forum Let's do a writing experiment and combine our worldbuilding abilities to form an amalgum universe for no reason!
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

people_alt 4 followers


can there also be floating living puffballs that no one understands but just live there and eat nothing and they have very judging auras
idk it sounds fun


Well I don't actually watch Dragonball Z, I only see it on my friends Tv and that's when I'm passing by, and that's only a few seconds of it.


can there also be floating living puffballs that no one understands but just live there and eat nothing and they have very judging auras
idk it sounds fun

Awww I love that radon idea<3

Deleted user

Science fiction? drama? Fantasy? Comedy? all in one?

That's Discworld honey. But good idea.

Deleted user

Maybe a world where cats had evolved to the point humans did instead of bonobos? (Yes that is a type of ape, where humans stemmed from.)

Deleted user

Like Nekos?

No, have you read this webtoon on Line Webtoon called Lackadaisy? Kinda like that.


Here are a few questions we can ask about our world.

1: How advanced is the technology?
2: What is the geography like?
3: What language do they speak and is there diversity of language?
4: Where do they live? Underground, underwater, in high rise buildings?
5: What are the social customs? What do people accept? What is taboo?
6: What is the education system like?
7: What are the animals like? Consequently, are there pets?
8: What are the occupations or jobs?
9: What is the average lifespan/population?
10: What are some things about their culture?


Here are some of the answers to that…

  1. It depends on the region. At most a bet less than the Riddick series, easily sci-fi.
  2. I'm thinking 5 continents, Simolliaca, or desert continent, Terquisnira or mountain and valley continent, Tenshimiru or tropical mountainous continent, Valiana, or tundra continent and the most diverse continent is Mitucheria, each one named after an Elemental God/Goddess.
  3. Varied languages, one that is Nomadic or Commontalk, one that is Celestial, one that is Infernal, one that is Spiritual, and a few others.
  4. Earth, sky, sea, wherever they can…
  5. Varies. You can't just have one universal culture of it gets boring.
  6. Usually decent and focused on applicable things. Overall it depends.
  7. Normal ones and mythical creatures.
  8. Depends on the place.
  9. Average lifespan is 85, population, is 6.7 Billion.
  10. It varies.

That's my piece. Feel free to expand upon it as you wish. It's not much.


0….0 i obviously don't world build enough because i never even thought of those questions very much
soooo yeah thanks for that