forum M and I are sad. Is that okay with you guys? I hope not.
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I have a problem


I haven’t written for my enjoyment in months.


People who read my stuff IRL are starting to accuse me of plagiarism


Before anything can happen

I think, instead of trying to write something for them

I think, I should set the pencil and paper down before it gets worse.


Dearest Emi

Don't stop writing because other people think it's bad or copying

Don't show it to them until it's done and you're satisfied with the outcome

Also people are jerks and if they think it's plagiarism they can shut up cus Harry Potter is literally just like LOTR

So keep on writing and make me proud!


Deleted user

I don’t know what to do though

I feel stuck. Really bad.

They’re just

Really starting to…


I won’t leave the site, though I should, since I’m not a writer anymore…

Deleted user

Write for your own enjoyment, not for them! you are a beautiful writer!

Deleted user

I don’t know what to do though

I feel stuck. Really bad.

They’re just

Really starting to…


I won’t leave the site, though I should, since I’m not a writer anymore…

dont leave us please, no matter what

Deleted user

pardon me, who are the poeple who acused u of plagerism
i need to know for… science


I don’t know what to do though

I feel stuck. Really bad.

They’re just

Really starting to…


I won’t leave the site, though I should, since I’m not a writer anymore…

I know

they can get to you

And if you're stuck right now

it doesn't mean you're not a good writer!

everyone has their hiatuses

please don't give up


I don’t know what to do though

I feel stuck. Really bad.

They’re just

Really starting to…


I won’t leave the site, though I should, since I’m not a writer anymore…

Please don't stop writing you're so good and you've made me a better writer and I'm gonna miss you so much if you leave.

Deleted user

write for yourself
write to express yourself
you dont always have to write
but still
they dont matter here
you do

Deleted user

pardon me, who are the poeple who acused u of plagerism
i need to know for… science

juss some people at school, my former friends.

Deleted user

I can’t without telling you personal stuff. Don’t worry about it, Dusk.

Deleted user

Well to hell with them and their dumbass remarks

their opinion doesn't mean anything

Okay why, out of everything, did that make me smile.

Deleted user

Keep writing!

write for you

don't show them your writing if they're gonna be like that

don't let them control you


If writing makes you happy
Don't listen to anyone who accuses you of plagiarism
Because you know it's not true and that's what's important.

Deleted user

Cus I used a swear and you like swears and you love me so yeah

These things are true yes