forum Just A Dumb For Relationship Problems
Started by @rebelwithareadingproblem

people_alt 4 followers

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I wanna die because highschool is exhausting and I forgot how to spell "rhythm"


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I legit forget how to spell stuff like that

i forgot my multiplication table xDD

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i'm taking AP History and it's so exausting and stressful

i think if i drop it i'll get smart

but i love my teacher so muuuchhhhhh and my parents would kick my ass if i dropped it

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Just a freshie so I don't have that problem yet lol

I'm a freshie too

Our school district offers one AP class to freshman and it is literally one of the hardest to pass.

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Ours is

1 AP for Freshies, the hardest one
Maybe like, 6-7 AP classes for Sohpoes
Dude Juniors have AP classes pouring out of hole in their body, even the dead stupid are taking at least THREE AP classes
Seniors bro if I weeeerrrree to take one

Iā€™d take llliiiiikekkeeeeee


@HighPockets group

i forgot my multiplication table xDD

Same tho, 'what's 8x4" fuck, i need a calculator counts desperately on fingers

I can do division and multiplication in my head, but need to count on my fingers to add. sighs Why?