forum Just the Little Things
Started by @Crisis

people_alt 4 followers


Oooh lemonade
When you play cards with your family and have an excuse to smack your dad bc he's pretending to look at your cards

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My dog
More cheesecake


I got free lemonade like a week ago and it was the most magical experience. This lil kid had a lemonade stand, and I thought she was selling it, but I didn't have money. But she's like NO IT'S FREE I WANT TO GIVE PPL LEMONADE and it was honestly the highlight of my day


Awww! Mine is seeing stray cats outside and petting them bc I don't give a shit if I get sick, I love this cat it is adorable and it was worth it

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When your kitten thinks he can rule the world when he's the size of a donut 😂


all types of cats
also dogs
music of all types
other people
the smell of fresh baked cookies/cinnamon rolls/banana bread
lil kiddos bein' lil kiddos
vine compilations
the fact that everything ends. even though at first that might seem sad because there are things you don't want to end, well, it also means bad things end and better things begin.
yay for fake deep
okay im done


When you write something dark and share it bc they look at you like 'omg this sweet, adorable, innocent, rule following, self conscious little teenager came up with that'


When you write something dark and share it bc they look at you like 'omg this sweet, adorable, innocent, rule following, self conscious little teenager came up with that'

HONESTLY YEAH???? Like I wrote this one short story and bc I was submitting it to a competition I had all my friends read it and they're like…. KATHERINE WHY DID YOU KILL HER THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HAPPY???? But you know what it's okay bc I was a finalist (didn't win tho). Sad stuff gets you places lol


You just gotta put stuff in and hope for the best. Just write a whole lotta stuff. The more stuff you have the more good stuff you'll have. I mean you'll have a whole lotta bad stuff too… (I have a doc in Gdrive that's literally titled "the trashiest story I've ever written," it's so bad) but like… good stuff!!!