forum LGBTQA+ Relationships
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Deleted user

so i am a lonely panromantic with no relationship experience but i'm writing a story that involves a m/m pairing, so i was wondering if those of you who have been in a relationship (probably lgbtqa+ but all advice is helpful) could tell me what cliches or mistakes to avoid as i don't want anyone misrepresented.
thanks a bunch!!

Deleted user

well, i never been in a releshinship but i have watched all my friends get to gether!

Deleted user

Okay, first of all, treat them like you would a heterosexual couple. Design characters not based on "Oh look those two are gay," but rather "Oh look, those two are in a relationship," and simply keep sexual orientation out of it. Well, not exactly, it's still an important factor, but don't make the fact that it's a same sex relationship be the major plot point. Not the most helpful, I know, but hopefully this will at least help somewhat.

Deleted user

I actually have many LGBTQIA+ characters, they aren't that hard to write it you simply avoid stereotypes and develop the character first, and add sexual orientation and gender identity later.