forum leaving forever bye (see page 2)
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 51 followers

Deleted user

Haven't been very talkative in a while, slammed with a lot. But hey, how're you, my dude? What's your favorite story in progress?

I'm decent enough. that moment when none of your WIPs actually have titles Probably my story from Nanowrimo. I had to do it for a class and I went in with a half formed idea that I practically threw out partway through. 0/10, would not recommend. I'd like to think I've developed it since then, though help how do I talk

Ooof, it's alrigh. There's no progress without bumps in the road. As long as you follow passion and hard work it will come and when it does it'll be worth it.

Deleted user

Heyo, I think I remember you, but I'm not quite sure. Summer of 2018 was a weird one for me.
Anyways, hello! Not sure if you remember me or if we interacted at all but the name's Ace. Of course, you can also call me Red, as most everyone does. Welcome back to the site.

Red! Nice to see ya again. (didn't see this- i am a big dumbass) Never talked that much but yeah.

Lmao it's fine man. Glad I made enough of an impression for someone to remember me lol
How are you?

I'm good, tired, stressed, a possible broken ankle but it's good! And bruh you're like one of the coolest older users on here, of course you're gonna make a great impression on the younger ones I'm nearly an older user, halp, i feel like im 12


Heyo, I think I remember you, but I'm not quite sure. Summer of 2018 was a weird one for me.
Anyways, hello! Not sure if you remember me or if we interacted at all but the name's Ace. Of course, you can also call me Red, as most everyone does. Welcome back to the site.

Red! Nice to see ya again. (didn't see this- i am a big dumbass) Never talked that much but yeah.

Lmao it's fine man. Glad I made enough of an impression for someone to remember me lol
How are you?

I'm good, tired, stressed, a possible broken ankle but it's good! And bruh you're like one of the coolest older users on here, of course you're gonna make a great impression on the younger ones I'm nearly an older user, halp, i feel like im 12

Woah woah hey now, possible broken ankle? I hope that it gets better for you, Con. I really do.
Pssh no I ain't, there are definitely some way cooler older users compared to me.
Big oof on that one chief. I felt like that too, once. The feeling will eventually subside.

Deleted user

ah! i remember you! weren't you that one person that was really close friends with emi?
also, do i call you con or your old full name?

uh you could kinda say that? as for the name thing, I don't care either way really

alrighty cool
oh and also, i forgot to introduce myself.
i wasn't on too much in 2018 but i went by the name Tam. you probably don't remember because i was a big ol' shy kid back then still am and almost never spoke. but yeah, it's nice to have you back! i thought you were a pretty cool user even though we never really spoke. i just mostly watched

Deleted user

I felt like I was a big shithead back then, I was pretty much sheltered from people for a few years so I didn't know how to act around people. But hey, you seem like a neat person!
And it's good, just can't walk normally. It let out on me on a hike while on a rocky slope and has been puffing up and aching since, no blood or bruising so I'm still livin'.

Deleted user

Being on the forums of this site is doing a large mental and emotional toll on me, it's making me hate myself so much again and making me feel very isolated and standoff-ish. Being this close to this many people is breaking me, especially after months of family-only isolation, a rough breakup, and a severe relationship that had drama that lasted six months afterward because of significant mental and physical abuse.
I may have to permanently call it quits, too much shit happened here, too many fights, worthless drama, people calling others liars, toxicity and toxicity upon each other, putting younger or more inexperienced users down, not to mention the lack of activity these days.
I'm not meant to be a community person, not anymore anyway. My anxiety can't handle it. I thought I could come back, spend time with all my old acquaintances and friends again, but too much has happened to me and I'm breaking again, even after one day of just browsing the forums and trying to chat. I know I sound dramatic.

If you don't care about what I'm writing, then fine. shrug

It's making me realize how flip-floppy I am, but I guess this is an official goodbye from ConnieTheMediator/ConnieTheAdvocate? I may change my mind and pop on a better time when life isn't this stressful.

I just don't think I can stay here and stay sane at the same time, for this quarantine at least. :/

Deleted user

it's alrighty ! you can come back whenever you feel better
we'll be waiting for you tho
bye connie !

Deleted user

If you ever need me for writing mentoring, worldbuilding advice, or just to chat, my discord is Devil'sAdvoc8#3586.

@Anemone eco

Okay, I didn't know you at all, but I'm sure people will miss you. Sad I didn't get a chance to know you better, but farewell!

Deleted user

Since I'm fairly new here and still dont know quite a lot of people, I dont think I have ever seen/met you. I'm so sorry you are leaving though. Come back whenever you want or when you are ready. If you ever do return, I'd like to get to know you more, you seem pretty cool. But since I dont like goodbyes, I'll just say, see you later! :)


bye connie! I remember you and I remember that you were really cool (to me)
we'll miss you but it's totally understandable that you're leaving and I wish you well

Deleted user

oh connie, sorry that i missed you.
bye :)