forum Low key need positivity and encouragement
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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So I’ve been trying to bring back my creative side since I’ve been so depressed lately, and for the first time I’m going to make a genuine attempt at song lyrics but I’m really nervoussssss
I’m also going to practice sketching hands and different types of shading
Hhhhhhhhh I’m terrified this is gonna s u c k


It won't suck at all, I'm sure it'll turn out fantastic!
Don't be terrified, even if you do mess up a bit, it's a creative process, it takes trial and error
We believe in you!


So I’m gonna start scribbling down some ideas for lyrics
I’ve got the music done already
As soon as my burnt thumb is healed I’ll attempt to play it and if it’s good I might post it


It's just a simple ukulele song, but it kinda revolves around me and my struggle with mental illness and how it affects my loved ones
I was going to attempt to write it a while ago but I was too afraid of ruining it lmao


It's just a simple ukulele song, but it kinda revolves around me and my struggle with mental illness and how it affects my loved ones
I was going to attempt to write it a while ago but I was too afraid of ruining it lmao

… And then there's me and I just throw words at a wall until something happens, then forget I ever made anything until two years later


It's just a simple ukulele song, but it kinda revolves around me and my struggle with mental illness and how it affects my loved ones
I was going to attempt to write it a while ago but I was too afraid of ruining it lmao

… And then there's me and I just throw words at a wall until something happens, then forget I ever made anything until two years later

lol me when I'm writing a short story