forum Me Complaining About How Homesick I Am: A Thread
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Deleted user

I just listened to a cover of a song that came out last time I was home {Vilseck, Germany} in June/July and I'm literally sobbing fml

Deleted user

Heartbeat by BTS lmao
I just plan on using this thread to complain XD
Yeah, my mom was born and raised there, and though I wasn't born in Germany, the first time I visited I was a baby, and I go back often, plus I speak German. And I have citizenship there.


That's so cool! I'm currently taking German class in school and I'm planning on going on the class trip to Germany the spring of 2021. My understanding of it is pretty good, but my speech is bad (I can't speak English correctly most of the time either so that would probably explain that).
Also, if it's what you want, complain away. I won't stop you

Deleted user

Yes, German is a bit easier to understand than to speak. Where in Germany will your class trip be?

Deleted user

Sounds fun!!!
Berlin is a great place. So is Germany in general, of course.