@Elder-God-Whisper work
Salutations! 🤣
Salutations! 🤣
Pardon me, if I'm not welcome here. I just saw this while scrolling by and was curious what it was for.
Lol, we were joking around in the discord. We get notifs of all new discussions, and one of them just had “hi” so Lee (on the discord) said hi and when I replied with salutations (because we were all joking around) Lee said there needed to be a discussion starting with that so it made sense. So I made one! XD
I’m an old Notebookian who hasn’t been on here in a while, so I was just messing around
Hmm, I don't really understand half of what you said. But thanks for your response!
Np! (Basically notebook has a discord that a lot of the old Notebookers hang out in, if that’s what needed clarification)
Mn, I understand a little better now. Thank you, Whisper.
salutes and moonwalks out
Np! (Basically notebook has a discord that a lot of the old Notebookers hang out in, if that’s what needed clarification)
is there any chance i could have an invite to the server….i was on here like 4 years ago and i miss yall ngl
Np! (Basically notebook has a discord that a lot of the old Notebookers hang out in, if that’s what needed clarification)
is there any chance i could have an invite to the server….i was on here like 4 years ago and i miss yall ngl
Heya, here’s an invite, but andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) said that it should also be in an announcement
It's also at the bottom of every page now. Everyone is welcome :)
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