I wasn't gonna say anything but I need to get it off my chest.
Can we start over? Please? I think everybody is screwing up right now and there's a lot of drama and everything. I'm a little mad and annoyed at some people and I try my hardest not to be. I'm super stressed in real life rn. I was at my grandpa's funeral all day yesterday. I have tests and projects. Everyone I know is stressed. I wanted notebook to be my escape but it isn't right now and I'm so annoyed about it. So that's why I'm asking.
Can everyone just apologize? I think most people are at least a small part of this. Some people have apologized already too. I'm not saying you have to forgive everyone right now but can we start? Forgiving each other? If someone has done something wrong (and they don't realize it), can you tell them what they did? Many people have left because of the stupid freaking drama and I'm so sick of it. I'll go first anyway.
I'm sorry. I don't know if I've done anything wrong, but if I have I apologize for it. I really hope I didn't cause anyone harm or annoyed them or anything, but if I have I sincerely apologize.