get down here
    with that radio. On the double. Move, move!
    Snake Eyes,
    this is Bravo to November. Ls the bridge…
    …clear? Over.
    I say again:
    We got a train of VIP cargo…
    …headed for the coast.
    Ls the bridge clear? Over.
    Snake Eyes, I need a sitrep.
    Are the tracks clear?
    We are at phase line yellow. In the next 10
    mikes, we're advancing to phase line red.
    Secure or not? Over.
    You think it's intact?
    Only one way to find out.
  • You wanna take the top?
  • Sure.
    You check below. Sergeant Morales,
    you come with me.
  • Jones, you all right?
  • Yeah, I'm good!
    The bridge is intact.
    Bulldog, this is Eagle.
    All clear to move out. Over.
    Roger that, Eagle.
    Let's go! Let's go, people!
    Say again.
    I do not have a visual.
    What is your position? Over.
    Unreadable. Say again. Over.
    Hit the deck.
    Help me turn it off, man.
    Move it, run!
    Ford! Aah!
    He's going under!
    Boats, sound the collision alarm.
    Frame 180.
    We're losing visual, admiral.
    He's diving.
    Changing course and moving fast. I've got
    him at 33 knots and picking up speed.
    He's gonna outrun us, sir.
    Watch the swinging!
    No swing!
    Hold on!
    They are insisting civilians
    make their way to the BART stations.
    BART stations are designated shelters.
    These patients are my responsibility.
    Where are you taking them?
    Across the bridges.
    Critical and children only.
    Shelters are gonna fill up fast. Trust
    me, they'll be safer outside the city.
  • I can take Sam.
  • No, no, no.
    Ford's on his way.
    If you change your mind,
    the buses leave in 10 minutes.
    Come on. Where are you, Ford?
    This way! Keep them moving!
    Let's go. Come on, come on.
    Hey! Where are they taking it?
    Twenty miles offshore, convergence point.
    We're gonna lure them there.
    Three birds, one stone.
    Okay, Sammy.
    Laura, thank God.
    Sammy, you remember Laura.
    She's Mommy's work friend, right?
    She's gonna look after you
    for a little bit.
    Daddy's gonna be here soon.
    And I'm gonna just
    come get you right after.
    I promise.
    Come on, sweetheart.
    You're gonna come with me.
    Your mom's gonna stay and help.
    Elle, I'm gonna take care of him, okay?
  • Say, "Bye-bye, Mommy."
    Bye, Mommy.
    I got him! I got him!
    Just sit down here.
    Sit, sit.
    Did you lose consciousness?
    I'm okay. Really, I'm fine.
    Sitrep, please. Location of targets?
    Male MUTO was spotted
    30 miles off the Farallon Islands.
    Showing seismic activity
    to the east near Livermore.
    Should be the female closing in.
    Where's Godzilla?
    Last contact was five hours ago.
    Maintaining a bearing of 053 degrees,
    descending below a depth of 10,000 feet.
    Be here within the hour.
    Residents are trying
    to get out of the city any way they can.
    There's still buses on that bridge.
    Come on!
    Let's get those buses through. Let's go!
    We're not gonna stop the buses here.
    I can't hear you. Oh, kids…
    …please be quiet.
    Move into position till you have
    a clean line of sight!
    Portside! Two hundred meters!
    Hold your fire.
    Hold your fire.
    Holy shit.
    Oh, shit!
  • Hold on!
  • Watch out!
    Fire! Fire! Fire!
    Look out!
    Get down! Get down in your seats!
    Please! Get down!
    Get out of the way! Get out of the way!
    Move out! Move, move, move!
    Striker! There's civilians
    on the bridge. Hold your fire!
    Open fire!
    Move! Move!
  • All right, get in there!
  • Prepare to arm the device!
    Ready! You got it?
    I'm all set.
    Arming keys!
    Three! Two! One!
    What the hell was that?
    Engine's stopped! We lost power!
  • You all right?
  • Yeah.
  • Fire!
  • Incoming!
    Sam Brody was checked into the Oakland
    Coliseum shelter an hour ago. He is safe.
    No record of Elle Brody.
    Never made it out of the city.
    Well, check again. Please. I told her
    to wait for me, and I didn't make it.
    They are trying to get everyone downtown
    into subway shelters.
    I'm sure your wife is fine.
    Lieutenant Brody!
    I'm looking for Lieutenant Brody.
  • Are you Brody?
  • Yes.
    Okay. The male delivered the warhead
    to the center of downtown.
    That puts 100,000 civilians
    in the blast radius.
    We can't stop it remotely.
    An analog timer has been installed. The MUTOs are
    frying electronics within a five-mile bubble.
    Means approaching from ground
    is not an option.
    That's why we'll be conducting
    a HALO insertion. Jumping altitude…
    …Will be 30,000 feet.
    We just skate to the top and drop. Here.
    And here. If you don't hit a skyscraper
    on the way, meet at rally point Charlie.
  • Right here. Good?
  • Doctor, any guesses where to look?
    If the MUTOs have spawned…
    …they'll be building a nest.
    Captain, when you find the warhead…
  • …how long to disarm it?
  • Without seeing…
  • …the analog mod, I couldn't even guess.
  • Sixty seconds…
    …if I can access it.
    I retrofitted that device myself.
    Lieutenant Brody is our only…
    …EOD tech to survive the train attack.
    Well, it sounds like we could use you.
    With all due respect…
  • …if that doesn't work, then what's Plan B?
  • The waterfront…
    …is located one klick downhill.
    Get the bomb to the pier, onto a boat…
    …and as far away from the city
    as possible before it detonates.
    Any questions?
  • Dismissed.
  • That's it.
    Let's move.
    They've already been briefed.
    We have no extraction plan.
    If you don't walk out,
    you don't come back at all.
    Sir, I'll do whatever it takes.
    This alpha predator of yours, doctor…
    …do you really think he has a chance?
    The arrogance of man is thinking
    nature is in our control…
    …and not the other way around.
    Let them fight.
    Oh, Lord God, we give thanks…
    …for the opportunities
    you have given us…
    …going together as comrades
    to defend our great nation.
    We thank you for the time and service
    that you have given us together.
    Now as we are about to leave one another…
    …let us have the strength…
    Take position! Take position!
    I saw Team 1 move to the east.
    Two of our team members didn't make it.
    I heard bits and pieces on the radio.
    Snipers on the rooftop
    moving into position.
    Here we go. Picking up the nuke.
    Which way?
    One klick up the hill.
    We found the warhead.
    Let's go! Up the hill,
    this direction. Move.
    Hey. He)'-
    Let's move, let's move.
    On my six.
    Sarge, get a look at this.
    We gotta get moving.
    You got a signal yet?
    I got it.
    It's down there.
    All right, move, move!
    Grab a line!
    More light. Grazer.
    Right, clear out.
    Here we go.
    Whoa, look out, heads up!
    How much time we got left?
    We have 27 mikes.
    We gotta get this thing down.
    Move, move, I got you!
    Move it out, move it out!
    Careful! Careful.
    And down in three…
    Let's get this cover off.
    Lieutenant, you're up.
    It's not budging. It's sealed shut.
    We need time to open it.
    We don't have time!
    We gotta get it on a boat.
    Grab the warhead! Let's move!
    Easy, easy.
    Move it out, guys!
    Lieutenant, let's go!
    What the hell was that?
    Holy shit! Did you see that?
    This way.
    Faster, faster.
    Let's get this thing started.
    Find the ignition, sir?
    Give me that pack.
    Here you go.
    Come on, come on. Hurry.
    Hurry it up. Let's go, let's go!
    She's coming for the bomb!
    Let's get this weapon secured.
    Unh! Come on.
    Come on.
    Stay right here.
    I hear some people. Come on!
    This one's in bad shape.
    Come on, grab my hand. We got you.
    Help him up. Help him up.
    Please proceed to the marked tables…
  • …for registration.
  • Let's make some room, please!
    Mommy! Mommy!
    Hi, baby.
    On, baby.

@Mojack group

hello, movie scripts discussion

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)!
San Francisco 2014
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)!
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)!
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)!
Thousands gathered in
the Bay Area last night
to honor the victims
of the 2014 attacks.
Part of a wave of
memorials and protests
demanding that the secretive
monster-hunting coalition
known as Monarch
be held accountable.
The recent spike in mass
die-offs in the world's oceans
could be caused by efforts
to locate and track Godzilla
who hasn't been seen
in over five years.
Top brass in the mysterious
Monarch organization
will face another intense grilling
as the government continues
to push for extermination
of the Titans.
And rumors persist that Monarch
may be hiding even more creatures
discovered since the attacks of 2014.
A historic tragedy that changed
the world as we know it forever.
The day the world discovered
that monsters are real.
Cease to resist, giving my goodbye
Drive my car into the ocean
You'll think I'm dead, but I sail away
On a wave of mutilation
A wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation
Shit! Shit, shit, shit,
shit, shit, shit, shit!

  • Uh…
  • Maddie?
    Good morning!
  • Morning, Mom!
  • Oh, God.
    I made us breakfast.
    It's, uh…
    eggs, toast
    and what was once… bacon.
    And which do you recommend?
    The toasted eggs.
    Thank you.
    What were you working on?
    Um, I was looking at recipes.
    For toast?
    Dad's been emailing me.
    But he looks good… healthy.
  • Have you responded?
  • Not yet.
    Madison, I just don't
    want to see you get hurt.
    I know.
    Especially with everything
    that's going on right now…
    Mom, I know.
    Listen, I know things
    haven't been easy for you.
    But we're gonna get
    through this… together.
    You sure he's gonna be okay?
    He is in the safest place
    that he could be right now.
    Wanna hear some good news?
    I finished it.
    You think it's gonna work?
    It's gonna work.
    It's gonna be okay.
    Dr. Russell, we need you
    in containment.
    I'm on my way.
    Monarch Outpost 61
    Yunnan Rainforest, China.
  • What the hell happened?
  • No idea.
    She was sleeping like a
    baby until an hour ago
    and then boom! Radiation levels
    went through the roof.
    Almost like something
    triggered it.
    Thanks, Tim.
    You know, I can take it from here.
    Why don't you get some rest?
    No way. Sleep or no sleep,
    I'm not missing this.
    Containment team,
    move into primary position.
    No effect. This thing
    wants to be born.
    Emergency protocols in effect.
    Two to address the primary team.
    The time has come.
    Meet Titanus mosura.
    Or as we like to call her…
    Activate containment grid.
    What's happening?
    Something's really wrong here.
    Containment systems
    are failing.
    Perimeter alarms are going off,
    the whole network's going insane.
    What do you mean?
    How is that possible?
    Emma, I think someone
    else is doing this.
    Containment team, stand down.
    I repeat, stand down.
    You are scaring her.
    Dr. Russell, I'm sorry,
    but you know the protocols.
    We have to terminate.
    I'll handle this.
    Mom, no!
    Madison, stay here.
    It's gonna work.
    Stand clear.
    It's okay.
    Maddie. Wait!
    Get back in here!
    Maddie, go back!
    Look out!
    Son of a bitch.
    It worked.
    What we are witnessing
    here, senators,
    is the return of an ancient
    and forgotten super species.
    Monarch Senate Hearings
  • Godzilla, the MUTOs, Kong.
    We believe that these Titans
    and others like them
    provide an essential
    balance to our world.
    And while some
    may pose a threat,
    Monarch is uniquely
    prepared to determine
    which of these Titans
    are here to threaten us
    and which of these Titans
    are here to protect us.
    Thank you for the 5th grade
    History lesson, Mr. Coleman.
    But we still haven't
    heard one good reason
    why Monarch shouldn't fall
    under military jurisdiction
    or why these creatures
    shouldn't be exterminated.
    Monarch was tasked
    with finding and destroying
    these radioactive monsters.
    But you either can't or won't
    tell us how many there are
    or why they're showing up.
    So, maybe it's time for the
    military to put them down.
    Killing them would be a mistake.
    They returned because of us.
    It was our atomic testing
    that awoke Godzilla.
    Other creatures like the MUTOs
    from strip mining
    and seismic surveys.
    But these are not monsters.
    They are animals rising to reclaim
    a world that was once theirs.
    It almost sounds like you're
    protecting them, Dr. Serizawa.
    As if you admire them.
    I admire all forms of life.
    Senators, if we hope to survive,
    we must find ways to
    coexist with Titans.
    With Godzilla.
    A sort of symbiotic
    relationship, if you will.
    Like The Lion and the Mouse.
    Or The Scorpion and the Frog.
    So you'd want to make
    Godzilla our pet?
    We would be his.
    Uh, no. No, actually.
    That's not what
    Dr. Serizawa meant.
    No one is implying that…
  • we would be Godzilla's
  • Excuse me, we have to go.
    or anyone's pet.
    Dr. Serizawa, Dr. Graham,
    this hearing is not adjourned.
    Dr. Serizawa!
    I hope you understand
    the consequences of
    walking out that door.
    Uh, you know what, senators, while
    I confer with my colleagues here,
    I'm gonna set you up
    with a very brief
    and pretty fun documentary
    on Titan reproduction.
    I think this is the one where
    the genitals are blurred out.
    But if not, uh, you can leave
    a comment with my assistant.
    The feed cuts out there.
    The survivors haven't
    been able to give us
    much more than what
    the footage allows.
    Only that Emma and Madison
    were the only ones taken.
    I'm sorry, Mark.
    I should've been there for 'em.
  • Who are they?
  • We don't know yet.
    We believe…
    they were after this.
  • You didn't.
  • It's the Orca.
    Uh, that's why we
    think they need Emma.
    She believed that if we
    could somehow replicate
    the biosonar the Titans
    use to communicate…
    I know what the hell it is.
    I helped build the prototype.
    Who is he?
    Uh, Sam Coleman,
    I'm the head of Technology.
    I joined Monarch, uh,
    shortly after you left.
    I'm a big fan
    of your wife…'s work
    and you… that's not even…
    so weird. I'm sorry.
    Emma and I destroyed
    the prototype.
    And then Emma decided
    to rebuild it.
    After San Francisco,
    she went home to Boston,
    spent years developing it.
  • She thought it could help.
  • Help what? Play God?
    No. Help prevent another attack.
    Orca was a grad school
    science project.
    It was meant to
    t-to keep whales
    away from the shoreline.
    Not so you could talk to your
    little creatures out there.
    Listen to me.
    They'll think it's one of them.
    You use the wrong
    frequency on one of 'em…
    and you're gonna be responsible
    for a thousand San Franciscos.
    Which is why we
    need to get it back.
    Emma always said,
    no one knew the Orca
    better than you.
    It shouldn't even exist.
    That may be, Mark, but
    it's fallen into the wrong hands.
    And right now, the Orca
    is the only thing keeping
    Emma and Madison alive.
    Mark, we know you're hurting.
    But if we find the Orca,
    we'll find your family.
    I promise.
    When was the last time
    you spoke to Emma?
    About three years ago.
    After San Francisco, we…
    we went back home to Boston.
    Tried to put the
    pieces back together.
    Emma dealt with it by doubling
    down on saving the world.
    I started drinking.
    I can't tell you how
    much I hated myself
    for letting Maddie
    see me that way.
    Uh, you mind if we cut in here?
    It's just, you're gonna…
    wanna see this.
    Emma combined the bioacoustics
    of different Titans
    to create the Orca's signal.
    A sort of baseline frequency
    that all the
    creatures respond to.
    Attracting them, repelling them,
    even at times,
    calming them down.
    It's pretty remarkable, actually.
    The problem is, we don't know
    which Titans she combined.
    But if you can identify
    those frequencies,
    we'll be able to track the Orca
    and find Emma and Madison.
    How many of these
    things are there?
    And counting, after Godzilla.
    Most of them were discovered
    in deep hibernation.
    While others we contained at top
    secret sites around the globe.
    Cambodia, Mexico, Skull Island.
    We even found one in Wyoming.
    They're everywhere.
    Why don't you kill 'em?
    The government wants to.
    But Emma and I believe
    some are benevolent.
    Don't kid yourself.
    Ah, hey, look at that.
    We're here.
    Castle Bravo, this is Raptor One
    on direct approach.
    Castle Bravo
    Monarch Outpost 54, Bermuda
    Raptor One, you are cleared
    for assisted descent to Pad 4.
    Sensors set for three meters.
    Beginning subsurface descent.
    This is new.
    Yeah, we call it Castle Bravo.
    Our new flagship facility.
    Built to track and study
    Godzilla on his own turf.
    I thought he was missing?
    Well, only if you don't
    know where to look.
    As you know,
    at approximately 0700 hours,
    our containment site
    in China's Yunnan
    Rainforest was raided.
    A specimen, code-named
    Mothra, escaped.
    Only to cocoon itself later
    under a nearby waterfall.
    Our Dr. Emma Russell
    and her daughter Madison
    were taken hostage.
    This is the man responsible.
    Alan Jonah.
    A former British Army colonel
    turned eco-terrorist.
    Obsessed with restoring
    the natural order.
    And to fund his operations,
    he began trafficking in a
    new and dangerous market:
    Titan DNA.
    What the hell's someone
    gonna do with a giant worm?
    You kiddin', Martinez?
    What can't you do with it?
    bioweapons, food.
    Hell, there isn't a country
    or a company on the planet
    that doesn't wanna get its
    hands on one of these suckers.
    And remember,
    this is just a larva.
    That's a baby.
    After it cocoons,
    somethin' else is
    gonna crawl out.
    Somethin' bigger.
  • Meaner.
  • We don't know that, Rick.
    Oh, yeah? Just…
    wait for it, Chen.
    Our Intel indicates that Jonah
    wants to capture this specimen.
    Which means that he and his
    mercs won't be far behind.
    At 0500, we'll ship out to
    launch a joint operation…
    I wouldn't bother.
    Excuse me?
    Sounds like a duck hunt to me.
    Uh, Mark, why don't we
    let Colonel Foster…
    A decoy, a diversion.
    Look, they've already
    got Emma and the Orca.
    Why would they
    want just this one,
    when they've got the
    keys to your entire
    magic kingdom of
    horrors back here?
    I think that they want you
    to go after this Mothra
    so they can go
    after a real prize.
    Something bigger.
    Mark, this is not the first
    specimen they've captured.
    They know what they are doing.
    That's not just a specimen.
    I've got an ex-wife and
    a daughter out there,
    in case you forgot.
    Well, no one has
    forgotten that, Mark.
    But, uh, to remind you, you were
    brought on here to track the Orca.
    And to advise us…
    I advise you to kill these things.
    All of 'em!
    Especially him.
    You wanna make sure these things
    don't fall into the wrong hands?
    You kill them,
    and the Orca is useless.
    Emma wouldn't have wanted that.
    Even to save her life.
    It wouldn't be the first time
    Emma put all of this before herself
    or her family, would it?
    Dude hates Titans.
    Yeah, well, you would too,
    if you were him.
    Outpost 32, this is Raptor Five
    on approach with
    reinforcements and supplies.
    Requesting permission to land.
    Serizawa has all
    sites on high alert,
    so transmitting
    emergency codes now.
    Copy that, Raptor Five.
    Codes are good.
    Nice to have you back.
    Monarch Outpost 32
    I'm scared.
    I know. Me too.
    Let's go.
    Eyes straight ahead.
    Deep breaths.
    Just like we talked about.
    Mother of God.
    She had nothing to do with this.
    Monster Zero.
    Any survivors?
    They tried to launch
    an emergency beacon,
    but we cut them off in time.
    They'll figure it out.
    Fire all the drills.
    Do you have everything you need?
    Let's get started.
    We have a grizzly situation
    up here in the attic.
    Come on, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer). andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer).
    Stop. Look.
    An intruder! Get her!
  • Get her!
  • No! No, don't get me!
    andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), Madison, get her!
    Bear kisses! Aaah!
    All personnel, report to
    battle stations. Code: Red.
    All personnel, report to
    battle stations. Code: Red.
    This is not a drill.
    All personnel, report to
    battle stations. Code: Red.
    What's happening?
    Something's wrong.
    He's never been
    this close before.
  • Who's "he"?
  • Who do you think?
    He's taking out our
    observation drones.
  • Trajectory?
  • Straight at us.
    1,200 meters and closing.
    G-Team! Barnes, Martinez, Hendrix,
    I want you on those crows, now!
    You heard boss lady!
    Let's move!
    Dr. Stanton,
    do you have his bioacoustics?
    Acoustics, comin' up.
    Okay, he's closing.
    We're at 800 meters.
    His movements are erratic.
    Heart and breathing elevated.
    He's definitely not
    happy about something.
    How are they getting him?
    Godzilla's bioacoustics.
    It allows us to track him.
    Even to get his vitals.
    Circling now.
    Closing in, 200 meters.
    All teams in position.
    Weapons cocked.
    Ready to engage
    on my command.
    C'mon, c'mon, c'mon.
    Hold your fire.
    We don't know if he will attack.
    He will if you keep
    those guns on him.
    Now, I want him dead
    more than anybody
    but unless this is a fight
    that you know that you can win,
    for God's sake, stand down.
    Stand down.
    You can't be serious.
    I am.
    Stand down.
    Stand down.
    I say again, safety your weapons.
    Do not engage.
    His heart rate… it's slowing.
    Open the shields.
    Oh, yeah, sure, let's
    bring him in for a beer.
    You outta your goddamn mind?
    Let him know we're not a threat.
    Open the shields.
    Do it.
    Hey, what's with the light show?
    It's an intimidation display.
    Like a gorilla pounding its chest.
    Consider us very intimidated.
    I don't think it's for us.
    What are you doing, dude?
    Well, that was interesting.
    Could we maybe
    close the shield now?
    Show me his territorial routes.
    Because I wanna start a boat tour.
    Just show me!
    Coming up.
    You care to tell us
    what you're looking for?
    When an animal leaves
    its hunting ground,
    it's usually because its
    threatened by something.
    Run a course projection.
    We've gotta go after him.
    He's looking for
    something out there.
    It could be the Orca.
    Dr. Stanton,
    what's your projection?
    All paths have him
    landing in the same place.
    Good, then.
    I mean, let's go!
    Let's go find him, let's…
    What's in Antarctica?
    Contact the Argo.
    Yes, ma'am.
    USS Argo
    Monarch Command Ship
    The specimen at this site has
    been kept entirely off book.
    And since it's a more recent
    discovery, our data is limited.
    But it seems to be
    another apex predator.
    Emma called it "Monster Zero".
    It may have been a
    rival Alpha to Godzilla,
    battling for dominance
    over the other Titans.
    Dr. Chen?
    I've been scouring through thousands
    of years of myths and legends.
    But it's almost as if people were
    scared to even write about it.
    As if it was meant
    to be forgotten.
    So, I hate to crash the party,
    but I got some bad news.
    You could just say "news".
    It's always bad.
    We lost Godzilla.
    Dropped off the
    scan near Venezuela.
    Dropped off?
    I'm telling you, Dr. Brooks
    was right. It's a hollow Earth.
    That's how he moves
    around so fast,
    using these underwater
    tunnels like wormholes
    just like… zippin' around.
    Everyone look sharp!
    We're approaching the base.
    They're here.
    Keep 'em busy.
    Merge reaction force.
    Move out!
    If Jonah is looking to
    extract genetic samples,
    they'll be here.
    In the biolabs.
    Alright, two minutes! Check your
    equipment. Stand by the door.
    Come on, Ash, make it snappy.
  • Detonator ready.
  • Let's go.
    Come on, Maddie.
    Move, move!
    Remember, eyes wide.
    We got friendlies in here.
    Movin' to tunnel two.
    Ambush! Ambush!
    It's an ambush!
    We're taking heavy fi..!
    Hold your fire! Hold your fire!
    We got friendlies!
    Get down there and help Barnes.
    I'm goin' after 'em.
    Roger that.
    Hey, guys…
    I'm getting an EKG reading.
    Barnes, this is Foster.
    I've got eyes on the target.
    Repeat: eyes on the target.
    Let 'em go!
    Emma, Madison, let's go!
    Let's go. Emma, Maddie, come on.
  • Daddy.
  • Madison, walk to me!
    Walk to me now.
    Come on, honey.
    Barnes, I've got two
    hostages, one target down.
  • Maddie, come on!
  • I do not have a shot.
    Repeat: I do not have a shot.
    Emma, what are you doing?
    Let's go! Come on!
  • Dad…
  • Maddie.
    What the hell?
    I'm sorry.
    Out of the way!
    Get the door!
    I got you!
    We gotta go!
    Martinez! Foster!
    Let's go!
    What is Dad doing here?
    I don't know, honey.
    Let's go.
    We can't leave him.
    What are you waiting for?
    Wake it up.
    Come on!
    You've gotta be
    fucking kidding me.
    Fall back! Fall back!
    Get to the chopper!
    Come on!
    Come on, hurry!
    We'll do an emergency vertical
    take off at max RPMs.
    Number two's now spinning up.
    Oh, shit!
    This is Raptor One to Argos!
    Requesting immediate
    urgent extract!
    Again, I said, urgent extract!
    Griffin, get us
    the hell outta here!
    Madison, no!
  • What are you doing? Let go of it!
  • No!
  • Madison!
  • Maddie!
    Argo, this is Raptor One.
    We've been hit.
    We're down.
    Everybody hold on!
    Everybody clear out!
    Let's go!
    I'm stuck!
    Are you all right?
    I got it. I got it. Go, now!
    Anything on the satellites?
    Subs have Godzilla
    haulin' ass off Argentina.
    We lost Monster Zero on a
    tropical storm over Brazil.
    Scanning the entire southern
    hemisphere. So far, nothin'.
    Then scan the northern.
    Yeah, yeah, yeah…
    I know what I saw, Sam.
    And I'm telling you,
    she pulled that trigger.
    All due respect, Colonel,
    you saw wrong.
    Okay? She wouldn't
    have done that.
    Christ, she recruited pretty
    much everyone in this room.
    Maybe Jonah forced her, right?
    Maybe he used
    Madison as leverage.
    No, no,
    it had to be someone else.
    It was Emma.
    Foster saw it right.
    It was her,
    no one forced her to.
    Are you sure?
    First, she releases Mothra,
    and now, Monster Zero.
    Anyone else
    sensing a pattern here?
    Yes, and not a good one.
    It's as if she's trying
    to start a mass awakening.
    Well, it's just too bad that
    no one tried to warn you that
    that was gonna happen.
    Hang on, guys.
    Why the hell would she
    want to release them?
    And why would she team up with
    Jonah, of all people, to do it?
    We'll ask her
    when we find her.
    let's keep looking.
    Godzilla appears to be following
    the same path as
    Emma's Osprey,
    heading north over
    South America to here.
    Outpost 56 in
    Isla de Mara, Mexico.
    We touchdown there
    in 10 minutes.
    What about the people?
    I'm sorry?
    The people. The people
    down there in that village
    that don't realize they're
    gonna be the 'special of the day'.
    We've sent G- to begin an evacuation.
    Dr. Serizawa, we have a call
    in the emergency channel
    from Isla de Mara.
    Answer it.
    I suppose I should go first.
    Where's Madison?
  • She's right here.
  • Dad, are you okay?
    Madison, you alright, hon?
    I'm sorry.
  • You don't need to be…
  • It's okay.
    I'm so… Dad?
    She's fine, Mark. Trust me.
    Trust is a little hard
    to come by, Dr. Russell.
    Especially after
    what you pulled.
    I know.
    And, uh, I can only imagine
    what you're all thinking.
    But if there were any other
    way to do this, I would.
    Do what, Emma?
    I'm saving the world.
    By releasing those things?
    That doesn't make sense.
    As impossible as it seems,
    it does.
    Hear me out, Mark.
    After we lost andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), I swore
    his death would not be in vain.
    That I would find an answer.
    A solution to why
    the Titans were rising.
    But as I dug deeper,
    I realized that
    they were here for a reason.
    And that despite all the years that
    we spent trying to stop them,
    we never dared to
    confront the truth.
    Which truth?
    Humans have been the dominant
    species for thousands of years,
    and look what's happened.
    The mass extinction we feared
    has already begun.
    And we are the cause.
    We are the infection.
    But like all living organisms,
    the Earth unleashed a fever
    to fight this infection.
    Its original and rightful rulers.
    The Titans.
    They are part of the Earth's
    natural defense system.
    A way to protect the planet,
    to maintain its balance.
    But if governments are
    allowed to contain them,
    destroy them,
    or use them for war,
    the human infection will
    only continue to spread.
    And within our lifetime,
    our planet will perish.
    And so will we.
    Unless we restore balance.
    And what's gonna be left
    if you do this?
    A dead, charred world
    overrun by monsters?
    No, Dr. Stanton,
    the exact opposite.
    Just like how a forest fire
    replenishes the soil,
    or how a volcano
    creates new land.
    We have seen signs that these
    creatures will do the same.
    San Francisco, Las Vegas,
    wherever the Titans go,
    life follows.
    Triggered by their radiation.
    They are the only thing
    that can reverse the
    destruction that we started.
    They are the only guarantee
    that life will carry on.
    But for that to happen,
    we must set them free.
    You are murdering the world.
    Because as difficult
    as this will be,
    I promise,
    humanity will not go extinct.
    Using the Orca, we will
    return to a natural order.
    A forgotten order
    where we coexisted in
    balance with the Titans.
    The first gods.
    This is a dangerous path.
    You are meddling with forces
    beyond our comprehension.
    Gambling with the
    lives of billions!
    And what are you
    gambling with, Serizawa?
    Monarch is broken.
    It's on the verge of being
    shut down by a government
    whose only objective is to
    eradicate the creatures.
    And if that happens,
    what will our chances be?
    You are outta your
    goddamn mind!
    First, you put our
    daughter's life in danger.
    Now, you get to decide the fate
    of the world. That's rich, Emma.
    I couldn't be more sane…
    and Madison couldn't
    be stronger.
    After we lost andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer),
    I trained her to survive.
    And at least now,
    she will have a fighting chance.
    A fighting chance…
    Why don't you listen to yourself?
    It's not all math, Emma.
    Some things you can't control.
    And there are some things
    that you can't run from!
    This won't bring him back to us.
    I can only urge you all
    to take refuge.
    Over the last 60 years,
    Monarch has prepared bunkers
    around the world to save
    and restart civilization.
    This won't bring him back to us.
    I can only urge you all
    to take refuge.
    Over the last 60 years,
    Monarch has prepared bunkers
    around the world to save
    and restart civilization.
    I suggest you find them.
    That bitch.
    How long till this thing lands?
    Three minutes.
  • You might wanna rethink that.
  • Why?
    Somethin's not right.
    Check this out.
    Emma's not at Isla de Mara.
    I mean, the signal's too
    weak to be local, she's…
    bouncing it off our satellites.
    They must be holed up in
    one of our old bunkers.
    She could be anywhere.
    What is that?
    Oh, Jesus. She shut down
    the containment system.
    How much time do we have?
    Containment system bypassed.
    We're patched in.
    Ready to broadcast the Orca.
    Mom, don't!
    I'm sorry, did a child
    just tell you what to do?
    Maybe Dad is right.
    Maybe this isn't the way.
    By all means, Dr. Russell,
    let's reconsider our entire plan.
    Especially after telling
    all your friends about it.
    Madison, we talked about this.
    No, you said you were
    gonna help people.
    that you would let them…
    We don't have time for this!
    Did you really think this
    was gonna be easy, painless?
    Is that what you told her?
  • Leave her out of this.
  • Why?
    You're the one who
    pulled her into it.
    Madison, tell me,
    what exactly did Mommy sell you on?
    Some grand utopia?
    Man and monster living
    together in blissful harmony?
    Sir, they're attempting
    to lock us out.
    It's now or never.
    Emma, you came to me.
    This is your plan.
    We both want to save the planet,
    but everything is going to die
    if we don't see it through.
    At least let them get to safety.
    Ma'am, our window's closing.
    I'm sorry, Madison.
    This is bigger than
    just you and me.
    Isla de Mara, Mexico
    Monarch Outpost 56
    You got a catchy
    name for this one?
    Local legends call it
    The Fire Demon.
    That's comforting.
    Remember that tropical storm
    where we lost Monster Zero?
    It's changing direction and, uh,
    guess where it's headed now.
    That's not possible.
    No storm moves that fast.
    Unless it's not a storm.
    Oh, man.
    We need time to
    finish the evacuation.
    Then you better hurry
    'cause it's closin' in fast.
    It's not a coincidence that
    Monster Zero thing is headed here.
    It's reacting to
    Big Bird's cries.
    That means it's coming
    for food or fight or…
    something more intimate.
    What do you suggest?
    All fighters, weapons free.
    Oh, I think we got his attention.
    Everyone strap in.
    All ships, follow our lead.
    It's gonna be okay!
    Hang on, kid!
    Argo to Gold Squadron,
    Let's lure this turkey
    away from the mainland
    straight to Monster Zero.
    ETA, two minutes.
    Gold Squadron,
    engage on our six.
    Copy. Start the clock.
    Bogey. 9 o'clock, hot.
    Raptor 223, get outta there.
    He's on your tail,
    get outta there!
    Cobra's Raptor is off the team.
    ETA to Monster Zero, 60 seconds!
    Raptor 27,
    bogey coming up on your six.
    I'm losing control here!
    I'm losing control…!
    We've lost the squadron.
    ETA to Monster Zero, 30 seconds!
    Ten seconds!
    Jesus, they're killin' each other.
    Mayday mayday,
    this is Raptor One to Argo.
    Argo, do you read?
    Copy, Raptor One.
    What's your status?
    We're screwed, that's what.
    And we got kids on board.
    We're gonna need immediate
    mid-air retrieval.
    Lock on to their position
    and prepare the hangar
    for an emergency landing.
    Hangar doors are unresponsive.
    Manual override?
    They're stuck!
    Alright, which way
    to the hangar?
    I can show you.
    Anybody else?
    I know the way, I…
    Come on!
    I hope you got a big wrench.
    What's the problem?
    Hydraulic systems are jammed.
    I'm trying to
    jump start power.
    It's not looking good.
    It's Admiral Stenz.
    Dr. Serizawa, Col. Foster,
    I need you and your
    forces to immediately
    disengage and withdraw
    to a safe distance.
    Admiral, I don't understand.
    We have been developing a
    prototype for a new weapon.
    An Oxygen Destroyer.
    Designed to exterminate all
    life forms within a two-mile radius.
    With any luck,
    it will kill these things
    and this nightmare
    will finally be over.
    Admiral, we must keep
    our faith in Godzilla.
    I'm sorry, Doctor,
    you had your chance.
    The missile is already on its way.
    May God have mercy on us all.
    He's not lying.
    It's coming in hot.
    Argo, you gotta get this
    'Sprey to a good wing now!
    Have the crash and
    fire crews ready!
    What the hell do you
    think you're doing?!
    Look out!
    Hold on!
    Come on, Griff!
    Head in!
    Head in!
    That's what I'm talkin'
    about, Griff!
    Everybody okay?
    Get on to the back.
    Yo, thanks for the lift!
    Oh, God.
    We're gettin' outta here.
    Military launched a weapon.
    It's gonna kill 'em both.
    Well, that's not the worst idea.
    Dr. Stanton,
    can you locate Godzilla?
    Yeah, I got somethin'.
    His vitals are fading.
    Radiation levels are plummeting.
    Come on, big guy, fight it.
    He's gone.
    Looks like
    you got your wish, Mark.
    Monarch Outpost 55
    Sedona, Arizona
    Monarch Outpost 67
    Munich, Germany
    I thought we were going to
    release them gradually.
    One at a time.
    I'm not the one doing this.
    Long live the king.
    You're a monster.
    Mothra Cocoon Site
    Yunnan Rainforest, China
    Castle Bravo, this is containment
    team Mosura. Do you read? Over.
  • Castle Bravo, this is…
  • Anything?
    Dr. Brooks. We've lost
    contact with the Argo,
    Castle Bravo and the
    other containment sites.
    Angkor Wat, Skull Island,
    Stone Mountain.
    All the Titans.
    They're escaping.
    Wait, wait, wait.
    It's-It's him.
    He's the one doing this.
    They're responding to his call.
    Where's Dr. Ling?
    She's outside.
    Dr. Ling!
    We've lost contact with Monarch.
    Dr. Ling?
  • Madison, wait.
  • Get away from me.
    Look, I know things haven't gone
    exactly according to plan, but
  • I can fix this.
  • "According to plan"?
    You said that you
    were gonna be careful,
    that you'd release
    them one at a time,
    that you would restore balance.
    They were gonna take over
    Monarch and kill the Titans.
    I didn't have a choice.
    You said we were
    doing this for andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer).
    Do you really think he
    would have wanted this?
    Any luck?
    Emma used to create the Orca
    signal, I've never heard it.
    How are you doing?
    How's that?
    Make this our compass.
    It's something
    my mom used to say.
    She believed our stories
    about monsters and dragons
    could help us find the Titans
    and restore our
    connection to nature.
    Wait, your mother?
    You're second
    generation Monarch?
    It runs in the family.
    That's incredible!
    I don't suppose your family has any
    tips on slaying dragons, do they?
    Slaying dragons is
    a Western concept.
    In the East, they are
    sacred, divine creatures
    who brought wisdom, strength,
    even redemption.
    This Oxygen Destroyer…
    Why wasn't
    Monster Zero affected?
    I mean, I'm no scientist but I
    think it had something to do with
    his goddamn head growing back.
    I never seen anything like it.
    Violates everything we know
    about the natural order.
    Unless he's not
    part of the natural order.
    What do you mean?
    I was able to piece this together.
    Well, he looks vaguely familiar.
    It tells of a great dragon
    who fell from the stars.
    A Hydra whose storms swallowed
    both men and gods alike.
    You mean an alien?
    Yes. He's not part
    of our natural order.
    And he's not meant to be here.
    A false king.
    The invasive species.
    That could explain how he's
    creating these massive storms
    and the effect he's having
    on the other Titans.
    It's almost like he's reshaping
    the planet to his own liking.
    These legends,
    what did they call him?
    The One Who is Many.
  • Gi-what?
  • She seriously say gonorrhea?
    Dr. Serizawa,
    we're approaching
    Castle Bravo, but
    there's something you should see.
    I'm guessing you weren't
    expecting these guys.
    Moscow, London,
    Washington D.C.
    All under attack.
    On every continent, the Titans
    are triggering earthquakes,
    wildfires, tsunamis
    and disasters we don't
    even have names for yet.
    Now, as before,
    we have been trying to lure the
    creatures with nuclear materials,
    but they are not taking
    the bait this time.
    Their behavior has become
    random, erratic.
    And with our forces
    spread desperately thin
    and these things roaming
    the globe unimpeded,
    we are running out of options
    and time.
    Excuse me, do you
    have something to add?
    You're wrong.
    Their behavior is not random
    or erratic.
    If I may, sir?
    As amazing as this sounds,
    they're moving like a pack.
    They're hunting.
    All packs, from wolves
    to killer whales,
    they all respond
    directly to an alpha.
    And this Ghidorah is
    the new alpha and all
    all the other creatures
    are just doing his bidding.
    an extension of him.
    We stop him…
    we stop them all.
    Is there another creature that
    might stand a chance against him?
    Ghidorah and Godzilla's rivalry
    was ancient and unique.
    Right, so we killed our best
    shot at beating this thing?
    Jonah, you don't get it.
    This changes everything.
    With Godzilla gone,
    Monster Zero isn't
    using the Titans to
    restore the planet.
    He is using them to destroy it.
    This isn't coexistence.
    This is extinction.
    Listen, while you were sitting
    comfortably in some laboratory,
    we've been fighting for decades
    in one dirty war after another.
    I've seen human
    nature firsthand,
    and I'm here to tell you
    that it doesn't get any better.
    It just gets worse.
    So I'm sorry that Monster Zero
    isn't exactly what
    we were expecting.
    But we opened Pandora's Box.
    And there's no closing it now.
    Maybe there is.
    Oh, don't be stupid.
    You broadcast again
    and you will expose us all.
    These creatures communicate
    like whales, okay?
    They can hear sonar for
    thousands of miles, so…
    Let's send a team,
    let's broadcast the
    Orca from Fenway.
    It's just a few miles from here.
    I could use the stadium
    to amplify a signal
    that might stop these attacks.
    The city's already
    being evacuated,
    so we'll be safe.
  • And then what?
  • I don't know.
    Figure out what the hell
    Monster Zero really is
    and try to stop it.
    Before Monarch finds us.
    I'm sure your old friends will
    be very happy to see you again.
    We can't just sit here, all right?
    This isn't the world
    that we wanted.
    I seem to remember
    you telling me
    that the world always
    belonged to them.
    Maybe it is time
    we gave it back.
    Mark, wait.
    What are you doing?
    I can't just sit down there.
    I gotta do something.
  • Like what?
  • Like go find my daughter.
    Where are you gonna go?
    She's the only thing
    I got left, Sam.
    I'm what she's there for.
    Not gonna let that happen again.
    Good luck.
    Queen of the Monsters.
    Are you recording this, Stanton?
    I record everything, man.
    It's like a song.
    I bet there's only one thing
    that can understand this.
    Yeah, I got it.
    Pickin' up the reply.
    Bringing it up.
    He's still alive.
    So, her and…
    Godzilla, they, like…
    they got a thing goin' on?
    That's kinda messed up, right?
    Symbiotic relationships
    between two different species
    arent all that uncommon.
    Can you track him?
    No. Signal's too weak.
    But maybe she can.
    How many nukes do you have?
    We could help him.
    This Category 6
    hurricane over D.C.
    is where King Ghidorah is nesting.
    Working with all four
    branches of the military,
    this will be a joint operation.
    To lure it away
    from the mainland
    so that we can
    continue evacuations.
    Long enough for our submersible
    team to complete its mission.
    So this plan is what you
    call a long shot, right?
    What do those nerds
    think they're gonna do
    down there with
    a bunch of nukes?
    You didn't hear 'em, Griffin?
    They wanna bring Godzilla
    back from the dead.
    You'll be out of range
    while you're down there
    but a squadron will stay behind
    to keep an eye out for you.
    Appreciate it.
    Alrighty, Bowman.
    Let's take her down.
    Dive the ship.
    Make depth 150.
    Good luck.
    Thanks, Sam.
    We'll need it.
    What time is it?
    Time to get talking watch.
    andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s favorite joke.
    You never took that
    watch out of your pocket
    without him asking
    that question.
    If you told me five years ago
    I'd be trying to save the
    thing that took my son,
    or it would be the only way to
    save the family I loved, I'd…
    the only way to heal our
    wounds is to make peace
    with the demons
    who created them.
    You really believe that?
    Don't you?
    Isn't that why you are here?
    There are some things beyond
    our understanding, Mark.
    We must accept them
    and learn from them.
    Because these moments of crisis
    are also potential
    moments of faith.
    A time, when we either
    come together or fall apart.
    Nature always has a way
    of balancing itself.
    The only question is,
    what part
    will we play?
    Did you just make that up?
    I read it in a
    fortune cookie once.
    A really long fortune cookie.
    Status on the ship?
    Some sort of vortex got us,
    it's dragging us.
    1,600 feet till impact.
    800 feet!
    Emergency close, 200 feet.
    Brace for impact!
    Admiral, this is USS Brody
    en route to evacuation perimeter
    Weapons hot, ready to engage
    Titans on your command.
    It's like the whole sky's alive.
    That's because it is.
    Here we go.
    Status report.
    Can't fix our
    position, GPS is down.
    But inertial says we're at…
    600 miles from departure.
    That can't be.
    I knew it, man!
    The vortex was a tunnel
    into the hollow Earth.
    It's a subterranean…
    tunnel system that-that
    connects the entire planet.
    Doesn't matter. I knew I
    was right. I told you, Chen!
    Shut up, Rick.
    We'll take an emergency
    pull forward.
    Launch probes.
    Range, 1,000 meters.
    Camera, good.
    Holding in range.
    Pan right.
    Looks Egyptian.
  • Or Roman.
  • No.
    This is somethin' different.
    This is…
    This is way older.
    Oh, my.
    All the legends.
    The stories.
    They're true.
    They really were the first gods.
    If only the Earth and stones could
    speak, the stories they could tell us.
    Dr. Stanton,
    any sign of Godzilla?
    Yeah, the probe is picking
    up a radioactive blob
    just past that ridge.
    Set the course.
    Attention please.
    Martial law is now instated
    by order of the President.
    The Greater Boston Area is now
    under military supervision.
    All citizens should report to
    the nearest evacuation center
    for immediate transport.
    I repeat.
    All citizens are to report
    to the nearest evacuation…
    Massive storms and other
    disasters triggered by the Titans
    have forced millions
    to flee major cities.
    And with D.C. hit hard
    by a Category 6 hurricane
    that has left the capital
    completely flooded,
    this is the single greatest
    disaster in human history.
    The grim search continues
    as people around the world
    sift through the
    debris of leveled homes
    in the hope of finding
    missing loved ones.
    And though this sight
    is heartbreaking,
    it is unfortunately
    nothing unique.
    Cities around the globe
    have fallen under a wave
    of what many are calling
    "The Rise of the Titans".
    I think we should stop.
    'Cause I still wanna
    have kids one day.
    Preferably without flippers.
    We'll stop, over the ship.
    I got O2, CO2 and methane.
    It looks there's some sort
    of air pocket in there.
  • My God…
  • Zilla.
    Ah, goodnight, Gracie.
    Pull up the last frame.
    the source of the radiation.
    That's why he returned here.
    He's feeding.
    This is his home.
    This is how he
    survived for so long.
    Always adapting.
    It's incredible.
    So, dude's got this
    covered, right?
    H-He just needs a little nap.
    This process could take years.
    We have to proceed as planned.
    Hang on.
    We're gonna launch
    a nuclear torpedo
    in order to revive
    a giant monster.
    Okay? This is-This is not like
    we're just jump-starting a car.
    We have another complication.
    Our weapon systems were
    damaged during the crash.
  • We can't launch.
  • Can it be repaired?
    I'm afraid not.
    Okay. What if we go inside,
    set a timer,
    and blow up the
    warhead manually?
    No way. If the heat doesn't
    fry you, the radiation will.
    I'll go.
    What the hell does that mean?
    There must be another way.
    There's no time for debate.
    I'll go.
    Argo! We are red on
    ammo and low on fuel!
    We can't take much more of this!
    Copy. Copy.
    Just hold them off
    as long as you can!
    Colonel, take a look at this.
    All the Titans have stopped.
    What the hell's
    gotten into them now?
    It does appear as if the attacks
    have ceased for the time being.
    With the creatures going from
    destructive to docile within minutes.
    Now, no one is sure how or why,
    but this seems to be happening
    simultaneously around the world.
    What's goin' on?
    The Orca.
    I wonder who could
    have done this.
    First contact,
    you're gonna start
    losing your long-range vision.
    When you surface, motor skills
    are gonna start to fade,
    but I put a heliox mixture
    in the tank which…
    should help you stay
    stable a little longer.
    It was an honor.
    Thank you.
    My notes.
    Are you sure?
    He fought for us.
    Died for us.
    He's not only proof that
    coexistence is possible.
    He is…
    the key to it.
    Take care of them, Mark.
    Bowman, take us out, fast.
    Aye, Captain.
    He's clear.
    …old friend.
    You all right?
    Bowman, send a distress
    message to the Argo.
    Aye, Captain.
    See anything?
    Nobody move!
    Are you okay?
    I know how to find him.
    I know how to find him!
    Let's make him proud,
    not screw this up.
  • How did he, uh…?
  • By saving us.
    Sam, what do we got going on?
    We think Emma activated the
    Orca somewhere near Boston.
    That's why Ghidorah and Godzilla
    are both headed that way now.
    But we haven't been able to
    pinpoint the exact location
    without the missing piece
    of the Orca's signal.
    I've got the missing piece.
    It's Godzilla, right?
    But I know we already tried…
    It's not Godzilla.
    It's us.
    What do you mean "us"?
    Emma combined the bioacoustics
    of Godzilla with a human.
    That's how she made the
    signal for the Orca.
    The creatures just think
    it's another apex predator.
    Well, that makes sense. I mean,
    we are a bunch of horny,
    murderous carnivores.
    Yeah, that's real poetic.
    Now, what?
    We track it, we find it,
    we get my daughter back.
    What about Moe,
    Larry and Curly over here?
    Godzilla will bring balance.
    Oh, I get it.
    A little Serizawa
    let-'em-fight action.
    I used to love it
    when he said that.
    No, this time we join the fight.
    What do you think you're doing?
    I don't have time
    to argue about this, Jonah.
    I'm getting Maddie back.
    Not with my men, you're not.
    Emma, you said this was
    about the greater good.
    That the planet
    deserved a clean slate.
    But now you're prepared to
    put all our lives in danger
    because your little girl is missing.
  • The Orca is with…
  • The Orca no longer matters.
    Man does not control
    the laws of nature.
    And neither do you.
    I already lost one child.
    I'm not losing another.
    I have to fix this.
    Let her go.
    We have everything we need.
    Oh, shit.
    Okay, we've zeroed in on
    the last ping from the Orca.
    Fenway Park, dead ahead.
    We'll lay cover fire to
    keep Ghidorah distracted.
    Copy that.
    Colonel, all squadrons
    are locked on target.
    For Serizawa.
    Is it just me, or…
    has he been working out?
    You kiddin' me?
    Serizawa's got
    that lizard juiced!
    Damn right.
    Oh, boy.
    Godzilla's radiation levels
    are goin' through the roof.
    We got about 12 minutes
    before he goes thermonuclear.
    What do you mean?
    I'm saying, in about 12 minutes,
    it's gonna be a bad day
    to be a Red Sox fan.
    Okay, guys,
    you need to find the Orca,
    get Madison and get
    the hell outta there!
    Whatever Serizawa did to Godzilla
    worked a little too well,
    'cause he's about to explode
    like an atom bomb.
  • Watch left.
  • Prepare for landing.
    Go! Go!
    I found something!
    Over here!
    Come check this out!
    Are you alright?
    I found the Orca, sir.
    Looks pretty banged up.
    No sign of your daughter.
    She's back there!
  • We gotta get outta here!
  • Let's go!
    Get in!
    Get in!
    Griffin, you alright?
    Martinez, let's get her up!
    Where's Madison?
    I don't know,
    I thought she was there!
    Well, she's not there!
    I can't get anything!
  • Get that slack!
  • Okay, okay!
    Look out!
    I hope you're as good as finding
    her as you are of losing her.
    I didn't lose her, she ran away!
    Well, gee, I wonder why!
    I can't blame that kid.
    If I had these two for parents,
    I'd run away from home, too.
    What did you just say?
    If I had the two of you for parents,
    I'd run away from home, too.
  • Home.
  • Home.
    Godzilla's radiation's
    reaching critical mass!
    Six minutes until he blows!
    Order all remaining
    craft to retreat!
  • Madison!
  • Maddie!
    We got her. On three!
    One, two, three!
    Oh, my baby…
    Is she breathing?
    Roger that.
    Osprey's comin' in two minutes!
    We gotta work fast!
    To do what?
    You sure about this?
    It's the only way to save him.
    We fix it, get on the Osprey,
    draw that thing
    away from Godzilla.
    Buy him time to
    get back on his feet.
    Mark, you've seen
    what that thing can do.
    I know.
    It'll be tight, but we
    have to take that chance.
  • Are you good to go?
  • Yes.
    All right, one, two,
    That's it.
    That's it!
    Come on, Emma, let's go!
    Okay. Take her, take her.
  • I still have to activate it.
  • What?
    I'm right behind you. Go!
    Let's go!
    Come on, Maddie!
    Go, go, go!
    Maddie, do you have pain
    anywhere besides the leg?
  • We gotta lift off, now!
  • Wait!
    Emma, let's go, come on!
  • No! Mom!
  • Emma!
    Long live
    the king.
    Good thing he's on our side.
    For now.

@Knight-Shives group

[Marvel Opening Credits]

[radio transmission sound]

[Inside the ship, Ebony Maw walks among the bodies of dead Asgardians. He steps over them as he speaks with no mind, as if they were scattered pieces of dirty clothing on a bedroom floor.]

Ebony Maw: Hear me, and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No…It is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile…For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos.

[Loki is seen with the Black Order. He watches Thanos.]

Thanos: [Looking out the large window we saw at the end of “Thor: Ragnarok”.] I know what it’s like to lose. To feel so desperately that you’re right… yet to fail, nonetheless. [grabs Thor by the head.] It’s frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it’s here. Or should I say…I AM.

[Thanos holds up his hand to reveal the Infinity Gauntlet, which already hosts the Power Stone.]

Thor: [exhaustedly spitting blood from his mouth] You talk too much.

Thanos: [to Loki] The Tesseract, or your brother’s head. I assume you have a preference.

Loki: Oh, I do. Kill away!

[Thanos sets the gauntlet on Thor’s temple. The power stone glows brightly. Thor suffers in pain.]

Loki: [cringing and looking away from his brother’s pain and has just thought for a few seconds] ALRIGHT, STOP!

Thor: We don’t have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard.

[Loki glances at Thor like he knows something he doesn’t. He lifts his right hand into the air and the Tesseract reveals itself]

Thor: You really are the worst, brother.

Loki: [While holding the Tesseract out to Thanos and advancing] I assure you, brother, the Sun will shine on us again.

Thanos: Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian.

Loki: Well, for one thing: I’m not Asgardian. And for another… We have a Hulk.

[Loki dives out of the way as Hulk emerges and fights Thanos. Punches are exchanged and Thanos is forced into the wall of the ship. Maw stops Black Dwarf from interfering.]

Ebony Maw: Let him have his fun.

[Thanos defeats Hulk and dumps him to the ground. Thor tries to interfere but Ebony Maw binds him to the ground.]

Heimdall: Allfathers… let the dark magic flow through me one last… time.

[Heimdall summons the Bifrost, which carries Hulk away.]

Thanos: That was a mistake.

[Thanos stabs Heimdall through the heart.]

Thor: NO!!! You’re going to die for that!

[Ebony Maw shuts Thor’s mouth]

Ebony Maw: Shhhh. [Holding the Tesseract, on one knee] My humble personage… bows before your grandeur. No other being has ever had the might, nay the nobility, to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones. The universe lies within your grasp.

[Thanos crushes the Tesseract, revealing the Space Stone. He places it on the gauntlet.]

Thanos: There are two more Stones on Earth. Find them, my children, and bring them to me on Titan.

Proxima Midnight: Father, we will not fail you.

Loki: [Emerging from a separate section of the ship] If I might, interject… If you’re going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena.

Thanos: If you consider failure experience…

Loki: I consider experience, experience. Almighty Thanos. I, Loki, Prince of Asgard… Odinson… The rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity.

[Thor squints and notices a dagger in Loki’s hand. Loki attempts to stab Thanos, but fails.]

Thanos: “Undying.” You should choose your words more carefully.

[Thanos tightens his hold around Loki’s neck. He makes eye contact with Thor before he increases his force on Loki’s neck.]

Loki: [Giving up on fighting against Thanos] You… will never be… a god. [Thanos snaps Loki’s neck, killing him]

Thanos: No resurrections this time.

[Thanos teleports away with the Black Order.]

Thor: No… Loki…

[Thor is released from his binds. He crawls over to Loki’s body- which, unlike in the Dark World, has not returned to it’s Jotun form- and lays his head down on Loki’s chest, shedding tears for all that he has lost. The ship explodes. The Bifrost sends Hulk across space to Earth.]

[Sanctum Sanctorum]

Doctor Strange: Seriously? You don’t have any money?

Wong: Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual.

Doctor Strange: I’ll tell the guys at the deli. Maybe they’ll make you a metaphysical Ham on Rye.

Wong: Oh, wait, wait, wait, I think I have 200.

Doctor Strange: Dollars?

Wong: Rupees.

Doctor Strange: Which is?

Wong: Uh, buck and a half.

Doctor Strange: What do you want?

Wong: I wouldn’t say no to a Tuna Melt.

[Bruce crash-lands on the Sanctum stairs.]

Bruce Banner: Thanos is coming. He’s coming…

Doctor Strange: [Sharing a look with Wong, now in his normal fighting attire] … Who?

(Title Screen: Avengers: Infinity War)

Tony Stark: Slow down, slow down. I’m totally not kidding.
Pepper Potts: [laughing slightly] You’re totally rambling.

Tony Stark: No, I’m not.

Pepper Potts: Lost me.

Tony Stark: Look, you know how you’re having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee?

Pepper Potts: Yeah.

Tony Stark: Okay, and then you’re like, “Oh my god, there’s no bathroom, what am I gonna do?” “Oh! Someone’s watching.” “I’m gonna go in my pants.”

Pepper Potts: Right. And then you wake up, and in real life you actually have to pee.

Tony Stark: Yes.

Pepper Potts: Yeah. Everybody has that.

Tony Stark: Right! That’s the point I’m trying to make. Apropos of that, last night, I dreamt, we had a kid. So real. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Uh, what was his name?

Pepper Potts: [Nodding in understanding] Right.

Tony Stark: Morgan! Morgan.

Pepper Potts: So you woke up, and thought that we were…

Tony Stark: Expecting.

Pepper Potts: Yeah.

Tony Stark: [Becoming excited] Yes?

Pepper Potts: [Shaking her head} No.

Tony Stark: I had a dream about it. It was so real.

Pepper Potts: If you wanted to have a kid, you wouldn’t have done that.

[Pepper points to Tony’s chest attachment]

Tony Stark: I’m glad you brought this up, ’cause it’s nothing. It’s just a housing unit for nano particles.

Pepper Potts: It’s not helping your case, OK?

Tony Stark: No, no, it’s an attachment, it’s not a-

Pepper Potts: {Insistently] You don’t need that.

Tony Stark: I know. I had the surgery. I’m just trying to protect us. The future, us, and that’s it. Just in case there’s a monster in the closet, instead of, you know…

Pepper Potts: Shirts?

Tony Stark: You know me so well. You finish all my sentences.

Pepper Potts: You should have shirts in your closet.

Tony Stark: Yeah. You know what there should be? No more surprises. We’re gonna have a nice dinner tonight. Show off this Harry Winston. Right? And we should have no more surprises. Ever. I should promise you.

Pepper Potts: Yes.

Tony Stark: I will. (Tony kisses Pepper.)

[Doctor Strange comes through a portal]

Doctor Strange: Tony Stark, I’m Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me. Oh, uh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way.

Tony Stark: I’m sorry, you giving out tickets or something?

Doctor Strange: We need your help. Look, it’s not overselling to say that the fate of the universe is at stake.

Tony Stark: And who’s “we”?

Bruce Banner: [Emerges behind Doctor Strange] Hey, Tony.

Tony Stark: [Looking surprised] Bruce.

Bruce Banner: Pepper.

Pepper Potts: Hi.

Tony Stark: You okay?

[Bruce gives Tony a hug, not answering. After everything he has been through, we understand.]

[Back at the Sanctum Sanctorum]

Wong: [Using magic to show the universe and five out of six Infinity Stones] From the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then, boom! The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals, hurdling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence.

Doctor Strange: Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. And Time.

[Dr. Strange opens the Eye of Agamotto, revealing the Time Stone.]
Tony Stark: Tell me his name again.
Bruce Banner: Thanos. He’s a plague, Tony. He invades planets, he takes what he wants, he wipes out half the population. He sent Loki! The attack on New York, that’s him!
Tony Stark: [Speaking to himself] This is him…What’s our timeline?
Bruce Banner: No telling. He has the Power and Space Stones, that already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe! If he gets his hands, on all six Stones, Tony…
Doctor Strange: He can destroy life on a scale hither to undreamt of.

Tony Stark: [Leans against a cauldron, stretching casually] Did you seriously just say “hither to undreamt of”?

Doctor Strange: Are you seriously leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos?

Tony Stark: Is that what this is…?

[The Cloak of Levitation smacks Tony’s arm.]

Tony Stark: [Looking offended] I’m going to allow that. If Thanos needs all six, why don’t we just stick this one down the garbage disposal?

Doctor Strange: No can do.

Wong: We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone. With our lives.

Tony Stark: And I swore off dairy, but then, Ben & Jerry’s named a flavor after me, so…

Doctor Strange: Stark Raving Hazelnuts.

Tony Stark: It’s not bad.

Doctor Strange: A bit chalky.

Wong: “A Hunka-Hulka Burning Fudge” is our favorite.

Bruce Banner: That’s a thing?

Tony Stark: Whatever. Point is: Things change.

Doctor Strange: Our oath to protect the Time Stone cannot change. This Stone may be the best chance we have against Thanos.

Tony Stark: And still conversely, it may also be his best chance against us.

Doctor Strange: Well, if we don’t do our jobs.

Tony Stark: What is your job exactly, besides making balloon animals?

Doctor Strange: Protecting your reality, douchebag.

Bruce Banner: Okay, guys, can we quick cable this discussion right now? The fact is that we have the Stone. We know where it is. Vision is out there somewhere with the Mind Stone, and we have to find him now.

Tony Stark: [awkwardly] Yeah, that’s the thing.

Bruce Banner: What do you mean?

Tony Stark: Two weeks ago, Vision turned off his transponder. He’s offline.

Bruce Banner: What?! Tony, you lost another super bot?!

Tony Stark: I didn’t lose him. He’s more than that. He’s evolving.

Doctor Strange: Who could find Vision, then?

Tony Stark: Shit. Probably Steve Rogers.

Doctor Strange: [sighing in exasperation] Oh, great.

Tony Stark: Maybe. But…

Bruce Banner: [missing the events of Civil War] Call him.

Tony Stark: It’s not that easy. God, we haven’t caught up in a spell, have we?

Bruce Banner: No.

Tony Stark: The Avengers broke up. We’re toast.

Bruce Banner: Broke up? Like a band? Like The Beatles?

Tony Stark: Cap and I fell out hard. We’re not on speaking terms.

Bruce Banner: Tony, listen to me. Thor’s gone. Thanos is coming. It doesn’t matter who you’re talking to or not.

[Tony hesitates, before pulling out the cellular phone Steve mailed him, muttering ‘flip phone’. It seems as though he brings it everywhere, always ready to call his lost friend. Before clicking “Call”, he pauses. He hears unusual sounds.]

Tony Stark: Say, Doc, you wouldn’t happen to be moving your hair, would you?

Doctor Strange: [Trying to look up at one of his stray hairs fluttering] … Not at the moment, no.
[Tony looks at the opening on the ceiling and sees metal scraps flying by outside. He exits the Sanctum and scans the chaotic surroundings. He helps a woman up.]

Tony Stark: You okay?

[The woman ignores him and runs away. A car crashes in on a pole behind Tony.]

Tony Stark: Help him! Wong, Doc.

Bruce Banner: Go! Got it!

Tony Stark: [Putting on his sunglasses] F.R.I.D.A.Y., what am I looking at?

F.R.I.D.A.Y.: Not sure, I’m working on it.

Tony Stark: Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc!

Doctor Strange: Might wanna use it.

[A huge circular ship is seen floating near Bleecker Street. On a bus, the hairs on Peter Parker’s arms stand up. He looks out the window and sees the ship.]

Peter Parker: [Tapping his friend from the seat in front of him] Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction.

Ned Leeds: Holy shit! We’re all gonna die! There’s a spaceship!

[Peter Parker opens a window using his web shooter. He exits the bus. Students scramble to the windows to see the spaceship.]

Stan Lee: What’s the matter with you kids? You’ve never seen a spaceship before?

[Peter Parker wears his Spider-Man mask and makes his way towards the ship.]

Tony Stark: F.R.I.D.A.Y., evac anyone south of 43rd Street, notify first responders.

F.R.I.D.A.Y.: Will do.

[Doctor Strange stops the ship’s engine. The dust clears. Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf exit the ship.]

Ebony Maw: Hear me, and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to…

Tony Stark: I’m sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here.

Ebony Maw: [Looks at Strange] Stone keeper… Does this chattering animal speak for you?

Doctor Strange: Certainly not. I speak for myself. But you’re trespassing in this city and on this planet.

Tony Stark: It means get lost Squidward!

Ebony Maw: He exhausts me. Bring me the Stone.

Tony Stark: Banner, you want a piece?

Bruce Banner: No, not really, but when do I ever get what I want?

Tony Stark: That’s right.

[Bruce attempts to release the Hulk. Instead of Hulk coming out easily, the most that turns green is Bruce’s neck]

Tony Stark: Been a while. Good to have you, buddy.

Bruce Banner: I just… I need to concentrate here for one second. Come on, come on, man.

Tony Stark: Where’s your guy?

Bruce Banner: I don’t know. We’ve sort been havin’ a thing.

Tony Stark: There’s no time for a thing.

Bruce Banner: I know.

Tony Stark: That’s the thing right there. Let’s go.

[Bruce gives out a loud grunt, but fails to release the Hulk.]

Tony Stark: {Glances at Strange] Dude, you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards.

Bruce Banner: Tony, I’m sorry. (STAMMERS) Either I can’t or he won’t-

Tony Stark: It’s okay. Hey, stand down. [to Wong] Keep an eye on him. Thank you.

Wong: I have him.

Bruce Banner: Damn it.

[As Black Dwarf approaches the team, Stark dons his Iron Man suit. He defends himself and casts the Dwarf back to Maw, who dodges him.]

Bruce Banner: Where’d that come from?

Tony Stark: It’s nano-tech. You like it? A little somet-

[Ebony Maw hurls Stark up and attacks the rest of the team. Wong summons a shield.]

Doctor Strange: Dr. Banner, if the rest of your green friend won’t be joining us…

[Doctor Strange teleports Banner to the park. Stark returns and joins the fight.]

Tony Stark: Gotta get that stone outta here, now.

Doctor Strange: It stays with me.

Tony Stark: Exactly. Bye.

[Tony flies away but is cut off by Black Dwarf, sending him to the park.]

Bruce Banner: Tony, you okay? How we doing? Good? bad?

Tony Stark: Really, really good. Really good. Do you plan on helping out?

Bruce Banner: I’m trying. He won’t come out.

[Black Dwarf arrives to the park. Throwing his hammer at Bruce.]

Tony Stark: Hammer. [Pushing Bruce out of the way]

[Tony’s energy beam deflects off Black Dwarf’s shield, slicing down trees. Bruce crawls under a fallen tree.]

Bruce Banner: [begins hitting himself]Come on, Hulk. What are you doing to me? Come out! Come out! Come out!

Hulk: No!

Bruce Banner: What do you mean, “no”?

[Stark is knocked down by Dwarf, but is shielded by Peter Parker.]

Peter Parker: Hey, man. What’s up, Mr. Stark?

Tony Stark: Kid, where’d you come from?

Peter Parker: Field trip to MoMA.

[Black Dwarf grabs Parker and throws him away.]

Peter Parker: What is this guy’s problem, Mr. Stark?

Tony Stark: He’s from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard.

[Wong and Doctor Strange are fighting against Maw. Maw lifts several bricks from the ground and turns them into sharp points. He sends them towards Wong and Strange. The two make portals and send them back towards Maw. Maw moves a car to protect himself, but one spike still hits his head, creating a cut. Wong is knocked back into rubble and a car, falling to the ground unconscious. Strange flies forward to fight Maw but is knocked back into a building, bricks trapping him]

Ebony Maw: Your powers are quaint. You must be popular with children.

[Maw tries to grab the amulet holding the Time Stone but jerks back when it burns his hand.]

Doctor Strange: It’s a simple spell but quite unbreakable.

Ebony Maw: Then I’ll take it off your corpse.

[Maw pulls Strange away from the building and throws him to the ground. Several wires leap around around different parts of Strange’s body. One cord, is slowly tightening around his neck]

Doctor Strange: You’ll find…removing a dead man’s spell… Troublesome.

Ebony Maw: You’ll only wish you were dead. [Strange falls unconscious and is Maw moves to grab him. The Cloak of Levitation flies Strange away} No!

Tony Stark: [As Strange passes through the park] Kid, that’s the wizard. Get on it.

Peter Parker: On it!

(Peter chases Strange through Manhattan, Maw attacks him, throwing him through a billboard.)

Peter Parker: Not cool!

(Peter attempts to anchor Strange to a lamppost, but Maw breaks the lamppost, sending Peter and Strange up in the ship’s tractor beam.)

Peter Parker: Mr. Stark? I’m being beamed up.

Tony Stark: Hang on, kid. [As Black Dwarf jumps towards Tony he is sent through a portal. Tony turns towards Wong, the one who made the portal} Wong, you’re invited to my wedding. [Tony begins to fly towards the large ship] Give me a little juice, F.R.I.D.A.Y. [Tony’s feet thrusters turn morph together into a larger one] Unlock 17-A. [a pod jettisons from the New Avengers Facility] Pete, you gotta let go. I’m gonna catch you.

Peter Parker: But you said save the wizard! [Peter, based on lack of oxygen, pulls off his mask] I can’t breathe!

Tony Stark: You’re too high up. You’re running out of air.

Peter Parker: Yeah! That makes sense.

[Peter passes out, free-falling, but not before the pod reaches him. It attaches itself to him, becoming the Iron Spider suit. Now being able to breathe, Peter lands on a bottom part of the ship, standing up heroically.]

Peter Parker: Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!

Tony Stark: Happy trails, kid. F.R.I.D.A.Y, send him home.

F.R.I.D.A.Y: Yup.

[A large parachute extends from the new suit, sending Peter spiraling back to Earth.]

Peter Parker: Oh, come on!

[Tony boards the ship, trying to get to the main bay and keep the Time Stone out of MAW’s hands.]

F.R.I.D.A.Y: Boss, incoming call from Miss Potts.

Pepper Potts: Tony? Oh, my God. Are you all right? What’s going on?

Tony Stark: Yeah, I’m fine. I just think we might have to push our 8:30 res.

Pepper Potts: Why?

Tony Stark: [While looking at the ship around him] Just ’cause I’ll… probably not make it back for awhile.

Pepper Potts: Tell me you’re not on that ship.

Tony Stark: Yeah.

Pepper Potts: God, no. Please tell me you’re not on that ship.

Tony Stark: Honey, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say.

Pepper Potts: Come back here, Tony. I swear to God…

Tony Stark: Pep…

Pepper Potts: Come back here right now! Come back!

F.R.I.D.A.Y: Boss, we’re losing her. I’m going, too…

[Peter Parker is revealed to have managed to stick to the outside of the ship, and is crawling inside an airlock.]

Peter Parker: Oh my God. I should have stayed on the bus.

(Meanwhile, on EARTH)

Bruce Banner: Where you going?

Wong: The Time Stone’s been taken. The Sanctum remains unguarded. What will you do?

Bruce Banner: [Holding Rogers’ cell phone] I’m gonna make a call.

[Wong nods in understanding and closes the portal, not to be seen again for the rest of the movie]

(SPACE: Guardians of the Galaxy)

[The Guardians of the Galaxy are travelling to investigate a distress call to the tune of ‘Rubberband Man’.]

Peter Quill: (While dancing to the song) Sing it, Drax!

(Drax is snoring with his mouth open from his seat in front of Quill.)

Rocket: (After yawning briefly) Why are we doing this again?

Gamora: (In annoyance) It’s a distress signal, Rocket. Someone could be dying.

Rocket: I get that, but why are we doing it?

Peter Quill: ‘Cause we’re nice. And maybe whoever it is will give us a little cheddar cheese for our help.

Gamora: Which isn’t the point.

Peter Quill: (Points at Gamora) Which isn’t the point… I mean… If he doesn’t pony up…

Rocket: We’ll take his ship.

Peter Quill: B-b-b-bingo!

Mantis: (Adjusting a few things on the ship) We are arriving.

Peter Quill: All right, Guardians. Don’t forget, this might be dangerous, so let’s put on our mean faces. (Looks back at Groot is playing a video game) Groot, put that thing away. Now. I don’t wanna tell you again. Groot.

Groot: (Now a teenager and playing a handheld gaming device) [in a mocking tone] I am Groot!

Peter Quill: Whoa!

Rocket: Language!

Gamora: Hey!

Drax: Wow.

Peter Quill: You got some acorns on you, kid.

Rocket: Ever since you got your little sap, you’re a total d-hole. Keep it up, and I’m gonna smash that thing to pieces!

(Groot rolls his eyes. As Rocket finishes what he is saying Thanos’ carnage is revealed, revealing the distress signal to be the one from the Asgardian vessel at the beginning of the movie. The Guardians find the Asgardians floating dead in space from the destruction by Thanos.)

Mantis: What happened?

Rocket: Looks like we’re not getting paid.

(With a thump, Thor’s body is plastered to the hull of the ship.)

Rocket: (Waving his hands) Wipers! Wipers! Get it off.

(THOR’s eye opens- cut to the GUARDIANS tending to the still unconscious Thor inside the ship)

Peter Quill: How the hell is this dude still alive?

Drax:: He is not a dude. You’re a dude. This… This is a man. A handsome, muscular man.

Peter Quill: I’m muscular.

Rocket: Who are you kidding, Quill? You’re one sandwich away from fat.

Peter Quill: Yeah, right.

Drax: It’s true. You have gained a little weight… (Drax motions to his chin and belly)

Peter Quill: What? Gamora, do you think I’m…

Mantis: He is anxious. Angry. He feels tremendous loss and guilt.

Drax: It’s like a pirate had a baby with an angel.

Peter Quill: Wow. This is a real wake-up call for me. Okay. I’m gonna get a Bowflex. I’m gonna commit. I’m gonna get some dumbbells.

Rocket: You know you can’t eat dumbbells, right?

Gamora: It’s like his muscles are made of Cotati metal fibers.

Peter Quill: Stop massaging his muscles. Wake him up.

Mantis: Wake.

(Thor awakens, frightening Mantis. He does not recognize them.)

Thor: Who the hell are you guys?

[Cut to later as the Guardians stand around Thor eating soup]

Gamora: The entire time I knew Thanos, he only ever had one goal: To bring balance to the Universe by wiping out half of all life. He used to kill people planet by planet, massacre by massacre…

Drax: Including my own.

Gamora: If he gets all six Infinity Stones, he can do it with the snap of his fingers, like this. (she snaps her fingers)

Thor: You seem to know a great deal about Thanos.

Drax: Gamora… is the daughter of Thanos.

Thor: Your father killed my brother.

Peter Quill: Oh, boy. Stepfather. Technically, she hates him as much as you do. (Thor softens a bit.)

Thor: Families can be tough. Look. Before my father died, he told me I had a half-sister…that he imprisoned in Hel. Then she returned home, and stabbed me in the eye, so… I had to kill her. It’s life, isn’t it, I guess. Goes round and round and… I feel your pain.

Peter Quill: And I feel your pain, as well. I mean it’s not a competition, but I’ve been through a lot. My father killed my mother, then I had to kill my father. And that was hard. Probably even harder than having to kill a sister. Plus, I, came out of it with both of my eyes-”

Thor: I need a hammer, not a spoon… (he attempts to fiddle with machinery) How do I open this thing? Is there some sort of a four-digit code maybe… Maybe a birth date or something…

Peter Quill: What are you doing?

Thor: Taking your pod.

Peter Quill: No, you’re not! (mimics THOR’s accent) You’ll not, be taking our pod today, sir.

Rocket: Quill. Are you making your voice deeper?

Peter Quill: No.

Drax: You are. You’re imitating the god-man. It’s weird.

Peter Quill: No I’m not.

Mantis: He just did it again!

Peter Quill: This is my voice!

Thor: (Thor stepping closer to Quill) Are you mocking me?

Peter Quill: Are you mocking me?

Thor: Stop it. You did it again.

Peter Quill: He’s trying to copy me.

Thor: Would you stop doing that? He’s doing it first.

Gamora: Enough! We need to stop Thanos. Which means we need to find out where he’s going next.

Thor: Knowhere.

Mantis: He must be going somewhere.

Peter Quill: No. Knowhere? It’s a place. We’ve been there. It sucks. Excuse me, that’s our food. (To Thor as he rummages through there food stores)

Thor: Not anymore.

Gamora: Thor… Why would he go to Knowhere?

Thor: Because for years, the Reality Stone has been safely stored, there with a man we call the Collector.

Peter Quill: If it’s with the Collector, then it’s not safe. Only an idiot would give that man a stone.

Thor: Or a genius.

Gamora: (To Thor) How do you know he’s not going for one of the other Stones?

Thor: There’s six stones out there. Thanos already has the Power Stone because he stole it last week, when he decimated Xandar. He stole the Space Stone from me when he destroyed my ship and slaughtered half my people. The Time and Mind Stones are safe on Earth. They’re with the Avengers.

Peter Quill: The Avengers?

Thor: They’re Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Mantis: Like Kevin Bacon?

Thor: …He may be on the team. I don’t know. Haven’t been there in a while. As for the Soul Stone, well, no one’s ever seen that. No one even knows where it is. Therefore, Thanos can’t get it. Therefore, he’s going to Knowhere. Hence, he’ll be getting the Reality Stone. You’re welcome.

Gamora: Then we have to go to Knowhere now.

Thor: Wrong. Where we have to go, is Nivadellir.

Drax: That’s a made up word.

Thor: All words are made up.

Rocket: Nidavellir is real? (Climbing on to the table) Seriously? I mean, that place is a legend. They make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the Universe. I would very much like to go there, please.

Thor: The rabbit is correct, and clearly the smartest among you.

Rocket: Rabbit?

Thor: Only Eitri the dwarf king can make me the weapon I need. (To ROCKET) I assume you’re the captain, sir?

Rocket: You’re very perceptive.

Thor: You seem like a noble leader. Will you join me on my quest to Nivadellir?

Rocket: Lemme just ask the captain. Wait a second, it’s me! Yeah, I’ll go.

Thor: Wonderful.

Peter Quill: Except that I’m the captain.

Rocket: Quiet!

Peter Quill: And that’s my backpack.

Rocket: Quill, sit down.

Peter Quill: (To Thor) Look, this is my ship. And I’m not going to… Wait, what kind of weapon are we talking about here?

Thor: The Thanos killing kind.

Peter Quill: Don’t you think that we should all have a weapon like that?

Thor: No. You simply lack the strength to wield them. Your bodies will crumble as your minds collapse into the madness.

Rocket: Is it weird that I wanna do it even more now?

Thor: A little bit. Yeah.

Gamora: If we don’t go to Knowhere and Thanos retrieves another stone, he’ll be too powerful to stop.

Thor: He already is.

Rocket: I got it figured out. We got two ships, and a large assortment of morons. So me and Groot will go with the pirate-angel here, and the morons will go to Knowhere to try and stop Thanos. Cool? Cool.

Thor: So cool.

Peter Quill: (To Rocket) For the record… I know that you’re only going with him because it’s where Thanos isn’t.

Rocket: You know, Quill, you shouldn’t talk that way to your captain. (As he enters the pod) Come on, Groot. Put that game down. You’ll rot your brain.

Thor: I bid you farewell and good luck, morons. Bye.

[Cut to Scotland, where VISION and WANDA MAXIMOFF share an apartment. WANDA is in bed while VISION, in a human glamour, watches out a window.]

Vision: (Holding his hand to the Mind Stone in pain)

Wanda Maximoff: Vis? Is it the stone again?

Vision: It’s as if it’s speaking to me.

Wanda Maximoff: What does it say?

Vision: I don’t… I don’t know. But something… Tell me what you feel.

(WANDA presses her hand to the MIND STONE. She seems confused.)

Wanda Maximoff: I just feel you.

(VISION takes WANDA’S hand and kisses it. Then they kiss. Cut to later, where the two are going on a stroll.)

Wanda Maximoff: So there’s a 10 AM to Glasgow to give us more time together before you went back.

Vision: What if I miss that train?

Wanda Maximoff: There is an 11.

Vision: What if I missed all the trains? What if this time, I didn’t go back?

Wanda Maximoff: You gave Stark your word.

Vision: I’d rather give it to you.

Wanda Maximoff: There are people who are expecting me too, you know. We both made promises.

Vision: Not to each other. Wanda… For two years, we’ve stolen these moments, trying to see if this could work. And… I don’t know. You know what, I’m just gonna speak for myself. – I, I… I think…

Wanda Maximoff: It works.

Vision: It works.

Vision: Then stay. Stay with me. (a pause) Or not. If I’m overstepping…

(Suddenly, WANDA MAXIMOFF notices the TV in a nearby bar announcing the invasion of New York, and the disappearance of TONY STARK.)

Wanda Maximoff: What are they?

Vision: What the stone was warning me about. I have to go.

Wanda Maximoff: No. Vision. If that’s true… Then maybe going isn’t the best idea.

Vision: Wanda, I… (CORVUS GLAIVE appears suddenly behind vision, stabbing him through the back.)

Wanda Maximoff: Vision!

(PROXIMA MIDNIGHT attacks Wanda from behind, and knocks her away. CORVUS GLAIVE pins Vision down using his weapon {a glaive} in an attempt to extract the mind stone from Vision’s head. Wanda blasts both of them away, then propels Vision and herself into a nearby courtyard where they rest in an alleyway.)

Vision: The blade. It stopped me from phasing.

Wanda Maximoff: Is that even possible?

Vision: It isn’t supposed to be. My systems are failing. I’m beginning to think… we should have stayed in bed.

(CORVUS GLAIVE suddenly arrives, knocking Wanda aside and grabbing Vision)

Wanda Maximoff: Vis!

(CORVUS flies away with Vision, pinning him against a wall. Meanwhile, PROXIMA engages Wanda and they begin to fight.)

Corvus Glaive: (to VISION) Give up the Stone, and she lives.

(Vision flies with CORVUS to the roof of what appears to be a church. PROXIMA and Wanda are still fighting below. Vision shoots a beam from the mind stone at CORVUS, who uses his glaive to deflect it back at Vision, causing him to slam into the wall behind him.)

(Down below, Wanda hears a cry from Vision. Finally knocking PROXIMA away with her magic, Wanda then flies up to the roof where GLAIVE has pinned Vision and is again attempting to remove the mind stone. She casts a bolt of magic which throws him back through the wall and down a shaft.)

Wanda Maximoff: Hands off.

(Wanda then uses her magic to propel her and Vision away. Below, PROXIMA, who has recovered, shoots a bolt from her weapon, causing them to fall from the air and down through the roof of a train station beneath them. Wanda crawls over to Vision.)

Wanda Maximoff: Come on. Come on. Come on, you gotta get up. You gotta get up. Come on. Hey. Hey. We have to go.

Vision: Please. Please leave.

Wanda Maximoff: You asked me to stay… I’m staying.

Vision: Please.

Wanda Maximoff: Get up.

(Behind them, PROXIMA MIDNIGHT and CORVUS GLAIVE land and advance on Wanda who stands in front of Vision. A train passes behind Wanda, and they all pause as if aware of another’s presence. As the last train car passes, we see a silhouette against the back wall. PROXIMA throws her weapon, but it is quickly caught just before the figure steps from the shadows.)

(We now recognize a bearded Captain America as he steps into the light. While they are distracted, Falcon {Sam Wilson} swoops in and kicks PROXIMA MIDNIGHT to the next room. Swooping around, he fires on CORVUS GLAIVE. At the same time, Captain America throws PROXIMA’S weapon to Black Widow who engages CORVUS, stabbing him in the gut and flinging him backwards. PROXIMA, who has now recovered, summons her weapon back to her hand and attacks Captain America and Black Widow simultaneously. While the three are fighting, Falcon flies in and again kicks PROXIMA backwards where she crouches down beside CORVUS.)

Proxima Midnight: (To GLAIVE) Get up.

Corvus Glaive: I can’t.

Natasha Romanoff: We don’t wanna kill you. But we will.

Proxima Midnight: You’ll never get the chance again.

(PROXIMA MIDNIGHT and CORVUS GLAIVE depart as they are beamed up.)

Sam Wilson: (To Vision) Can you stand?

Vision: Thank you, Captain.

Steve Rogers: Let’s get you on the jet.

Natasha Romanoff: (Closing the doors to the Quinjet, while addressing Wanda) I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in. Don’t take any chances.

Wanda Maximoff: I’m sorry. We just wanted time.

Sam Wilson: Where to, Cap?

Steve Rogers: Home.

[Cut to the past, at GAMORA’S home planet during THANOS’ massacre. YOUNG GAMORA is separated from her mother.]

Gamora’s Mother: (To Young Gamora) Shhh. We’ll be safe. We’ll be safe.

(Gamora screeches and a Child of Thanos finds them and separates them)

Ebony Maw: Zehobereans…

Young Gamora: (As she is dragged away) Mother!

Ebony Maw: Choose a side, or die.

Young Gamora: Mother! (She pulls away from the one who is dragging her and punches him as he leaves)

Ebony Maw: One side, for reservation. The other, an honor…

(YOUNG GAMORA approaches THANOS, desperate to find her mother.)

Thanos: What’s wrong, little one?

Young Gamora: My mother. Where is my mother?

Thanos: (Kneels down to Gamora) What’s your name?

Young Gamora: Gamora.

Thanos: You’re quite the fighter, Gamora. Come. Let me help you. (THANOS takes her hand and leads her to a pavilion, where he produces a small red-jeweled dagger) Look. Pretty, isn’t it? Perfectly balanced. As all things should be. Too much to one side, or the other… Here. You try.

Ebony Maw: Now go in peace, and meet your Maker.

(One half of the crowd is shot down. They scream, and YOUNG GAMORA turns, but THANOS prevents her from seeing the massacre.)

Thanos: Concentrate. There! You’ve got it.

[Cut to the present, aboard the GUARDIANS’ ship.]

Peter Quill: Gamora. Do you know if these grenades are the “blow off your junk” kind or the gas kind? ‘Cause I was thinking I might hang a couple on my belt right here. But I don’t want to-

Gamora: I need to ask a favor.

Peter Quill: Yeah, sure.

Gamora: One way or another, the path that we’re on leads to Thanos.

Peter Quill: Which is what the grenades are for. (GAMORA silences him with a look.) I’m sorry. What’s the favor?

Gamora: If things go wrong… If Thanos gets me… I want you to promise me… you’ll kill me.

Peter Quill: (A beat. Confusion.): What?

Gamora: I know something he doesn’t. If he finds out… The entire Universe could be at risk.

Peter Quill: What do you know?

Gamora: If I tell you, you’d know, too.

Peter Quill: If it’s so important, shouldn’t I?

Gamora: Only if you wanna die.

Peter Quill: Why does somebody always have to die in this scenario?

Gamora: Just… trust me. And possibly, kill me.

Peter Quill: I mean, I’d like to. I really would…(GAMORA silences him by covering his mouth with her hand)

Gamora: Swear to me. Swear to me on your mother.

Peter Quill: (beat) Okay.

(The two kiss, until an odd crunching sound startles them. DRAX is standing in the corner.)

Peter Quill: Dude! How long have you been standing there?

Drax: An hour.

Peter Quill: An hour? Are you serious?

Drax: I’ve mastered the ability, of standing so incredibly still… That I’ve become invisible to the eye. Watch.

(DRAX stands motionless- until he eats more of his snack.)

Peter Quill: You’re eating a zark nut

Drax: But my movement… So slow… And it’s imperceptible.

Peter Quill: No.(Peter and Gamora shake their head)

Drax: I’m sure I’m invisible.

Mantis: Hi, Drax.

Drax: Damn it.

(The group lands in KNOWHERE, in search of THANOS)

DRAX: I’m reading movement. From the third quadrant.

PETER QUILL: Yep. I’m picking that up, too.

QUILL: Let’s put it down right here.

(The group enters the COLLECTOR’s collection room, which is in ruin. THANOS is threatening the COLLECTOR while the GUARDIANS hide behind the rubble.)

THANOS: Everyone in the Galaxy knows you’d sell your own brother if you thought it would add the slightest trinket to your pathetic collection. I know you have the Reality Stone. Giving it to me will spare you a great deal of suffering.

COLLECTOR: I told you. I sold it. Why would I lie?

THANOS: I imagine it’s like breathing for you.

COLLECTOR: Like suicide.

THANOS: So you do understand. Not even you would surrender something so precious.

COLLECTOR: I didn’t know what it was.

THANOS: Then you’re more of a fool than I took you for. Last chance, Tivan. Where’s the Stone?

DRAX: Today…

Peter Quill: Drax. Drax.

Drax: …he pays for the deaths of my wife and daughter.

QUILL: Drax, wait! not yet, not yet, not yet. He doesn’t have the Stone yet. We get it, and then we can stop him. We have to get the Stone first. Yeah.

DRAX: No. No. For Ovette. For Camaria.

MANTIS: Sleep. (DRAX is knocked out, causing a ruckus.)

QUILL: Okay. Gamora, Mantis, you go right. I’m… (GAMORA moves towards THANOS.)The other right!

(GAMORA attacks THANOS, stabbing him twice, seemingly killing him.)

THANOS: Why? Why you? Daughter… (he falls down, holding his hand out to her, blood pooling out from his neck wound. GAMORA breaks down in tears.)

QUILL: That was quick.

COLLECTOR: Magnificent! Magnificent! Magnificent!

(Suddenly, THANOS’ disembodied voice fills the room, and the scene disappears- everything is leveled, and THANOS is more than alive. He has the REALITY STONE in the INFINITY GAUNTLET.)

THANOS: Is it sadness I sense in you, daughter? In my heart, I knew you still cared. But one ever knows for sure. Reality is often disappointing. That is, it was. Now… Reality can be whatever I want.

GAMORA: You knew I’d come.

THANOS: I counted on it. There’s something we need to discuss, little one.

DRAX: Thanos!

(With a flick of his hand, both DRAX and MANTIS are ‘destroyed’ in rather comical ways. THANOS grabs GAMORA.)

QUILL: Let her go, Grimace!

GAMORA: Peter…

QUILL: I told you to go right.

GAMORA: Now? Really?

QUILL: You let her go!

THANOS: Ah, the boyfriend.

QUILL: I like to think of myself more as a Titan-killing long term booty call. Let her go.

GAMORA: Peter…

QUILL: Or I’m gonna blow that nut-sack of a chin right off your face!

GAMORA: Not him.

(PETER hesitates. He does not shoot.)

GAMORA: You promised! You promised.

THANOS: Oh, daughter. You expect too much from him. (To PETER) She’s asked, hasn’t she? Do it. (he shoves GAMORA towards PETER’s gun, egging him on.) Do it!

QUILL: I told you to go right.

(PETER begins to tear up.)

GAMORA: I love you, more than anything.

QUILL: I love you, too.

(PETER pulls the trigger- but a stream of bubbles comes out. THANOS was playing him.)

THANOS: I like you.

(THANOS teleports he and GAMORA away as a stunned PETER watches as his friends recover from their ‘deaths’.)

(Back on EARTH, COL. RHODES deals with the red tape.)

ROSS: Still no word from Vision?

RHODES: Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh.

ROSS: On a stolen quinjet with four of the world’s most wanted criminals.

RHODES: You know they’re only criminals because you’ve chosen to call them that, right, sir?

ROSS: My God, Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals my own.

RHODES: If it weren’t for those Accords, Vision would’ve been right here.

ROSS: I remember your signature on those papers, Colonel.

RHODES: That’s right. And I’m pretty sure I’ve paid for that.

ROSS: You have second thoughts?

RHODES: Not anymore.

ROGERS: Mr. Secretary.

ROSS: You got some nerve. I’ll give you that.

NATASHA: You could use some of that right now.

ROSS: The world’s on fire. And you think, all is forgiven?

ROGERS: I’m not looking for forgiveness. And I’m way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we’re here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way… We’ll fight you, too.

ROSS (To RHODES): Arrest them.

RHODES: All over it. (Turns off hologram) That’s a court-martial. It’s great to see you, Cap.

ROGERS: You too, Rhodey.

RHODES: Well. You guys, really look like crap. Must’ve been a rough couple of years.

SAM: Yeah, well, the hotels weren’t exactly five star.

BRUCE: Uh, I think you look great. Yeah. I’m back.

NATASHA: Hi, Bruce.


SAM WILSON: This is awkward.

(Cuts to a shot of Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Rhodey, Wanda, and Vision in another room.)

BRUCE: So we gotta assume they’re coming back, right? And they can clearly find us. We need all hands on deck. Where’s Clint?

NATASHA: After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families.

BRUCE: Who’s Scott?

ROGERS: Ant-Man.

BRUCE: There’s an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man? Okay, look… Thanos has the biggest army in the Universe. And he is not gonna stop until he… He gets…Vision’s stone.

Natasha: Well then, we have to protect it.

VISION: No, we have to destroy it. I’ve been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about its nature. But also, its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something, very similar to its own signature, perhaps… Its molecular integrity could fail. (VISION addresses WANDA as he nears her)

WANDA: And you, with it. We’re not having this conversation.

VISION: Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can’t get it.

WANDA: That’s too high a price.

VISION: Only you, have the power to pay it. Thanos threatens half the Universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him.

ROGERS: But it should. We don’t trade lives, Vision.

VISION: (While walking toward Steve) Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people. Tell me, why is this any different?

(Steve takes a breath, but before he has a chance to answer Bruce begins to speak)

BRUCE: Because you might have a choice. Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the Stone. All of them mixed together. All of them learning from one another.

WANDA: You’re saying Vision isn’t just the stone?

BRUCE: I’m saying that… If we take out the stone, there’s still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts.

NATASHA: Can we do that?

BRUCE: Not me. Not here.

RHODEY: You better find someone, and somewhere fast. Ross isn’t exactly just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back.

ROGERS: (pause) I know somewhere.

(Cuts to Wakanda, as T’Challa and Okoye walk together, accompanied by two Wakandan soldiers)

Okoye: You’ll have the King’s Guard, and the Dora Milaje have been alerted.

T’Challa: And the border tribe?

Okoye: Those that are left.

T’Challa: Send word to the Jabari as well. M’Baku likes a good fight.

Okoye: And what of this one?

T’Challa: This one may be tired of war. but the White Wolf has rested long enough.

(The Wakandan soldiers present the White Wolf with a new adamantium arm)

BUCKY: Where’s the fight?

T’CHALLA: On it’s way.

[Cut to Ebony Maw interrogating Doctor Strange]

Ebony Maw: In all the time I’ve served Thanos, I’ve never failed him. If I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan with the Time Stone still attatched to your vaguely irritating person, there would be…judgement. Give me… the stone.

(Cut to Tony who is watching, hidden, from above. Strange’s cloak taps Stark on the arm. He raises his hand to it, ready to shoot, but he sees what it is and stands down.)

TONY: Wow you’re a seriously loyal piece of outerwear, aren’t you?

Peter Parker: Yeah, uh, speaking of loyalty…

Tony: What the-

Peter Parker: I know what you’re gonna say.

Tony: You should not be here.

Peter Parker: I was gonna go home-

Tony: I don’t wanna hear it.

Peter Parker: But it was such a long way down and I just thought about you on the way-

Tony: And now I gotta hear it.

Peter Parker: …And I kinda stuck to the side of the ship. And this suit is ridiculously intuitive, by the way. So if anything, it’s kinda your fault that I’m here.

Tony: (seriously) What did you just say?

Peter Parker: I take that back. And now I’m here in space.

Tony: Yeah. Right where I don’t want you to be. This isn’t Coney Island. This isn’t a field trip. It’s one-way ticket. You hear me? Don’t pretend like you thought this through. You could not have possibly thought this through.

Peter Parker: No. I did think this through.

Tony: You could not have possibly thought this through.

Peter Parker: It’s just- You can’t be a friendly neighborhood Spider – Man when there’s no neighborhood. (Pause) Okay. That didn’t really make any sense, but you know what I’m trying to say.

Tony: Come on. We got a situation. See him down there? He’s in trouble. What’s your plan? Go.

Peter Parker: Um. Okay. Okay…uh…did you ever see that really old movie, Aliens?

(Cut back to Ebony Maw interrogating Strange.)

EBONY MAW: Painful aren’t they? They were originally designed for microsurgery. And any one of them…

(he turns to see Stark in his Iron Man suit standing there.)

EBONY MAW: …could end your friend’s life in an instant.

Tony: I gotta tell you, he’s not really my friend. Saving his life is more a professional courtesy.

EBONY MAW: You’ve saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine.

Tony: Yeah, but the kid’s seen more movies.

(Tony fires a rocket from his shoulder which pierces the side of the ship and begins to suck everything out. Strange begins to be sucked out, but his cape wraps around his arm. Unfortunately, his arm slips from it and he keeps going. Spider-Man shoots a web strand at Strange with one hand and holds onto a piece of the ship with the other. It breaks, sending them both towards space when his Iron-Spider suit’s metal arms brace him to keep him from being sucked out.)

Peter Parker: Yes! Wait what are those!

(He then pulls them back inside just as Tony sprays nanites onto the hole to plug it up. Peter and Strange safely hit the floor. Ebony Maw is seen floating in space, quite dead.Peter stands and tries to shake Strange’s cape’s “hand”.)

Peter Parker: Hey, we haven’t officially met. (it ignores him and goes to Strange.) Cool.

Strange: We’ve gotta turn this ship around.

Tony: Yeah. Now he wants to run. Great plan.

Strange: No, I want to protect the stone.

Tony: And I want you to thank me. Go ahead. I’m listening.

Strange: For what? Nearly blasting me into space?

Tony: Who just saved your magical ass? Me.

Strange: I seriously don’t know how you fit your head into that helmet.

Tony: Admit it. You should have ducked out when I told you to. I tried to bench you. You refused.

Strange: Unlike everyone else in your life, I don’t work for you.

Tony: And due to that fact, we’re now in a flying doughnut billions of miles away from Earth with no backup.

Peter Parker: I’m backup.

Tony: No. You’re a stowaway. The adults are talking.

Strange: I’m sorry, I’m confused as to the relationship here. What is he, your ward?

Peter Parker: No. I’m peter, by the way.

Strange: Doctor Strange.

Peter Parker: Oh we’re using our made-up names. Um…I’m Spider-Man, then.

Tony: This ship is self-correcting its course. Thing’s on autopilot.

Strange: Can we control it? Fly us home? (Tony doesn’t make eye contact.) Stark?

Tony: Yeah.

Strange: Can you get us home?

Tony: Yeah I heard you. I’m thinking…I’m not so sure we should.

Strange: Under no circumstance can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos. I don’t think you quite understand what’s at stake here.

Tony: No. It’s you who doesn’t understand. Thanos has been inside my head for six years…Since he sent an army to New York and now he’s back! And I don’t know what to do. So I’m not so sure if it’s a better plan to fight him on out turf or his but you saw what they did, what he can do. At least on his turf, he’s not expecting it. So I say we take the fight to him. Doctor. Do you concur?

Strange: (a pause) Alright , Stark. We go to him. But you have to understand….if it comes to saving you or the kid or the Time Stone… I will not hesitate to let either of you die. I can’t, because the fate of the universe depends on it.

Tony: Good. Nice. Moral compass.We’re straight. (Turning to Peter, he puts his outstretched arm briefly on either shoulder) Alright, kid. You’re an Avenger now.

(Peter looks at Tony in disbelief, and then smiles and nods in satisfaction.)

[Cut to Gamora And Thanos aboard Thanos’s ship.He brings a little cup of food and holds it out to her.]

Thanos: I thought you might be hungry.

(Gamora takes it, the hurls it across the room where it bangs against Thanos’s chair with a loud clack.)

Gamora: I always hated that chair.

Thanos: So I’ve been told. Even so. I’d hoped you’d sit on it one day.

Gamora: I hated this room. This ship. I hated my life.

Thanos: You told me that too. Every day. For almost twenty years.

Gamora: I was a child when you took me.

Thanos: I saved you.

Gamora: No. No. We were happy on my home planet.

Thanos: Going to bed hungry. scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I’m the one who stopped that. Do you know what’s happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It’s a paradise.

Gamora: Because you murdered half the planet.

Thanos: A small price to pay for salvation.

Gamora: You’re insane.

Thanos: Little one, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, it’s resources finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction.

Gamora: You don’t know that!

Thanos: I’m the only one who knows that. At least, I’m the only one with the will to act on it. For a time…you had that same will…as you fought by my side. Daughter.

Gamora: I’m not your daughter. Everything I hate about myself you taught me.

Thanos: And in doing so, made you the fiercest woman in the galaxy. That’s why I trusted you to find the Soul Stone.

Gamora: I’m sorry I disappointed you.

Thanos: I am disappointed. But not because you didn’t find it. But because you did. And you lied.

[Cut to shot of a large metal door opening. Thanos and Gamora stand there as a set of inner doors made of interlacing metal slide away. Inside, we see that NEBULA is suspended horizontally in the air in the middle of the room.]

Gamora: Nebula.

( the camera shifts to the right side and we see that Nebula has been partially disassembled so that she is still living, yet still slightly connected to each of her parts.)

Gamora: Don’t do this.

Thanos: Some time ago, your sister snuck aboard this ship to kill me.

Gamora: Please don’t do this.

Thanos: And very nearly succeded. So I brought her here. To talk.

(Thanos curls in both the power and space stones, causing Nebula’s already extended pieces to stretch further outward. She begins to scream.)

Gamora: Stop. Stop it. I swear to you on my life. I never found the Soul Stone.

(Thanos signals a nearby servant who taps on a control pad. We hear Nebula’s voice say, “Accessing memory files” and a sort of hologram of Gamora’s face shudders to life.)

Memory Nebula: You know what he’s about to do. He’s finally ready, and he’s going for the stones. All of them.

Memory Gamora: He can never get them all.

Memory Nebula: He will!

Memory Gamora: He can’t, Nebula. Because I found the map to the Soul stone and I burnt it to ash. I burnt it.

(The memory ends)

Thanos: (To Gamora) You’re strong. Me. You’re generous. Me. But I never taught you to lie. That’s why you’re so bad at it. Where is the Soul Stone?

( He resumes torturing Nebula for several seconds, Gamora wincing at her screams.)

Gamora: Vormir!

(Thanos stops, and Nebula gasps in air. Gamora goes to her and caresses her face.)

Gamora: The Soul Stone is on Vormir.

Thanos: Show me.

[Cut to the pod where Thor, Rocket and Groot are.]

Groot: (Irritably) I am Groot.

Rocket: Tinkle in the cup. We’re not looking. What’s there to see? What’s a twig? Everybody’s seen a twig.

Groot: (Still irritably) I am Groot.

Thor: (While looking out the window) Tree, pour what’s in the cup out in space, and go in the cup again.

Rocket: You speak Groot?

Thor: Yes, they taught it on Asgard. It was an elective.

Groot: (shortly) I am Groot.

Thor: You’ll know when we’re there. Nivadellir’s forge harnesses the power of a blazing neutron star. (nostalgically) It’s the birth place of my hammer. It’s truly awesome.

(Rocket turns to see Thor sitting sadly beside the window, and sighs)

Rocket: Okay, time to be the captain. (walks to a console near by Thor) So, dead brother, huh? Yeah, that can be annoying.

Thor: Well, he’s been dead before, but this time I think it really might be true.

Rocket: And you said your sister and your dad?

Thor: Both dead.

Rocket: Still got a mom, though?

Thor: Killed by a dark elf.

Rocket: A best friend?

Thor: Stabbed through the heart.

Rocket: Are you sure you’re up to this particular murder mission?

Thor: (Smiling widely) Absolutely. Rage, vengeance, anger, loss, regret…They’re all tremendous motivators. They really clear the mind. So I’m good to go.

Rocket: Yeah, but this Thanos we’re talking about…He’s the toughest there is.

Thor: Well, he’s never fought me.

Rocket: Yeah, he has.

Thor: He’s never fought me twice. And I’m getting a new hammer, don’t forget.

Rocket: Better be some hammer.

Thor: You know, I’m 1,500 years old. I’ve killed twice as many enemies as that, and every one would have rather killed me, but none succeeded. I’m only alive because fate wants me alive. Thanos is the latest in a long line of morons and he will be the latest to feel my vengeance.

Rocket: And what if you’re wrong?

Thor: If I’m wrong then what more could I lose?

(Thor stands and seats himself at the front of the pod, beside Groot)

Rocket: I could lose a lot. Me personally. I could lose a lot. (Rocket takes an eyeball from somewhere on his person) Okay. If fate does want you to kill that crapsack… You’re gonna need more than one stupid eyeball. (he gives Thor the eyeball)

Thor: What’s this?

Rocket: What’s it look like? Some jerk lost a bet with me on on Contraxia.

Thor: He gave you his eye?

Rocket: He gave me 100 credits. I snuck in later that night and stole his eye.

Thor: Thank you, sweet rabbit.

(Thor proceeds to put the eyeball in his socket)

Rocket: Hmm. Huh? Oh. I would’ve washed that. The only way I could sneak it off Contraxia was up my…Hey, we’re here!

Thor: (Smacking his palm against the side of his head) I don’t think this thing works. Everything seems dark.

Rocket: It ain’t the eye.

(Nivadellir is dark and motionless as the three near it)

Thor: Something’s wrong. The star’s gone out. And the rings are frozen.

(Cuts to inside the forge, where Thor, Rocket and Groot walk through a seemingly abandon, and cluttered room)

Rocket: I hope these dwarves are better at forging than they are cleaning…Maybe they realized they live in a junk pile in the middle of space…

Thor: This forge hasn’t gone dark in centuries…

Rocket: (Looking to a pedestal) You said Thanos had a gauntlet, right?

Thor: Yes. Why?

Rocket: Look anything like that?

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: Go back to the pod.

(Suddenly a large figure storms towards them fiercely)

Thor: Eitri, wait! Stop! Stop.

Eitri: Thor?

Thor: What happened here?

Eitri: You were supposed to protect us. Asgard was supposed to protect us!

Thor: Asgard is destroyed. Eitri, the glove. What did you do?

Eitri: (He pauses before beginning his solemn story) 300 dwarves lived on this ring. I thought if I did what he asked, they’d be safe. I made what he wanted. A device capable of harnessing the power of the stones. Then he killed everyone anyway. All except me. “Your life is yours.” he said “But your hands are mine alone.”

Thor: Eitri, this isn’t about your hands. Every weapon you’ve designed, every axe, hammer sword…It’s all inside your head. Now I know all hope feels lost. Trust me, I know. But together, you and I, we can kill Thanos.

[Cut to Nebula suspended in the interrogation room seen earlier, while a guard puts her back together. Nebula ejects her eyepiece; disposing of the guard when he comes to replace it. She walks to a console, dragging her dislocated metal foot behind her, and inputs a code.]

Nebula: Mantis, listen very carefully. I need you to meet me on Titan.

[Cut to Peter Parker, Tony Stark, and Doctor Strange aboard the ship]

Peter Parker: (To Tony) Hey, what’s going on?

Tony: I think we’re here. I don’t think this rig has a self-park function. (Instructing Peter to put his arm in the machine for piloting) Get your hand into this steering gimbal. Close those around it. You understand?

Peter Parker: Yep, got it.

Tony: This was meant for one big guy, so we gotta to move at the same time.

Peter Parker: Okay. Okay. Ready.

Tony: We might wanna turn.

Peter Parker: Turn! Turn! Turn!

(Strange creates a shield around them to prevent them from being killed in the landing.)

(The ship, now partially gone, lands on Titan)

Tony: (To Strange) You alright?

Tony: That was close. I owe you one.

(Peter Parker descends from above in spider-like fashion)

Peter Parker: Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something…And I end up eating you, I’m sorry.

Tony: (While pointing at Peter) I don’t wanna hear another single pop culture out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?

Peter Parker: I’m trying to say that something is coming.

(A grenade rolls into view, and Peter, Strange and Tony get back. Star-Lord, Drax, and Mantis appear in the doorway)

Drax: (Yelling) Thanos!

(The Cloak of Levitation flies at Drax’s face and whips him around. Star-Lord pins Iron Man to the wall with a magnetic disc)

Peter Parker: (While crawling backward from Mantis) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Please don’t put your eggs in me!

(Peter webs Mantis’ arms to her body, and Star-Lord flies at him front the side, kicking him down.)

Star-Lord: Stay down, clown.

(Tony fires at the flying Star-Lord as Peter Parker extends his spider legs and jumps at him, but Star-Lord throws an electric cord that wraps around Parker sending him to the ground)

Drax: (Struggling with the Cloak of Levitation) Die, blanket of death!

(Iron Man pulls free of the magnet. They pull weapons on each other. Star-Lord has Peter Parker in a head-lock, while Iron Man stands over Drax with a gun, and Doctor Strange stands ready near Mantis)

Star-Lord: Everybody stay where you are. Chill F out. (Quill powers off his helmet) I’m gonna ask you this one time. Where’s Gamora?

Tony: Yeah, I’ll do you one better. Who’s Gamora?

Drax: I’ll do you one better! Why is Gamora?

Star-Lord: Tell me where the girl is, or I swear to you, I’m gonna French fry this little freak.

Tony: Let’s do it! You shoot my guy, I blast him. Let’s go! (Tony extends his nanotech gun)

Drax: Do it, Quill! I can take it.

Mantis: No he can’t take it!

Strange: She’s right. You can’t.

Star-Lord: Oh yeah? You don’t wanna tell me where she is? That’s fine. I’ll kill all three of you and beat it out of Thanos myself. (To Parker) Starting with you.

Strange: Wait, what, Thanos? All right, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?

Star-Lord: What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say? “Jesus”?

Tony: You’re from Earth?

Star-Lord: I’m not from Earth. I’m from Missouri.

Tony: Yeah, that’s on Earth dip-shit. What are you hassling us for?

Peter Parker: So, you’re not with Thanos?

Star-Lord: With Thanos? (scoffs) No, I’m here to kill Thanos. He took my girl- Wait, who are you?

Peter Parker: We’re the Avengers, man.

Star-Lord: Oh.

Mantis: You’re the ones Thor told us about.

Tony: You know Thor?

Star-Lord: Yeah. Tall guy, not the good-looking, needed saving.

Tony: Where is he now?

[Cut to Nivadellir where Eitri is showing Thor, Rocket, and Groot the mold for Stormbreaker]

Rocket: This is plan? We’re gonna hit him with a brick?

Eitri: It’s a mold. A king’s weapon. Meant to be the greatest in Asgard. In theory, it could even summon the Bifrost.

Thor: Did it have a name?

Eitri: Stormbreaker.

Rocket: That’s a bit much.

Thor: So how do we make it?

Eitri: You’ll have to restart the forge. Awaken the heart of a dying star.

Thor: Rabbit, fire up the pod.

[Cut to Titan where Quill is measuring the planet’s tilt. Mantis is jumping in the low gravity]

Quill: The heck happened to this planet? It’s eight degrees off its axis. Gravitational pull is all over the place.

Tony: Yeah, we got one advantage. He’s coming to us. We’ll use it. All right, I have a plan. Or at least the beginnings of one. It’s pretty simple. We draw him in, pin him down, get what we need. Definitely don’t wanna dance with this guy. We just need the gauntlet.

(Drax yawns)

Tony: Are you yawning? In the middle of this, while I’m breaking it down? Huh? Did you hear what I said?

Drax: I stopped listening after you said, “We need a plan.”

Tony: (To Quill) Okay, Mr. Clean is on his own page.

Quill: See, “not winging it” isn’t really what they do.

Peter Parker: Uh, what exactly do they do?

Mantis: Kick names, take ass.

Drax: (Quietly as he shifts to a commanding position beside Mantis) Yeah, that’s right

Tony: (Tony stands for a moment with an expression of hopelessness) Alright, just get over her, please. Mr. Lord can you get your folks to circle up?

Quill: “Mr. Lord.” Star-Lord is fine. (Motions to Drax and Mantis)

Tony: We gotta coalesce. ‘Cause if all we come at him with is a plucky attitude..”

Quill: Dude, don’t call us plucky. We don’t know what is means. Alright, we’re optimistic, yes. I like your plan. Except it sucks, so let me do the plans, and that way it might be really good.

Drax: Tell him about the dance-off to save the universe.

Tony: What dance-off?

Quill: It’s nothing.

Peter Parker: Like in Footloose, the movie?

Quill: (Excitedly) Exactly like Footloose. Is it still the greatest movie in history?

Peter Parker: It never was.

(Quill frowns sadly at him)

Tony: Don’t encourage this, alright?

Peter Parker: Okay.

Tony: We’re getting no help from Flash Gordon here.

Quill: Flash Gordon? By the way, that’s a compliment. Don’t forget, I’m half human. (Quill points at Stark and Parker) So that 50% of me that’s stupid… That’s 100% you.

Tony: Your math is blowing my mind.

Mantis: Excuse me, but…Does your friend often do that?

(Strange is sitting cross-legged, his hands poise in a mystic gesture with the Time Stone suspended between them. His eyes are closed, and his head is jerking rapidly from side to side)

Tony: Strange, we alright?

(Strange seems to snap out of it as he starts forward, letting out a cry)

Tony: You’re back. You’re alright. Hi.

Peter Parker: Hey, what was that?

Strange: (Speaking breathlessly) I went forward in time to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict.

Quill: How did you see?

Strange: 14,000,605.

Tony: How many did we win?

(Strange pauses a while before answering)

Strange: One.

[Cut to Vormir, where Thanos and Gamora have just appeared outside a mountain]

Thanos: The stone had better be up there…For your sister’s sake.

(Cut to inside the mountain where Thanos and Gamora stand before a cloaked, faceless figure there to guard the way)

Stonekeeper: Welcome, Thanos, son of Eros. Gamora, daughter of Thanos.

Thanos: You know us?

Stonekeeper: It is my curse to know all who journey here.

Thanos: Where’s the Soul Stone?

Stonekeeper: You should know…It extracts a terrible price.

Thanos: I am prepared.

Stonekeeper: We all think that at first. (The figure glides farther out of the shadows and reveals the face of who we know to be Red Skull from Captain America: The First Avenger) We are all wrong.

(Cut to the Red Skull leading Thanos and Gamora to an outside pinnacle)

Thanos: How is it you know this place so well?

Red Skull: A lifetime ago, I, too, sought the stones. I even held one in my hand. But it cast me out, banished me here. Guiding others to a treasure I cannot possess.

(They come to the edge of mountaintop, and stop at the precipice)

Red Skull: What you seek lies before you. As does what you fear.

Thanos: What’s this?

Red Skull: The price. Soul hold a special place among the Infinity Stones. You might say it has a certain wisdom.

Thanos: Tell me what it needs.

Red Skull: To ensure that whoever possesses it… Understands its power… The stone demands a sacrifice.

Thanos: Of what?

Red Skull: In order to take the stone you must lose that which you love. A soul…For a soul.

(Gamora begins to laugh at the irony of the situation)

Gamora: All my life, I dreamed of a day…A moment when you would get what you deserved. And I was always so disappointed. But now…You kill and torture…And you call it mercy. The universe has judged you. You asked it for a prize, and it told you no. You failed. And do you wanna know why? Because you love nothing. No one.

Thanos: (Turning to face Gamora with tears in his eyes) No.

Gamora: Really? Tears?

Red Skull: They’re not for him.

(Gamora looks at Red Skull, and seems to realize what is about to happen)

Gamora: No. This isn’t love.

Thanos: I ignored my destiny once. I cannot do that again. Even for you. I’m sorry, little one.

(Thanos grabs Gamora by the arm and takes her to the precipice)

Gamora: No!

(She tries in vain to brake from his grasp but he soon throws her over the side, and watches sorrowfully as she falls to her death)

[Cut to Thanos lying in water. He opens his hand and sees that he now has the Soul Stone.]

[Cut to the Quinjet where Sam is piloting Rhodey, Steve, Natasha, Wanda, and Vision]

Sam: Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0. I hope you’re right about this, Cap. Or we’re gonna land a lot faster than you want to.

(The Quinjet passes through a force field into Wakanda)

Okoye: (Walking with T’Challa and a band of the King’s Guard) When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world…This is not what I imagined.

T’Challa: And what did you imagine?

Okoye: The Olympics. Maybe even a Starbucks.

(The occupants of the Quinjet descend the ramp)

Bruce Banner: (To Rhodey) Should we bow?

Rhodes: Yeah, he’s a king.

Steve Rodgers: Seems like I’m always thanking you for something. (Shaking hands with T’Challa)

(Bruce bows in front of him)

Rhodes: What are you doing?

T’Challa: Uh, we don’t do that here. (He dissuades with a motion of his hand) So how big of an assault can we expect?

(The group begins to walk back the way it come to greet the guests)

Bruce Banner: Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault.

Steve Rodgers: How we looking?

T’Challa: You will have my King’s Guard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and…

Bucky: (Walking forward toward Steve) A semi-stable, 100-year-old man.

(The two friends share a hug)

Steve: How you been, Buck?

Bucky: Uh, not bad, for the end of the world.

(Cut to inside Shuri’s lab where Vision lays on a table, while Bruce and Shuri stand over him, and the others watch. Shuri scans the stone, and studies the hologram)

Shuri: Whoa. The structure is polymorphic.

Bruce: Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially.

Shuri: Why didn’t you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?

Bruce: (Staring for a moment) Because, we didn’t think of it.

Shuri: (smiling) I’m sure you did your best.

Wanda: Can you do it?

Shuri: Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures. (To T’Challa) It will take time, brother.

Steve: How long?

Shuri: As long as you can give me.

Okoye: (Looking at a device that just alerted her) Something’s entered the atmosphere.

(Cut to outside where Sam and Bucky stand, looking up a the sky)

Sam: (Over the comm) Hey, Cap, we got a situation here.

(The defense shield around Wakanda destroys one of the vessels entering the atmosphere)

Bucky: God, I love this place.

Sam: Yeah, don’t start celebrating yet, guys. We got more incoming outside the dome.

Vision: (Appearing beside the window with the others) It’s too late. We need to destroy the stone now.

Natasha: (Turning toward Vision) Vision, get your rear back on the table.

T’Challa: We will hold them off.

Steve: (To Wanda) Wanda, as soon as the stone’s out of his head…you blow it to hell.

Wanda: I will.

T’Challa: Evacuate the city. Engage all defense procedures. (He points to Steve) And get this man a shield.

(Cut to Nivadellir where Rocket is in the pod, and Thor jumps from the roof onto the rings with a rope in his hand attached to the pod)

Rocket: I don’t think you get the scientifics here. These rings are gigantic.You wanna get thm moving…You’re gonna need something a lot bigger to yank ’em loose.

Thor: Leave that to me.

Rocket: Leave that to you? Buddy, you’re in space. All you got is a rope and a-

(Thor begins to swing the pod around. He lets the pod drag him, until he stops himself by digging his feet into the ring, still holding the pod. The rings begin to move)

Thor: More power, rabbit!

(Finally the star bursts into life, the rings align, and a jet of light streams through the forge)

Eitri: Well done, boy.

(Thor, hanging on, looks through the pod window, at Rocket, an points to the star)

Thor: That’s Nivadellir.

(The iris closes and the beam of light recedes back into the star)

Eitri: Dang it.

Rocket: “Dang it.”? What’s “dang it?

Eitri: The mechanism is crippled.

Thor: What?

Eitri: With the iris closed I can’t heat the metal.

Thor: How long will it take to heat?

Eitri: A few minutes, maybe more. Why?

Thor: I’m gonna hold it open.

Eitri: That’s suicide.

Thor: So is facing Thanos without that axe.

[Cut to the Wakandan battlefield. Their carriers hover over the ground with Wakandan soldier and Natasha, Steve and Bucky on board, and Bruce is in the Hulkbuster]

Natasha: How we looking, Bruce?

Bruce: (While walking) Yeah, I think I’m getting the hang of it. Wow! It’s like being the Hulk without actually- (He stumbles on a rock, and a carrier goes by, from which Okoye gives him a dubious look. He stands) I’m okay. I’m okay.

Sam: We got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line.

(M’Baku of the Jubari rallies his soldiers with a war cry. He stops as T’Challa nears him)

T’Challa: Thank you for standing with us.

M’Baku: (Translated) Of course, brother.

(T’Challa, Steve, and Natasha walk to the edge of the barrier, where Proxima Midnight and Obsidian Cole stand)

Natasha: Where’s your other friend?

Proxima: You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone.

Steve: That’s not gonna happen.

T’Challa: You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood.

Proxima: We…Have blood to spare. (She raises her right arm with a cry, and several large ships emerge from the forest behind her.)

(T’Challa, Steve, Natasha return to the front line)

Bucky: Did they surrender?

Steve: Not exactly.

(T’Challa leads the Wakandans in the war cry “Yibambe!” telling them to hold fast as the Outriders bound toward the barrier)

Bucky: What the hell?

Natasha: Looks like we pissed her off.

(T’Challa commands the soldiers to engage their shields)

Okoye: (Watching as the Outriders bombard the dome only a few getting through) They’re killing themselves.

Sam: (Sending Redwings into the fight as he flies) You seen the teeth on those things?

Rhodes: Alright, back up, Sam. You’re gonna get your wings singed. (He flies over a section that has been breached and drops a barrage of mines)

Sam: Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us…There’s nothing between them and Vision.

Steve: Them we better keep ’em in front of us.

Okoye: (To T’Challa) How do we do that?

T’Challa: We open the barrier. (Putting his hand to his ear) On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen.

Wakandan Officer: Requesting confirmation, My King. You said open the barrier?

T’Challa: On my signal.

M’Baku: (To Okoye) This will be the end of Wakanda.

Okoye: Then it will be the noblest ending in history.

(The section of the barrier is opened)

T’Challa: Wakanda Forever! (He crosses his hands over his chest as his Black Panther helmet covers his face, leading the army as they run toward the barrier. T’Challa and Steve are at the front of the advancing army) Now! (The section in the barrier disappears and the Outriders charge at them)

T’Challa: How much longer, Shuri? (Over the comm)

Shuri: We’ve barely begun, brother.

T’Challa: You might want to pick up the pace.

(Cut to Thor on the rings of Nivadellir)

Thor: Allfathers, give me strength.

Eitri: You understand, boy? You’re about to take the full force of a star. It’ll kill you.

Thor: Only if I die.

Eitri: Yes. That’s what killing you means.

(Thor grasps the handholds and pulls, slowly opening the iris. The stream of light returns and awakens the forge once more.)

Eitri: Hold it! Hold it, Thor!

(Eitri watches the metal melt, and tips the cauldron, pouring it into the mold. Thor passes out, and the jet carries him to the forge. Rocket follows him, in the pod, and Groot looks up from his game when Thor lands near him)

Rocket: (Kneeling over Thor) Thor! Say something. Come on. Thor, you okay? (To Eitri) I think he’s dying.

Eitri: He needs the axe! Where’s the handle? Tree, help me find the handle!

(Groot looks sadly at Thor, stands and grows a longer arm, weaving it around the axe and hammer, joining them,and then cutting his arm off at the usual length. Thor’s hand opens slightly, and the hammer rises from the ground; lightening flickering from it)

(Cut to Wakanda where the Avengers and Wakandans are struggling against the Outriders. Suddenly, a large beam of light lands nearby, and the Avengers and Wakandans stop to look up as the axe flies through the air, electrocuting the Outriders. Thor appears with his new axe Stormbreaker, alongside Rocket and Groot.)

Bruce: [laughing with joy] Hah! Hah! Hah! You guys are so screwed now!

Thor: BRING ME THANOS!!! (He charges toward the hoards of Outriders, followed by Groot and Rocket)

[Cut to Titan, where Thanos appears in front of Doctor Strange, who appears to be the only one there]

Strange: Oh, you’re much more of a Thanos.

Thanos: I take it the Maw is dead. This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission.

Strange: You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts.

Thanos: And where do you think he brought you? (Star-Lord is near by behind wreckage with his weapon ready, and Spiderman is above the structure where Strange sits.

Strange: Let me guess. Your home?

Thanos: (Smiling reminiscently) It was. And it was beautiful. (Thanos uses the Reality Stone to show Strange Titan before it was destroyed) Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution.

Strange: Genocide.

Thanos: But at random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass. (The illusion fades into the true state of Titan)

Strange: Congratulations. You’re a prophet.

Thanos: I’m a survivor.

Strange: Who wants to murder trillions.

Thanos: With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers, and they would all cease to exist. I call that…Mercy.

Strange: And then what?

Thanos: I finally rest…And watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills.

Strange: I think you’ll find our will (Using his hand motions) equal to yours.

Thanos: Ours? (He looks up in time to a see a chunk of wreckage coming down on him, and tries to use the Power to stop, but is too late)

Iron Man: (Flying in) Piece of cake, Quill.

Quill: (Flying in from the other side) Yeah, if your goal was to tick him off.

(The wreckage on top of Thanos erupts, the pieces glowing with purple. He shouts as he uses the Power Stone to force the pieces at Iron Man. Spiderman webs his eyes, and swings in the kick him in the face. Then Strange summons a blade, but Thanos stops it with his hand, and tears the web from his eyes. He advances on Strange, and kicks him just as Strange summons a shield, absorbing the force of his blow, but knocking him back. Star-Lord shoots Thanos from behind, and Thanos uses the Power Stone to shoot balls on energy at Star-Lord while he advances by the steps Strange formed in the air, and places a electric mine on his back. He turns to Quill, as he disengages his helmet, dives backward into a portal, flipping him off.)

Star-Lord: Boom!

(Thanos tries to use the Space Stone to pull Quill back)

Strange: (To the Cloak of Levitation) Do not let him close his fist.

(The Cloak closes around Thanos’ fist, and the mine on his back goes off. Spiderman appears on his right from a portal)

Spider-Man: Magic. (He kicks him in the head) More magic.

(He then leaps into another portal. As Thanos tries to recover, he appears through another portal behind him)

Spider-Man: Magic with a kick! (He kicks him again in the head with his right leg)

(Finally, he appears on his right)

Spider-Man: Magic with a-

(Before he can finish Thanos turns, grabbing him from the air, and throwing him to the ground, with his hand around his neck.)

Thanos: Insect! (He then throws him, about to use the gauntlet, but is interrupted by an explosion caused by Iron Man shooting a missile at him. As the flames blind Thanos, Spiderman attaches a web to him, and strains against it. Thanos pulls Spiderman toward him, but looks up as a ship crashes beside him, and Nebula jumps in front of him)

Thanos: Well, well.

Nebula: You should have killed me.

Thanos: It would’ve been a waste of parts!

Nebula: [she runs at Thanos, attacking him with her sword] Where’s Gamora?!

[Strange uses the Space Stone to case her aside, flailing. Strange forms energy ropes that grapple onto the gauntlet. Thanos tries to pull it free, as Star-Lord shoots a electric magnet onto the ground beside him, holding down his other hand. Spiderman swings in, and makes a string of web, holding him back, enabling his spider legs to anchor himself, as Strange opens a portal above Thanos out of which drops Mantis, who lands on his shoulders, her hands on his temples. He screams as she tries to put him under]

Iron Man: [while pulling on the gauntlet] Is he under? Don’t let up.

Mantis: [starting to cry] Be quick…. He is very strong!

Iron Man: Parker, help! Get over here. [Parker withdraws his web, and hurries to help Tony with the gauntlet] She can’t hold him much longer. Let’s go. We gotta open his fingers to get it off!

Star-Lord: [lands, then joins with the others] I thought you’d be harder to catch. For the record, this was my plan. Not so strong now, huh? Where’s Gamora?

Thanos: … My… Gamora…?

Star-Lord: Oh, bull–shit. Where is she?

Mantis: [shocked] He is in anguish!

Star-Lord: Good.

Mantis: [crying] He… he… he mourns!

Drax: What does this monster have to mourn?!

Nebula: [she suddenly understands in horror what Thanos has done with…] Gamora.

Star-Lord: … What?

Nebula: He took her to Vormir. He came back with the Soul Stone…but she didn’t.

Iron Man: Okay, Quill, you gotta cool it right now, understand?

[Quill slowly turns to Thanos]

Iron Man: Don’t, don’t, don’t engage, we’ve almost got this off!

Star-Lord: Tell me she’s lying. [enraged] ASSHOLE!!! Tell me you didn’t do it!!!

Thanos: I… had… to.

Star-Lord: [while starting to tear up; quietly] No, you didn’t… No, you didn’t… [he continues to rage and then proceeds to pistol-whipping Thanos in the face] NO, YOU DIDN’T!!!

Drax: Quill!

[Quill uses his gun to pound Thanos in the face twice. Iron Man goes to hold him back, as Peter Parker is left to pull off the gauntlet]

Iron Man: [to the struggling Quill] Hey, stop! Hey, stop! Stop! Hey, stop! Stop!

Spider-Man: It’s coming! It’s coming! I got it! I got it…!!

[But Thanos wakes, butting Mantis from his shoulders, and grabbing the cuff of the gauntlet just as it is sliding off his hand, causing Parker to stumble back, and Mantis to go flying]

Spider-Man: [seeing Mantis flying] Oh, God! [he jumps and hugs her, extending his spider legs which give them a safe landing]

[Strange summons a weapon, and Thanos uses the Space Stone to throw him away. Then, Iron Man shoots at him, but Thanos bats him down, and uses the Space Stone to pull down the surface of a moon. Stark tries to fly away, but a large chunk pins him down]

Stonekeeper: Welcome, Thanos, son of Eros, Gamora, daughter of Thanos.

Thanos: You know us?

Stonekeeper: It is my curse to know all who journey here.

Thanos: Where is the Soul Stone?

Stonekeeper: You should know: it extracts a terrible price.

Thanos: I am prepared.

Stonekeeper: We all think that at first. [his face is revealed as the Red Skull] We are all wrong.

Thanos: How is it you know this place so well?

Red Skull: A lifetime ago, I too sought the stones. I even held one in my hand. But it cast me out, banished me here, guiding others to a treasure I cannot possess.

Gamora: I was a child when you took me.

Thanos: I saved you.

Gamora: No, no, we were happy on my home planet.

Thanos: Going to bed hungry, scrounging for scraps? Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I was the one who stopped that. You know what’s happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It’s a paradise.

Gamora: Because you murdered half the planet!

Thanos: A small price to pay for salvation.

Gamora: You’re INSANE.

Thanos: Little one, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources … finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correcting.


Thanos: I’m the only one who knows that. At least, I’m the only who the will to act on it.

Rocket: You speak Groot?!

Thor: Yes, they taught it on Asgard. It was an elective.

Groot: I am Groot?

Thor: You’ll know when we’re close. Nidavellir’s forge harnesses the blazing power of a Neutron Star. It’s the birthplace of my hammer; it’s truly awesome.

Rocket: [to himself] Okay, time to be the Captain. [to Thor] So, dead brother, huh? That can be annoying.

Thor: Well, he’s been dead before. But this time… I think it really might be true.

Rocket: And you said that your sister and your dad…

Thor: Both dead.

Rocket: But, still got a mom, though?

Thor: Killed by a Dark Elf.

Rocket: Best friend?

Thor: Stabbed through the heart.

Rocket: You sure you’re up for this particular murder mission?

Thor: Absolutely. The rage, vengeance, anger, loss, regret, they’re all tremendous motivators. They truly clear the mind… so, I’m good to go.

Rocket: Yeah, but this is Thanos we’re talking about, he’s the toughest there is.

Thor: Well, he’s never fought me.

Rocket: … Yeah, he has!

Thor: Well, he’s never fought me twice. And I’ll have a new hammer, don’t forget.

Rocket: Well, it’d better be some hammer.

Thor: You know, I’m one thousand and five hundred years old. I’ve killed twice as many enemies as that, and every one of them would have rather killed me, but none succeeded. I’m only alive because Fate wants me alive. Thanos is just the latest in a long line of bastards, and he’ll be the latest to feel my vengeance. Fate wills it so.

Rocket: And what if you’re wrong?

Thor: Well, if I’m wrong, then… what more could I lose?

Gamora: All my life I dreamed of a day, a moment, when you got what you deserved. And I was always so disappointed. But now, you kill and torture and you call it mercy. The universe has judged you. You asked it for a prize and it told you no. You failed. And do you wanna know why? Because you love nothing. No one.

Thanos: [sheds a tear] No.

Gamora: Really? Tears?

Red Skull: They are not for him.

[Gamora realizes what Thanos is going to do]

Gamora: No. This isn’t love.

Thanos: I ignored my destiny once. I cannot do that again. Even for you.

[Gamora anguishly takes the double-edged knife Thanos had given her, then tries to kill herself. But Thanos uses the Reality Stone, turning the knife into bubbles]

Thanos: [anguished] I’m sorry, Gamora.

Gamora: [muted] NO!

Banner: Who’s Scott?

Steve Rogers: Ant-Man.

Banner: There’s an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man?!

Stark: [to the Guardians] We gotta work together. Because if all we come out with is a plucky attitude…

Quill: Dude, don’t call us plucky. We don’t know what it means. We’re more optimistic, yes. I like your plan. Except…it sucks. So, let me do the plan and that way…it might be really good.

Drax: Tell him about the dance-off to save the universe.

Stark: What dance-off?

Quill: It’s not a thing.

Parker: Like in Footloose? The movie?

Quill: Exactly like Footloose. Is it still the greatest movie in history?

Parker: It never was.

Stark: Don’t encourage this alright we’re not getting any help from Flash Gordan.

Quill: Flash Gordon? That’s a compliment. Don’t forget, I’m half human. So that 50% of me that’s stupid, that’s 100% you.

[Thanos emerges from a teleport on the ruined Titan]

Strange: Oh, yeah. You’re much more of a “Thanos”.

Thanos: I take it that Maw is dead? This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission.

Strange: You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts.

Thanos: Where do you think he brought you?

Strange: Let me guess. Your home.

Thanos: It was. [activates the Reality Stone, showing a holographic image of a populated Titan] And it was beautiful. Titan was like most planets; too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution.

Strange: Genocide?

Thanos: At random. Dispassionate, fair; To rich and poor alike. They called me a madman… and what I predicted came to pass.

Strange: Congratulations, you’re a prophet.

Thanos: I’m a survivor.

Strange: Who wants to murder trillions.

Thanos: With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers; They would all cease to exist. I call that… mercy.

Strange: Then what?

Thanos: I finally rest and watch the Sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills.

Strange: [he summons his Mandalas, entering a fighting pose] I think you’ll find our wills equal to yours.

Thanos: Ours?

[Stark crushes Thanos with a pillar of wreckage]

Stark: Piece of cake, Quill.

Quill: Yeah, if your goal is to piss him off!

Tony Stark: So this is it. It’s all been leading to this.

Thor: Ready?

Steve Rogers: Let’s go.

Gamora: He won’t stop. Until he destroys half the universe. Everything you know… Everything you love… It will all be gone.

Peter Quill: Let’s talk about this plan of yours. I think it’s good, except it sucks. So let me do the plan and that way it might be really good.
Tony Stark: Wow.

Thanos: The end is near. When I’m done, half of humanity will still exist. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

[upon seeing Steve]
Thor: New haircut? I notice you’ve copied my beard. Oh, by the way, this is a friend of mine. A tree.
Groot: I am Groot.
Steve Rogers: I am Steve Rogers.

Black Panther: Thank you for standing with us, M’Baku.
M’baku: Of course, brother.

Black Panther: How much longer, Shuri?

Bruce Banner: [trying to change into the Hulk] Hulk. Hulk, I know you like making your entrance at the last second, well, this is it, man. This is the last, last second. Hulk! Hulk! Hulk! [Hulk: NOOOO!] Oh, screw you, you big green asshole! I’ll do it myself!

[Thanos has just got the Infinity Stones; Thor suddenly hurls Stormbreaker, which goes right into Thanos’ chest]

Thor: I told you. You’d die for that!

[He takes hold of the back of Thanos’s head and forces Stormbreaker deeper into his chest, staring angrily into his eyes while Thanos cries out in pain]

Thanos: You should’ve… You…. You should’ve gone for the head!!

[He raises his gauntlet and snaps his fingers]

Thor: NO!

[Thanos is now briefly inside the Soul Stone, where he sees a young Gamora on the home world of the Zen-Whoberi]

Thanos: Daughter?

Gamora: Did you do it?

Thanos: Yes.

Gamora: [beat] What did it cost?

Thanos: [solemly] … Everything.

[Now out of the Soul Stone, Thanos notices the damages inflicted on the scorched Gauntlet]

Thor: What did you do? [angrily] WHAT DID YOU DO?!

[Thanos mockingly smirks at Thor before he uses the Space Stone and teleports away, leaving Stormbreaker left on the Wakandian field]

Captain America: Where’d he go? Thor… where’d he go?

Bucky Barnes: [feeling his prosthetic arm turning into ash] Steve?

[Bucky suddenly stumbles over, and collapses into ashes, much to Steve’s shock; Thor watches Steve mourning Bucky’s death. On the battlefield, Wakankan soldiers disintegrate to ashes, much to M’Baku’s horror]

T’Challa: [while reaching for a fallen Okoye] Up, General. Up! This is no place to die. [he suddenly disintegrates into ashes and Okoye falls back on the ground, much to her anguish]

Okoye: Hezvo…?!

Groot: [resting on a tree branch; slowly disintegrating, to Rocket] I am Groot… [Translation: “Dad?”]

Rocket: [as Groot starts slowly to corrode into ashes, much to Rocket’s horror] No…. No. No. No. No! Groot… no.

[Scarlet Witch is mourning over Vision. She then turns into ashes. An injured Falcon turns to ashes, hidden in the brush]

War Machine: [searching for Falcon, missing him by only a few feet] Sam? Sam!? Where you at?!

[Back on Titan, the remaining members of the Guardians and Avengers help themselves up from their battle against Thanos they had lost]

Mantis: Something… is… happening. [she gets killed into ashes]

Drax: [to Quill; his right arm and lower-half of his body slowly turns to ashes] Quill…?

[Drax gets disintegrated next as Quill stares in horror]

Tony Stark: Steady, Quill.

Quill: Aw, man.

[Quill also gets disintegrated into ashes]

Strange: [calmly turns to Stark] Tony, there was no other way. [he finally gets erased]

Parker: [feels himself starting to disintegrate and doesn’t want to die] Mister Stark? I don’t feel so good…

Tony Stark: [trying to be calm] You’re all right.

Parker: [stumbling] I don’t know what’s – I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t – [Parker falls into Stark’s arms, clutching him tight and crying] Save me, save me! I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go, Mister Stark, please. Please, I don’t wanna go. I don’t wanna go… I’m sorry.

[Parker disintegrates into ashes in Stark’s arms]

Nebula: [to Tony Stark, seeing Thanos’ victory] He did it.

[Stark mourns silently at his failure it caused. Back on Wakanda, the remaining team members, Captain America, Thor, War Machine, Black Widow, Bruce Banner, and Rocket are left mourning near Vision’s dead body]

War Machine: What is this? What the hell is happening?

Captain America: …. Oh, God.

[Meanwhile, on a different planet, Thanos sits down and watches the Sun rising]

[Last lines]

Nick Fury: Still no word from Stark?

Maria Hill: No, not yet. We’re watching every satellite in both hemispheres, there’s still nothing. [receives three beeps from her device]

Fury: What is it?

Hill: Multiple bogeys over Wakanda.

Fury: Same energy signatures as New York?

Hill: Ten times bigger.

Fury: Call Klein. We’ll meet him at –

Hill: NICK!

[Suddenly, a car spirals out of control into them. Hill goes over to check on the driver of the car, but sees no one is in there]

Fury: They okay?

Hill: There’s no one here.

[Suddenly, a helicopter, with ash flying out, crashes into a building. The two are now witnessing civilians around them suddenly disintegrating]

Fury: Call control. Code Red!

Hill: [alerting Fury] Nick…?

[Fury turns around to see Hill disintegrating]

Fury: Hill?

[Fury then races back to their car and gets a pager out. He sends out an emergency alert, mere seconds before his hand turns into ashes]

Fury: Oh, no. Motherf –

[Fury corrodes to dust. The pager falls to the ground; we see the device display a red-and-blue star insignia, indicating the symbol of Captain Marvel]

@soupnana group


  • Can you see?
  • Yeah.
  • You sure?
  • Mm-hmm.
    How about now?
    Can you see now?
    All right.
    Ready? Three fingers.
  • Nice throw, kiddo!
  • Go.
    Hey, you guys want mayo
    or mustard, or both?
    Who wants mayo on a hotdog?
    Pardon your brothers. Two mustards, please!
    Thanks, momma.
    Got it.
    Nate, mayo or mustard?
    I want ketchup.
    Mind your elbow…
    Good job, Hawkeye!
    Go get your arrow.
    Hey, guys. Enough practice.
    Soup's on.
    All right. We're coming.
    We're hungry.
    Lila, let's go.
    You don't need to do that,
    because you're just
    holding the position.
    Come on.
    That was close.
    That's a goal. We're
    now one a-piece.
    I would like to try again.
    We're tied up.
    Feel the tension? It's fun.
    That was terrible. Now you
    have a chance to win.
    And you won. Congratulations.
    Fair game.
    Good sport.
    You had fun?
    It was fun.
    This thing on?
    Hey, Miss Potts… Pep.
    If you find this recording…
    don't post it, on social media.
    It's gonna be a real tear-jerker.
    I don't know if you're
    ever gonna see these.
    I don't even know
    if you're still…
    Oh, God. I hope so…
    Today is day 21… uh, 22.
    You know, if it wasn't for
    the existensial terror of
    staring into the
    literal void of space,
    I'd say, I'm feeling
    more better today.
    The infection's run its course,
    thanks to the blue meanie back there.
    You'd love her. Very practical.
    Only a tiny bit sadistic.
    Some fuel cells were cracked during battle, but
    we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge
    to buy ourselves, about,
    48 hours of playtime.
    But it's now dead in the water.
    We're 1,000 lightyears
    from the nearest 7-11.
    Oxygen will run out
    tomorrow morning.
    That'll be it.
    And Pep, I…
    I know I said no
    more surprises, but
    I gotta say I was really hoping
    to pull off one last one.
    But it looks like…
    Well, you know what
    it looks like.
    Don't feel bad about this.
    I mean actually if you
    grovel for a couple weeks,
    and then, move on
    with enormous guilt.
    I should probably lie down.
    I'm gonna caress my
    Please know that…
    When I drift off, it will be
    goodbye the whole time…
    I'll think about you.
    Because it's always you.
  • Couldn't stop him.
  • Neither could I.
    I lost the kid.
    Tony, we lost.
    Is, umm…
    Oh, my God!
    It's okay.
    It's been 23 days since
    Thanos came to Earth.
    World governments are in pieces.
    The parts that are still working
    are trying to take a census,
    And it looks like he did…
    He did exactly what he said he
    was gonna do. Thanos wiped out..
    …fifty percent of
    all living creatures.
    Where is he now? Where?
    We don't know.
    He just opened a portal
    and walked through.
    What's wrong with him?
    He's pissed.
    He thinks he failed.
    Which of course he did, but there's a
    lot of that goin' around, ain't there?
    Honestly, at this exact second, I
    thought you were a Build-A-Bear.
    Maybe I am.
    We've been hunting Thanos
    for three weeks now.
    Deep space scans, and
    satellites, and we got nothing.
  • Tony you fought him.
  • Who told you that?
    Didn't fight him.
    No. He wiped my face
    with a planet while a
    Bleecker Street magician
    gave away the stone.
  • That's what happened. There was no fight…
  • Okay.
    Did he give you any clues?
    Any coordinates, anything?
    I saw this coming a few years back. I had
    a vision. I didn't wanna believe it.
    Thought I was dreaming.
  • Tony I'm gonna need you to focus.
  • And I needed you.
    As in past tense. That trumps what
    you need. It's too late, buddy.
    You know what I need?
    I need to shave.
  • And I believe I rememeber telling
  • Tony, Tony, Tony…
    why that otherwise,
    that what we needed was a suit of armor
    around the world. Remember that?
    Whether it impacted our precious
    freedoms, or not. That's what we needed.
  • Well that didn't work out, did it?
  • I said we'd lose.
    You said, "We'll do
    that together, too."
    Well guess what, Cap? We lost.
    You weren't there.
    But that's what we do, right?
    Our best work after the fact?
    We're the Avengers? We're the Avengers?
    Not the Prevengers?
    Okay. You made your point.
    Just sit down, okay?
  • No, no. Here's my… She's great, by the way.
  • Tony, sit, sit down!
    We need you. You're new blood.
    Bunch of tired old mills…
    I got nothing for you, Cap.
    I got no coordinates,
    no clues, no strategies,
    no options…
    Zero. Zip. Nada. No
    trust, you liar…
    Here, take this. You find
    him and you put that on.
    You hide.
  • Tony!
  • I'm fine. I…
    Bruce gave him a sedative. He's gonna
    probably be out for the rest of the day.
    You guys take care of him. And I'll bring
    an Bezurian elixir when I come back.
  • Where are you going?
  • To kill Thanos.
    You know we usually work
    as a team here, and
    between you and I we're
    also a little fragile.
    We realize up there is more your
    territory but this is our fight, too.
  • You even know where he is?
  • I know people who might.
    Don't bother.
    I can tell you where Thanos is.
    Thanos spent a long time
    trying to perfect me.
    Then when he worked, he
    talked about his great plan.
    Even disassembled, I
    wanted to please him.
    I'd ask, where would we go
    once his plan was complete?
    His answer was always the same.
    To The Garden.
    That's cute. Thanos has
    a retirement plan.
    So where is he, then?
    When Thanos snapped his fingers,
    Earth became ground zero for a power surge
    of ridiculously cosmic proportions.
    No one's ever seen anything like it…
    until two days ago.
    On this planet.
    Thanos is there.
    He used the stones again.
    Hey, hey, hey…
    We'd be going in
    short-handed, you know?
  • Look, he still got the stones, so…
  • So let's get him.
  • We use them to bring everyone back.
  • Just like that?
    Yeah. Just like that.
    Even if there's a small chance
    that we can undo this…
    I mean, we owe it to everyone
    who's not in this room to try.
    If we do this, how do we know it's gonna
    end any differently than it did before?
    Because before, you
    didn't have me.
    Hey, new girl, everybody in this
    room is about that superhero life.
    And if you don't mind my asking, where
    the hell have you been all this time?
    There are a lot of other
    planets in the universe.
    And unfortunately, they
    didn't have you guys.
    I like this one.
    Let's go get this
    son of a bitch.
    Okay. Who here hasn't
    been to space?
    You better not throw
    up on my ship.
    Approaching jump in 3.. 2.. 1.
    I'll head down for recon.
  • This is gonna work Steve.
  • I know it will.
    Because I don't know what
    I'm gonna do if it doesn't.
    No satellites, no ships, no armies,
    no ground defenses of any kind.
    It's just him.
    Then that's enough.
    Oh, no.
    Where are they?
    Answer the question.
    The universe
    required correction.
    After that, the stones served
    no purpose, beyond temptation.
    You murdered trillions!
    You should be grateful.
  • Where are the stones?
  • Gone.
  • Reduced to atoms.
  • You used them two days ago.
    I used the stones to
    destroy the stones.
    It nearly killed me.
    But the work is done.
    It always will be.
    I am inevitable.
    We have to tear this place apart.
    He has to be lying.
    My father is many things.
    A liar is not one of them.
    Thank you, Daughter.
    Perhaps I treated
    you too harshly…
    What… what did you do?
    I went for the head.
    So I, uh…
    Went on a date the other day.
    It's the first time in five years,
    you know? Sit there, dinner…
    I didn't know what
    to talk about.
    What did you talk about?
    Same old crap, you know? How
    things have changed, and…
    My job, his job….
    How much we miss the Mets.
    Then things get quiet..
    He cried as they were
    serving the salads.
    What about you?
    I cried just before dessert.
    But I'm seeing him
    again tomorrow, so…
    That's great.
    You did the hardest part.
    You took the jump, you
    didn't know where you
    were gonna come down.
    And that's it. That's those little
    brave baby steps you gotta take.
    To try and become whole again.
    To try and find purpose.
    I went in the ice in '45 right
    after I met the love of my life.
    Woke up 70 years later.
    You got to move on.
    Got to move on.
    The world is in our hands.
    It's left to us guys.
    And we got to do
    something with it.
    Thanos should've
    killed all of us.
    What the hell?
    Kid! Hey, kid!
    What the hell happened here?
    My God…
    No. Please. Please, please.
    No, no, no…
    Excuse me. Sorry.
    No, Cassie, no.
    No, no.
    Please, please,
    please, please….
    No, Cassie…
    You're so big!
    Yeah, we boarded that highly
    suspect warship Danvers pinged.
    It was an infectious
    garbage scowl.
    So, thanks for the hot tip.
  • Well, you were closer.
  • Yeah. And now we smell like garbage.
    You get a reading
    on those tremors?
    It was a mild subduction
    under the African plate.
    Do we have a visual? How
    are we handling it?
    Nat, it's an earthquake
    under the ocean.
    We handle it by not handling it.
    Carol, are we seeing
    you here next month?
  • Not likely.
  • What, you gonna get another haircut?
    Listen, fur-face. I'm
    covering a lot of territory.
    The things that are
    happening on Earth are
    happening everywhere, on
    thousands of planets.
    That's a good point.
    That's a good point.
    So you might not see
    me for a long time.
    All right. Uh, well…
    This channel is always active.
    So, anything goes sideways…
    Anyone's making trouble
    where they shouldn't…
  • Comes through me.
  • Okay.
    All right.
    Good luck.
  • Where are you?
  • Mexico.
    The federales found a
    room full of bodies.
    Looks like a bunch of cartel guys. Never
    even had the chance to get their guns off.
  • It's probably a rival gang…
  • Except it isn't.
    It's definitely Barton.
    What he's done here, what he's
    been doing for the last few years,
    I mean, the scene
    that he left…
    I gotta tell you, there's a part of
    me that doesn't even wanna find him.
    Will you find out where
    he's going next?
    You know I'd offer to clip your dinner
    but you seem pretty miserable already.
    You here to do your laundry?
    And to see a friend.
    Clearly, your friend is fine.
    You know I saw a pod of whales
    when I was coming up the bridge.
  • In the Hudson?
  • There's fewer ships, cleaner water.
    You know, if you're about to tell
    me to look on the bright side…
    I'm about to hit you in the head
    with a peanut butter sandwich.
    Sorry. Force of habit.
    You know I keep telling everybody
    they should move on and… grow.
    Some do.
    But not us.
  • If I move on, who does this?
  • Maybe it doesn't need to be done.
    I used to have nothing.
    And then I got this.
    This job.
    This family.
    And I was… I was
    better because of it.
    And even though…
    they're gone…
    Now, I'm still
    trying to be better.
    I think we both
    need to get a life.
    You first.
    Oh… Hi. Hi!
    Is anyone home?
    This is Scott Lang.
    We met a few years ago, at the airport?
    In Germany?
    I got really big and
    I had my mask on.
  • You wouldn't recognize me.
  • Is this an old message?
    Ant-Man? Ant-Man, I
    know you know that.
    It's the front gate.
    I need to talk to you guys.
  • Are you okay?
  • Yeah.
    Have either of you guys ever
    studied quantum physics?
    Only in mid-conversation.
    Alright. So…
    Five years ago, right before…
    I was in a place called
    the quantum realm.
    The quantum realm is like its
    own microscopic universe.
    To get in there, you have to be
    incredibly small. Hope, she's my…
    She… she was my…
    She was supposed to pull me out.
    And then Thanos happened, and
  • I got stuck in there.
  • Sorry. That must've been a long 5 years.
    Yeah, but that's just it.
    It wasn't.
    For me it was five hours.
    See, the rules of the quantum realm
    aren't like they are up here.
    Everything is unpredictable. Is that
    anybody's sandwich? I'm starving.
    What are you talking about?
    What I'm saying is…
    Time works differently
    in the quantum realm.
    The only problem is right now, we
    don't have a way to navigate it.
    But what if we did?
    I can't stop thinking about it. What
    if we could somehow control the chaos,
    and we could navigate it? What if
    there was a way that we can enter
    the quantum realm at a certain
    point in time but then
    exit the quantum realm at
    another point in time? Like…
    Like before Thanos.
    Wait, are you talking
    about a time machine?
    No. No, of course not.
    No, not a time machine.
    It's more like a…
    Yeah, a time machine. I know it's crazy.
    It's crazy.
    But I can't stop thinking about it.
    There's gotta be…
    Some wa… It's crazy.
    I get e-mails from a raccoon. So,
    nothing sounds crazy anymore.
    So who do we talk to about this?
    Morgan H. Stark.
    Want some lunch?
  • Define lunch or be disintegrated.
  • Okay.
    You should not be
    wearing that, okay?
    That is part of a special anniversary
    gift I'm making for Mom.
    There you go. Are you
    thinking about lunch?
    Want a handful of crickets?
  • No.
  • That's what you want.
  • How did you find this?
  • Garage.
  • Were you looking for it?
  • No.
    I found it, though.
    You like going to the garage, huh?
    So does Daddy.
    It's fine actually. Mom never
    wears anything I wear.
    Now, we know what
    it sounds like…
    Tony after everything you've seen,
    is anything really impossible…
    Quantum fluctuation messes
    with the Planck scale,
    which then triggers the Deutsch
    proposition. Can we agree on that?
    Thank you.
    In Layman's terms, it means
    you're not coming home.
  • I did.
  • No.
    You accidentally survived. It's a—
    It's a billion-to-one
    cosmic fluke.
    And now you wanna pull a…
    What do you call it?
  • A time heist?
  • Yeah. Time heist.
    Of course. Why didn't we
    think of this before?
    Oh! Because it's laughable?
    Because it's a pipedream?
    The stones are in the past. We
    can go back and we can get them.
    We can snap our own fingers.
    We can bring everybody back.
    Or screw it up worse than
    he already has, right?
    I don't believe we would.
    Gotta say this. Sometimes, I
    miss that giddy optimism.
    However, high hopes won't
    help if there's no logical,
    tangible, way for me to safely
    execute said time heist.
    I believe the most likely outcome
    will be our collective demise.
    Not if we strictly follow
    the rules of time travel.
    That means no talking to our past selves,
    no betting on sporting events…
    I'm gonna stop you
    right there, Scott.
    Are you seriously telling
    me that your plan to
    save the universe is based
    on Back to the Future?
  • No.
  • Good. You had me worried there.
    'Cause that'd be horseshit. That's
    not how quantum physics works.
    We have to take a stand.
    We did stand. And
    yet, here we are.
    I know you got a lot on the line.
    You got a wife, a daughter.
    But I lost someone very important to me.
    A lot of people did.
    And now, now, we have a chance to bring
    her back. To bring everyone back.
    And you're telling me
    that you won't even…
    That's right, Scott.
    I won't. Leave it.
    Got a kid.
    Mommy told me to
    come and save you.
    Good job. I'm saved.
    I wish you'd come here to
    ask me something else.
    Anything else. Honestly, I
    missed you guys, it was…
  • Oh, and table's set for six.
  • Tony, I get it.
    And I'm happy for you.
    I really am.
    But this is a second chance.
    I got my second chance
    right here, Cap.
    I can't roll the dice again.
    If you don't talk shop,
    you can stay for lunch.
  • He's scared.
  • He's not wrong.
    Yeah, but I mean,
    what are we gonna do?
    We need him. What,
    are we gonna stop?
    No. I wanna do it right.
    We're gonna need a
    really big brain.
    Bigger than his?
    Come on. I feel like I'm the only
    one eating. Try some of that.
    Have some eggs.
    I'm so confused.
  • These are confusing times.
  • Right. No, no…
  • That's not what I meant. I…
  • No, I get it.
    I'm kidding! I know. It's crazy.
  • I'm wearing shirts now.
  • Yeah! How? Why?
    Five years ago we
    got our asses beat.
    Except it was worse for me.
    Because I lost twice.
    First, Hulk lost. Then Banner lost.
    Then, we all lost.
  • No one blamed you, Bruce.
  • I did.
    For years I've been
    treating the Hulk like he's
    some kind of disease,
    something to get rid of.
    But then I started looking
    at him as the cure.
    Eighteen months in a gamma lab. I put
    the brains and the brawn together.
    And now look at me.
    Best of both worlds.
  • Excuse me, Mr. Hulk?
  • Yes?
  • Can we get a photo?
  • 100%, little person.
    Come on, step on up. You mind?
  • Say "green."
  • Green.
  • Did you get that?
  • That's good.
    Don't you wanna grab one with me?
    I'm Ant-Man.
    They're Hulk fans.
    They don't know Ant-Man.
  • Nobody does.
  • Wait, no, no, he wants to…
    You want to take a
    picture with him, right?
    He's even saying no he doesn't.
    I get it.
    I don't want it either. I don't
    want a picture with them.
  • He's gonna feel bad.
  • Sorry.
  • They said they'd do it.
  • I don't want it anymore.
  • You'd feel bad…
  • Take the goddamn phone.
    Thank you, Mr. Hulk.
    No, it's great, kids.
    Thank you very much.
  • Hulk out!
  • Bruce.
  • Dab.
  • Bruce.
    Listen to your Mom.
    She knows better.
  • About we were saying…
  • Right.
    The whole time travel do-over?
    Guys, it's outside of
    my area of expertise.
    Well, you pulled this off.
    I remember a time when that
    seemed pretty impossible, too.
    Look at a mod inspiration,
    let me see what checks out.
    So, recommend one last sim before
    we pack it in for the night.
    This time, in the shape of a
    mobius strip, inverted. Please?
    Give me that eigenvalue. That, particle
    factoring, and spectral decomp.
  • Gotta take a second.
  • Just a moment.
    And don't worry if it doesn't pan out.
    I'm just kinda…
    Model rendered.
    What are you doing
    up, Little Miss?
  • Shit.
  • No. We don't say that.
    Only Mommy says that word. She
    coined it, it belongs to her.
    Why you up?
    'Cause I got some important shit
    going on here. What do you think?
    No, I got something on my mind.
    I got something on my mind.
  • Was it Juice Pops?
  • Sure was.
    That's extortion.
    Great minds think alike. Juice
    Pops, exactly was on…
    my mind.
    You done? Yeah? Now you are.
  • That face, goes there.
  • Tell me a story.
    A story.
    Once upon a time, a little
    girl went to bed. The end.
    That ain't the whole story.
    Come on, that's your
    favorite story.
    I love you tons.
    I love you 3,000.
    3,000. That's crazy.
    Go to bed. Or I'll
    sell all your toys.
    Not that it's a competition,
    but she loves me 3,000.
    You were somewhere in
    the low 6 to 900 range.
  • What you reading?
  • Just a book on composting.
    What's new with composting?
  • Just ….
  • I figured it out…
    by the way.
    You know, just so we're talking
    about the same thing…
    Time travel.
    Amazing, and…. terrifying.
    That's right.
  • I got really lucky.
  • Yeah. I know.
  • A lot of people didn't.
  • No, I can't help everybody.
  • It sorta seems like you can.
  • Not if I stop.
    I can put a pin in it
    right now, and stop.
    trying to get you to stop has been one
    of the few failures of my entire life.
    I sometimes feel I should put it in a locked
    box and drop it at the bottom of a lake…
    …go to bed.
    But would you be able to rest?
    Okay, here we go. Time
    travel test number one.
    Scott, fire up the, uhh…
    The van thing.
    Breakers are set. Emergency
    generators are on standby.
    Good. 'Cause if we blow the grid, I don't
    wanna lose Tiny here in the 1950's.
  • Excuse me?
  • He's kidding.
    You can't say things like that.
    Just… it was, just a bad joke.
  • You were kidding, right?
  • I have no idea.
    We're talking about time travel here.
    Either it's all a joke, or none of it is.
    We're good! Get your helmet on.
    Scott, I'm gonna send you
    back a week, but you'll walk
    around for an hour, then bring
    you back in 10 seconds.
  • Makes sense?
  • Perfectly not confusing.
    Good luck, Scott. You got this.
    You're right. I do,
    Captain America.
    On the count of three.
    3.. 2.. 1..
    Guys? This doesn't feel right.
  • What's going on? Hold on.
  • Who is that?
  • Is that Scott?
  • Yes, it's Scott!
    Ooh! My back!
  • Can you bring him back?
  • I'm working on it!
    A baby.
  • It's Scott.
  • As a baby!
    Bring Scott back.
    When I say kill the
    power, kill the power.
    And… kill it!
    Somebody peed my pants.
    I don't know if it was
    "baby" me or "old" me.
    Or, just "me" me.
    Time travel!
    I see this as an absolute win.
    Why the long face?
    Let me guess. He
    turned into a baby.
    Among other things, yeah.
    What are you doing here?
    That's the EPR paradox.
    Instead of pushing Lang through time, you
    might've wound up pushing time through Lang.
    It's tricky. Dangerous. Somebody
    coulda cautioned you against it.
  • You did.
  • Oh, did I?
    Thank God, I'm here.
    Regardless, I fixed it.
    A fully functioning
    time-space GPS.
    I just want peace.
    Turns out, resentment is
    corrosive, and I hate it.
    Me, too.
    We got a shot at getting
    these stones, but I
    gotta tell you my
    priority is to bring back
    what we lost? I hope, yes.
    Keep what I found? I
    have to, at all costs.
    And, maybe not die
    trying will be nice.
    Sounds like a deal.
  • Tony, I don't know…
  • Why? He made it for you.
    Plus, honestly I have to get it out the
    garage before Morgan takes it sledding.
    Thank you, Tony.
    Will you keep that a little quietly?
    Didn't bring one for the whole team.
  • We are getting, the whole team, yeah?
  • We're working on that right now.
  • Hey, humie! Where's big green?
  • Kitchen. I think.
  • That's awesome.
  • Rodent, careful on re-entry.
    There's an idiot on
    the landing zone.
    Oh, God!
    What's up, regular-sized man?
    Kind of a step down from a golden palace
    for an Avenger highness or whatnot.
    Hey, have a little compassion, pal.
    First, they've lost Asgard,
    then half the people. They're probably
    just happy they have a home.
    You shouldn't have come!
    Great to see you, Angry Girl.
    I think I liked you better
    either of the other ways.
  • This is Rocket.
  • How you doin'?
  • He won't see you.
  • That bad, huh?
    We only see him once a month,
    when he comes in for…
  • It's that bad.
  • Yeah.
    What the…
    Woo! Something died in here.
    Hello? Thor?
    Are you here about the cable?
    The Cinemax ran out two weeks ago,
    and, sports were all kind of fuzzy…
    Boys! Oh, my God!
    My God! How have you been?
    Come here, you little rascal!
    No, I'm good! I'm good.
    That's not necessary!
    Hulk, you know my friends,
    Miek, Korg, right?
  • Hey, boys!
  • Hey, guys. Long time no see.
    Beer's on the bucket. Feel
    free to log on to the wi-fi.
    No password, obviously.
    Thor, he's back. That kid on the TV
    who's called me a dickhead again.
  • Noobmaster.
  • Yeah, Noobmaster69.
    Noobmaster. Hey, it's Thor again.
    You know, the God of Thunder?
    Listen, buddy. If you don't log off
    this game immediately I'm gonna fly
    home to your house, come down to
    that basement you're hiding in,
    rip off your arms then
    shove them up your butt!
    Oh, that's right. Yes, go cry to
    your father, you little weasel!
    Thank you, Thor.
    Let me know if he
    bothers you again, okay?
    Thank you very much. I will.
    So you guys want a drink?
    What are you drinking?
    We have beer, tequila,
    all sorts of things.
    Buddy, you all right?
    Yes, I'm fine! Why,
    don't I look all right?
    You look like melted ice cream.
    So, what's up?
    We need your help. There might be
    a chance we could fix everything.
    What, like the cable? 'Cause that's
    been driving me bananas for weeks.
    Like Thanos.
    Don't say that name.
    Um, yeah. We don't actually
    say that name in here.
    Please take your hand off me.
    Now, I know that…
    guy might scare you.
    Why would I be? Why would, why
    would I be scared of that guy?
    I'm the one who killed
    that guy, remember?
    Anyone else here
    killed that guy?
    Nope. Didn't think so.
    Korg, why don't you, tell everybody
    who chopped Thanos' big head off.
    Umm… Stormbreaker?
    Now, who's swinging
    I get it. You're in a rough spot, okay?
    I've been there myself.
    You wanna know who
    helped me out of it?
    I don't know. Is it… Natasha?
    It was you.
    You helped me.
    Why don't you ask the,
    Asgardians down there,
    how much my help was worth.
    The ones that are left, anyway.
    I think we can bring them back.
    Stop. Just, stop…
    I know you think I'm down here wallowing in
    my own self-pity, waiting to be rescued and
    and saved. But I'm fine, okay?
    We're fine, aren't we?
    Nah, all good here, mate!
    So, whatever it is that
    you're offering, we're
    not into it, don't care,
    couldn't care less.
    We need you, pal.
    There's beer on the ship.
    What kind?
    It's him! He's after Akihiko!
    We never did anything to you!
    You're done hurting people.
    You're crazy!
    Wait! Help me!
    What I want…
    You can't give me.
    You shouldn't be here.
    Neither should you.
    I've got a job to do.
    Is that what you're
    calling this?
    Killing all these people isn't
    gonna bring your family back.
    We found something.
    A chance, maybe…
    Don't what?
    Don't give me hope.
    I'm sorry I couldn't
    give it to you sooner.
    Drifting left. On the
    side there, Lebowski.
  • Ratchet, how's it going?
  • It's Rocket.
    Take it easy. You're only
    a genius on Earth, pal.
    Time travel suit? Not bad.
    Hey, hey, hey. Easy, easy!
  • I'm being very careful.
  • No, you're being very Hulky.
  • I'm being careful.
  • These are Pym particles, all right?
    And ever since Hank Pym got snapped
    out of existence, this is it.
    This is what we have. We're
    not making any more.
  • Scott, calm down.
  • Sorry.
    We've got enough for
    one round trip, each.
    That's it. No do-overs.
    Plus, two test runs.
    One test run.
    All right. I'm not
    ready for this.
    I'm game.
    I'll do it.
    Clint, now you're gonna feel
    a little discombobulated
    from the chronoshift.
    Don't worry about it.
    Wait a second, let me
    ask you something.
    If we can do this, you know, go
    back in time, why don't we just
    find baby Thanos, you know?
  • First of all, that's horrible.
  • It's Thanos.
    And secondly, time doesn't work that way.
    Changing the past doesn't change the future.
    Look, we go back, we get the
    stones before Thanos gets them…
    Thanos doesn't have the stones.
    Problem solved.
  • Bingo.
  • That's not how it works.
  • Well, that's what I heard.
  • What? By who? Who told you that?
    Star Trek, Terminator,
    TimeCop, Time After Time,
  • Quantum Leap.
  • A Wrinkle in Time,
  • Somewhere in Time,
  • Hot Tub Time Machine.
    Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Basically,
    any movie that deals with time travel.
    Die Hard? No, it's not…
    This is known.
    I don't know why everyone believes
    that, but that isn't true.
    Think about it: If you travel to the
    past, that past becomes your future.
    And your former present
    becomes the past.
    Which can't now be changed
    by your new future…
    So Back to the Future's
    a bunch of bullshit?
    All right, Clint. We're going in 3..
    2.. 1…
  • Where are my headphones?
  • Lila?
    Lila! No!
    Hey, hey. Look at me. You okay?
    It worked.
    It worked.
    Okay, so the "how" works.
    Now we gotta figure out the
    "when," and the "where."
    Almost everyone in this
    room has had an encounter
    with at least one of the
    six Infinity Stones.
    Well, I'd subtitute the
    word 'encounter' for 'damn
    near been killed by one of
    the six Infinity Stones.'
    I haven't. I don't even know what
    the hell you're all talking about.
    Regardless, we only have enough Pym
    Particles for one round trip each,
    and these stones have been in a lot of
    different places throughout history.
    Our history. So, not a lot of
    convenient spots to just drop in.
  • Which means we have to pick our targets.
  • Correct.
    So. Let's start
    with the Aether.
    Thor, what do you know?
    Is he asleep?
    Where to start? Umm…
    The Aether, first,
    is not a stone.
    Someone's called it a stone before.
    It's more of a… an angry
    sludge, sort of thing. So…
    Someone's gonna need to amend
    that, and stop saying that.
    Here's an interesting
    story, though.
    About the Aether. My
    grandafther, many years
    ago, had to hide the stone
    from the Dark Elves.
    Scary beings. So Jane…
    Oh, there she is. That's Jane…
    She's… an old flame of mine.
    She… she stuck her hand
    inside a rock this one time…
    and then the Aether stuck
    itself inside her.
    And, she became very, very sick.
    So I had to take her to
    Asgard, which is where I'm from.
    And we had to try and fix her.
    We were dating at the time, you see. I
    got to introduce her to my Mother…
    who's dead, and umm….
    Oh, you know. Jane and I aren't
    even dating anymore, so…
    These things happen though, you know.
    Nothing lasts forever.
  • The only thing that…
  • Why don't you come sit down.
    I'm not done yet. The only thing that
    is permanent in life, is impermanence.
    Eggs? Breakfast?
    No. I'd like a Bloody Mary.
    Quill said he stole the
    Power Stone from Morag.
  • Is that a person?
  • Morag's a planet.
    Quill was a person.
    Like a planet? Like
    in outer space?
    Oh, look. It's like a little
    puppy, all happy and everything.
    Do you wanna go to space? You
    wanna go to space, puppy?
    I'll take you to space.
  • Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir.
  • What is Vormir?
    A dominion of death, at the very
    center of Celestial existence.
    It's where… Thanos
    murdered my sister.
  • That Time Stone guy…
  • Doctor Strange.
    Yeah, what kind
    of doctor was he?
  • Neurostuff meets rabbit from a hat.
  • Nice place in the village, though.
  • Yeah. Sullivan Street.
  • Hmm… Bleecker.
    Wait, he lived in New York?
  • No. He lived in Toronto.
  • Yeah, not Bleecker. It's Sullivan.
    Guys, if you pick the right year,
    there are three stones in New York.
    Shut the front door!
    All right. We have a plan.
    Six stones, three
    teams, one shot.
    Five years ago, we lost.
    All of us.
    We lost friends…
    We lost family…
    We lost a part of ourselves.
    Today, we have a chance
    to take it all back.
    You know your teams, you
    know your missions.
    Get the stones, get them back.
    One round trip each. No mistakes.
    No do-overs.
    Most of us are going
    somewhere we know.
    But it doesn't mean we
    should know what to expect.
    Be careful. Look out
    for each other.
    This is the fight of our lives.
    And we're gonna win.
    Whatever it takes.
    Good luck.
  • He's pretty good at that.
  • Right?
    All right. You heard the man.
    Stroke those keys, jelly green.
    Tractors engaged.
    You promise to bring that
    back in one piece, right?
    Yeah, yeah, yeah,
    yeah. Okay.
  • I'll do my best.
  • As promises go, that was pretty lame.
    See you in a minute.
    All right, we all have our assignments.
    Two stones uptown, one stone, down.
    Stay low. Keep an
    eye on the clock.
    Feel free to smash if
    things don't go your way.
    I think it's gratuitous,
    but whatever.
    I'd be careful going that way.
    We just had the floors waxed.
    Ma'am, I'm looking
    for Doctor Strange.
    You're about… five
    years too early.
    Stephen Strange is currently performing
    surgery about twenty blocks that way.
    What do you want from him?
    That, actually.
  • I'm afraid not.
  • Sorry, but I wasn't asking.
  • You don't wanna do this.
  • You're right. I don't.
    But I need that stone, and
    I don't have time to…
    Let's start over, shall we?
    That's Jane.
    All right.
    Here's the deal, Tubby:
    You're gonna charm her and I'm
    gonna poke her with this thing
    and extract the Reality Stone
    and get gone, lickety-split.
    I'll be right back, okay? There's a
    wine cellar, that's just down there.
    My father used to fish
    with a barrel of ale.
  • I'll see if the cellar has a couple of…
  • Hey! Aren't you drunk enough already?
    Who's the fancy broad?
    It's my Mother.
    She dies today.
    Oh. That's today?
    I can't do this.
    I can't do this.
    I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't have come.
    This was a bad idea.
  • Come here.
  • No, no, no. I think I'm having…
  • I'm having a panic attack.
  • Come here. Right here.
    You think you're the only one who lost
    people? What do you think we're doing here?
    I lost the only
    family I ever had.
    Quill, Groot, Drax, the chick
    with the antenna, all gone.
    Now, I get you miss your Mom.
    But she's gone. Really gone.
    And there are plenty of people
    who are only kinda gone.
    But you can help them.
    So is it too much to ask that you
    brush the crumbs outta your beard,
    make schmoopy talk to Pretty
    Pants, and when she's not looking,
    suck out the Infinity Stone and
    help me get my family back?
  • Are you crying?
  • No…
    Get it together!
    You can do this.
    You can do this.
    All right?
  • Yes, I can.
  • Good.
    I can do this.
    I can't do this.
    Alright, Heartbreaker. She's alone.
    This is our shot.
    Alright. Bring it down low.
    Right on that line. That's it.
    Down, down.
    Hey, can we hurry it up?
    Guys, chop-chop. Come on.
    We're on the clock.
    All that, is really helpful.
  • Take care, okay?
  • Yeah.
    Take that stone and come back.
    No messing around.
  • Hey.
  • You got this.
  • Let's get it done.
  • Yes, sir.
    See you back.
    You guys watch each other's six.
    The coordinates for
    Vormir are laid in.
    All they have to do
    is not fall out.
    We're a long way from Budapest.
    Okay, so, uhh…
    We just wait around for this
    Quill guy to show up and
    then he leads us to the
    Power Stone, is that it?
    Let's take cover.
    We're not the only ones in
    2014 looking for the stones.
    Wait a minute, what are
    you talking about right
    now? Who else is looking
    for these stones?
    My father, my sister…
  • and me.
  • And you?
    Where are you right now?
  • You're welcome.
  • I didn't ask for your help.
    And yet, you always need it.
    Get up.
  • Father wants us back on the ship.
  • Why?
    He's found an Infinity Stone.
  • Where?
  • On a planet called Morag.
    Father's plan is
    finally in motion.
  • One stone isn't six, Nebula.
  • It's a start.
    If he gets all of them…
    Ronan's located the Power Stone.
    I'm dispatching you to his ship.
  • He won't like that.
  • His alternative is death, then.
    Ronan's obsession
    clouds his judgement.
    We will not fail you, Father.
    No, you won't.
    I swear…
    I will make you proud.
    We just, wait around for
    this Quill guy to show up,
    and then he leads us to the
    Power Stone, is that it?
    Let's take cover.
    We're not the only ones in
    2014 looking for the stones.
  • Who was that?
  • I don't know…
    My head is splitting…
    I don't know…
    Her synaptic drive was
    probably damaged in battle.
    Bring her to my ship.
    Got to hustle, Cap. Things look like
    they're just about wrapped up here.
    Got it. I'm approaching
    the elevator now.
    If it's all the same to you…
    I'll have that drink now.
    All right. Good one. No standing around,
    I'm closing up this door for later.
    By the way, feel
    free to clean up.
    Ugh, Mr. Rogers. I almost
    forgot that that suit
  • did nothing for your ass.
  • No one asked you to look.
    I think you look great, Cap.
    As far as I'm concerned,
    that's America's ass.
  • Uhh, magic wand?
  • STRIKE team's coming to secure it.
    We can take that
    off your hands.
    By all means.
  • Careful with that thing!
  • Unless you want your mind erased.
  • Not in a fun way.
  • We promise to be careful.
  • Who are these guys?
  • They are SHIELD…
    Well, actually Hydra. But,
    we didn't know that yet.
    Seriously, you didn't? I mean…
    they look like bad guys.
    You're small, but
    you're talking loud.
    On my way down to
    coordinate search and rescue.
    On my way down to
    coordinate search and rescue!
    I mean, honestly! How do
    you think you'll be…
    Shut up.
    All right, you're up, little buddy.
    There's our stone.
    Alright. Flick me.
  • Whoa! Whoa, whoa.
  • Hey! Buddy.
    What do you think? Maximum
    occupancy has been reached.
  • Take the stairs!
  • Yeah. Stop. Stop!
    Take the stairs.
    Take the stairs!
    All right, Cap. I got our scepter in the
    elevator just passing the 80th floor.
    On it.
  • Head to the lobby.
  • Alright. I'll see you there.
    Evidence secure. We're
    en route to Dr. List.
    No. No hitches at all, Mr.
    Captain. I thought you were
    coordinating search and rescue?
    Change of plans.
    Hey, Cap.
    I just got a call from the Secretary. I'm
    gonna be running point on the scepter.
    Sir? I don't understand.
    We got word there may be
    an attempt to steal it.
    Sorry, Cap.
    I can't give you the scepter.
  • I'm gonna have to call the Director.
  • That's okay. Trust me.
    Hail Hydra.
    So many stairs!
    Thumbelina, do you copy?
    I've got eyes on the prize.
  • It is go-time.
  • Bombs away.
    Is, is that Axe body spray?
    Yeah, I had a can just
    for emergencies. Relax.
  • Can we focus, please?
  • I'm going inside you. Now.
    May I ask you
    where you're going?
    To lunch and then Asgard.
    I'm sorry, you are?
    Alexander Pierce. He's the man, one
    of the folks behind Nick Fury.
    My friends call me Mr. Secretary.
    I'm gonna have to ask you to
    turn that prisoner over to me.
  • Loki will be answering to Odin himself.
  • Oh, he's gonna answer to us.
    Odin can have what's left. And
    I'm gonna need that case.
    That's been SHIELD property
    for over 70 years.
    Hand over the case, Stark.
    All right, move it, Stuart Little. Things
    are getting dicey up here. Let's go.
    I'm not gonna argue who's got the
    higher authority here, all right?
    You promise me you won't die?
    You're only giving me a
    mild cardiac dysrythmia.
    That doesn't sound mild.
    I need the case.
    I know you got a lotta pull.
    I'm just saying…
    Okay. Then give me the case.
    Do it, Lang!
  • Get your hands off!
  • Window's closing. Pull my pin!
    Here goes!
  • Stark?
  • Stark!
    Look, he's convulsing.
    Give him air!
  • Medic!
  • Medic!
    You got some help!
    Stark, you— your
    chest machine?
    Breathe! Breathe!
    Good job. Meet me in the alley.
    I'm gonna grab a quick slice.
    No stairs!
    You'll be fine, Stark.
    Stay with us!
    I'll try something, okay? I have
    no idea if it's gonna work.
    That worked a treat.
    That was so crazy!
    I had no idea if
    that was gonna work.
  • The case…
  • The case. It's, uhh…
    Where's the case? Where's Loki?
  • That wasn't supposed to happen, was it?
  • Oh, we blew it.
    Tony, what's going on?
    Tell me you found that cube.
    Oh, you gotta be shitting me.
    I have eyes on Loki. 14th floor.
    I'm not Loki.
    And I don't wanna hurt you.
    I can do this all day.
    Yeah, I know. I know.
    Where did you get this?
    Bucky… is… alive!
    That is America's ass.
  • Please, please!
  • I'm sorry. I can't help you, Bruce.
    If I give up the Time Stone to help
    your reality, I'm dooming my own.
    With all due respect, I'm not sure
    the science really supports that.
    The Infinity Stones create what you
    experience as the flow of time.
    Remove one of the stones,
    and that flow splits.
    Now this may benefit your reality.
    But my new one, not so much.
    In this new branched reality, without our
    chief weapon against the forces of darkness,
    our world will be overrun.
    Millions will suffer.
    So, tell me, doctor, can your
    science prevent all that?
    No. But we can erase it.
    Because once we're done with the stones, we
    can return each one into its own timeline
    at the moment it was taken.
    So, chronologically…
    In that reality….
    it never left.
    Yes, but you're leaving out
    the most important part.
    In order to return the
    stones, you have to survive.
    We will. I will. I promise.
    I can't risk this
    reality on a promise.
    It's the duty, of the Sorcerer
    Supreme to protect the Time Stone.
    Then why the hell did
    Strange give it away?
  • What did you say?
  • Strange. He gave it away.
    He gave it to Thanos.
  • Willingly?
  • Yes.
  • Why?
  • I have no idea. Maybe he made a mistake.
    Or I did.
    Strange was meant to
    be the best of us.
    So he must've done
    it for a reason.
    I fear you might be right.
    Thank you.
    I'm counting on you, Bruce.
    We all are.
    Run diagnostics.
    Show me her memory file.
    Sire, the file appears entangled.
    It was a memory, but not hers.
    There's another consciousness
    sharing her network.
    Another Nebula.
    This duplicate carries a time stamp…
    from nine years in the future.
    Where is this other Nebula?
    In our solar system.
    On Morag.
  • Can you access her?
  • Yes. The two are linked.
    Search the duplicate's
    memories, for Infinity Stones.
    And these stones have been in a lot of
    different places throughout history.
    Our history. So, not a lot of
    convenient spots to just drop in.
  • Which means we have to pick our targets.
  • Correct.
    Freeze image.
    Unruly wretches. What's
    that reflection?
    Amplify this, Maw.
    I don't understand.
  • Two Nebulas.
  • No. The same Nebula.
    From two different times.
    Set course for Morag. Scan
    the duplicate's memories.
    I want to see everything.
    My ladies, I'll see you after.
    Go on.
  • What are you doing?
  • Ahh!
    You're better off leaving the
    sneaking to your brother.
    Yeah, I was simply just
    going for a walk, and uh…
    What are you wearing?
    I always wear this. This
    is one of my favorites.
    What's wrong with your eye?
    Oh, my eye. That's… you
    remember the Battle of Haroquin?
    When I got hit in the
    face with a broadsword?
    You're not the Thor I
    know at all, are you?
    Yes, I am.
    The future hasn't been
    kind to you, has it?
    I didn't say I'm
    from the future.
    I was raised by witches, boy.
    I see with more than
    eyes, and you know that.
    I am totally, totally
    from the future!
    Yes, you are.
  • I really need to talk to you.
  • We can talk.
    His head was over there…
    His body over there…
    What was the point.
    I was too late.
    I was just standing there.
  • Some idiot with an ax.
  • You're no idiot.
    You're here aren't you? Seeking counsel
    from the wisest person in Asgard.
  • I guess, yeah.
  • Idiot? No.
  • A failure? Absolutely.
  • That's a little bit harsh.
    You do know what
    that makes you?
    Just like everyone else.
    I'm not supposed to be
    like everyone else, am I?
    Everyone fails at who they
    are supposed to be, Thor.
    The measure of a
    person, of a hero
    is how well they succeed
    at being who they are.
    I really missed you, Mum.
    Thor! I got it!
    Get that rabbit!
  • Ma, I have to tell you something.
  • No, son. You don't.
    You're here to repair
    your future, not mine.
  • But this is about your future.
  • It's none of my business.
    You must be Mom.
    I got the thing. Come
    on, we got to move.
  • I wish we had more time.
  • This was a gift.
    And you're going to be the
    man you're meant to be.
  • I love you, Mom.
  • I love you.
    And eat a salad.
  • Come on. We gotta go.
  • Goodbye.
  • Three… two…
  • No, wait!
    Wh- what am I looking at?
    Oh, sometimes it takes a second.
    I'm still worthy.
    Oh, boy.
    Goodbye, Mom.
    So he's an idiot?
    What's that?
    The tool of a thief.
    Whoa, whoa,
    whoa, whoa…
    This is the part where spikes come out,
    with skeletons on the end and everything…
    What are you talking about?
    When you break into a place called
    the temple of the Power Stone,
    There's gonna be a bunch of booby
    traps— Okay. All right. Go ahead.
    I wasn't always like this.
    Me either.
    But we work with
    what we got, right?
    Sync up.
    Three.. two.. one…
    You murdered trillions!
    You should be grateful.
  • Where are the stones?
  • Gone.
  • Reduced to atoms.
  • You used them two days ago.
    I used the stones to destroy the stones.
    It nearly killed me.
    But the work is done.
    It always will be.
    I am inevitable.
  • What did you do to them?
  • Nothing. Yet.
    They're not trying to stop something
    I'm going to do in our time.
    They're trying to undo something
    I've already done in theirs.
    The stones…
    I found them all.
    I won.
    Tipped the cosmic
    scales to balance.
    This is your future.
    It's my destiny.
    My father is many things. A
    liar is not one of them.
    Thank you, Daughter.
    Perhaps I treated
    you too harshly…
    And that, is destiny fulfilled.
    Sire, your Daughter…
    …is a traitor.
    That's not me. It's not. I could never…
    I would never betray you. Never.
    I know.
    And you'll have the
    chance to prove it.
    He knows!
    Barton? Barton, come in.
    Romanoff? Come in, we have a problem.
    Come on!
    Come in, we have a prob….
    Thanos knows.
    Sorry, buddy.
    We got a problem.
    Huh. Yeah, we do.
  • Well, what are we gonna do now?
  • You know what, give me a break, Steve.
    I just got hit in the
    head with a Hulk.
    You said that we had one shot.
    This, this was our shot.
    We shot it. It's shot. Six stones or nothing.
    Six stones or nothing.
    You're repeating yourself, you know that?
    You're repeating yourself.
    You're repeating yourself.
    You're repeating yourself.
  • No!
  • Come on.
    You never wanted a time heist, you
    went on board with the time heist…
  • I dropped the ball.
  • You ruined the time heist.
  • Is that what I did?
  • Yeah!
    Are there any other options
    with the Tesseract?
    No, no, no. There's
    no other options.
    There's no do-overs. We're
    not going anywhere else.
    We have one particle left. Each.
    That's it, alright? We use that…
    Bye, bye. You're not going home.
    Yeah, well if we don't try…
    then no one else is
    going home, either.
    I got it.
    There's another way. To retake the
    Tesseract and acquire new particles.
    We'll stroll down memory lane.
    Military installation, Garden State.
    Why were they both there?
    They were there at a…I've
    a vaguely exact idea.
    How vague?
    What are you talking about?
    Where are we going?
  • I know for a fact they were there…
  • Who's they?
  • What are we doing?
  • And I know how I know.
    Guys, what's up? What is it?
    Well, it looks like
    we're improvising.
  • Right.
  • What are we improvising?
    Scott, get this back
    to the compound.
    Suit up.
    What's in New Jersey?
  • 0-4, 0-4…
  • Uhh, 0-7.
  • 0-7.
  • Excuse me…
  • Are you sure?
  • Cap. Captain. Steve, sorry.
    America. Rogers. Look,
    if you do this,
    and this doesn't work,
    you're not coming back.
    Thanks for the pep
    talk, pissant.
    You trust me?
    I do.
    Your call.
    Here we go.
    Hey, man!
    Make love, not war!
    Clearly, you weren't
    actually born here, right?
    The idea of me was.
    Right. Well, imagine
    you're SHIELD, running a
    intelligence organization.
    Where do you hide it?
    In plain sight.
    Good luck on your
    mission, Captain.
    Good luck on your
    project, doctor.
    You're new here?
    Not exactly.
    Back in the game.
    Arnim, you in there?
    The door's this way, pal.
    Oh, yeah.
    I'm looking for Dr. Zola.
    Have you seen him?
    Yeah, no, Dr. Zol… No,
    I haven't seen a soul.
    Pardon me.
    Do I know you?
    No, sir. I'm, a…
    visitor from MIT.
    Huh. MIT.
    Got a name?
    Well that'll be
    easy to remember.
    Well, I'm Howard Stark.
    Shit. Now, don't pull it.
    You look a little green around
    the gills there, Potts.
    I'm fine. Just, long hours.
    Wanna get some air?
  • Hello, Potts.
  • Yeah. That would be swell.
  • That way.
  • Okay.
    Need your briefcase?
    You're not one of
    those, are ya, Potts?
  • Hello.
  • Dr. Pym?
    That would be the number
    that you called. Yes.
    This is Capt. Stevens
    from shipping.
  • We have a package for you.
  • Bring it up.
    Well, that's the thing, sir.
    We can't.
    I'm confused. I thought
    that was your job.
    Well, it's just… Sir,
    the box is glowing and,
    to be honest, some of our mail
    guys aren't feeling that great.
    They didn't know
    better, did they?
    Yeah, they did. You
    better get down here.
    Excuse me. Out of the way!
    So, flowers and sauerkraut. You
    got a big date tonight?
    My wife's expecting.
    And, uh… Too much
    time in the office.
  • Congratulations.
  • Thanks. Hold this, will you?
    Yeah, sure.
  • How far along is she?
  • I don't know… uh…
    She's at the point where she can't
    stand the sound of my chewing.
    I guess I'll be eating
    dinner in the pantry again.
    I have a little girl.
    A girl would be nice. Less of a chance
    she'd turn out exactly like me.
    What'd be so awful about that?
    Let's just say that the greater
    good has rarely outweighed
    my own self-interests.
  • And you've never seen these 2 men before?
  • No, I've got an eye for this.
  • The 2 of them looked fishy.
  • Can you describe them?
  • Well, one of them had a hippie beard.
  • Hippie? Like Bee Gees or Mungo Jerry?
    Definitely Mungo Jerry.
    Yeah, this is Chesler. I
    need every available MPs
    on sub-level 6. We have
    a potential breach.
    So, where are you
    at with names?
    Well, if it's a boy,
    my wife likes Almanzo.
    Might wanna let that stew on.
    You got time.
    Let me ask you a question.
    When your kid was born…
  • were you nervous?
  • Wildly. Yeah.
    Did you feel qualified?
    Like you had any idea how to
    successfully operate that thing?
    I literally pieced it
    together as I went along,
    I thought about what
    my Dad did, and…
    My old man, he never met a problem
    he couldn't solve with a belt.
    I thought my Dad
    was tough on me.
    And now, looking back, I just
    remember the good stuff, you know.
  • He did drop the odd pearl.
  • Yeah? Like what?
    "No amount of money ever
    bought a second of time."
    Smart guy.
    He did his best.
    Let me tell you. That
    kid's not even here yet
    and, there's nothing I
    wouldn't do for him.
    Good to meet you, Potts.
    Yeah, Howard…
    Everything's gonna be all right.
    Thank you for everything…
    …you've done for
    this country.
    Have we ever met that guy?
    Seems very familiar.
    Weird beard, though.
  • You're weak.
  • I'm you.
    You can stop this.
    You know you want to.
    Did you see what
    happens in the future?
    Thanos finds the Soul Stone.
    You wanna know
    how he does that?
    You wanna know, what
    he does to you?
    That's enough.
    You disgust me.
    But, that doesn't
    mean you're useless.
    How do I look?
    Under different circumstances,
    this would be totally awesome.
    I bet the raccoon didn't
    have to climb a mountain.
    Technically, he's not
    a raccoon, you know.
    Whatever. He eats garbage.
    Natasha, daughter of Ivan.
    Clint, son of Edith.
    Who are you?
    Consider me a guide.
    To you, and to all who
    seek the Soul Stone.
    Okay. You tell us where it is.
    Then we'll be on our way.
    If only it were that easy.
    What you seek lies
    in front of you…
    …as does what you fear.
    The stone is down there.
    For one of you.
    For the other…
    In order to take the stone, you
    must lose that which you love.
    An everlasting exchange.
    A soul, for a soul.
    How's it going?
    Maybe he's making this shit up.
    No. I don't think so.
    Why, 'cause he knows
    your Daddy's name?
    I didn't.
    Thanos left here with the stone
    without his daughter.
    It's not a coincidence.
    Whatever it takes.
    Whatever it takes.
    If we don't get that stone,
    billions of people stay dead.
    Then I guess we both
    know who it's gotta be.
    I guess we do.
    I'm starting to think, we've been
    different people here, Natasha.
    For the last five years I've been trying
    to do one thing: Get to right here.
    That's all it's been about.
    Bringing everybody back.
  • Oh, don't you get all decent on me now.
  • What, you think I wanna do it?
    I'm trying to save
    your life, you idiot.
    Yeah well, I don't want
    you to, because I…
    Natasha, you know
    what I've done.
    You know what I've become.
    I don't judge people on
    their worst mistakes.
    Maybe you should.
    You didn't.
    You're a pain in my
    ass, you know that?
    You win.
    Tell my family I love them.
    You tell them yourself.
    Damn you!
    Let me go.
    Please, no.
    It's okay.
    Did we get them all?
    You telling me this'll
    actually work?
    Clint, where's Nat?
    Do we know if she had family?
    Yeah. Us.
    I just asked him a question…
    Yeah, you're acting like she's dead.
    Why are we acting like she's dead?
    We have the stones, right?
    As long as we have
    the stones, Cap, we can bring
    her back, isn't that right?
    So stop this shit. We're the
    Avengers, get it together.
    We can't get her back.
  • Wha- what?
  • It can't be undone. It can't.
    I'm sorry. No offense, but you're
    a very earthly being. Okay?
    We're talking about space magic.
    And "can't" seems very () don't you think?
    Look, I know that I'm way
    outside my paygrade here.
    But she still isn't
    here, is she?
  • Now that's my point.
  • It can't be undone.
    Or that's at least what the,
    great floating guy had to say.
    Maybe you wanna go talk to him?
    Go grab your hammer, and you
    go fly and you talk to him.
    It was supposed to be me.
    She sacrificed her life for that
    goddamned stone. She bet her life on it.
    She's not coming back.
    We have to make it worth it.
    We have to.
    We will.
    All right. The glove's ready.
    Question is, who's gonna
    snap their freaking fingers?
    I'll do it.
    It's okay.
  • No, no, no, no. Stop. Stop.
  • Hey, hey…
    Thor, just wait.
    We haven't decided who's
    gonna put that on yet.
    I'm sorry. What, were you just sitting
    around waiting for the right opportunity?
    We should at least discuss it.
    Look, us sitting here staring at that
    thing is not gonna bring everybody back.
    I'm the strongest Avenger, okay? So
    this responsibility falls upon me.
    It's my duty. It's not that… It's…
    stop it! Just let me.
    Just let me do it. Just
    let me do something good.
  • Something great.
  • Look…
    It's not just the fact that
    that glove is channeling
    enough energy to light up a
    continent, I'm telling you
    you're in no condition.
    What do you think is coursing
    through my veins right now?
    Cheez Whiz?
  • Lightning.
  • Yeah.
    Lightning won't help you, pal.
    It's gotta be me.
    You saw what those stones did to Thanos.
    It almost killed him.
    None of you could survive.
    How do we know you will?
    I don't. But the
    radiation's mostly gamma.
    It's like…
    I was meant for this.
    Good to go, yeah?
    Let's do it.
    You remember everyone
    Thanos snapped away five
    years ago and just bringing
    them back to now, today.
    Don't change anything
    from the last five years.
    Got it.
    Friday, do me a favor and
    activate protocol 8.
    Yes, boss.
    Everybody comes home.
  • Take it off. Take it off!
  • No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?
    Talk to me, Banner.
    I'm okay. I'm okay.
    Don't move him.
  • Did it work?
  • Worth a shot. It's over. It's okay.
    I think it worked!
    I can't breathe. I can't breathe!
    I can't breathe.
    Canopy. Canopy. Canopy.
    Rhodey, Rocket, get outta here!
    Hurry up! Hurry up!
    Come on!
    Mayday, mayday! Does anybody copy? We're
    in the lower level, it's flooding!
  • What?
  • We're drowning! Does anybody copy? Mayday!
    Wait! I'm here! I'm
    here, can you hear me?
    Yes, Father.
    So, this is the future.
    Well done.
    Thank you, Father. They
    suspected nothing.
    The arrogant never do.
    Find the stones.
    Bring them to me.
    What will you do?
    Tell me something.
    In the future, what
    happens to you and me?
    I tried to kill you.
    Several times.
    But eventually,
    we become friends.
    We become sisters.
    Come on.
    We can stop him.
    Come on, buddy. Wake up.
    That's my man.
    You lose this again,
    I'm keeping it.
    What happened?
    We messed with time.
    It tends to mess back.
    You'll see.
    What's he been doing?
    Absolutely nothing.
    Where are the stones?
    Lost somewhere under all this.
    All I know is he
    doesn't have them.
    So we keep it that way.
  • You know it's a trap, right?
  • Yeah…
    I don't much care.
    Just as long as we're
    all in agreement.
    Let's kill him
    properly this time.
    You could not live
    with your own failure.
    Where did that bring you?
    Back to me.
    I thought by eliminating
    half of life,
    the other half would thrive.
    But you've shown me,
    that's impossible.
    And as long as there are those
    that remember what was,
    there will always be those that
    are unable to accept what can be.
    They will resist.
    Yep. We're all
    kinds of stubborn.
    I'm thankful.
    Because now, I know
    what I must do.
    I will shred this universe
    down to its last atom.
    And then…
    With the stones you've collected
    for me, create a new one.
    Teeming with life,
    but knows not what it has lost
    but only what it has been given.
    A grateful universe.
    Born out of blood.
    They'll never know it.
    Because you won't be
    alive to tell them.
    See you on the other side, man.
    Hang on! I'm coming!
    Oh, hey…
    I know you.
    Father. I have the stones.
    You're betraying us?
    You don't have to do this.
    I am… this.
    No, you're not.
    You've seen what we become.
    Nebula, listen to her.
    You can change.
    He won't let me.
    Okay, Thor. Hit me.
    Boss, wake up.
    I knew it!
    In all my years of conquest…
    It was never personal.
    But I'll tell you now…
    what I'm about to do
    to your stubborn,
    annoying little planet…
    I'm gonna enjoy it.
    Very, very much.
    Cap, you hear me?
    Cap, it's Sam.
    Can you hear me?
    On your left.
    Is that everyone?
    What, you wanted more?
    … assemble.
    No, no. Give me that.
    You have the little one.
    Holy cow.
    You will not believe what's been going on.
    Do you remember when we were in space?
    And I got all dusty? I must've passed
    out, 'cause I woke up, and you were gone.
    But Doctor Strange was there, right?
    He was like,
    "It's been five years.
    Come on, they need us!"
    And then he started doing the yellow
    sparkly thing that he does all the time…
    What are you doing?
    This is nice.
    I thought I lost you.
    Don't… touch… me!
    You missed the first time…
    then you got them
    both the second time.
    This is the one? Seriously?
    The choices were him, or a tree.
    Cap, what do you want me to
    do with this damn thing?
    Get those stones as
    far away as possible!
    We need to get them back
    where they came from.
    No way to get them back. Thanos
    destroyed the quantum tunnel.
    Hold on!
    That wasn't our
    only time machine.
    Anyone see an ugly
    brown van up there?
    But you're not gonna
    like where it's parked.
    Scott, how long you need
    to get that thing working?
    Maybe ten minutes.
    Get it started. We'll
    get the stones to you.
    We're on it, Cap.
    You said one out of 14
    million, we win, yeah?
    Tell me this is it.
    If I tell you what
    happens, it won't happen.
    You better be right.
    It's a mess back here.
    It's… it's dead.
  • What?
  • It's dead.
    I have to hotwire it.
    Where's Nebula?
    She's not responding.
    Give it to me.
    You took everything from me.
    I don't even know who you are.
    You will.
    I got it!
    Activate Instant Kill!
    Rain fire!
    But Sire, our troops!
    Just do it!
    Is anyone else seeing this?
    I got this.
    I got this!
    Okay, I don't got this.
  • Help! Somebody, help!
  • Hey, Queens. Heads up.
    Hang on. I got you, kid.
    Hey! Nice to meet—
    Oh! My God!
    What the hell is this?
    Friday, what are they firing at?
    Something just entered
    the upper atmosphere.
    Oh, yeah!
    Danvers, we need an assist here.
    Hi. I'm Peter Parker.
    Hey, Peter Parker. Got
    something for me?
    I don't know how you're
    gonna get through all that.
    Don't worry.
    She's got help.
    I am… inevitable.
    And I…
    … Iron Man.
    Mr. Stark?
    Mr. Stark? Can you hear me?
    It's Peter.
    We won.
    Mr. Stark….
    We won, Mr. Stark.
    We won and you did it, sir.
    You did it.
    I'm sorry… Tony…
  • Hey.
  • Hey, Pep…
  • Friday?
  • Life functions critical.
    Look at me.
    We're gonna be okay.
    You can rest now.
    Everybody wants a
    happy ending, right?
    But it doesn't always
    roll that way.
    Maybe this time.
    I'm hoping if you
    play this back,
    it's in celebration.
    I hope families are reunited,
    I hope we get it back,
    and something like a
    normal version of the
    planet has been restored.
    If there ever was such a thing.
    God, what a world.
    Universe, now.
    If you told me ten years
    ago that we weren't alone,
    let alone, you know,
    to this extent,
    I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised.
    But come on, you know?
    That epic forces of darkness and
    light that have come into play.
    And, for better or worse,
    that's the reality Morgan's gonna
    have to find a way to grow up in.
    So I found the time and I
    recorded a little greeting…
    In the case of an untimely death.
    On my part.
    Not that, death in any
    time isn't untimely.
    This time travel thing that we're
    gonna try and pull off tomorrow,
    it's, it's got me scratching
    my head about this.
    But then again, that's the hero gig.
    Part of the journey is the end.
    Everything's gonna work out
    exactly the way it's supposed to.
    I love you 3,000.
    You know, I wish
    there was a way…
    that I could let her know.
    That we won.
    We did it.
    She knows.
    They both do.
    How you doing, Squirt?
  • Good.
  • You good?
  • Okay. You hungry?
  • Mm-hmm.
  • What do you want?
  • Cheeseburgers.
    You know your Dad
    liked cheeseburgers?
    I'm gonna get you all the
    cheeseburgers you want.
    So, when can we expect you back?
  • About that…
  • Thor. Your people need a king.
    No, they already have one.
    That's funny.
    You're being serious?
    It's time for me to be
    who I am rather than
    who I'm supposed to be.
    But you, you're a leader.
    That's who you are.
    You know I'd make a lot
    of changes around here.
    I'm counting on it.
    Your Majesty.
    What will you do?
    I'm not sure.
    For the first time in a
    thousand years, I…
    I have no path. I do
    have a ride, though.
    Move it or lose it, hairbag.
    Well, here we are.
    Tree! Good to see you.
    The As-Guardians of the
    Galaxy back together again.
    Where to first?
    Just so you know, this is my ship still.
    I'm in charge.
    I know. I know. Of
    course, you are.
    Of course.
    See, you say of course, but
    then you touch the map.
    It makes you think that maybe you
    didn't realize I was in charge.
    Quail, that's your own
    insecurities in there. Okay?
    I'm merely trying to be of service.
    An assistant.
  • Quill.
  • That's what I said.
    You should fight one another
    for the honor of leadership.
    Sounds fair.
  • It's not necessary.
  • It's not.
    I got some blasters unless
    you guys wanna use knives.
    Oh, yes. Please, use knives.
    I am Groot.
    Not necessary.
    There shall be no
    knifing one another.
    Everybody knows who's in charge.
    It's me.
    Yes, you! Of course!
    Of course. Of course.
    You have to return the stones at
    the exact moment you got them.
    Or you're gonna open up a bunch
    of nasty alternative realities.
    Don't worry, Bruce.
    Clip all the branches.
    You know, I tried.
    When I had the gauntlet, the stones,
    I really tried to bring her back.
  • I miss them, man.
  • Me, too.
    You know, if you want,
    I can come with you.
    You're a good man, Sam.
    This one's on me, though.
    Don't do anything stupid
    'till I get back.
    How can I? You're taking
    all the stupid with you.
    Gonna miss you, Buddy.
    It's gonna be okay, Buck.
    How long is this gonna take?
    For him? As long as he
    needs, For us, five seconds.
    Ready, Cap?
    Alright. We'll meet
    you back here, okay?
    You bet.
    Going quantum. Three..
    two.. one…
    And returning in, five,
    four, three, two, one…
    Where is he?
    I don't know. He blew right by his
    time stamp. He should be here.
  • Well, get him back.
  • I'm trying.
  • Get him the hell back.
  • I said, I'm trying!
    Go ahead.
    Hi, Sam.
    So did something go wrong,
    or did something go right?
    Well, after I put the
    stones back, I thought…
    Maybe I'll try some
    of that life Tony was…
    telling me to get.
    How did that work out for you?
    It was beautiful.
    I'm happy for you. Truly.
    Thank you.
    Only thing bumming me
    out is the fact I have
    to live in a world
    without Captain America.
    That reminds me…
    Try it on.
    How's it feel?
    Like it's someone else's.
    It isn't.
    Thank you.
    I'll do my best.
    That's why it's yours.
    You wanna tell me about her?
    No, I don't think I will.

Read more:

@Mojack group

Produced by Tomoyuki Tanaka
Screenplay by Takeo Murata
and Ishiro Honda
Story by Shigeru Kayama
Photography by Masao Tamai
Music by Akira lfukube
Special Effects
directed by Eji Tsuburaya
Momoko Kochi
Akihiko Hirata
and Takashi Shimura
Directed by Ishiro Honda
What was that?
Yes? Southern Sea Salvage,
Ogata speaking.
Right, I understand.
As soon as possible.
Emiko, I'm sorry…
What is it? An accident?
The Coast Guard received
a distress call.
I'll have to cancel
our date tonight.
I'm sorry I can't go with you,
but you can still see it
if you hurry.
It's a shame, but it's your job.
Well, you'd better hurry.
Southern Sea Steamship Company
vessel, the "Eiko-maru,"
a 7,500-ton freighter,
was reported lost…
on August 13 at 19:05 hours.
Its last position,
latitude 24 degrees north,
longitude 141.02 degrees east.
Contact was lost
for unknown reasons.
All units in sectors 3 and 4
stand by for action!
Thank you for calling me.
Thank you again.
What could have happened?
We have no idea.
It seems like there was
a sudden explosion.
Communications suddenly halted
shortly after we received
their SOS.
Well, the "Bingo-maru" is
approaching the area now.
We'll learn more soon enough.
They are here.
Certainly. The "Eiko-maru" and
"Bingo-maru" are both owned
by the Southern Sea
Steamship Company.
Yes. They don't know how.
Can't you tell us
if any survivors were seen?
Please wait a little longer.
We have a helicopter and two
ships searching the area now.
We won't be sure of anything
until we get their report.
Excuse me,
why not send more ships?
Two ships are not enough
for this!
No, we're not limiting
the search party to two ships.
We'll make every effort
to conduct a thorough search.
Until then, please be patient.
Help us, please!
We're here! Hang in there!
It was incredible.
The ocean just blew up!
Blew up?
So far, three survivors were
picked up by a fishing boat.
They are being taken
to Odo Island.
We have sent the vessel "Kotaka"
to assist them.
Which ship
were the survivors from…
the "Eiko-maru"
or the "Bingo-maru"?
We are still investigating,
but their names will be released
soon enough.
I hope the three men know
what happened.
We need to know more
about the accidents.
Just a moment! Please, wait!
What's the matter?
I can't believe it.
I just can't believe it!
The fishing boat sank
the same way.
News desk! Ah, Mr. Yamana?
Mr. Yamana, the other search
boat was sunk!
In the same area… yes.
Yes, in the same way!
We're tired of hearing
the same thing!
Please tell us what happened!
Please give us a chance
to investigate!
Don't you know what's going on?
I'm sorry,
but you must be patient!
Wait, please wait!
A drifting sea mine, or an
underwater volcanic eruption?
One shipwreck after another!
I can't imagine,
could it be a volcano?
Izuma! Is there something
out there?
Ah, it's a raft!
Hey, there's a raft out there!
A raft is coming this way!
A raft is coming!
Hey! Over here!
Build up the fire!
Build up the fire!
It's Masaji! It's Masaji!
Masaji! Hold on! Masaji!
Hang on!
Masaji! Masaji!
He did it…
A monster…
What did this?!
Masaji! What did this?!
It's no good!
We didn't catch anything!
It can't get any worse
than this!
Godzilla must have done it.
The old man and Godzilla,
both relics from days past!
Hey! What do you know
about the old days?!
If you all keep thinking
like that,
you'll all become prey
for Godzilla!
Anyhow, there must be
some kind of animal in the sea.
That's why
we can't catch anything.
But a creature that big would…
I knew it was stupid
to open my mouth!
I try to tell you all,
but nobody listens!
Shinkichi, let's go.
Ah, sir! Sir, sir!
It's the name of a monster
that lives in the sea.
It will come from the ocean
to feed on humankind to survive.
In the old days, during times
when the fishing was poor,
we used to sacrifice girls
to prevent him
from eating us all, yes!
Now, this exorcism ceremony
is all that remains
of the old traditions.
Shinkichi! Stay inside!
Brother! Run, brother!
Brother! Run, brother!
Hey, hey!
Shinkichi, what's wrong?!
Odo Island Representatives
Mr. Ooyama.
There have been 17 houses
destroyed with nine deaths…
I have heard that there
were other damages.
Could you please tell us
how bad they are?
Odo Island Village Mayor,
Mr. Inada.
Certainly, of course.
Twelve cows and eight pigs died.
I'm not lying!
It was hard to see in the dark,
but it was an animal!
I know it goes
against common sense,
but the more I think about it,
the more I am convinced
that it was definitely not
a normal hurricane.
The way the houses
and helicopter were destroyed,
it seems as if they were crushed
from above!
Now, finally,
we will hear the opinion
of expert paleontologist
Professor Kyohei Yamane.
I suppose my opinion
is a bit premature
before a thorough investigation,
but we are all aware of
the discovery in the Himalayas
of the alleged
"snowman footprints."
It is a mystery
we have yet to solve.
The earth has many deep pockets,
abyssal regions
that contain secrets
we have yet to discover.
For this incident,
I request the formation
of a fact-finding party
for a full investigation.
Good Luck,
Odo Island Research Party!
We'll see you soon!
It was surprising to see
Dr. Serizawa at our departure.
He rarely leaves his laboratory.
I don't know if he believes
this will be our finaljourney.
Well, what could go wrong?
Of course, we can avoid
dangerous waters,
but anything can happen.
For the time being,
please don't use the water
from this well.
It's dangerous.
This is horrible!
We can't use the well anymore?
Professor, if there was
radioactive fallout,
wouldn't the wells on the other
side of the island be affected?
Yes. Why is it that the wells
in this area
were the only ones affected?
It doesn't make any sense.
Mr. Hagiwara, I think
this depression might be
the footprint of a creature.
Would you agree with me?
Is that true, Professor?
This footprint is radioactive.
Everybody, it's very dangerous
here! Please step back!
Step back! Step back!
Emiko, look!
It's a trilobite!
A three-lobed creature that has
long since been extinct!
You shouldn't be touching that!
Professor, what is that thing?
This is…
an incredible discovery!
It's on the other side
of the hill!
It's on the other
side of the hill!
What is it?
Tanabe, I saw it!
A creature
from the Jurassic Period!
Where is it?
Emiko! Emiko!
This way! This way!
This way! This way!
What is that?
Those are footprints.
About 2 million years ago,
this brontosaurus
and these other dinosaurs
roamed the earth
during a period
the experts called Jurassic.
During the following
geological period,
the Cretaceous,
a creature somewhere between
the marine reptiles
and the evolving
terrestrial animals was born.
I am convinced there was such
an intermediate creature.
This creature, according
to Odo Island folklore,
is called Godzilla.
As we look at this photo
of Godzilla's head
from a hill on Odo Island,
we can estimate
that this creature
stands approximately
50 meters tall.
So then, how can we explain
the presence of such a creature
during the present day?
It probably survived
by eating deep sea organisms
occupying a specific niche.
However, recent experimental
nuclear detonations
may have drastically altered
its natural habitat.
I would even speculate
that a hydrogen bomb explosion
may have removed it
from its surroundings.
I have strong evidence
to support my theory.
First, the organism
we found embedded
in Godzilla's footprint,
a trilobite.
This is a photo of the creature.
This is it.
This creature has been extinct
for two million years,
yet here it is
in perfect physical condition.
Next is the sediment
that we found
in the trilobite's shell.
That sediment is sand.
There is no doubt that this sand
matches the deposits found
from the Jurassic period.
This sand is similar
to the red clay
found in the stratum
of that particular period.
Professor, how do you know
that this has something to do
with the atomic bombs?
our Geiger counter readings
of the radiation in this sand
indicate the presence
of Strontium-90.
Professor Tanabiya will explain
this better in a moment,
but basically, this sand
that came from Godzilla
has absorbed
a massive dose of radiation,
the type generated
only from an atomic bomb.
Order, please! Order, please!
The evidence suggests
that Godzilla itself
must have absorbed an enormous
amount of atomic radiation.
Order, please! Order, please!
Chairman! Chairman!
Mr. Ooyama.
I believe
Professor Yamane's report
is of such extreme importance,
it must not be made public.
What are you saying?!
Because it is so important,
it should be made public!
Yes! Yes!
Be quiet!
What I mean is, if this Godzilla
is the product from the use
of atomic weapons…
That's exactly what it is!
She's right!
That's my point!
World affairs are fragile enough
as it is!
If this were to be made public,
can you imagine
the consequences?
The truth is the truth!
That is what makes it
such a delicate matter!
The improper handling
of such a notion
would engulf the country
in a panic!
The government, the economy
and international relations
would plunge into total chaos!
You stupid idiot!
What are you saying?!
You dare to call me an idiot?!
Apologize! Apologize!
The truth must be made public!
Counter-Godzilla Headquarters
Seventeen Ships Already Lost.
It's terrible, huh?
Contaminated tuna
and radioactive fallout,
and now this Godzilla
to top it all off!
What will happen if he appears
out of Tokyo Bay?
First, he'll probably eat you
in one bite.
You're horrible!
They seemed certain about
the accuracy of their report.
How could we create
such a thing?
I guess I'll have to find
a shelter soon.
Find one for me, too!
The shelters again?
That stinks.
Counter-Godzilla Headquarters
Isn't there any way they can get
rid of this creature?
Longitude 138
to 138.07 degrees east.
Latitude 33.04
to 33.08 degrees north.
These are the coordinates of
the anti-Godzilla frigate fleet.
Depth charges will be dropped
in the area.
So vessels in the vicinity
should be warned.
That's all.
Is that all?
That's all.
In response
to the public outcry,
the government is attempting
to get rid of the monster
known as Godzilla.
A frigate fleet has been ordered
to begin
a massive depth-charge attack
in order to get rid
of the creature.
The 10 vessel fleet left port
at 10:00 a.m.,
heading for the coast
of Odo Island.
At 10:19 a.m.,
they received orders
to commence with their attack.
What's wrong with them?
The professor is a zoologist.
He doesn't want them
to kill Godzilla.
Father! Father!
Please leave me alone
for a while.
Emiko, please turn off
the light.
Godzilla! It's Godzilla!
Watch out! Watch out!
Please don't panic!
What a bother!
Have you tried solving
the problem together?
They're sticking
to their point of view.
How much longer will they
keep us waiting like this?
For as long as they want.
It's annoying!
Please, Professor. Have a seat.
Excuse me.
Thank you for coming.
You're welcome.
This is quite a problem,
If this keeps up,
we'll have to suspend
the international ship routes.
Have you found a way?
Is there something we can do
to defeat him?
So, that's it…?
Professor Yamane,
let's be honest.
If there's a way to defeat
Godzilla, we'd like to know.
It's impossible!
He absorbed massive amounts
of atomic radiation,
but Godzilla still survived.
What do you think
could kill him?
Instead, we should focus
on why he is still alive.
That should be our top priority!
Professor Yamane's argument
is absolutely correct!
This isn't the time
to behave like idiots.
We should focus
on scientific research!
Yes, but research at what cost?
You're right!
That's the question!
Hagiwara, interview
this gentleman.
Dr. Serizawa?
Yes, he's Professor Yamane's
future son-in-law.
Oh? The girl's fiance?
I'm sure my father
will understand.
There's no reason
for him to apologize.
But I can't help feeling uneasy
when I think about Serizawa.
If it wasn't for the war,
he wouldn't have received
such a terrible scar.
Ever since I was a child,
I've always thought of him
as an older brother.
Even now, my feelings for him
have not changed at all.
Emiko, thanks.
Miss, Mr. Hagiwara would like
to see you.
Mr. Hagiwara?
Yes, the reporter.
Hello! Excuse me.
Thank you.
What do you want?
Um… I'd like
to ask you a favor.
The truth is, I tried
to talk to Dr. Serizawa,
but he refused to see me.
So, I was wondering if you could
introduce me to him?
It's for our daily newspaper.
I'm sorry, but I need your help.
It's perfect.
I should go along with you to
speak with Serizawa personally.
You're right, but I should break
it to him my way.
Please let me go
to speak with him first.
You're right. Well, go ahead.
Thank you. I'm sorry,
but we should go.
I have a ride waiting outside.
I'll try my best to talk to him.
I'll help Shinkichi
with his studies. See you later.
Serizawa Research Laboratory
There must be some mistake.
I haven't spoken to anyone
about the importance
of my research.
It's the truth.
A journalist in Switzerland
met with a German scientist
who stated that your project
would be
an incredible breakthrough
in anti-Godzilla operations
in Japan when completed.
I don't have any German
scientist associates.
Really? Then what is the nature
of your research right now?
No. I'd rather not speak
about it.
Well, thank you for your time.
No, I'm sorry
that I wasn't much help.
Excuse me.
I'll stay a little longer.
Really? Then, I'll be going.
I wanted to find out
what his research was all about.
He's very moody,
but please try to ask him again
at another time.
I will. Good-bye.
Have a safe trip.
Well, what are you really
studying now?
My father is also wondering
what you are studying
these days.
Emiko, would you like to see it?
This must be
strictly confidential.
I'm risking my life
in this project.
Would you be able
to keep it a secret?
Follow me.
Get back!
Emiko, you're the only one
I've shown this to.
Don't forget it.
Yes, I'll keep my promise.
Welcome back. We missed you.
Welcome home.
Did anything happen?
No, it was nothing.
Has Emiko come back?
Godzilla has come back!
I couldn't tell him about us.
I am Yamane, Professor Yamane!
I'm sorry, but I've been ordered
not to let anyone pass!
Then tell your commander
not to use lights on Godzilla!
They will only make him angry!
He can't be bothered
by that now!
let's go to that hill.
Get back, please!
Get back, please!
International Researchers
to Assist!
We are preparing to construct
a 30 meter high, 80 meter deep
barbed-wire fence
along the coast.
We will send 50,000 volts
of electric current
through the fence in hope of
electrocuting Godzilla to death.
We will have
to evacuate the people
along the coast, of course,
and maintain a safe distance
of 500 meters
from the entire fence perimeter.
The Coast Guard and the Army
will work
to implement this defense plan.
Hurry! Hurry!
This is a Security
Command Announcement.
At 16:30 hours, Godzilla was
sighted north of Kasonzaki,
moving in a northeast direction.
A maximum security alert
has been issued
for the coastal zones
in the Tokyo vicinity.
Third District. Third District.
Check! Check!
Third district!
This is a special news report.
This is a special news report.
All residents of the Minato,
Shinagawa and Osaku districts
are to begin evacuating
Repeating, all residents
of the Minato, Shinagawa
and Osaku districts are
to begin evacuating immediately.
Please keep your radio on
for further reports.
Emiko, today I'm going to ask
for your father's consent.
Will that be all right?
Welcome home.
What happened, Father?
All they can think about
is killing Godzilla.
Why can't they try to study him
from a radiological perspective?
It's an unique opportunity!
Professor, I agree with them.
Ogata, I do not take
this matter lightly.
Godzilla is something
that no one in the world
has ever seen,
and only those of us in Japan
can study it!
But, Professor, that's
no reason to do nothing
while this monster
ravages our country.
Isn't Godzilla a product
of the atomic bomb
that still haunts
many of us Japanese?
Don't you think we should study
what keeps a creature
like this alive,
regardless of the radiation
it absorbs!
All you want is
to kill Godzilla, too?!
Go away! Get out of my house!
I'm very sorry.
No, I shouldn't have
upset him like that.
No, Father has been like this.
Emiko, give me a chance
to see him again.
This is a special bulletin!
This is
a special bulletin!
Godzilla was spotted
moving toward the coastline
several minutes ago.
The barbed-wire fence
along the shoreline
is about to be charged
with high voltage electricity.
We repeat…
Direction, 25 to 30 degrees!
Distance, 850!
Fires are raging through
the Shihabara district.
We have no way to put them out.
This is Central Command,
come in, unit 465.
Central Command,
this is unit 465.
The fire that started
in Mitadai-machi
has spread to other districts!
This is Central Command,
come in, unit 215.
Central Command, unit 215.
Our defense lines have broken!
Armored division #49
has been destroyed!
The current position
of the target is unknown.
We are awaiting further orders,
Attention all units!
Attention all units!
Initiate Security
Command code 129!
Initiate Security Command
code 129!
Prepare to repel attack
while carrying out
firefighting procedures.
Concentrate efforts
to rescue casualties.
Initiate Security Command
code 129!
Initiate Security
Command code 129!
We'll be joining your father
in just a moment!
A little longer,
a little longer,
and we'll be with your daddy!
This is unbelievable,
absolutely unbelievable!
Yet, the unbelievable
is happening at this moment,
right before our very eyes!
Right now, Godzilla is leaving
behind a sea of flame!
From Ginza-Owari to Shinbashi,
Tamachi, Chiba and Shinabara,
it's all become a sea of flames!
Now, Godzilla is starting
to move again!
It appears that he is moving
beyond the city limits!
To all of our viewers,
this is not a play or a movie!
This is real,
the most extraordinary story
of the century!
Is the world going
to be destroyed
by a two million-year-old
All personnel to the shelters!
All personnel
to the shelters!
Quickly, please!
Quickly, please!
Operational Command Staff,
proceed to shelter 306!
We are reporting to you live
from a short-wave transmitter.
Godzilla is now approaching
this broadcasting station,
heading toward our TV tower!
There is no time for us
to take cover!
We don't know
what will happen to us!
He is getting even closer!
It looks like our doom!
I'm watching as he grabs
onto the tower!
He has incredible strength!
This broadcast is over!
Good-bye, everyone, good-bye!
Godzilla has turned Tokyo
into a sea of flames!
He is moving from Ueno
to Asakusa and Shinagawa,
apparently heading
for the river!
Damn it! Damn it!
Damn it!
Damn it! Damn it!
He's running away!
He'll be back!
What can we do?
Damn it!
How can we get rid of him?!
Damn it!
Godzilla has retreated
back into the sea.
Professor Yamane has been asked
to work on a plan
to defeat the monster.
No details are known
at this time.
That is the news for now.
Mr. Ogata
from Southern Sea Salvage.
Mr. Ogata from
Southern Sea Salvage.
There has been a change
in the scheduled timetable.
Please report
to the briefing room
for further instructions.
Thank you for your help.
Your mother will be okay.
Ogata, I have something
important to tell you!
I can't stay quiet anymore!
I must betray him.
Yes. I made a promise
to Serizawa.
It's a secret I've been keeping,
even from you!
But, now, I have
to break my promise!
It happened on the day
that Mr. Hagiwara and I
went to see him.
That's when it happened.
Get back!
What was that?
Yes. All of the oxygen
in the water was disintegrated.
The organisms in the tank
died of asphyxiation.
Their remains were liquified
by my Oxygen Destroyer.
Overall, it's a device that
splits oxygen atoms into fluids.
I intended to devote my work to
the study of the element oxygen.
But, in the course
of my research,
I came across
an unknown form of energy.
In my first experiment,
I discovered a powerful force
that scared me beyond words.
I didn't eat
for two or three days!
Just a little piece of this,
dropped into the water,
could turn the entire Tokyo Bay
into a graveyard!
Why are you working
on such an awful project?
Emiko! I perform my work
strictly as
a research scientist!
But what if…
what if your discovery
is used
for some horrible purpose?
You're right.
Used as a weapon, this would be
as powerful as a nuclear bomb.
It could totally destroy
But I believe I can find a use
for the Oxygen Destroyer
that will benefit society.
Until then,
I won't reveal its existence.
That's why I didn't say anything
to the reporter.
If I am forced to surrender
this device
in its present form…
I'll make sure the results
of my experiments are destroyed
in the event of my death.
I understand.
I won't tell anyone about this,
not even my own father.
I had to break my promise.
So that's it?
But, Emiko, considering
what Serizawa said,
and the fact that this thing
can be of help,
I'm sure he will forgive you
for this.
Hello. Welcome back.
What? Oh, it's you.
I have a favor to ask you today.
Well, have a seat.
What do you want from me?
I want to use
the Oxygen Destroyer.
What Oxygen Destroyer?
I don't know
what you're talking about!
why are you pretending?
Serizawa, I broke the promise
I made to you.
So I told him everything!
Please let him use the device!
I'm sorry! Please forgive me!
Emiko wanted to help
after seeing the destruction.
Please try to forgive her.
Your device is our only hope!
Ogata, if Emiko told you
everything about my device,
you should know
why I can't let you use it.
I must refuse!
Why is it wrong
to use it for this?
Please go home!
Open the door, please! Serizawa!
Serizawa! What are you doing?!
Leave me alone!
Do you want to destroy years
of research?
Let go!
Stop, please!
Ogata, forgive me.
If my device can serve
a good purpose,
I would announce it
to everyone in the world!
But in its current form,
it is just a weapon
of horrible destruction!
Please understand, Ogata!
I understand,
but if we don't use your device
against Godzilla,
what are we going to do?
Ogata, if the Oxygen Destroyer
is used even once,
politicians from around
the world will see it.
Of course, they'll want
to use it as a weapon.
Bombs vs. Bombs,
missiles vs. Missiles,
and now a new super weapon
to throw upon us all!
As a scientist,
no, as a human being,
I can't allow that to happen!
Am I right?
Well, what do we do
about the horror before us now?
Should we just let it happen?
If anyone can save us now,
Serizawa, you're the only one!
Lf… you use the device
to defeat Godzilla,
unless you reveal what you have
done, who will know about it?
Ogata, humans are weak animals.
Even if I burn my notes,
the secret will still be
in my head.
Until I die, how can I be sure
I won't be forced by someone
to make the device again?
What am I going to do?
"Oh Peace, Oh Light, Return,"
the prayer for peace
that took place
all over the country today.
Here we see the Tokyo chapter
of this event.
Listen to the young voices
as they put the strength
of their lives into their song.
May we live
without destruction
May we look to tomorrow
with hope
May peace and light
return to us.
Ogata, you are right.
But this will be the first
and last time
that I will ever allow
the Oxygen Destroyer to be used.
Don't cry, Emiko.
This is the only way to be sure
that it won't fall
into the wrong hands.
We are getting closer
to the moment of truth.
We will soon know if Godzilla,
the monster
that has terrorized the world
will be finally buried forever
in the ocean depths.
At this time, Geiger-counter
readings are being used
to pinpoint Godzilla's location.
Ogata, get me a diving suit.
What are you saying?!
You have no experience
in using a diving suit!
Serizawa… Ogata is right.
Let him do it.
Professor, this is
the only Oxygen Destroyer
I have!
To use it properly,
I have to do it underwater.
All right.
We'll do it together.
No. I'll do this myself.
You're crazy.
I won't allow someone
with no experience
to go down alone!
Hey! Get another
diving suit ready!
Okay? Please don't
go down alone!
Will the only Oxygen Destroyer
in the world
be powerful enough
to do the job?
Its inventor, Dr. Serizawa,
remains silent.
All we can do now
is pray for its success.
I never thought
I'd reveal it in this way.
I'll be praying for you.
All right!
You two be very careful.
Ogata, we're counting on you.
The time has come.
Right now, Dr. Serizawa
is being lowered into the water.
They've reached the bottom!
Start pulling!
Serizawa! Serizawa!
Serizawa! Serizawa!
What's going on?! Serizawa!
Ogata, it worked!
Both of you, be happy.
Good-bye… farewell!
Serizawa! Hey, bring him up!
This exhilaration,
this jubilation, we have won!
We can see that Godzilla
will never rise
from the ocean's depths again!
This victory
could not be achieved
if it weren't for the young
scientist, Dr. Serizawa.
He wanted us to be happy…
I can't believe that Godzilla
was the only surviving member
of its species…
But, if we keep on conducting
nuclear tests,
it's possible that another
Godzilla might appear…
somewhere in the world, again.
At ease!