forum Memes, Song lyrics, Vines, etc...
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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@HighPockets group

“This is my arm! Notice how I’m holding it a full arm’s length away from my body! This is an undesirable quality!”

“You will rue the day you mess with me, Oregon Trail!”

“I used to play with ground beef all the time as a kid. Til I got salmonella. Hey! Maybe we can call it Salmonella Land!”

“Now, now, son. That bear could have mauled any of us. He just chose you because you’re the weakest and most vulnerable.”

“Shot the horses! Or me, I honestly do not care at this point!”

“I’m the next Wolverine, baby!”

“The man! The myth! The legend! Scott Sterling!!”

“Then my heart will have nothing to do and will therefore get bored and die.”

“Lobster Bisque!”

I love Studio C waaaaaaaaaaay too much.

@HighPockets group

“Relax. It is just kid’s game.”
“Then you guys must have had very dark childhoods!”

“Dobby…Dobby, your eyes…”
“Dobby doesn’t need his eyes anymore!”

“Nobody eats plain frosting anymore unless they’re depressed!”
“I…I eat plain frosting all the time…”

“Fortunately, you only persuaded our most incompetent student, Anakin.”

“Now, I can handle a force field locking me into a public restroom. I can handle you forseeing my future of dying alone-“
“That’s not true, you’ll have your blind chinchilla!”

“Sing it, ghost of Rue!”
Stacey appears with a wig on, pretending to be a 12 year old girl