forum Let's make some friends!
Started by Stressed Coral

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Yep! Also we can't forget YUURI!!!: ON ICE

I haven't watched that! I want to so badly! They were selling it at WalMart but I Have No Money, so I couldn't get it! I cry

You can watch it legally for free on crunchyroll

I might, somebody said I could use their crunchyroll, but I'd feel guilty, but also, the anime is calling me

You don't need an account, just watch it with ads.

Yeah, that's what I did!

Stressed Coral

Shuri, have you watched Emo: The Musical?

No, but I am a fan of so many emo bands. Anything from MCR to P!ATD to TOP to TDG to Papa Roach, RED, Set It Off, Tool, and Breaking Benjamin! I'm a huge emo person.

It's on Netflix and I went into it not really expecting anything, maybe something a little silly, and it was silly, but it's also really good and also almost made me cry. Just for some perspective, I can't remember how long it's been since I last cried because I am #Empty Inside.

Stressed Coral

I know how it feels to be empty inside, I rarely ever had a show, or something of that nature make me cry. But, it has happened!

Gasp! What did it? If you don't mind me asking?


I know how it feels to be empty inside, I rarely ever had a show, or something of that nature make me cry. But, it has happened!

Gasp! What did it? If you don't mind me asking?

That's a tough question, I know there was something that made me cry at least once or twice, but I can't remember it. If I ever think about it, or remember it, I will tell you guys.

Stressed Coral

I love so many musicals. I also love Sanders Sides and Sherlock!

Somehow I ended up looping back to listening to Thomas Sanders songs, I have no clue how it happened.

Stressed Coral

I have another question! What are you guys working on? As in writing? I'm curious to hear what you've come up with!

Ehhhhhh, I'm bouncing around. I'm not really confident in any of my writing, so I've been trying to practice. Recently I wrote one called "Angel" based off the word Angel as a sort of exercise, and it's honestly my favorite work so far.


I have another question! What are you guys working on? As in writing? I'm curious to hear what you've come up with!

Ehhhhhh, I'm bouncing around. I'm not really confident in any of my writing, so I've been trying to practice. Recently I wrote one called "Angel" based off the word Angel as a sort of exercise, and it's honestly my favorite work so far.

Would you like to share it with me? Either here, or in the personal message inbox? I would love to read it!


I'm working on one about this person who is trying to become the strongest person in the world (there's like this ranking thing based on who they've killed with their powers) and the one thing in the way is the current strongest person in the world, a guy who is in love with the MC despite not knowing them who the MC hates with a passion

Stressed Coral

I have another question! What are you guys working on? As in writing? I'm curious to hear what you've come up with!

Ehhhhhh, I'm bouncing around. I'm not really confident in any of my writing, so I've been trying to practice. Recently I wrote one called "Angel" based off the word Angel as a sort of exercise, and it's honestly my favorite work so far.

Would you like to share it with me? Either here, or in the personal message inbox? I would love to read it!

Sure! It's rather short and.. how exactly do I do that? See, I've had this account for a while, but writing kind of feels like poking a bear with a stick so I've been reluctant to write, so I don't really know how to do much on this website. Oopsie


Basically, you go to that envelope on the top right corner of the page, start a conversation, @ me, and post a reply. Then I will get a notification, and we can converse from there.


I guess, I would like to hear more about it if you would be so kind,Euric!

So pretty much the main character has a mind control power, but as it's extremely powerful it has humongous drawbacks on them and is pretty difficult to use. They become close to the most powerful person so they can use their power to kill him without huge damage to themself.

Stressed Coral

I guess, I would like to hear more about it if you would be so kind,Euric!

So pretty much the main character has a mind control power, but as it's extremely powerful it has humongous drawbacks on them and is pretty difficult to use. They become close to the most powerful person so they can use their power to kill him without huge damage to themself.

Oh snap, that sounds really cool. Let me know how it turns out?


I guess, I would like to hear more about it if you would be so kind,Euric!

So pretty much the main character has a mind control power, but as it's extremely powerful it has humongous drawbacks on them and is pretty difficult to use. They become close to the most powerful person so they can use their power to kill him without huge damage to themself.

Oh snap, that sounds really cool. Let me know how it turns out?

It really just a concept right now. I write in a weird way where I write the story without much planning and add on as I go cause that's how I work best and then rewrite it with more detail and everything