forum Let's talk about APs instead of actually studying for APs
Started by @Moxie group

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@Moxie group

JK you should be studying. So should I . . .
What AP tests are everyone taking? What are you using to study? If you've already taken one, how did it go?

@HighPockets group

I'm doing APUSH next year, but none rn because the only one available at the school I started this year at was APHUG, and I really hate geography so I didn't take it.

Deleted user

People around me are taking APUSH but I'm not taking it (though I'm in the class lol)


Oh god ughh
I took 10th grade AP English, 11th grade APUSH, and yesterday I took the 12th grade AP English Lit.
And then there's this girl who decided to take AP Psychology and she's been taking it legit all day


I'm taking AP bio on Tuesday and I haven't studied and I probably won't study at all, which is totally fine……………


I'm only in seventh grade but I'm taking an AP ELA test because I'm in the honors level of ELA so prayers would be great

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I'm out of high school but I'll help anyone study. I took WAY too many AP tests back in the day.

Deleted user

How the actual HECK do you study for an AP test like APUSH?

@Moxie group

It's not actually that hard of test, you just have to know a lot of stuff. And if you take notes and learn all the material, and you know how to write a decent essay, you'll be totally set.

@Moxie group

The only reason I will do badly on this test is because I've barely studied. So if I have an essay and I don't know enough about the topic to actually provide evidence, I'm fucked. But if I know the material, I've written bomb-ass essays.

Deleted user

How the actual HECK do you study for an AP test like APUSH?

Get that goddamn study book. It's awesome AF.
Study with others. Seriously, my study group made it fun and non-stressful. The test itself isn't that hard, they just psych you out and blah blah blah. Keep calm, eat a sandwich, and reread all material from the beginning of the year.


My AP exam is in two days, and I can feel myself getting sick but even if I do get sick I’ll have to take the test anyway so that’ll be fun.