forum Is there a way to bold or italicize certain words in our entries?
Started by @papermoon

people_alt 3 followers


I tend to write a lot in my character profiles and like creating subsections where I can elaborate more on small details. I don't think html brackets work here, is there any other way to do it? If not, thank you anyway! I'm new here and learning the ropes still C:

@Riorlyne pets

You can also create a nice little divider line by putting three hyphens on a row by themselves

Like so.

You can also make lists by starting lines with asterisk then space, or hyphen then space.

  • Trait 1
  • Trait 2

  • Trait A
  • Trait B

And you can do numbered lists too, by starting with a number then a period

  1. Trait 1
  2. Trait 2

(If you click ‘quote’ on this comment you’ll see the exact formatting.)


Thank you both so so much! This is an even more detailed answer than I thought I would get. I hope you both have a lovely day :)

I have one last question. I know we can put links in bios, is there a way to hyperlink? AKA writing "click here" to be sent to a certain image or song on youtube? Thanks again!

@Riorlyne pets

@papermoon - We can do that in posts but it doesn’t appear to work on character pages. In posts the formatting is

Click here

(Quote this post to see formatting)
Replace ‘url’ with the right URL and ‘Click here’ with the text you want to show.


Thank you yet again for all the help! Oh well, even though it isn't quite as tidy I found that works well as a quick fix for my problem and gets the job done :)

@Riorlyne pets

A late update, but I have discovered that it is possible to hyperlink on page templates. Simply put the text you want to show in square brackets, followed by the URL in parentheses.

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