forum Just A Little Encouragement
Started by @Natasha

people_alt 7 followers


You are beautiful.
You are amazing.
You are loved and treasured, don't listen to people who say otherwise.
You aren't perfect, but no one is. Don't sweat it.
You are perfectly imperfect in the very best ways.
You are unique and amazing in your own ways.
Somebody is trying their hardest to make sure that you have a good life.
The difficult times in your life will eventually pass, and you will be stronger than before.
Until then, hold onto the hope that things will get better.
In the end, it will all be okay. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
Just breath. Put your hand over your heart. You feel that? It means purpose. You're here for a reason.
If you need to laugh, just imagine a t-rex trying to make a bed with its tiny arms. It works, I promise.


You're welcome and if you want keep your notifications of for this thread bc Imma post more encouragement.


You have been assigned this mountain to show others that it can be moved.
Follow your dreams. Make them goals. I believe you can do it. I believe in you.
Don't give up. Great things take time.
You got this.
You can do it. Prove those people who said you couldn't wrong.


I tried pretty damn hard to not laugh at the t-rex thing cuz my brothers are asleep and i should be too rn lol so this weird snorting noise came out of my mouth and I could hear my parents downstairs asking each other what that noise was lol.