forum its late at night and ppl probably aren't gonna see this but i need book title/cover advice
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Deleted user

So I'm considering writing a story about recovering addict's (his name will be Frank) view of life told by his best friends and roommate, Andy. In the end, I think I'll have Frank die. There are a lot more details but I wrote a few lines without actions, just words and I would love to have some feedback (considering I wrote it in like 30 mins) I also made two covers for two different titles I like:
I would probably read the blurb before looking a the titles (just sayin)
also DISCLAIMER I WROTE THIS @ like 2 n the morning im back from a mosh pit (it was sick) CRINGE WARNING
"Would it make a difference?"
"Regular dust and diamond dust."
"What d'you mean?"
"Well, imagine you're breathing in dust into your lungs; you're choking and coughing. But what about dust particles made of diamonds? Would it feel exactly the same?"
"Still pretty lost."
"Diamonds as a whole are treasured by modern society as a symbol of status and elegance, but when reduced to dust, would the pain be higher, lower, or the same as breathing in the regular dust? If higher, would that symbolize how even the most beautiful things, fractionized into microscopic particles still can cause agony? Is there a message there? If the same, what would that tell us about how we live? We love these things yet once they are almost gone, they still hold as much pain as the simpler material."
"And what about if it doesn't hurt as much?"
"I don't know.
"What do you mean you don't know? You just went Byron-Shakespeare on me."
"I guess it means diamonds will always be more beautiful and preferred to than regular dust."
"Yeah, maybe."
"Just like people in the world."
"Do you always have to come up with arguments and metaphors of society in this way?"
"Yes, why?"
"Because I think you should do it more often."

"I don't want you to go."
"It's okay."
"No, it's-"
"Remember what I told you, dust and diamonds and all that?"
"Yes, of course, I-"
"We're all diamonds, Andy. We're diamonds of dust. The only important choice in life is to choose how much pain we cause."

and yeah im extremely tired and my eyeliner is makin me look like a racoon maybe if i go outside for once, a band of racoons will accept me as one of their own

Deleted user

Yeah that sounds good, I gtg to sleep now but thx!


You can always change the title later on as the style of your story may change. There is no need to pick a definite title right now.
On a different note: I wanted to say that you're very good at letting the characters come across and making me care for them without actually giving a description. I hope you write more so I can one day read it.

Deleted user

Oh thanks to both of you! But I have other titles in mind that might affect the story so its really difficult to write until I'm 100% sure what to do.