forum jenga summons you. you know who u r ;) (private chat lmao)
Started by @icecubes

people_alt 35 followers

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage


at the character page you'll see 3 white dots and one RED dot (the edit button)
click the far left dot and it'll give u a pop up screen
make sure his character profile is public ! and maybe the universe too?idk if it matters but mine is public
and then copy the link at the top of the pop up screen and paste it here!

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

anna. i want u to know. that drawing of leon and rove. it gets me every time. i've seen it before. i know what's coming. but as soon as i read "Leo i'm gonna need you to focus" i lose it. that is the peak of comedy. that is the funniest thing and it will never stop being funny to me.