forum LGTBQ+ Question and Answer Session
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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Alrighty, I'll try to answer the best I can.
I identify as transgender genderfluid, because I identify as a gender not assigned at birth. So I'd say yes.
I'm not very familiar with agender, so I can't answer this one.
Demi is on the ace spectrum. Demi (romantic, or sexual) means that you get emotionally attached/get to know someone before feeling attracted to anyone. If you don't have that bond, there is no possibility of attraction.
Pan is the possibility of attraction to anyone despite gender, and poly is the possibility of attraction to more than one gender, but not all of them. While I am pan, I do have a preference for girls, though I could be attracted to anyone.


Ace is where you don’t want a sexual relationship so like fluff not smut and most people use it as an umbrella term for Ace, some Aro etc. if I got something wrong please tell me!

Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction. It's a spectrum, So, some aces may want a sexual relationship, they just don't particularly lust for it.
Some aces may also not be comfortable with fluff, or physical affection (which is what I interpret 'fluff' as) while others may love being cuddly. I don't think ace should ever be used as an umbrella term for aro, because some aros may still feel sexual attraction, just like some aces still feel romantic attraction, as they aren't aro.


  1. From what I understand, yes. Trans means you do not identify with your birth gender. So of course there are trans ftm and trans mtf, but there are also trans nb and others of the like.

  2. (I honestly don't know this one either so I'm just gonna let someone more qualified answer this)

  3. As a demisexual myself, I only experience sexual and romantic attraction once I become good or close friends with someone. I cannot ever have a one night stand or go on a blind date. Those things don't feel right to me (as in me doing them). Demisexuals like me require time, while asexuals don't for the most part.

  4. Basically, from what I understand, the difference between polysexual and pansexual is exclusion. Polysexuals are like pansexuals, except that polysexuals don't feel attraction to (a) certain gender(s). So if one of your characters is poly, you're going to want to include who they're not attracted to (ex. Poly, not attracted to males).

I'm so glad you're so focused on representing the community correctly and to the best of your ability in your world. Thank you.


Wow, thanks for the quick response. Nearly all of my questions have already been answered! You guys answered so quickly. Other than on agender questions this really helped me, I didn't want to offend someone by going off what research says rather than the community. Thank you for answering my questions! :)


Thank you for asking! It's always nice to see people wanting to learn more about the community. Feel free to just ask away if you have any more questions.


Ace is where you don’t want a sexual relationship so like fluff not smut and most people use it as an umbrella term for Ace, some Aro etc. if I got something wrong please tell me!

Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction. It's a spectrum, So, some aces may want a sexual relationship, they just don't particularly lust for it.
Some aces may also not be comfortable with fluff, or physical affection (which is what I interpret 'fluff' as) while others may love being cuddly. I don't think ace should ever be used as an umbrella term for aro, because some aros may still feel sexual attraction, just like some aces still feel romantic attraction, as they aren't aro.

Thanks and sorry that was so bad I’m kinda a shit at rembering things so I just pulled what I remember out of my mind and put it there and I’m so sorry…..


Ace is where you don’t want a sexual relationship so like fluff not smut and most people use it as an umbrella term for Ace, some Aro etc. if I got something wrong please tell me!

Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction. It's a spectrum, So, some aces may want a sexual relationship, they just don't particularly lust for it.
Some aces may also not be comfortable with fluff, or physical affection (which is what I interpret 'fluff' as) while others may love being cuddly. I don't think ace should ever be used as an umbrella term for aro, because some aros may still feel sexual attraction, just like some aces still feel romantic attraction, as they aren't aro.

Thanks and sorry that was so bad I’m kinda a shit at rembering things so I just pulled what I remember out of my mind and put it there and I’m so sorry…..

You're totally fine, no one can remember everything lol


Hi 🤗
So my situation is a bit weird and I don't know what to call it, and I may be correct, but I feel as though I am wrong in describing what I feel.
I think I am Bi or Asexual, or maybe both if there is a term for that. I know for sure that I am attracted to males, because I have a preference in which males I am attracted to. I think I sometimes I find certain females attractive, but I am hesitant in that regard. At the same time, unlike a lot of people my age, I don't desire anything sexual or smut at all, in fact, I am repulsed by the idea of sex of any kind (sorry if I offended anyone with that). So I suppose I'm asexual as well? I just don't know because I'm kind of drowning in hetero where I live and I can't talk about it with any friends or family members. I'm confused and I don't know what to do.


Hi 🤗
So my situation is a bit weird and I don't know what to call it, and I may be correct, but I feel as though I am wrong in describing what I feel.
I think I am Bi or Asexual, or maybe both if there is a term for that. I know for sure that I am attracted to males, because I have a preference in which males I am attracted to. I think I sometimes I find certain females attractive, but I am hesitant in that regard. At the same time, unlike a lot of people my age, I don't desire anything sexual or smut at all, in fact, I am repulsed by the idea of sex of any kind (sorry if I offended anyone with that). So I suppose I'm asexual as well? I just don't know because I'm kind of drowning in hetero where I live and I can't talk about it with any friends or family members. I'm confused and I don't know what to do.

I think this is called biromantic asexual
Like, you want to have a romantic relationship with both sexes but not a sexual relationship


Hi 🤗
So my situation is a bit weird and I don't know what to call it, and I may be correct, but I feel as though I am wrong in describing what I feel.
I think I am Bi or Asexual, or maybe both if there is a term for that. I know for sure that I am attracted to males, because I have a preference in which males I am attracted to. I think I sometimes I find certain females attractive, but I am hesitant in that regard. At the same time, unlike a lot of people my age, I don't desire anything sexual or smut at all, in fact, I am repulsed by the idea of sex of any kind (sorry if I offended anyone with that). So I suppose I'm asexual as well? I just don't know because I'm kind of drowning in hetero where I live and I can't talk about it with any friends or family members. I'm confused and I don't know what to do.

I think this is called biromantic asexual
Like, you want to have a romantic relationship with both sexes but not a sexual relationship

That makes sense….


How do you figure out if your genderfluid? I think I might be but I don't know…

Well you kinda really have to examine how you feel, specifically looking at your dysphoria levels and what's causing it. Maybe track it over a one month period? Because for me, I didn't think genderfluid at first. I thought I was a solid trans male, which turned out to be a bit wrong as I went along discovering myself.

Really, you just have to analyze and examine yourself and how you feel. You'll be okay, no matter what you find out about yourself.


So, I think some women/girls are hot/pretty/cute, but I'm not romantically attracted to them. Does that make me bi, because I also prefer men?

Well, you can still think some women/girls are hot/pretty/cute and not be bi. You're not blind. You can see and recognize when women/girls look really awesome and adorable, but that doesn't mean you should feel the need to be with them.

However, if you think you're bi, then you're probably bi. If you think you're straight, then you're probably straight. Either way, you can still tell if a woman/girl is really super beautiful or not.

Deleted user

Just a helpful insight for genderqueer people: If you are worried that you have been faking it and that you are in fact cis, remember that cis people rarely question their gender~


How do you figure out if your genderfluid? I think I might be but I don't know…

Well you kinda really have to examine how you feel, specifically looking at your dysphoria levels and what's causing it. Maybe track it over a one month period? Because for me, I didn't think genderfluid at first. I thought I was a solid trans male, which turned out to be a bit wrong as I went along discovering myself.

Really, you just have to analyze and examine yourself and how you feel. You'll be okay, no matter what you find out about yourself.

What exactly counts as dysphoria?

@HighPockets group

Can someone help me? I'm confused about something.
So I only get crushes on people I know (or feel as though I know in the case of fictional characters). Not on celebrities unless I feel as though I know them. For example, I didn't have a crush on Daisy Ridley until I watched a bunch of interviews with her where she talked about her life.
I also tend to crush on characters as opposed to actors (Newt Scamander as opposed to Eddie Redmayne) because it's kind of like "I don't actually know him, but I feel like I know Newt."
But is that demi? Or something else?

@Becfromthedead group

That’s about how I am, Jynnie, and I consider myself demisexual. It’s fun trying to tell people I don’t have celebrity crushes but I do have a crush on the character they play…
Also is it strange that I think women are more attractive than men, but I don’t necessarily have a desire to be with anyone of any gender except for my boyfriend, who I’m extremely attracted to? Is that just a demi thing? I also don’t know if I like women or not… I’d rather not date a woman because my family is the worst about that, and I kind of want to have my own kids. But if my current relationship ever ended, I really don’t ever seem to like the guys around me… like at all


Well, like I said before on another thread, you're not blind. You recognize most females look amazing compared to most men. You are allowed to see and acknowledge beauty, but not be inherently attracted to them.

Think of it this way,
You can recognize the difference between a beautiful, nice necklace and a shitty, rusted necklace. Just because you see and know how pretty that necklace is, doesn't mean you're attracted to the necklace.


Thanks for your help!!
Okay so I'm demi-biromantic and asexual.
It might just be me, but I really like being able to have a word for how I feel.

Biromantic Asexual
I like it

@HighPockets group

Thanks for your help!!
Okay so I'm demi-biromantic and asexual.
It might just be me, but I really like being able to have a word for how I feel.

Biromantic Asexual
I like it

bi fingers guns Eyyyy!