forum Main differences between public and private school?
Started by @Broken Princess

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No, you're suppose to learn statistics……….


I don't think u can take an entire year of statistics in 6th grade??? like u might have some time put aside for it, but not the entire year, right? that seems counterproductive. 6th grade is the basics, still getting you ready for algebra

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learning decimal places, rounding, adding, and subtracting fractions is 6th grade?

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Actually I think we were also suppose to learn ratios and algebraic expressions.


I think so. I ain't been in 6th grade for a while but my younger sister's in 8th grade and I know 7th grade still had some of that going on. I feel like 4th-8th grade math is repetitive


but hey if you're interested in math (I envy you) take a look at khan academy online. You can literally learn anything and get ahead.

@Starfast group

classes are very small, like my class has 15 kids, and less than 30 in the grade. Some of my friends are going to another Catholic school where grades are like 10 people.

ok I'm homeschooled but from what I've heard from my friends: private schools are more cliquey and less diverse. You have mostly preppy white people who know each other and can be very cliquey and non-inclusive.

I guess these things must vary from place to place because at my high school our classes were usually around 25 people. Sometimes more, sometimes less. We definitely had more than 30 people in our grade though.

My school was also pretty diverse. We definitely did have some preppy white kids, but I had a lot of classmates who were Asian (mostly Filipino, but there were some people who were Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian). There were actually times where it seemed like white people were in the minority (literally our senior dance squad was all Filipino kids, except for this one white girl lol).

I think that has more to do with the fact that I'm living in an area that currently is going through a lot of population growth, and also gets a lot of Asian immigrants but I thought I'd throw it out there anyways.

@Becfromthedead group

I would just like to add that some of what's been said about public schools isn't completely true for all of us. I've been in public school for my whole life, and I've always had to wear a uniform. They're super picky about it too (except at my high school where girls can get away with wearing crop-tops and inappropriately short skirts, but I can't have one button down on my shirt and our jackets have to be a solid color or else). Public schools have a far more diverse population than private schools, at least where I live. I also noticed lots of curriculum differences. My brother went to private school for 2 years, and I noticed that the order in which he learned things was a little different from how I did. I also met a girl last year who came from private and was in my grade, but hadn't taken all of the required coursework so far because that was something that her old school did in the higher grades. And about behavior? I've noticed private school kids are more cliquish (at the church I attended in middle school, I was basically outed by all the girls, who all went to private school, and it's a pattern I see in former private school kids at my current school), and public school kids can be shamelessly sarcastic, teachers have given up on caring if we shout swears in the middle of class. I'm not sure about teacher pay in private schools, but in public, a lot of them have an attitude of, "I'm not paid enough to deal with this."


Public school my whole life here, except for a semi private kindergarten. I know next to nothing about private schools, so here is a bunch of stuff on public schools.

~Fricking HUGE! Well over 400 kids in my graduating class, smallest class was German three in freshman year, only 8 students by the end. Biggest was history with almost 35. Staff and students in the school numbered around 1400.
~Food sucks. Packing is preferrable. Pizza is described as soft cardboard covered with glue.
~Vending machines?? Still don't understand why.
~Great counseling department. Those people saved so many kids there. Godsends the lot of them.
~Overall anxiety was though the frickin roof! Several friends had mental breakdowns on a weekly basis. Know people who self harmed. I did too.
~Dress code but not really. No one cared unless you wore hoods or hats.
~Dirty. Very dirty. Helped the teacher try and catch a mouse on multiple occasions. Watched a star football player freak out over a spider.
~So. Many. Electives. Not enough time to do them all. Is fun though! Psychology is cool.
~Free time? What's that??
~Half of the people didn't pay attention.
~Teachers don't care. The new ones do. The new ones always do.

@Becfromthedead group

Mice? We have rats! There's even a legend that there's a 3-legged rat running around who got caught in a trap and chewed his own leg off to escape.
Also at my school, I'd say arts get more funding than the important things; academics are underfunded at my school, especially science. In chemistry, we have 10-year-old textbooks that we aren't supposed to use anymore because they're not updated, we're missing a lot of basic lab supplies, and our chemical store is sketchy at best. In anatomy, our scalpels for dissecting are dull and barely work, and they're rusty. The dissection scissors lock up, and we need better tools to cut through bone. Not to mention that the textbooks are all falling apart, and I had to duct tape mine.

@HighPockets group

For my class, we know each other well enough not to have cliques, but that might be because it’s our last year together. Cliques were big in 6th grade, mainly because this micromanaging brat was at our school, but she thankfully left after that year.