forum Is Premium worth it?
Started by @dreambynight

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I'm both new to this website and a young writer, and want to know from others if getting Premium is worth it. I want to be able to expand on my stories and be able to fully describe not just locations, but specific countries and towns. I could simply do that with locations, but being more specific would be nice. But is it worth it?


Being able to put things into their proper categories is much better. I used to keep extra Universes inside of Locations but then not being able to tag things properly was a pain.
Basically: proper nesting is something you think you can spoof, but when you're able to do it, you wonder how you managed without. Then, even if I didn't think I would use things like Plants or Races much, I remembered I had a couple that I could write down. If you have very in-depth universe(s), absolutely do it.

Also, think of it less as paying for a free-to-use website and more as a recurring donation to a service you are enjoying!