Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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I have a black tom cat named Loki, he's and outdoor cat. He usually comes home at night because he is chasing around a gray she-cat named Misty.


NICE!!! I have a dog named Kira, she's some kind of Shepard/hound/terrier mix with huge ears! I also have a Budgie (Bird) Named Buttons who's yellow and green, and a Goldfish named Finnick! :)

@Imperfect_Autumn group

I have four cats: Tiger [an (almost) all black cat with green eyes; we thought she had darker stripes when she was a kitten], Yoda (she's black and white with big ears, so my mom decided to call her that), Moo (black and white, so she reminded me of a cow when she was born; she's also about as smart as one…), and MF3 (my sister named her "Madam Fluffington III" but no one calls her that).


I used to have two baby red-ear sliders, my sisters turtle was named Batman and mine was called Sucker (as in a lollipop). We had to keep them outside because they kind of stunk, but sadly Sucker was a runt and died of soft shell disease and Batman was eaten by a raccoon ;-;

@Becfromthedead group

I have a Siamese cat. Her name is Cinnamon, and she was a stray who followed my mom home when she was out on a run. We got her around this past Christmas. We've also got a dog named Jaz. She's a Beagle/terrier mix that has giant ears. She also was a stray. Surprisingly, Cinnamon and Jaz get along really well.


I have a black and orange tabby-colored cat named Beautiful. She was formerly a bodega cat that my sister took in because a classmate of hers was worried that the bodega was going to get rid of Beautiful soon. Even though she's technically my sister's cat (I wasn't too on board with the idea of getting a pet), I do most of the legwork in taking care of Beautiful, and she repays me by scratching up my legs. I love her <3


I have a British Shorthair/Siamese cat that's cute, and fat, but somehow, she's a ninja too. She's all a smokey grey, with yellow eyes and her belly waddles when she walks. She loves belly rubs.

@Becfromthedead group

A cat who loves belly rubs? That's adorable. Last time I tried to pet a cat on the belly (because it was acting like it wanted a belly rub), I got bitten.


Okay so I have a cat named Tiger, he's grey with tabby stripes (like a tiger lol) and he loves being touched and loved and man-handled. I used to have my cat Lucky, a black tom with grey and brown swirls with white paws and a broken-crooked tail but he died around a year ago. He loved to curl up in the crook of my arm and let me pet him until we both fell asleep. I have a dog named Ellie, and she's absolutely the sweetest Blue Queen cross with a pitbull that you'll ever meet, and she's black with white paws and chest. I have a Leopard Gecko named Dominic and he likes to adventure around my bed and attempts to eat my hair whenever he's on my shoulders. Then my brother has a juvenile Chinese water-dragon named Max and he likes to run around on the hardwood floor and make scuttling sounds. And then there's Muk, named after the pokemon because he's a brown anole that no one likes at all.

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I have four cats and a dog.
BrambleClaw: A dark, almost black and grey tabby furry and sweet, part Siamese. Green/amber eyes, white dappled paws and chest. Meows about anything and everything. Named after Brambleclaw from Warriors, nickname is Bramble.
AppleJack: Small calico female. Colors are mostly white with light orange and light grey. Has green eyes. Hates everyone. Has a cute meow. Will not claw you. Named after AppleJack from mlp, nickname Apple. Hates Bramble.
Garfield: Light orange tabby, fluffy but hates everyone but my mom. Green eyes and white paws. Eyes expand when angry. Will attack you if you touch him a lot. Hides when guests are over. Named after Garfield from the comics, nickname, GarGar.
Eddie: Mostly white with black dappled about his pelt. Amber eyes. Has a black spot in the shape of a question mark on his forehead. Lithe and skinny. Will bite you and then lick you. Has licking fedishes. Is named after Edward from Twilight. I did not name him! Nicknames: Edwardo and Eddie the Yeti.

Brownie: You expect a cute little dog but nope! Full akc Doberman pinscher! Black and tan with clipped ears and tail. Looks threatening but is really derpy. Loves my dad. Groans a lot. Dark brown eyes. Wages her lil' nub of a tail a lot. Spins in circles around you when she's happy.
The idea of what she looks like.