forum Is it emotional abuse or am I just being dramatic?
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

my mom.
oooooh my mom. recently, she has been more and more stressed with just about…everything. nothing I do is right. Sometimes she'll be the sweet, loving mom I have known my whole life. And them sometimes she's just like, a whole different person. She makes me hate myself, and she blames me for everything. She often tells me and my sister (who is 11) that we are the root of her problems and one time she said we make her want to kill herself. I really dont think I'm …that bad, are I? Today she was mad at us, and she told me to "go jump in a lake" for all she cared. She then said I could go live with my grandmother because she was tired of all the abuse. She also brings up all the things she has every done for me like, alll the time. She's obsessed with cleaning and everything being neat and tidy, and many days I dont have time to get homework done becuase of her ridiculous obsession.
Whenever she's mad, she likes to rant about it to another adult when she knows I am within hearing distance. She'll complain about us, and if I Say something like "hey i'm right here" she says "I know" with the meanest tone of voice. She constantly dismisses my feelings as "teen angst" and any time I try to call her out on it she melts. down. and proclaims that I am attacking her and stuff. I just dont know what to do.

Is this what moms are supposed to be like???? I just dont know anymore, or if I'm just making stuff up. I need help. I have no one to talk to because my dad is taking her side too. I'm worried about my little brothers, what if this is the life they grow up with? At least I got a few happy years in, will they get none?

Deleted user

I just feel like she's manipulating me all the time. always making me feel bad. I'm honestly considering some,,,,,,,bad stuff . I dont know what to do


Go talk to a counselor at school if you can… Professional help is probably the best way to start. And we'll be here to help take the load off… Anything you need, PM me…

Deleted user

you dont get it. I dont know how much more of this I can take. she's blaming me for more things now, she took my phone, my only connection to other people, and she's just told me that my dad's medical problem is my fault because I didn't do my dishes
this isn't okay this isn't okay I AM NOT OKAY I DONT KNOW WHAT TTO DO

Deleted user

I can't! there's no one. I go to a counselor and I can't tell her because she'll tell my mom.

I'm sorry, this was an idiotic thing to do. forget I said anything