forum Is it okay to cry randomly?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 36 followers

Deleted user


Crying is very healthy for the body and it's proven that people who cry more often than people who don't are happier. Well, are heathier because of the chemicals that are released when you cry, wether it be angry tears, stress tears, or sad tears.


I do it all the time, it's always better to cry than try to hold it in. I'm here for you if you need some digital hugs or someone to talk to, okay? I know things are hard and I want to help you through it.


Emi is right there's a huge flood of serotonin that is released in your brain when you cry, so my advice in that area is when you feel the need to cry it will be beneficial to let it happen. However, to be frank if you have stresses in your life that cause you burst in to tears with no apparent causes… that's not good and that stress can be detrimental to your emotional and mental health. I know this is easier said than done but if it is possible to remove or limit these stressors in your life then obviously do that. If you can't remember that sleep and hydration are VITAL (seriously a whole week of 9 hours of REM works wonders), Increased blood flow aka good diet and exercise improve overall mood as well.

Deleted user

But like…All the time…Or laughing at a confession Even though you liked that person?


But like…All the time…Or laughing at a confession Even though you liked that person?

That's also normal (for me at least, although the confessions are fictional characters even when I ship them)

Deleted user

But like…All the time…Or laughing at a confession Even though you liked that person?

That's also normal (for me at least, although the confessions are fictional characters even when I ship them)

That's why the person I like hates me…

Deleted user

I just…Everything…Everyone's leaving me…And my PTSD keeps getting triggered…And voices…


I know I've said this before, but I'm always here for you. I want to help you in any way I can, you're such an amazing friend and it hurts me to see you like this.

@Mojack group

I just want you to know, while I may not be the most outgoing or talkative person in the world, that I am here for you. We are here for you.

My PMs are open at any time.


I just…Everything…Everyone's leaving me…And my PTSD keeps getting triggered…And voices…

I solemnly promise but I will never, ever leave you as long as it is within my power to stay. You've been a real blessing to this community and I'd like keep you here and support you as much as I can. I know you're going through a rough time, and frankly so am I, and a few others here as well. We promise to support you through these hard times, and to help you in any way possible, or at the very least I do.

Deleted user

Yeah…I can't take most of the medicine…I'm Hemophilic.

Deleted user

I just…Everything…Everyone's leaving me…And my PTSD keeps getting triggered…And voices…

I solemnly promise but I will never, ever leave you as long as it is within my power to stay. You've been a real blessing to this community and I'd like keep you here and support you as much as I can. I know you're going through a rough time, and frankly so am I, and a few others here as well. We promise to support you through these hard times, and to help you in any way possible, or at the very least I do.

Thanks Shuri….


I just…Everything…Everyone's leaving me…And my PTSD keeps getting triggered…And voices…

I solemnly promise but I will never, ever leave you as long as it is within my power to stay. You've been a real blessing to this community and I'd like keep you here and support you as much as I can. I know you're going through a rough time, and frankly so am I, and a few others here as well. We promise to support you through these hard times, and to help you in any way possible, or at the very least I do.

Thanks Shuri….

Anything for you.