forum Ko-fi Coffee for Fans of Artists!
Started by @RebeccArt

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Heyooo, I'm an artist. So I'm here to tell you about Ko-fi. It's a website where people can support other artists by 'buying coffee' for them, which really means donating $3.00 or more to help the artist reach their fund goals. I wanted to share this with all of you in hopes of getting my own supporters, I've been struggling a lot lately with pulling in more viewers let alone customers for commissions! I'd appreciate it deeply if you check it out and buy me coffee. You can also leave a comment on my page, friendly words please I have a gentle soul. Andddd if anyone is interested, I am still open for commissions just dm me for details. Thanks!
If you'd like to check out my art go here!

Deleted user

I would love to support you (and every single other artist I ever see) but I have no money -_- I am sorry


I would love to support you (and every single other artist I ever see) but I have no money -_- I am sorry



oof I'm broke too no worries, and @ravens could you give me more details as to what she looks like, what pose she should be in, and sort of a bit of context for her personality? Tell me how you envision her basically..


She should be standing with her hands on her hips. She wears a dark green shirt and black leggings. Either black Converse or Nikes are fine. Her hair is cut just above her shoulders and the ends are dyed dark green. (just a reminder: her skin is light brown and her hair is dark brown.) She's a little on the short side—maybe 4'9"-ish?
As for her personality, she's an ambivert but leaning towards extrovert. She also has chromesthesia (sounds have color) and auditory-tactile synesthesia (she can feel sounds). She likes to play video games (think Zelda or whatever it's called—I'm not an expert). Her dad is a huge fan of 70s/80s music, so she'd grown up listening to that. Her favorite animals are dragons. Green is her favorite color (if you couldn't tell already), preferably darker shades.
hope that's enough