forum Lets talk about animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Started by @@Rhindy

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@Knight-Shives group

Cheetahs are amazing, when they are just born they are like small white and yellow floofs and this is to make them look like hyenas. And cheetahs are just a definition of life. If they lose pray they will just go take a nap and try again later.


Cheetahs are amazing, when they are just born they are like small white and yellow floofs and this is to make them look like hyenas. And cheetahs are just a definition of life. If they lose pray they will just go take a nap and try again later.

Yes Cheetah's are pretty amazing


Dik-Diks are possibly some of the cutest things to grace this earth, but last time I tried to talk about them someone made a joke about their name sounding like… ahem …Something different. Opossums are really cute too. And sneks. And precious lil baby rats. I love all animals


Dik-Diks are possibly some of the cutest things to grace this earth, but last time I tried to talk about them someone made a joke about their name sounding like… ahem …Something different. Opossums are really cute too. And sneks. And precious lil baby rats. I love all animals

So this one time at night I came in the backyard and then there was a Opossum and it freaked me out because it looked at me with its red eyes


My cat is so good. When she's relaxed or happy she always either

A: Sticks her paws out and rests her head on them, purring very very loudly

B: Falls over, crashes on top of your foot and does her precious "mow" sound

C: Drools all over your hand

D: All of the above, all at once.


Her name is Gibbs, but no one has ever called her that. It's always "Giblet", "Gibwit da Nibwit", "Angel", "Precious", "STOP EATING THE CHRISTMAS TREE", "Mow", "Cupcake", "Kitty Kitty Kitty!", "Ms. Gibbs", "Cat. CAT. CAAAAT", "Get off the keyboard!" and my personal favorite, "OMG you perfect little thing I love you so much you're so floofy and perfect my angel baby cupcake why can't I be as gorgeous as you?"


Her name is Gibbs, but no one has ever called her that. It's always "Giblet", "Gibwit da Nibwit", "Angel", "Precious", "STOP EATING THE CHRISTMAS TREE", "Mow", "Cupcake", "Kitty Kitty Kitty!", "Ms. Gibbs", "Cat. CAT. CAAAAT", "Get off the keyboard!" and my personal favorite, "OMG you perfect little thing I love you so much you're so floofy and perfect my angel baby cupcake why can't I be as gorgeous as you?"

As a fellow cat owner, relatable.


And people wonder why “Tarantula” scares me more than “Secrets Of Wysteria” or “I’m Sorry I’m Sorry” …Because I’m probably more afraid of spiders than child murderers


hey so I'm afraid of spiders but theseare* just too beautiful

*for some reason it won't let me put a space in between these and are

That spider looks so terrifying, I'm getting chills just by looking at it


hey so I'm afraid of spiders but theseare* just too beautiful

*for some reason it won't let me put a space in between these and are

That spider looks so terrifying, I'm getting chills just by looking at it



hey so I'm afraid of spiders but theseare* just too beautiful

*for some reason it won't let me put a space in between these and are

That spider looks so terrifying, I'm getting chills just by looking at it


I'm so terrified of spiders even little ones