forum Miriam Being Homesick: A Thread
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Vilseck, Germany.
The last time I was there was just summer of '19
But I don't think I could stop missing it if I went weekly lmao.

^^ The guy who owns this restaurant is a family friend. We always go there the night we arrive.

^^Vilseck church. Always open. So beautiful. My mom went here growing up.

^^Town square. Once there was a music festival in there the night of my birthday. The singers shouted me out lmao. It was great.

Deleted user

My mom is from Vilseck, and there's a pretty big military base there, where she met my dad. I was born in America, but went to Germany for the first time when I was 2, and have German citizenship. I believe home isn't necessarily where you were born, and every time I'm in Vilseck, it's just like… You know. Home. My place.
Where was your trip going to be?


whoa that's so awesome!!!
We were supposed to spend two weeks there, a couple days in Munich and then a town called Oberkochen where we would stay with our host families and go to school and go sightseeing etc

Deleted user

oh my god Munich
I would give my entire bank account to go back to Munich
I'm so sorry you can't go. There's really no place quite like it.
Even the airport is art.
It's the perfect place for stepping off a plane and realizing you made it. You're home.
And then you see your family waiting for you and cry
I don't think I've been to Oberkochen.
When this whole pandemic thing is over, I hope you still get to see it. <3


ahhhh I want to go so bad!!!
I miss my germany friends :'''(
Yeah, we might go next summer if they plan it idk