forum Listen up
Started by @Dirt

people_alt 41 followers


Alright I have something to say about the toxic crap going on, on this site.
I understand that some of y'all will tell me to ignore it, but that's kinda hard where you're attacking my friends.

First if all the chat of rudeness.
I understand its "just a chat" but its stupid. You're calling each other out and making others feel bad about themselves. Don't you remember back when we mad chats just to tell people to stop being rude? So why make a chat specifically for being rude? How can you sleep at night knowing you hurt someones feelings?

Lets adress something else, chats about "making America fall."
Do you not understand how stupid that is? I mean what goes through your head when you make something like that? Oh wait, let me guess, "its just dumb fun."
it is not!
It is stupid and can start something. Do you not watch the news? Do you not see everything that's going on? Even if you're just joking you need to understand that its stupid to say/ do this kind of stuff!
I understand I will get bashed for this. That people will tell me to just not read those chats.
But that's like saying just don't watch as we kill this person.
It still happens!
Looking away doesn't mean it doesn't happen!
This site used to be fun, and cool. I remember our old chats about the trolls and mean people of this site! So please, can we go back to that?

Deleted user

I honestly do have to agree. When I joined thjngs were a lot more accepting, and they still are, but I can see outside poison seeping in. I know we can't stop it as the site grows, but we don't need to encourage it by giving it places to grow.


Thank you for pointing this out. I just wish that everyone will deal with their problems with other users privately. If someone is bothering another user, private chat about it. Don't make it others problems by creating a post on the General Chat. I know a few people don't have @ symbols and you can't pm them, so then wherever their bothering you, keep your problems limited there. There is no need to get everyone's attention just so you can rat someone out. Also when we post our grudges publicly, people will gang up against each other. Other peoples problems become everyone's and soon we're expected to become witnesses, and choose sides. Just to make things easier; talk it out, say sorry, forgive, and finally forget.


I agree as well. I haven't joined the Chat of Rudeness or America Will Fall although I've seen them. They seem pretty terrible, considering that a) A lot of people on this site already have bad anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders and don't need that kind of crap - they probably feel absolutely terrible and down, this is supposed to be a supportive writing site! and b) A lot of people, including me, live in America. I'm a liberal and don't really like Donald Trump but that doesn't mean the entire country should fall. I don't want to get into a giant debate but please just stop being rude, degrading, and whatever else you all are doing.