forum Memes haha yes gimme the dankess
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

But once I do, I can officially call myself a superwholock

Watch it. Ship Johnlock.


I'm going to go, too. I can feel myself going into hyperfocus so I'm gonna be absorbed in my biology work probably all night lol, so see you guys tomorrow. (if you don't know what hyperfocus is, it's a state of mind in which somebody is intensely focused, but you don't get into this state of mind willingly. It happens to people with ADD. It's actually pretty interesting.

Deleted user

I come back several hours later only to see that several people have already defaced this discussion with Johnlock fanart. Many thanks.

Deleted user

I come back several hours later only to see that several people have already defaced this discussion with Johnlock fanart. Many thanks.

You're friggin' welcome.