forum Makin' Food!
Started by @Yamatsu

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I just got off of cooking some bomb-ass apple crisp, and I've cooked/baked plenty of other dishes before. To all of you aspiring (or possibly employed) chefs out there, which is better? Cooking or Baking?

Deleted user

Idk, I think they're both equally hard

considering the time I burned the stove……..

and almost burnt the house down

Deleted user

Lol Thank you, But I mean, I've done more baking and I've hardly cooked so I would say baking…I mean I'm in a baking competition with a professional baking friend, what could possibly go wrong?

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(sorry i just love baking so much)
(props to any cooks out there tho)


Baking is fun. Cooking is harder in my opinion. But both make me super exhausted afterwards. Like I love baking with my friends and last time I had someone over we made titty sugar cookies but afterwards I was so wiped out.
To be fair we also had to go to the store in the middle of it cuz we fucked up on adding too much sour cream and tried to make another batch but we used up all of the flour and needed more eggs.

@Starfast group

I love baking. I only just started to learn how to cook recently because I made it my new years resolution. I want to move out eventually, and when I do I don't want to be living off of frozen meals.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I can do both equally well… I mean I'm 16, and I'm living with my significant other, and our parents live next to us, so I guess I should know as much as I can about cooking and baking… (it's Alaska, and we have promised to be with each other, think like really long term fiance)


As a side note to my delicious crisp, I feel that cold apple crisp is the best because of all of the juices and fruit firming up a bit. However, hot apple crisp tastes amazing, too. I think I'll add just a tad bit of cleargel into the mix for texture.


Yeesh, every time I see those shiny apples, I think about trying to bite into one of those Marshalls display knockoffs and getting a mouthful of just… unpleasant feelings.