forum Main character archetypes you hate?
Started by @Paperok

people_alt 1 follower


Sort of like my earlier question about character tropes but focused on the main protagonist. MCs can range from being an absolute god that gets zero challenge from the plot to a useless sack of potatoes that makes you question the character's existence. This is true for any character but it is worse when the main character, the lenses in which you see a world through is so bland or unrelatable. Which archetype buried deep in the spectrum of cliche angers you the most?

Deleted user

The Sasuke/Kirito/Mary Sue seems to be everyone's favorite to hate on, but it's usually not such a pain in the ass as it is when the character is obviously a bland surrogate for the author, as opposed to us, the audience. Especially when they have unjustified abilities. If your character can paint, play piano, use a katana, do highly complex mathematics, and pull various languages out their ass because they "dabble", and are also very smart without putting any work into cultivating intelligence, or fit without working out, why the Hell are we interested in them, when all they can really do is just grow more overpowered. I'm a longtime fan of anime, so I like seeing progression in characters.