forum looking for a new friend
Started by @Music lover 2002

people_alt 2 followers

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Yur welcome. I support and appreciate mah friends, no matter if they are internet or direct

Deleted user

I draw too

i have a few on my drive too but im shy as fork

Deleted user

yea I had all the autonomy problems fixed btw
it's pretty bad tho…

Deleted user

You're a better artist than quite a few people I know. You'll get a lot better if you keep trying!

Deleted user

show me them!! I wont judge!! i was horrible once too my old sketchbook is full of living cringe.

Deleted user

blinks Guys………..aahh………is it rude for me to ask if you not swear?

no no its not i got rid of it

Deleted user

my name is right there but seriously i don't care

Deleted user

That's great! It's not as bad as you think! The hair is great, the facial details are on point, his ears are awesome! I love your hand writing too!

Deleted user

also he's the main character in the little bit that i shared with you, when trying to explain action to you. Remember? (Cameron)

Deleted user

Wow i see it now, one moment im going to do a new profile view so you can see how i do it.

Deleted user

Ok! Maybe I can give you pointers. Btw I used references for that profile and i found it still, very hard so