forum leaving for a while. [SIKE]
Started by @d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

people_alt 58 followers

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

hi guys.
you most likely don't know me. i'm pretty new to this site, only been on for a few months. but i've made a decision to take a break from here.
if you didn't know, i live in a country where i don't speak the native language. i have to go to a certain school to learn it. my parents are expecting me to enter a normal high school curriculum next year in said language.
i've only been learning for six months.

so, in short, since i can't change their minds, i need to really buckle down and work on this. because i shouldnt start to cry out of fear because of how much i'm not ready.

i've let this site become a priority it shouldn't have, so (at least until the summer break) i'm going to refrain from visiting. that way i can focus on what really needs to be done before i let my whole life fuck itself over. i'm resigning from other socials too, so don't think it's you guys, because it isn't. you're all wonderful people.

thanks for tolerating my dramatic ass. you've all been pretty great. i'll see you soon, i hope.

don't hit the zombie pigmen.

love, ocean ❤


aww we're gonna miss you!

remember that we care about you and can't wait for when you come back and until then, good luck with everything! stay safe, have some fun, and come back soon <3

Deleted user

Okay love.
where do you live??
You got this. Stay healthy and come back when you can.

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

jesus fucking christ, i'm getting more support and appreciation from a few random people on the internet than i ever have from any of my family members

thank you, these tears are happy ones this time :)


Good luck learning the language! It's tough, but you got this. You're wise for deciding to focus on that, but we'll miss you a lot. Love you! <3

@saor_illust school

jlkdskjkjsdkj ohno i missed it !! awww i'm sorry fren, i'll miss you!!
but as always, real life takes priority over online stuff, so take your time-
in the meantime, we'll all be here for you when you return!