forum More espresso, less depresso!
Started by @Fraust

people_alt 7 followers


The problem is, I don't like coffee…


I'm… mediocre
I'm talking to you on Notebook/roleplaying/reading stuff on Pottermore/drawing/why am I like this
Um I dunno the HP movies were disappointing… when I was little I really liked fox and the hound??

Deleted user

How dare you speak of the one drink I cannot have as it makes me get really sick. Coffee…… the menace, the scourge!


ive actually never seen harry potter
i only read the first three books before my mom caught me
after that i didnt have the energy to read the rest of the series


The books are great. Convince your mom to let your read them. AND SOMEHOW COFFEE MANAGES TO EVEN SMELL BITTER AND DISGUSTING LIKE WTF COFFEE

Deleted user

well im allowed now
not technically but ya know im old and rebellious
i will definitely finish the series someday

Wait until you read book 7, oh I cried.


I hate tea too lol. It tastes like water that someone chucked some sort of herb in. Or really really watered down fruit. Nein danke

Deleted user

I hate tea too lol. It tastes like water that someone chucked some sort of herb in. Or really really watered down fruit. Nein danke

How dare, you have not tasted the glory of tea.


wHaT nO
have you ever tried irish breakfast tea??? its the best
or peppermint
although i will agree green tea tastes like bathwater


I have tasted plenty of tea. It has all been bland. I went to a tea parlor and tried one that was supposed to be 'flavorful' and 'fruity'. My mother said it was both. It was still bland and gross. Idk why she likes the stuff so much


Drink it anyways. I do. I usually request it from Starbucks bc it's really hard to get wrong and apparently a sweetened passion tea lemonade with LIKE THREE STEPS IS JUST TOO HARD ISN'T IT


Step one: Grab Passion Tea
Step two: Add lemonade
Step three: SWEETEN they forget this part a lot