forum Lol please subscribe to my dad, we need to eat.
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people_alt 33 followers

Deleted user

looks like Jesus

Wow you weren't wrong. Isn't cannabis illegal in the US though?

Not that I know of, Maryland I think doesn’t have it Illegal if it was since they seen my dad appearance and entered his actual information for the email account to make the channel he would get arrested, and he hasn’t. Also thanks in advanced if anyone subscribed, he deserves it really, he’s a great dad, rewards me when I do well, tries his best to make me and my siblings happy, and is a very funny, relaxed and nice guy.

@Mercury Beta Tester

Ah ok. I knew cannabis was legalised in some parts of the country but I thought it was for medicine (Like here in the UK only the oil can be used for that reason).

Deleted user

Yeah I heard of that, my dad has bunch of seeds from fans, and many he made himself by breeding his plants, the entire thing is very interesting to say the least.