forum MaNnErIsMs
Started by @Pandapocalypse

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I stutter, I rub the edge of my thumbnail (the cuticle? IDK lol) with my pointer finger. I talk too fast (also too much). I finger gun all the time, I stick my tongue out in situations where I'm petulant or having fun….. yeah v diff reasons lol. I've been told that I close one eye and kinda scrunch my face up when I'm thinking. I cannot sit normally. Like ever. I'm always folded up weird or sitting on one foot or yeah no. I just….. I'm gay fight me sitting improperly is gay culture. I cover my mouth with hand a lot lol, in various situations.
Personality? Idk we talk in the other chat. INFJ, you prob didn't know that. But you know me lol


i space out a lot, especially when i'm multitasking, i always look confused, if i have a drink/food while out with others i'll eat or drink whenever something feels awkward, even if the cup's empty, i crack my knuckles a LOT, i laugh or smile at anything, i do a lot of finger guns and peace signs, especially in awkward situations, i scrunch up my lips when concentrating, i peel my nails when nervous or anxious, i clench my teeth constantly.
My personality: so stressed that i'm perpetually chill, a pushover, extremely non confrontational, caring but more empathetic than sympathetic, friendly, outgoing, kinda private and a bit reserved but generally nice??? an ENFP


My nostrils flare when any expression comes across my face, my knee bounces, idk if I have more?? I don't notice any of these things they get pointed out (besides the knee.. that's obvious)


I also can’t sit normally, I fidget a lot with whatever I can, I scratch/rub right behind my ears, I sometimes bite the inside of my cheek/lip, I scratch my arms if they aren’t covered, I crack my neck, I raise my hand for no reason, I raise one eyebrow at random times, and I apparently apologize too much. My personality is INFP-T

@Becfromthedead group

I touch my face, and also my neck (the neck because it's warm and I have perpetually cold hands), I bite my lip when deep in thought and occasionally when nervous. I habitually ask people to repeat what they just said even when I actually heard the first time because I have hearing loss and genuinely can't hear sometimes and asking people to repeat things is just part of me now. I use a lot of hand and arm motions when talking. I run my fingers through my hair. I push my glasses up constantly.
As for personality, I'm a super sensitive ISFP. I am painfully empathetic, but at the same time, I'm not the textbook definition of a people person because they typically exhaust me. I am very detail-oriented and cunning, although I only use cunning to my advantage in games, because it can hurt people in real life. I try my best to be kind, but I'm very cold and unapproachable at first. I'm stubborn and ambitious most of the time, but when it comes to hearing other sides of a story or argument, I tend to be open-minded. I'm also really passionate (like I have so much love to give that it hurts me, and I also tend to fall in love with things I do, so when I have a failure there, it feels like my world is caving in.) Oh, and I also take no crap. Don't mess with my friends. Don't be petty or passive-aggressive with me, or I do the same back. (I believe my boyfriend describes this as me being "smol and angry.")
I know this was a lot, but hopefully that means a good bit of personality/mannerisms for you to work with?

Deleted user

I crack my neck and knuckles.
I do finger guns, peace signs, thumbs up and down, and snap.
I usually sprawl out in a chair cuz screw sitting, and I lay on benches and couches depending on how sanitary they are, and if there's no one using them, but if someone needs them I'll give them their space.
I can't go five milliseconds without being a weeb.
I'll scratch the back of my head theatrically in awkward moments.
Stuff my hands in my pockets.
Tap my feet.
All that jazz.

@HighPockets group

I almost always have one leg crossing my knee while sitting.
I chew my nails.
I crack my fingers and ankles.
I tend to cross my arms or have one arm down and the other holding arm 1's elbow.
I trip over my own feet sometimes.
I have a sarcastic inner monologue.
I recently noticed that instead of complaining outright, I'll say something more passive-aggressive along the lines of, "I actually really needed to go the library today to pickup a hold, but that's fine. It's fine." while smiling. I think I subconsiously picked it up from SOLO lol.
Also, too many finger guns and snap finger guns.
And bad posture when I'm sitting or kneeling at church, I have really poor core strength.