forum Is this a good idea for a story?
Started by @AxolotlWarrior2506

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It probably been used before, but I want to do my take on it.

Meet Beatrice Artemis Cervantes, the teachers pet, the girl who is popular, friendly, cute, and kind. Inside her head, all her emotions hang out. There are the prime emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Anger. There are a little bit obscurer emotions: Embarrassment, Flirtatious, Confusion. And there is a jail inside her head, a secure cell, where the emotions are never let out. The emotions in this cell? There are seven: Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath. Bea keeps them hidden, never letting them take control. Until one day, they get out, and Bea is thrown into an emotional roller coaster as her friends see who they really are.

It sounds really clique, but does anyone have any idea how to improve on it? I really like this idea, but I feel I need some advice.

@HighPockets group

I like the addition of the 7 deadly sins, and you're writing it far enough after Inside Out came out that it won't be viewed as a rip-off and will be viewed as its own idea, as it should be. Make sure to add depth to each character, since there's so many.