forum just realized I don't know who anyone is
Started by @SaltyLasagna

people_alt 10 followers


So the halloween game made me realize that I pretty much don't know anybody on this website except for maybe like 5 people
Like seriously while we were playing the halloween game people kept tossing around usernames and I was just like "who??? the fuck?????"
so now I feel bad and I want to get to know you guys lmao

Deleted user


i am cripplingly depressed and also an ace theater kid


You just described me…


I always recognize people's usernames but I never actually know anything about them whoops

Deleted user

Hi Jensy,
I'm the AnimeAddict and I too do not know a lot of people on here

@Imperfect_Autumn group

I feel like, because of how long I've been here, I should know more people on here than I actually do. Like, yeah, I recognize usernames and such, but I don't actually RP with a lot of people…

@Darkblossom group

I feel like, because of how long I've been here, I should know more people on here than I actually do. Like, yeah, I recognize usernames and such, but I don't actually RP with a lot of people…

Wwwweeeeelllllllll…………..I’ve started an RP in the Fantasy Tavern section called ‘Battle Sun’ and it hasn’t started quite yet I’m waiting for more people so if you want you can join!(please join)

Deleted user

I've been on notebook for a while, but I don't rp. :/ Alot of users seem to rather rp than chat, so I don't really know that many people.


I'm really angry with myself because at first I thought it was you as the imposter
and then I thought "nah can't be Maria"
and i was so fucking wrong uuugggggghhhhhhhhhhhh

Deleted user

XD Why did you think it couldn't be me in the end?? I'm know for being the crazy one.

@HighPockets group


i am cripplingly depressed and also an ace theater kid


Hi I'm the other cripplingly depressed and also ace theatre kid. Slightly older than Confuzzled. I also like Star Wars, while Confuzzled doesn't. And I'm a good deal less polite at times.