forum Lets talk about The Bee Movie!!!
Started by @@Rhindy

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I've never seen The Bee Movie, I've never seen Voltron, I've never seen Supernatural, I've never seen My Hero Academia, and I've never seen Sherlock… And I wonder why I don't understand people's conversations here

@Mercury Beta Tester

Bee movie> emoji movie

At least The Emoji Movie wasn't SCIENTIFICALLY INACCURATE like The Bee Movie (For what The Bee Movie should've been, read The Bees by Laline Paull)


Bee movie> emoji movie

At least The Emoji Movie wasn't SCIENTIFICALLY INACCURATE like The Bee Movie (For what The Bee Movie should've been, read The Bees by Laline Paull)

They were both scientifically inaccurate, like no those little pictures on your phone aren't proven to be alive and sentient

@Mercury Beta Tester

They were both scientifically inaccurate, like no those little pictures on your phone aren't proven to be alive and sentient

And Abraham Lincoln was never a vampire hunter and Gandalf and Sherlock Holmes were only words on a page. Are they inaccurate? There's a difference between fiction and scientific accuracy.

The Bee Movie had other issues like:

  • Presenting male bees (drones) as being industrious and the pollinators - No. It is only the female bees who do that, the drones literally just laze about to mate with the queen and die
  • Bees are not the only creatures that pollinate flowers. Pollinators can be other insects like flies and mosquitoes, birds etc. Even a human could help a plant out with a paintbrush. And some plants rely on the wind, not insects
  • Plants don't die if they're not pollinated, they just don't develop seeds that can grow (Similarly, a woman won't drop dead if she doesn't get pregnant in a year)
  • Modern laws of aviation do explain the flight of bees, this is a common misconception. Older laws referred directly to planes, but they have been corrected now
  • A bee can't follow an airplane! It's going at more than 500 miles an hour, but the fastest insect (not a bee) can only go up to 30 mph.

Oh and don't forget that a woman dumped her boyfriend…for a bee!!


Do you guys remember that scene when they were in court or something and then one of the guys goes, "So are you her little…bEd bUg???" Like no thank you


I'm just going to leave this discussion before things get weird… Bye?

mmhh….BEFORE things get weird? Honeeyyy, I think you're ~slightly~ too late.

Deleted user

Let's pretend The Bee Movie didn't happen….I've seen it too much, it was one of the only movies my Grandma had.

Yes. I agree


Do you guys remember that scene when they were in court or something and then one of the guys goes, "So are you her little…bEd bUg???" Like no thank you

Huh? I was watching The Bee Movie the other day and I did not hear them say that


Do you guys remember that scene when they were in court or something and then one of the guys goes, "So are you her little…bEd bUg???" Like no thank you

Huh? I was watching The Bee Movie the other day and I did not hear them say that

The lawyer guy said that to barry.


Do you guys remember that scene when they were in court or something and then one of the guys goes, "So are you her little…bEd bUg???" Like no thank you

Huh? I was watching The Bee Movie the other day and I did not hear them say that

The lawyer guy said that to barry.

Oh ok