forum Let’s get to know each other!
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Deleted user

So, I’m rather new here. And I figure that while I don’t know much about any of you, the same goes for me, none of you know very much about me. So I thought of something to help us get to know each other.

Share facts, any facts about yourself. Don’t feel like they need to be very personal facts either. We’ll go on from there.

Here are some facts about me.

I used to have two budgies, Banjo and Comet. Although they are no longer with us, they were some of the best birds I’ve met, and I practically grew up with them.

I speak three languages. Those are English, of course, then Ukrainian, and finally, Crimean Tatar.

I have moved only once in my entire life. I have also lived in only one country, and that is Ukraine.

Among the countries that I hope to visit in the future, France is at the top of my list.

@ClownB*tch eco

Hi! I'm Alex, i'm a demiboy who uses he/they pronouns and is panromantic polysexual polyamorous, I love to be in and run rps, i'm currently running a few, if anyone is interested you can find them in my profile under 'Recent Activity' I am learning japanese, swedish, asl and spanish. I really want to visit japan and I am very interested in japanese street fashion, writing my novel and drawing (as well as how to get high legally)


Hey there! Name's Dragon. I'm female, and I am aromantic and asexual. I like rping, although the only ones I've ever created died shortly after. I love books; Wings of Fire and Warriors are my two favorite series. I also love singing and listening to music, movies, and any food as long as it tastes good. Also, I despise the taste and smell of chocolate. I absolutely love animals, I have a dog, I'm pretty decent at art, though not digital art, so I mostly use line art. I love anything fantasy, especially the Renaissance Festival and Dungeons & Dragons(DnD for short).

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Names James, I like Webtoon. My favorites right now are Brass and Sass and Castle Swimmers. Uhhhh I play French horn, mellophone, and trumpet. I spin flag and rifle for winter guard. I’m trans (ftm) and pan. I overshare online and have like no friends

@redwood eco

Hiya. I'm 藤田, but you could call me Redwood or Red if you prefer it. I write more poetry than anything else, but prose is fun too sometimes. I hold unused concepts in my brain for days until I finally forget them.
A few facts are:

  • I can't count to 100 in English without repeating 30.
  • I enjoy drawing, though more often traditionally than digitally. That may change.
  • I've moved at least 7 times in my lifetime.
  • I enjoy painting seashells.
  • I like games like BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, and King of Fighters
  • I read manga in my spare time, one of my favourites is One-Punch Man
  • And my favourite poem is 雨ニモマケズ

Nice to meet you.

@Becfromthedead group

Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Bec, and I use she/they pronouns. I joined this site three years ago to help with organizing my writing and fleshing out my characters. I'm demisexual, bisexual, and gender questioning (maybe genderfluid/genderflux, but who knows? Not me.)

  • I've been writing for over 10 years, even if a lot of it was kind of fanfiction when I was younger.
  • I'm a 21-year-old college student, majoring in public health and minoring in psychology.
  • I work for my state's health department currently, helping with COVID-19 investigation.
  • I'm kind of a jack of all trades. I write, knit, embroider, paint, draw, dabble in digital art, and I can play piano, ukulele, a bit of guitar, and sing. Currently trying to get into jewelry-making. I also make knit dolls! Too many hobbies, too little time.
  • I play a lot of video games, mainly rpgs and cute games. Some of my current favorites include Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Legend of Zelda, Hades, and the list goes on. I'm garbage at fighting games (except Tekken for some ungodly reason)
  • I'm engaged to my partner of 4 years, though we're not getting married until after we finish undergrad at least.

@larcenistarsonist group

Heyo!! I'm MJ and I primarily use she/her pronouns but I don't really care what you call me by XD I'm pan and I don't even remember how I found notebook

Some random facts bout me I guess:

  • I'm in a band, we're deciding on a name but I think we're going with The Younger
  • I play electric bass and sing
  • I looooooooooooooooooove Splatoon
  • I'm known as Ice Queen at my school because of my steely gray eyes
  • I like to write and draw a lot but I'm not very good at either XD
  • I want to be a pyrotechnician
  • I'm a 4.0 GPA student

Deleted user

Hi. I don't have any nicknames and I'm not going to use my real one. You can call me anything you want because I don't respond unless I'm in a good mood anyways. I'm really bad at talking to people but here we go.
~ I like making up codes and stuff like that. I know Morse Code and I'm trying to learn German.
~ I do not like the letter C. I have reasons for this I promise.
~ I tried to befriend a flock of crows. It didn't work. Crows don't like orange peels.
~ Anxiety. Yes that I have plenty of that.
~ I'm Catholic :)
~ I have 3 dogs! A little one, a big one and a bigger one. (there's a conspiracy theory going around that the big one is immortal.)
~ I get very upset when I see narwhal stuffed animals.
So anyway. I need a way to end this.

Deleted user

Hey, my name is Ace. You can call me Tree or whatever.

Here's the facts about me

  • I am Pagan/Wiccan
  • I like solving things!! Codes, Mysteries, problems, etc! It makes me feel good!!
  • I'm non-binary, using he/they pronouns.
  • I'm polyfluid (if that makes sense??), pansexual and panromantic
  • I am a beginner started when I was in 8th grade. I am now a sophomore.
  • I have a lot of issues, mostly surrounding my body
    That's really all I have to say