forum Just a teensy little rant about my homework, you can ignore this

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So I have a whole page of math homework to do, which isn’t that bad on its own, but I don’t know what most of the lesson is about or how to do it. The page is due tomorrow, and I suppose that I could work on it a bit in my class before math, but that wouldn’t help with my knowledge of the information. In Language Arts we’ve been reading the Odyssey, and I should be caught up with this, but because of my laziness I’m not. I have to write 11 different cards on 11 different characters of the Odyssey. I need to draw a picture of them, rank them of their power on a scale of 1-10, list their strengths and weaknesses, write about how they help or hinder Odysseus, then put down the outcome of their meeting. I need index cards to do these, and I’m not sure if I actually have any. In Social Studies I have to work on this map thing, and the exact answers are in an Atlas at school that I’m not allowed to take home, so I’ll have to look up the answers and hope for the best, that is if my mom doesn’t take away my laptop tonight because I haven’t cleaned my room. In science, I have a little bit of homework due tomorrow which should be easy to finish, but you never know. Also, I’m always getting distracted on Pinterest for an hour or so. I also need to get started on rewriting The Little Mermaid in modern times, which is for a competition, not homework. Anyways, I share a room with my sister who always goes to bed early, so I can’t keep the lights on to work. I’d have to work on my stuff in my bathroom, which is covered in clothes and the floor is wet because I got out of the shower 20 minutes ago. I’m sure no one will read this super long paragraph, but that’s okay. I just wanted to rant and wish myself luck.

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@snowflake_castiel I'm sorry you have so much homework! I myself have questions assigned from three different pages in my math textbook but there aren't that many questions for each page. Theoretically it should be easy presuming I understood any of it which I don't because I have a crap student teacher who can't explain things for the life of him. Of course, this all seemed much worse before I encountered your post and now I just feel like sending you internet hugs.