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Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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I know what I'd have!

Reality warping! At it's most powerful, it is omnipotence, at it's lowest, it's a cool but cheap trick… I'd pick somewhere in the middle because being too broken in terms of power is no fun… Examples of reality warping characters include Castiel, Thanos and Darkseid of course…


Mind control. I can do whatever I want and I can exploit other people's powers (E.g. I could get @"actual.fandom.trash" to teleport me to different places). If there are no limitations, then I can take the whole world and become President O-O

You'd just have to ask. It's easier. You don't even know who I am


I know what I'd have!

Reality warping! At it's most powerful, it is omnipotence, at it's lowest, it's a cool but cheap trick… I'd pick somewhere in the middle because being too broken in terms of power is no fun… Examples of reality warping characters include Castiel, Thanos and Darkseid of course…

That's really cool too!


Yeah… It's basically the "whatever I say, goes" of powers… That's why I'd only want it at medium levels. I could help so many people by doing things like…

  • warping away world hunger
  • warping away cancer
  • warping away climate change
  • creating an army of helper spirits to protecc all of humanity's cinnamon rolls


I'd probably want to be able to shapeshift. And not just like, shifting to different animals or changing my features, but also just completely changing what form of matter I'm in. Like, I could turn into the wind itself or even become the interstellar wind in space itself. It would be so cool.


I would want my power to be able to create or destroy anything. My only limitations would be my imagination and morals.

That's the same reason I chose my power!



If I had a super power it would be invisibility. It can be extremely useful. You could go anywhere for free, skip lines, go unnoticed. Like you could get on a plane without anyone seeing you, and that means you could go anywhere. Or you could help people, like help lift the weight of something. Or you could freak people out by holding things and making them float.